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The Log Vol. 22 No. 10

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  • Between 1914 and the late 1960s, the Champion Paper and Fibre Company published an internal newsletter, called The Log, to share news about the Canton mill, the community, and its employees. After 1940, news from the entire “Champion Family,” which included mills in Hamilton, Ohio; Houston, Texas and Sandersville, Georgia, was featured in each issue.
  • CONTEN'IS Pag'e The G-owth of Our Country . _ .. _. _. 2 Ha.r:y Ratliff __ ..... -----·- ... --..---- 4 Some interesting Even.s.s . . •. _. __ •. 6 Maituaininq lntere-£t in SaJE-ty . . __ • _ 7 Ed.HM-ials •. __ . _ _ • . . . • - .•• _ • . 8-9 THE CRA <f.PJON FAl'.uL Y N''EWS HamHton Div.Li..ion _ . _ _ _ __ _ .. _. _ . _ 10 Canton l>ivU:ioo . _ ~ .. .. -- ... - 24 H""""ton Dhri..sJoTJ • .. --·- ,. r- --- • SandoTsville Divimon .. - .. • w ... Volume XXII NOVEMBER 1940 Number 10 Established 1914 ol Publication Published by "The .. • HAMILTON, OHIO HOUSTON, TEXAS •• •• •• •• •• Twenty-Sixth Year Champion Family" CANTON, NORTH CAROLINA •• SANDERSVILLE. GEORGIA Tho pap&r for the cove? of thi..e maq.a%ine ia Ch.amp\on Co:cdwain, and is made tn our Cantol\ Division plan.t out of wood from the Jores ts of the aouthern states. The paper for th ~ ln!!ldct p aqes is Champion White HinCJGfold Enamel made in ou.t Hamllton plcu\t. We manutaclure mcmy 91adea of bleached papers. Machine Finished. Super Calendered. and Coaled. The Formation and Derivation of The States of Continental United States and Its Contiguous Territory Author's Note ll" rnc April, l q~s. i~~ue oi Tuc Lor. r) t~ CuAMt>lO~ . \ C"I'lVl­' TtES. we ~l'CJn a t)eric~ oi arti<.:lcs on rhc 'UnitcJ tatcs ilnd ilS ~ Cc•nli~~mu~ Territory. Jn this and fmurc issues we shall give l .::hort hi~-cry of cJ..:h st~tc. '1 his will require a grcut deal of :-cs~.:arch wo:-k. llowew.>r, we hope that these articles will be hdr ul lO some readers o( this wagazinc. (PART 27)-MICHIGAN F RE~CH. missionaries and fur traders were th\.! fi rst Euro­peans to reach the borders o[ d1e Late of 1Iichigan. This was about 1610. In 164-1 the J esuit mis..ionaries pcnc­trat\: d some distance into the interior and in I 668 a Catholic pric .. L, Father .:\la rquette: founded a mi ·sion at Sau lt SLe .:\ farit!. Other settlem ents were m.ade at 1·Iacinac in 1671 and at Detroit in 170 l. .\ lichig-an is popularly known as the {vr olverinc State ' so called beca u->e of the shaggy-furred animals founds there by that name. l\·lichigan is an Algonquin l ndian word lneao­ing ' ·Great \' ater .. ' It i · one or the :\onh Central . tatcs, and is di\·ided by Lab.e~ .\ Jich igan and Huron into n,·o parts, called the Upper and the Lo" er Ptnim>u la ,~ . The state is bounded by Lake . ·u pt:rior on Lhe nonh; on the east by the Provi nee o( Ontario (Canada) and Lakes Huron, \. Clair and Erie; the south by o~,in and Indiana: and on the west by \Vi sconsin and Lake .\licbittan. The total area of the St;tte is 57,980 squa re n1ile.s, of ,, hich 500 art water surfaced. l t is 400 mi les in • len::,'th and the a\ cragc width i5 approximately 200 mile .. . Jr ha:> o3 cou ut:ies. There a te rnor<: than 200 islands be­lrJn~ in.~ to th~ :>ta Le, and iL i ~> ~ limat<:d that there arc 1norc ls:an 1.U(J{J laLes \ithinthe . lalc. 1 hc ~ra lc of \fid11~aa i .:> a p~tJI of the t~rritorr ftr st ,.. 1dcd by r.h<: Fn·J,f.'h, aud it rcrn;,iru.:d I· r~nch LcrrihJLY unLil ( anada cantt: unJn 11!~.: cout rol (If tltc 15riti ~ lt . l n l i7 :J. the 1t:rrit~,ry \',.'!S inCCHf o talc·J in C it n ~td ~i h> nn An nf l'adi. ­Jnt: nl Jtnown as rh~ <Jucbe~. '\ t t . Jn 17 '1, ln~ tl•r ·r n:al\ P[ Pat! .ll \'d"Jii cc·dcd I t_) dw l 'lliLt.·d Stal<.:l". llut in 17'·l.lhe • ~1ha llli ::.~ Ml l udi ~t i J t rih~ in the N1 Jl dn\ u. t. led IJ\ CIIJr·f l .lllll· ' J'ur tl ·. \:H·~a t t~d 'l t.•n .tt ch-·1J of Lfflll l •h·. dcf• atm · tiH· t• Xt•cditit1JI ol ~1. l 'h11 ..( &t u\1 J l:u 11181 , "hH II \'<' al' ],, tt.:r l."Jll 1,. crt .Jou•dt 'It n, J It OH. Rlqnt· .l orl t. rnvuh This reproduction of the Blue Field of the Am.erica.n Fiaq sho 'S th~ S ~~ ln o_rder of their admittance to the UniDl\ • eJ b.' Ceneral Anthon.' \Ya,-·lh.'. Io 17-.. - the n. .. _i we t and fll.)nh of the Ohit) R in~r w:t~ l'On.:tiHH ~ 1 ~rcss the Northwest T crril ory. Michigan Territory 'rhe Tcrritorv. o{ ).lichi.~.. 3n "l5 orz...a... ni.Li~d 1n L. ' ~::mbt. c ing the Lowct Penin ~ 11la \1\h rlh' .. c•\.thl'lU b ~ttndrtr~ ,1 • ~\ rnih:·s farthet :outh th,tn aL prt:~t'Hl. H n\,'\Cf. th\: b('Ull til. was l!n:atlv <:\t\.' lHh:J l"n ,tn .Ld l•l L\ n:n ~ .. il' l .' 4-. ·,\ h!c1 \ {2) . • I inc I Hde 1 thl..' l·nlirc: rt'\.!HH\ l't:t \ t:l'll L. kl"s I· ri • , u t Ilm ~ and tltL· ~ J i s.('uri Pi\·t•t. ttllrth of th"· S·.ttl·:-. [ t.,.hi~·\ lndi;tH\ ~ nd ~ l i~so uri. C:t·ncr.:ll \ dliam ll ull ''a thr· t1t.! t~ \ ruw. Duri1 · h~.· \Tat \)f 1.' 12 tlw T l:'rt tll ' l ,. ,ufTnl·-.l ~ ·ve1' ·h. ;~nJ 011 \ ·!~U..,t • I(\ ~ ~ 1 2 , { ;('JI(.'I'd llull "> lll t'l~ fhh. t\._~ {I! ttlt! briti,h t n•Lr\.)il In 1 ~;~. 1\hcn the 1' 1i"· L\ u,,d \hl~ "l'L'Hf\.L rht;'H' \ ~·~ :t m ~td .. td inlll:l,x iH immt •1.tll1HI" \ltdti' tH T·tril\ '· ,, ,l·,h f'HI\~·d \'1,.'1'\ 4ll.h cu1l .l ~ ~·nlt~. In ' " i' \ \IIHt\(itlll\1 n ;(d llp tt ·~. L l ut d~ tl ... t;aH· \ lichi '.tl\ \ h dd~ \'d .hlmi~s' ll inl • tlw l nH ll\ ,m ~ll.\'dH tl\ ,j l ,lt"'}'Hll' \ idl Ohi "'''''' tlH.' holHhln ' li1k. 1 l ' '" ~· {'\ \l i,·l\l· 1\ l . L 1 , l ... ., \ t ~ ll IIlli tt·._ II> ,t 'lt\1 \.' (\1\ ,l\ IJ~tl \ .. •l, ~ \ I, 1lt11 b''' I'H'in .. · dh· '"""'"t' t\th ~\ L\' i11 th• • \ 111 : ri,.illl l ui~•tt. Tovo\J.r phy l'l t1.' :-;t:H. 11l ~ l i,·h( 'l\1\ i~ dhi h ,\ h\ 1hl ( ;, •'ltt I. d~. ,· ,. 'l'h1· l. ••\1'1' 1 1 t"' t \11 l ub, \hi i\. \\ t IIJIIC II• .. d 1\ I \ I lhlH.l· o( l}\l• \.tml ar .a h V' 1\l t.tll, ., ,·n ·n\1 '" llin , wl tl · 1h~tt ol thL' nJdH.'I ll l't'l till ,tl\1 i l t)\tt-!h , ltl\.1 ~'l•'k II ' l ·h~ hc •l1, .1 p, •f tll IJ I th · .·tlllllh:tt\, \'r bn\ ,., l't 1i 11 ~ u\ to \h '' l.akr (l ... t, 6J. f ... ~U (,\~ • • • ol bJ..•\'~ 1.' l k l. I l~t• lu ·h· t Ul l\.1\)f{lll\ lH I .. . \~t•' i~ P 0 rrupi lic ~ h)U'tlf••in, ·l0v ~ni 0 n :._t123 ll:~-)1. T'hi'i i in rJ ,(' \ ·rPcr t)c-\1itu·.ui..t. '' ~t thi~~ n1 ,un tid n it, th tt' f ntPH~ \. \.)\ 'l t'J (. 1 "\ l tJlt·t ,d R •u1 · ~ · , 'l~h.~ stutt· h.,t ~· a h-}n ~~ r ~"oa~ ll~r\~ 1 \..,. unit t) f ·uc~ d la Jl .'\Jl\t (: .... . .. , ,l,er ~talf' ·'11 :-h. :: <.•\H\t o \ tlh h 1r ( ~rc"ll L.n l ~~ whic·b ~ t(,n cht""'· · ll·)\'1("\'(•r. th" \~ >::•g (s '-'\"'~U lud~nt<·d ,,, ith h:1Y ~ . t hu ~ {tn·n!:'hi 1~ gt _\;J h~d~ ... r ,ul i ,.;h ~pri·n, .. i.~ ci litit~~. Soil and Clbnat~ rht~ ~viL \. pc~_:~alh· itt 1 he ~f·ll th. is YCfV (l'-·i I d ). bui (he • '\., dH·tn P~nin:11la fc·-r 'iht" tnn!;t p, rt l$ t\'id .. , · ~ nJ .ttl011H- • t· : . , ~Ito- ·u-1.d n .11 ; Jnp t~"t tnt\ ncu lt ur~. · n-.(~ clirllat\{ i ~ t ·n'1· · 'ct~1: ·!1,_ \ ;h~~l h'> p1 -,xirni1. 1 th,~ bk\~ " . 11< \!\:C\~(1, :r. c:1~' ·:· ~ '-·,·hi io il\e ncwlht·ln PO.fL (-}[ th ·. t..HE ... in .J ~un1 :-.1y. Agri-cUlture 'I'lh ~'-'l\;l'ilt'n"t p:,r~. r"'f "-he :-ta1c: .~s tUf' ~ rit:tC.:tJ':-tl ag t-ic~dttllt~ l ~ <.'UGlL. • hhou.~h rh~ U• nh~i·n r,)nic~<n j$. bei n:~ d~vdop<.:d • . · ;t ... e. ::l ~ • f"·e P' 'rt.i 'n -."'f. th ~ f.nn.'s· s h 3 \'~ h\~d1 rem ~J"Vt~l . Jl ·~-~} th~re \Vt,re 17.1 J. ti . 9~"t ~h:re .... und"'r ·ult.i ati<H1. ~ h~ .,,..., n · .. :·f•al trvt. ~ ~r\! h·=n. ""urrL whc«L cars and fVe. ~ ~ -.1 t ~\at~ (es . . t 'r- hect~ . c\::o !\..1\. G'!'tt.1t1~ . t tri"'.1a to~ ' . -tNC\ .. .r • • ~~bf..~_ e. ~-J'T l~~. .. re;..~ h ~- r'~3l'S , cherries> gr~pes and Rhllil S. t' O~J th!.:- n~ ''1" bt~r pf ~tpplc l re:<:~ of bearing ag~ was 5,1 99~­.~) tt jY .·,J~J'cing (J ':" .:l\ ·· 2 ht.shd~. The {Ylal nurn ber of ~ ,... '*t.. 'lf ~-f !l: !eL peacke.1 • p ears. f'h.ln\S :tnu cherries W~ S \ ~ 22.~P ~q l - 1 lt~ ·. t~ r 192q. an-d 1 I 7 1<.; 22~405 pounds of uur.l1:\er of f ·lJ-rt :u1~1nals O'O January J , I 9T~-~ "vac; •. : 6 ~ . ..., . ..1] .... -• Wc.t~ t "~'lu" in·-h.:Ji ng- chjcke:ns \v-a.~ $··t 6.-J,6 1 3 ~4 11. Mining .. l ""' r 1· 1 • 1 · · · h l · l .~e ~la·e 01 _ i<"" .'~'s"-il ranl'{s nl'nt arno-ng t.1e stat e$ tn the ~·:1lue • f n ... mi1"e1·~f PToJucts. 'f h.ese in 1929 aJ110i.H1tczd tQ $£5I:l ": .. -:;3. _ IKhi,:an rank "' f'ln>t among the stat-es jn. -j-{A nmd~.: ,:-j~_i.U:: O·f lt Ol'(}fDr Q~ ~~ ~clUfl..) d \ lOride and sa·nd • • :;·n.c btick. ~nd :e~ nd i-n iron OT" and copper. -· . ln J<J29-3r\ ircn m'ned in the state was valued at >, - .,_ d}.97i'2. Cc~:> per takes second place jn mine ral p-ro­d CL'- 'fhe output: in JCf3j was 14-2 9SS)Z2 pou n€1-.. F or a nt.: 1ber of yea rs, v.Va." Lhe chief producer 0f cop­~~ e-r i'l "·rre t:~nl tcd State~ . i"'e .. Eird mitleral product is cer;nent. .\ u ch~·ta n a_lso p ro­dtJce quantitic.~ of .coaL petr.oleurn,. lia.1-est~nc. cl-ay gypsun1! sand:-;r, t.OiC. ba air_ 1u.arh!e~ natu-ral gas. coke, li111e .. sand and ~ra"-e! anJ a !!:UnJOt.r of others vf '-·ah.u~ . • Fismng 'i\he fi::.hin_g icd "~tq· is carried on chiefly on he Gr~~t 1.<t. .. ~e'~ 1l1-e statv h~ a frrntagc on La\:e. E ric~ Huron, :ut t•!': r ar.. d ~ liclLitTan and rank f) first in in:lponapce i·n t h-e la':t 5zJ.eries.. In J'-12 the-ca ch amtJUJlted tCJ 2 1)67,9'34 rr unoJs, \·a.h~ed at $2249,25 L Manufactures .. £r=:r nl'SJ):~· years \1ichig-an . ~ a.. been r.d the leadiFJg . '" a r t.: 6 (~ J manuf4:CtJirin1!J t:""tahu~lur~crns.> empJ oyiJ?.~g ;:~-tiA-23 [j!r..;crns~ ~Lich par (tll1 in ~e larie~ & Ju.l \Va~C$ n\".a .dy a hifal'jn a.Tad a qd~·nve1· dvllan~ annuaHy. 'J'he inan-uJa<:ltared rnroo ·~cr~ wen.: al:.H:;d ai $4,.!: 3 -$~361.~1 7. E xpeaditures foe mater~at ~rc 2.571'1..&1 ,719 in l c;/29. ' r·"he J:r:~cf n ~ . ncJ m~'Jrli:o an: fll(.ilDr Vl!'htd~ ~{Hj pa rt5-l (}0 mc:n . ; fou-r'lJrr a nd tJJ<~ C.sin.~ sh c:~p prqdu ct~--5 l 3 ~ tab!~hr.n~nts; tt..nd <:ng:n - # tll.rbin:, anti water '"' h {.!~ l s--a ru:Jnther vi t st' bJ~~b rnents~ {)t ~H:T rrr,duct &te f ap!.1r, f {J rnit U'f . bt·ass and brulTZC ~j(.lt;IJ&S : ,la·.~ghtcrin~ a nil rneat f>::H.:krfl~; Rrint iug at)-cl pub • {3) • • •• I • - ~ ..... ·-~- --'0' _... .-~~ ~·· • - .... • ~ 17~ ~ / l. • ~ ~.,. .. . __. ..,. .~ -·' ~- South:east corner of .Fort Lernoult Detroit Mfchig an. lis hing, chcrnjt?als) hardware h lnJber and t in1bcr producl ~ ; eJecn·ical :S.UPt)ljes, 1 ainu anLl h u11dr-eds of .otl1e-r products* Cities Lansing, the tapital of !VJichi·gan in l nP'hanj, CouJ1ty_, at the junct ioJ;:J o{ tl.1e G rnnd and Ceda r l{ivers) is 5 miJe.s \>VeSt of )) ett~o1t. l t 'WaS Settled in f 39 and maJc the tate 8ap1taJ i :\ 1 =>47: PupHlatio:n about 90:000. Within rhe city ,are ma ny be{)..nci,hd and costly b uildings. Also -a la rge OUlU­b< tr of ma.n u{acturing p lan ls. De~r:oit, .~'Th·e City Beau tiful' and tJ1e ~ 1fet ropolis of th .. c Sta_teJ ],s a port .Of en~ty and -che coun ~y sea[ of \Vayne ·County. _ It ·,is the fou rt.h La r.gest city '·in Lh-e ( Jn i ted States. $1.00;.900,000 n~.s h €'e·it ~p en t in t1JM ,neis a-nd bridges to con­n. e.¢t the t h y '"iLb Ca n.a c:l~ . Th~ igan Central Ra iJro~ d spenr $ 10,000 000 0n a: dou Ble tun.meJ COQ. n~ctin g- Delroit v: ith vVindsor, Canada; ,.f. he Ambf)..ssad p r Bridg€ nea rly t:\Xto miles· JG>n:g: 'vas opened in 19 29.; the ee t way 1'unncl fo:r \rem ides,_ in. 1930,_ aJJd .Bell I s le Bridge, costing $3 0.00,000. c;:onm ecti ~ g lOe-rroit its island p~ayg ro und-on e of t he most bealJztifu1 r lay­g rou nds p'il th c. ~vorl d . B etcoj't Rive r, '''l ha,s Ji\ore tb a tJ. 11 nii Ies of naviga ble wa terfront. h~ one o f the city s g reatest ass ets. G rf.lnd Boule­v~ r:d a ha rd-s urfaced t ho ro ug hfa re, 150 to 200 feet vvide a od l 2 q1iles lo ng, enc1 r~des the ci't-y ~ bcgi nni ng at t,he \Vat er ­f. ron t n.e.a r J e ffe rson .ven ue on· the east an d ~_nd i·ng a t ch e rive-r f rem t on t-h·e V\ .. t'$t; s j d e Q{ the city. _ Detroit, which bas an a rea ()r 139 square mileS: w·as fi r st 3ettJeG'l in 1701 by r de la !\I ot:tc Ca·di.llac. TJu ring that yca.r he b·uil t Fort J?0-atchart ra iu. ln J 760 the fort 'vra~ cap­t n red by the English and bee acne rhe ch ief cencer· of resis t­a n c~ to the ·well-concerted efforr of Chief Porni ~c o f tl:te I ndia-Ls ~o ~u t the · Eng-Ji :J-1. Denoit was ~edea · to the l ~ni t~d S·tatC$ by En ~J a nd ·in 1783', bu.t '"ras flOl a b ~tndo11 e d 11nti l t he e acuadon o·f Fo.n .. L(J rnoult i.n 1796. [ )<..:Lroi l was in c~J'(' onvt ed ns a to ,~· n in I tY2, and in 18.05 It was almo .. ,t w.J nJJy d es.tru .. cd by fir\.. l t was t:he cap_ital of ~J j dl iga n. 'J erri t-O ry frorn I $05 to 1 . 3 7 > and ~·he ~ t a r e o f :\ l i ~ ls i.g <t n mn i J L R4..7 . - . . J t has t.)ne of the besr ha rb()r::; in. th<,; t ~ rea t Lake-'s recrion a nd i~ dc Jrted wi1 h fCJ ctorie~> ~-van7! hnu ~ c~ .. ;u1d found ric ~ . ~Th~ 1:'i ty has. g-r(JY..".O r; idJ} hcca~rs~ of rh ~ rn.:t rHl f.U; I \lr~ of attt0- ( Co?.:dut~ed Gilt p asr 6) • • H kli \ RAI I I J f ( l m a11 -y ( ) en l~ r 11 r il anat er T e Ch p1 n 1 h mpion as r 1 tirtg toy ars of ·e nti \ u r i nd 1 yalty to hi rnployera "'t)l f'\ l · l\! ',":~r f "·,p'lti lHh 'll ~ "'1\' il'with c•Jw c(m - , t · ) 1 .. · ' \ ~~ c l•\ n~l\'Hd ln f 11.:1, it pr\.1\· \ ,· ,H lc (1Sl H\ d :n :a I,,:u \11h ,u~h a ''l'\•hJ "'hi~ '-"n •dtt i) t t'll ~ \, rth ,{nd ll l ,l$i. b"l\i ~ ,'1\' ) ~a t i~f n:tnr~ ~~n tl'\' : ll'l dt~.• ~Ct~Jthl pl.:l.rt: ~-~,,th ~ ~ .- Hnd on1T'Ioyn: mu~ r l t,t\' n jd~ e"l ' ,lch <.'t her\, " I ilcl ' ll <. '. \n \W' '( l <.l \l'()l'k I U' Ltl\l:r f H' Sth.'h ·~ kHl ~ l' t•ri nd \! ·inh.. ~1 l e !· \' C\'Il 1 •t-<:· 11 .. tl tu. <lthr th "llhjc<.t nf this .trt:·h:. ?~ lf oi · 1\~thtl . t ~'-· ·11..~r3l 'f,·.ttft ~ :\l ..l J\ 0 ~! (' 1 n( '1 he t'h~h:!J. I 'i,·•l l' .. ·r~r .. tn t t~" ib •·l Ctl n tr~ n y. )r '\.Q'-'' Jnl"t. r :2 .. l ~J ~, \lt . l' ;nliil cnt<-ruJ the t:mp\c , · c{ ~ · ~ h. m t '1"~,·r .:1nd Ftbn: C n rnp~ n~. luca Lcd :tl 1 ~~ 1·1\.>lr, ( hi0~ :.tnc.l on "\oyu n · \'r 2 ~. t 1+0. h' \rill b~g in h·. Ml 1 ,. a1 of <.'. 1.. ntinuon~ , en i~~. Duriuc \·\ hich Li1ne it \.'. ".!.J e: i.•tcre.::ti · J~ tt• k 1H '' he''' tnarn th 'Hl sancls of cars • :ind 1nil in13 • f 1:fl i1cil-"lH haYe l ~ e n h.11hil •J by Lhc · "r~. . 1iic L)fl'a1 c.H.:nt u11 ic. .· r ·~i~ ~ lJ'('rvi ~ ion. 11{ .. , ~ ~If. :e.~ that. "'.\ n int ere~ ting h,x )b.. cn ,~~1·ing 500 o r !U'- • 1 ~~~ "'"'\J}d be ,. ri tt ·n ~u rroun lin~~ th traffic anti n-... 1-.p ,,t.:th 1 bu~il.u!~S o( 'rh~ Chan1pion P:tper and F ib re C ..... ! ' itt~.\ ,~ ,, \:tin~ \he la.~t fot n. -U\ e '.. c-at" ." \ ~ '~tc.ic - ... H:1rn f<.)r i nfu rmati ~..>n relauvc to his con-ne~ ti••:l w· t> rrhe:· CL{a nlr·ion Company, and t~cei ~ed the !·ouo\1:':_- !l'!L~r ~tn..:!. .. ,,-c .p ubli~h in full: .. D ~.:tt l\lr. Phiilirs : · ~Rcp1y·in('f to: ~_,ur kuer relati\·e to infonnatiOl\ n ·garding ·n:.. . · ':-" ,..;-1tion ,~·itl I!'c Chav1pio n Paper and Fibre Cotn­! an~. 1i1 s:-.a~c, · ;tcr ie~t ·in~ \lianli l·ni\'Cl\.ity Oxford, Ohic. I ':\"3 -e.JTll')lt •: ,_,d by the olJ Cincinna ti-1-Iami I ton-Day­ton R--~1:-r d Coronany. \· ·hich is no'v pan of the Baltimore S: Oh; > S~. tern ~: n~.. . Fn.rl. th ere I t.:an1e tc• the Champion ~r. . -, '~:'l1~ ~:r. 1 :)q: . The CJ tarnpion at that tirne was a very · ,:1 U :' ~\.it';on. there bcin~- no railroad con nccrions and c..IJ of tLe inb~:und and G·Ul bound freight '\'aS ha ndled by hor.:\.."