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The Log Vol. 20 No. 08

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  • Between 1914 and the late 1960s, the Champion Fibre Company published an internal newsletter, called The Log, to share news about the Canton mill, the community, and its employees. After 1940, news from the entire “Champion Family,” which included mills in Hamilton, Ohio; Houston, Texas and Sandersville, Georgia, was featured in each issue.
  • • • • ( • • I •• • • . .. • ' 1 • : • • • • • • • • ' • • • • . .. . - ... :. :: ' '< . ~ , . ' ~~ . a • p • • • , 1988 • • \ • • • • .. • • ' • • ' • • ·- • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' • • Nantahala Gorge, about 20 miles southwest of Bryson City. U. S. 19 may be seen in the center of the picture. SEPTEMBER 1938 - - - - VOLUME XX Number 8 Established 1914 - - - - - - - - Twenty-Fourth Year of Publication Published by "The Cllam.pion Family" C ANT 0 N, N 0 R T H C AR 0 LIN A : . • • • HOUSTON, TEX AS A THOUGHT FOR THE MONTH Blessed is he whose transgression is for­given, whose sin is coveYed. Blessed is the man unto whom the Lord imputeth not iniquity and in whose spirit there is no guile. -The Bible Psalms 32; 1-2. The paper for the cover of this maqazine is made in our Canton Division plant out of wood from the forests of North Carolina. The paper for the inside pages is Champion White Hingefold. made in our Hamilton • Plant .. We manu.facture many grades of bleached Sulphite papers, Machine finished and Super Calendered. The "Old North" First Conqre ational Church Author's Note lu d t.• .\ pri', 19JS i~-tJ~· of Tm.: LOf .. \ C began a series 'Jf ~.njd( ~')II ti.~ Cnit(.'d ..:tare$ .tnd i\s C.-,ntil.!Uous T<:rritory. lo · iJi, ;,nd ~utorc· l"'~uc-s we shall giYc a ·hon history of \:eic'· :.I.~:.C. ·1 his. will r~quirc ::a great deal of rc~Nlrd, work . JJ uw~:•.er. ~··e h()pt· Ul;.&\ t h~se ar•idc:> \ill be hdr.,ful to some r(•aJc,r.,. ,,f t1 i~ m;w:ai'.inc:. PART 5-NEW HAMPSHIRE T I-ll·, of_ <.>·w I-fa1npshirc, for·ming a part of rhe ~ ·ew · FnrJand ~rcJUf'· i:\ ~ irua. ted S1Jtnh of Qul.!bcr. Canada. lt ~ Q1lC of the thtrt~~n orig inal states. borcl tring :'\'fa ~·ac hu - <:'l and . Aainc. Jt,_h -is 1g5 mjll'~. and i t ~ hn.aJ1h aLt(JlJl (10 mil ~" · \Viti. an dr•·a of '1.305 square mik or oaly (i:O(JUL r,(r£--,;; ;~dJ the '\;%,~ (A J\;,)1 rh Curr.Aina. ·r ht: t<.:rr:torv 110\ t.'Ofht•ri.,infl' dt~ tate wa " ~tiv;JHt JJ v • J 1-f t:"' • a pi•rt ,_J lh~ iu. t Jhanc>r !A \ ir~»inja of H10G, 41 ud l .. .llcr , f tht PI j'JH( ) .It It ( 'Hil P:lH;' j H 1 (~2() 'l'IH! tee( rd ot ~f.t• t·c.rly ,. f l r1rc~s ind11 It• tl.c visi1 ol ::,jr · lat·tiu Pr :nJ,!, 1n llJOl tt) Pr {.;q,,qva l J tdlt.'r. aud apt.liH Jr·hn ~ r11i1 J, in } f,J 4 l Jf'·tll .;, '\ t r•· !!rr:. uu~ l :tpl tin J rt~llr . ..Ja r')rl by rht: ( 'tJltJlt lJ fn1 ,(•W J ' rr ~rf-t Jld fen { II itt;JfY h<~ ~ ~ (~n dw i\ le, rriuliH. and rJ; (1 ('/tj!J~ U iv·~ J it: 1· ·~ .!, f<lOd du: I J'£ 1 •·ttitnwJtf · \('ft· ~ ' f) ,,\, ra nd p,,,, tn-outJ, 111 lt ~~,. rl"his 11:a t>JII/ thre1• )'~-.a1 ( :dll r lu.: J•' j., i11• lr ndt~l ~H J"j vr, ''' 11 it R ut K. " ( Jfii.Jtn J( hr ·h 'dll ~ldJlh•d this It ttitc1r · nf• ·• l'ti · n .d ,. J tamp ftiJc' . fn ·Je~n·i. ~' ."n L}Jt' rt"a fk, otlru . e1 dunP.tJI \~'C J ,. t ;.::rnit.c· l , lnn,t.; wa •• r tJilfi ·~·~ ~'' lwr~"' fi [!,,~. \~' J. ~rfJ~·l-f,,r d1 · in" :,~ttl ·r \.\t·rt Ji IJ••Jnu.:n. fiHlltf'•t ~IH I lr J(h·r .. J11 1 1JS \dlt'JJ fu ],ll l.rMJH dit:d. tdT.c,., •Jf NL, o 11':..• ho;,, f?] The Formation and Derivation United States and Its and ass ig ns to enforce t:he proprietary rights of his patents granted by the Co uncil of 1e-vv England, gave rise to l~tiga­tion that las ted more than a century and a half. In fac.t. tLe q uarrd wa.., not ·wholly senled until it was settled by th·-­legisla turc in 1787. l n J64 L, the four settlement .. , Porr~­mo uth , l) ovc r: Exeter and ria mpto n, fearful of their weak­ne$ s. ,·o lun tari l~r petitioned for union with ).I assachu~·e ·. 'l'hev we re recei\·ed and with snme to"t"vns on the ~ [errim--·· • > for'med into a county. This union contjnued untif 16\. 0. v.rhen the claim which . 1a .., ach"tsetts had made for jur!st! ·c­tion over ::\lew Han1pshire, was denied by royal authorit,. and New I-Iampshire was declared a separate provin<:e ·with a- governor of its · own. The topography o i the -tate is ruggc.~. The Appalachian range of rnounrains enters the stat.e from ~~I aine . and the \Vhite ~ [o:unta ins eros cl1e sLate diagonally with i=l maximun1 elevatio.n of 6,285 feet. fount vVa hington is the highe t peak. Along the western parr of the s tate the mountains dv~' ind l e d O\ n to a range: of hill . Besides n~Io unt 'f\Ya~h­ington there are rwentr-eigbt other peaks over 4,000 feet hi crb. The ri,·cr sy tern fur nishes abundant water pO\Y€'r, also irriga te ~ the fertile va lleys. Kew Hamr hire has e·igh teen m ilc~ of coa .. t line on the Adn nti Ocean. '' hich ft~ 'mishes an o utlet to the sea. Though prac tically l enud~ l o f its o ri~i nal forest s . yet. we arc rold char the ,·aluc anJnWII ),· c,f the ti n1her an~i lutnll'r p rodttrts is, tn lay, about 10 n1illion doll ar$. P ulp \VooJ in quanti t ics i... ~ till cn·a ilablc, derivcJ chit•il~ l'r0m the new V' J\ th of tnn be r. Some 0f the fi nc ' t ·r :tnit~ q u t rri~~ in the world a re fmmd ill ~ev l bmr ~hi rt• . 'J'h(:' ar~n a \-~t i bhl tl for f. trrning i cnttl['ilf3li' ~'" limite l -not more th :u1 3.250.000 ncrc · a t · ti ll :t blt·. and thnt utili~ •d dti·Jly fpr gn rJen p•odul·t ... and f t uit ~ttl l i \·.ltit > tL ~r u~·h ,{I l ' ll l j Ofl j S {{i \'l' 11 l (') f ~ J .'i II • . (;It d ·. I c.. \r\ Jl I ll J • 'II i lt.. s Ll n l' l n .l . \. i . r ~ I } i l\ l h t' F f l t II .. h n I h.l lnd tci tl \ .u •• , ~ it sc: tth·ntt't '" \ ·r,· nH-,st t'\.pns · I Lt th~ att;n 1. ~ th.11 c,lft L' fH'll l L'.,ut.;_t l1. Jn 17-lt> :\ l'ntlllo\ 't· rsv .li'(J t' '' ith 1 lew ) orl, wh! \.·l:tintC"\il ~· s [1, ''tl ~t a th~~ on­fllf! trt!l ri\1 ' t' l'h~· I'H t\.:r q11 ;.~•n· l th at a • M' ~tn d ll{ 'lt~ kd .dnHJ L It~ hl(•tld, ht.. I \'\ • ~ -,·•hj'-=d unl h} tltt' int t pu it i 1-1\ ol t't.l!ll't\ . ~. II . \\' \ ('J. tlrl' ~ , · , tl~·Jrl t! ll l (If \."'\ I L·llltpshin: ~ll· t•dto l \ 1 y t ;•idh ·tllt't II H· ph\ in'-'-' W~l~ tnivt~'O, o tlw t l y tlrt; llllthr< :tk •. r dtt• R~ volll ;till II lw,l cl P~"-' l 'ld atlt'l\ II I .'fl .l (} ,..1 l1·· ) f o H 1 h ) JH '" uf~ll'·Hn in.' lll(' fl•r i ,_.... lt •1s bt•t i) l 'la•n 1111• ll.t l. \ f .l r.~ ·tt . ·~ l '' ' . '\d'\lrll.i, l)p, ' 1, Cnltl.'\•td. L.t­ll'nin. I \'JjP ·.nd r•c>t tnOtHir. J "f,:: r l'-1 l'ldl·r, ftt t tlt• m:ollt- • • • I of The States of Continental Contiguous Territory f«::'H·!\ ·~r c,!tli:I)H p-\~·)dc:, \ (>Olt~ll$, h l:--:e ry 3.nd knitted gooJ.~ ) l \(•t~ • 1 J ~f~t)t: L.nniJlg, Ht.)ttr and gri~ 1 mill s, papc.~ r pro­dud~. l·c.::-~o: blln~r .. d"1t.l '-'c)Jhi ~~n. ed mi lk. T'hese manufac­r • •• rin~ -~tal~n~hl lClllS CH1P1 )y n e~ r\~· ' Q.t)OQ peo.p}e . .. ·"\Y llatn1 '~11 irt."> tL)ok a prun1inent pa rt in merican liberty·. 't '.\2S 1.hc rl.r~l ~tate. to \..liscard Briti -h rul.e by ex­pt• ll;n~r ·~~ ~,J\<.· · n~'r. Jthn \ -c ot\nl'th~ in 1775. I t 'vas rep""v·~ n .. \..~..i in the succt'.. ~ iYe Continental ong ress by t '"o ... e c.._·4{e$, v~~-.c in 1 -76 , u bscri bed the Declaration of I nde­i .:nden..:c. lt \a::- th~ ninth s tate to ratify the Cons titution, J ~.Jne 1. 1 -~~- 1'v, o _ · e\,- H atnpshi re regiments took part in the bank f Bunk~r 1-Iil l. T'he banle of Bennington that influcrked 1he :-C3le of the v,, :was ~'On by . e.w H a Lnpshire. lo the \hol·~ ReY0lurionary \Yar, it is said: ~ Tew Fiampshire hirn'i~].ed !2 .497 ~oldicrs. "Je~ Hamt-·~lt~re !1as rnore than 2;000 ~ler~nen (ary schools :v;i·d: a ~chnc~l D. ;nuLnion of more than 90.000 in 1930. Be- ~ . :i te .. t·.~s~ thert" a re nea1'ly one hundred high schools ~ri th lfl.'RJu ru~ i!s. Ifi~her cducarion js represented at J)a n s­a~ outb Col~eg-e . 'r.. _\ nf-elem · ~ College-~ the tate ~orn1al at Port3!11o·,.nh. tJ.c ·c ni\•trs1ry of ~e-ur Hatn..pshi re, and a num­hcr c,i acaderrHc and pri-.;~a te schools. In 1930. on ly 2.7 per CC.lli,. of the ropldatiou lA as illiteraLe. ~1.~n of national fa1ne, produced by Ne'v 1-Iampshire, such as Daniel 'Vebster, Franklin Pierce, Henry vVilsonJ Johl! P. FI~!e. Bci'jarnln 1'hompsoo ~·alrn ..-. . n P. CLa~e.. .1 o hn D. P it:: r<:e,. and tnany o:c;h,·r·. are amoog :\ merica·s _ n.:.a~e' 1 sra. ... esmen~ <·duca v Jr ;j. editors . ~ _:~.;ntis~s and Ch ri:->1.ia n 'leader~ . . "'e'"· llanq ~h ;rt i· the ~runsman's 1 :1raci~~-b unti u~ ~ A -.;hing. kiing, goH­; n(~ _ ricl1!l!!' and t · ~ry kind 0f f.["()rl the; fi:.l(, ·t J~ tidjr,u,-, fuYer of the ntld C(JUld '\•:is·1 ft'tr. 1 \'\ ith na~ur.2l aL­t rcH t1ou. - n1r; nuaiu ra~el'i, lake,:;, ' . ·~-.~·rs ~tncl· nicklin(J <.lo\1\n the InCHJr,taif• :-icl~.·s-. ;\c\v J~Iaulp hire is an ideal c•.untrv fnr :the lCJU ri ~L • 'f'he capita1 of .'\c·w Ifi:nnrhhire j ~ Co-ncc1nJ. 'rh~ nickrt~llle t)f tlu::: s tat '; .i (~rani·.:. GJ.nd tht; state Hr r\~',·r 1~ pur­de lifar . lts h~f'T~st cin.t i) •J an~]H.:s- ~ ter. fa'tj-.... i.x.: miles nflrth 'Jf B< J:"\!~'1ll on 1he ~1t'rrirnac. Hivt: r. pc,pula l·on 76,­, ; 3 4 i n I '-J 3{J. • Top: Re plica of Hamptons Fir st me s tinq House, in Tuck Memo.rial field. Bottom: Danie l Webs ter's bith p1ace. near Franklin, New Hampshire. Be:low: Cincinnati Memorial HalL built in 1721. formerly known as "Ladd Gilman House." -(Photos by harold· Orne.) • • • F )R a nu·ubt:r ,-.; V(\~u·s th , R ·p~ir ;u~d -\ hcaa· li tH)~· 1)~...-. "':trtme!'l' of the '.:\R~Oil ~ i\ ttiiPn '\f ']'he Champioh J> .. lre-' nllJ Fi~te C0?HI any has h "Jd it ~ fu1u~ l p1cnic a t tht' .r\sl..r. \ tfk Reel<>. t!01l P .. :Hk. 1 his yc~tr it '' :a ht•·l<:l aL the ~l :lls l ~\·c r Pb.n ..:.. r~·nund it1 the-- r i o-ah .": \atim,<d F~)rest. On Saturda'-, \ u"'ttSt ~0. about tl1rce hun i r~J rncmbel"s -oi the c h.::unpit tt F::tn'lil) ~r~nt a ,-cry enjCJfabte out illg-rL~ y ing S:tZUc~~ ~\,"llnming . wading. roam ino through the k·r~, ~ a.n 1 '-isi in~- \Yith friend::.. lSen\ een tw"Ch e <ifld t.1ne o'dock ltrnch wa-s elTeei eaeh faru:iy 1~aJ a 1~rgc basket of good rhinos to eat. anc:i when ht.:~g'Y mouths ~-e re 11H~J) there tnt-~ e1' ou gh left to feed m"Sn'.. more. .:\ r three o~dock in the afte rnonn the signal was gi:Ven fnr all members of the partr to a,ssemble in the coun yard '\'}ere a lruck load oi \-atermekuls wei·e \~'a it i n~ to be • u \;e feei confide11t t-hat tl1o"e ,,·ho attended the picnic enj0} ed the ot1ting and returned hG) t'Ile refteshecl and l~ a_ppy for ha~·iu.,: speoi several houc in the forest with its cool . • ' ,., fi ::: . ---·-- ..... -- --...- I 'I IS rr_lf..,rt' d lf,~H I-L f~. \'~lk<;r :.nvi H, A. f-ft:fdcr h.av{; j c;iJLf.! 1 d t Visot1o1 ~i ( 'I iU: or a Li ~r\ 'luh,u wJ,ith is f•f' r;~} iS: a DetJJ,~r llAtftP rt t l' fl. . Th.crt re1t~iods n~; a l \tnton· man, \ Ito 'lc1 n t ftt~~ l t. A (h invtl!.'tl !(J gr1 WJt-iJ :ruw of 1 tw .Loy ~. c,,·ct ntt ' J~c~ugl1 ·, •. •k.'' Ot' ~':ittll <J-tl}<3·1' f:!f'<: k , a lld .. W .:l f:\:W d~)'S pJ .:tftJ1~} wi t}t Lhr !rOll!,, J'h•"' t'I'Hl JJ rhaiJkcd bi~ fd Am:lt-i for th<· j.,nj\ al loH a 1td rev~~:d, ·· ·•J1 tl1anl· , 1 \:.:J rJ v ·t lr•u,k at h t ml t•.'~ \~dJ, \~l k~r 41ncf lld.f•(;t uid u't ~r r (Jnw k, b~Jt \' ~~~~ T s.Hy.-, Hd•icr b:ti lt•d bi .. },rljh. pL:J,u·ll tl HI dn· \!\' t 1•r t:t ttd d : r);>pt•d ~A1 ICJ .. Ji•r·p. 1\b(Jifi :i lJ j, , JLJ ~ J~ l t r Ia:. (J l t~l dt'r} '\',1 it~'. tkf' ,· , d ff1>iY'I ·1.1 , ...Jumb r h)' 1 htt OHJ'<'Ufwllt 11f hi 1 11 ~hi u , f f'.f~. Jt \'l;.:t'i 1},, ht lJ IIJ/ .ft. hf a d)IFliU n. 'J1 d tJll J1 h,, 'll'H jt~ · ·l·f (,~Jt , ,y.i11g tu ¥'If rAt fJ drf, .. 4's _ fl~n ho,ll . · \ \ a1J1er , {)Q1L• .. d a $'ftiJU tirll.\!. dud l"Wtt~· u l It,~ d h~· 1,~ 1 h' rfi i l'lljltr.H~ '.iHJ!If•f ill t h1t u ,.<.l· uf I he \>\ Pt» lt.. H.•. kl n · ~w t' lrt~ I fJ J Jrf<•J .-.d'.'fJU: Wfl{}U tJH' Jf ~ l (,' t j r'Ht·~ fl l ir JIJr •J. , I l H~ :t. n i ') t j f1 d t (.; J I it I ' 1 J' r:! : ~ beN ~ h (,)\'\ ~ d I I ' I" I b I <:l-1 3 I ~ rlt k t .. Lc,h:\n ~ fJj/Jyh:tig_ t h ,~ i r tav:tJdtt• P ~~ l t.ifiut. • (4J - erct · .ion6 tcntc ' . . • t I ~ : ~ hfldy n<: k~. bnhbliog stn ~m. fl1.~Wt'l'~ <anu tl!t~ uafJ'!:"'\Y Cnlrp- 1 r.l~ hi nh.. \ l ith, HiV'er Playgrvund '1> an ldeai place for picnicke;~ ­and wP f 'd quire su re lhat ir wiU bc-e0n.te •.:>D1; of rr.e fa~:r~lvt re:t: r\.!ntiOJ1 al resor'ts in \Tc::;Ltt rn "'"orth ·c a.