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The Log Vol. 3 No. 07

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  • wcu_canton-62.jp2

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • THE LOO The Champion Fibre Co. beningof the indi- -■■ it brings with ter all. would be -::H too mean and •' one who had come into .i realm of areally thank- ul heart. The heart that is i .ksgiving trely burst if it could not verfiow in kindly words and r the comfort and cheer of others. A narrow soul can- reall.v thankful: it can "iilv be self-satisfied.-Gilbert Patton Brown. ng thi ! of th The Town of Don't You-Won) N.I ' No-Fret hill; ed the Very-Seldom-Fr Rustic benches, quite enticing, You'll find scattered here and there, And to each a vine is clinging Called the Frequent-Earnest Prayer: Everybody there is happy And is singing all the while, In the town of Don't-You-Worry I On the banks of River Smile. Ex.. •Coi al"; Mr. Fowler f homeward. of his tion of the fact of his superior weight. If, after reading the poem you cannot supply the If you will carefully peruse missing words, go to Kilday. not the heading of the editorial page to } „ . f5,' you will observe that Editors . All joking aside we appre- Wood and Bailie have lost Hope cmte the wisdom ot the manage- ment in placing Mr. Philips on the editorial i. W. Phillips hi ?tall') air s been ap th Log Staff. hroughout the plai the Safety and we!fan The The .rhP At last she . rather oris to her ques inquired: .^^^^^^^^^^ "Now. what little boy or giJ , can tell me where the home of the swallow is?" Long silence, then frantiJ ; waving of a diminutive hand. 1 "Well, Bobbie, where is it?T "The home of the swallow. T. declared Bobbie in all serious-: ness, "is in the stummick." —N. Y. World. Business Instinct 'The graspin'est man I eveA* knovveci." said Uncle Jerry Pee- = bles, "was on old chap named Snooping. Somebody told him once that when he breathed he took in oxygen and gave out carbon. He spent a whoie day try- in' to find out which of them ' two gases cost the most if you had to buy 'em. He wanted to . know whether he was makin' or losin' money when he breathed." I -Exchange. A Non-Conductor An East Side teacher was endeavoring to elucidate some of I the simpler phenomena of electricity, and ur the close of her little lecture ,aid, sweetly: "Can Last r that Mr. e Champion Spirit Here Kg seen him Old Holly's always one. - iiuskin. id i ledge, you r it. Toil is the comes through self-induJcenee When one gets I hie. is a happy FJiOM CHAMPION SULPHITE AND SODA PULP

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).