-\.l:·.;&\ ·n drays to ra.ilroaJ ..iding on the east side of the ri'-'- ·. :1 Jj~ la:n'-e of :1bulll one-half n1ile. as well as to the b,,;l' on the \tia~i and Erie Canal. l t ,,·as in 1898 tha1. ·f.t. ··l&:mii,on Bdt Railway Cnn1.pany was built to connect · .. jtt. t1e tnill s.. ''J'hc first siJi n~;::, ·we haJ were an outbound u:ack th3t hdd rwo c.a 1;, ~n inbound track that held three cars. v.·~tb a~~Qt~e r track tu the Bo iJc:r House held two car~ of Cv:"L uiUf are t1 is track layvut t'\ ith the layout as vf t ,.Ja~·. ( a.;r r.ailr(;ad yard tcxlay include more than 20 n;.ilj 0f tra~k togd!her with ~ eve raJ rai lrw-2..d engines \Yhich an"! (.if·{; ratl.i!i oay .-.e nd ui<zht. ·~Ba\,;:" i;"J 1 ~~ 5 anJ f,_,r. balance of that v<;ar if we had iiJVe c;..r." < ·Ul 2 ~ "c.!-l.::k it was nvt bad pu~ioc s·, 1 n 1906 ton­nage bt;camt 1--.ea .rier ,..,jth aboll 15 cas s a wc.:e.k r'tttboll nJ. Compan: : ·wit!. UH: l f a!nilron f,t nbrJ..lJ.Hi tod.ay \.Vhid) avt:r­ag 3 a ~aeer vf 18 cas dai lr: wh1le Cant on ttvcrag.-es 28 ..:ars rond lluUt'l Jn & caFs per day. ". ly fi r. t irip t ' ) Cantr n , . .-a.) in 1 ('U-. and I rflade the trip \r.!.d. U~"'~ ht.rc Pett;r G. 'fhon•~on . \ h rJ \as PH.:~ idcnr GJf th:e milL. C,:.,JI •ln at i.hat 1..inac \'as ~ tO\ I of perhCJ ()') 2 )(J J ·oplc. wi·h ~nud ··nads fr 1r r:.tri"'~t!~ . in f~cr : nr.thi .. ~ mr1re rha~ ::.1~ ~arl· \c. t. .. rn _ ·._,nb CaroJ)na mc_,:lllf a in town . lt \.\'a~ lh ccl c. r)" for 11-.. l.O t~ y i11 C n n,t: n ali ni ¥h t, rhcu: tJti nr Jl!) hr:~ t:~. •J :1r. ]~hGrrhOl and I ·ta\,•e I at tht· bt~ P rn!e~ l>I ~ i~! .. ; ~. ,a ~..·. ' ~ au.. .f,': .l . H .• . ··i1 n·j~ .. •:-c1n~ lih .. a dr\.:art u, rhiu:k uf vtlr frei~7ht rates and n?~·ring cc.·nd; ·!.riii~ back :n. d,o~c day; a ~ <i <·n1 p~rcd. tr> the conditio. s a.- o: 1.0da. ~ . Jn those days we 1nadc ft ei~h t t .llt'., ! l t<l1 \C·tdcl lllCIV (' tl11~ t raffic, In a ., ,ea t c xt''nl I"H'""'n r' ; ' tntdlli,-.Jt( flr ' o llt () f pfJl lt •t' t'att-... 1-l n\t'\,-('J' . tJ 1:-1t dr•y h•, hc\•n ~('H<' lura j.! l'<' ;ll llllllV ye ;~r , 1~ n·it'hl 1~1e ~ lc,c.Jn v ~.ur nnd,·r thr rot)lt n l ·uHl tllr1 stlit.tiun nf lhe l ntt·t t ,d c Cow 11\lH' (.' ('(l J1H11j >;~ ltlll lH~<..lli S t' t.,f dw fdW ct pc,.t ' I•U lJ_.' lftl ('c,n · ~ re c;;~ ·f the lui u1d St :1tc1:> kno\.._.,.,, a~ tl1<.: f'ron;,p,n-t ettjo l1 A< r. ln nthtr "'''rd s. l'tt: ighl l :ltcc; ll >d ;t ) t11 • a ptthlir rnctltt·•. v\'11i( h is q11iu· dirltrc nL frum l hf: bu y tH ~ \ltH.I ,PlJin l)f (;any I 1dH• I I..UJn 1)') C )d j l ) ~ .. FcJI tiH· pas t thirty n r Jn(JJC: }'('ell'S ( hd\ (.. ke pt undr ·r the gla $.:' t«~p pf my df' ·k Z'.l <:upy uf the ~rt·n c(,mnt:utumcn1 l) uf S11c ess :1 , S \l~gt'~ tc:· J by the lcitC ·~hade- ~ ~ L Schwab of th~ l ·ni t cd SuH t'S Steel Cvrpnra lion. 1-li ~ <:otrt rn u nd mcnts r<-:td a ~ ft,ll )\ S: T F 0J CO\·fNl i \ :'\D:\ [11: t•rg )I" : l 'CCESS J3 y Ch a s. ~\'£. · <.:h v •. ;~ b • 1. \~ ' OR.h .. Ri\ RD. 1 (arJ work i'$ the bet>L inv c~ t mcnl a man can make. 2. S' l"l .J)Y HARD. Knowletlgc cnablt s a rnan to \vork more intelijgent1 y and effectively. 3. I-tA \ 'E 1 .'\, [ ~LTA'l'l\'E. Ruts C:Jiten dcercn jnto graves. 4. LOY. E YOT.' R. \V.O R K. "r hen you wil l find plea!)- ure Hl rn a~S te nng 11. 5. BE E -AC'J'. ·lip hod m.edlt:>ds bring only sli p­shod rl!s l11t s. 6. J-lAYE 1"f(E r'\-1 ERIC"\N SP1RJ1' OF CO~­QCEST'. ']'h us you can succcs$ tllll}' battle with .a nd overco rne diffi cult 'v . 7. Cl'LTI\T. TE PERSO~ :\LITY. P ersonalitY -is • to a n1an. \Yhat p~rfu me i ~ to a flowe r. 8. I-l:ELP 1\ :ND SI-IARE \Vl1~H OTHERS. The real test of business g reatness lies in giving opportunity to others. 9. BE DE!\lfOCRJ "l'IC. t ~ nle you feel right to­ ·wa rds your fel low n\a n ) ou can neYer be a suc­c. cssful leader of men. 10. IN ALL rriiT~G S DO YOUR BES'r. The man who has done hi:> best has done e\·erything. 'I'he tnan who has done less tha:n his best has done nothing.' ' l highly recon1mend tha t each employee of the Cham­pion fami ly , e-specially th ose of the younger generation learn these comrnandn1.cnts by heart. (SJ Y~ ou rs very truly, ( .: JC~~ED) I-l. 'f. Ra tliff, General rfraffic ~[aua ge r. } On the opposite pngc is a picture of ~·Ir. P atl iff, the oldc:st pt.· ,·son, in point o f serv ice, in 1 he Champion Orga ni- 7.;.j t ion, .H e assisted in loa<.ltng the first ca~e of paper on Cflrs at Ilcltni lt(m., Ohio. in Jb97. Also JC!)a led the tlrst roil of pulp shipped from ti Le Cantun, ~ o nh Caroli na, plant· in l l)Q\. and the fir~ t bale oi p\llp from the I] CtU:> l<.ln plant February, l(J37. l k h~ s t: har~c <Jf a ll frci,rlH rat~s and tra n "l >rta tio n nHtltcrs ('(Jnne<'tc:::d with the Ch a rnpion. plant" a t H~t o1 il tou~ ()h it •. 1- l ( >ll ~lv n , ~ 1' -xa ~ . Sa n c.krs,illt:~ C~eorgi:t. ~ \1d ( anton. "'II l h C~n olin a. \ l r. R ~ttlifr ha · tt·Jlt.kH:d ,-~ l uab l e $(: ~ v i ce to 'Th · Chaut- ( Continued Cl11 Page 6) • • • • Some Interesting bents Which Occured In November • • Incidents of Importance Which W& Should All Remember .1 ... T( \ E\lHEl~ 1. lit)~. the ,"tamp Act \vas pa s~cJ l>y• l.. l~1 iti~h P<Hti• ntt a~i n\...:. ' the \ mcrican C0lon11.•s . This . \ cl ".1$ la ~ 1 ·.-ptm:ihlc fot the Re, oluti\H1 ~\ry \'ar. ~ ·~.n ~:~m bcr 4-. l~bL Lh\! g~1ding or machine ~~ u n ,.,·vas in ... 'uncd h~ Rieha rd J •r<.bn · ading who was born in 1-lrn- h~ r J'C U11lY. -' " · l ' . • . 'o\·t:mbrr 7. L: l l. th~ Bartle o f Ti r l icanoe wa- (ought bet we~n l .'nitl!d : tate s:olcliers and lndiil ns. The J nJia ns "ere routed. :\o\'en1ber 9. 1634, the first English set tlement in Connec­ticut was forn\eli b\· colonists from l\1a sachusett.. . ~ :\v\"c111ber 13. JS 1, Ju le:; Guitca ·, the assassin of J ames ~bram (;a rfidd. twentieth prestdent of the · ni tcd States, ~·•Js t ried and convi.ct(:tl and hanged June 30. 1882. :\o,·ember l:t. 1 '06: Pike's Peak. a summit or the Rocky ?\ lc•tnuains l\ eh-e mile ' "'·est of Colorado pri ngs, 14,107 feet h•gh. wa~ clisco,·ert!d by General Zebulon Nl. Pike. :\o,·ember 16. 1 6+, General Sherman, io the V\; ar Be-tween he .' cate'" . began his famous :.~ larch [0 the Sea" o r :.:\larch Through Geurgia. : :\'oyembcr 23 1863, an jmporta nt battle of the American Ci,·iJ \ ar wa ~ fo·ught ncar Chattanooga, Te nn~ It is called tht: Battle of ChaLLanooga. '\oYember 2~ ; is 'Tha nksgiving Day. . ovt:mbcr 30: J ~6 1 . .J ciT erson Da ,-j ~ was elected President (Jf the Cvnkdt"rale Stale.::., a nd hekl tha t position throughout th c C i "i! 'k a r . Harry Ratliff ( C 'Jilt t1wrd f rr;m Pace 5) piv1l l";,per aw:l Fihrt· '">mpa n~· dHring th • past fon)'- ll,·c 'Fc~.H d.wt \'\'C hupc Lh<H hP sh($ 11 <.-njoy good h~a l tll and cott­ritau ·· tn ·erve fr,r tnany yc~ns t r1 tOfflL' . ('(JIJ.J'ift!.llutitns, ~ 1 1. k allifT7 , ~.nd b~~l \i~ l ~·s for tl u.: }l,tt JP, . l·r,rturl.:f l'·Jy .·lr, Rat lilT w ~ ., JH1t llllt·d hy g t eeJl p~s l u r Cci 111 11tl t•J ft«:fd . a ... l lltol l.' rrllfl\)'..: HI ·I) (tlt' lntl ttr(k U> }tib joh, , .. ,,,l:r·•l bar•L ~.o•d ,r,tJit .!••l rt ~'-1 'h·· ~ouli d, lll. <' •• r lti ~ <.:lll J '~-kl)' ·r. "' 1 H ! t1 h !I,Ja~· Jw i hdd in d,.· ltit'IH'"' ,. ~t•l'tll hr d,,. HJtt li;t' Clr:'dll , ,j ' J l.~ ( lr :t.tJ;flJ(,Jt P HP•'t cltHI L~ il11'1.' Ctuu p~~ny. I h~· l•,ry f,f thi IJl.H;\ hh· l,r,uld Itt.: , u rn .pit .~ t ;t.J rt to ,c.J.t•V , 1 1llH' fYJJ l1 , ····J•l·t;;,fl · IIJt1 ·' oJ .t lf•\; 1 1.~ di "p' ; lttl)n ­.\ !J,, .l Jt• fi ll ~ifsU I r• .l 'I~IP IJ tiP· l.ttld ' ()!' lt~l·t•..,' "'it h It• 'l ' ~t lJtl t ,(,tll ttl. h111 . f.*l 11~ 11 tii9Jit•f.l [(I l•'t.lldill ~ l I f lllllg ()II qlll~ jOlt. lkJir·'riJ)j! l h;Jt Jltr ( hc!IU f·I••JJ lJl" IIIJ/ ,d ic,!t ,LI J l ' . . ( I I!IU'Iil • .) ll l 1''"11 £1 H'i'i~ tt't' liJ'JlU i liUIIIH' t~l l g.J\ · u,,,id '1 ·i··t J,( tit- nkd 11, lf'JII..ti u t t l h VidH,,H <l·~ul•t. :J 1 ll trhd.. d<-1 ''IIIIi II Jll"" ' ( II :J lid rlid ({I( e'~ jJt o! 111 , . , }! i l )t, ~\ I} t}p· Hit I( I : H ( I] d It J d ll ( IIi II ::; j - I d (;, ' t It d J • f, I I I } !'il l' f, I f rlw t•Atd :'t'b "h' d, · I 1Jt1l•' t I· att , t.d Inc l ~·b ''J ' ' i ll t• J' t• td) ld 1 1HI 1 ou,....;;.; • • I 1'11\ Jll l! ·1ln ,,,,. wh1 1 ( h , lH f' j t~ l\ . •\ d In 'till ' •' 1 • The Growth of Our Countr fr'H tbil,..'S, of \'hll'IJ I I fifr; l•tCCS 11 Of.C t1la:O any oLh~'i" ci1y in t ht.~ wr,rld. I h, ~tlt<,moh'lc output in l ctrnit in l'/27 ~a ... valued ~tl $<)~ 1 _3.f).2 l l. Deaoit. al ~o rnanufat.tUJres boai~. rnar!rt<; e.n2:ines fr;;i ... H car :-., tf<lC1or:,, t nu.:k . ai~ptanc,.. detJ r,1!.. machin~ r:·. <t:li;!n-:.1 • num pt uJ uo , . Jrug-3 and ch··mi<""al . I ard·.•, m:1chinc s:. ~ prod ucr~ and other ] (;adw~ rlf ides. Fon Lernoult the itt: ()\ -.!.Lich i- t10\' :n th .... 1 .~'- n •.. . Lhc citf. \aS c.:rN ted by drc Brili ~h in 1 ~/. h;.,u p.·,char­train was built in l 7(J I. and ( ,·!ng V"J the ~reat ·"'a '1 !~ ... imp( 1:tancc> Detroit ha ~ uevcr: bet:n \•:ith.Oln: a military ~4rri­, on sint:e. LLs PI ,pulaLion j appr JXima d:: l.i::$ r .Ot i). n:cl it is sen cd by five air pr,rt'-. Gra nd Rapids \'hich r,cr'lpics a picturc~que "i·t: on brJri bank · of the Grand River. I$ the .. econd manuian .. u rin!! crw • in the state and i ~ Wc.Jrld-famous fur tL5 f·.Hmtur; and aiiietl i ndu tries. An Indian villa~e and mis~1on were e~labi!.,r;ed here rn 1824, a trading post in 1·.. 26. and the 5r~t pcrr"'ane~t _ettle­ment in 1833. lt is the ccond larQ"e;;t ci :- in \l: rnigan: wiL~ a population of appro.\:imately 190.Cf.JO. Flint ~·lichigan , is surra se<.l only by Dtuoi in rh manufacture of auLomobiles. It is a greai matrufactur:i:v; cit}' ·with a population of 160.000. Other im.portant cities are .. ·aginaw, Ba~ Pa rk, ~l uskego n , Pontiac and Port 1-Iuron. Cl·, \'. IJ . ~ ' l-l .t~ ~ . • Transportation . The situation of the , taLc ,,·ith relatioP t .. , {:lc Grt..:a~ L .. k-.$. and the canal fron1 Lake Huron to Lak~ ~ upc tior h.1s he<:•. of great importance to t ran~ponation. On Jan ~ l iY 1. !tt~ '. t h~ railwar rrau ·porta lion was · .27 ~ mik:.-. · r h~ pr!n(i~a1 li nes are th ~ Perc ;vl arqocne, th~.: Dulu ~ . :o·:t1i .'',:>r~. and .tlantiL·, the Grand RapiJ an.(,l lndi~1n. thl' .\ no Arbl'L .. ~H.· Grand Trunk \·\'es Lern~ tht' \l icbib.1n c~nu.d. an·J th · C hi~a­go and NortlnH' 'tern. "' Education Pll blic school a tl ond.1 nrc i:; cumt'HL·vry bt'l ~' c~r h~ (\~~ of srvcn an I si.\tct:n fdr the cnti n· $\."lH)ol y ·.H ~,f at k· .. ni ne nwnt.h s. Atlt'nJu nrc 'lt patt- ti m~.: "'\lfllintl:ni H ~,-h ~: i!il rcqui r "d of afl duldn.n undt· ,· st.·v ~·tiH.'~~~:t._. ~· .us l.'l .. \.' ·• \.h ... , h<H·,_• not cornt'lctn l at k.t"t l\ f'l) -.u · t.ll ~ (,u r ~c,t lH h ch~H) [I,:Olii'$C . Th ~.: l ' ni,~t .:-i t~ <,f \ lidtiL..lll .. H \ tln \ 1~'~'t. j :\ c 1 11 c.; t r l \t ~ f Ol'l' tn P~ I \I I \1 \ ('I ~II l '-': l1 \ ( h ' t l\ 1 l' \.'d ~ t tl '' :\ • fh ,_. Stf.l tC"· '\ ,;r i ~u l n1ral CPlk, ~ i:> ftt F \. l 1 ;, n~i nl!, at~,l th · \bd1i gan L\ ,l lc~·t' ul \lin ~:., t l h>nt.:"hl'-'n l ).'lh\nun·tu•m.,d ,l ,k~('s a at.! .\ drain. ~l ~th nd i s (; \ lhion \l dltldl~ l. p,.,,.,,tt, l ',nh,,lK: :\I ll\ t, Pn·:lb u· ,·i.u1; ll ill~~.l.,k, l~ t' ('\.' l cl l ' l l:r: l lvl1r. I ,~fo,·m ... ~ 1 , :u llnlbnd; l\ !lLun ~l .d•~. lLlpti ~ t : :1nd Olh·,·t, l "'n .·~~·~a­t i nn.a I i .. 1 • (6} Thc:- ni" ktlJ L\ ll.' i \ tlht·tine ." t~Ht' tln\H'l. \ pph• bln"s\.:'\t)\. t F? b ·-I j$ loi .. ~ o rtof . • Lif~·' \ no t 1,' ,. h\·dl .1 dt t till ut :1 l nhbl"·· A li"' ll.IJ' 111 dt,\ ,·r hc· th·."ldl l.ntdh· ...;~ ... l . .tt.: ; \ ncl l'. jl\' h , t\ \' ,\ ft~ l t l l ' t' \hP\ l~11 11.,;1 P !111' \ ~tHlhh.•. So L t \ • 'w, l tolh h.u 11 I . ~\ n l h· 1•'' t~)\' \h'-' ,: ,·~. lt'.tiJlt· I tt \' I Cld ll ('~ It • Ilk l •:lh I-t l ttd 6Hn' t : , L•k' l ull pf ) u, 1 tn a hiltiu ~ di~~!fl ,v; l•..t !P vulv p t • ·h ~ '''t dt · '' \ .1 t<.l .w•L qmll't ' "I• ll~' "' 1' 111 ln.lth b. II \ I ttld .•im r (ll d l ~' c.:~· ' • • ' 'I • • Mainlaining lntcrt~sl. In Sdcty "l~ '·\). \ '"· t ~.F. a' ·t \ ~n:n. l' <.'I.~ 1n. :\S l~n ' 1' t:'' \ ;H I '-' ~ r~ 1H .l ,.I 1 J \' 11 11 ,11. V ·' • k. l H l't.:""\ l1l :->.llt'{ , . \l''!aih b• ·\~tn~ t ' W,liH' c)l, hr ~ "t'n ~ " i\,, mu: · ·ard · ·~ 111 'he pc;·f, nt~;iJl,.,, nf bt~ t.IIH;t :,. h ~ ('{ h" ;"Clr '~\ l1 h .hit. t I . J" ·t h·t r'~. tlO.::. lH bt.'T , mh'. ltl,'rt Ltn:\ih:-tr \ith ''! ,, lh' is tJ,,int. t''lll1ltk·utl.! in hi.; +thdll' ltl 1 e:rt 'nn lh.· c.~ \it 'J.)ltt .Jt :tt..~id<'nt ~s·t~ h11t1 in t cl rnwl h.! . . tfcl_ l'~'f"'\)t"~t!ll~ i~ <"flti·~H'~ h.uh(H'(' J'P'l'e..l hc~..·.ttt "'t..' prt)­d'" 1h'H ~~- p-n.:h~tl .lh\'.hl (If ."'l,h.knt p t ~.: ' ·n t t•J\1. \ -.;.a n~ult the \'l1\:k ..... ff't~ pr"~tatn is vn.akt'nt-d, .tnd t'lllf'lo~~,·~..·~ "on~ dcr i.\<•n· tlH' ~in~<"l!t ~ (o\ ~h .. \ ht k rr\)~Tjnl. · \ ~.: H• . .!t I.'' tb ,l l.::,~~J pr\. hiLt tun •~ tw~.,·c. ~;tn . . ' 'I ..:nlnt· vf ' . t:' r.P1~h1 l"c.' l<~~)king- f,,l ~\ j~··t'. ~~r~·1~ l~ ~l~n nt'<T~$~ t')'" if ,,·c e ·pc"tt tc ~Cl:\tll ('lll jr•}'~ · lh.l Ct'lltllHh.' 10 l'\·rfn, 111 l'lll duties i 'ltD~ lh·. Th\' {r.< nhlc \ i:t:h lUIJ'-{ ~.lf\:n· r::o~.:-r~,n~. Lhn~t' in 3tH h .. • \lri:\· .: e n6t et:\ inln·, --tt. .J ;n -t--i"L. ·. nt l'l'<.:\< ntinn ;1s they ·'~~~·uld be, :<'~\~~'qtte11ly t:u~v d1 ni•l t.t:"~nvin~~:l th,,,..;c under r)itit ~lu.~ ~P. . S.1<tP ih,-t the' are in e:unt""st--1l1at the ar > -" . l-n\---= sut"<'ri · ,t~n, f,'l.~CnH:'n and crc\v-l eaden~ are as • iH<::·'f'>::· u t'f! ~c~i,' nt fre\<.'lHion a~ they ~r(' in producti 011~ th .. ~a , ~) ~ lon \ill faiL 1"h-t" HI pen~:'<"ry crcv..· nntst be \·L .. :d ·art~dh {"'-r .~:\f<"tv <)r accid~nts will con tinue to occur . . .,.:,f> t'.·rit-cr l .. a~ 11c:.1:-J en1plt)~ ~e· ~a ~. hundreds o f time= '''flow ( n ~ ou '\.])u2L liS f\\Y$ tn be suon.g for sa fety \~then ou r r {"·:l!an ~s ThJt ~ 1-le f'lr tend~ to be, bt1l h is a ttitude in rnanv '\'~):; l~ \-(;)~ \-lu..:in_ 1 r~ >f that he i. lUCrel_: rlaying the gan1e.; 0 :- '-.iJ icn- cron ,,·jl1 re(lllv Sllt"Ceed when the attiU.Jdc of ~he ~t~; e-:-,j~r ·.\ f, ·-'-·cis !!blc -to (On\·incc Lho-.e under t hei r ~:11 en.i~:L~. th.?t ,}--<~\¥ are ,,·holeheaned ly behind the sa fety n't::-..e.n~L~n·.. ·r;H . .::1;e.~· hahit, on the part c,f b0Lh lea d ers ctm1 \~ ork\.. ··~. i: c...b. ul wtet)· n~ce:S.sary. .~-\ dn1o n ito ry- preach ing l:v tht "~ 1n d-~ ra:nt5 is ll<ll , ufficient to ;;naintain itHerest. J\ l:; h~nt r r , ·eQUCn1 ma ·1 he rake 1 .:-eriou.: ly by supervi ors ~tqe~. rnu~t f·tact ~ ce ''hat 1hey preach. (' eo~-nl n }n. '1 t: a. c l1 t.· r )..(.l\i\' cl&s"', remen1.ber I celand js ab1 t t a:5\ la !-~L a!) ""iJ·"f". • Johnn~ ~in te~t p~per)-fcdand tead !:r. is about a " large a·s Better Y et }\J £r2'li::J. lord wa~ t.alkint?" to an r\tnerican ho:'>" }!bou t ~1!:. ::.u:Jc.:~t-t.:-· ... ly ~.rand;ather ~va:- .a \ery great rnan,' he . -.a-iJ. · (;J"""" dav Qth t-n \'ictr r i C:~ ·ouch eLL his shoulder wit h • .I # • as ~.·_.rd ::tnu!..~ j t·t m a 1K . fl'l gtn.. t. ' ' ")\~w. thC!t-s nu~~hin·:· t •t: b<Jy n:plitd. ··One Jav R<-d \!nt', a:n l nd.a n. v., 1chcd Il'lV ~rand.fat her on the # - • - llearl. \ : t b o. H.Jrr:.a. h a' k a ncl 1 nacle It i m a fl an ('J'el F.' 'Two eld·.-dy w·Qmeu [:en ing 3. cup uf tea bc~aa l O talk :.>J nnr.Jer.n f asn-1un~. .... ,\ do \ ou d i11l: of d1t hat~ tht.. ~i rl ~ \-t~ea r, ~ 1 rs. • 1 - ... • Jl!jl i: ·· I11'-"" doz~ 't: \1\ ea~· hat: :· replied . h~. ;:--ust. '·'I hey ju. t waJk .al(o)J.H! b<;:~dt,; them · n1ith. wi d1 J is­no,• tada vs:' ·--------~--~------------------- The New Aqe \ fearial n-.