•olirt3 . Du ring the past year. t41<.. sc in (b.a r~e of Pi f~ah t' .a- ion-a[ F C~ re~t have erected 1 ahJes, ~cat!>. l.1 id ou-r patk!Ug spa_ e. buih "wimrning p-ooJ¢', r0ads a nJ dr:i~\~"~tf~ ~ufficj­ttnl tO entc:; n a in flliQlCI Ol,1:$ p a rti t:S borh la r~e anrf >)rn1li. la rg"C p(:!r (~C rl( or l he Water frrJffi ~.-f; l[s p tl, f fi-1JW~ thr:ough the swimming po.ol thos keep ins tbe ' · ater in tbe pool fresh and clean. G. C. Smith and f . I-L Camp were in charge Gf arraugc--:: ntent . Of course. each fore n'l~U1 ifl the Repair an.d Alte rauon,j D~.epa.rnnent assisted in maki11g the occasion a mas.t enjoy­able on-e. From every a n-gle, '~'·C thi t'lk the r icruc was a real su~­<: ess. C. A. StoJle~ Sl:r{ile:tint€ndent of t he Deparr.ment ts tQ b~ congratulated on the large number p rese•nt and the g-e:od behavi-or of rnem bers of the Cba rnpion Fa mil}'· ... Ql!lestions to~; Beil-er Eaginee~s Boo In Q . A. Q.. A. Q. • Q. A. Q. A. What harm woulcl an obstructed bloV(fl-iowr;t pipe d.o: Tl1ere woiakl be no water in side the pipe t::O pre ,~ent over .. h~atin& and i{ expo~e_d to high .gas tempera tures, the pjpe v..-octld probably O\' erbeat and cause d ;u.nage th rough an e~plosi.6n. \iV bat would happen i·f the top c®n n~c tFon to dte gage gltt s phlggetl ? The glass would fi ll rapidly, sb0wing a fa ls.e wa t~r levet but gage C.Gjcks wonk! re m ~in acf uJ·a.Le. l Vbat ~N"Jtdd hapJ en if the top "v-ater-t"oh.unn CQlHl>t't-ti~ r~I ~:J gged ? . ~rh(· g l ~" would fill ra>p~dJy, shtn~ in g ~t (a,l .s~ \t\~ate r level. and the gage cocks ~,rnukl be ina€curatt;!. ~ V o tlld an tthstrut l ton i t"t ·th~ ltn ~r c un\:'(l inn ca.u~ · sin1 ilar troublt ? :fc .. ~ . onl )' tbr gla$'S ·would fi:H Hh:>rt· hwrl:v. Ho.w W01.dtd rpn -~' l ear -(1 plug._"cd gl ~!S ~'1111'! . · tiuli? :Tf rc- pc.J n~ .. r opt ning il n (l ·dos i n~ of \ll •~ shuf 1r v,_ h · ~u t h~ af.fc·tteJ e~ HJll <•f \ inn w i tt~ he v-lr.tin opt'll , d~'t.l' Mt fn·l' it, cl o~ c hn th ~ hll l.<JJl ' 4.1'l s ~ n.'"l r ft h J\ · t'h ... ~ l..t.\)$ . Open tl te I od. v~ in Ll,, .. d fl~\ t r'\ 'e ( VJ'l l l:.l'C'£l\Jll with C~ ll f l<)(~ :,,1d ~ll l .:t lrl' l'l l pi"C'· ~ r ti·fJ,\ Ift t h s u.u~h th ~ 1){'\''? ,· ~ lv~:, ld ki11,.; t' ,tr· nut· l'c b-~.· hlLl th\l. lf d n 'l m >f i t ..;~ 'It ul~\tl l ~ Lj ,_,n ~ tlw l;qjk, Hllt '\ l l t· ~ hu t d -\ 1\ 11 :H\J dr~· \;'C\~l­ne: ·c: Li• JJl 1 (~~n o\ I f,~ L t c,l:t i11. I'IH ,.. h. llh 1'11\ . H A.. pp)., ich·lt,\cl tl t< ~ (l l g~. ll . f iiH.kt au I d ,,_ ql tn(hul '' !L.1\'-. o il a t te tll d l l u l~ rh 11.l t ht~ n tb.w in dw ' . " rn . 11W 11u l1 .1 hbl' J ,._ p\t ~' ' J h ·u 1111 h •' • i r h c., · Hl• (· !i n 1 \ ~hn ~ l o r · "-l u \ '" l v \.) u t ~ l u· 'f ,,J1lfl·1 ny ' l &7l' • ' ' ' \ll :t ti~ h r , \ vJH yt, J il fl ;';_-C.\ • - [5) MILLSRIVEB PLAYGI\OUND PISGAH NA'FJ8NAL FOREST - I I art TitF Hi,:-ln uf the in1r~pi d I OU,"lOs cll\l"lg ~an [tom Nc\-V y.,r}, tn .l rda1h.i ill .1 nin~ )C~tr nlJ 'f -rnudd ['lane \·ith a CODH'3 :-. th,1t pointed :'._•uth in~lc.':td of n(.'rl h. \ ch more fGfl\ln3 tt' d.,l n SOn t..' \ f (ttl f h{. ~ ~ \t:l\ e bCl!l1 whu }'JayeJ Wi lh lady hKk while n t 1H.· jPb and \ Cre injutccl. \:"0 dc11bt Currig<H1 H"~Ok ~' er~· prcc-au1 iun po~~ ihlc to rnn.k~ 1)i, rlan=- ju' l D~ ::-~lie tl$ it C\.1\lld bt: 111aJc for the fligh1. He ex. ~int>d e,·ery }'.lrt of rh<' "old crate;" replaced dcfecLi,·c man~ ri .:d. studied hi~ chan and fdt yuit~ su re that he could 4\ake it. The onlY tPing he haJ to reckon "·ith was the hll rt. Remcm her~ our em ploycr cl(>( s ' Jfll v. ant ll' tO ~et hun-he docs rvc1} tbing wi hin hi pn\~:cr p; prevent in­juric , but cac h one 1nn t feel that sumc r}f the rc;,pnnsibiiity Jes ts on ltim. " e should play safe all of the tim•". 'The foreman, ;lis<>: nt~J S l realize his re~ron ibilit y:. ffc i-s largdy respnnsibJe fnr the actions ul dJr).)e und 'r hi.., tlpt:rvi.,ion. J f they a re careless indifferent Lnwards safetr-it is d·c foreman s busine. s to know it and leat.h 1 hem to be aicr .-­mindeJ or else. . .... - '' eather-which wa5 iH his fa\·or. He kocw wha r he \'a nted 'Ve feel quite su re that Corrigan pcrsonaJiy s ''f crvised every detail in the remoddinf! c,f the ~<old crate;"' cnnsequenr­to.. j,, and rnnrot1ghly J'lanncd C\'t'r~- dctoil. (r hc elemen t of lv, he knew what she would do. T he fc)ren1an·. dutY i ~ to cha :-" ce rtaycd a Ycry "mall ran in his tl i!]ht a eros the _\ dainic. • J s upervise and teach th o~e under his supervisiun LO Jo what the management want ". 'T'hc foreman ~hould kno\~.r his n1cn. and know if he can depend upon lhem. FJying blind is cl a ngerciu s. J.he lt.~.:on 1YC get f1 om th1s srory is: Safcl~• should be our first l'cn:ide-ra tion-make everyth ing just as ·afc as we can befrre we auemrt to do a job) thorough!~- plan every mu\-e and be safct v-rninded all of t:he tin1c. Don't Jcave • ~n\. thine.....- to chance-lad-\· luck mi2'ht dcsen us when we "- need her mo:L .\'inety per cenr of all iojurie· a re the re ult of careless or thoughtless rractice. Xo man \ants to get hurt, but those \·ho takt: chances suffer an injury ~oo ner or later. l t <;eems strange that both foremen and men \Yill put up a strong argun1ent when someone is trying LO keep them f rnm {{Ctting hurt. and ·when the} are jnjured they will argue just as 5trong1y that.: it was no fa uh of theirs that they got !'VIi -tress : .. \Yhy don't you keep the bab~ quiet. Kate? .. T-\.ate: ((I can\ keep him quiet ma'an1. un)es: 1 I t him make a noise. :-Ex. A woman 'A·ho had gi,·en a dinner ranr m~t he r dnctor in the street the fo llowing dar. ' I am so sorry . doct or.'· she said .-:that you \ere unable to come to my dinner last nig ht. It would ha,-c dl)ne ~ ou good to be there." 'I t has alt"eady done me g ood:'. the rnedical man HTiie i tcrsel y . " I've just p rescribcd for three of \our gut;:- r-. ... • The - - and - - The Right The man in the tWl) pictun:s is ,\. j. J ackson omrloyed Ot:l ~To. 7 ma­cJ~ iu c. l-Ie js hlowine the dusL oiT the \-irtdt-r and clea ning the floor "itlt C01Tl l•re ~::.c-d air. ) •) u w iII nut e i 11 1 h c.:~ pi 1.. t " r c.: o 11 t h c l,;[t h\; has l11s p·ot:L!les 011 his fnrchcad, \ h.idt is . n llflb~tr~ J"fill..:ticc a ud c,m­t tanr t' J tlH.! 1nle nf 1k1v . In rhe • • Jlict tll • t~n d~t· 1 ifl'ltt. \ l r. .J ,, k un i · dt111:->n lrutiny th .s.fe plac:~.· for un·\ :rpv!)Jes \bC!l USirt:·. - WI'J II' • c·J ._~ir, Ul dnlfJ•J 3 11\' ~i n I of \ t1rl. ,, hc·rt' tl1 ' II." • rl J, • t'.. e i ~ \'1~ 1 .\' tJ (·Jh; i ti\'" rll'.!' ,tn-rJ,, irl•t i • ·t i l~ imp.tit ·~.1 0 1 rlt -;uoy ... \;; l, here h1tC n l tdl• dd II• l l . .l t' r Jw rH • \~'l" I ,5,· ntl t •.J t h11tl1 ' '.\- t; . f fJI\t~lt Jl} tll of tl r• • lliJh'. fu] • • • • • First Aid Fire Equipment {)t•l· h~n ). 'l1f d·l flH.. ,, t, ~, h c)('\._nr itl lll(lnnfa turing ~) 1 \tHS lH' · ~· i ith~lll~h l.•d \it b tit , t -.dd ti tl \:"'quiprll<' lll $U ·h a .. pn-11 < t \ .lhT. l'<''tt,l l'l'-' t\r~ c. 1 in n\s hc: r. ~lid f. l'\l,dl '· tt:r 1• ~~ •. ' l'hc !'lHl''' e t}t fiht -.\id tHe· c plt!'r\H.'JH i ~ lt) n1:ll.__ it f"' ~~sibt(' f1: r \, nt k-1l'l.\: n < 1 ' '·atchnKn tt"~ .. u .L ·k a f1t r p ·c.,l1i~'d. ht:fc. r~ l)U!ll~ h h~~U i~ dt"'\'eldr "cl lO o rH' I'\ 1'lH' S}"t i·uk­t r~. 1 i· , •. n iJ11f't'ftcllH ha1 tht.. { llc..'lllClt ~ hould \llh.kl'­:-- l~f\d th\! ll'' 'i the \,u~ ious t'l ":-:of t11c c.ting11i~hc:r , 4111d the.: u;flt':H:nt kiP l- f !1c~ to U"\' thcrn t'U and p(l ~· ~ it t ) n to hi ... , 1t'n .1nd be ~HH.' 1 h~' under:-.t:tnd . • , <.t{·- \ '"i.J ;:n)ngui:sh"·r \ .. 1 nc t)1 tl1c (:Olnnlnn porta ble 1yp~·.. t C'\f~;~_ui '•eJ'-' · .' J(J i~ t.:u, d f~w u rJin~n iltcs. 1 t>n\ • u~(' f)l) t~c~'ttic fir~:--. D.\~ Cl:. Rt) l . S 1 1· ~n'\ F i· 1!tt i ::.h:1~ al-e dfccLn e fpr fire in oil <tn<.l ntost ' ~H I)"QZ:'Jcltrt ~ Lquo1·s. ~.\ .... \:pr akohol and a ctone which {ll-'::>tl:'l:es t 1 t· f,),ftffi anJ kt>-cps it frotn h<tving a blanl·ct and :"<.:t.din::.. th~ ir. l)t,n·r u e F o:1 n1 El..-ringuishcrs on elec­t:- i'"' :·e.. .. a~ · am is a conductor of electricity and \ 'ER)l 1 \ -c~ER \)l ... ~ . P~ reo. e Catbon 'f etrachloride Extingui hers arc the l"'e:>t r.O\..l.n c.t · ng~Jis.h-c.;rs for oeneral use, as they a rc non­c .. ~nd~KtQr~.· ot e]ectricit.\ " and can be ~~ ~·ed on motors or ~\9ttc!lb.oard fires~ also. oil or ga$. \Vhcn used on electric hH: sray aboot 'tX feet away from object that is burni ng lmril ~ o~ .er hac: bLen ptllled off. P yrene will not freeze. Car.b( n Dioxide E.xting-w .. bers discharge Carbon Dioxide ga: ' hic!l exungt;isres a fire jn displacing or dilutjng the ox~zen or etir \':'hich is necessa ry fo r contjnued burning. Carbon ( ,as has the ad\rantagc of not causing ds!'IHH?e to e"len the n1ost deicate and ,-aluable material w · trh ,d ~ch -t come,. in contact. Carbon Dioxide Extin­~- ni~!ler:s a!fe al -o effeclci \·c for fires in small amount"' o f flam- mable ~lquids, particularl} alcohol and ether, fox which f0an1 ; ~ uu su1Lecl . ~mall ho~e.; pro,~id~ great er extinguishing capacity than ~ and e.:':L i.n Ji ~ h~rs b(.:ca u -e the spray o[ water is not li tnited tt 1:he capaci~y -of a portable tank. and can be used to put Ot:ll s. n~n ±lanu~s or embers afte r a fire has been b rought 13n~r cun•!"r} by the sp rinklerc, o r large hose. . utcu:na t~ic $prhrkler s~ htern is the most effective method of :1 re !Jr.ote_1 iun kn .~-\·n. IJ the water pressure is kept on th l!tl"\, ·Ley are al·. ay ready. If .(1 fi re starts and no one is J :re~~,..Ll t!Jc}r ..,,,Ill JJold a fi re ~ n.d keep i~ f ron'l ~preadi n.g nttl l~ .ere !H•) e fnJcs can be la1d. ..pnnkle r system JS Oily' oo much p!p~ h~1ng lo the roof and under floo rs tin­I. e s tbt sprinkler valves are l:~pt onen and a good \Vater }jrc ... He 01~ the ~pr.i u klcr .. Care . of the sprinkler systc..:tn IS ; '/CfJ... tmpc»:'pnr:r part <.,f a fo rerna n s job, to that 1:.0 bir:<,. bl~" t he ·rlin klers in hi~ d(·partment. Jf for a-ny rca on 1}e or r '~ men m n.;t do. e a ~p rink te r valve, he .houhl at. (Jnce 1 ~t the man in c.haq~e of fire system JJK;.. IlfJW H' e ·atcr 1• s c ff . -;c. t l .at w-lr .att\ er •~ s wro n o ca n be fi~ed a.n<J Sf'J ink] ·J -. aJ e b(! or~<: ncJ and prot;duo re-t9. ed. \· ':t ter fro ttl 1he '\' rinkle.-r ;y;;tt·m &IJ ,,uJcl nc\ Cl be u. t:.~ c"" cv.t in case vf ftrc.:. fn colJ. weath~r the fure­men b ula see hat the \ indows ~ n d dcJor · are k~pt t7) Joe Bob Allen. Jr .. son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bob Allen clo$cd to prevent sp rinkler pipes and heads frotn . Ne er let rnateria1s be pilcJ. clo::-er Lhan 18 in ches to the sprinkler heads so tha t the sho"-ver froa1 the head can cover a large space. In clea ning up 1he foren1an should see that his 1ncn do not inj u re sp rinkler heads by us ing pules:- hd­de rs or brootns when brushing down the cei ling anJ pipe wo rk. 1\ fo ren1an should remember th at the sprinkler system is his best friend when it con1es to controlling or extin­guishing a fire. H a ftre should unforntnately occur and open the sprinklers, ther shou ld not be shut off before the fire js exLinguishcd otherwise the fjre mi~ht ... preaJ. and increa:s·e the loss and cau. e e ri ou s interr uprinn of pro­duction. SAFETY ·CONTEST THE inter-plant Safety Contest with the three divisions of The Champion Paper and Fibre Company- .. tOIL H·ouston an.d Canton- begins September 1. We hope that a qreat deal of interest will be manifes1ed and that all three plants will have a splendid record during the next t&n months. Accident p.revention should be considered a major reaponsihUity, and with the wholehearted cooperation of each employee our record will he pleasing to all. • • P11~lished by =<T he Cham pion F amily" as a Symbol of the Cooperation and Good Fellowship Existing at the Plants of The Champion Paper and Fibre Cmnpany, C anton Division, Canton. North Caroljna, and Houston Division, H o-uston) T exas G . W. PHILLIPS __ __ __ ____ _________ ___ ____ _____ . __ _ • ________ . Editor B.EUEN .B. ROB£BTSON, JR. __ __ ________ __ __ -- _____ . __ Associate Editor A.M. KOlmY .