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The Log Vol. 3 No. 11

items 4 of 4 items
  • wcu_canton-86.jp2

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • The New Safety Squads fetj Committee held Mar. . C. M. Harkins. plots ml of SODA MILL people haven t horse .1. M. Williams, L. S. Kenney. Watchni:,n Jamison *'" tt>st: G W. Smathers. th'iMotVi7'r'Vrd'i'Jivin'Iirr $ntf WOOD ROOM iiihI expenditures $54 49. D. F. Mitchell, T. P. Owen. In a previous issue of the Log ML L. Trantham. told of the employee who visited t Main Office in search of some U was met with the qa ' " *'"' SULPHITE MILL tabertson T' D- Best> J' R' Hvatt' ftienn *" . _ " ),' SerOggS. have you got in school?" It has In K. AND A. reported that Mr. Sprang visited 1 t,ie r- * c -ii t it m i Main Office a day or two atro ami a problem of * A. Smith, L. H. Clark, e(l for a whole box of pencils an(l , ving, has «• A. Trammel!, keejerof these snpplieais demand; EXTRACT an explanation. he second John Alexander, A. H. Miller. Charles E. Smith of the 1 S. E. Hipps. artment, now a patient at the Mei mhatkei ELECTRICAL AND BLEACH wether Hospital, is improving rani n-. r i ■ a /-• r> 'Old we think will hr aide to leavi- nted Plots 1. L. Jamison. A. C. Brown, home withill tne next ten .h„.s,., , imit being Tom Henderson. weeks. When interviewed on th. : A of seed STEAM inst. we found him in his usual i-I..- d in order L- B. Pembroke, W. M. Mitch- ful mood and in- stated that the i e eligible ell. W. P. Paris. repairs made on h,s,;,,!, »• ds will be LABORATORY, MAIN AND TIME ',''. B l,er"1!il,eMl "i,,ul e '"i" !;' *? P* 5#ay WjYA Four 7o6 . Ste^ rec ord of Accidents 9BI 1H4N 1WO DAYS ABStNCE FSOM WORK ments i or February, 1917 ITEAM •HSSMMSSSSSSMM 1 »^>"" I HE PAPER ON WHICH THIS ISSUE OI THE LOO IS PRIN I ED IS MADE * ROM CHAMPION SULPHITE AND SODA I

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).