\ fa bd %7"cif-!) -J nst: anrJthPr ca~~ ·.-.·htn m~ ~l t" di~t~lacecl by nl<.tchi:.~,crv . • Scott Dowd and Harry E. We-stoo FRITZ PUBLICATIONS • INC· S9 East Van Burel'\ • Chieago. mtnois j\ rr . c . \v . ph j 11i p ") t:: d i t () r 1 "'H E Lnc (\)F Cn .\.M Pto~ AcTn-rrrt·:s 'The Champion P nrH:r & Fjbre Cornpany Ca nton, . Tonh Ca tolina. J) ·e.a r ~:fr . Ph.illips : CJct<A~er 14, 1 CJ40 • L~pon ,-ccei v i1~g the October. 1940) iS:$Ue c.)f 'l'nE Loc OF CHAl\fPlON AcTJVITlES a nd :?pending soJne Ll tne in pcrus tn.g its pages: I cant1ot rc fr ain from cornpl"i men ti ng yo~ 1 on the sp lendid ediLoria l job y-ou. are doing . I rea lly feel Lhat sinct the Jnagazi ne took on lhc 1 nc rcased scope of acci vi ties cover­ing as it d0es now the cnt1re Chan1pion family that i't has been ro o·re j rue resLing chan it ever was b'erorc and e\ en jn th e old tlays it wa a very splendi 1 pub lical:ion . I arn su re that 1nany of the readers oi THt:: Loc; OF CH !\*~­P ION AcTIVlTtES are ju:;t as inte re "t ed in it a.s I am . Sincerelv vou rs " . 1-Ia rry- E. \Vestoo Edito rjaJ Direc to r '1' £-JLI: PAPER I NDC TRY .. ~~D PAPER \-'ORLl) Edi ror'$ Note: \Ve lhank )'CH I, l\ l r. \Vet't.:OJL for the con1pli meotary l eL­rer, .a n.J l1o' pe. yu.u \•\ il l pa. rdon us fnr taking the liberty of n:·pnw tnt)' JL 1n Ot:l-r .tnagaz1ne . Th<;- picaHe ~bo);t: i · th~tt of Sco1t lk't\d and l larry "' esr.~ m . caught h~ Lhe ca rnera m(lt\ 0 n ~1i ~hi.g-~ll1 B du l evar~...L ~'dr \Vt~s t ou. , on tltc ri~ht. is Edih>rial O ir~l'lor o f'" P1jty, PlJh lica ti (J n ~. b l..... J""h: i ~ a g rad.u·ttc ()f the _ 1C\ York ~lat~: <;(-h()ul of J',jPf'-.rrv . .t\ ft ~t liui ~ hing et.~ l k(rc, 1\ f r. \ \ cs1on ta11!!hL "\i ,'\ yt·~t~·s in tht: .. chuoJ [tom\ hich h..; trradtt:ltcd; an~! tJJ 'I'J27 bet:<.lll'h: ;:~~ . .,l LicHed wi th the 1-;_" nt x. Puhli ·~ni o n ~, } ne., 1 ubli. ~w1 \A t•hc t>a 1,~· r l 1H.lustq· ~n'd .P.tper \ enid. ~ h . l>o\,·d. <)n t he.. kft. i ... Pr -· id ~~ l ll and ( ~!.;: llt:l ~)ll\ f d 131,!e·r "- q r r h e l; ~ i L7 p l ' b I H: a l H.•Hl !'. ~ l n-c. (7) Publ;shed by "T he Chamrion Family' as a Symbol of the C'oop~ration and Good Fellowship Existing at the Plants of The Champion Paper and Fibre Company, Hamilton, Ohio; Canron) North Carolina; llouston: Texa , and Sandersville, Georgi a. G. W. PHII.liPS. _. _ • • . - ___ - __ . _- - __ __ . __ Editor, Canton, North Carolina REUBEN B. RO~ER TSO N. Jll._ •. --- - --- - -- .. . _. _ . •.. __ _ Associate Editor DWlGHT }. THOMSON • • _ . • - -.- .•. - • . • - - _ .•• __ -- ____ . Associate Editor EMERSON ROBINSON. __ • • .•• _ • . • _ • • • _ Assistant Editor. Hamllton, Ohlo A.M. KOURY-- - - - ---- -----··---- -- - - -Assistant Editor. Houston. Texaa There Is Strength Organization "United we stand, divided we fall'·' ~':\ow this is the la~\' of the jungle­A- old and a., true as the sky.. .: In • .'\nd the wolf lh al shall keep it may prosper, But the 'rolf that .. ha ll break it mu t die. .\ s t he creeper that gi rcll~th the tree trunk The la \Y run neth forward a ncl back. For t 1 c stn:nglh nf the Pack is the \Vol L .\ tHl the st rength o[ the \Volf is the P ack.', P r ..Jtl J \ PS. n t no r11 hc·1 time in th!l hi::.t >J'}' of A rue rica do d ,~ ""·,·,rth f ront J rJhn J)ir kin{)on· Lilw rt r ~ nng : '•'l"'llcn join i·n hanJ . br·t\ c \ mcri(a n ~ :.11 t h y tn\1' iP: Wt' t~ nd. br Ji\ idinf' "l' fa ll.) ~ rtJli' Sc:J di)arly aud f, ,,cd ull} in r,n, minJ., tJ :ll tht· p rl'l'Cnl • tiH1 '. This r)n :). thcrtlJ.dl w tin ~· nw 1/(JX, pri(_~ r t1• the Rcvolutiorn. . r.d t\1s . Di· ti t 'm :l rJ oiwrn ·111 tq the ( ~rJIH IIH..' Ill 'd Cnn gt~ s) i ju 1 a "l'plir- Lie l J c·v"' '/ t\nwl·krlJI t«Kiay ..-.s i~ '"6 wl ( 11 i r \ .h ,, n ll •n. 11ulnrp i v 1· n !ll')l · b'J, l tt'l ? u \' '' 1 :1c [,Hi Jw 41 tf i j. br.tL c•1 1WII.,.lic nw l 1ni lirorv. \'\'h.:r d ,, it rn a f'}. \ (t i l· , ,~ ,, Hit: r illtd dtti t}•l' IJH II t;' r,l it . \ I r. < •'artt q In tlw Sq f c • r+~ ltt.: r ._ 181 ili:H t • ,,f I he. Sal tttd .t ,, l ,\t·n ia· Pr1 1, ,njd • ' I. i vr t t1WJi1 tng 11, · 1 ~., tJ WIH ' l~t1t tf • ' fq' tLd li ll vill t u ~~ ! CJ f<n ~ lit pru!i r. ,\l"ithl, t1rP·i! JiJl I 1 Jl ~ll l \ill, i t ~ JJit ' "''''· t ::f flJJ t •l l,e UJ:ll '' ' ('.t ltl J ~ j · lf Clll tl11 \ ar~, i,:l n '"i'" iJ ;n t ll i I iult t,r ( II i . \ c• dt i ,.,1, \'\. If I \ ( lH It.. 1..' hl dtt· HJ IIII ~IYJ lfw• al) :11 1• \~ ill; l l '. II I CrH h flt ;ll th ' .dt .. d, .. ,llaHrlJ, .g, "dl t t ·•npr·flin: , < 111 I'A' , 111 •• .f rJt A lw<"n lit}, Lf·d :, \Vt· ndi tJ\ f' v.l t•tJ t ltc Jt• d li"' I t'lllllf • IH•Jid ttc \'-t' l 1 11tt it" , ( I' ll•I' , d l'l lf,l l''} ,.,. · \:j !l t. ( ,1 H:tif 11) d'J \I :n \ t'l i. J't•qtt tt c•d lJ r I ht I l} • • 1 h I } ... t il II r -'l f, j I , ~' } ,l 1 b .• l j { 1 ' I ! ( h r ll ·II t 1i tl ~ t• enr h e~ in t_he fac trJry 0 1 \,\ herevcr tbeir: lor i~ aa r. In he \~ n rd CJf Jnhn lJtcki Jtson: ''Th~n jrJtn in band, bra .. c .:\m~ric~ws aH. By ''lliting W\: - and} b · di,:idin~ \ e faiL .. "V,Jr d 1e Str<'Ht-th ,,f the Pc.tck f'3 rhc ,\·:H. 1\ nd the srrcn th (Jf the \. If is the l'a~k ... rn vlhcr CniLt•d u·e nand dt~n-tled ;J.,c fail. :'\e,·cr before in Lhe hi· t1 ry r>f Amer· r~ . xas th·c:re -ach need f nr co-0pt~ ra tion and good fdlov. sh ip bl!nvcen C.inpw:er and t:mplrJyee 1 there is •mJay. In fact: ·~:e mu _ -.tan~ ·io:­gc lh~r or fall together. \ c rru 1 w~Jrk t~~~~lher in La1m nY. or we sha ll sutf cr togethe r ; and we m1ts1. tldH. tO""ether wi;h all of our force, or w..: !:tltaH hJsc the American { .. eedor. whid1 we all love ~n dca rl v. R c1nemb~ r- • a_.()\ ' tlti · i ~ the la\ of tht jun-gk-l\ s old and a true as Lh~ ~kr: t\ nd the wolf Lha L shall keep it may pr •::::'\cr, But rhe wolf rh a t shcdl break it mu .. t rJit-.'. The Armistice, November 11, 1918 O~E of the most nOlablt! armi$t1ccs in moder~ ~:ston· was that which hrou.~.. h t to a d o e lhe Francn-German \Var in 1 71. But: the sicrnino of the _\ rmisLice bet'•. ee~ (.,e·rnan-) an.d the :\lli«l Powe rs brought to an eu"l the n \)~t :-tupcn-dous wa r in all hi.: tory. l{owe\'L'r. th ~ p r~~ent w,us in Eurore and As ia are the mot ho rrible and sava~e the rid h •. ~ ever known. On :\ovcmbcr 1 L 19 18, l\H!n t \'- l\'0 ' e1r~ d .. O. the \ \ odd \Yar l'\ rrn is tice was sig-nc l, and afl the re,·,rk of ~"t rop~ and Ame rica \ve re rejoicing- becau :;~ \.he~ !,aJ ivtl!!ht ... nd ~' · ~­had di ed, as they thought to "m:d\:e the \ l,rld. free ""'r Dcmocracv". Rut theY fo\t!!ht in 'ain. • • J n the \ \'orld \Yar. uwre than i .+;O,OOLI t'('ople \H~,·e kill ('d in ~ct ioJl. and the direct (nst in cJ~~Uar~ .tUl~ c 't\t ... tl) all nations. \ C\S in \.:XC~~s ol 1 .. ) J )l_ .llC'P.O "1. t,- .. l ' ,,f nur men were k.iHn .l in ncti ... m. lt12A ... 3 \' tt<..' lnjHrcd. ,trld 1ho u $n nd ~ r<: t \l n \eJ h0m(" tt otn tlw b ttd'-·nd\l ll ~'('tHy hi.trH.Iica pped by d i ~t~ase ; :\ ll l wb id1 a(Cti 1\p-li::-h ·d ~'· u ... h1. The p r~~ <: n t " :1 r. h d \ \ C\?et. t ' ·-t ~ ~lLh a nt' \ 1...>r~ i r ;n l· u· 1 pt'. will, no dc,tt bt... ::; u1 p r-t ' :-t .Ill w • r~. ht'fh .,tnt.ient d ll"i n \ '·rn . i t~ lht.· I<· · Lt·uctinn tt l li ft• .1nd ph)J'l' r\ ). P e\l:l\.!\' '1\ . n~~.-. • ncl ~I lkl>i n.· f, ll I ' )\"(' [ ltu ~ ll trh.l c.• l.H' \ st -.. ,'\1\ (.l --~l\ ~\,_"!~ ' f)tlt f m:tn ....,._ .. ~~~~-- -- ---· -·· ~--....,.....-- Nearly P rls ct I ad\ - ll il\1...' \ d\1 lu..• ,·n ,,lkt~. . J \tlrl, : l l tlwr:tnt--Ot;lv 1lltl\' , ~l.h.Lnl\. \·· ft, ).ll\ th u l'\ t' l1 t I Hudun l ~t lt l uH lnr·~ · a ; "* *'= - 4• .. _ _ s r ,...,_, 1a • !!I; P •· • COb I & I U · $·· · A Thought for th Montl1 I'Jw!dl tc tliP\l ''ll ;'\ i 1V4 1..t1 .' 1bl '. t) IH' l , \dtd • t ' ~'\' tl1 ..u 11 1 1 h. II j ud rr l· r : I '' n !1 t· r t:: JII t1 t\ ' t l j \Ld \• ...,, ~ flttt 1.. 'T tl l\tll ,, ,nd ' 11\ll l' , l llt\ t•lf: l 111' tl tutl dt t{ i ~h.1 c:-.t dH'.t fIll :'). Ill I ~' tl\! IW • (fi) • • • • 'Thqn Day · ~9f0 \ ~·r vcar t h e ~t. . u ·~ '{l - tl,~ . t nio n "'<-'l~ th·idt•d <'> il th(• fh ·u)·k~~:\in.~ d " ~. ·r,, '1\'l~ - fhc :b l .. ttl'"~ fplttn\' .. 1.1 P1 r si .,t.,.l~l l~ ''<'" '~ ,,·tt c. &n~·. "'~ tt\ n and ·nb ·{ 1'·\·c,l Th~\nk ~g i \ tu f . O l\ . · n ~·t 1ht't ?3. l'h<'~ \' '' ho ,.,-.n ,;: tb:l td' 011 ~ u v "lnbe r ... 1d v, ~-rc · . .,,\tif< 1nia, \..;lt . .'l~i 14•, P ·}a, ~rc. ~ t:'n\ o1·t. 1 llin t.-li ~., l n-di u."'. l~~ , .l~i .. dt~ \ Lu .d ... .uH-1., l <i<:h i~, n. ~li s~'tlri, ?vl i~ ~ ~-t.sirpi : \ l ,tHa a. >h~,\- h'~·~ '·', " e'' '\ or1, , ''"'llh l ~\k(J1n . )hi<}, Or\.'<;! )n , F ~1n1~ ~ b · .. u 1 '~t. ~~ 'U t l1 l'.H t1l in ~ , 'l' '" as. t " t a h: \ 1 rg if\ i a. \Y\l h~n gl< \n, ·\·~~t \ it~ini;.. ar1d \f) fYfl1 J f\g. . . l'~·t' .,:t :H ·~ f,~lln\ >d the nJd C:'USh >tH o { gi :vttl(; th:1nt~s \ n the hr~t 'fh11n.dt~ of l·hc n' th 'v~ r~ . :\ laL,:1 m:t. · r rzon ~ •\ d,,ln a: .. Cnl._••aJu. 'ntHl ~Lti · ~t~ . tlt>rid·t . 1d·tltu .. hn~€1. t 't'l-.-s~. h c-n.lP~k\ . .:\l ~a~n~. . ~las:-~h'hn$e•qs, .\1 i nne~otSI. ;'1\e­b~ ,-..ka, \~,-~lJ.~ .. ~· .... , 1 l:11"11 f';;hiJ"~, ~w !\ l t:·~icn, ~vtth C'aro.­fin .~ . () ....... lntL Rhndc l slan l ... ·outh 1 ~l,vt a) 'J\ :nnc ' s:et., 1.'c· .. : ~, \ ·"·r·n(•tH .. and \Yi $(\.ll'\ s1 n. L',,h"')raJo !'Uhi T~"\Lt~ +·:-{"TYeJ t\ n . Th a nk ~ ~i\Jflg l1ars. \ ith f•:.·a,--c "'~ h{'U1~ in a \• )rhl at wa r, 1\ n~ eric~ shou ld t'"Lt> r i:'H(~ this Th"1 1k.;t:i \·in~, 19+0: in a s pi1•it of rral than!~- ~ u ~(' J_ \1c,re \h: ~~ ~n:'r _hct..,,·e in our h is tnry ~ bot:~kl cvety J1omc iUl~~ h '3rt :l' .\t':te11Ltl b~ nllt".J Wttb a hufnhle pirit of LlU\•nk­il~ hh:·.~ . ,\Jtt..o~~~h the \af-t"'l<.tu l hang Ja.rk and heavy .. ~ c·· Et ~c~ ~ anJ t'!{' Far Ea L. ~;.et our fa ith in GoJ is .stJ1l --~r;,t 'C' an\t \t: b.t·lie~:e He 'vilL in. ~on1.c wa y. foil t~~ en cn~y; (I.PG hv~t.. x\-J~\") i~t:'ie,·e 1n God and le. us Ch t~i. t a~ saviour s·r il b~ e~r.!e :.o '\H·r .. hip l-lin1 a ccn1:ding tQ the di ·t,ates of d~t·ir C·"u .....~. ~n~..:. ~rh ii<. who ~ hsen·ed 1~hauks£;i\·ing D tty on November : :~~1..i la .. t year J\J ~ o in \~ ~t.h Pre ident R o<?St?:Ye1t~s \':;:;n u.-. lh::P bul'.in ~s~ b 1 nlo\·ing the h.olida~r a wee:k ahead vi. 1 :,e ,,JJ (Aat\.:. th<.'rcb} ~ .lenglhening Lhe tin1e betwe.en Chris t­m.: t~ :....r. 1 Th.ark~t.ri \ in~. But, t be custon1 1ong de:a r to t h-e 'e-atn o.f \rn:..::ri"-a;b, ~b~en·i n.~t the la t Thur.,.day in Nov~m­~( lr~s l·1t'P\ ll~) ~i' e uri and for no ,other reason than to giye . h~ t:nt:rcha n· vnc mo!'e V\.t,ek to rest before Ch n st:rn as. "fha:nk5{[:"·i'nf; orie!nated in Amerie..a in 162 1. following the ~:r ~t harTe~l. -dftc1:-the P llgrin1s landerl ~t Plymotith R:odc \~i.!. arn Bradf0rd . Gm-ernoT vf the PlJ mo:uth Colon)' ~et 4;.--i·...l{: th~ l.a · t Thu···Jcy in _ "'overnber as ada .. of th~ nksgiv­:~~ ~ mJ pra:·eL Ci~:aJ.uany, t he cus-tom prevailed , and. _soon ·nt: trn·\·enHJr~ of ail the ~ew England Colonies procda1med :the fast. '1 hars.dqV in ~0\'.Cmber as 'rhanksgiYing Da}' · Tl~e <> ntinentaJ Ccnf:tre~ re.conHn eucled d~ys of thanks~ivi ng arn ..... :dh~ d1snnz the R e~· c ,luti0n. In l E'6~ Abraham. Ltnc~ln an )\£uteJ a eta'~ c1f tba. nks2ivine-, ·and since then a ll pFesi~ d~;H$ rlf de r·n~ted S·ates uf .\ rrierica have 1~sued an annual· rfi ank ~\,.in~ Prr.JCla·mation <h:..,ign.ati n~ . the ~ast .1''b.ursdar ~ _ -0\~mb~r. ~J r. J{ (J{)..:eYelt"~ a.c•i '>n was the ilrst deral'lure . L:om tiha1 c l1 ~ t L .. n,. \ ~l!~· the true sr·i ril of 1 han ksgi ,~ing be S'G entrenc hed iu ·~ur hear-t ... tl-·at ~·e • hcdl nttver dep ~rr therefrg m_ Cah"'in C(Jfili(!~~. - .:tde P resident of th.c l ,. nitcd States, · ren •ned e"'.~~ry T; a;dts.gidn:v I') his uld h o~nc. in \ "cnno·~1~. to jt.1!J; -it 't hi,~ tJrrme (<.JJks ~ f rte11d S ~nJ t.eJghbr>r-s in g'lVI ng t.1·&nks 10 Gr:d for t:he bie-~sings (;{ tlte yea.r. • Naturany ~r ~.~ rai r! w~ ius• p uHia,t.r r.~ut c,f Forr \~', J n h \o\hc11 a bn:~.nl11L·~~ ~aU dr• -.hccl tf-' tu?· ri ,,·icu:l<,v• .. .. l f ur.ry 'Up/ (l:l.3 eu d)c D!.IY,. (.l\ rml1td rrit~ ,,.ck:cr.>' - '\ ~herr{; t !.#;· ., ·. ·=\, 1::~, bacK here. \1here. do r( Y thin1 : , (,9) • The Swa~ik0 Was Regarded For Centuries As A Religious · Emblem • • Today by. m,.any nations as a: symbol eJ e-ppr-e.-slon: -and · a thiea.t to· aivtll%a tlon t-fr"·( lt·: s. w a~ t i l\. a , II ICCj ning- '' t\•ullb(·hu:(' or <cg )t-.~d ft.~rturt~", ·~ whir ll h ;u~ lt}Jl ,E! [,een .~:t e; ynlhPI (\f f.'(,(IL·f'! h_rc~ . 'w;.p~ ~clrJpteJ. as a h:\ iCJn:tl ernb lem. b>' the ( i e rru:tll ~ot rll lr •, tF~ . under .\ duJph f .. Jitlc::r. ,.l'lrc v1nbol j · by ao me:tns rnndctn . but h~~ been ttaccd b~t~.·k lo d;c bnwt.e (l g~·. \Vhile ito ori git~1~1 tHi:~ni11~ h a ~ b oe11 lo!'it In the ~ ·Dts of the pa · t ~ in f) nci c-n t ll r:nes rl v"'·trs used a ~ a n.:liginns ~y u:xbot lhtt ~od wy) by a large 1 () r l)f :he 'Y\o:ckl, it is. tl~e ~Y ll1bol · >f QPI fo ~ k>u . hat r ' (~ ~11 d de:>trttCIIOT\. This cmbl:em "~~ ~$ U6<Hl c:ts a r~hgtons s..y rJ!lb(jt by ea~ly; races r1f t\ rvan ~ toe~- frr:>m Scano l n~v i ~ t f'o> Pcr:-;ia a1-1 t.l lnc;.ha, o r, acc-ordir{~ to SOl'ne WiiL<.:rs is stiU used by t.he Buddhtcrtg in lock a. 'h was aJ sc,, used if' China;_ Ja·pan, and ~unong l hdia r1s in l orth, Centr·a.l nnd S<JLt th l\rnrtr:ic.a. ·I l is ust.~ ally thou<rht to. b~ a: cha rrn or si :.n O:f gnod h.h.~ k. .N.o doubt. that w-as ~i\rhy 1--fluer adopted it as the natin.t~al ~mbJ em of Ger- . n1an y . T • l"t is said Lhat fo·ur JnJian t ribes-, :the A·pachc, , ~avajos , I-Iopis and Rapagos by ,\;ay of prourtsting_ th ~ dishot1orable us¢ to which lhe Nazis have J}Ut the once htghly regar~oo syn1bot h av~ agreed to di .. cor\tinue tl1e u ~e oL the swas trk4 OT t'sva.stika' in ba,sket and bl anket..~v-eaV 1 ng . 1,be ~rwast:ik--a ~- ~L n en,blem. or Grnament in th e form of a G:re·ek (l:ro,~s w i t~ Lhe ~nds o f the ·a rn~s hent a1. right angles,; all in tbe sa nH! direction that is usually d 'oGln••tise, an_d ea,cJl' prolo Jilged · te> tli.e. lreigh_t of the p..a ra~ l cl ~ rm <;>£ the <:ross. ~rh.€ f.le rrn,a lJ fl.a~ i_.s r ed., vvith the s.wasuka 1mpnnted or ar-tach. e<.l ·jn a wlrit;i ei.·rcle ia the center of the ffi.eld. · \ A NEW MAGAZINE For .House Magazine Editors Stet a_ B0U$.e Jnaga,z~in e .for editors of e rn P.loye maga­zines, isstiled by 1~he Champion Pap·er and F.ibfe Corzn pany at I-f~u11ihon ~· Qbio, made it appea rtH'lCe OccGber 20th. l't 1s a: ve:ry att ractive p u bf.'ication , d~igned by Lu6an Beruhard and edited bv R ober-t: Ne\-\~"comb. tet, whid1 :\:ve b.ave uansla:ted to meall' < Sugge.s tions to EJito rs,'. wjH \-V.e beLie-ve, -reo~v e a lH~arty wek aJne by edito rs o f eJt'l~pJoy~e -ma·gazines. ate a nu1nber of ud1 magazi .oes p~lb>Hs ned , but this one see,rYls t0 ~e cti~e r ent and wi ll mo doubt, p r()ve t.·ery h el pfu~ tO ed1tors U\ the employe ma,gazirte field. j ()])n S1nilh \Vent ro the insurance office to h.ave his life ~ ·in s t~red. ' Do you driv€ :'' · a s.k e~ the agent. "'1'\o. -, infor-med the appli "a nt. ' .r < Do YO\J rj G~e a bus?" { , . • C>. c. Dc:~ :rQw H.y?' h·N ·'' l Q. • ·~orry) sl. r/ 2 slH-t_f)pc~cl 1hc agent curtly. ~r«l: d 0n'L i1t-:- s ur~ pe. d csln. a ns.' L P€f:Ll J"tr-'1'-lt ree tl>le n~san d rou f h~tt~ oJ •·crl ,Jnd .{\V('nty~ i x deph£ln.t~ \'\rcre oe-tde-~l ! (;{ S;L ye~tr to n1~kc.• l' illiar~l b:1lls. ~~1w &.H"C then! ~tn y q uts tj oH~? Jiee klt""!-- .\:s .. I7k~ w cJ J they tr< t l~~ bca ts t.o do och delka tc w\Ak? • • c • THE HAMILTON DIVISION our On eI UUI• U . '' CCI en ecor By L-ieut. D·icle Betts Ilere·s lhe larest figures on 1-Iamil­ton Chc:Lnlpion's ' ·?