• -------- - ----'" - --- - - - --EditoJ' for the Houston Division CANTON REPORTERS Daisy Bume tte •• _____ .Main Office Hauy Rotha.. Jr •• ____ _ . Pulp Drying Fred Day1on. __________ .Book :tvtill Almeda Crumley __ . Finishing Room R... H~ Mebatf'ey ____ ___ __ .B. & A. "Th~ Colonel" __ __ • __ _____ _ Exuacl Pau.l Hyalt. ___________ ___ .. Pow-ex Charlie Norlander ___ . Soda-Sulpha.te 0~ F. Gillis ____ __ ____ .. E. B. Dept. Gladys Wrig-hL _ u Sbippinq Dept. 1eau l:-kGtaw and Jack W1lliams _____ H __ _ _ _ _ ___ ... ____ __ • _ .Cartoo.nists ~orqe wu~ V crnon ~uuon G. L Cribbs D. c. Thmn.pSOl'J HOUSTON REPORTERS W. F. Winters Jtm Mclnt01Jh V. L. Doton Wally Y ~ _ _ • _ .. ____ . OftJce Sto:reroom Tommy Slobad-Sho-Nu.fJ "Dude" WUd Eddie CheTnosky U!ho Palj!J mo!Jt the 'Jaxeo ? 'Jhfl Rich?-- 'Jh.a 1A/a71e-{'arnet·? A J?t i{ ·rr d~Jt·f·.h.undJt·d }ear.: tigu~ k~~bert ~"'hn~!tC~. an t'": n~X­iJ.... lJ 1tfH;-l 1 rv:rll.lll'-' (JJL the; lax '-lue~"~ l ltJJ1 5:.ttd0 · K tfl.S/ :i tmght 1 'J "'h !.,. e r, 1 j cJ t . k i 11 d 11:~ i r ~ l Jl..: r.::.p .'' l\J~a~n ' y fJl'f."'-' rt n.~ n <:1 1 1<;1 1 ~ :td n) it tit3t. •· nl• 11 e l :t •: JJ rrr t•y J1 1.' f },(, (r:.,lJHd ·u JHC ·t l)w f) rr.< ttl j' f(II I UI K~·d Je~_,-l c r~ f c P'·ndjlUJJ: .... filLHUH;d fr7,,- tl~~.· t·onling {i c ,l y t·t\f.'' \ ~ . (IJf' irr1(JJJt1t·d d1111 d ais d~ illP, ~ ·dh-·l e.· •V t' I'JH1wll1 •· nst U$ a l ·H.~ut $1 ~ ot;OJ)!JO/)(J(J !:.t 1 y~..·a r ""d 11 .-. dl en l Wi 1' · tl m p~ ~ } 5 ()(lCJ .. O(){J.(J(J() ti'IJ', } ~·,,.:' ' I hi t l l { ' i lll \! CJllt' fo111 th £.d our tl8\I(JU:.t} iHttrlBC t{l~lt ; · , I\ t Ill} ffV<.• (; Ill{ • •;pt uf c·\ {? l \ dol lar c-·aJ ;wd gtJ~ tr1 <1}'1 n11 rJI t· r ~\' r·Jfllf)t ltf irt t lti l' 1 VIIIJII) C::,Jl ~II}' t;~J ,,,rry J, srJ pr' t llttdn 11~ It a IH:iO.'', IJtrrdt·fl ~ V .. IHJ }Ja~' fllrJb'l of 1 h~ Ia e:-~? \~ ~ ~ h.n ,, l•c•.tnl l Ml"',t l dr·•d ~h Hrt '"'~(..>t1k the Jtc·L t 1t.t~• · JndtJ t r~' ~ ~:sv ·• ;\ p ~ r l' f p J' n-~ !'1-C. d :a 1 I I 1.. f' f) 1'- I I If HI Jt / v ( j I r i. L II ) ~ •1. e ,. y I It . 1 I I b II t1 If l ,.~'­pt; ·l ~ 'llt kfl '"" ~ dt( rit.h c.l urdu,fJ; dt~t·~ Ju tr IIJ~I t-. ho• dd hnU f 't(sY ;.dl tJf rJ1 l<ot,4t.'t~ 1 blt1 1)1,-. f(; N~ lltll )1 th ,~ ._,_.:t 1 l' c .ttllt l ~ · !J«~) iug ffl(Jf,l"' ta:Jtt.:& tb ~tn th y n:.di1.t·, Because you do nor own .any propt:n. · ()f ha\ e .'l;}ncy in the bank, don ·r think you do u0t par any 1 a ".P~ - ;\ l~t L ~e~ a rc of Lhc hidden va rietv. 'The Consameb' Ta _ C0ra mittt:.~ • o f the \¥ ot:nen ·s 1\Ta ti o n a~ Exhib:itir'n o,f Ans and I ndu~tries of 1 Ie·w York City staLes in one o{ it ~ bulletins; ''"l-IidJert taxes take 33-. cents out of e,·enr dolla~ (:he • working man spends for tnear.. ((On a $J 0.00 ra ilroad t icket $3.00 goes for hiuJen taxes. ((01:.1 L of every foll n eeFI gallons uf gasoline you bnr, four goes to sa tisfy 20 l hidden tax.t>s. ' 'On a $5.00 pa ir oi the re a re 11 2 hidden tax·es am,o.unting to $1.50 . .:T axes t~ke at least 10 per cent of every dollar the faxm.e( sp.ends for machinery and seeds before he b.~gins t~o pla,nt., So, it seems tbe pretty phrase, 'Soak the rich-rn . ake In­dustr• y pay/ 1-s me rely a sJnokc ~c rce n to direct the min"h o{ the masses {rom the bl ird en of hidden taxes whi~h the,· • have to bear. lVIe rle 1'ho.rpc, Editor of ?\ at ion.' Bu, incss :\, and -one of merica-'s fo remost editOr$. in an eJitoriaL (.Taxes~ 0 \:Jr l o. 1 Proble~ni , quotes an English \.OttO'l manu~ facturc r, of one h undred years ago. as saying: -- Ll t$ u ~rerly irn pos·s ibl·e for Eng land! rJ\'erburde ned w·idl taxes, en C\... .. rn­pere with America. ·where c \~-err stim ulus i .. gi' ~n tl) th.: \.'tl­e rg ies o f ind u ~ ny and whe re s \'(1r k1nn. t1 can 'u~ls t a:: weU OJl Lhr~e huu rs lnbor a clay :l$ he could in EnglanJ on tw ~h-~~ huu rs .. , 1 \;dr.t} . Lhe stor~r is ILlite J ilfcren t. \Yhik· ;rc-,tl lhtc:lin's t .l ~ bnrde 11 at the p n.:$e 1~ 1 t itnc tl'\ \t.rnund ~0 per ~enr. ,)u,:~ t$ 27 per Cct t1t nl' the ,l!ross n a t tvn aJ in 'l l l\t'. • 1\fl r. 'J'ltnq;<.· ~ l <t ll' ~, ".\ 11 \ w~ c ri cu r C\1 t l,ll\ HlUnllfa~'t\ln'r rniJ,d tl wril t' tr lJ<luk tndi~ \ wn t nit iP bi:-' l "lllHi l l \ tlh.'lt. Fur ~ . \ lll lt1 ~t;; cl lt ' IHJt ('\: rtmn c.)r 11 \<lll) dt ing$ in thl..; ltfl'. ~>f thi:s \-\<> ~.tft.: SUJ\ ': \ 11t!1.1 ,1, natiPll , ... ·'l'l'lHb tht• ~'-· ~ tt ll"' ut il. b t .\)1 in H{J'Il ~ \' • dlh pJtH.I ucirtg t'- tHl' l'{'t i s\•s thr"ugh l'tllt\IC;tl .l v <:n­c j ' }; l t.!l Ju·r dt :tll t tl rl tt.~ d t·\ c'l!lf' t1Wl"lt pf lh'\ inJ11 ' t& t , ·~ dtnHU"'h 1 h c i tiH' ~ i n, 11 i ~ 111 tp 1< l ' ., ; r.. t t ~ · , ,1 .; 1 ~ i n d i \' i d l1 a I , · i t ;,z 1: n:. t h ~' r • cnn lw llti p rfl~H·~·" · l-4<• Sl'l' thltn t! t n "d~t·-; fpr H .. 'tllj '( trcuy elllj rju) IHCFI I lJf 1Ut'l1; tilL' udtn (ot d •Jll l iHl\) lt and iHI.' I\::1!\l'd l' nq 1lo ~7 lilt, 111 o l t tlt" ll. ·· Jlt. ~h ·fL:\ tit•n ,J (!,,. l"'.c opk' ~ ~-~' imr-.. fHllll inJH ~ tri ~,l \'( J'\tll f•~ In P•Jit!i{ .d vc·ndill I Ill\ l' J'J Hl k t ' 1\,)l .. h l dl~J , l i!i l ttdt Hl< IJ'\ fl l \HJ111.l ll I CI I \Vl~lfr l t l ' h1d 1H lr\~' p:~)' IIll i. h U LJJ .\ tHcJ ;,·;tt J rn 11 tttf.1('t utct ,t\tr fli,r rni ln I' 11 q"ht·.,, · hi · Dt lt~t~-h t J1h~j n ,J!ntH' ltnHdttd \1..' !1 :1gd: \ t~wti~,. ~ Lln:I\Pl lhJJ 'I I " I , . &.p j l l J ·I ' d 1l ~ I t j ~d I t h.l (. tt I h l j '1 l h t• I H ' l' t \1 i tl \1 u \., ll~ I hI f 1\ J1 ' lL t J f I l,r\.H h I ll " ·r in '6 uut;JH L\J t~b l ' l , u o l ~1-..i u lhdr ~ It ·~ p.~~ • • The Mest Important t hing Jn The World rJ \0. \ · · ihl { ; ;\,d wilJ l • 1 h · au \Y-{.'1 8 In \ h~· (£11~·<"'-tit 111- J. '\ •i- . ' 1 h~ .\ t,)~t l jl\J't •tt;.lPt lJ'h itH., iu dt .. \ )tld ... , \pc '. . ! -..-), ·Cduc.ot 1on . ,ll ( ,il)·t - (""~l , nr 'h<'"". ~ttiH: r!' \·, ll h 't ~ t~l '1l t.tH l:~li ttut. l"'r.H1'J •rt tion, tlw _p ndln, i\ Inti• u P~ ' tc· ... ('foe . · c .\It a:-~ .imr ~n HH. t' dt b 1d, uf and h ·rPrt 'I . l • If t c. } ~ .. lt;' l:-; -.& J \f.<!~' ,n 1 ~~ · ' l r) r t' P t\ fl \ t\( .,. . &upp~ 1 rt~ :'lfh:t .. }~\",.ft;·r~ a'! { l h< i"il . \ \ idlOfJl it. <T lh''"L il th.l ~~l'II"-'!£C~ \Hlllfd i~' t:':k ;t. uh\l h-lh ·.,... \ l~lld lttl l't" l\uitr. "',)fliPUini"ati•:'ltJ .Jtld ~r~ H' f'' !( 1 i~ '-'t '>\.::luL 1 ~.;) \t:' n .. 1 t .t'-~ c,r n.• ·cf. ~nd nH.Iio t ' tit n J';~t,.! ~.. .. ~, t t<.: •• \' , ),Utd H{'' 1.. r h~n <' hcnl pn ~Jnr•et.l. t l' l I E I ) , 1' \ .L I ·~d n P t )\ \· f H. F { -L . \ \" D r 'r· ~. \ ~ [ I C Ff t f\11 ·.:\ t T'\ t)l 'R liC )·'\o\th:., \ '\!) SO ' I. t Ll Fl·: 1 ~ ·rrl r p '\--R 1 • .l , 1 The ~sis of Life~ Acfu:ln., Progress f Ju .... ~ ~~ hl< d tl.. .. !'\ !:i lfl n""U!)t 0\Cl~·· l' ~11l and •Jt~an or Lh<~ ~1u .nan l' · J:, ¢vin: ... ;t h"'ahh \ <'t"~('I~ Y and life, rhc pay1·oll of l tl' l\e'~' si-n ilarl' ll\.l:\ ,_ lHt() and t1) ron ~h t \ e rv HOOk and • • "'uf .• i."r 1 ~ ~ lh~ e~ .. tnmic btn.Jy g" thJ it life, action and progress. l 1. (>\c. y \<lla ~e. t v\l·n : r. city in the:' " '(lrtd t he p·ayroll n( ~t~ ·n ~. :hop~ . 1 ')i1ls a:nJ factories bllild~ the holnes that 1 1,p,k-e ~ C:)mrn H1 i t ~ ~ :r ~U S t<lins tl1<' n1erch.anl ... rhe banker, the !:>ro ~.~.i-0n ... . u,e ~ubi c- n1iJitiC$ and eye ry other business !t" -i\ it~ : it .:-urp 1n s the (:hun:he~ .. cha ririe a,nd social scr­\ ;'"~;:l, it ~ a "~ ·s th ~.~ taxe:-:- for go,·crntnrnt schools .. p~rks, pavc­.... (·n s ... nd e:t Cll"Y Ct \ jc .it:np~oYcm e nL J ncl Cfiltcrprise. top the pa~ h.~ ' ~ :n an) .:<.'rn m· mit_- anJ Lha L 00rn m uo ity w<ill die. rh" Cf'\:nt:-·) · .~ \.l ~;. ha re rises or fa lL as wages of all who \,,,:)tt( r!... r t;:,JL T he ~xpcnditure.: of t he r ich are not suf­I1cient to .;a.pp( -rt e,·en one ba 4 ic busi o e ~s in this country. T'her~ 4n cr 'rery rf•v.: ~~·.-r•t.'-1~ "'ho can be ca He-4 rich. Put then~ aU ,, _ -thr!·, <'r.r ner their huyiuo- po"':er: and they n~ake a ·, e11 ~-,naJl c.nd (tnim:oo• tant ma rket. The bigge,.'t> 1nost! and ~ ·. ead~ nHu'·c.t in the world i the '"·age-ea rning. \ T .t:rK~ n PE'opl ~ lt Is the Vllorke!"s~ Buyiuq Power That Counts \ 'e wh() U()r!.:- \Vai!e .earners-receive> hand le and spend tht· b:;; bulk uif the n<n:on 's moJJey. It is our neeJs. our I-'l• r.<;J i :.t=t::;), l!hc. t kt el-) the wheels turning. Jf lve can't buy> ,. cloe~u;i mt~ t er '" ho d . e can o~ doe;;. t\ nd ou r buying r r: , er ; \'\·~-\ Gl-_ .. P~ : --ct ~ck , c•fnte fro.m the rnil1 in t.hc forest. the ranch '~J tJ:o~ pJa : n~ , 1h~> fann in rbe valley~ _frorn ra ilr ~ads vJ"hich arry. t:he -<.·re: iUJntier, cattle artd grain LO rhe n1itJs he. 1 ~. 1iour THjJ1: ar!J !"act1..~ries ; from rneat" g-rocery~ drug ;uid dtJ artn.lent s ~ ore ~; fiom te_stile mills, stcct rnills, s hip­yar~ s. l1lac1!inc sht}" and factt.>ries ·whldt convert raw ma-­" teual intc .. 1lnisLcd p ... Otl uc L~ to be carried back to the (\helves of ~ u~~r ~tor .. an l :-; l ~ ')P from Fift!1 .Avenue tO ~ 1 ain Street. } pnur t'hd~:; peL !. uJ tJ~e ray'-Cht.:cks inLO the busine ..· s Stre<HUS tho.t fi<yc.· hither and} r.J.tder thrvugh ,\rlilericao LiFe and alto,.. "&Lr.:r 1:1ak c up the rnio-hty Por .. d of money knnwn as he _ .rr1er:·can :PaytoJ! the greates payroll in all the \VC::JJ ld. -'A-t. 11. --·~~~~----------~--------- ~r· ·c'P b;akcrnan 0-r11 1 ht VfidlanJ W1 rnakiut;" hi fi .. · l r'p .up Cte Pa~ s . 'fhc_r we re poin15 up a ~ery ·{'\lt: <!p ,!:7re!de. and ~v!dt UllU:, tu.d difrtculty tht.! en~inccT SlJCC'C ·Ltcd in rca ~hin-!? i.le top. At llH~ station look in~ can 0f his cab, · ~--:: ·n~ineer ~a\J Lh ;., r1e-v· braketrHut ·:.~nd said. wit(h ~~ s! ,h ~ c.f rdicf: "'J tell yuu ' :Htt, m .. l~~J, We had a job tu zct up dH.: rtt. ci~cln'• we f" .~, - . l 1.d ~, • \ c <?;!;Tii a11 ~ a. , put ,on t:ll ; };-, J a k!:~ , t: · cl ~aid tlH; b1ak..;n1an. ({and 1r ha\.·e ()liP I· ~ d hack.#' -£~-... 1 hadu\ (9J T. L. Jamison and Frank Smathers.. ManaC}&roS of the Old T.imera' ScE>ftba11 Teams. .. Old Timers Play Softball w EJ"JNF:,' l)A x- night. J ut;r 20 rnore Lhan 2.500 p~opi e - '\vi messed the · nflball game played by mero bers of the aOJd 'I'i·mer.s' Clo b.>' T . L. J amison and Frank , mathet:s ~~~Lje managers o f the ttvo teams. Thooe playing were: .I-I. A. 1-ieJder, Love Coman> C. A. Hildebrand, Claude ' Aiitr, Reuben B. Roben­~ on G·eorge Tros tel, Roy T'raminell, Ben \IViUiams~. fed \ r il- . hamrs.; Cra ig .A.lkn Dock Roberts~ E. Clark, F o rest ~Iann, ' Va tter Prjce, Bo.yd Staule}·, 1 Jheo .1. .\llen, S. 'A·. P1ott7 v ... ~\i Battison , Torn-my Furness Chadie J acobs, Carl ingleton, J~:. S. Banks, B. P att011 and J oe Drake. Six i·nn ings -vve re played and the score \va-s 16 to 9, in fav·or of tho e repre en ting che general nl ilL Reub~tl B . Rob­erts0a played fi r'"'L bas.e and proved to be a good ntnner. T he gam·e [rem beginnino- to end was a farce, and offered n1 ut h niertinl ent:. The cro\vd of people preseJlL \Vas the largcsL ever se·cn on the Champi.on B a ll Court. Love Co:rnon On The Spot AS :r JIE ·'Old T imers'' rompL:d a round the softball court we t.ho·ught some of the bo)' s were acling \ eq tr ln-\-it~.e., and felt quit~ sure ' ' c would hear s01ne ven- unf:tvorablc COIUJTICfl l-S . \yel.l , her~.: iL Is ~ \Vhile L:( vc Coman was Jcmon .. trating hi=> abil iLy ~~a pitcher .. Nl r;:,. ·cunHul said. -:'Ju \H look at Lov~ out then.: pitching. J)uring t.he pa~E tw·eh e n1onLbs he ha ~ bc~.:n cun1i ng hr.une ft0n1 \vorl at night claiming that he was ccJrnple tehr exlta11:sled. CouJJn't d<1 cll1Vthin 0' an•und tlh'' • • C' hou ~ hut frr.>111 Hv\. (.iJ.) r 11 Sec l <J ir that he d< e.> SOnte J the dlOfcl!l ~{n d dc,f':i fl ,t li< in the b<Jtf in the- lYll rniug until Grcakfa:.L is n·;:tdy. ~; t '.... · t,e, t~r judemen1. ltl''\t 1 itn~', L&vc, ~ u doubr, lh~ r~ aN: orl tvr~ b<.:~idc: · 1,() t: ("oma r'l \h e,; have ht cn getl in~. by vr1h a '·~o Lire l" tory\ vvho v ill nut fare H) \c.:JJ in the fu tlJre. • • Phyllis Aru1. daug hter of Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Mease W. F. Mitchell Visits Canton V~. J~. ~ 1itchelJ and fan1ily of Philac.Jclphia spent some tin~e in Canton during Augu .... t \·isiting rt::l ati,·cs and fri ends. \'\'. }· . .:\litchdl is the son of (.Bilr' I itchell, Superin­ten. dent: of t J e Power D cpartmen t of the Canton Division uf The Cham, ion P aplr and Fibre Company. He used to bt: COflJJ<!(ted ,~jd) rh~ Canton rlant but, du ring the p as t three ~~an; , J:a bcet,;n connected \Vith the 'f echnical and Sate)-J r:ir~ i)cpartmtnl rA the Penn } lvania Salt ~1anu­fa<: t r •i.d C r,t.Jj_;dlly. \ L' we-n: ;.rfad 1.0 bee J,im and to know that lJe nnd hi!i f art (J y a r e c ll j r _,.:. j n g ', ond lJ e a hIt. ----~·-.