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Travel to Washington D.C.

items 15 of 24 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-11968.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • GEO. S. POWELL, DR. C. P. AMBLER, President. Sec. and Treas. ®to Appalachian Jtatkwal |Jar% ^^ocxation OFFICE OF THE COMMITTEE OF WAYS AND MEANS WALTER B. GWYN, Chaiiman, Asheville, N. C. MOSES H. CONE, New York. J. P. GARLINGTON, Spartanburg, S. C. S. WITKOWSKY, Charlotte, N. C. J. F. HAYES, Sapphire, N. C. this gentleman should come on to Washington, Mr, Settle has been airing himself publicly on the matter and has informed Mr, Sraathers also regarding this and Sraathers takes exactly the same position that Settle has, We, as members of the Committee, believe that we should listen to Sen. Pritchard and are prepared to act accordingly, notwithstanding the fact that this opposition is met with h^r^. Mr, Powel this morning gave me your letter contain Rug the check for fifty dollars, We trust to be able to raise enough money at a meeting here Friday to meet the immediate expense of those we send to Washington and in that case, J will simply hold your check for the present, but wi.ll notify you in case it becomes necessary to use the same. n'o doubt there would be opposition raised no matter vjhora we decided to send to Washington, but it is unfortunate that we have selected a man who has been investigated in Congress before and gitft weighed in the balance found wanting, but we purpose to abide by Sett, Pritchard's decision as he is on the ground unci must certainly know ail these facts. We have this day sent literature (such as we hare on hand) to Mr, Pinc$Otr and /ill supply Mr, Rollins and vjhoever else goes with. such facts anil literature as we can, Very truly yours, F.N.H,

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).