\o lost Lime accident record·' by departments. _'Tote the number of dars since the last accident - !)(lme have gone 12 yea rs. l n the fir:;t crJ!umn clepal'unents are Jistedl in the 1 the l~Qnth, ~ay and ye~r cA t~H' l~tst h;~t ume a<:c1dcnl. and 111 the.: ltt~t crJlum.n rhc number or clays sjuce the la .;t accidt' l1L ' CUAT1.:'\C ~ H LL B ~I -., 1 ?' Jf)V • 11r,p -·--------- )-___ <.J Cak· mJer. - ---------- 1- I'J-37 l 1 ii tdbr,.ud --· -----·-- 7-11-39 l'rJatr•r. _ ___ ----- J- I'J-40 ( ·<·11 11' Rv<•Ht _ --- .. ~-- 2 :? 1-·34 Cilll· ... ---·--- __ .. -- ~·-J { JIJ Ftlll ~hi11g & sl'''OfHi~ __ 2 22 35 )} i1·pin;! ----·-- -··--- 7 Z l )}j R·-d-- - ------- ___ J(J 1 S -37 Ht1IJ 4.\,,,,,1~~.: . --· (, J l 10 f-11tiiJ ,u' 8~ :~('{•HH.I 'J -2) tO Ju.pc { tif,ll • __ _ . q I ~ lO A~t 1.~ 11 & f J~tplc>X 1.~ ? ( 17 • ~< i). J P.t\ PI"R t\ liLf . 0 I d J> ;{ pi I !") )• I c Ill ~ I () , J ~ l ( h• tl,i• .rl - I -, .' ). • ) ~; t 0d JJ j).o•i li j' _ -·-. • 7 JC 1 ){) Jkult r _ _ _ 4 1--:ti l\ R(tfJirJ ... ,... ') - 5 H) )}nard ~, l it dtill, . ~. 'J 1( ) l 1 11lcmd i n~· l. r I,.! ~' I ~ ~~~:~n.l Bt·<Jkr~ _ • 8- 0 Se; n 'i C oa t ... - - • ___ .. _ _ S 2 7-3 <, 4JS7 1359 4)() :?0 - 2-~2 1 41 )) ')f .. - ~ li' HI I f f)! J( ) II ? J ' ./.1 .;; ~~'t( , .. lt, ,f) r ~ ~, J ' 2 t 1 j~ h2 4 . ~ lP' ) .Jll ... NO. 2 PAPER ~vriLL S1ock Digging __ _____ 7- 7-30 Re\;vindcrs __________ 2-20-39 C~lenders ----------- 6-11-29· Cuuers ------------- 2-13-39 Finishing ----------- 2-20-29 Sl1 1. pp.t ng ____________ 10- l-40 1\ l~oom ______ ll -1 S-3q Heaters _____________ } 0- 7 -+0 Soning: -------- -- --- 4-l l)-37 Sup<:r 13 l<.:ach ________ t0-30-39 • Ca rpc111 er' & Hrickl~n -c.: r~ -------­Elt.• nrilt~ l . ----------­"\ dtd -- ~ -- . --··--- i\ l ~H.lli rw Sh•>p _____ _ . ~r iJI\' I't~hl !:! ---- _,.,_. 1 1 ~tillliU)! _.,..___ --· l.) lt'~llll l l i<Hil" _ ,.. • ' l'w .)l11 'I' . _ _ ~t•'itJII VitU'I' ~. _ .... 7.- l -3 .:.. 3- 4-40 J . J().J 5 X 7 1B 7- S· 3\ 3 1 1- L. ~ 2() ) 8 lll - ~ - 3o I !. .""~ (}. J I ( ~("Jll1 1 '![ Ill . -- .. . ··t ) j () :vii ~ c 11 1. L \ ~ 1·:l > lls ' ' ~ I (, ·1 7 t l dt'tli -- -· ... I' r· ~ 'rc It ·I I I \ I) ( ,,fit•\· - . I ~ ~(}.. ; I 1 1'. ,j i~-· · "1 ltd 11 i H. -) l l ·I o ,"ltifl' It (lit' - } Hl J~.'S ( ~~~ J I lll. L . - •I I ( ~ l 1 l >1 ,... ~- ,.._ - __ .., 3-20- .,;') (10) 3.745 $9'-' 4136 605 42+8 C) , ')t) ..) .... ., .) 1269 ' 3 -~5 ~022 2~() JOWl 79 ~ ~27 Jt::s k~.i 7 ...... J/ ll \. .. ·I I t1U I l 1 :; l Hi IIJ l'JI ') i t tl Uti ~ tl t) 4 ' 1 ~, PRAlSES CIVlC ASSOCIATION Eldon Purd\-. ~:o. 1 beater~. ma~hine • coat control: i::- tn :1.: Cham-pion~ and friend .. ir.)r the a::-St:>•ante given Lo hin1 fot\owin~ a :e'--etH +1r · which destroyed rr=tctically all ('l h.~ household fu rniurre. Eldon. who is ~ n'emt cr c:f the Ci"·i: _~-\, ssociatiun. said th~L ,,-hen he- jt.ined, he bad no idea he en~r \ou:d h:n.: .. v recci ' re aid Jue to an em~r .~., en~,. . . b <~ beca rnc a n.1~rnber he~atke ir Wl)UlJ lH.•I r other$. I-lowcYtr; tht~ aSSt~la\ \on gave in,·aluabk :t.; .. ist.:1H(~ L'l) th(:_· "hr ' . that he a 1\ll hi-; Lnnih· nt'~d<~.l ;t m0st. • ___________ , ___________ __ ALEX THOMSON, JR,, SPEAKER .\lt'\ Th~)t\l$,Jn. Jt .. '· i'-'t: ~ rc-.. i­dctH ~nd ;tth \·rti~in~ tU.Pt:H!'-'r. "~s d' · ,. 1..' hief sp~.·.d,(·r ~~t .\ I\ P''' t dinuer 11~\ ~n t.hl\in~ tllt: l:arnpn i~u l,f Lhe Han;ilt·'tl Y. \ .C. \ . ft"l ~~ tUlOO lr.' l'~l, .• 11' rh,:. indt hl<~J,h·~s. \k\ t .. ld ,,t dh· d \::oC \ltli~ll\ ~,f \VI lll h~.~m~ .\(\.''-)1\l'lblu.·,i b) t lw \' . \I. t ·. \ .. nh\ it:; :i .. u.:r c t g.1niz.1 Ul111. \ It .tb-o ~p .. l t• ~It dn· fall lth~·tim! of I hr \I i Hni \ ,dk\ Di \ i~io11 , ,f l ht.· \ n 1\ n~ 11 n l' ul p ;t n t \' q tt: r ~ l k ... ·t ~ ~ 11 1'\'lilllt'lld ..,HtS \ ·~~l1.iOll( II ,!I dH' 1 ~11}.~ \.\•UII\1\ l 'lnb. m·nt lbn~i\1, \f\, • ------·----------_..._ ·~c' an L 11 • ~..~t· ,\ n v .l ·1 ::-t :ntt. t:',) t· ~ht'\ el 1 ' tllt' S ~ lllJt<llhl'll\' 11\U{ttd t ,,f ,~ lli fl \lH \,i' \!lOkii\,J t\1\lllhl.tblt: lhl"lth.!ht~ ~· .u a ,l t. •. , hL·d ~ .11. " I [t'l\ 1 ~ ) ~ '~' r \(I{ :lhut.u \ ,,, u I t)1 i\ Ill i IH~ I \ I • ~ i \ : 1 . , .. • ) II\ (1 Ul\ • • er I \ -..· h.l\ 1, ·ntd , ,n, · 111\t' ·~· till"' t(' 1 "\:\ · l 1 llH' '""' l t.:~i '\1\.:C' ~., 1 H.e; lthrn I <'b- • rt'' ''· lr , f.·(.~ \~1.'i s l \ 1 'lt (, ind. • \ 1 till" i. .. , !}.} ()l ._\ tl. ~· \ (' , n,l \ , . \i nn.: c. .11t t\ '" uh .P\ 1 ·n \'hi .. iA un :1J··d th .. •t t ~..h rnicih-. \l .:t .n la,-it'• 1h~...· ttP'\ L~--u .~nd '. ' . " Cll thet · \'c J fik t' _t•t .~ 1', t h PH I e;·}' ''l t 1' 1 1:h ~ f r '111 J ~l , d,' n... . \ kn h d l' t·ub t' d.> \ ·~.·n .. ~flw 1h' ·i, . -utn 1l i~:t.tH.: at hizn C'i{t ir on t uruing '·H·n h .... '"'~..:=- \Yh' \l"'r..:" m, Tttl • l ~. ~., Pl at '""' tVJ'lin~ ti L~.· liuk lc.:l- \ l .t{ ~·'-, \ 1bcrl ~.IP '\dtt'• h ~.: Je n ·d ~ e 3\+~1 r·uth 1 tt$ hi .... lin ':! • • I .. ~ . I , - - ' 1.. ' • FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH i Bl<1:·, n~. _'\. 1 nl td. i n e 1t)C•m • \lr~ Jr· 1 .ltd ~1r. unJ ~ l r~ . Ed- \1 o:-or·in;z, tt .,..k lheir · ; Fl1 id d~.1··in~ the lancr ~·c. , '· i. :o~er. .I · t:· wa;:;. telling ~ .I ' u c ... 1::!. hau t 1 he trip, .:t n J .~ u g-d :rh , !H>: r ... ,:: bill_ ~ tc \·e a . ·~ L· ·en ~1n. ranc:e f .. ..._n1 r·~t: ..::wuth!a nd. ..- l··:r brill.! me a baitre oi \·ater ' 111 ll.e Fol.h.tain '- f :Youth." r<:-nlied • .. . \to ba~ .. een a Champir·m .:.ince i,nJ O.i. rnan rur:ner 1 not to the -. ran:. • . fr. nd ~1'r'. lfrcd nder on en­i e. ·heJr \-ar:at.;t.:~n durin!! .~ept~ tnber. .r . \ . . . \1 '. . l . t:- • : i r1 . i r.,... Hll 2 . . • , ~ vo. 1 m? c 11 n e • ..... 1d they dtO'.~e throudt tf,e • a ·t l~n.ut'ful mount;in --ect~< n~ a~ ~· -:: .. an' Li. torical C<;Jlt:: r c.. f the • o:d I ~ '1l!r.:Gn . FOJ' R · _ .:r -J> uon: f n· , me r .r \"O me~ . Cn-:.J le· -Jy rnodcrn dnd con-ni\:: L. . a1 Cit tl e n ai~in!.! oc. k. Fe )R :-- L1·~-"l'~ 1ce a r ·~. f land c.u l;. 'le R .ad t~\·, a 11d : he:tlf ; 'ldt..s f f Jffi I am ·h.rm. . · .. · I I ::t rt .cl ~ · ( · ·. 1.1L-I ~ Oat 'f! ( mr a.lv1 - axc,pl • .-:,nc. san f ~e t Afiu;. \ l1~, l' '·,·n hi tlld :-idt~ ki t l , Jim R:1 j 1 ., • '' ,,,jd h, Yt' dun' l'<'t •xt ! • » )) ... < •• I• 11H'. b,y : l )ick ;\l:•tv it and • l t'1l Llt tlS .til" l)n\' in t 1\t k s .~m· ~ ~~> t '1 ' t ~ c .1" J 1 w m l • · r · n f t h c ~ 1 J e1 1 d . )) \) (( « l l p n l ' h .:1 p Ul. '' h 11 c '' ~ t <-' r, . n tt ~I ' t \I) 1.: '1 t it. k c~ i ~ f P r .1 t~ t' l' at 0 It i' , ~ t ell ~ ' f •1 d ~11 t!anll'. ll oJ~ l he ho~d (!nod l11 ·k. ' ' " )} « ('( Fl lj ,,l,·t vi n. he,nt.•r...,, hdd two r r"1 - ' • n ~ 1 P he h :• p l' r d u r in~ 1 h · 111 < 'n t h . ()n~,· "·H~ the .trti\.,tJ nl H dau!!htcr i.l( I11S IH r'l~e;·. The nthl'r was h1s nH·n1 1wt ­~ hir pn tilt' t{.;a rn \ hid1 ,,, nn the I Lun­iiLPll ~~1fLbJ ll <th:ttnpionship. 1 ncid ent ­alh. FJ 1~ cnn ~ idt• t ed nne oi Lht.• he:H ~ h n t t ·to f'S i11 1 l a m i l Lon . )) )) <.t « r ,·crv body · ~ cong!atulating J ohn H ;Jrn,c~ anu hi .\lachi ne Room tealll. · rhc:~ tl~ $ cn· c it for the fl n\! record tnnde in the l han1rion Lcagu('. WANTED: THREE LOST MEN ~fh ret· nLher men from 0:o. 2 :\·I a­chine.~ Room also \·cnt huntinQ' ncnr SomcrYille-F.arl Stani [cr., J~ ob~~t and D. RileY. They all got lo t and \·v~t nd e r ed about for t,,-o hours, lhe Ril ey:s look­ing for Earl ~ and Earl, tiring, sitting Jo,\·n ro take a rest for a time. Finally they met again, Earl carr ying a gro~1nd hog \ bjch he had captu red. DAUGHTER TO MRS. MARSH J)nu~l"s ~Ja rs h and l\ [rs. farsh {fr.~rn1e rl y Rita ~fa r v i n) a re announc­iu~ the birth of th eir first born, a son . in \ l crC\' :F-Io~pi tal. on Su nd ay-, l ep­tt: Jnbcr 22nJ. l-Ie ha ~ been given the uarr1e rJf .\l ien Dougl a~. 1,he famiJr re~ ides at 345 Liberty 1\ \·cnuc. ROCK IN CHIMNEY cl'(jf~C Rhodus. lllillwright, is an in­\' t;; J)f(H uf nc, n11·~n a hil ~ty when iL c )ln -- ~ lo me hanic . hut k1 ~om c tbingr h:tpp\,;n ar hurrn.:- \.\ ..:II he's Like so maor of u ~-ju s t I<J~ L. 'T h t:; c h t m tH~} i 1 1 hi ~ horne h ·cam c ri<,!!VTd \itiJ s r>f)l cd1d (il"f,rw· enoer ,..... '-r) -c t'' dear it 0~1t. ltec,J a tope t >a large 1 ,c:k and lr-tl l dl()p. R esu lt: .. r hc J(J(' k ~~ t jaJnTncd in rhc c:hirnw..:y· and C c(JJ_!!e. had . to t·ar (JUl ~~ I at t tA th~· b1il:k t1; g<·l I l fjJIL ~ · r,~u guc si.:cl it- lt(• bUrdv \Va ... ote. • (11) (jfenn '/A);,.tfey iJ __j/bdo C~tz,6h, U cl£ntt Gl0"nn Albert Wirtley, 15 years old son of John Wirtley, No. 2 finishing, and brother of Leroy Wirlley, old pape rs, was killed in an autQm.obile accident September 23. when the car he was driving went through a ience atd stopped in a ditch. Glenn being caught under the w-reckage. His skull was fracture~ and death was practically inalantaneous. The you.nq man was a. student at the Seven Mile High School and extreme ly popular among the boys and qirla there as well as the older folk. In addition to his father, mother and brother, he leaves his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Pyles, Somerville. and Mrs. Eliza Hoel. also of Somerville. Funeral services were held in the K.laos Funeral Home~ Ha~Uton , on the 26th, with burial in th.e Somerville Cemetery. DAUGHTER TO MRS. HART A dau0'hler ·wcjohin o- ei <:rlt t and a 0 ' ' 0 y half pound ·: was born to !\ Irs. Ray-mond J-lan, wife of . -o. I 1nacluue room o iler, in ~ [ercy 1-Tospita l. The fami ly rc~ i des a l 1223 Rcsen ·oir . trccL. 'The\ h axe two nli1L·r children J ane: l\ nn 3 ~ and J ackie. 6. McQUE£N'S ARE HAPPY Bert i\TcQtH'en. \,). ~\fill , heeetm~ the fa lh t'r uf :1. bah) <--rirl in SL·ptcn1her. J oe \ l d J11 e<:n, \;o. I \[ncltinc Roon1 . is the l'rotld gt& lh..ll'atlte-r. A NEW ARRIVAL !\. l r~. Codi~~ Ca tli fT I"'''H'nLcd her l,n .. hrand. CnrJi ~s . ( ' \I ,'n t tint:", \.itb a .' pttllnd h ~Lh) lut: :-=.(•ptetnbrr 1 ~ (lt VL<:n) Uu. piL::d . • ar en ers- 1nners- e a · ---;...._;..- ·rh ~ r H \ l h (If tlt I! y (' ~· r --1 no 11." h • :don~ l...:1kc IlnPn. l~u,· Cnmrtt"~n I: • anLi nn: trirnd:' ~et ottt PtH' murnin~ a11d "ltcn dh: da' wa~ IW(:r the,.· had +t: ~· ... t1 r L: l ' 11 t h'-' b(.)t tttm t 'i tlw1 r he,~ l. ,,n. ~~\. $ h1 .... ..ttT', JiLln 't 'C t'l t ht..' kagt I it tir ·J fr, m h~uling them in. 'lhe Hat R W1 ' t Club. th:n nuun J av • l unch~' n dub (the :~qud to t ht! Rotar) l'iub) '' hid1 I Ctld:" forth at the Cafc­tc :·ia C\ cr-· Jc.iY. h a. .:orne ta 11 str>n· u·llin~ 'l1t:mhc;·-. who not onlv. "g i ,:c 1.hcir fnenJ~ the truthiu l ( ~) informa-ti~ n but aL''' confirm e\·erything pc r­~ onaih. for the' :,t\· the\ were luh nn\'- • # • • .. • 0~1 l he rnt. Tom J acobi ran t! n inLcl-ii: en\.·c quiz in the fnrm of a '·\' b at'~ Y; ·r _-arne .. contc~l \'h ich cau,cd the r .~Ji:ically inclin('d members to sec rcJ . Ray ··Ponp Deck Pappy'' Kohr promi'e nnt rn call any more \·rong number~ a1 Bingo ~ames . for Ray ~ays lre I ad to burrow a comb to straighten ur hi~ hair a litrle after one of the lady casi. customers claimed she had the number he wron~lr called 'vhich wou ld a\ c entitled her to the moner . • P . ~- T he Ea~lcs p resented Ray "n:h a pair of gla .. e::. "I he Pc:·nn,· Tc )-.~crs '' uuld like for • Ra;? to Jrn1 thc,e '-pcctacle · when measuring prJ .. , ihle tics between pen­nit~. R~y~ penny i alwa~·s nea rer t he line ~· hen ht· !!'t:ls •Jut h1:> rule a nc.l d(Jc 1 h t tnt.: a 11ri rw. .._,_ , )fl,l/ Mr . L&71 Guttlaph. n<.l ltiU uthl £ 0t r GwUlatJh. 111f ncJ d u hh r ol }: • l ulllh)J . dld• tanl i«~r m rr !>n lh, UY• 1d h n . Th Gu~lllfl r Itt t Sfb l, y11 n a A 11 uo. llanv t ~tr will ntH\ dio \tll for a lJ ;.t•mct ( nu cha rgc for f r<'c ad­\' L' t ti:- ltll'). J Lu n il\ .., i1 t ( ,,,~ hi rn two ' . . ;·~·~ r s to do hi~ J ri llinl! nnd m.tkc ''P h1~ drill inlt CJll t lit and hen 1\' i ready for artton. )) ) ) C( <C • I r. l LurJ ic ha · 1t cJn I he rr t c,f the fcl lo" ~ in that he has a lc)t (,[ nomad bloud in his makcnp and he ju 1 can't ~ Lay rut. J r. is Lite Ca ..... (tlll)\'(1 of the ' ht·ct :\ letal Dcpa rtmenL )) )) « (( \rhcn it come lt l bein.g.. rcc.l hnt ha, <.'- hall fa ns and long range prcd i c~e,rs the Ci nci nn a ti ReJs ha,·e nnnc hetrcr in th eir large following than Bill llamm and Bill Rc!!an. the Ca rre n.ter D cpan­mcnc mnchine opera tor Simple On \' illie's return from his first da ncing lesson, hi$ Aunt .. \ mclia in­qui red. "·\,-elL \Yi llie. ho"'' do you li ke ynur dancing le .. son ?' ( Oh,'' he replied. •·J t \; ca ·y. All you have to do is turn around a ntl keep v,·iping your feet." • 1n Girls! watch your step. This tJ.mdsome younq man is Fennon Sowell bo w ot o­No. 10 machine in the colti:ng mill Fenno::1 •a the son of Nellie Sowell. No. 2 Cut .er m· spection. a en __ _ B,· EJ Y tllt's • The Charn1' iun Uu\·ling Lca!!tlt'" a rc '"'e ll under \>n l\ with ten tcarn: in • both the men's and ~i r1 ~· leag-ue;, get-ti ng a fine ~ t d l l . ~c~me fl 11e rc:cnt d~ hn\'c bt•cn maJ (' In· tlw itl li\ idu .. d'..: abi lit \ ro bn" l <tml • ah.(J ~c• m t· frt·dk tt.·cnnl$. )) , tc « f•. tlwt ~ II l)ldk h.~: ~~ IT(tH d rflt ' ru \t1td puzzlt•. \utkt·d whik \Hnd­ill". a.nd Blnndit· l .• l H dl'l 11 1.1 1\ h.t~ ,1 l l'~ , nt d j, 11 tl ~t· lun "''-' t h i id t' uu t h1.· .dk' .. ' .111J ll••t lll'C ·., lltl\ "" l1cr f,•c t . l h'l' \ ,, ,., (. \ H••u tl lill,•) i:\ lt.trin • t11 ''I' :cn.l d••\ ll:s .111d JIH. l;,•lfl' l tulll till' •) 11 11,1 !I tt dt•\ ll I t t' t :~tlt•· l ndd,•u, '' •t C• C ,JIIII1(1 t1l tht• l •tl\'' 1hi11l tb~tt ~ \ I • I \ ' • 1;1111 I ).\Ot l l l 111 j llll.jt I ltcJI kt (11 lu• IIIII)!,· ) I ) I 14 H \I l ( • .H d I II" I { dl) I IIIli ~· \11 l H' t ~ l' \ t'l th• ltf" oJ( till' t H I \. I Le rill l·11 1 k tit I ih lH'l· itUti ll · tt•I .. ,J, bJ ,ll•r\ lr n l • .ll!l (\ t'll tlt ll P'" l Itt) 11 11 11 '' I Ill I. tf' l ~~"l l ' · (l2J T ht• ~al ·~ l't:an' ·' :nak:· · ~ 1 • n ' iml'tt·~~iun t \ th tit ·r -;hJ ·ld. ~ \T up tht· g' ( \1 wotk btl\·!'>. \~ .... bmi~ • ' l'h 1 P~,,n·r T<.' till I, 't" b\:• \L .. h ... ,l dt•~t' ''=- th~·il 1'' '' ., ,, liii ·nl at l"rc­(' 1\L ' l'lh· \ u.,•lln\in.;.: T1·am i .. \t'i~ut"·"l) . 1, ·~i"· .d \,\ '''''-'lh.l,·r l 'l '!t ltl·r fu. 1 \)I I l l l t\.'l'. 1' "· \ tdt \ l\ll •tep ''''t\ \• '' .1 \ ~ I :n '. 'l'llr' :o.t'-t Ill\ i, tall \lHIII f,,, l·~, dl\ • pi"n I~ '''" h.·r ..... , 1 '' t • fl: ' 111tt til ... Lh{; .1\ 1'l . 1g1· lr 1 1 lu llH 11\lh "\tl I"'' rtl\ 11 "ill f<.'l I , •'II \ 'Hill ,t nd bl·l!iumt' · t <" t l lltotlth \ ,'\ill I•' II I•' f\IJilltl dh• U\ l.. l .lf''· lt, 1 \ • ;ich 11i 1 z '\,, .,' I• 11\1 hi 11):, 1 ,,1 1 '\II l'll ju\ tlJic \ ·''- 111"11 i l I til • 'I ' ~'~' · '''''· ,. • • • • • or \ \,lt. i\ ~ ~'\ 11 n \.' r. R ~ · ~l'T l F ,y · 'Ll l ~t t tF~ .' \n,J '\ .. n o th1 i. iP[ 1'~ c:~··11 dh · '" l1h th t~i l 11l· l 0l" \ ' 0 f\ f:l . r;~,'r:'. (h (vllf~ • it will l {. ,;ard _,...,,,·t • .. ·t·na= 1 ~t ;H ~~tpL·rinh .. tH..I"n( t\h\.' ;.: -- ,~.~': n lu l H\ \ e t•l \ , 1\. .~ (\ l'1 t.o p· _-vti ... , \llt <~. ('tdi juJp:1rt.:t t in i ·t d n ·• h .. ~~:u~ <.' l1e Ll'l~l lht~ rni~hL be ~H :ill'r T'n1Ht" tt.u~ ilnd pl~1~...·~· to tb~tuk 'fh "'h'(n ~P~'r'n '-"'ffi(iat ~ tnr ll:H.'it con­..- <-• {' ._tt' n of rh~...: '~ '~ l< 't..'t""~ "' h,) h ~ d t'" \.' '>t k v hilc 1. t1~ ~~on~,~~ ~\ "'' t:" n. t'l'hi~ '- i:-. ji ~' ,, , t'1tL'"·r l" ~r:rle "f £h .'. fai1·nc.;1!1 .~1·u dh'H.:- hrf uln .. ~ '\ 1i h h.a. k,- "lcp­e, l th(' r(\n1l"d r~. l.P}'\luH F:lP 'lv ~pirir. l.. \ } .... . 