~~-~~-~~----------~ ~ ·c h,u,l \~id. '1 t•·uudy, jvrr ( 1\.. l•.nt jgh r, P u• ch a~in~ fP'i" \m(jricar. C;'n ( •;trlpauy . ..! sO P··d( \vc·n11 , N1 w Y•lll Cjty. .Jr. l·~n sirlJt and fan il> ,u.,tur ·d rht r'ltf lt f~c m y,;rk, :J)t;d ;'hife h·r· h~d rl pit a Llf ' of )(J..,i ll!t h) tltc r,f ':i t S ",,r .. · 1\h.J•JJli,Jj;tS :u i' ual P.·rl &tud .,tfJ''' P' ' int qf ~ JH, .. l 1. r 1,.. is (.1 · ·r~· I 1·--"'lh~.ll I Lu.d lik, .. ~,j d4· I ·JI. J\' • nd '\ . ll!\ta}S •Ylad I() t ·t h;1 ,, urr ,ltn<l d u, pJ.HJI. \ •· It"( tl1lf he"' an I J'fl ·'71 br ( hib r .mtly CHj,..,. · ~..d tl .. r II yjsi IIJ du ' 1..ot:l11 .f I If I'} It: . }(}1 • H f H m ' L ; ' \ vtl fldJ I bt· bra~ · l o r Ollit ' d•J\ fl 'f\ it )1 tt l':IUJ he fo j11 ;t •·ah likl! d~'"·n St r·Jfth;l r f i· t l!Hlpily J · " lidn ·, .• .. ,ne d( \ Jr :v. it h . p 11.1 ... hut I .v...:HI llj \'\ idt a l c ,,, :· IL. Saving for a "Rainy Day' T llJ . f"l l:ltnpion ( ·r(•di r1'i'JI W'tl r,f11 ~l n i7.!' d in ( ii"dt:r 'l CJlU'JUl ·· t~(' Ch:llllJ'lirm (' llplc yen ' fJ ·a~ . a r art r)f their l':trnin~s. so dt;ll. in t.:~• ·,c· (,t sj·knr; ~or af' ·mergency need. c 1n pl11yt.:v~ ' oullJ I(~ ahl<: f1nau6· fly , f!lt: r h.c:r c I~Ctl,:;.e,S. /\ hroc nuntbcr pf p·o1 ll hcn:e c.t\::.&.iled ·her1seLv,.. of th is privi ll!gc <Jlld rc;aliz~ tha1 i1 is, not onlr art t:a y way o s an.~ uloney. bur al"o places them ·n a r o j·i<:-m to secure a s nta II luun in ca~ · of need. rL'he Champion Credi t Lniun ha-- ~ervccl a ~IJOci purpo~e. and , .. hik a fc:w h:n:e ahused t he: ~, ri\i}ef7<; of hnr•·owii g a lnrge number of pcoplt bave been hell cd. Arc rou a mem bcr ~ J f not. it migh bt~ wdl for you to cull at lhe ofl'lcc and join now. ~realeJl Jnven.LioJ~ o ~ Lhe .Age Y/eeded R ICtiAH.D FRAC-iCK in 1 65~- said, '·:\eces~ity i~ the mother of in,·ent ion." ince R ichard Franck· ~ dav·. in- • ventions too numerous lO mention: ha,·e been periccted. ome of them hav·e been a bles · ing to mankind. "·hile o thers have proven detrimental. rrhe airpl ane, the fa stcflt mcJium uf tra \·el. and nne nf t he greate t achievements of modern times. seeP1s Jc~r i'1ed to become one of the most dangcrou and dreaded n1achi1 e~ . especiaJJy when placed in the hands of an enemy. During the past few· months, rbou .. ands of men. wor en and children have been killed by bombs dropped from air­planes · and in futu re _!Va r$, airplane- will prove to be the n1ost destrucrivc. as well a our g rea rest we a rons of defense .. unless some m.ethod of controlling them is de--.;;-i ·cd. \i\le belieYe that ome rnethod of radio control can and will be devised to intercept airplanes in rhe air a.nd cith~r d e, troy tht!m O( ca use cor fusion in their fli~ht. Here i an opport uAity for sorne bright mind to sen ·e humanity in a great way. ..A Sfow ::J,ain 'Jhrough -.ArhanJaJ ''AS\Y FLL f ollo\1\-Ur s, ... rem." was thr l..'vtnm( nt ~,1f \r. H .. Crull', Pb.nt ·J 1nnger of Lfn• H onstlHI l)j\ i~'ion ,1[ ' J'he hampiou Paper and l/ ibn: C '''1pnn>. wh~~ lt he rece\, e I r f'l, ntly , t mL'mn frt\ut ~ J r. R<.:ul>vn B l ~ 0b~.·rt ~\·n, d.t(\J \ tH:­tuH .:! ) . I J2 ~ 1 j ll :.l th i llt.:~ n ~ t·<'fl'$ :i ~lJ. Sucl1 .. ~ n:m:uk f1om \l r. L'ntte \1..~ think, W.l s lllH."alkd fc" "' ,i,·v' 1)f Lll l lu< r t hflt h.· \as -,upp,h ·d L•) 1\TI..'rt Pn dw lttt•!lt(II ,.I!H l ltltl )\lt ~U ' l 1 :-i, t • J~5 Jlhl tht.'l\' it- lh• f{'lt)rd • f ll s it l\. tl• dl ln• h n.•pul\ n l \CL \V,• .1n :11 .t lt 1. ... ll) h iH)\' \dl f"l , ' tl h· Pl ' 111\l. h~ s ln:t'll hid111 I•>J 1 hinn·n ) ,te ~-. . J \ ·tll ;tp:-; it l~\tl lilt .. \ ... l,w 11 uin rluni Jl•h •\ d L1t ... H .. ()1 Jl'\.1\'hc il I, 1:-l l~t't'll \~ 11 ~ l r ' t lll l· ~ • dl I. t il d11 1. y '.U N ;tnrl \ ht ll Ill' dL.lJl,:d up h • ftlll flli 1he HI• litO. • Jt••f lhJ\' tld · IHI\1 111 ltdtn 1 •• RulLn C'll n,1t · llln the lll flif .tlld '~ I II \li ,IH•tt t•d lu \ I t ( ' 111 \.• IJI 1f11U ldll , ' 1.·:\,! ~. \'\ l' ~\ 11l I I!' l~ l "llf.t\ • ho \ C\ t'l ~ \ C Ull I.IJIIl C I d t h \{ d k'lllt)\­lll' n) It !l1 tl. ,r l t<ll fll( U lll It I dt it l t ~l'n t·~ll ,) .nld p llts hint I J.. ll d t t: I u I , I • I " t t I 5 I I\ H 1 I· ull· n' l fl $ r;, (( . Jn \.h.' h . I I d <.'. • THE -· Ill i'l ' \1 ''nletnb<"r th t ft t:-- lH t~ Hh:-,rna:.... ~ 1l' \en~ \. .. dt ~ ,J, ;,nd b,-," HH' l"ih.t . ~ l' ~ l U"'IH:l gr.l\~' r·uJ i}s l<.•()kt•u :~ ll '\. tc l: 'l'h:n \a . '\ htn \ 'Ut ~ ~Jn \:1 •r.,.J' : · \ 1- !- l 1 ·t.:h c h1ld r ,n. '' ,·nt h) klt ... lt·t .:r·ltltt \ d\::.i'• "'" had \t~ hHt " 1 \.l i) , al~·) it~ (' )t.'t·"'.:- t l ' 1 h ~ ~ t J \ ·e\ 1:. • )) (( (( \ ~ \P C :.trl Jer -tz \' .l '"' de­ti~ hted 1 • ! a \r · , J i f1 i ·nd · fr ... ;ln Cau­: a P:- \ • ' · .... ·• 1 ut n0t ~'-en 0ld ; .-:.4-e· J.:- ~ uL.. l'l' ·~t ~hat suftl all sche­\.~ uk: :1- · k P~. • \-tn ·c B~li recuu lv unJ<'IW~nL an OJXrt-t·:, ·1 l'Oi' a 1 pe1.d~c1ti" . \, .e ju 't , ·ond ·r ·;. ht: t , ... ned on the charm a1oun 1 the h<' ~pi ta! as he k c:s at lhe otr (.~e ~ p: so. "c. k.n( ,\ ::111 the nice n:tn -..e..:: \ciT ~Otf\-~ TO ~ e him leave. » (I( ,- ~rent ~ ~~ ger and Rev a Collins 2 re ta 1 ~i n;g a !or,_:r ja I. t \ f) Canada by th~ 1\'al\1· 0f _ ·ew ·York Cit,·. Know­in!? Ka.J"t:re a~d Re, a we ·think that ~olm(L !:ike a real Ya"aJ:.t0fl. ~. "on h \Y:l1iams ha- a ne'\' theme oz,f! . ~~ r:ned." ng a bout h l f ore-ot hPr J.arn.e and her . tr ·t.t etddre -...)' .\ sk ood,· nbotlt it. Pcr-:;.onall}' 'Ne think i about the b~t r1r e ,., e haYc heard . J) » u (( \~7e h~Ne been 1cHing Kirk (\'ill is -~· j rk-t·ZH rick ' · ) JU ~ f.lJCil h l! sh fJU ld ~mile Bl·lrt! a ild ~Lop i: ern!r S1Kh a f:r ~·he a~ci. · ~ cw he ~,as b~n tnis­ta~ ~.:.n f,-.r his br.other' ~ c:lad. A ft,v days :J ~(J L~·u 1lr HeJJf) of the Sales i..1(;parn 1e1H inqll~red (Jf broother )1m wher,e hi dad rniT,in l te; (meaning the c.dores;'tid J'.irk} .. 0 \"'' Kirk is 'Simply ••pl()p.'· \ t.:U;. (: \Var"L.r·d hi rn! »l-•CICI It ah~ a:. m .akc~ t•: very h :• pp;' \CJ la . 3;i· te:Jr'"' frorn 'fr· .aE) ·vcn. jf 'V\'C d' n·t , 1 ... a; .:. ba .7e t h.e plect nrc of :- •'f•i nv- thcn1 . \ n)r,n.g.. utlhn'..: \'(' have ~ten l:d ( ,x)n. l) .lV (~ t~y l e, '1 J1nn1ie L'h(wn1,, ,)n , (;}l'ttn StJHHh~rs antl bcn­. l'\1 l l q'q'."· )J .. « (_( ~a pt. 'iu tt-r H.h i rH~h art. losst:d t->ff hi two \t.:l·ks of ~oldic·rship in llaui .. s~· burR:. J\:Ji ,~ i:~iJ. l i Lhis year. [•ron\ aU n,'p~ns he ct•rtl in I} has a '" ay wi Lh his men. )) )) « « Jane l'>t!ck had a vocation in . "' \W 1 ork City and rcpo,-t(;d gren t do1 ngs. Lois H.o,~rdl is ~pending ~ome tin1e at 1v1 r n.:le Beach and ""'r oad'l J-lenry 'a me back f ron1 1 ack~onville Beach florida a gooJ t\~O shades d<trkcr­a ntl that is some da rk ! )) l> « « repo-rt from Eleaoor and Frank J acock ha,ring fun in Sa·v:anoah, Ga. \Veil, we hore to see you in good old crisp October. 1\lr. and ~1rs . Billy ~!fitchcll and chiJdren have been spen d ing some time wiLh chc home iolk . J ohn l\1iLchcll retu rncd with the.n1 to their hon1e in Philadclph.ia to spend a fe,;v days look­in()'" 0\"C.:f the big tO\VO. 0 '"' » J) (( C( ~1 r. Chas. D. Klopp's siste r, ~'[ rs . R .. D . Ca "tic, with her d1 ild ren D ick, Bob and Arlen~.:, are spending a tvvo week::>· \""acatioJl wi th the K.lopps . '1'hey are tourinf:{ the Smokic:L a nd '\Ye know· with K. k.~pp's guidance ~· ill enjoy their stay in l he rnoun'l ajns. )} ).) « « \ e arc p-1 ad LO have our old friend J ue ?\'lilnc bd.clt with U!:i afler a t\'O H1 r J tn h . · v a c a l i c)ll to h is n a t i \ c la n c.l. » » q " Lool·s like vacation time i..; h<:>rt:­' cry. !JJW "'e<m s to l·w ,,oinrr J r pr ·par- ~ in? 10 ot., (•lJ -,ue. J1m J~t ;:~ll has ju~ t r •tt:n ed fl'CHI1 P biJaddl .. hia, l dc1 ~1nd c,th ·r p()intc; bCH k h<JTrlt'. ( ;fcJ,n ] Jow·­dl !<\ t •• r cclt:d brt c.k any tiJ •H-' f&<.>Hl 1 wo \ u~ ks 0 f lc ~a finf!, a Pd J\ lt"·x Jack­" on l1as <.h:~r,.u·tc!d f•n pa 1t. unl~ nu,,n; [ I 1 ) ' , aqe 2 years. 7 months. dauqhter of Mrs. G. L. Allen • c:t I o E. !Vf. Green ha been casting a ,·a riety of Hies on lake.:. ri\ .. Crs and creek~· w·i th OtnetilllCS n1urc and SOme­tirnes 1css sttccess. )) )) « ({" • But. while sornc ci'l.n take vacati':•ns and pJar around, others must stay at home and on Lhe job, and that's the \>i•ay it ouerht to be, [ g11css. For in- Lance, B;rt Buydston works here in chc m iII a ncl al$o at home (or did his \·ife gro\•V tile big onion?) B rt had on display the hugest onion I have ev~r sc:etL l l w~ighed 2 pound and n1cas un.::d 17 inchcc; in circun'licrence. FV hich? '·\ ly hu~h:tnd is k . l ).) e\· ~r ~ ~- e( rne. N~1~1 , bo&- .1\ rc cou1 plaini11g? l he only n1an who • ) oti bra ggin.~ or \ V h(;n you heat sou1c folk$ you knl 1 v bJou ~nd brag )Otl ~re rctninJ­C'd ()r d,~ tin 1< t hl' tled :.tid to the e1cph~ttl1 , :tHo: . Uldn\ Wl s.ha-f t.• thcH brid c \h<.~n \' l' ·ros. eJ it?' • "fh · ~~ C< I 'lH' nint"'' .~r~ , '~ ~"\kt' l'\ i nu in u~ the dv·ii" H irn ~H.ic.· th(' ~ '-re t r \."'" ~ t'~ c' n~l ' 1e ;n 0n1 f\.) t-(''\ t :; ~ " •t Vt..'lT \"lf\ Q" l.UH :1 3 ll • he J 'l r hlHHt•rs . a fh : o · h~~ hunter: f sma ll<."r ~ a tn r. w ~H ~ nitin:" up th ~ir oi~.l ~·t1in t -J nck ~ :· ~ev:n~ rea . .' ,. f.r~r d1e t'r ning d n ~ . T~~ .. ~' ~ rt" L\~·o kin<.i~ of h n JH<:"1 t-, and ; ~h~rrre 1-: . as l h l.t n1a u cr, tha t i .. a \.h:t·<~ ~pt \ ( t\1 -n ~ ·H iU1'-l to the . ~ ort i11 gener. !. d'a is the rna n that in­~ i::: ~ t)t~ hunt! 1g or fishi n ~.! ;ut of ~ca$­ ·"'·; . \' (' ail enjoy the .. p0n . :1nJ p ay equ:;.I .atuou nts i.m l iccn~e fees in order to hd nt .i;t s\!a on, bot just a fc\* men hun:iflg our 0f "Ca: on can destroy i!lore tA cu r ~a mc than thrice the num­ber ,.f !'nen ,,·ill ,,·hen th\.: .. t:a ~on open ~ . » » Cll « \V{! r.a\·e another. and very enth1J­~ r~Hic , ··J ~aac Y'tah on· ,~·i th u .. . in the re- r,n c f :\I r. 1{. E. \Ycdkcr , our Pro-lh.: tjon ~ Iana ge r. 1 'bc s tory goes then he ca u~h t. some n ice bas nnr Joog a~n. 2'\ow= you can ftnd him most e\ <::ry Sat urday night a rtd undar near here ,,.j h a ca -tin !! rod in his hand. } [e can nov,'( app;eciate how Larry I-1a rt., ho rne and the '"" riter feel a bo ut binl buntiJlg .. Once the p res.:ure o f the butt of a shot-gun againsL your .:}ioulder, ~r · he fee: I of a casting rod in _rvur hand ~ ge ts in to )"'\'.tl)r bkJod 'l!het·e is no t;H~ttiur.r ir out. except to .. " ' p ursu~ that cour~e> rc l i "i o u ~>ly . [ ~.- i h tr,~ t akc t b i ~ oppo1·~ uni t) to i.t •tP '~~s vpon rhe n~ind ~ <A rhose \'Vho chaHcc u, P.:ao ~ lJj ·, ·shat yoaJ sn often bear and '"n sc·ldr1rn heed1 tJ1at is th<.: quc~~;,Jll vf ~aft.= ty. hen t hio ~s tire pving '}'' dl, l1ot h ar hrAn ~.; it ll<l on th .. j t.;b ~ '7\'C fcdt S011'H~t itll ~S. Jjkt, ~ (: aH· l tH ky. \ ·l: ~u(; rt (>t (J l uc~ ~ ~ i\11 dlt: r; t hiJt~ ) a rc brr,~H'J t r fJbuut by 1 !rt; llil­Ut irt;; cff<; l J s rA bo(Jtll <::. 0 1lC I,., r~t :dc ~ d t•"St; hings 1 c:J >S1l ~J . \ J,t4 n ~n utjll ·Y Ol · cuh, •h e# 7..b jun!d '>'H' ib uo1 rhc· cm lx · r,nt: th~ t uJl·t' •. " f j lntr· tt~~ ~ he h ~ ,.., • • t L<:' 1 l t ll) {,c :r r,, dun ug f • r- ! IJ t·,n, IJ u 1 w h a f ~d ,c.; 11 t I t is I fT ' t I t>n • i d i ~~~ al l' ]Ilr,J.< u:-.~: f (J -Lim fut b lf't.)J tj( t h aJtd IJf>})C!J.l ' u I )JI • ·:u1 J fir,W },(' ti.«•t a hr, lt J ~~ •I ~W I I tlw JJl 3 H \l lli_J ha J.• •rt ~ t "0 l JLJI ~C,!Jt (• 111l.C 1Jf t'IUfJI h •~t , \ffl !J tbil'l iJ, ' ' inti Jc·t!s iJII : r tc.' tH.l tl u: \N ~" · t (f'll ()flh G'tlf~ l i 1 1 : ~1fc t ~ ( '() 1JW;I 1t Wf'f U I; 1 l <J b~ h d~;l in St J •l ••fJl l )t l. rf'ht! c ·fli" i~.~ L .. r1f rhi f 1 ~n il.:tdnn., lf t~. l l t·~tl· t l,nq ... uy J< p1e t nt •1J Is \ ' t• P'H ( t,.; 1 I b J b t HJJ ~" fl r 1 f'l If ' I (I 0. k j l ~ .1~ U lJ. t"J f q • n 'll::t l ~n-- id~..· ur~. <tit rl b<.• 1t\·oidc:d . ) l''\ ·~ dr) ()llr r an i ll attt.·rH.llftg rhr se 1'1.~c t in us :In I t 1 yi n ~ t l..., cl biJe hy " lt at t.h t:~ ~l) . . 1 \t\ j.,.h \<\ <.' ·ou.ld ha x·e ~ ::-a f <:ty m~.: c t-ing- dur ing tlH~ · mnuLh nf Octoher o w~ ccndd c •') l n b i 11<: "'~jt1 1 it a li tde d i ·­c.: u~. ion on the . 