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Western Carolinian letters to the editor by David McCarty and Mike Clark
These October 2, 1986 letters to the editor included in the Western Carolinian are by David McCarty, in response to the September 18 interview with the founder of Lavender Bridges, and Mike Clark, operator of Cullowhee Quik-Stop, with concerns over why the paper includes Lavender Bridges advertisements. Lavender Bridges, an anonymously founded student organization open to all individuals, aimed to promote awareness of lesbian and gay lifestyle, provide lesbian and gay resources, and increase communication with all students and community members. The first organizational meeting took place October 10, 1985 and was officially recognized by the office of Student Development on December 13, 1985. The last mention of the group appeared in the October 10, 1991 issue of the Western Carolinian.
Our Choice Dear Editor, I would like to write in response to the interview with Chris, the founder of Lavender Bridges. I can identify with much that she reveals about her background, i.e. raised in a moral, religious home with fundamental beliefs, etc. In 1980, upon returning to Indiana University my sophomore year, I openly rejected these long held values and went my own way. I too felt ostracized, an outsider in my own home, content in my rebellion, "free" from former constraints. Over a period of time, I found that my "freedom" was in reality bondage - slavery to my own personal whims, desires, and passions. That, is truly hell. Yet, I have since found that Christ provides the way to be truly free. I question the article's assumption that people are born gay, like it or not. Everyone is partially who they are because of experiences very early in life, as well as heredity and relationships. But we all have a will, the power of choice. Someone tempted to steal isn't a thief until he / she chooses to give in to his / her desire to steal Likewise, a homosexual is not someone with a strong attraction for the same sex, but one who has made the decision to yield himself / herself to these desires. A gay is therefore homosexual by choice, not fate, regardless of their predisposition to such. Only Christ gives us the power to choose rightly. In his word, the Bible, homosexuality is clearly condemned in both Old Testament and New. God is not a kill-joy trying to prevent us from having fun. He wants us to get the maximum out of life. Since he has the "patent on the human race," he knows how we work best and wants a real relationship with us. When we choose ways other than his, we cannot expect happiness or fulfillment, only cheap counterfeits. I am not perfect. I struggle daily with my own tendencies to sin. I am not better than homosexuals. Let*us not delude ourselves however by tickling our ears with what we want to hear and believe. We are all responsible for the choices we make in life. Sincerely, David McCarty —^^/^^^ Student Upset With You To the Editor, I operate the Cullowhee Quik- Stop convenience store, and for the past five years I have welcomed the opportunity to distribute the Western Carolinian. But as long as you continue to advertise for and seemingly endorse this Lavendar Bridges organization, I don't even want to see your paper, much less distribute it. It's bad enough to have to face the fact that there are people this sick running around loose in Cullowhee, but it's even worse to see people endorse and encourage them. I know that many of the students are angry at your promotion of this organization, and I know that most all of the local people feel that the gay lifestyle is not only abnormal but also illegal and immoral and certainly not something they want their children exposed to in any manner. I feel you are doing a real disservice to the community by promoting this group, and you're doing an even greater disservice to the majority of the student body by calling your newspaper the "Voice of the Students" and openly endorsing the acceptance of this organization. Sincerely, Mike Clark Editor's Note: Lavender Bridges is an officially recognized student organization, and, as such, is allowed to advertise in the student newspaper. Publication of articles about the organization on the pages of the student newspaper is in no way an endorsement of the organization by the newspaper or its Editor-in-Chief. These articles were done simply in the interest of passing on information.