1 ~ 'l • 1 ' r ... l t"\0\{: !.H'){ •·t ~ S(.; 1l.. l C\ O<.!J ~tl The r'"""·(··tir.~ ... ofthe ba~l t!.'i.ln"s \t.'l\ nicch l n t1 ~' ~;<.~t· (1'\f the hldl by t11c ~._:.._"\,...'-' e:~:~h hal! tnn'n~..... ;) )) (( « £Jb\.!-ri C'-~t~k. c.aJ~·rHJer j"q·e:~n;~n . re­' Ufl , ~..i t• l-lan1ilt• ·1 i r~JPl f-1<•tlston for a "'nt.c: a:-;.d sr.· .lH a '~ ~~xl deal of um.e a: t: e .niH. 1-tan1ihon Chall)piot"'s mis.., . ,t-:L F.1be.:L b·!t 'H.::.h ,~ou Lhe best oJ it k in ·o~n t e,, \ enu.ire a t P asadena. S/J Scoop on. Pa:Jaden.a W ~ hate to acoop Cfut' d.of#D lll Paaa ­de)"--,.. ca, hut w e 1) ILOO""W them a picture as is a ~e o1 one o f their hop. aHd tnt7oduc.e tl huc-tJ Smi:Jh ftw a few bOUJ'a ot his .f.a;rcri.t~ pastime. No:--.n that BWch ia n ear t.b.-e Gull. hf: and ~ f.oika oben get a ya~t rsr Lis.hJJlq SIDcu;k... oT whaiov~l' the"¥ I..LBll ~own thele, a.tlci go ~n for re al ~bdl . '&ut¢h '• dad~ 'Wb.o alto b.ahes, b-uata. aad tab baseball a.a.d poll~p $ u w.i1b me p ~et\l re. • I t 'olt•t) i ~Ut H.i~h ('I' h.\d. hi ~ rinurc I J Kt~ J) '-\' h iJ C' h j 1 1.: h 'd t ) ~1 'i'\. \.f ~ P tl d (I \'i. I'·)· 11 o t ~I' t i) 1 glll . 1\ r k · u . • t~, \" n ~ ·. l-1 c i h> llP1\ ru nni 1 y .a !;1'\ 1 u tti1 4 A. ~'1. In 1 h ~ H1nrnin~. ( l'hl.~ ad has bt~c n paid .) U l) <f K A_, t (~.;rr tn~._· t SJ'C0 t l his la. L \l ll l: k­cn"- 1 at ·>hi i l niv<"r:>it)' >vVtlh his d a u ~ h ­t ~: t:- H\' l l~. th~· o~.:~,·asinn lrci n~, l ~d ·~ .Dtn-. . 3nd ::t .~... Aod f~l tbaJI )'am·l". .r ick \kl a-.~ l ·fl nnd R:l\) r icl i ~ .:tCC0 01 - panied \ rt a nd visit ~<.l their da.nghte t'S, Ouri$ \nu \lc l'" a:;son and htrr j a11c Pi ....: k ic. U)) (.(~ 'ollnwiug is <t p ~Hti a l li st of (;lHlm­riun IHllll~fS ·who f ·eLlJrned wi Lh Oill so rnnch ~ · a squi rr I tai l: I rene ,.\.-hi re.., \· <.~ n. S.andeli u ·, 'Rufus 13arger. 1 I o , F nn:1l" l-li ·on d idn't even go sq·~.l i r re[ hnrH ing..- because he DOES NOJr like S\.f. L~.i rreL 1:'-I-onter La rimer ha. been gone for t h ~ past w~e k on a business lt~ip ·ilo the P rov incial Pa per Co. Ltd., Port Ar­th~ H, Ontario Canada . ).) )) (( (( Mfh anks to Clarke r [a rion a goo(:l ma ny people on t bi·:s side of rh~ n1iH had an opportunity ~o .shake h atJ-ds th Gov. Br icke r. T-Ie \1va s Cla.. r ke'·s g uest a-nd did. us the honor ·of a trip th rO\ tg]1 the miD. )) )) <C <C ' 1''h i ngs ·we would like to : • I C~;6lmfion o Ch.ampion:J Here's a Champion amont;t Champions. Roger Lee Hammons, son ot Mt. and Mrs.. John Hazn.L mons, Shandon. is .on·e. year old and can btaq that.: flis uncle. Henry Hopkins, iS in ll.oll Storaqe. His an..nt, T'hel:r'qa Hepkins, is on C M Sorting. His uncle, Lyma BrCiJoks, is in Research. His uncle. Cam Brooks, is in Roll Sfol!aqe. he'll personally be one of us in about 20 years. ... Tus-solini in the ring \vith J oe Louts. Frank 1-Iixon ~ s new: teeth . Sven ~· atldetil.JS on a bicvde. Carl l{ ihn getting his ·ha ir ·washed or we-1d even be ~a,cis fi ed just to see hin1 s:i.l lin.g 1.rp st ra ight in a chaiT wi th hi·s [eet flat on the tloer. • ·o es ----~----------~---------- B'v Fehx F{a r ri$On .Cokli ron advis es. all :farm o,,·ners ·not Lo perlini t Ch a.rl ie Siebert ro hun t on t heir farn1s. La ' t se ~ ·on t be q uier (.)n e lOQ~ a shotgun and; a box­of shell.. and made a fa nn look like an £ u rop ~a n battlcfteld . (S kjlJcr=-:- :'v1an o. x sa .v s lha t h. e can alwa-''S t h i;1.1. k of a n' ood reason for cum-i, n~ horne l a~e-L\VO days t o<:> lat,.e. )'") D (( C( · \\~utt a.ny t.b i n ~ i uvc.nted? Call in J r,h n L. Deck . (_\d.) l )i cl n ~ 1 u~ R(:d. s c-Ol to town. •' ' l\ fr. C. Yonng: ~1 te big shipping ma o~ ~ r t.lll I he fir l Wt=aek C IH .l of Octl)be r j n 1ht! f.7. nt'Jk i e~.,,. ~ ~~ d ·wet tCh int')' the I' uke­Tt ·nr.c; ~~'~ .J,!acnc. ("';r,t .... p~ fwr-," tn • 1) f{j\1 ~ ~ t.. I;')!). )") , « Cit ··Ccdru;.·· Siebert frankly admits th at {13) he is the best tnan in the C ~I Shi pping J)epart o1ent. At present Cedric i$ t ry­i. ng to ra ise a f u ncl to purch ase a port­able dogh o t~ s e for Geo. \~1 )ta :t.t's fox ho und. 1.,be poor dog is getting old, a nd ca n't take it an~' mo re . )) .)) {( « orne 'fifth ·columnist rm.1st ba ve been at '' 'Ork on Lhe l'n · tn b€! rs of the ship­ping cl epartmenL \VhO ~'s.u a ll y- returned h ouH~ fre>nl the {oochadl ga rne.s at lhre'ft A. ~(. Tb~ other e\teni ng .ev<!rv one of '- - . .th ~Z o l ~l <•a nt, inclllldino- the wt~it c r '<\'?'as 0. • l } chaperoT"led by a }'<Jungs-ter. ~.fy,, my, hovv l i.nH~o do cha.nge. · )) 1) {( (( )) ) t « (t ] .<•uic fl eld C:\Pt:<' lS to. '>~e t he ~t~ t re l)a n'!c ... C ~u rgi r.t r1'et h gait\.: ~H .""uuth .Be~Hl . ·. rum ea s rom RhH:k-h~tir~"l .\ 1 !:'auer jni nc l Lh~ Fath~r·s Clu~ OH T tiC!-dCl ) ~ .. : crrtn1bcr ll)th. " h~n hi~ wif~ pn:~t nt cJ him '' il11 l big. ch·1~b) bab ~ l oy. ,\l tlrop t~ cd l,i.: bufiin-~ cloth 4lnd rushed out the ~~ ('r in Llh' w~~ hnu r~ of Lhe ·gravc- ,.. .3 ref' sh ifL in order to be it\. on the a rri,·al of ,·ou nc- T om n1\· ~ and the next < J • Lime we sa\ hi1n he ''a$ \· reath~J in £-mi les and tugging at the lid of a big • • • box oi CJga rs. Jack Kausel. the smooth-looking boy "ho " ·orks 0n the color control job, is a recenr graduate of Yale at _ ·ew Hav­en. I ncidentally, J a-ek was a personal friend of Clint Frank, the great half­back \·ho roamed eastern gridirons to All- \merican fame two years ago. ).) » « (( Young 1\,Ia rvin Kees is the original child of misfon:u ne when it comes to havi ne...-.. acciden ts . l(ees has been sit-tin.~... behind an automobile wheel since he was big enough to see th rough it, \rithour ever so rnuch as denting a curb or tearing the bark from a t ree. And nnw only recent I y. he was the pa ny of the fir .. t or se<.:und-part in two Grade A collisions within five davs. • J Su. aftc:r dusung the broken glass from his clotbe~~ and massa rri og' a sore ank1c. Kees philosophically decided thar things c0uldn't get an)' worse bor­rr) wed still another ca t, and kept a daLe with his bt:st gi r1. » » C( ( ( Z()U-pr,u11d Ror I' ell t:y, who is bt1ilt like eill andHjr 111an vn a tug-of-war te;1m, is r he bt t ··sh r)\·er wh i :, tl er'~ ~<vc <·~·t! r (.~tH .. ~c rr,~s . 'l'he 'A(lY he .tnll.., 1 h ~ J \: l·ud-Jl kt; IJ•J1lfit ,1 ncl tu r11s "'0 . .tner 1.1 lit ~ tm dw :>Ca l<·. m~kr• ., Binl! i Cr•J by c,uncl like ~~ d ud. /\nd R()> h .... a big f1islJ f,tc •, ;rud c t~ h '' h i..,l, • Leti r ligiJt ( Wel ' the l'r;pulu' , ( \1 rl) .. hairc.d fdlr.~v wl11) helps " ' t1.•i Lt~ n f,u r r11 1 clnus1 <:<,dl difl,, 'l 1 li i•~ ::-.t I•JII• d (tJ t}H· ,d1~1 J,. t ! rl!•fllh \"IJI1 J.j · ~H C.:' I !lf•;.u !. B<· 'V, J >:1n~,v··v. \hen J,, i ,, t J I}'! LIJIIJ ·k~ of t.:-•, r, .. ,,, • I t' 1 lllJ' I '{IJ! lw f,,, bi!S nta1 1~ 1 j rl ltJf flw dr11111 h~ fvuttd l '(lfili}' r,y,.,. l dtlf'jHiu t , t1 r; ~\ lu , r tt t~ ll 1 tf 1 N < , ! tl. J • n. ~ ( tt ~ .,. r1 v, 4)1 ld di [:nt c.. I} I) ft ({ Lt'JJ ln er itJ \ ·, f \Itt} t ' 11 , ,l.f '.. IJI I \'L(J is . t' l.u ,J...y ·t tul ,,,,:t lh ,, t•uw I wht' "t; l' ··n i n,i in~. him tl.ll l l' t: I . c i ·' . '\ J)} ":l}', '\'f..JI I • ss L. 1o U .1d1uit litd1.. '1 nnw.y io a HJIJ to J l)ot to rum oa ers_ h<· a bigger 'Xl ' l n than his da<Jd y. Lou \ l c)'Crs. \hr1 has the bc;x-car ~bo uld e rs and li h"h1ly bO \Ccl-le~ s c5f the Lypical football linesrnan, had unc n,1tablc di slinction in hi ~ .g.. ridiron ca rc~r. 1 n 1 he Ctpl:ni ng ga me of hi ~ s 'phomorc ycat at Centre college Lou haJ Lhe honor of playing 40 full min­utes against a great Univcrsily of T en­ne sec team. Before going lo CcnLre, ~- lercrs played at Hamjlton High witb J i n1 Thompson, who now ,,·orks on the color control. )))}(((( big hand to blond and broad- boulde'r"' ed Ernie Davidson, who left last month for Hattiesburg. ~~[i ssi ssip­pi where he will spend a year in train­ing vrith the National Guard. It s fel ­lows li ke Ernie who are keepi ng the stars .a nd stripes glcan1 ing just a bit more brightly {rom every flagpole in the nation . » )) (( « Paul I-Ia io is' operato.r oo the dr·um.s for the 4-12 shift every day, and dur­ing the morni ngs he spends his time aL Oxford completing his studies at l'vl iami University. Paul has outlined a man-sized program for a lad who only tips the beam at J28 pounds; but he packs plenty of weight abo,·e tbe shoulders, and we can just ee Paul rnowi ng down those final exa m~ with the same accu racy he uses Lo keep the shades right on the drums. )} ))UCC T he boy \Yhu's built l ik~ ~ Greek Cod- \fi k~.: CcHizzi . d:uk and hand· ~rJnH! fnrcnu t n on the dtum;;. l\riikt lta:i had ~\ rathl.'r \'c· r~<tLilc Cilr'eer-­drJ. I1l ~t it r s tar with r.hc ChnmpiPn pia r­e t ::-, :-o t t tt' fn(J1 h;tll twJ b tsl «:t ha ll. 3 1H.l (l g11lf plar cr r,r p ut ·. Hul '' in·nn ·r \ tt louk ttr Cr,t t l'.?. i ~ \' t • (:t• hi 111 ·l.l !\htng t h"' • u).! h ~t I H, I · n 1 u d, l t:. (' 11 d s I i p ping .uid \'l · tvin}! hi \ ay rl \ ll ltdd. Don't ,. ·n · It ·1 11m. It F 1 .Ill bit: \ i It n et f, • t ... t lo •l}l\ d l r ftk t•· IH \i llf I ll lti h~ ~IHl f,, " Jnunth. ', l ilt ~· \l.tltlll lit 1• inh·· til -, tlw f Lw'il) t, ~~it ,)r 1. tll111 ~ tltt ·~ '' i l'(T. n ' b., (( 1 t1 II t d ll . I II f ~l I {I ll 1 .I \ :1 ) '\ It Ja t \ i' l \' ~ . • 1 V' 1J I ti l\ t H Sc '!'I H' t hi H l, I i ~ k h ~ 1l • , ' I t w; b ' b i w c.: lf . rt 11 d '\ I ~ .tll• •t i · l\ H •- 6 111d~· l • l!ll iH.ltlt' II · th . l l ilt i) .1 '"t"tJ' ( '1' . Hut t>J 111 lp 1 , d ·\ b ni n h;. .111~ I hlHJ ,fl 1,; l ,tudJ P J P~u d \.\ hn s.~,.d, du\l Itt d ,~.. r )l~ 1 tu••lll llu·n w<...'ll pull tlw t\>VI' l. Wt' t thi. 1\ p,·~, rltt:r • Harold Wriqbt hu two. }obs. On& ol them is dabblinq in biqber malb~mati=s or qwha ... •u they dabble ill dowu in th!! s~heduliAq depa;:. ment. The o lhe.r i.5 trying to keep these boye from qetlinq him so all tired tiled e-v8rf :tiCJh•. Harold ca.n take it but whe:n fuzee lusty fellow-s, 4, 6 and 10, aU qet alter ?()U a1 the same time, any ! will admit he's CJ!)t a f.O"!;, on his hands. B\lt they like the ;ob. Here's Ha rotd•s boys op \he lawu o1 \heir C.oUege Hill home Billy L Tommr S, and Harold, Jr., 10. Ap pears to us like lhey'te waj · inq for dad . forever, and give up. BufGn cr tht! drum . . . l JhtUl\ 0 • • ~· chwab may wear ~P'<'S at·d 'l ·e a small bald spot tin hi, h~,lt.iril'c~ . tl't he's still cne of Eln1er ~e ·kirk$ m(•~t ' aluablc men ... \ lwn ;t L "-n1es to learni ng a j('lb quickl}, 1Pd tc3ch·n~ :t job to ~om~t)nc el:~. Johnn~ i' j · ,. about rhc be:-t iu the bu·int'5~ ... hi ... butl r I)Qn T rP\Itman ,, .. )fk$ en •und the linle drun:t \'ithtJUL an\ ·bin . .!"'t::: ~.·n\­ern: l with ditt. -!.:ft''\ .~, .HlC ~..~Jtin~ ... L ,llt"F in tht: sh "l\ t..~r ... tl..l\1111, V'r"1 . ·n t;.\ ~ h j Ill ht' !,..,.: i 11 g ~HI\ :111 d i It • 1 t tl ''-"' \ , ',· f hi~ b~td .... . . Le~ \'diU:-. \•tt i..: , th; \)i the f~..~lith.t ll in~ \Y ai11~,·t·tt-. ,,:li..J h.'''"' wnrn houkh:·r t'e{'l' "•r l\ H \ . i""'" "l ~ t r.ti;...lH ~ c.u.: .. L1.·$ t'kn c:'-1 \'Ud ft\'\tn I tl.)(> J~ . AT THE HEHL RESIDENCE Dian.\ I·.IIZ.lhrth_ h\lll\ s~. ~·l~tllhel t .,, h ~b \. • "~-\11 tP hie::." dh I ~\'Pt· PI \It .lH: ~ l t ·. \'tlli.I\H Lkhl. :-;u .. ~. unh F ~1(\.'L l ~ill i) in du .. d •lf'r lkptnn'''t\t ,tc\~ \ l I '· . H,•ltl i ~ dh· fc l lt\1;'1 l )ell i, R \I 1C1, t I • I ~,II l i l\b. I >i lll.l I . l h\,. 1\\ I ttJ llll\d, dH lit l, .\l 11 \ ll1..l\ \ l'lllg •\.'Uf ' c ll "' ul d. - -·•·¥' .,..,.. ~-- ----~ ·- lt Happ ns H t~ Too 1i<'' ll"L J~,.) ,,,u ktl•, lhn tn l"' liiH.:\',l'fh n { lt h.lit 1 d \lL'n't I til ''' hi ~ \if<· u !1 <: 1 1 11 r;, " h r ~ t1J~J \ h) .>Httt lt1 out l thkt. • ' CJL - - ·1 . Le-ft t-o r :qht. heat !'OW. Sam CoUi'9t.. Estella Wellinghofi, Rorollda Blatt. Hilda Grimm, Cathe.rlne 1obt Pat Go op.y• baclt r-ow: B. A. Ba~er. Phil Lodcman, Eilsa ReiJf. Clarence Pa:xlon, Ha~el Symmes. CUnton Dun ap. Rere is allotnOT ql'~llP o1 meu aAd women, who have b een with Champi,on- for many years ancl n.ever had a lost tiUle accidenf~ aceordinq to records iD the office oJ Ken Faist .. Hete the"f ate.: Cluence f'axlo.n. 38 yea~ beginning his employment Jwy 2.. 1902: Pat Collopy, M.a.rch 4L 1910 ~ h'1io.~ G::tm..m. May 2'0. 1912; Samuel Collier. Tuly 2. 1912; B. 0. Barker. Auqus't 15. 1912; Es.tella Weilinqh.oii. Oc-tober 31. 1912; Phil Lockman. NG"veTo.her L 1912: Cathe rine Lotz, Novetnbe'r 19, '1.9~2: Hazel Symmes. ~ember 23, 1912; Elsa :S.eift. January 6, 1913; Cfulton Punlap .. January 13, 1913. and Romilda Blatt J\ltarcll 4. 1913. \··rue [)ei:.o:t. rcnov\'ned fo r his Stii!?1t!.'.J' o( the leather JungeJ. \-a rieLy, m:hOt:s ot ~ htch tul\'~ been known to rt>Y<:l hera~e as far a-s the hills o f Bank l.idr. is b-\..vmi!"l·~- a man of .Q..... 'ra\·est con- ·e:rn. T~e}n : 0~.- ', cs. FEs old- ,,;){¥l:.tcr, w:1C' a~\•ta-ys h<B daddy :' '1'-\':cr her difflc~ lt schrJOl rn:.hlems, _ a:-. reac; cd the rtrir)d v. here her more a a·,-n need querit:::i are q- 1i Le t.~.nno~ ing if Jl· t ac .. JJcd ,. cn_barrass mrr. T'tJ s.olve he li1J.ation dnd ::a-.·e h~s m~ n face, ]Bill ha;: in·. e ~ te! : n a ne-v{ cncyclQpedia anti adu;\~ed dt:ar claughlt:r to lr~ok up her ~Jwn ~1y· ·t:r;r ... a:: be: "·ha; n 't tin1e to ot hot1H~:-~.:J~· . 1n a..ident:alh. ·. bi5 dau~ 11- » )) « (( S~ !v f>~k!<Jfl. of \he neif[Jlbr~rin•,l ClJl­ ·~:·:. ,\·a~ c.pJiLe imrrcsseu b: lhe '\:orJd . er~e-t) ;co, t: bl"~a r·l~ o• ·~leo abeut the • rn;n aL sl.!'ri ·~ 'itn e. • v!in~ the c us.- tnrnar R. lL .. r Lhf:' ~a rd. sh{! re- • Q.ark.ecl. ·•J kn(J¥.' ~hnt..R . .F'ancl fr)r 1he Rt...«:i:.: b~, - I n~:\c; he~ 1d of Lhat T-I. E. T_· ·an-1 1~H·~ ~;--· ·~vin.g tt; ilfl~ t did : ·c,u;: ' I . ~ ·\· \''·t'f. ·;1 ~uld thdr bao.(;LaH ~ Thom.pson ·Calender youths of dra-ft age ate wondering jr( their R. 0. T. C. and Boy cout ex~eri ence of days past might not e nable the1n to gain captaincy ap­poinunents, too. \~Ve a ll wot:tder ju st ho\.\r that is accomplished. • » ')) (( (( As usua l the advent of a ny hunting season is occasion for n'ia n y good .la ut.._r, h . T'he recent squjrrel seas0n had tts ~hare. Cha.r] ie SchelL 'vho just knew the J<.eds would "-·in a \·Vodd's Cham­pi< jn:;hip SOJTte d-ay, '"'as up brigl~ L and earlr one . . I\.L and ready to set out after his quota o f four said squirrels. ··Don't gel any n1eat fnr bllpper today, ( .e rrie,'> cal led ClJarles. '·rn bring plerny oi fresh squirrel/' \rife Gertrude LO(Jk Chuc.k 's \V'o rJ [rjr i ~' t.tnd waited fnr the tn ighrv hunts- mah s tnJ.njph~n L r<:ntrn . A-s t~h e scorv r<!a'-.. hcJ vr,ur s;c::rib<;, the Schcl1s n ·e $C'fHirre1 at a down town r~sl a utaJJt lnt{; that ~'' fUlin.r.r with VIr . Schell ta lkin~ 'old ).fr. Schdl a silent p1t ttrt<:~. )1 'It ~ « '] h<~H t:h ere is the c~ sc oi "Sh(Jfl y'' (15) • :ANDY LEADS DltlVE B ) f hr~ lt tl:tt' thi ~ i ~ print(•d th , clrjve pf the I J.clltHIIt) rl Y. ~~[. C ·~. fo,- l·I' n1 \v· •c; 'viii h,n · bu.;p ,n1kd and thoe · n· · ull ~ 1-!en T<t ll )' knoW tJ. I h1(,v ., ·~ •. ·ve tan ;~,, rt ~ J,, TIP\ ' dtHU ( ' h~HHJ'i'•ll ca 11 he pt'Yl.Kl o f the pt.~lt it touk Ul the Uli .r •• t\ . ~. ntf l~ I SHH, pc: rsonnd rJj 1 t'ie1 r1r. wu~ hr·ad ol d tf' in · ln S'trt ~d :'JCCtiou t,f U.w ca1l1f•:tign ttnd ci• :H ~:r<' d 'Kith getting rqrnc th ~ n haH of d rc ()~f) members ~t:J,ich was th £.: g'nl.l ftf the drivr. In ll:uniltnn CL¢t ll11'ion 1wn tt"'an1·-. • Wl'lC riTganizrcl v.·ith )( :1}' Ljnn and Efd.o tl Lenhoff a b. chairnH~ n . ( )n 'R ay1 ~ t~am we re P a ul HreLh t, C 11 rJ Kihn. ~'l .J. rk v\'i ~e, rack Hlackv\el'll a nd ~n Eldo n's tca-r:n ,·,u· re l\ h ke fi ;lbcr, F.11gent· ll tt h f u"' c 1 I 1<.)