1 rcn~ n tion nf f1 rc. lf .:\ lr. Hildehrand wi ll permit me to say . o. I thjnk w~ ~ hnr 1kl give spec ial at- . tcnsion to the prevc1nion of fi rc. It ta kes a great t'~;lJ of li ·es anu ("rroperty e\·err yea r in this country of ou rs. \Ve conden1n Spa1n. China and J apan, and other countries for the 1'uthless slaug h­t er of won1cn and childrtn and at the sarne tin1e we are doing the same thing, except in a •nore scienti fic n1.anner, that of accidents, and fi re. Fire like acci-den ts. a re c:auseJ ch iefly by some (>UC:,s carelc , ne s, leaving trash and r ubbish where i L will easily ignite, or leaving oily or g rca ~y· rags or cl6thing wh~re it ,,·ill cause spontaneous com­bustion. )) )) (( « VFc wi h to express ou r deepest sympa lhy to Robert H .. Kelley, in the loss of his baby. Just a ripple on the ocean o( i ife only to be hast Hy carried awav with the \vind. HSufTer little children to come unto me, and forbid Litem not for of such is the kingdom of J:-lccl\"en. ' were words of our if aster • t J his di sci plcs conccrm. iflg li t tle child-ren. )) )) « « Our ~ . R. ''A bbic ,, R obinso.n, in th(.· '\orbu ru bo pi ~al for the Tern ov­al 0f his a1 fH;·ndi "A ; '·Rink ' Blalock, ·t l ~u ft,r :trpt' ndici ti ~;~; J. E .\ ilson, ty­J h{vid: and che }j Ullt da ll!1,h1 cr oi Ed. Pa}~he, Pt:vgy Ann. with ~l hrokeu arm. Pep~) ~vII r('n oiT rhe hcd, brc:a king hf·r .11m. Th;"tt P ~"' """ '-' :'> th -.11 " faH r nn. lw ditn ir.,, u., e\ <..: 11 ;n lv \Y a ltitlh.l \:. Juul 1;11 . t.dJ . 10 1)! fuhn" 1U ~mid1, , ,ur '·dt•J•ll lf 1:( v,'' ;Jn i . u . 4 ~ l rt l hi u : ' nd .. I I I Id .t fc·w :.\ d l \ Is \ i t ll ··t}o , .. j- tJJJ II ~U II IJ L IJtl f I fit• ~ ~ lt I "f\'t'fith.; ll!j ;111 !11 ;uh 'l-o t lttll1! :df t' '"' 11 I tlh: ., ) tlf J; f ll l t ' d tl1 h.tlk,r,{ tl u• ttt:"-:1cll)l,, . fJ 1 t! II ~~ .1 ]r ~~ k f I l:ld l)\ · 1,' l : q .:; l /1 • I f lw t•t• \ ' l ' f\· , . , t:~r .f M r l dl l~t )lc· tn it ,d)' IJ I dw I tt· 11 . t t. J) l,nlJt t. II · c.l ,-, llJl\ (" , 1 flf td p I ' ("•' ~l ' lJl, 1l1 •il Jollll rm l•a~J . l dt•;l :tl ,, ,fJt, .,,·lll \'\Ida hi :-; (. h "l:lr ~· ll!l . ~ .. ;lht'l \~ " d.·f!y vr [] 9.] ' _<)a ellj a4,,. :.Jir.Jf Jkoufll t JJ ,. F. IT. t:amp Ovr c(~m pany n ... ) tro i:, f?! J!J'] ... fc·Ho v­shir ani o ."">pt:ra tinu bet ,..ct•l.J :\ f<Jn­aj(~ nl <! JJ t . S1rp,· rinh·md'!T! . F t,t~"T"'lcn and all l' fll }l10 y<'t'o. · Sa frty. rn ust: b~ onr ir r&t t h..<J J1]h1, kood p rndu f· t~ our ccrJnclt hr,ugh· 1 :u!:l c ffi~: i r n cy our third thn agh . 1\'cridenh do1:1 ~l ju ha['pcr1. t her arc ca ttseJ 1-~h c n om.(: rme for~~1 .3 who t he i" doi·ng for just one r hought ~ th en he is f>urry and can see a r} n tr­and ~ ntl unc wa vs h0w it could have • been pre~.-c-rtted if h,~ had j~ t &tGppecl to think before it happened . Some tim e~ in our plant we hJ vc a safety reCtJrd tn be proud of and a~ain wr ha\·e 0nc that an vnne ~~ . should n ot own. but ne\·er thde-ss we ha\~ e to because we n1ade ~t and mu'"t take it. h seems to m·c when we can a ll see \Vhat accidenr co t in money to tbe company and to tbe fellow who Qeis hurt; and the s uffering that a tway~ accompanic the accident. that '" c W0tlld be more carefuL l f every one '"'~ould stop and ~i\c safety their first thO\tght when they st:a-rt a j,~b, to sec which is the best a nJ less expensive in th-e end. to do thc-!r work l!.lnsafc and probably have an accident, or do it safely and go hmne hap py instead of the_ hospital. l-Ien:~ are a few thing to bear in mind \Vhen you go to the p lant: Let sa:fety be your fLrst rboogbt. A careful man n1akes " .g.... ood W)rk-rnan a hvays. Let saJerv becorne a ha b1t. • A little care helps a fcty a long. ~ t is rn ur h better to b~- c .. u-cfu1 lh'ln crippled. Look to ct.;- if the c:nni~.-1n :-:£:n i befvrc gning aht·n I. • Ca-rd , / 'f }r nd .. ' J' - \·rc.· wi ~ h. f>~.) t'~l rc-;s ont• a p j' n:~:. i:u i, Hl for the lw:nnilul tlor.d nth·t ing ~ rn • h. th,· R. & ~\. D .. pa t tr1H'nt, St,lCk :t11J H~< >kc..~ Dt·.partm ·rn, :uh.l I rv k [ill .\J a'-· hi l t~·~ ill tht dl"a th L) f c•\H b('l,)\.c;,l n lvthcr .Hnl \.!'r~u~dmmhe-r. ~· l··~. L. \ l. l'h ' ;tl 11 ln T .) . ~· rh" t ~ h ~ttnt~ · · ~ F ~Hnih . • tlirm thr• tn t)'. tllJ HSl' } 1n1r 0 \ u j \ H. l ~­nwnt . • , « ~ B C C ·\ P I· ,t\'l L. I· 0 L K S ! \ · U l i Ill\ I ·~ O~L \' r> :Vh' LlFI·:, A~ D L-1 \It t s \ K 1·: : ()' I' 'J'< BE P l I{ ­C H \ S I·. n \ \'T 1''11 ~ II.\ V l~ N.n R ( ;n J ~ D .~\ ~ <lOO J> AS. TJl F 0~ F~ <,UP (~ \L \H r . T ill·. HI~ . t ; 1 ~!\: l . ·.c ;. ' • • • . - . . t _, · ,, ·t n~.. Hll' ~ (\jld ' ''<..'.'"•"'- \.l~ . . \ • kH1 · \ ~\l 1\a lwcH '' t n~ · h r i h-i ... .....- .h. 111n It r h ,· . · n1~nv tlH 'U l , .,. \•htl(• ) .<>\H hltf'll 1,.,. ' ;I I I. Sp n~ ~kuc. l ~ t"~ l .. n1T ·rirt~"' w;t t ,~ {a:: • • l'lf ~f' l;~ ~ t,·\"~r wl,i h. :tll, h. ,· l a~te-J intu 1l "> nthldl~· )f \ t1~2u ' l .. :\ c k:•hH · thlt \ 1th lh~ 1"a~. iT'}~ c.J 1 1br1t" l :n = : ., ' tl!( P'\(' th ~~· S:.:~~ trntl~r; \ t' \ iH l:"l~ 111 ti'ftt \' t ~u ~"\~ _i.l th.f r\,•rh,j:~ S ~)(' A )h? tt ' :1 it J G\~ '1\ ~uaJ ~'-"t thf' ~w~ h) ' ( u 1 lk.~ €'a~~h tJ\ \.n-th ... . Ani $1"' .~kit g \d Lsb( r L1B- ··y . .. t\c h-·(1r that ~~fr . • h·d il.J~--bt•:ptJ. .-.tnd l,j~ CtH\HHttte~$ • ~la, ·.c lin d \JP 3. ~~c..--11 F~~ ]U~Hn for ~'J l dR '~ .. ""'e !If'<'' su-· ti•\:1~ e \ <..' n#one • ~'\ i.l e-n_t.., ' t~1e ct:lehrarion a, 11~ t.:Kh asl o ' "r. \. :-~-.. ~ '' .1 n .n1 "l ' .-~ · ivu - \ cars . . ''-" " ~ l .,l">e - th,H v~u t:(}. . . . ~ for ( tirself. we· :u · 3. littl aire~iti that the ~·J3all ~ n.: ' "h..1:ll~" has ~ 0 1'0-n r~HJ..l a l:r¢ad)r ' '- pl ... ;.n ~ct f ·· 11$ that ' ill 1aean labor. · rol nd 11 c t~o~u . . hut ~uch j~ the hit: of a. '~'heH-peck.ed b u~balnd. . . .. En. Hg,h of his pr:l.rtltt ~ . . on with the nex -!$ • ·• . e knvw tha r you are dy1 ng ' '-! t j ... L.r" sir--v so "~e ·on't rnake v. .ou '·:lit any 1vr f?~.! L Amo.nq the proud fathers ~f recent -months we are happy to ~lude the list •. . Willie Har­kjm;. it• s a boy,. Gle_n • • • L. A. (Fat) Duckett - with a girl • • • Ra ytncnd Wells a girl . • . Wal­lace ~~Dony" JQnes~ With a girlr ., ~ .and one ot tw0 others which we can' 1 seexn t-o recall at this fi • • . Was ill>uke RUssell ·. . · Cad Painter , . !esse Groqan ... Rev. We-av-er Elliot . . Bill Suttles . ~ Gudqe BryJ;on . . Red Joues •. Burrell "Grapevine" Hend~rson? • .. , No.. none of th.ose.. tho' we ha¥e h eard so~ne reportS on Gudge . . what about i~t, Gudqe? • . . And we know that by th~ time ihis is in print Gaston John· son 'OVill be a ~'pappy'" for the fifth tilne . ~ he was worried all last w~k and was ready to JUn ever~ time any one of the office force started toward hfm • • he was sure the call had eome and he 'Wtas not qeing to be left at thfl} post. · -· Hope irs a boy .. }ohmUel J,,Jf~k. v:1,.(!> is baF-k iu the ne\'S· wnh an,ather of h\6 farn{.~U ( w tn famous) e t.:;a 1 a de~ . . r tuBe l'j 111cr- tban ont ~roJ­tJd ·l-ng pta) h·uy,_ ,-\u~n;:ttJ .S Lc(,pnf,.l .liJe-~·f n, .. · (;a - ;t! b a .. beftn .a teniJin.t?; • .. 2£ "' • . , • • ' tlt<' ~.ttnrd.n· I lrt N. (.;)l1Ilt lJP rlf\J • ~ · :nn ll;\ \ hct.•\ iU~· .. ktr t hr· lnst l t"-W .if.l(11i1h~ ,t··h.t h H· bt'( (•m · jlllt..e &.t radi1) f..HL .. thn B ttlh.Hnhc ret •;rt('r L··ll ~ .> dJ tt ) c.H-lpht ( \{JrJ i~:: ·lit i1r Ll:)c C•<>t n fl~~ld dH-~ <11 ht\' lJ..1~ 1 • \Vttll .~ .. t lll C':lll on • ill~ J (~p of a ht.'t' J J.::tndl~J .. ( ;~~~,s i(" (llllH:>Un1·int iur'' It a~ lruJ' hr · \ .<L n rndio ~nn'hun c..;r ,: nd t 1 ~t.: ' ttlll t<'ntnl·t:· ... n\ '~ tH ''~lH ~~ ;hh't hin<'r li ke tbi :; . :. ·<r ~P.Ji-.~ ~1 tt<.l -:.;c n f1<"1ncu <1f t lt <~ raditJ ' itudi~ncr"; ·wo. ;.1rc ~·tl :t(Jllt .t, pr~~r JLI for ~ t ll.ll. t>njo_ 'll lCJl! th0 f.JJl10 LI ( ~liS. tl' n cv lin .:\ncl hi~ F ( l lH" it tlc l )evils in the hort eot t~ t of s tt ing musk t:ver t< be t" rv~nLe<l tlt rot:~gh thi ~ M~Hion . .. (;t:tb ~; qu r pa1 tnt.: r~ gf..:nt , swing ~-I-n round and :-rou.ncL co1nc -<\n nnw. I l:J lies and ge to tnw n .~ ... \-tth 1 he rt notntccm nt OYe.r. . Gu-s,$i·~ :;ra bbcd hi hoc a:od "ta rted to s·\· in~ ... l t is i·eporteGl to us t], at he- rore ' tlown six-teen r0ws of corn and his ~\{ if e cha. cd hi tn aLi the way to A s·heville . .. Butt'c r be car<it.f\.l l 'Ybete yon pri&tic~ in th<~' fu t u rc ( 1t1. . t1f .\ ou ' tVQt\ 't -be able to - ~ 1a ke an annoia~cin.g. job w hc·t1 }'O\l r chan·ce corn rs. . » J) « « The safety oampai.g~ in on­aq~ Of ra.thcer S·illl with a. ·neW contest ..• lt 'is our -duty .. one a_ud • • • " • 11. to see ·1hat tne roeoTcl Q# ow d0,partm~nt i9 kep·t ·clean . wo can do th~s by keepi rJ out eyes Qp&n and aur 1\ead1J up, nd aa'h r to the Safety Code and .Rules • 'th~se nd s w.&te made al r 1= eiql s'tt~dy oJ the haza.d~ of the job we are Qn a.nd are tot our b nefit .~ . Let's keep the ·~te Elephant' .. au1 of -our de­pat ·iment and out O'f ou·r stall at thG ontrance- _gat • ,. ,. And.' jus.i small crittclsln ~ . WO.lJ)d l not fu.\• been better to have gouen llre elepha~ts va.J14h a more de­joe Eld look., tather than the trumpeti.n9 and conquerlttq 'bull eleph ant that we now have? . • Or maYbe 1he attitude of tha ele­phant h~ lhe correct on& • • that of havinq conquered ar:Ul 0Ver­Nn- mere man and xt.ding· O'leT his department with a lost iime a&ident! ).) •> « (( . C~ot Lo HH·et t.he tie;;\d~En e. "t> rnust stop no"' . . a:$ a la;,1 word and :¥ La.:~t hit uf ·.n G:"\VS ., Ifn1nk Queen. Delaney \ lncl tbers and Frank !~all have rn .. joyc\_l vacatio11s cluring the tnonth of .\ uvus.t . .. \'A/e are g lad to hav0 then1 back a.nd hope they had a swell time while Lhey 'vcl"e away frum the milL . .. "f hal's a:tl ft)r this time . . h0re ''\ e arc able to. get a not her bit of f!e\¥ · for v.. oo next 1..itnc;· · /Jy Glad,y.r FVright , I:-I. C .. 1"'urncr, crc'v leader of the 'Loading Department, f)assed av.-ay at the vVayn~s,·iHe H osp.1tai A ngust 4 after a short illness. 'the fun eral to0k pl~nte Sunday, Aug\rt G, a t Green I-1111 C emetery, ·with the foli >wi ng n-:tembers of rhe l~~din g cre\iV a,c t il~J~ as paJ 1- .,. beafers: C. V. B ro-wn, C. Clark. F. ~·"L • ~!fease, f . . Roge rs B. SeUa: r: and 0 . J. Cl!Onlz. j\;(r . T urner is surrived by b1$. widow aJlcl one; chikl ,. 1-f. C.~ .J r.) l0 whom 'v-.c extend ,our d c~pe.s t, ~ m ­pathy. )) )) (( (( · . ·li~s ... Ia rga rer F urnc-~ n:rrcl hter father. si.~ tcr aud brother lHn"(; r. ~- L\:t £ u t: l f t·on1 a c.k..J i'b 11 tr u l v-a c ~ ri Cll'l of two \1\'Ce k ~ spen t a(·l their cao,p, '~' [' , il-­lunl Loct~ ~/' vdtich hen·{e just <.•nmpl ~t~ l. 'T h~ lc;dr · t:.. J, Jl.311.:'cl iu aJ1 i('k af -- r}( )l:, ut th<.! ba (• ui A f t. P isj.ttd1 '{ ,n l'· ~~~Jl C Ht ~k . • ,l) )) u « 'fl a(:>SC eaju}' a grille-d Stlpper at {13) T'rillum Lodge Satt1 rday night. August 13. ·were lVIr. Frunes" l ennie-, :\1ar- ~ ' ,g-a ret and R uth F Brness. (;ladys v tight1 _ l r. ~tnd i [rs. Ray Byers _ -I r. an I 1\l.lrs. Earl Po..:s .. ~1r. anJ ~drs. i)oXl 1\ic hols, 1\'Ir. a.nd ~{rs . H oward \V rig ht, i\!Ir. a lid 1\fl rs. Bob La wrcnce and ba bY- ... a nd .IVf r. and ~-'frs. C. V. B ro~vv i1 a1hl sis tor. 13 rucc ~. _ella rs \V~ ~ taken to the y~;- ,iy 1 1e, \rille [ f o-:-~" it u l J\.(ouday. J\ugnst 1 -. wh~;;:r~ he undcn-v.ent n n (fperation for a,ppcud ic1 ti . H·e i ~ reponed to b~ r ·cCVt'ring rapidl:·. \ ft·~ .. \-ill1\ l:t nt".\ ' has ret nrn,ed JtOU''H f:·() l)l ~t~ ~ \·\ ·~\' l'h'" ·ville llo,~p1ta l l)luch imp,rt) e-d; aftt:>r a W\"l'k o"f lreatrnetHS. n n " t( /)(tJt.g ltl c:r JJ OJ'1l- HonJ I-t• ~ ·f r. anJ \ J rs. Joe Cntlins, J t:ll.' 22J ~l dn ught\!r> L'nn I · 'nPre . • Ft~· s ~,H:? LP ·,H"\h r~ _,,n t-he \"rtt­fr '-)i 1 ;~ coL.uuH ~t't t 1i xc.. d np on the d.ate Tn-r: Lot~ w~~ 'lll'~p.::c,l to~~ Ln i.. .. t"rr~~ .Pld. ((,'b·~quenth:. ~--t.b-,~ul .... r•- h'ale . ~ . l I "!h Tl(,lt repn.·~l'llh~-\.1 Ct:> l iUtlt' l l. • <'f'1t. .... 1.::1.1b.: r8 ( ( our J~·part01l'l\'t na \'~ l:'t'~i-it: ... (.'<; J fan~ at ll$ worst b~ :the i ei '<1YC':-t1cnt '-')f ln\ ed une~. ':rhc: H.t !"~1\.l.. ... !} b,,' r Xt thei r b.thc..'r ~ftc r a pr\.:ll'-!'1 ~c<( illnc .. ~ llomer r1ann~ h J1as rt,, Ut'Slt. J th;1t the Jcra rtm ent be banked ;·vr ~.~ir ktPdncss during his bOffffit'. ) )) << ({ :-ince .J imm\. · F::t.~lon went on his va-ca .. ;on_ i1ie so'i baa tea-m has gone to seed. b~~t '·c hope the slump is only ·en; T.'l c•a rL •' n » « « Tl:e ~nention of .T immv F al lon re- ~ n'ind$ us tl!at he is to be congratulated on the acqu·..,~tion of a \Yifc. Jinrmy 1n,.