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The Log Vol. 3 No. 07

items 3 of 4 items
  • wcu_canton-63.jp2

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • HURRAH! A Month Without an Accident THE PENALTY OF NEGLIGENCE low that the 8] e employees, is grow an is interested in the welfar ellow-worker, as well as in his own safe y. May it continue to grow until we a hall realize that indeed "we are our rother's keeper." "TWO MONTHS VITHOUT AN ACCIDENT," SOUR AIM. Let's have it! )on't let your indifference mar he record. Help to spread the sews North, East and West, hat the people of the Old North State, when awakened to a sense Df their duty, either civic, re- • iigious or educational, are always in the foreground; so are ' |*they going to be in the preservation of human life and limb. Personal Question f A party of strangers werevis- iti| : ie college. It was in the iiate fall, and the air was crisp Sand coil One of the members I of the party, a charming young I-woman, was escorted through fthe grounds by a learned iubsent-minded professor. Sud- jtdenly two members of the track COURTESY OF "NATIONAL COUNCIL" ith has returned from Ohio and Pennsylvan sent to speed up the g hinery and supplies. w The painters have again n >ade the rounds of the buildings toplac ing brok- en window panes and art ho w being followed by the fellows win > persist in breaking them out again. The re- placement of these .-broken windows costs an enormous sum ev ery few months and it is up to everv i nan who calls himself a real Champion man to work in the interest of the ( Jompany, and do his share toward the pi of this useless destruction. Tis a sfaction. The prelin stallation was done by the ' crew of millwrights under the supervision of Lewis Clark, the erection v i i xti i ) l „ ^ tun sma thing, you may sav to k woi-k bv Woinioivlnnds crew and the 6'J ""■* °*J- l" * piping by Noah Robinson. This 'baby,' because « man happens to like others, requires some attention, window cost only a fe* has been "nurs- But st0P and th,nk>' appose e< of the thousand or more nun pay-roll breaks a window ov days, can you figure what thi The gigantic, double-compartment, will be in dollars and cents'.' Recently a boy was caught and the way Uin ing" it along from day to earned for him the title of w< 2 Mi bleac e old vi ling ,■ whi. ad i femarked tiie young woman, with i a dainty shiver, as she gazed rafter the runners, "to be with- 1 out stockings." I The Professor's mind, deep in I contemplation of the fourth di- f mension, was attracted by the i sound of the girl's voice. | "Then why," he asked ab- ently, "did you leave them off?" -The Fulton. I sently, 'did you leave "Well, Peleg, how ie re i e encyclopedia the feller approval?" "Seems to be all right, i • errors in it so fur as I e." Louisville Courier-Jc THE PAPER ON WHICH THIS ISSUE OK LPH1TE AMJ 5

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).