\nt rd .:\ '1 a rt in an cl J e~s e l{ur ley. ! ecdless to say there "va~ keeH tc.Jm­nct i·tion bct\ een Lhc: Lea ri1s for first • place h o no r~ . Profe !}Sor: Er-cr. 1vly Dear wlJ~t's the meaning nf this vase of flo w-ers on the table toda Y ~ \Vife: 1\.l! eaning? vVby todt:~y's your wcddj ng a oniv~rsa ry. Professor: Indeed! \VeJI ~ well., do let me knovv :when yours i:s so I may do the same for you. Purpo ~ e is what gives life a meaning. -Parkh.ur.ft. r One man with courage makes a ma­jo rity .-A1Ldrew J aek so·n. Saylor who s hot at one rabbit six times last sea ~ on and then sbot his doe- for not caLching same. "" l) )) (( (( October the fottrth found Don ~''RecP' BegJey di spens ing a box of cjgars to his fellow calender n1eo. reminding them that he -vvas the proud pappy ef a seven and one-half pound daughter. D ofl says, "I-Ier hair is redder than n-ti'Jil·e". And rhaes red-,,.ve 1nea n. )} )) (( « Gordon CastatoF and Roby were among Lhe many who saiv the final game of th€ \Vo rld's Series. Gor­don and his contingent worked until eleven P. 1\.1., and then went to Crosley Field to be uce -to see the gan1e at I :30 the next d"Y· 'l'hat,s being on • t't rne. • ·One roar a[ the la ~t \'r orltl vVar Cl'tded the Reds \VOn a \~·orld 's Ch~.t1l­pinnsh i p. ro·-~ . in. the midsL of a.n­otht:. r wodd (kha ·le. tl·-u:·\ win .'\l'lath~r . All <1f "vhich j11 ~ t ahoul. mak a~ then1 eligib le fur S<~lTt 11alt er's w~ll kno'\11 cohll J it-~> l r li.:tppe.;ns Bur Once iu a I. • d. . < ; '1"l' ..(l;lC ,, • oung This attractive looklnq young miss is Gladys Younq. aqe 16. sister of Mabel Alle11, CM sorti.nq. Gladys attends Hamillon Hiqh School and i3 very popular among the students. LOTES BUTTERFIELD MARRIED Lot<:~ Buncrncld . C !\ f sortinrr. and \ fi ::.. -\ 1 ~ n Gan·er. Okea na. were unit­Ld in ma.niarc .~cu rday . . .'eptember 21. ut 7:30 P. :\1 .. in Okeana. rhe home of the bride. · 1 it';- c:njr,~ ed a honeymoon trip into Ci1w1Ja ar.d returned htre H, take up t h~1: re(')idc:nce on th~ ~1 ic.lJ i c t r>w n Pike ju:H <iUt,idc of HJ.mi lton. where 1 hr ;' an· 1 l.:a l:d tt.> rnc<:r rheir fr i cw.:b. FRANKS-LUNSFORD WEDDING J ,~Jitr titl altll'' 11 c• n rn i lwi ' ' ~' lt1:!Uc (ir t}.r- rnani-a ff' ''JI All 1 \J" I f() (l r \ II J .d J I (1 1{ 11 " J' r ;)I d ' d ' Ill' I h k I ( ,, ~ r r . r 1, ,, ., 1 · 1 j u 1-: • rc ,, , H l. ·' 1c I,, , 1 • T, • l o l1. J ~ufl • · J.un fun.!, n. 2 ~ta h . 'f lw .. ,·t•dc..linj.' I• ,,J 1lac,. in l n}ut''" ~nd 1. ,. It 'II J Ulll}-1r• 1 1),!\ 'J I\: Ill,.!' ''' dHII h1 11W .•ith fl ,, ~ 11lc' lll'llil-• 1. 1\ ) t . I .Hla.rftH·~ I rl ' ''" t.f J•,lr l1 J. 1Jn lutd . knr•l.dJ I•J '''' ' I ( lna l• f•jl,ll . BYBEE·WElSLOGEL NUPTIALS Jj J.tdic· ( ~•b, . .,. 111d l·d•.ll \ \r}l - lc'.t'"''l: 1111l• Jadin '• v, c·••· 111111 d ll r Ht ' l l ­ll. iq.. • l'» ( }.._fql, • • > .r J-t ,,,, ' li•,..IHIL I >. ' l'lw•,• L ~' ' ' • 11/t' t el i t : r htHII • , .. , ' l!ut1dl \ r•nllt' \11 1 · ll •r•· d · •I ,J tt ) • \· ~ ft.....,I,Jl •ht·rr r,; Hd • o c 1 a 0 SIXTY-FOUR GIRLS ATTEND FIRST CARD PARTY OF THE SEASON Tht.: ftr!'t carJ party rs( d H: sea ... nn f()r Cha rn riCH) girl \-\·as hekl j n the ral m room of the 1-:lk 's Club, _\ I <mda y, Oc­tobt.: r 7. J n the britlge ~oct ion· ftrs t: ~cco nJ and third prizt.:s \- e re wnn by Esther Brend el. Bcu y tephcn ·on. E.t hel Cur­reJl l, :\a ncy Ga rdner. ~ l a u d e Zi c~e n­hardt and Frances f o nc~ . • F irst. second and thirtl prizes were awarded in the 500 ect ions to Eliza­beth mi th, lackit.: Sellers. Rose \' al- • le.n Cde Su ndcrha us. J o \.Y eigel and Ge nie Compton. Ecl r the Gerl ach was awa rded a beautiful housecoat as a door prize. • T he following girls atte nd ed: ~ a ncy Ga Maude Ziegenhardt. E sther BrendeL Ton ie i\'larvin, Robcrra Cald­\ iVC1l1 Blonuie Lauderman Edna Kunk­er, Ruth Brown, Clara H a ll. \Y a nda Howell, Loui se B ri ck, Do ris Dunlap, Catherine !VlcCloskey, Jea nnette Gar­rett, R uth ~ e in , Sis \Veil ancl F rances Deinze r, Helen RosL, R uth Gerl ach: F.thcl Current, Kar \Vat .on ~ Frances Jones Betty Slephen ·on, Betty Ill ncr, :\ [ rs. Brovvn. Joe llibb tella P e rrine. R ose \"a llen [nna H or l c~ Anna B rown Edna Riley, Bctt}' Qui nccy. ~e rtie C(JJn pton. J ackie _.. . d ler . E .. tlh.r La ad­erma n. ~ J i c k cy ~hi r man, Lit C:ttnl ­bd l. ~ J rs. Koehler. Elizal cth Bos-: . Huth ).fc Ei ta\ c\, l n·n.c Helton C race Ifdtnn. lo Punia . l nna .\ dams, \ Ja r- " g~t n:t Bcr k lw 111 , I I d en Pnwcn; C'l'l e ~ S11tHit:1haut-. L Hl i o.; l· IJ uLIH"it, l·:li'l.•lht"th Smith. \ <'l tn,J l b ulq, J n~.: \ t•igd l I a ;.d \ I n rr i n, I k lc 11 B J, "ltl\ , F ~ h t h t ' (; ,,,J.,\h, !\ f. tr Rr int l'l', \l \ r r L~.: nht) f, , ~I • ·II I \ ... IIII I ~· "uII ' I ." ''' J \ i l\ I 1\ :t tl , B I. d " h t' ' '-' \. Ill ( ll I , " ·q .\ II.: ll H i 11 ~l· l ' .J n~t·t•hi n , A"-·ld t·}, J lekn L liW.•, 1\ ·,tl'l I I 'Ill'' r, :1 n, I \ ~.I. 1, .t n . BEYNOLDS-BONAR ANNOUNCEMENT It . . 111d \ It . \ llli "'' P q liPid -. ;1 n• . tlll lti l!H "II IJ' lh• Il l l t l l.t ~ l' ft\ \l ~t•i t } II 1111 f ( ll d ·' ll ,-I II \. I t , , , . , .. . ' I (I 1·: •• ' I L' 111.1 1 1 f lt ~ij' «'l I toll t ) Ill\ • !'I tt; 111. t' II 1 •I' •u•)' I' J ,]l~· ill \ tll 1,1111 l 1t\ II . 1\ 1 11 ... PH I I l\1 II• II ' '· 1'140, tlld ll.ld IWt l l ). ,.,., "t.:' ' ' ' ttt llilo•'\, ( I (,) MRS. LILLIAN RING HONORED \ lr and ~ r • . f· ln··d .\ -j e arran ·d ,\ l.l f( ri ( f cHI~ for ~.J ·... ..he· l cr. \ lr ... l..i llian R1n '. C \f QT in . tc: cc e­bratc her bini uar anni\rcr a•·f. i er admirin 'a ll tht.: f rett.)' trif : m I ornd "'ames were cnjr,} td ar.d a det=ci .. J .. lunch was ·en cJ. tr, d1P foil wing: .\1<.:-, r . nnd .\It. c:!c.nk ... H 'lith T~rn· \"i Jliam ~ ti ei 1. \Yin; ~ m ·~ • .a· m· n. (J~­car .\ she, (hade- h.inzcr. \ -[liiam \ fotzer. Jr., ~It \"auda R in~. Elrn ; Haddick . 1\ltitt..t .\h:Cormic ., Ch r­louc ~che1dt. f ack. Ra I ph a ci R1 . T erry. Lht5 \'aitman, Cl.arh. ... K nze;. Ha rry I inzcr. Jane anG. Ianct ~1r tzer. Eua Edw:HJ:'. Florence· ~l cdri~k aod. ~J r. and \fr . Fh.;\·d .\ ~he . • MISS GERALDINE HOLBBOCK BRIDE OF ARNOLD BOWLING \ fi Geraldine H. lb:-oc -:. No. 2 son irw. and .\ rnt"'ld .B•j \ lin~ w~r;:: rrl~­ricd . .'awrday . .. 't"ptcmber 2l. ·i ; :.0 o'dt1ck. in a impJc b\l. r-ru· \' ·c:-Y.\:C in t he home of R~\· . H. II. \'d:h. :\o rth D Streer. pa~tflr of tht! \Ye-~t ide Bl l'1i ·l chu r(h , who n.· d (.he • SeX\'ICC . - ~~I r. a nd \fr . . Rfl\' \-eb.:-.~r. brc th-cr- in-la'' anJ i$£t'r oi ~h~ ~fl rn. wert: a ttcn<.lont s. · BCirh the h1id'-' an~..l \lr. \ \ -cb,tt· · \'l)rc S<Jidier blue cr ·pc f rr ·k ~. _\ rc 't'ption \ :t - hdt.1 in t~e h()n t of the l ri de'' ~ parent~ f~..~r rcL ti\ t.'" .Lncl fri en d~. MRS. ROBERT REED HONORED ~~ i~~ l ·~dn 1 K tt ll~"·: ~In 1 \I t·. _lp .. ._ phirw \ ~,.·,~d j,,itttl) •nt Ct n ·d H t part~ .11H.l 1111 · .. ·t·ll.trh ,, !:> .. 'hH\ <'1 Thnt :-­d: t). ~('f ' t~;' tllh\.•t ~ I . in ].,,nun·!' l't·l­tuullt ~.,·, 'tl 'l'll rilc.'nlin • \l t:'. ){ ~..,h~,.•tt R ~,·, ~.I. .1 t c' c.'tH ln iJ,·. . I r . ~-.·h. tt k ~ R cttiH't', ) l i,, Tl ·ltn • \ t•il tnd. ~ ~ ~ ·. ~Pl' l\ d \I h\u•t\ H.l \I t:-. I>.Hrc·ll l ~·lti\Hl \t'l'-' \illl\t'1 .. •>l d ti J .llll\ ,. {l t \t 'h t ~~ il\ \ .lld~ \ 1 1\' hPlll tlh• il J)\'•\f \'I~' "\..\l{ t.l .\ H HIHd .I J'H ttth .. k~o. I'J',IIt.•d l d'k· \ ht:H.' 11 \l di~o ittt t ~ ltllh h \Lt-. ~\'I ' ·,l, I h t,,~~ wh11 c'nj''' ,•d d11.. .. t iL it \t't'c ~; \ l i . l )o li.s Dunl.ql. \l i .. J ,,qj,,· lttH·k, \ IJ .. :"\tt·ll.t l .t\hh'lltl,l l\ li , P ttTh { • 11. \ li .. 1·.1-., ."qtp , \I I', J ula t l•ttlt un. \ Ia. .. ~ 1\ \1 \' llltllP \1 tlhl \I t s. l' t•l•, t l ~ft'J ' I n ,, .. ,,1\ .• l r\1 \I t . \ dlt.u•a I i\· / t'llh It .. J I ELIG TFUL PART OR C OLE McMECHAN \1 ·~-- \. 'Jrdlc:- \k\l C' ) tft(t•. :.ud ~ P n f h~ "''- l ""·~ 111 :1,·1 r'•'I ~\Jlar h1 i 1, .. ,. t't". \ :l~ th~ r '<.i l'' t "nl , ,, m~n,· l( ,. ~ Jy • • ~d t ~ :-.·tt urd. ~, 't'['H't ,\ht r 2,, ;n ,\ rni ~. ,·ll.HJt'lll :- 1~("~"\n.t ):.i \~·;i fl"u hf'r b~- \l t'. R?vtn\1,\.l n .J:·tk.t. L\1- _'·tmr-bc 1 \ \ .._II tH!. \i ~~- I .tttra L\:h·hc. \t i~;; ~k\1 ~­, !l;1 n. \ l 1 ~- R'-'l \.'rl l.\)nnt•ll :n'd \It "· . ,rn 1 \.'::~.he ,,. l' \ \tnnt>r-- ,,f ~lttl,LC­, l\ ,· i liz~~ in c.Hd~. \ J,·\i'-i~~lt!' l { :t ~ch ":-t~ sen cJ tt) the foUo\ in .!. :\1 ~-- ... C..:..i\)1<.· ~I c \l cch·:tn. l· th'\·~ · \.. \ 1 H nz. \ l . a nJ \I r~. '] (1111 , ·,,+ e. H ll' l (·t.~..·h r. \li:ss L a\lr:l 1.t l"('1"'c. -r\.)ni Ld ... ct-l'. l r .. ~lr. :lnd • \', .... 1 ·bt'rt C nil'h"l! c~ nd Jau<'"lH<"L ' ~40 :1 : :· ~· \ l. . anu \I r~. F \ 'l'C'U Let $Ch~ .. l)l'lr ·d1\ L~..·t~L·L~, J~ck L ct~~he- . Ever- ~ ~::t L~t:. ... ·he 1 . .. anJ J)c-au Ra rtlett, ·ani? n \1,·\l · d~a'l. \tr. ,1.nd \lrs. t :, :·(. '~ 1 l :.,:- ". ~ l ~-s.. \: d lie ~I c \ l e­, h.: 1~ • \ t 1 :\.. L t.:~ n ~ L ~ t ~ d c . J a c k. Ban­lel L 0.: ·11 Ba! den :tntl the host and h ' ~t~~ .... :\ Ti· . :in~ :'d r::.. R a'' Ban lett. • Cor.nrlirt~entit '? ~li~s ~I.e\ lechan . \I =-~- Ed,-..:·, r 1 P fb nzer :t nJ .\1rs. Lntt is P1 l .... :\ juini~~ ent~llained at~ pan~ in ~1r . f·fJ-<inzcr·s ··'-'''r.c. J)cre:\a D riYe, F.'\!·J~ \ ll H ti~ht$. Tl~c honoree wag nrcsent.t.·d \~Lh a hand.;;nmc cockLail • t a tHe . . \fn:~ - e~jt_,~·in£! .t: ·· ... rat plea.::.ant hours ,,( catJ' J, de.i<:i•}LlE dutch lunch was e··n:<.! tu .. he fo!li)Win~, : ~its _ l c- ~ L... : d-:· n. 1Jr. l\lunz. \lr. a nd :\Ir ·. k c ert Connell. \ f r. anJ ~1 rs. Paul h ... 1n~er. ~.Ii"". and \Irs. Charl c- \Ic­CieHan. _ f }s~ TJi1.ahe:tb \bran1s. Ga r­land .). Iu T;Z. ;.. Ii:-~ R (Jrnilda ~·Iunz, and P auJ,er. MRS MacMAHON ELECTED ~ I r;-. lJuncan .. ·1ac~I ahon ~ '·ife of C" 4mpion purc'1asing ag-ent ac 1-Iamil­.• ~.n l ha. bt!en ch <.~s cn a director of Lbe H arniln,n Training Scl1C• ll for Girls. 1''hc school: a ~emi-pnblic in.,titutinn, };a~ for i1 :; objecL 1he redemption of \1 ri.' "\'.ard -;::::I .-1::,. and l1as done a f1ne ' \·urk i r tLe ge neration ince it was fottnded. J-.{RS. BAKER DIES . Ir ... \ ~dtha \. Ba ke r, 35, wift <A (J_"i:l r B:li-er: !\ l achine Shop, died Oc­Lr. tber J 3 ahl:r a n ~line :; ... of a \'car at • ~ he~r hvrue Jtl:ar ,..:;OlTI~rvillt:. S1le til •.) l~a'\'<.;. a daughter t Hinc: a son: R1chard. p. brother and a si .. ter. ;;en ·!cc .. ,.·cr~ held r.Jn the: 16th ·. ith burial ;n Green .vood Cemeter\. • --4rtner - (}eorg-e 1AJeJJing Parl'j A very pretty wedding was solemnized August 3 in St. Veronica church when Miss Betty Artner became the bride of James Georqe. The bride is a dauqh1er of Murna Altner. C M Cutters. LeU to riqht: Theressa Artn~r. Steve Artner, brother and sister of the bride, Mildred Georqe, s ister of the qroom, and Mr. and Mrs. James Georqe. • OLIVE GILBERT ENTERTAINED ~ Ir ~ . Oli,;e Cilbcrt C ~ L soni ng, as. i~ted by her daughter, l\1 rs. George l'-ra mcr, entcnained a grou p o{ her fri ends Friday evening, "cptember 201 at a hou~e warming in he r new ho n1e 630 ;\rn1o Avenue. ~ J rs. (ijlbert was prese nLed vvith a beautiful g ift. Games anti music proviJed happy diYer , i(Jn and prizes were won by I iss H ilda < ;rinun, :\fr~. F lorence ~,1 ed r i c k, \1r&. Thdn1a HoJ•kins, !vi rs. Lillian Ring: " nd .1\I rs. \ ern a R o~e Cors 111. Later in the c\·coing dclic iuus rc frc~ h­m•: lH s \ere sc• vcd . ' f'h<J t; who ~· nj oycd 1his a1f,tir were: ·l, )renc(' !\ led rick, ivlaJ)' ll r;\atd, N1arit.: Crcn ·es. \ 'crna Ru&e CCJr un. t\ I a r i l' \ e g ( . r r h l: I n I :l J I ( ) p k j n ~' J-j ell t i e R nbhin ~ t b eat riu: .\ 1.<..:Kc:n%ie, lkulah g canr, Rub~· Br,les. I b %, .. 1 ' rcrnplfly1 Carrie F~, ri ~ , Lilh ~· R a in ~ . Ljllian Ri n~, Doris ~ fcGreevy, Lucille Scetnan, Hil- (17) da Scherz inger unu the h ostesses l\ l rs. OliYe Gi lbert a nd :\Irs. George K ramer. GRAMMEL-BEYERLEIN WEDDING l\1iss Catherine Cram mel \Yas u nited in marriage to F red Beyerl ein , hip­ping Office. \Vec.lnesday cpt~mbe r ll , at 7:3.0 o 'clock, in the l•.vangelicc-l"l Church o f the R edeemer. R ev. Olh· er I [ o l LZ re'a c.l the double ring erv ice. 1\ Irs. . I b e rt Betz, accompa nie l on the piano by ~'e s l ey Bri nkma n. s;u1g " I Love You 1'rulv" ·'J\ t J)a\,ning" , J and '·'r ht..: .'wcctt ·t , Lo ry Ev~r 1\,kl." lVIiss J-fclen l'd i llcr, thu bridesmaitl, ·wore n wi ne r~d suit with bb(:k acccs­suri\! s and ~ g~u denia cor$'lgc. Robert Gra1nmcl, brodH' r of the bride, w:\ b<.·st •nan. n.:ccprintl '" a~ hclu in 1 he ho1nc o f the bride:\~ parent , a ftl!r "' hich tht couple left for a wedd ing trip . ELLEN JEAN HUNiER BRIDE OF C. M. SlRK The ·n;tcd Pre b' h .ti:\n church \'J' the :-c nc.. of~\ \ 1..' ~ prc-t ty \ ~..·J~;lin!..! ~at ­lif ... "X ~,·coin~. Oc l <.·~ r : . at half ,l ft<.:r • • ~ix ,_.~\·lPI.~ '' hc:n \fi:s Ellen lea.n tlunt - • ·r, l) h~,·a mt' the briJc of Cha rlcs ~ l"h·i n .._ i 1 k. Dr. ) . H(•\' ). k Elhimlev • • r rcaj the: , c.~n ict.•. \unnnn Ao\ c..·r: mingkd with the ~re~·ncr~ of palm· Jlld [erns to form an ~'fcniv~ b,lt'k~rou nd for the .. erv·icc, • and th\! licht of rn ~ riaJ tapers in sev- Cl -brancheJ candda\_)ra shed a radiant dfulg-cncc. frank .'choller prc .. ided at the organ a.nd hKk ~lurray was Yocali st. Cor­del ·Erp('r. 0 11 . Robert ] ohn"on and _\rthur Pouer \n~re ushers. and Donald .. irk. brothu· of the groom, was best r:nan. The l<.l\ ely bride was given in mar­r; agc b~ her falher. !\ liss Betty 1-Iunt­er sister c,f the bride> was her only aucndant. A receptlCtll was held for a bout a h tndrcd gue!>ts in the r\ merican Legion home. Recci\·ing wilh the bridal pair were th~ mothers, \ Irs. irk and :vlrs. H unter. The couple later left for a ,, cJtlin~ trip to Florida. _,l; ~s H unter \·as honored at a pre­nul rial pa nr when .\I iss \Yilda Lo­hieda . .\1 r~. E::,thcr Cressel and ~ I iss • l a r~arct ~h.:cd combined hospita lities at a brcakfa:)L ·howcr in the home of ~ [ iss Steed. Lo\·ely ~lift~ w~·rc bc~ t owed upon the J "pp~. h•Jnorce. TIHJs-e present were: \ l i~!)c Carole :vk\l ('chtH11 l uue Cetu- • dilL Cl1d rloue Clins. \ Ia rgic \Yil$on, Jl Ulh Hu i)cJll~~ ft:n:~a Staggb, Hetty Tw n ty-1hr , yuaraJ aqC') wh~n T&tni.J6 t- i•~l y, No. 6 }J p 1 m eM. 6. w JJ a HU1u- od<Jf:fL ) e hnd CJ.fl ')tpr 11 Wl9(;J1 whtrh ho \l d lO d r ~1 .bout tn ~trt:ot~f.t> o£ Colt tt .,m,.. TCidoy, nc;-w 111.1 ~tJ.& A flt1, hu d ugbt r. ut 16 month11 old, hu 901 h t • 1 ew w qon. too. 1lm r.over qot dd of hlt little r~ 'NICJCJl JO w• here ••• clad and dauqbter and the w•qona. Jhe !:volulion o a 8cJ,'# j Smile There isn' t one of ua who haan't watched with deliqhl the everlu.tiolUI oJ an mfan 's - ·1s. Here is one of the best examples we ha ve eveT seen in pictures, a.o-d Gtto.rqe :EDiD9ton. o. 11 beaters. and his wile. the parents of Timothy Gerald, lo say how lonq 1t looll them to c;.et the proper group. In the first picture. Timothy is just s itting in his hiqb chair aa contented and thovqb· ul a::J a mite like him could be; in the second picture. we can see the beginning o! aometh;.;,.g that q.iYn warning something else is going to happen in that slx month's old face; the third pictnre 9bowa that Pop or Mom evidently did somethlng to brioq a bland smile on's .lace. and in the !om-Lil and las t picture. Pop must have stood on his head to brinq forth that loud quifaw wh!ch you nn almost hear as you study the picture. Hun tcr: .13etly Leibrock, Cons tance Trownsell, Jenny Di exl)a r ~ J-lelcn Say­er.,, Alfreda vVilliam·s., Naomi Hinkle, J uli.a Glins, }viarie Kea .ting~ Helen Fisher ' Alice I-Ioga n ~ Elsa ~-ehr Eliza­beth vVenz, Stella vVell inghoiT, I rene \ \ihite Esther Strapak, ~~[rs . Harry ~~ra rt1nd a l e _'irs. Fred Lohiede. ~lrs . I \Yaltcr Getz, ~·1rs . Arthu r Hunter, :\lrs. v\'illi am Green. ~·l rs . H erbert Crea g-mi le, l\1rs. Don Richardson. ~ I rs . \V a lt~ r Faber.l\ l rs. B. \ ·. Leitl1cit ~'lrs . Paul L" le and ~ [rs. \Villianl .