-iretl to wrtte his own paragraph. ;n THE Lor;, bur ha suddenly turned • into a v~ry ba~hful boy·. :\farbe we ~' IJ UIJ ~~-...;:..;,...._~--.....;; l ha rlie Cnnn-an \' ~Ulls C'- \J r yn!H' If> know th.H thl' micrn~cope he otdt>re;d ~ ~u~ple of ntt"\O lhs ago wi ll be irt in a crtuple nf days. Hy 1 hu way. ask him where C1 urm a r~ ,-\ ,·c n tH~ i ~ located! » t) « (,( J n-~k RicharlL>on i way auovc aiJ ou r heads; that is, when be is fl ying his 1 lane afly\ray. E:,·en ~,·hen he is on l erra f1 nua he has a I i ttle di fncu I ty being swept oft· his 'feet by his nuTner­ot: JS aA'ajrs of heart! ) ) )) (( (( 1 1ilton Ell'is denjes everythi ng that .has been told about hiin by· the rf ime Office girls! \~Te \Yon t go into a cer­ta rll ball on Follrth of July. \>YelL sca ndal w--ii:I out. Jt js hard Lo keep a record of eve,rytb ing that is reported a.L1.d try to a,:roid print i·ng names of the report, but f ro:m71 the mumber of taJes coni'ling in, 1 think we had all bette·r turn ove r a new te·ar ! ! • ,..__..... eparlmenl By 0 . F. Gillis .dr. Cecjl Robin.,on, "'ho ib foreman in 11he £. B. Dept. 1I ou~1on Division, t~ s-pe.rtd'rtg hi~ VaCaUOI1 in the B10UH- 1C'lRS. : ..O ld .J ack;· rnainLaiu~ he ca1nc up to fisJ,; hut, J il-e r he p{,:;tman , has b<:eu bpenc,wg n~tht of his vacation jn tl•t E. B. Depc her..:, renewing ol<l acqu.aint ahce~ and learning Lht Canlnn f1JE;ti100b in the .IH:.v cdl]·I ~Jnt, 1n,. JJd ,1- s '~\'ebll. whcJ I.Plderwt·nt • a er:iOIIS (J.jJCJc:n:cm n·ceJllly i~ r.(.port .. eJ iH a1 \hj.s wr;dn.;,;. \'c extcr,.d t'' IJ3lti.ts tLe t~:n·tH.. l b'>FC tha t. ~he ',"t!l ..;1,0f1 l'• rf_.J'.'(' f b( r ht;ftlf h. » >.1- <«" jl ·riH~ ~ns.ual E. B. h:. lke·t Jl;. tHe s f.dH ··h:lcd t.Q l ,~ n<JJ i \1J' 1 l{' 1 27dt Ct . f 'H. I .. . '11 l Ll n I. f ''l II'. ' d J r J t w J )/• r~ I hj'll.d';.' 1,.d 1 n rhi.s i J Jinb ·u~ J'~l l~ l: r;p4; ft}r J;C)I ,r} ~ C;J.l hPf ~~ ud ~ gf·Dd t tfH • n it e~ "' 1r 1". h. 'J rJfk i~ t·• n di11 • t\ w\;~·l~ wi tlt ht,t ft~d <·1 ~rHl •"'Jtbr.:r re l:i­d ,_., ... ~ a r S 1 n.t ,_ C' A J ~ • o ~' , P 3 • .»~(C$( rv11, !\. ( . ( 1'1ldf IJ J(•(\lfJll'\1 (l(JJII h~S • ' j, ,n tifr! .•n\ Jl wid a ftJU ~u cu\HH · u f I ·j , Ji. ·' It n I ~ ~ c a J • r f. I l ll n 0 n a t h1 "'C..: lEJ TJt~ htbhw :t)'/' . · <;X ~7 J lin.' d tO him by a P <::nn. State hig hway C<YP'· )) » (( ({. Ar th e end of his golf n'latch wit:h ~~rr. C. A. Stone, Bruce Nanney says, ~'\Ve il , 1 \von . having Lhe least number of strokes.,. \ 'he reupon,, Cedric re­Ina rked, ;<tr he match is even, \·Ve hat'e \'ltCtn nine hoJes ~ach. \ ·\'ell play un­til som~one :wi n~ a hole.' Now Bruclo! is in the cons(lla rion flight and NJr. Su'>.ne: i~ looking fur <>tiH: t· fot?~ to con­quer. TuJJ is spvndi11g hi:-;; 'a~a ti(m at thi , \~ 1 ni 11g~ ~t:nd .. ays he ·:<p·c1s to dt} r,lt rtt y tA tra.\'clinr irt d"n! mc.:;} ntime. f~c sibfy h . v(ill g'1 lu bt•:tlc..~ , l,u1t1 'f'Jtt kery1 (\ud , 1 d t1.1 l i t 's olll t'r., 'J'lw i11 i r t ,lliQt· t •t<,,!Je(r; hJJ1d_ tti~ tl i r'' ------ , ~pe 1tr n'il t·> ... l thr •ll f Vel l1o1 \~ .l f'l" u - • 1 \-\l,.Jl," n piH'~l !I t-t Jntt r •t~( t 1 •J \i\d t,JII'I' L;) li•t.:l t•u, hoi I L.L\1 lH~\· J lw.c.u pr; tu tl'l l ~riu vdltdt!.· r 11 \tl~ !I"'I''Jt.i.h ( ; r b r p H...t l 4 11 ,H d t ·11 1 i y 11 ~ •' I~-' . ( l4J Simon. J.r •• 3 ye.a:r old son oi 1'41. a nd Mrs.. Simon Downs • 'rc \<v·ish to expr.ess deep apprecia­t ion to 01H {rie.nd .. for their roanv kind- • n·esse during tht: sickness &11d d~cnh of our beloved g randmother, a nJ e~­pecia1ly otr r fellow-\·orkers in the Book !\'fill _ ·Iachi ne and Bearer Rooms for the beautiful 'floral offeriag$. F rtlnk. Chambers Roy D. 'ea)·. G. R. R-obifl-..(H\ \Vc wish to thank our tnany fri~n\..1 · for their kind c. prcs::-i\-Hl~ uf $) m pu­IJ, y during- the d ~a th of \'>ur ~..k~tr linle ba.bY. v\·c ~}''rt c 'int<- th' bt·~HLtifu { li or~ 1 ufTeri u g-,·: eSI''-''-' i ~-~ lly t r\..11'\ t h~ Ho11k l\ I ill i\ btt-hiHt"'s. Rubc1l R. J t~Ucy :tnJ v-~\tnt lv_ I wi. h t ~.:' c.· .\ l'~t't!'::.~ Ul )" pprt•,:i..ttk n t\> 1 h · T r ·" n. 1 e t l. k p ! l • t tllt' n \ I'm the bc 111\iiul th ,l~<t l nlfea1n.,. s•ut .1l ·t hct l in1 · elf nt \' tn ,t. ht"l '} Ieath. • --- H ~L \l t!'lh t,) ti1UUk dH t frit· t·l .}.., f, f 1 it\.· 111 tll ~ hiudtH 's.t'.:~ :-.hv\' n ll"" "hn i·ng th ilh,p-·!i !l l ld kith 11f our (k:u bns.­h ·ulll ~ IIHf f nh\.1. 1., .. , ' {'1 t.·dh ,I ll W(. 1 h. ttd< tLt' Shipl'lt11., LJ 1> H t •u ~: n 1 ft }t 1 h. · 1.:. 11. t r tl nH i 1 :>H ~ tt 1 IJH! r ·,t ntif nl llur. l ·)f1'cl'ing t\l1 s. l lub l \ nl.H:1 ,_~nd ~r . n. • • • k 4 • • I . Jn . ~~~)~d~ ... \l\ '-:l, l ~th ~H I"· rn .. , 1 q ' ih t"' ~l t.h Y 1 :d's (."~n-b tnt n\ ·' · \ ' ~ . "", ., rllli1hcJ 0n thc. trw.:k l~fh~ ~J 1 l'1 n~!~ (:d ,\·. Car~ p fl'-"lP'" f \r f\ .. ' ,, ;~;;'h, "~ \. ,l.~. 'l 1A . ' ( i .1 ' ·, :t., n b" · ~ Hl<i.'k ~l~l r h~ , trtp \\.'H? r:tt 1 l :"tu .l -, 1'\.('\ l \ \'C. Clint( n. .J • I \~~-.k~..~. ~ 1 tw~i: - «)... • a fT' ~ · ·l arn~$ B' y ~: u.: Lut ·"'. R ht~t. \ irg'1 8ru\ n. fad.: ~ 1u~n·ilc"t'$. C B.J"Yt.1i1 r h.~ ' ltes " ( ; .. 13. ":f>1 · .. :.t ~ . • .f ~P) · . · ~, -...:k. J. ·r. Cl ~r- ~ .. ~H'"i~), Lat!i rit1• f~ .. -·\?, l'vn1 l~ 'l~J. :-e~; \ l (>\,!fo) ~L (,r~td n !\I· dt ·" He 1 l ll~.H l'in . f.h:~ 11 ~ in ~ba1:! ni ... ur ~ ob- .::r' t;! - ~ · (:, '"\ ·~ $1 afL iel .~tfttd n gr" , .. t:R: f act'vi ;_.s in !h)ftbaH. hor$cC­:-; t )e~, hiking~ win:uning ~tltl fl~h1 t g-. ' ·r. ~-5 Dt) "'S :ett-('1. i t\ hJ\~e their daH_ de\ <>t.'i\~:-- ~n L. early IllOr"in~, ·This f ~rt oi tLe dsi}y· 1 rQgr-am :was in ... h .... n~e of K~r. lvbcn , but he "t\:--a ~ ,a bJ y. a'". i ~t. J by S0~1 · f -rh~ hG)' . ·rhi.. dul bua t of ~ z-ood softb~li eanl. \X.\·" r "t ' -l · · d fli4~' at ·t'a m.p ule-y Vl.S.Jte · Cru ·c and t.r:inHned t:ile locals to the .' • tntl( ~- r .:! t t~· ?. ' l"h1t C' n1 ~:'! Lt)ys j\ )\!I'll \ cd (o (' .~ tl'll' flnpt: f rJf I ' Vt' ·~ t > ~' pd . \U'l1' ' clJA\t l t' he ~l:h n I 2r) to ~. l\ . t. ~ V\: nn~n h ·""'r tJ1 , pC(.'tGI r n ~ ''re-rc n·n ~ hatllt ~c~, thi. e~ttw. I 1'h(' f, ~f'h.J\-\ log bn.v!; t\"~ I~C cfct_"l,1fcd Catnp d\ant:ptrJr\: i.n rhe diJf'·ren t" ~}'Prt·: Sof l~~dl ~Pi~c]l:l. l \ .J :t rn 0~ ltht:a : l,'0tt ·~ ' rnu~m y J~bt:.'cl : l.lft~g ltl«lrd, R:'\YlHt''tnd Tl;trhin ; ·R'" i t n lt'\t'f . RP.I.)i­rrh,;\ d ll ~ rbin and j arr1c~ BtyJ\OJt ; l"i$h­erfn H, fred .\J e~:H~1rd ~nkl larviJt • l0 t\11· ~ . .\ ll tl1e boy~ 1'<=t t"~rtc d loL.:; ()[ flln · alt'cl a gr>oJ t:irl"',e~ 'Wi th ('; u_" h a~ in g a ·~ rt'at 6 me feedin r thdlll. l~e trieJ ~0. llU tht hoy.s 't\~·tJ• \V~te·rrn e lton s, but the ·--~:~pp l y in that t</'Lll?lf.1.ry "vas i.naJ ... ·­qua:- te. 'T'his group retu rned .to ·C anLon on u gust 1 fl;.h. , evett l grours of boys ha V(~ been t0 Can.1.p· Hope thi . ea tJn for a week. of <Hu;n pi o.g under uhe leadership 0f Guy ·R o berts and many_ fan1:ilie's a.:nd groqps of yout)g people ha_ve c:·a:tn_t.Ycd and picnicked at t.his wonderful spot a t the t o0t of Nift. Pis.g~l'L By R. !J.. JV!eh.affeyt ·" 'PJ\ 'RTL ·c; '\l\·'ORD l-Ia~·; ·lg reached the rt:dr-cd age limit, 1 H ·t~ h -to 1 "' r-::;nnall~f express my thanks i. .• i.he man&teJnen._ and to mr f~l-· h:.wnH.:n in l:hg Yar\ous d:cpartmeru.s far t ).(!~ r r rJend s.h. r and co-op~ra tion d"~at lv• · !)(ten _n.-!?>S t i leasan.t for these many 1..·~ f S. [ fe.d 1t an ho~or to h~nre b-een a mrrrnae1~ c.,f ~the- Champion F amily. Res}•ectf uHy, _ .1 o11roe P ~~ ri s'. ·C.:"\RI) OF TH.I\ KKS In .2.. -r~ucful a.cknrwl~hrem{;l1t of "\·our . vtapa thy tH1d th-e beau"tift,l BuVv ers )'t)U sent \fr. & ~1r". \V. ~L K irkpatrick ttnJ F <t oJ.ilv • )) ;» (( ct • ~J iH., R.&. \ . . and Con fitt· u!-ti~vn fJ'<eJ'aU,.. . m~nt ~ad their anJ,ttal pr.cnit.. at ·or h _ 1 Ht~5 ;\-~a·.;t"l ! day~ A1.1~tht 20, 1{)3 >-1. 'B':td! derJ artrn~ n.t~ tquJ a good • i ~ ;Jrtt:. Sv.n. (: !,i)f the #.Ill u~r,;Jnenu, ~v.exe horseshee pitchin.g, s·~vhn.n1ing Rnd a soft baH game at 1 1:00 A. ~1. S·a'tJ..I:r­day m:orning between the ,oJle.r.s and 2u~other team picked fro tn td:te R.. & }\. Departnlent. ' » J) (( « ~ fr~ Ralr>b Bass o f the E lectrician Crew, :who rtro€ived a s·evere burn .somet iln-.e ago, i.s back te wo dc . » , « (c S~vera l of ou:r R. & A. f oFen1en ·ha:ve been \{acatiotl ing this tnonth. · • » » (( « ~vtr. Ghas. Crisp o[ the 1\{[ill wright Crew was seen bringing in with hirn on~ rn oruing recent! y a: brace and bir.. '\VJ1eli <Lsked \vha t Jn,, hac.l betn doing, he s'a ·~cl he had beetl dl-ggi o:g ·pot.a to~:s .. 1\~ r. ?\ea·J Leatherwood csf d1e 1v!j-ll.,., 'A' ri¢lt c:: ha~ a. 40(QJ a<:re farrp n ~r 'fry­r. n. 1 · un(h.:r ta.J\cl. f1~m a keyho!.C' re­pclr er t-h~H h is rt ntcrs arc not uikjng · l:;~:r~ ( ) f hn,.. fa r11~ t)rO} ~>(~JtJ r . S0 [ have he-en told l hat he is • b<t('k t o· k<"'ep the di r.L from les t:ro~ 'ng Lis fanrn. . [j S:J - I • • • • M{t . . HF.JINDON j\d .l . E.· J. . }fc:·~nJfJU: f ~ hf~r· 'f ,( (I "(lr~ff'~ t~: t lt1n,l· WiiJ1t:.l r ·r.od< fll. p:~_MJ-· t·d' etV~ n y CJ,lthc: !tr,lllf! pf hiR .s<rH, \ 'filti,. I r l' r ntl u , (In ~ I J I .r:la . 4 ~ i () f, t r-e-{)1 y .\•V ~d n r M lf! y · ( tc· t rH 1ot-1. :t t c o • c:lrK k, ·r ,-,u~.) w-­ing a proi<.Jng(·,l i ll tp · t~- llt: ~~ S ti·J ~·j \: c.a,d ·.~, Y. hi ~ \'Vii"t> .. fteq t' "ran anLI f( 11r d:utghre, ~·· Folfo\.Y;n.g :1 furi ·f St"rv1ce ~ ~ t1Ht \V fls l"lln (· ral lJ ru;Iae. h · WcP\ U.• ken J ~ JlHYl k. Sr.>ttt h Cu to-- • liJl 3. f,H. inlr-f'n'lCH l in the f&t~l ify • }\t.f rs. \t\7: l (. K ezzi ?-h is in the N tJ r -· h urn lluspit:.aJ fnr treattherlt. vVe hopG ·ht=- \v)U -0t.Jn recover . ~ f r " . ()live CotlJrCJn, who was op­e rated on rec.entl5-1 is" irnproving and \Vi l1 be abJe LO r~~lJ L'l J. home SOOt'l. Cha d1e Srnith, ein pl0yed on the ' "' ood Yatd ~vno ~ .as. (.')per aLert on at Ji ~ y,.v ood Hospital is getting along fi ne. \Viley l~obinson ha ' retu rned home f.r on1 the 11o&pital following· a:n opera-n on. ~"Irs . R. L. lvi ailiews,. ~rho u.nder- ~v·e n t an operation at the f-Iaywood HosJ ital recently-, is im·proving. l\llrs. H. P~ J>res$ley who ~ra..~ ia the hos pital for a few d ays, h:as re.turned home and is getting along fine. 1V[rs. _ C. R. Stroup 11as returned from._ the hospitaJ vvh el."e she under­: weat an operation rec~ntly. J rs. D oUie Webb is imJ) rovtng iro1n her recent and we hope· s,he Y·vill ·s-oon be well again. A. B. Rdbinson })as r tl.tn1ed f rom the ho .. pitRl fol10wing an operation. ~Ve axe glad to report hr is getttng a l o.n ~ fi oc . P reston, son of }Vf r. an I J'\·1 r~. l C.'. Phillips> "ho wo...: i,njured .. ·c~' end week. ago in an UlltOn).rJhile accident. is in1pn:>ving . lowly . Gr~~cc-: ~'Dctrli_n g, t"d a7. i our Hr ' t t..Yl" Lding a nni\·l-.rS'g ry. . ha-ll I kill a ru,keyr) · ltol err : \-\· hat liJ he have to do .,~i~t h i 'IE l''-J::x. • • • c THE • amt HOUSTON DIVISION Vol II. _No. 5 P~ASADENA, TEXAS September~ 1938 • By :\. ~I. J{m .. :RY P. YCHOLOGICAL l<.E. Et\ RCH a t the l ;niversity of J J1!r.oi~ turn., up the fact Lhar a normal person la ug hs 40:;;;es as freque11tlr as he fro"'(n So Jong as t hat ratio ex; ts '\'ic· ··c bound to mana"re omchow t.o live uccess fully throl.tgh a few Jt:Jore 2\ev~ Dea l managed yea rs. I ncidently, our recent :afCl: R ecord has brought smi les to a ll those ' vho realize ho'>\ very nec~~:,a_ry iL is that \ \ re eliminate acci­dent_,. Lo o· folks s tiJJ contend thar ·'accidents will ha p­i cn··-b:u· our c:!ptrienc~ thus far thi;) year docs not bea r out tha <ca. jnz. lf \ e can ~o a week without a LO 1'' TJ~\li·~ C( JUI: T. we.: can go a YE. R ! 'l han ksc, iv ing 1 )<J y \' ·j U he rt)Jling a round 5(JOn-]c1 's keep our s rr ing of "0 : ( C I DI· ).:''[' }) \ l. 5 intact !;0 thaL we may add such a rna ct ta! a_c,~J·lJ li. J•mt·ut to 1 hl; Ji 1 of uur blc s~ ing · ft)r .d,i l1 >'"e sl (JtJid l.Jc c;\·cr thankful. ' r)/ t/ii? 'l', mr'f: A J1t<.:rcha11t. in l!u uston Ja t \Vt..t·l~ ~aj) d h;. <,r r· l!HJ]I''YN' intu f1is ~Alice and in (fJJ HH::d him uf 1he l;wt I IJ:~ I Jw was bi! III-.Jupt ~t 1H1 iA:e'd i ~\ ·• Jr; lu l11•tl ~o. '· l'!. :tt ' jltl} (1ssible,'' rt·- 11i~d t .. ,~ erni'J(, cc. ·• 1 \ hat diff,.r,·w .# dtJc:; it rnakt· . f . I J ,. i t) I Cl (; J } U II I ,. if I 'I' ;' . (I t: J<Jpittn', ,., '' (t Jtt iu tiH ,,ftball ,., lJ f.n1? in :J ild .t&tHllld ~11 tJ·Ir/IJ h~ '{'l'Jll'f ll j • 'l ., k1 L. t ..: I hi yc :11 f 1f C 1111q1\ 'lt l lllt · • j 1 l1 2 ~ 1 , I n' a~' • r j ,. r I (} .I (, 1• 8. () 1 1 Is c 1.?, ~ · .t 1 JJ c • J'tb }' • ·d) 1; tACr' Hl tbc {;, ' f t111tLt ~ : iviJ I J .c·~t "ll ' 11l I h·· J (uJJ•,IOtl , CJ J), ~c l ~(fljf.Jl lJr.p~i It r•w. ( l••tHIT 1"11 lc•d dl 1• ! lH ltl flw J(':l"~l{' in ;,irtiJI1:; \•.idt .'\ u~'tl tl 'l\-l'lflgr• ,,J . ~~I idt HJ, jtt Jll , ;, , .. . l '•jl .kt I (•L ,,,Jc•r t t .;J I r.Jt I. ~, I del II ntc I Q. Jl" ( I" tl6 hH.t~ I 1 11V a v, ~ nJ ··I , • l \' c JJ , " • r J t: t J. 1 t , d 1, ill • q , i• • n 1 , , w 111 . 1 ' , ' • J•lrd•"f r.m Jir· lUll t h e· l t .ll1 1 rJll}d Itt,- •l< 'fl l •d (I \ n t:ciitlll '' H Lntd ~fl'i tlid du· 1WV< r t<.~ - 1 ,., forguft, ·n l .1 J t_t .. j , It r ,,( I t ... l ~P:Jf ,. ),r, -potJt•d !he· ( ' ' · flW" tU I JU .1'/ ,,l ( i .~ff.pjr,IJ IIIIOit.i{LI)jJ I rht: c;,y hf"IJ•fj \"\i d nJLJ t I Jo ~, {Jih..l then went 1 200 mile on:: r land to .\"orth Carol;na tfJ oai11 two jmp rcss ive victories over the Canton a nd H~rni!•0n Divisions. A h.. fo r a nother .y ear and another team w=t h r he spirit and Joyalty a nd abiJit)' and aggres·dYent!~s that ~ang had !!. But to geL back to ofrball- han1pi1n ,.o\ald v the season in fourth place. ha,ring won 7 and lust ~ of the league games played- not a bad record for a tean1 ~,·h id1 reli ed solely on its batLiJ)g power to bring ' 'ic-u.)ric$. Fr. uu one of the teams in the T ntra-:\ Ii II League :thou kl ern~1 ~c at least one A-1 pitcher w ho "-ill b~ able to r•ro,·idc t be much needed hurling s trengdl for n~xt year's tcan1-if $(J-. t hen watch Champion in 39! Ano ther ~u ess is th a t C hampion \ill bt.""'.:t"r a •irst d~. s baseba ll squad next ~ ca r. \Yc have a number nf c'<l'ericnceJ basebaHc rs in ou r mids t. a nd [ can hc -:n the umr·~ .1nn un~­i11g: :'Ba n e rics for today s cr~mc, for ChamplOO. Schkmtn~·r pilching! Curti" caLching.: T he line-up \ ill \:'lc stt.Jd ~\.I wi th such names as Ca k in. U l ~ thl;, .. impson. \ onhin~t~}n Boggs, Anders, \Yil:·on. pears cl ,tl, and t"ll \. t!cr J t.j''l'll~t' thnL they' ll make a name fo1 L'bampi('n iu h:t~eb:dl t·nd"·~ hereabout s b~fL) fC l hC-\ 'rc well iuto .T uh. uf '3• 1. It's 1tt CJ!d ('hjtu pinn custuJn--thi · bu ine~s l)i kaJ in tlw r·Kk. • \ ft •r ~<·\'<· t a l \'\'( ~<· k s of i d k nt· ~~ c.:a us •d by ~ Ji d1 1 r:tins in our lll'i ,) hl>nt huod, IIH' f rH r:t- \ l i ll ~n ftb.dl l.t''l lit' is ~ \ tng­in: h.11.:k irllo ~u. tillll n11lt the..· h.ttde ftlf fit ,t pLt~..~ be'-~•HHin~ c•\ Ll l () ll~~~~ 1 . l\t tltis \.\ ritiur n tlllrl c f;hift~ :tn· lt..:h ting i 1 lJIJI \ ith tlk IJ.i )' \ (}J'l~('ll'\ ft,l t ht• lt.. •p '\( Dl, \ t( /) Pil l)' (I II'\.\ f"CITt Ul.l ~C prlilll$ _,(' ,) l l' lill.l.!" tl~t·m , ' l'h( )tlh·<·- l..rh- 8 1ll It \f' dtuppt d llrnh• r i11t·• lhc lh p th;. llll..l lh \\ , .,_. 1k· IH:.I ,,_ c·t llll·h lll h•) l llh I'IJ tll111l, \idt j) Shtft <"lh Pile • 1 :l i1H lu •ltiJHI. fk nny l l ij 1 jl'i 1 \ Sl!ilh·l;, ctr,· lt.'~tin<...: in tlh: u•lla1 ' tn;tJ II nf a h td :-t,u 1 I IH ~clwdulc f:ll~i n g tit~;' I J, J • • le.l(ln., Jl 11 the· lit ~ 1 I\ c 1 \ (. '- k i~ . I 1 • H ~· II l'IH' 'tlhl thl !..'ll l rll 'l \iltddn ' l l t, IZ, I I •I .l \lit' ~~ d 1• ·1 \h it:h lt'll JII \til ti 11:1 Jh L'lld Ill! l {)p . , J Ill: \ ' I 1111 ' j) 1: II d. ll. t ~ \ d )I I ' . , • L Jf il t'\, p' tl H. I ' ll I t' I 11 1 d ;: · b: H' • 1 • 11 tl H tll i II It u.l P ,, ~ h I c• n : • 1 ( •. d J h , d ·" till' r· l't:ll '-' 11f l•" , c· ru hi:C" . \ rul~.1 1nd ·· ~ ),pg~a' 1 Ill ti ll' . . .• I II. Ill \: l (' l l.,jl IW ll G1 • t: 1h: Jt:}...,;. vay. \ ,th .a l"'r~t.. , ._,lrCfl'C In aUClldance .Ntr. \ l'~'t...t ~ ,J ·~·\(' }:"'~,·1 lhl? f''lll;C. Yi.5il.lllt"'d ~l role of \IOU ed bat Lh. 1 ·~. ~L L.'led on t h·~ hrak~s . fdl 1.1u t of his c ~ r and ..:pr~ 1t ,1 : k t ..... t 1H: bri ·~c. ~e ,· er..:t l ra rs re h e ld tlp b~cau ·e uf rtenchl \ ejz.s~n1~$ ,., t•. reach the "cash'' and th~ cccu; ~llh~ c: tt ::.1'j o ye~.1 1he .rlo·L·' exrress i0n on his fac-e , l:te~1 r ~.~ r ~--,e \3 · sn:uched ft·orn h1s reach j u~ t as he be1H I.L.iVJ• ~<' . r'--~t· :u the '''' Our frietild Anders da "hed ba~k ~o >i! ' l." .t- ~nd lef t he v icin1ty: in ~onJcthin.g of a h lllTY - -the f:H.l'r2·~ w~~ agair~ p}aceJ in \·ievv- and along ca n1e Cren­.::~~- in L~~ ~l; Ford. ren$hav\ . too, spied th e- linle '' bag nf \'eald1~' aud t c-~J ·o hea,-iJ} on his brakes th.e body of 1\js sejan ra \ed. forward on the cha'"is a good four inches. ... e r'JJ}'C:- i t. , ,..i) hjnoe!' t.•ff the d~.>o r of his car and caused a not he·r ' r-1ff!.c jamJ onty to finJ the same di sappoint1nent ::;nd ero'.)~ ·· ·a.smenl a~ did F rench·je. \"N.-hy is it ahv·ays a c=ry-breJ gur gets ··~._ity-:lic l. .. 0d"?- ,ve count ry boy s never get putkJ in on a stunt like that ~ * ~d ade a l'Our c.i inspection ·with Ranch F orema n Dabney he other dAy ·to(,k:ng o\·er the new and e11l a r~ed he rd of sheep. D.:1bn~y infonns n1e that our herd now n umbers ;):um:e .10 heaJ. \.h" w·ould have Lhou~ ht> bacK. in August ~ ~ of }c;~t year "'-hen \~e jokingly re fe rred to our n ew sh e.ep, thal fi:j Raui-ho Cnnv wouJJ attua1ly becorne a prominent . t~ure !n he g!~:.iutic ~beep and wool industry of 'Texas? _1 ~. D!ibney i~ fattening half a dozen of t he youngsters in a ::-p.:~'-ia i Fen behind the machine roo1n and n e~o l iatt0 n s a r1.~ no;..\· undtr way \:.'hereby the C afeteria may som,,ria r in :.he ncar futurr- "~rve, a~ a •:piece cl' re~ i ~ t a n ce, ·ba r­becued larr1b a Ja Chalnpit-,n . Lot~ of good stories st ill center 4n ... und c~ur ''liule pers/ ' s(,me of whi ch you will rccn 'n (.1tller l J~UtS cA () H Ffonston ,l Tews. Clt~ppn ('ldP.t: Eddie · ·~ail-nr~" Cherno ky and vV. A. Lloyd manH~.d Ecld1c ·b 18-fc)ot sailboat la"'t Sunday and entered the Seabro 11~ Yach t Club n ice d es pit t:!. 1he s 1 .Jf lll .nun in ~. Un rhe flr--t le!.': of the eno r~<.: mnuruain(lUi seas rtrid h ie-h •i r.ct~ ~ ot th ~ S<:$t uf one c)f Lhe t ' "-'<)-]' n1 no t •.J "a ring wLo jl. wa • bllt it wusn \ 1~dd \e. ; *' · \.Y h a t: el f) the feU a·:> n'lean \Vhcn they spe<~ k vf '' J..r1\"e in l.J10t;;m >' Chan!:e ~ • .... . oticed a , :..~., n on the boHetin boa rd c;d i n o ttu<;- 1ng the fact that 1Jkk Bean ''rat~ rA'fer i.n~ t'wu t'-=n nis rackl"·ts for :s,alc • a b.nde au~ .91roonl picture in ' hi i ~ tfc wi ll exp}:tin B ~ n·s ~ht:Hlf.e of heart. • JJ1dn't it dv ) uu tfC'Od to Hear /}r. Cr·ne ~peak so pr0\{dly or ( H J' llou {0 11 Bivibi<:m·.s J...C:f ~Ofinel and our vlant at the all -employee I)lcet.- i ll 111 \ u• ·11. 1: \J tdli \ J h bl~ \ ' t • r e;}rj Will I IT-V(!f' btVC the f\) t t ,. ll l' l lll r'.tn i P ~ th :'IL -~ s l · ( ER Jc:LV tj't,f,l'. l , e\!.ory d·~y' ''' 1td 11, ~ ~ nd il l1. ( .a' lfl ,::-; ( r:ll~dJt ... f trJtn - rlt<~! h:•· ft [,~l r wurd . lailu l ID hit th · RJH1l rc•ll , • oq i11· V( ' ~'t · n lis1Ji tn' ' n J.d f\d ( c ·:\L ihy .. II Jd hi~ t ' rrdit I t rilll'i ('un{iull'' t tJ p r \, pe r· ~· •llH"' :!UO ''' · u~ b t•t . h<L L: ~ ~• <·d ill 1 n, · i nt . .~ ·! Y ~7 J)l){} l ll tl tc ~L W fl\t !l ll hf\ t h~ll the [l~.r,cit-lliol\ hr.l '$ b~t' ll fH ;. j-,tC'OC • . .14 • \; jJl .... nun h\.' t irrH; In l n ln Jnl I dl' IG II ~ n n;•i ng for th n.:e Ch[t mpir n$ n hn wi i1 n, J (lkt"' ·~ ·.1 ,a ,Jififr · td th · \ ll(.·:~ fi o n <d CnLI .J.t· ~· nfh n;d "' tlwir l·rhetll by tD~" l' utnl"~ul y, \' c'd wt• l, ru t ~· \~orJ frr1111 ,, ,., ~,m..: IP r .. ·t-,:st ·d U.'~ I ~)fa rd I{ (Oll l'S ''\ to lw l ,n· ·n d. r"ll . P l n ~ f,,, n n ud­\ tt ll\'«.'d rlnsli in Hl t~ r. pt· i n L Rt·ad rng- art: well tunler \nt)t a!l( t lf. h ~t <:o ursrs will he \oJl,:r<l c;ut this nHJndt·•r 1.1 kJHJ\';' wl.Ja t y o ~J \',Ul t ~nd \<:' 11 hll t11e btlf. · · I f ;,t~:: u, ~..:c Cl:c..:{ Ad ~ m s . of Liben v f\J{ur.u.a l. leave ' f'e).a s. Lik(; •he- rest (.,f rhc.: Llhcrty t.: rowcL he;\ :\ ~well fc-llu'·' auJ. we ·w, sh l!im lu l , o f luck and all Lh L: bt t;tt kc; in J • souri ! · ' G~ot=~<.· \V11J cotllinHes to in1p ro' c his !folf ga r n"-~hrJt a j~f11-Uf' 75 a t. 1-Ier.rnau the oth er c.l a:v· * Cn~vr~.,c aLo knnc k~ out 7 words l't.:r n1in u te on rn~ port ablr. at. J.(,C.. ' t'iling tintc. • • · 1-l. ]. B urneLL is fa ttening l.ll ' on the T·cxa$ cli xne.te. I notic.e. '* • Chas. if hom pson shoots f I h ol e~ of ~r>lf at l~Te nn a n once each 1no nth to kt:cp in shape:;. ~ it t. Schh~mlnl~r . Calvin and Anders . aU s tan·irJ.g.. on P asadena's baseb.;a il nine Lhes · L'undays. * • * Bas l·etball p raelicc q:~ • ~.~ [ rs: \ Vi ll iams: ·These eggs are very s rna i J.=~ tv1r : Blankfldd: aStraight from chc fa nn this n1.o rn i.n g > nHH.l an1 ... lVJ. rs. \Villianls : '''Tha t's t he trouble \·ith these fa rme rs they>re so anx ious to get their eg!!s solu thev t ake thetn. o ff t he nest too soon. ', • . li ttle hill bi lly ':vatched a n1an at a tourist camp m~ki ng use of a con1b and bru ·h a tooth brush , a n.ail fiJe. and a whisk broorn. '<Say, n1ister he fina lly q ueried. -~a re you always that much tro uble to }'OUrself?" -E'x. Cl7J r • l i'l· 01 ~ 1 1'1 i l \~. TJ J F l ROC I 0 t \r J .\J' ,},; lf . 11 ~ • \dtl \Q,"-$ asn\lU-.1 \..~llH('~ll ~L • , ,. .a . ·u~~ Y ih: ::-n.: .1 fC<HH.; ..' kp' ~- ~ lni - ~ ·1 d <ii'-<.: ';l ('•>::- um wi han ~tlJlC\ll t ~\.J t ~~ ) pi a,.~ fh.ttif_ llem .. tt k~ llf th i: 1 Ln \ "'h!-l1 ~n ~t~r n .. : 1 tmJi ne- '-'it h :,:~ · 'b...- !md bt.<:-n tdlin::..-.. theu\ :thout th-. n .. tP\ Liiff~rc1n animals WL' ha\'e • 1n 1'e~ .. ~- Th\;·.\ '' ouldn ·, belic\'l' him '" i ea he t1 lJ them u h0ut the a rm.l-t~ itL '· s' Clem JcciJcJ he "ould have ~ · p ·o, ·e it. Ht" captured an anna­dillu and when he "ent on l1i: Yaca­ti'"' n he ·ook ;t ''"~th him to :\ l urphy. £\iden·h- • is brotbt!ts failetl to build • the proper ("age 3nd the anima l es-careJ. \'~ are told that it wa cap­t ;.;reJ a.n.i rlaccd in the zoo at the fish haid'le_ry near \'a)~ne 'Yille. .)} « u Ha\·e you beard about the ne\v • w·ay t _, fish: Don't use a hook. R suit- not ':en· satis factorv. ~ . J)) «« \-£ H-\ \ -E I-IEROES: L~"h. I-fuber and H. C. \Yebb both·-ye n.edaJs for braver-y and I be- lie~·e thev ~hould recei,-e a word o£ • ar; rt.cjat:ion for their fine work, and u;.a na>ch a:) true hcruc:s are bashfu l and ,\·iUnottdlvn themselves (muclt) J feel that ir is my duty to let the ChanJpi~'~m t.n,ploycc~ know abou1 iL: Or; tLc rvJrning of J\ u~ust 5th, ' ·hile p.:t~._;n ., ( 1 ut~ Bay •• u (tnill \<\ .lt<:r tu SP l!ng ba<,)JJJ) Eddy ha~~pencJ to ·~l;;u.l<:C d()wn rhe b~rou aJlJ Bmiced CJIH: r,f our head ra ' '' in tht; bayou .and in a very Lad cvnJ~ti'.JJJ; in fact, J ~dd~· bclit?t'et.s : h.:J ~ bt tH fi l 7 C. ur 1 ~ u Jn<Jre luin Jlt~~ \-l'tJuJd have bce11 ufli­cjcnr tr1 1 t rnv :e S<ljd rarn J ,., Jill nur kcepiiW Lddy ) an J r11 fl,. 1 J~, and wi 1 h tllr.· a 1 l_a~trt.. t,f ff. c. \Vc·hb .u,·cc:d.l•·d iu r:LtfH· t;l~ ~rJ rnJI1 f1e;rr t1 ~ iH:~jnu .:;u d aft<.:t' (rfu· .:n tJJ' tl iJ 'y minrJH > c,f <.t J L h~;·d fi~j fj'ttton tht~ HtJf'J rt. j )t..lltde j f lJ the 1 Ft.:ii1fll IH ~JJrf IIIIJV•.;tJ ~lltJLI I Hf " to :.t },~rly .RJ ftl. l•>"ld}1 "" rJd the b' '}' Y.'' 1 I!JH f,;,id. rh;t: f11 d·,, · h:HU)I t.d ~:v-ndu i·m ~~ · h~ n1 ru, ltiJ ,.,, ulc.dly I ""·~1y htJTiblm I!Jt11J (jf ;Y tll ! kfli..J 1.'. . \'·hrtt that m~·aus). f fc.·d h~r th ~ I ' n-wn h ,,,Jd Lt· ~· ivr: n i'l Itt'" hi fvr tJ ,.j, hn1, W• ll ~· in baY;1: ·~ .1 li It- ( v•· r: f h1, it w.,L a I"H t t , ;d) d J k ) 1 ( , •, l· 'l l"! y t. 11 lj ·I £;) ~· t ~ , . r J d 11 f•i:Jtn joi!l f lt• iu 't V•11 1: nf than. ltJ (Jl J< J fi · J o r·.~!! \ l,~·tH .dl ~no t,t tl h ·ur fi' w i v,­C'l l t('ilS- \nnd··r v.·h,Jt t h:ll lll(',JJts: P <·d ( L R. F re'-·nH\Jl ) l t<h jl.l t r. ·­t u rncd tu \ t1 rk a ft cr t\ u '\'eLks. j fc ,\1 k.t:-t lu >I likt• he hehavLd l1in1't:H. \ It. ~ nd :\ [, :'. L·:d. Price, at.:com­ra 11 ieJ br Ra t,,h I rice IHI \:t: nlOll Jn•d I 0 J" CHt'UCk ~· for their VaC<Hions . .\•[ r. and .\I rs. T . 0. T hnn10son lt-·fl '\ u~u t ~ rd for lwo W(;eks . • ~ l))) Q (( 'f he nbsenL-minded professor has no1bing on uu r C. B. Cribbs ... Cribbs ta lk(;d hi · father irno knd ing him "Oc (mo .. tlr becau e he wa ~ n \ yet a \·a ke ). He found SOc and a b of ker s in his faLher s pocket ; o he put t h(' SOc bac lt and kert the kc \·s! T he vY. mo' ed into new home. )) )} « (( L. \' estmorelar\ds and a re enjoy ing )) )} « « have their Did an vone notice iVIrs. \tViiliams • runn1ng arour:1d. with a red s.rar and being unable to find a p lace to put it ? vVell - .J . 