~v[ayer . ~·J is · Hunter was showered with lo,·ely linens for her trouseau unday. Sepu:n1bcr 15, when i\ Ir . Thomas ' imrnon.s and ~· f r ... \' ilb,tr ?\layer com­bi ned hos piLalit ies. .. everal plea$cU1t hmHs were devoted to cards and da i nt)' r~..·f resh m.en.ts were served . Panicipants were ~ l i s H ~l li LCr , \. li· · Jane Loui$C Conn augh~o.n ,. J r ~ . T. J:· Bnus. !\ [r~. L1tcy \ edt man, ~·t r$. Cbatks Limerick. ~ L r " . En.: n:tt l vin.-. • \f r~ . \ ' ·rna \'<l lker. rtJu.l the h os t c~sl.'!>, i\ l t->. Si uunuus and \ IJ$. \' i.lhur .\fa-\'CI. \ lr . l.or~tt:l n t't'hrll:l ll ,\11 I \.bU).!h ­H ' r R utl1 h ~vc n.:IUtl\l'd ft u lt1 lllit\<li · \•II<'Jl' thc\t \i sitt·d lt\.' 1 hu -..b=-1 nd f,,, ' c. Vl r tl ,1 \, \'tJ in ~<·pt~mb~ t . - ., -... ---- Items of Interest i\1l ild red Bonh:rson. Offi~e ~pen;. , week in the mokv :\ lountain . . • Betty lafTorc.l ha reu..rned from a rwo '' eeku \'3Cation. Freddie \Yilliams. Office . .: rent two week: a[:\ riami Be~ch, Flo:id:.. Helen ear · and J eaot"tte Dt :\!ar ha,·e retu rned iroro Turke\ R " l . 1:;te • Park in l ndi.a na '' h~.-e- th~~ s~"~ent thei r \ acation. Elsie ipp. Offic~. has. r~nll n{'d 1 r ' a trip through the .. ,.n\."\ky :\[,1\:nr. .1" and Canton. - 'orth c ~rohna. wheH .. .. h<:: , .j "itc.'d t..he Champion pl.Hn. .\ nn j L·nnin~. ~ Otftrc..'. ha$ rdnn1• I lO work a it ~r spendioo- lt~r ' .\c trion iu . fidligan. ~· Bell\ L~ihnxk. \) !1i.!2e, l.1~ r turned fn)l1\ a \ 'cll ... lll\' 11 in \'i$~.,nu-.:n. :\b J ~ lin t• lk~~)lL·Y . 001\.·~·. h.\· rd \,Ul­cd ir,}m a l\d ''l'd'' \~H·1tton i 1 \ \- • • gn11.t. \lddtL·d \l..tHilii.!. C \ ·l ~n11in~ . \.: 1111i1<.'d in m:trri. L to \ ilh 1111 \ lndw. "\t~ t u rd ~ \ . ~\.'l'ICtnb\.~r~l. in C\,\in,~hm, K t'lllliLl \ . \h. and \f r:-.. l ht Hh · ... H urn ~ 'H~r~ tt' 1c•t r :nt~n'-t .tn~ '. --~~---·--·-·~-~---·-·-ft---·---•:-- SUGGQESTION AWARD~ 'I \ldl 1\l'l'IU l llt' ll \.'.' JHJ c ddt·rtth \'ilHW f1fllll d t1' ·, Htrl\1 q , p.tllhrt l ll\ r:nll\ uf .t h 11d. iu a ·1 \ ~t :-. ~,- i1 ~. Olh' • .1 t hn'' i'l' td ,~I« 111d d1• i11 r\ wlli\ h <•J 1rn• . .'d li lt" 'l'lt\· l,ill u~,-~~}~ 1\, .lrdc-. 1,,, lh·ll ful • • I .I I' I\ I fill .111\ .. 7 "l_ .q ,j, .tl ~ I 5ll0,00l L H ·· '; , , flIt;' I H • '• I '·d hi 5 ,.< ot n p \1 'lt.Hl , ··wJ ll l \ P itld \till d· \tt l .dl \I.H lllll l h Hlulll 'i if t 111 } rtl t: ·• ' l'ht•ttl\ 1 ·&di l l\ 1:1,,, • 1 1\l..'llld l,j ht· ld r.t tt ttlfl rl ' r\1 1 11 l i&r\lult·cd in '"u ll tf' q J ~n nt 1hinki11 ; •. Til t·•t h~ .,uid. :· t."d J'l~~ I ( I I{ Ill\' l.i • b l } lt • t '\,} l U t ~ b ll g (1 , (lQ) t-i lJ ·~·~· I klll.'\ \H'I'\.' n udt~ ,lt ;.1. IIWt'l 1 \~; ''1 \. ) .. tlh· t. l)l l lll\ f t ll' ' ~t-phlllut'l --=': • l • I .\ k l\. t 1td1 , ... : ~u .:,~t Slh'l\ ,., SP'"'' tlf pn ·~·,· ~ of b Hfll l) ~ ilt l )I\' ~ { I ;I t } )1..• I'·' n n t\'IH. Y, l 0 • \1 ,11\•ld \..~~.. St~.·th·i l th\ ltltlt >l , ' .!. F t~ld 111 ~ <...~ l.nh 0 1 l' <t .,, l' '' ~ w n h i' d r nl\ , 'f. . • -............,, _..... I -, 'loUIA.( F ~L~ '1'~.-! ' .t I i f. l' ' ' J".I'~O:TY '""t~ r~. ,. ~ ', • .r Gl.. tAt!" A·" ~ ' /tT l': 'r! ' ;J;"f'l 1f•.l a • 1?' A c.. . C u~· ~ IF'I. ... rr ._ .._ N ,J ~ (1¥"t'_}r .ST'fUh <-.A t ~C/f!'o.fAN SHO.l't-J' , ~ v 4 e .1 ~~ #£•1 1'4&7 ~YDD 0 ; ~H ,., Nft, ll -~-----""' ·--r~- Jnf'IN fl~; .,. , , · • ~ • • • .• [:' {)4 I' ' I'Ot 'IVIJI ~>1' I ' 1'1 ~IV r 11'.~4~.-,JrNt OON " ., / ,•,',J-t:,.a ,,..r .-.".. t, ... _,. ...,. .. ,.;>* . ... ,-.... -..... ,.. - -, ....:~~L ~ ~ ~ ~ - ,... ,.. ~" C Alf I. ,,,., " .,~Jill'(" J T (t'Ml1LC J)(./,t IA/6 fl VC/tY ,J c ,N ICI(/.J' f)l.lCUSJ-101\1 ,.... --~ . --- "'"' .,... .... -­""" ........... _ -r- "--'----­" t.*.."...' -,.- .. ­_ ,...~ ... _,. -~--. I I . , 0 c,; J IYb IS!1"l"N f. /'tiS~ I t~----~--------------------~----------------~~~------~-----' ----------~ Ct.f\(~lf 1"10.1"(11\/S HPD ~ SQVIIf;fEI. Cl'i HIJ .PACif • IU Pectrl Bnr:n ~ ~? n 1 "C\ era\ da) s 'i~it­~ c.- irie~ .. :~ in L<-Ain~on , Kentuck~ . B ancl-1e Hen l1as rcn#rned from a n'OL0r dlit~oug-h the Sr,~all er 1- Late .... die ... pent a week 'i~it.in6 friend in K enrllcky. i<m;i Carte.r ha" ret urned after be­: n.~_ ti ~. er-a.J month.: d u<· to illness. 1cs c Furr.e: h ~s rev• rned ftom a :-ip o Ca n.acla. Kuth f ad:s(..m h as r.enu~ned [rom ~~ n .h Da.l:o·a \a. here sh:.; \'as v ac~t:rn- · ann:€' Becl:nf:'n ~ncl ~ lerle ~l~;n­t;; q 1e ha e H:l urned f rorn K <...,.., 'Y erk ''· here th t..: tsst...:d the ~\~ r;.~dd' J a; r. R(,m:ida . _nd(:rtau., ha· h<.. ·u off frorn y;cr~: s~~.: ... r.aJ · ~ck.o.; ()n t...C\.:uunt cl ick-nes~. Jrcne Uradte,r e.ncl G:rl!c.c ?vl JJan;d s a:e··- recuper.· t.i .ti'~" <tt Wei r hul t: iter maJ 1-r OJ ·r.atlOil • J} rt!e J)&;:\.·i .. rta h f!.e.H ~o "JJt sev­er I n · ;tLh. :c ~o ilin~· ~·.! _ Jlr. ~:nd _1; . I any (artin hav(· returned from a motor trip to Ca li ­fornia 'vhere they vi sited widt rela- Zc-na ~ fcGee. , nu ned irom the Yi reinia Bt:ach. C \1 Cutters has rc­' moky ~ f o untain s and 1~he girls on Luuie·'s line prese ntccl Harriet P atte rson with a beautiful pUr:>C lO neptember for a going aWtl)" pre .. cnL Patty. who has worked on the Platers fo-r l 7 year , has rcti red and is now· making- her holnc with her '>fJJ1 itl Colurnbus. ~ 1 a ry Overmn n C ~1 Sr,rti ng was prcs c:n ed \dtb a gift fron1 the gi rls on -T(J' line. . 1arv, left Jor Ca li fnrnia w.hcne she i~ makin~.,. iter home ' ith n(~r husb3n I who has a po-c: i.tion wiLh • rll · go\· ·t rllnent. ( ,\;O,,rgia J JIJ\ Jt l y· .. Offlce, has b~r n all srnil ·s. hHt~ly-tbt~ r<: .. ( on is 1\I OtL p.r t· etal(;d her '.\t l h n l>r.::~ntiful d;&lln-v nd (1ft~. t~t·arl B u1 r&~ 1 <-nt L !JX i:r" ~f. .)Jl r ~fl I ll(:.)... \ • # Pea1 l . fcdc uud (1•)) have return ed from a tnoLor trip through the Smoky ~ founta jn_ Cum­be r ia nd F a ils, ~~\:vfoun d Gap and oth e r jn tc resting roiot . l(ay mith, Xo. ·z Sorting, . pent a very pl easant week . \isiting friends in P enn "ylva nia . Laura Beach, 1\o. 2 orting. has re­t u rn ed a r tcr a weeks vacation. N[rs. Bro,vn, . ~o . 2 L ounge, is back with us again after a weeks vacation. l\Ir. and .l\'[r . R obcrL Zimmers ha ,-e returned from a two \vccks va~:ni·on . CAL LEADS DRIVE FOR LEVY Cal k i ll m~n ~ pe r. onncl department a nd rnember o f the f-..Jan1iltPn Roar-d n( J~:du ca fion , wa the specia l gnc .. t \~[on­day. Onobf•r 7, of the n u inc..", s and Prof C$~it~na t \'" omt:n '$ Club. C~tl ·p lkt fHl the [)ece:,sity f ll the ·· p~ ... ial { \(l tnill tax 1 ~,,. \'hich t h~· bonrd 1, "' for • I f<trnilron r(•r npcratiun o f rh·· ~ch,Jnls . J I<! \.: .. ·plai nc..:d 1 ) the l ~u ,..rc ~r()LJ~) that ttnks th · k\V i.; \t~tt'd~ it \t il bt: u ~ ('- , c. I )' lfJ c iT~<.t man~ '-·~•>n•l:nic~h 1l1' n1•ht gb ri H('l' ~lf \ hirh ~-ill bt~ a sltoncr cJH,ul h.·rm c.r tt b sh in all ~" 1::-ri\, :-; ;rnrl :, d · ~. fi c cutta:lrn(.'ll ~t s~htc)ul Sc 1 VH ' t~ • • _And £njoljinlj Jt Joof At two yea.Is ot age Mr. James David Cooper is showing some of the aptitude for water wbic:h has made his dad. ClifL or as we love to say. Baldy~ known throughout the mill as a love.r of boating, fishing. swimming--or just sitting by a creek and dreaming. The young­zaer irs happy at Oneida Lake. New York, whe-re Mr. and Mrs. Cooper and family had a cottage during the vacation period. The Coopers live at 447 Cleveland Avenue. WALTER FERGUSON DIES FOLLOWING STROKE \~ahc r P. Fer"'U~\.111 . 61. a member • nf th"~ H"-un ihon Champio11 famil>' fot· 32 } ear$. died in f <Jn !La milton Ho$­pnal on Stpt< mbcr 20. a few days a ft er he hacl sufft:" rccl a st r<,ke. .:\1 r. Fcq.:u-on rr;s.idcd iu. ht Y .. \ T .C./\ llc hac.l re ired fn1m sr.:..v•;ra.l ; ~lHS nt•• > JJ''}';lltHH:itl. .Jr. h · r~u·r,n. lnulh ~ 1 11f J lt,Jlt ·r f• (·n•u ·l'm, I itt( ( h· Jttpion 1 vt::t hllt n i 11 • f .... h.,dlic ... :ill ~ . \. I le w~~ a ~ I •· ( Jll , h flJLJ1) i ~t· t/( tht· \ lt i li.\! ~ l. tllh: ilt hI , he I t.i:"'LJ.:S Tt·mr .. l ~ r. (Jl lfgt:' J· "l g ll,q'l': ;\.1!1 I UJC h11- i 11 g "l' 111 : 1 s u 1), 'I t1 w , .. ,, . ' 1 I• e r ,. .d o 411'1 IWfl fJdwr II('! lt~•\ , 14 • .t fl ( ,tl .t.s,J.t. ;1 nd Lt.t lre, kit. d t• J L-; 1 ttL and ll11·t·l· Hi •-t' ,\ l J. I.t cd HIIHI '"n J l uuilt,,u, I r . ( , ~, u 1 , c .I o h ' , o 11 , ( 'I h' i n 11 11 i , ~u ' I 'llt'~.J lirt I· u q ( 111 ( 'c Ill n ·cl ictd . t 1 \ It t•-.: \'' t lt I, (.! J d j 11 I h t' ( ; ! i •"' Jll (' l 1 ; 1 j I t I F U!ltl'd Jl •1111t •HI d~~ 19th :uh.l dl ~ t , •lh '.d{~, u1 11.. , Ia. n i tit.- ( ' lru 1 i 1.. • MRS. CHARLES BALDWIN ANSWERS CALL Of MAKER De;tl h ( •II ~ 1 o t,c;h y, ().etc..~ be· t 7, d aim­c~ l \ l r, . Ho11rbnn Uald,\in, '! l. dfe of Cha rlcs BaiJ \t\ in, '\n. 5 P a f' r 'vi a chi oe and c~rtor1nist fvrTuE Lo•;ot Cul\.l­l'I O~ A C"TJVJTlt·-;) '' ltr ,sc dra\ ings for eight )'\:.1 r-s han: been of gr<.:a t inlc.·rt"st throll~hont the n.ill. • ~\:Ir$ . Be:tkh in haJ been jll fnr nC"ttrly a year. and for Sl:ve ral mnnths htr ltus- • band and a few fri enJs had known ~he could not fi~ht ofT the ravage of the c ·~ di · ·ascs which had stric~~n her. SrecialisLs called in to the case. made ever-v effort Lo reli eve he r suf-feri ng. which she withsrootl '""i th great courage and fortitude. remaining most of the time in their new home on R. R. l; near I-lamilton. Her cond iLion became so criti cal on OCLober 6 howc,~e r, that physicians advi ecl her immediate removal to ~·I crcy rio pita l, where he died at noo.n the following day. Funeral services were cond uctcd in the Cahill Funeral }lome on th·c 10th with burial in Gree n,\-ood Cemetery. • In addition to her husband. she • ]eaves her pa ren(s . 1\Ir. and ~Irs. El-more Siler, and two broLher and · two sislers in \~: inc:hcster . Kv. ' . MRS. REBECCA RETHERFORD 1\1 rs. Rebecca R etherford. c 2 died in her home in Crittenden. Ky., Octo- • bcr 1 0. She wa$ the mother of John ~ Retherford, ~ o . 2 BeaLer". and Emnry Retherford , Comers, and grand­ll1 f;ther of A rnolcJ Retberford , C ~ 1 Calenders. 1-ler sons atteJ1dcd the fun ·ra l. held in Crittenden. MR. J. W. BENZlNG Syntpallt) wa~ extended during dH.: 111: 11Hh to l ~ n:rrt t P n lt,), Stnr~rflum, bl·­c. au:-e Clf 1hc <h•ath of hi$ fitlher-in- law, I. vV. fJen7i ltl.!'. \ •lr. Jh·nzing. whn w~ · 75 yt·.Hs !lid , \ \ :ts known ln llltrH.I t,•dt­nf 'h~tlllj'l'J l h in II Jll\i lt on. AT SAFETY CONGRESS D1 . I. Jl. l•'tl'ddlirw,, Jn\ltl -, tJ irll Rt>­l; ttJ..c• tl., ''·' il'l ('111\dltl {h..:l nlw• 7, ti .'ln l 1J .lthlldJil~' •wd \ ~t-L1 t \il patt 111 1h , ~III PI:tl ~'CIIl\ll ltrlll t.\ r\11 ) " 1·diPl l. d ~~f · t)' ( \,u~ " ' .. \] r,tT lt l,(l0ll dt·lq·.ill• fr• .UTI rdJj•'tl t r,f t h1• (•lllltll\ , , .j 1 •t ·d 111d ntr11r tl, .t\ ( ,l)fll) . tllt'n~l ­ctl 1h · 1 it 11 ·1 di •l•• 'lui\ o il " I 11JUI.t ""~ '11 d c.wbt.. ... ~~ r \". rdt·Jit •• 1 J'h1 di f•l I1Hl }\ .. • !1\ .. l\ l ll l ' f,l f- 1 I I ·d I 'b 111 . ~~ rt, " l II H' ll n ~I\, I ' . I H' l I,<; • ) ) 1 • .I· 1 t ·1 h ' I i p t' h' 1 u ·· ., 111" u l 1 I ' 1 L ' · 11 a · I I I! • •tl • ' ~ It ll I I I • pt. d, . • MRS. DEBORAH KRAMER DIES AT AGE OF 41 'fhc dea 1 h of ~.'1 r~. JJ -:bor~ h Kramer, 41. 411 Lucll"~ · t rt,et. on '~ t tc n.ber JCJ. caused a shtA.k througJ.o 1 • Ch ... m. pion, wh,_ rc ~he had been ern lo:'ea fer 22 } l.:ars C)J) c .. r and ' . a. 2 - I ill Ctlt· l ·ts . \ I r~ . Kramer·s f.L5band, J f<:~ :='~- dh~u zn n.:a rs at."1J. Proud 0f rH:r farn~~ ' ., l• v cA t\''::J ~on" and a dau. h er~ he t.!X-tended c. very d1o~ trJ hcnrt hem edu-cated. 0• c. R(_~bert, a .£. 'rad !.la e of be Hamilton Hi~h Sch(....rJI. join~d i.l e t:. :. ai r force last s.o ri n-z. 1\r:othcr ... on. Eugene. "':a., graduated from P ~1rdu~ l : ni"· in J unc and imrnedi?·c:: went lO Tcnne~see "- ith on\: o~ t"; ~ D, Pone indu&Lrie ·• -\ dao~htcr. _ Ia~·;. • and a gra11dchild reside 1n l-b-nii n. . Irs. Kramer had onh- ocen ill a fe ~· • w·eeks. .. he had remained hom{: fur some time but wa.s fi11a!h· iaken to ~lercy Hospital. · Servjc:es were held on the 21st iu t.t-: \Yebb Funeral Home. JAMES E. HUFNAGEL .f ames E. Hnfoa1.2.... el. 65. R. R. E, Ha mi I ton, fatl1cr oi Earl Huinagd .. C ~~I Calcr~der di-ed in ~d erc~· Hr-~­pital cptemher l ' aft~r an. illne:s c i ~ eYeral V l:a rs. Ho\ t'Y~'r. he t ·I' h h Jd been bcdfa$t ,en~n "·t!el,..;, \fr.· Hu•­na~ el \ as a m:(chtnist. Ht: l.~c lea"\'€' ' . a daughter \1 rs. \ lfn."tl l'hn.:l't\ n. ' . ""' . anJ tine~ .g.. ranJchtlJr.,'n. ~enh:es "' ere hdd in the Cn hiil Funera \ l h1m~ ) 11 the l'hh with burial in (·11..'"'1"\l d <'rnct <.' n ·. • CHAMPION SERVICE ASSOCIATION U~t r l'Ott~tttlHt"'" prQ\ i1.l '' dwt tld\\'1' ~h:d l lw .<..'1'\t an "ll ·as("' \ lwn· .t tnl 1nlwr PI lht' 1nunt•"\t..ttt' Luuth L•f .ll\ .H .. ,·i;~ti, 1\ Jt\!tnlwr \.ttl'~.· Unt \.'\u:uli\t' ( 'tllll\i t ,~\.· d htw:. " ll n~twdi th.' f.Hnth" '\:. l ,,n isl tl\ · ' f ,\ fndtt 1. n'"'dh't, btntlwt. -1is l \ ' 1, <'\l H1 '" '-ltHl htt•r. \ '1.\l· n· ~ qu ·:\it'd Lu "·nH !I tt~ ~\·"·n· ,.u·y Dr l.' l~l-pl") llh Ill I Jilt\: :\Ch .i:-11\l' \'\~ \'lll h·:ttlt in tla · l ~l"''lll'\'-'n l:llllllr :1 ~\lutt ., . l'<l . .,~it.l ,:. lh11 h -~~r in m'n.l. d1 il tf .I ll'l.ltl\t' .ill\ ll•rth 'I l't•111U\ • L'd d ~tlll hO.\ t Jll )l ' l \ •t tll t1 ( 1 1 ' I L - !1'\(.•IJlbl't'l'<.l h ' lltll I 'S~I ) ltri\lll. ( lt tn h. <'t ,t 'llll"l', St·l l' 1',: 1ill l.\hl\11 \ )() • • Champion. Follow R t~hall lassie 11h: ~f (' uth ~ c:llk I ·• 'lH t 'l"l ";H :· (. •r ~'~'end v~ \n "· .. td\ t.:_)t·toLt•r t,,rccd lh~ \.:lr \l<.' • ' l:th ' ~- ,,u 1 f' in the p 1'~'1'~ [ln ~ in \hi.! u ind~ c){ ha~ ·b,dl 1· '~r ... \ c- t f 11 :ll'" i t (. n \ ~. r · f l , 1 If n .a c i 11 h~t\ ing d "'.tOn\ .tl cl. '"h 1 l.n·L·\t itl t ur t'': ·r: 1 .... \.·k '~··"1. ~L~ t'~ C'h ~lmt' t nn" .tt- · ~ 'l d~ the'1C~ pLJyt•cJ ~n C;lh"inn,tti. t . H. nH>n: Ji:--t '"1cd , n 111 • r.-tJt~' <tll l t 1t.:11 t h t•t e '' re th"...:- ... ''· h~' h~ttl v '' nrk. t-. .t . : l«t'~('ll'){;J)t~ WlfC lH:id ~ thretH).dl t '~ ~''r:t··tmt-nt ~ ( FrP\'l,.1y "'"e .\ <..,i,-i ~~ .. $ • ... ~ la''"' .h) 1<11 ~t' ~C('re h~.."'.li cb ,t,_!'t'1' H the..~ I'.;H s._, t '-tat .:ttl \._( ~l:tL io• P ~n•· ''id· tLe 1• ."': '~r·c-~:-: ·,f th~ c~- .. ·n~. Ti·l· nc'.\, "~~ rd::t.y<'"l !'\ \d(:r'hnn' !'. l'' Cd'l::n'!' \ tYtcc \O ea--h de­P-& H:'1t.'nt c..:\ .;;:tY t'a!f inning- (lnd tht:n • t.L n~ ft: ·-r ~c {') ~ ,, sc<." 1 c h<"'~ rd.: . 1 '(h(' re \"\(. . . ;-;~ telcp''1"lh .. call~ l'~'l tl.te ilfSt • ~arrt(\ ~+~ en rl.c s~c.nd. 2$~ on the f urtlL 23'"1 on' l:e ;-.i \.th athi 1<J4- on the :::.<:x. ... "n.h for a ~~and h)t3.1 of l.J.Oo for :-iK .t. "~tl' ·s. { -() C.a 1h ''Crt' rnade for tlh' fifih ...... .r·l ~ ~ t ~unJay .) Tlli' f'J.d!1 !n\:"t Wtl!1 p•1pu}ar aprroYal a~ P.Oi_eJ b.' ... 1-le ro~n 1 1"~3 t \'vent up in tba1 ,. ('\'~r t) b~~. {nr~· "'l en ~c,-ent.h inn­l. H~: @! • · .e ' ....... th za.n·,e \·hen Cincin- • '-oJ ; ati .. c..:c... • ...:.J _ r•1ns ;:.nd ' ent on to ·win tl1 · 'l.". orld ', chan .p~or, t i.p. \'' of ..!1. m!lt-·n feet proud of the iact tr.:n tlH~. <:.h ·nam1c fi rst basenla n ·r: r.k ~IcCll'.n17ck. of r)ur Red ~ . calls lia......,:' U)n h ~ home. 3-S htt plans to r e ­t .• n nere tu 'ate. Ccr,ld i.h! · ha\ e l~arpencd in Ger­Jll:: tn'.-· . £n~1and or ltah.. ? DAUGHTER TO MRS. KROEGER Con-g-:-a u!a: tr)ns were orr ered Scp­tcnhber 14 ~ \lr. and . 1 rs. Joseph ~~ ru,..~er . 1-+-4-5 K.ahn A ,·enut:. on the b~rc.h-o{ a da\l~l)ter. Barbara To1 in fc rt Harnih(,n I-Tos::Jital. Toe 1s 1n _'..:o. .: J 'in·. h·~ o-. and \-Ir~. K.roeger~ former­~.. Ei~a Fi.her. w a~ jn Lhe Print ~h•)p . . i'e. v days after the bapp.y l'\'Cnt. Jc•e ?. as shod.:e<I by an acc.iJent which be1~H hi~ father j n another , lu:>p. l-1< \a.; as,ist~n~ in mmring a he.:P~;' ~a1c d. <.'O • a: \'Ci$!ht : d1 on one f or""t, cru h- • • l '(.[ :J' Wif, Jt cfookJ oflke Jhere; Something J£1h'! / You can wrHe your owu Ucket on thts. but to us tt has all the appeaxancoa of beinq somefhinq Uahy. On the rlqht la Russell Hula. tnlllwriqht, who claims the attinq i» a one day'a catcb at Man\gt,qufL Mlcb. On the Je.ft is Edward Jacobs. mli)'Wrlqht~ w ho cJaims it alao i.s a one day's catcll a1 Manistique. SOFTB~LL SEASON ENDS By Cad Robbi·ns \ not.hcr softball season has drawn gan1e was dc' \'eloped for. tQ a clo. e a n.d once ao-ain the ChAm- i \ t this tin1e, I woLLid like to bring pion L e::tgue was left out in the cold a no the r rneth od of nndr11g a winner \ll'hen the pennant~ were being tossed for the Cha Jnpion League in the future. a round. P erha ps the whole ic..lea is all wet. but 'fhe boys ga\'e the eve nru ~ l winners the players and i ntc rested fans n1ight son1e bad lUOJnents be iorc falling by talk up son1e·ching that will g ive u~ a the wayside, but the jjnx tha~ tbe stro ng representative in 'the city series, chubby old men o f the 1-Iobbs dub ancl at the san1e time g i\"e e\·el) one holds over P otts is still potent and one who 'Yi shes a chance t o riay. Per-rather poorly played gan1c spelled c:H- sona ll y: I think that a playoff pa q ern-ta ins io1· t.he Champion entry . ed after the _ 1ne rican Association> with 1-fo·wcver the ~ Tachine R.oomers stiJl the t.op four teams in the flrs t rou nJ. ha ,-e the satisfaction of being the only of p·la y ba ttl incr [o r l he leaders hip, and club to lreat "Cotty" \Vest .as if be the re maining eight t ct:un s playing a were a batting prc:tctice pitcher. In second round for fun. and 11othinrr else. case you d o n' t know it, \Vest is the Anyway the sea s<)n is over, and t..he gentleman who thinks no-hit gan1es next sea on js several month., ofT, b:Jt come easy>. anu spent Ia t season prov- let's hope that the ?vlach in.e Roo1n ing it. I t's a gooJ thing fo r batting teatn sticks together. T'hey '''t:re a averacrcs in the Ch-urch L eague that good team, and a couple of <breaks'' \Vet didn t stan pitching ten years ago. \Vould ha,·c sent them far in rhe city I n. the past season there have been series. nd there are a fe:w teams in many \·ery good games played in the the Champion loop which ,.vould Jike league, with the }\~aehine R oom de- another chance to take them next vear. fense po\ver and pitching giving them This gro·up includes the Steam 1-;la nt a clean CUt edge. Ho"·ever the re- !Vl echanicals, a nd s~fety F irs t , who all mai ning five teams \vho rn adc up tht: thjnk a couple of breaks would hJ\re fir. di,•ision were always a ble to give rna9-e a different league ·winner. any one in town a good battle a~ any \Veil, t:nOtlcYh of tha(, and until n e~t t j me. In the second divi sion, thet·c season-_\dios. were not so many close, h a rd played game~.~ but the boys a hv·ays had fun. \ h1ch, aft<-:.r all, \'as what the ''rhole SEES GAME ON STILTS Good old·-or young·----Bill \Vheeler . .Printshup. simply haJ to ~ 0e a wCJrld • • CHAMPIONS IN ARMY SERVICE sc n e.t. g-~ tne (y>t"' ccn the- ]{ eds anJ 'Tiger~ in Cincinnnti . s~at· v~re ex­" he ( ·1acc CrLJit -ni<,n ha~ an nou nced 1 hat all men \ -he, tt t c cnn­pcJt:- ive and bard to g t . criptcd fi-,r aiR't:Y ~~n·ic L·, c,r who ar.c in the,; uacic.ual gua rd, Vvill rl· cc.jve r.hj~ be;::r ~:i:t~ if rh .) I Ht \te Cha<.·0 h JH ns: AH it!~~r;e t r.fl 1'1 ~ obJi gaLi<.tH will be wai"t:d fc;r CJ tl i.! yt!a r and the loo.n will be tna;t tc'linccl a;J .:o('AJJ ta Jsclir. ~ -~ u •ltil they return. (21) • So Bill. nsing tlh! old bt:-jl'\ for w·h~t it was pllt lhrrc k,t-, lntiJt him ~c )( a p,air of stilr $. lit· sa\ tht gJm<', :1nd in idcntalfy ~;r>t n~...lliuk f~H· O i abk conuncnt. • ' • v~rJ ~lL l'R4 r~n ~ !.'l tltf: ~At:P I OH ~I'BR AlfO .-,a~ 0"0. AA!1 1ki~ (IIVIS I O.~ 19~~1 - • " ' I • .I . -- I ' ~¥~0~ TR~ I •t•' ·~ p.,,y T ,.,. T'P ~ot E:\ t:e ~• •otc HI ~HI~ SOI'«K. I ~ ;>U t;'fll'\" 160 'I®~' l't:- vc•~ or- 40 W"tK.s ~ T 4 >~otl afl 120 !'"QUit ' r C.fl ~~ Ol' Jl) tEU. l ro ~c-Ju "t:'CI l'to&.ll o~r ~ " !'"!It • rrc " • t.i 4• .1101/'t · o f. It Yl!« "- • >CP"I ,.. t 6 'iW U ~-~ll ~'t"-· < ~A $ SC~ SU I'~NCH~ A O~vt ~0-~ A~ 1 ~,; wot ~ ~~!'li:S !qi,O OR!.V I~ I'Rt 0 Hii(I"T' A(\.A f ( O M O !1\IPPt.OOCNTAI\Y ~EI.HI;O tV&. 't l/lc A.loO Jlii<:I.IIQ! ltE\. fo f liD 1 .. !:U&Jr<r r UJH(II I'O.t, AHO y-1\!IIJ.IJI.• ~Tlll\i<: T~'I <:t!O~ O I 'f•T£ s $Vtl,,ftG 'fl-ll _. l! f I Vt. Pll j.( "t ,IO ~ ,, -: \. .l$ 1.( ~ ... {) 'tn)ll I( P.v> E"P IJu ""' l ~ktr-.J~Ml . . ' ' I Uot i T' I ·LIN IT II U11 •f 111 f P,.oc• S'o:IU IWQ ~ll ., l 'tll llC. 1 6£ATCR p~J ~ ~-"~ . Crc: . r•Ho f r H. TR. 'Ttte, r·~Jtic: T.~t'o\ t~ l lll> P~ P El! r C+1' I lfC: u~ I I ~ li!lP£.Cl I 0!1 ' l CTq. PAt I' . ' - S\1"'"-E"'Eifnnv , PAI'tll Sc II:NC'" COt 'f~jl~ ANO ' &.ln: PI> nn 1.110 P r.f>C!I Mull. . ~t(lO i f'C: RECI.IS ' C11~ (:;liO,OliJ W~LOtiiC: ( E~CaTR I C e '~o e:.t>) A( .. I NOCIHl Pltt._G 11 Cl(l. c;:l.! r.T,E~S_ fl.£~ t 'IH I! I fV • - • SOllT foliC Tf'I IU, ' - - PAC\{ ~ tto St l\l SCHCO . 1lll'D 1'."' • • • oca 1ona ra1n1n • By R a:y·morui B·at d The Yocational Traini t1g progran~ at the Hamilton Divi sion now includes tbree kjnds of t rainjng ava ila ble under the Ohi·o State Board of Vocational EdvcaLiOJL lthough the program bas been operating only a short ~i rm e it has mure 1 han 300 employees m the va­riou$ d asscs. :\il!bt &.chf)ol berran d asses on· Octo- " .... her Ii r~t and showed un usual interest iu r hr,. $ubfects offered. '"rhe P aper Sonirrg Cla ss began irs second year wit-h more; 1han 75 l!ids en1'olled. • The Papc;r · ·luki11 r, t raining cour$CS wiH bP~Tl ne v.• das;)es ab0nt ] k cember fu~ t 'l he ·flrt!t ve-~ r da s ·;, wifl end the J ~, U:Gr p?.ttl cA ~ \ 'e.mber l n tu l ... d i1j ,)h t/1 t h~ B~a t ~r and Paper !vl a­chrLk cl ·1~es r;1T· r r.:d in th i~ <:sCJ rH H:, a rl ~W ttnit /1flH1,h'. r u 1, ou Cr Ia ~ing a-nd Fini hit\. "• wH1 b•. indudt·rl thi., ycC\L ' l iJH!Y, h(·vinnl.u ~ abrmt D<:c-tttnl.J 1 fi r, 1$ [1~· , : ~~:. · L1o> Wilt ,he fr>rnrc:>d 10 Jk ,Hef T1·~.d n tf1)r J' a1n:t frtr hin ·~ l' l'.~ • n i , w , nnd C'Jatiny an i J•iui hi11(·. • ()w .: rA the J n1:1 1 \ tl frl b t r '' J) r)l 1!-Vny c-diJ ~D lif rH.ill f >I"(Jl.!l>lff) j. tn JJ.1 \1 (' rnm­J ~ a~u r n r-.JI ru~ · tll( . . · )\Jl i11 :i ttlH t ( ,, tt'l' t(;rri ftuH ~d llv liH! o h;r) ~~ J-t \. B t~anf ( ( Jf \ oult iJJM.d Edu;(:tlion ; 1 l 1l t hei, k ll !· tttkd~! if l,d f' A f'I JH<!!t~V r,f ti t ~ :1h j n - t.b 'Y tc r•dt. 'J hr i ll ~'>l r H L t r t. lot 1 h j ,L{' ~· r • t: h .ssc•tt ;tr •;; • P ~ Jl , ~1 . , ·hiu~ 1·:. I fi 't•1y, S. ~ .. ,.-. ... - d ·lH· • l f. 1 ·i1~~~urnh. J (~,.·ln l r d Qb ' , <. l ' V;.~ 1 w, , r ~, tJ, i, ~, n1 ''\' !rd 'c:. Bea.ter___.,.E. :Holstein T. Chemer)rs; H. Ca rpenter. Relat~d subjec ts., Beat­er Kn c:n~d e.dge. . P-aJ?er Science and NJath. C. B ~·L­t. en: E . Gutli'ph. Related Subjects, Eco.norniGs·, Paper Science._ Pa.pcr ~·bth. S0rting___.}H. V/hite.. Coordin-a ti0n and Related S\tbj ects, Paper Sorting Knowl edg~. B1ueprint R~adin g-l... ·sch~ben. Re­lated Subj ect 1 Bl ucptint Reading. i\la­chinc Sb.op, ·Sheet !\'letaL, 'Fire Lay.o\lt. Wddimg---C. \VcJlke'. Related Sub­jects, Electric- a nJ ()as \·\· eldiug. l)ape ,. TesLi tV" and I rn,£~pec~ion~R. L~l' t 1 s C. ~urc t"us"~ · l{el:H.~·d ~·l JCct' s, ~1 a d t~ Pap r ·r .cstrng at1d l l~tl.fh.'Ctton , f-!J cctlddty-- J. Derby. Rd at ·d ~ ul ­j 1'-(..1 ;; • \Yin· I >i ; l ,t1 raJ 1F a Jl (J F "-1 u i,prn,t•.u t. ('.,nli1) l .uHI 1• ini. bin ,- (:.' 1 •7U i 11¥ Vr. •p;t ,.,, t io w \' . lh 1 ~ ;I. J. IJll vt·td l . l\ }wt. Rt"l q,t.d SlthJ l"\1..~ . C t1~' 1 i , r / 1\ '!:It '--ri, d ~ I ~ t d C.t' 1 • i nt , 4l ll tl Jill lJd 111~-f. • < 't:t:t t•· !nul R (!~- 1 -..- L P( .11, 0 . '.\ ... uv~..·r} 1•:. ~ ltut!Jo. Rd t l t·tl ~uhiv • 't ' 'Ill I [\ f llllt ) ( u.l\ \.· \ {\ J h i n. t' 'I I ~ t.ll d ~ . ( 'lt•tt<l J ' · S,·)i, ~ l l •>ll t c . .r • Oi-~h ){l , I•. f.-.aJ tn . l<d a t t·d Sc~t l •j,·~' l ,,,l I I .~I (1i 1 ,, 1'- . l t'I J\ fcl· ~tll d\ · • , t t } tt ll , ~ ( uq ) - • Ph tip< \{~ F. • CHAMPION FAMiLlES NOW MAY HEAR CLARKE .\. S. nde r;,on direct0r rtf f)el"S'ltl , w:~l , has a tuv,unc:cd l~ta n0~ oa v Chll ll't.pivns b lt mtm b n of tll'"i r ium.i-­ti et) are ir..•:it-etl r.r) hear the sede~ 0f lectu re by Ha r·r; _ cv:ton Clarke dur- · i:ng t.he prtSC11t "Ct'S(Jn. The mee• ing~. h<.nvever. a,re mo:e rhan 1eu ure" for members of lhE"­a udlence may a~k qi:lc~ti ons ¢Hld ta1 t: pa rt i o di ~cus:tirms . l\1r. Clarke's tnp1cs .'!hr,uid re of n- terest to • • e~· e ry man and "I'JPHttl: ~,. ... they deal \'\'i t h e''e"y day ;:'r~ems rl lYfe a-nd the home. The tn~,h:t ... '-.;; oi factors bca r'i.n~ on o , r ver .· ~3i~ ~ence a re oircn SQ complicated tfirtt ·we CO na~ know they cx.isl or count them a~;<{~e~­tion. we a rc unabie to .. oh-e. The dis­cussions \•vi'II a i ~t m.aterialh- in e.u- lighteni ng us on .many of them. For the con~eruence vi Cl.arnn-ions.. rheir wives and members vf ~he· r fami .... lies. \o\-e are printing the li-t ,.-,~ d:sc\1~ sion to pre and l h ci: date ~ . \'~-e '' oukt su g~e " t r eferen~e to this lis.~ ~u case. ro~ are tntere$ted m any s-pe-cm-c svb-J~t: October l 4i.h : I ncome and econc~m:"" • progress. No,·embl:r ll d17 \ is re::sonal SCC\1 ri L.V. ' ? Decen1ber 9th : "Your iocl\rrte an.d • ffill')C. J an oa ry 13th : Ho,:t• '.\.,.e s ~ nd o~H moner . • F ~J b ruarv t(}tlL Cre·dit. for con~u!u~ • crs. ~b rch lOth: 0 \1r t <t:e~ :1bJ wh~ r the\.' bu ,- .. 1\p-ril 1 -~t h : This pv.'-'bt~m of [ood . ~fa v- l.?th ~ \Yhc:J t\Hl ~dlm ll it ·nlth ~ R11rn .. . · R \ ~1tt·d Subin'l : anll \hu h., ( ~~ 1 ll o r 't t h.h , J;{rwind · ·. -S. Y~w~d n, R. l t.\..,n·q 1 . 1·. 11 \)\ l\'r. I"' d.:ttcd Su~ jr<h nnd \Lult., Rt•,Yi ndt~r ..". ( , l l • ~ Lti4\ ~ n. \hiLt', : f' l lillt:, \l. ' . hi ~ ll Pl), R ·Lt lt'<l S.uhj~c\.~J ~~ rtm~ 1\..nn\ kdr l'. 1l'l i tlanin and P ~c). i n~~ ·. t1.H k­lw\~ 1. , U. S\ 1 \tnt\. ('- t L.t '· l~ t' L t\ l Stth·j t·~• ~ . l'1i nuru.'t ~lU-1..h aru.l P ·d ... 1n~ h t 1t.t\.\ It d t.>~. ~ ·h(· lttluH:! :11~d ~h q i'itl · -li'. h t• T . J uhn:- •ll·l~ ( . J~(.lhhs u,. .. 1 ( l ~ l ~ •\t ~Ht ­it~ i ·t~. 5, ht d tliu ~ l\ l td \ ·l~·l.l~' ''- ~h q · r ~~~~ ~ Ln(l v . • • I' ' • • Hamilton Champion Sign Up for Hospitalizal.ion, Benefits Cited \1'! &d:Xit•\·. l t'h o( 1 ('1Ctnl ,,f ll umil tPn L'}•,unl i m' fl.fl{~3 'y h~ \ · i}nh.·,l :tp for the.· h l,pii3li ~Hh1H (' \;l.(' "ll dell ,. tl e E"l'~•t.-t-1 t~ L1fc· .\~s\ll.d\ c ~~ \< \ 0f the t uite l , \ ~t'S. i ,dl~ ,f th ·u W\:tr· pr nlll~1 rt' t l·t•. "h ,.nta~~,· · ll"~ 'nn.~unt --~ ., i '(· .<tft r ht•a! :a·' 1 ('i'"''~' t .. it ''hi h C' L~un­f'' 1. n .. . '' 1' hin l ~·'"n ill. h.n" lt! ~~u~d mH s\!il.l l t.l1<.: (H:~. · ·~1 .. 'k\llll':lH .. iHl• un -, J jaq~ nt the dl. .4 '\1~,.·.~ t'W i Ot r I I~• ... •1 : .lh~ t. t "l ' 1J J; L Ol, <•J ('I \M I' H) \ c 11\ 1 rtE~. th,tt \2 )l) .\}- ~ , l . haG ,{\.. .I· \"'d. . ·. n h:l .~, . .$ly., .. lt' .. 1Ht' Uth't'd t h:lt v .!t' 1h · · · W<..T' nh· ()t ( lltn,hers . 20 ....; :h.n· itH$ r ... c"·i,·c(! henfp- tvtaling · 1 .~ ,00 in th" .lH ft tH tnftltl h-s. Th.~ J"'!"e':'i\.'tl\ !.us )italizao~~.\ ~'J..H1 in- 1 . "· <:. C 1., '~ ~ • i < • r "' a u d n ~"" rn l~ c rs of tb ir r_,,, ~"S 't'1:1t i~. chil"lrcn \:"''nh. ·, b IW en th~.:~ .. e'-'~ >1 \.'Hu.• l'l\ ·nhs .\nd \. 3. ~. It · :- exp t d. 1-.e t eq~u ·H.:J i 5 per-c, !'!t of <· Uf'rO) c ·s \ill ~:~n within a • <:.:)u"\ T'l •,,·1-. .•.·.. :!nu.· t:h ..... co. t r:oi ho~ritaEzati\Jn i$ ~h.!'i~~ . .1nv the l•t:nl'fn~ "t f:!reat. '"e ~ a . k~d c.~}~ ~. "''4..-111" L·~~L~ Wh~re:n ho·q. !:nh:zat i ·1. 1la.. be~n ~i\~en. He ~ ._. . ... -e tL! c .... t'<. T.· i 'a! ont:-. ~ 1 r ~ · 4 ~ 1 n the h o~ rita i for 1 6 ... : undt::r t~ . ~4 ''an. He ("OllecleJ t 4 pir..s ~20 nc.ld1ti. ' I a I for X-ray ric­' r,f;!.·. or a H l al tJ'f i-- 4. Thl· co. t to l1 i 111 '' u l ·n I ~ l. "'l 1 f 1 H tl w 1 n -;H I a th c. \ lt. '\ \ :\s tn thr h '· Ptt::ll fr11 <'ight d:t~. · l!hl ·r \In ~4 vL1n t.l 1h l tc"\''i, nd . )_~ plu .., . 20 r, f hhh d tl·o o ~ht jl) Jl • or $'.!.. Srtw tht il\nf'!'i, nnd rw\,'('. it\ • k'r lh. pit,di?:rni,,n tn tc· on im 11cdi.uc I. ~' ftt.>t he had . j,rrh' d i\11 it a ud bP.- \ t(\ ! 1.' dt.J\h.'ti (t l) :o- \\'I t' ]'P~ ibk. tlti ~ di<.J tH t • ·~ • 1ln~ p.t t' ~ nt a 1..'t nt. \l r Z \.1~ 111 th t• hnspital tor J') ~by~ ~ t)d rc.'u.:i\ nl 'It 7o pi u~ labu1 :t t ot~ h t' ~ t) f ~ 1 l. 5 (} n r ~ f' 7 . ~ 0. . rh e I (,l t a I i 11 - ~ur~\ll( '"f't'~l f H" thi ~ \· .. ts l'nlv » J.25 . ' \ t"' ;d::-;11 ohl._tith d lnJJ11 C'.1l \·vh:tl Jnit.ln he ternw~.i n h) poLhctical c:tsl!: Stq pu~c n Chctmpion ~ h o ul d a"akc s ,m~ :u lll.!ring ·with $C'vcrc sh.tO'Hll.:b pains. 11is f:11nily \·Vould im­ln eJ iatd ~ call the fa tuity physician, \ l o would diagnose it as appc ndi citi ~ and order hi ~ imn1cdiate rl.!n'lovalto tbc hnsp!te:d for an operation. l~ndt:r the insura nce pla n, the ph y. i­ciun could ord\!r him to any hospi taL ' l'he 1nan~ \1Vith wages frorn $25 to 1)35 ' .:a \'\o ce k~ woul l b~ in wha t is known as the $3. -o a day pian. 1-lc woulJ receive $).50 per clay whi le in l he hospi La l, up to 31 days and al o cou ld be a llowed $17.50 additional for X-ray, a naes thetic> operating room . In. case he hould have a hospital room costing more than $3.50 a day, l1e ·wolJld ha,·e to pay the additjonal cost h1mself; if the cost was le~s tha.n ~3.50 rer Jay, he '''ould still receive r be $3 .SO. _s~ Big This adorable would take a pri:te for beinq the most healthy baby in any show. Rose Mary is tho dauqhtet of Francis Gambrell .. In· spection Office. By the above picture w e know what Rose Maty thinks of her father, because that is the reason for that sweet smll& . B cagai n A fa rn1er had be(.;n to a fair and bought a horse. After stabling it. h\.! gave it some feed. The anima l refused to eac. A little later it refused w 'Ht:r. The fa rrner,s eye· glean1ed hope­fully. <If only this nag's a good worker, what a bargain I've rna de!'' Cha:mpion Service Association Genetat ··Sho.vty•• Sayicu. co.atetB. ia not cmly fond ~f h.~ o w tJ oft:&prog bvt of aU -cblld­! tm "'"· :ie-r ' o rslatiV$. Bawara Jeaa i .anlcn, .. fEiar o ld who Ju.a• about .mak" Sb.ot't . a home 4er o She l8 the d~ u:qbter of &me lslAnt=. T he regular n1onthl y n1eeting of t he Chan1pion e rvicc A sociaL.ion \Vas held October 2nd at Camp Chapaco. President Kihn presid ed. \ fter minutes of the preceuing meet­i ll ~ had hecn read ancl ap l"~ roved bills ' ere rwe~e.nlcd and onlcred paid. 1 'he trtasu rt:r· s report \ a!) received and ac(..~pted. T",\ c) members wt.:re rt p!Jrtcd ,;(:\ t:re .-;trai t!:. due l <J ~ ickncs::; aliU 1it·f ·as graJtted in bntb ca ·cs. . 1n rc- Camp Chapncu is an idl""a} spot ft;r ga tht:ri 1! !'t . l '- i ~ rugretta blc thal Ol(Jrc 11 mbet, diJ not. take a c.J va nt ;.l~