13. Valen t ine. our chief sheep careta ker was doc toring one of l he -heep when the old ra rn pull ed a Cor ri Tan on him and ramed him in dk HOLrLDER ! )} ) ) ( ( ('f ] 11SL to p rov~ lhar he i,--n't pa rticu­tll.. a fter the a bove incident or acc iJcnt c • f'Oin ~up t. Cu11~ in s makin t,; il C'llf'SL (q' t C'l l :mre <•v ·r J' adio }, , 't % in bt' half rtl 'l'.:,fir·: ~af!.'l}' ur tO, Jll'\ 1.'1 'l ~ai r t. Jk ·\.'irunn,. ,,~ < 'hn ~t\ f •t(•1l \ \ \d\11·1 pn­d1H t ic•ll~ )) ( . It~ ( I ',lJ J 1 • I t. ( II w 1 0 II) a l~;;). ) I U I U f ·' , , r \ 1 ,. • t ,,{I I '. , ~ l · , l\l : n ,1, ~ 'l•\ l")l'd IJ.dh-. ,t 1h• \il l \' U.L" I CJH tJwit f'l 111 Ill I(.A,~d r,i th i t d(•, t i l t.t f l11 l l1 J ' ·1 '' t:T, t 1 .. It f .J l • Hl U l't•lr•hJ .tl l• IIi. r 1 1 W. £. Mt.:':arthy the ram \a . .; dispr,scd of. and w.iti,in o llc h(mr he haJ nnoth •r 'J(.lH!l. Fi·nal t\ -otice! [ fa cerL4tlrl 'Olll!.! mat. • J.ocsn ' t St0p u~ing my narne for. hi~ anicles l am rca ll>" I!Oin"' [0 t.\·ri~c him u p~ Could 11·1 B r• Duplic. alt.,,/ D ram<lli l-.·o }uu\·e read ra.\< new pla y : \"ell> what d.o you thnk of it~ l\ r anager-1\·[r dear sir. there arc rwo scenes in it thaL h&k~~~eare hi~­sel i couiJn · c haYc \·ritten. J) ramat ist-Rea llv ~ v\ hich ~enes a rc those? - ~Ia n a~c r-T hat one in the raJio shop a nd the one in the tno\·ie stu1.iio. Brigg"-vVc havl; t \vin b·>Y s. at o•tr hou e and J on 'L !- no"" '' hat to na.n11:· 'em. On(' is taller th.1n t he other J e n n i n.~~-\ by nor call dwm G~ne a nd H rg i ~ n <:? St llvlt cr d t•frntinc:' ~.h.'par t • fi " l'·lf(l) unkn 1" n. •• R nb u~ l l ·,nti~·t lt H.l th(' ~\ f'l'' ,l S\ ' !JI.I \• , . " ~ lt•t I' r I\ .11' k ~I" ~ f•t 11 11 1 \' .hl ~ t n { .~s 1111 1 ~ · 1 '•C I C. R. 1; . 1h 1 llJ'III I t'l • H · 1 s ll ~ till I; li( • • l o~ \I . t •• h,·~~~~ ,.l\t\.h111 t1 Spdlli.h Ill ~ t I li t "' I ., \ ( { 'I. I I I I t I )I .~ , , II ) k. l i Ill!..' t • I I I J ' i !'I i ( l I ·It II] tl I I ~ I I I . • • • a; - j • F. F. Ahrens ~ .. nt.. ' : .. 1' h' . 0 ,....'.\ • • ..k "~hlUl\ : ~· 1 :r \ k · "1y· "ll ~.:- ·! • "' ' ''"1:::> 'I;,., "\ k,_, l i~ -tl·c awl\.~·Eu d ~\ 'l, frn r o ~·ld 1 . . • J~r.L at 1h~ , .... J_~e: . cr.v .. an i t.:)O;le .i)f\r-oth.·: ~t1'here '"~as a ·tra~'i.'\": 1na n dill1od to ~ee you today. ~ f~thcr · .. [.id he ha' e a bill~; Datm!1~~~: .. ,. c•. -p:; pa; he just had a :.r lain.;. O.idin~! \ no::c. ··-E.Y.. ~ • • 2 QUI i ; 4 X stS!£ .• n .. t' (· 1 -j'f!j:JI / )utl ()fl . r In f'li l " I\ t h \.. " I ) I '1 l.' I J t i "(' n H 0 1 • s 0 f th{ ~}. \ p "' t t'W. tlH: mil l ftntn the h .. - Lin:nin-r , f l;l l tCr;l 1tctll~ h:" ~ be~ n ah\r.. l O "krt.~ nd P1l ~l11.· ~hop f'-.,r cflkit·nt <lnd ,lil •ile h~ndU'nJ;: nf j 1' 1U Cl tiS l~ J)t\lcnts. .. l'hc:- ,'~l,)t' tint s· p l ~\ ys i·1s pan. in ~ 11c" n:!':fnl pl ~tnt ~pcr~rt it,ns und "r t+H· C!l­f' ·•blc.: fnr\.' rtl~l n~hi·r' of \V. K. · r homa.:;. .\tr. 'l'h u tl13S h1ls hdcl HlUllY tC~poth, j .. hie ~s~it! n.rn~i:.'lt" w J t l1 seVl't aJ com p ~ n ies in :lnd .arou rrd Jl qu :-~ t()n and in E.p t '1\'.x:t~ .. but is ha,lp ier iu ·1,iR ron ncc­tinn ~ .1th Ch,1. rnpiun rh~ n he h a~ beel"l d~ ·whcr~. ·rhrr~ u gh steady d e'\.dop­rnen: t and a dt~s.ire to achl t·ve pet fe.c­t. illn on the p::t rt nf all sho·p "' Jnployees. we arc rt hle t ~) tnrnprchc:nJ job assi(ln. ... rn nts and ll.lrn 0\!H job$ <.:fftcientlr and ·"'oi1 t itnc.' ~ lachinen r becon1es ever • 1nc;>ry in'lpOr tant hut the t i rn~c will never (:e.nte 1t\<hen the nccJ fo.r compctcn l rnen. to handle. the machines loes not e . xi~ t. Ther~ nlu .. t .he rne-n to bandle the simple job a·:s.ignments and there nn1 ~t be n1 n ·to ,(Jperate tbc.?: larg~ r job~ . ' p trl~Of.Lj------~~~~~--~~- • l1 Geo. lflild Ttcr-e c: in"'.t>~ a 1 !me in the Iife of t: ·cry man. ·ben b~ 1<\·ould rather be . utHe,vn~ cre e ' ~c. anc::~' t.h !.S I .. oc tt. me see~1s to ~e one of then1. . . . ·orne of ~~ 1\~"v·.ld u!'"'d'lubedh,. Y. 'i~h that r.a1n • ~-a~ ~-<Jtne:wi;ere cl e, too. for in the· :f'a:t {ew d.ays his li~·t o.f 1ata1itie~ bas ~ ... 0\Fn t: leap~ and buus. . . Sailing nv'(·r t!:e bo-Lnd!ng rrw1n-lots of fun, nu• it wnvld be rnore fun to be the rat b"'! tiu~ 1 a ite-r~ ~-r.Jien Cha:--e Cele has 1 ·een cat s1zsd ... . TJ ue con fe~ ion is • g(X.fd filt the so•d .. ~ . C1lmure '"fbom1 - $00 ha~ \firrt!red ·a wa ... i.n w1tich we ' c·a.n beat the con...'--truction e:f this ne\·vs-pt~ nt rn,jll to t~e f·Unch. J·Ie say,s that ~! den:: ~~to be a· er Jar$..!. ~ . ptr-cerragr:; cf grol'rnd v\ (.)Od jn t.he product} \ve .-.a\ e evt:rythinir here to ~v ahead. ~\.belt ptte sed as tQ th~:: s:tonc.!s for a.ri1 diny the ~'ood? he &aid aH that v. r.. ·la b, n.ece sary is fr.. . r rach of vs i.e.~ take his nr, ... e f r<An the grind to).,e Cind *'' icl-. a lu"~" in it q ·, lac~ . . .. 'fhat A-rrlu.n- AHison trurdy ha .: gntH:n. bin" eli lr ~a tea in a D. ell rJan t·,f [lou tt:Jn ttow ~here i , a red-hcrtJed ~i' 1 '.•n e,·er) .corre1, but thr= ,ff'tt.e31 oae vi aH ; r !ght 1.h.ere t~ t fJ(Jrr,e-- tc.~ u 1 5om" 1 •.t10- r. t dt, vet ~u the brcfl ks! . . . ~ Jrte a • few of the Cham.p1ons hie to G·alves~ ton during the shut-downs-you fi nd one a-bing0ing, anothe-r a-dancj ng, and still another just a-beering ... . Ches seems to have become the order of tHe day since the hot Wlcat:her arrived­Can't teJ yet just who is the best , but Bean will be glad to give a. few lessons any tin1e .. . Every now and then Cottsins makes som€-0ne a sucker • on tha:r old ({F oe~ s G arn.bit " (a good tr1nuning in f"u r moves). a n~d does he rub jt in- he su Fe does, aJ·ld I know! , .. \'onder what has happened to all of the weddings here 0f Jate?-is e:-ver} bod} ·married, or ha the '~ ReN~s­sion gnt them stym ied. . . . Frank \ is w inning 1 r izes a ll over 1., here <>f Jate wi th his t rusty ba{t of golf c1uhs he win~ tourt1arnenLs and then the JH:Xt wed~ wins a pi c0nL sl­sqme -~ ttffT ! .. . Ask Cousi n"l) to te ll uhe sto11' f~[ tlJe lover <Jf l t-oJJS<: '-'tios a pi~ ! . . . Carl vViUiants begins t. I re~ (l(;.Jnh>1e a Ja rge ovcrstttOcd chair ... '"tlr i-3 bul):!ncs') ti ha •-tug th~: ttpf e11di wha.:-ke.J sure ~.loe un lax the \irei.g ln }VJ"Qd nc ~r . ... \iVonder bo,v P ~ppy 's hi~ni t ~ ar.c A,mng to ta:tt:? . .. 'l'hc C '~hift ~e VJ/WNh 1:11' frC ltlJI · thcit• r ' ' :Le<:.t back IJH thr ~;r~unJ: fi <"J ·V, $u []9] • • • • t ) •. • r;a !i • ' o. • wi th th• tt1a•·J,j,l .~ dt·v~ ic-n ~· L I' , Jo tlrr· wt~rk n!- a J;~b(;lf t<i(l Vi r g dcvicl. JlJ~t t.l~ 'Wt' lDtl ~ t· ar~..tin l :.lf¢ f l t)' l ~ dvf· s to nc- ' ditrl ~t!fs. wt· f'1n1 t udjtL ~>UteSelv ~ hJ dtC jc ihA \rp ft . VC D nd C'l lJ uj rd b< .. t tt·t nlPthod for uphnld. in~· th · gurH wh•(~.h \ (; s r• •'it Hd climb w.tif w~c j.'Cl. t:hrte. . 1H 1uic~l t\'n tes: ''J'hc-rc ba b ·en a wi l <::: 0[ s un~c·.s i:n t l)e qf Lhe l.'ha thpinu Drcftc .., r.a. Severa I of dh: Clnatn pion ( 1' ,, igh1 s :r hf't vc :~hown theu interest in the ffili<O JC sit t"a t!o u, and If irt1Lrcst CGJJill!!LH::s \Ve ,·a11 h.H:e ~t :;J;}endid orcbe~ tr'~ . Eady in S<.p­lcmhet there will be a .s n<.-ce~sioJ1 of prac:t iocs \Vh tch w<:· hope wilJ b.1 ing the . or~he tr~ ro a ~ tandard which will f'PtTnir ns to boiJ a cotltract with the Co tillion Club for its series of J anct:s and !>Ocials to be h ·Jd in the Cl ub­house. • )} }) ('(" ( ( Just 1nachining alor1p- - see yvct in October. things '.\f'1'1l be back normal ere long . . .. . Seems t hat the ~ra s U'P Spring H1H \:\' ay was shining rr1ighty green here a ·while back. b\lt for some reasofl tcu. n 't oe.a:r ,so green now - wonder ~rhy? .. guess Charli ~ Sch lemp1er could tell you . . . . N e~ t month will be bet ­ter- that's all for now. • T'ourist: l-low did those rocks get there? Guide : They \verc b rought bv the glacie-rs-. · Tourist: \~.)< here are the glacier ' : Guide: 'I'J1ey have ~one to ge\ son1e 111 0 1''~ . ''·J-Ic re con1cs lhe pa rad·c. \'her~ ,s . ' .. U. IC . ((She. " up · cair~ w~ving her ha ir." ~~Goodness, r an't ~he afford a R ~1.g? '!' Biff: \f\rell, 'r~L so ] =toe is veti!lv going to get n'Htrrit.\d. \Vh o.~s the Jncky rnan? B an~: liet dad, }r c0'(u se! ,;"\ ou hanuTtt· t' nail' l ik~,.· lightnin\?.' ' ... ~,. .. "l ' 1 n f-a . t , )' o tl rn e a n : · · I-L ·ck fl<r- '~u JH•ver ~P ikt: t\- k:e io 1 ht- :;arne pla(· t;, '' • By~ :,.&of! - ({ fi ? - ,~{ :tJJ R..,,. ( \n. k ~et.:k ~ ng..-. relief froJ'l'l hr.-at in "iHl\Y;.. rs thesl' daYS. d0thc~ C:H)d :d1. • Lc .f::: nn.h'( r (?1)n:L $ ll ,,~li k e pulp, e.t .\.~t .!'\ Bj~oe foitc:wing .aJ •. mg ~ay~s foot, - cr~ takitlg 'hOW~.: t .. in. unll.eached sH.xk to be diff er~ttlt. , » « « . Ch.:ltk one on the rccor.J-f(01lston,.. iau udell Sand~.: s CC1 rolina ho·und at v-a~.l': ion time. Getti u ~ to be the beaten· p.a b tc Canton · f: dour. ~ fav1"e some­body ·here built a better n1ou~ e trap~ ,. » « « E x·-1ab--se tr-v B~ llv P eace out a ~ . Yl$- 1-tino tbe old s to~p~i1g g rou~d s. Dick '·not R ichard' ' and Ted oi the house of Cousin~-se-4 fa ring n1en fol­low1ng i-n t:h-e fool}Steps. » .,. (( (( T hat 12:30-J :30 per[e:ctpl"ea& r­sonaHty. phonepoise jn the person of P ovl e.rf :.Jl ':Pha die'' PO\Vler. » » « a J arnes Darby; the Baylor n-1;ao,- Qff th~s fail f(;)r a fling at the D niv"ersiry of 'I'eu~ atmosphere and associated et . l is.s or Mrs. Darby, J antes? ).) )) «« .1 n oli, .. e branch or a leather meda l to one who t:oo.k a peaceful va~ati6Jl-­J ohn P~>et who v aca tion~d at home in P asad-ena. )t ~ « « \Ve e xt ens.l our ~¥J·n path y to ~ J. T . Hamilton in the J o~;, <Jf hi.s n1other her.c in ff ,(}tt1) t. on. , v (( @ ~ 1 t. and 1\Jrs. s-tA.~a ~ey a:fld fa mily {)llt f(i:~r a tour- of t kt~ \Vest ir! tJ'le Big Hend: '-9ti!Jtry of \r\' ~st ~f~,;.xa~ . ~ ew ~\.1 ~.~I c(" and rJ 1 ~ Ca rlsbad (;aver n ~ . ~fbi ~ bt~i ne~'i r,i H ~ts, CJr, rn(wc p·r - <i:eJ)': d t1at.-·cl prteu n. a1ic tovr;id ~, iJ> ">"t-:-H it1:g U::~J a~1pu s ft.:~r ttH vel t ~l•!S in 1 hf! vi( i£ti1.y 0f E. (J . . ( E.i3) S&dth,s ca r. \Va:1 ui11g is h t-tf•hy i~ ucd. 'J'l,JJ4(~ R (}L~ nil J~ (:fl ' ' i< r, gnsnc,what ]! 1 er.~ h, ;., r<~ i ug l l ~ l I r~a.n . h:· a I W.'i y 'l t ~ll-r. (l tl I !VlJ -.;. Ji ( ~,.t~u· I a:·: f~ ~·J7 fC ~~"-ut.:.-a r i~ tliug bar k- !i) l11nli in ~t•;-;.trn- ~ ·-:w lhunp­i. itin:. )I»U: ... Oi ·k Ht; ~ H 1)-:rJ ;:r.,t:: t illt a v· r1nrt; t n .. I K~t f,:;r one tvl rn :,rrr.i ;tgr·~ f..,,'lul. -, lil '<.: a l.r, \"C "'~ me. IIJ ) J " fl.. f ) , C. 'l htlt; tp .. 1n {Jtll lr\ 1 er rl'-"= bLI.J' • • h u ntin ~ hi"' fi ~ h f1o111 the a i,r . (;{)in ~ I t") l'lrry' u ollin}! f r'C'H11 the plane. )"fmu rny ? \ mJ ~a rwcd a F'a rat·lttl tc if }'lwU 1.}nok n big ·un ... 1.) ,. « ( f The b<Hcint~ itl~ of the epd o! the. "' - Chan ~e-! rJc?\·fiHan affair. .. '0 LO-IL0(2t:'Y· .B1'(?athe:~ rlu?1·e a Cha·mpio•n, with ,,u" ltd J o blank U;ho never to t-he cler.k h.a.J. stz,id G'i'l:•e m,'fJ a double dip 1 n a pqper .cup. » » « « Getti1llg along- now to the footbaf.l season . A lot of tb~ t€<ams have trou- ·"' ·~ ! ble getting · a good qt'.la·rterback 0r a haHhaek-but o1,ost a·u¥. o.f us have .our t~oub.les in getting a. d0Jlar back. )) ., (( ('( F ools ma-ke. 'feasts and \v·ise men eat t hem. v\Ze'n~ hun g~r, a.fiyh<txv~r·­s o u.Je m us: r. la1'J.g li and d'~tin4e F ro-?n tl'J:IJ de?P blu,e. CIJ·P of t;:fte .. sley ] o~n t he ju bilp,n~ .ron:g · Of t h.e, greq;t JJ~t.atrT sr;t!J·e;.e:-p}Jl~.g by. 1)))Q:({ l''ll j·ust l~etcb.a that Lfud 'e De:anie wishes we bad. cdi;:a1n,C'rs- se.rv-ecl. 0111 pa~ per dishes . . · Tired O~ui · . A man wen.t wea rily i1nto a barber's shop and sJumped jnto· a tn.air. "Give me a sh.ave/' he s.aid. . Tne barber told hin) that he was too fa r down in the chair for a .shave: ::All r[ght/ 1 said rbe c-ustomer w·ea rily, « me a haj rC\It." ' Ala.r1c·nder staw.d it1.g ~Vfrs.. Dasht;;,r . ,.., VheJl we 'Ke~;e in l:igypt we visited th ~ r: rat·11ids. Sr;.~.n;\e <.,f the t 0 11es w·ere 11teraUy covered .wi1h h i ~rogl yphie:s. ~f t ~ ~ < ; u,')h--1 'b ope JH9lle o ( -tb l!n:r gn t l1l) )tOI,J . tf hc·y !~ :t y SOtrlc 10f those f '.) rd~u ith>Ct.z.t ti an· LC 1 r i \J lg. - ....,_-:~. ---- --·--. ..,.,.....,;:..,- . ·i m i14.1: iL·~' l J'J :tWil'tlt--f\ft· Hd t t) , lJ' l it d? .~1~ ir. ~If ~. 1 nl t~~r< : m: uc<. ' ~ 111 • d1·i n·k .(,( :t aft .. ;-.-ff.I a 1 rrt. n ·twa t:. { >~ Piw h .. H_.,w "'? , o· J-?,wl ·h ~ Iu t•i rl u-• q~ ~w. "ll<' .~irn- J 1l y ~ I d) ''I H t' l fi . ltt4 1 h ,1 I tt l l , · fl l t. · ­~, nd p:•y :1 fn·~ it l 4!Jt'i'. • • ··c :1.1, yrtu inttt~iw' i\1 • )' •:ow ~(r)iJ i g 10 I J (''1 I w j f1 J ,j :) I'! h ( If; => 0 II . • \ .. \ \' b ( ') L tP d I .'t. I : .• ' \ -rf} hI )I b • - ~-R \. fZ{J) • • · e 11 ·. t fla ii.Y: ) .. t(fr.s H . r"J.u· ve WfJ)VUc~re I t~ l1o t:he pleas-· anr w.nv. ,,-oit'~ 0 1: 1be -.\ t r l" }~boarci be­k~ ngs t.o!' it· ~ t c,f CL,ra L.·e C tir·.i~·. ,~ Jto, i ~ ht· fpi rt~ •Q:t dtrrin~ .. ~rl-)a r F O'\Yic t 's v.a( a tum. J u..,t l here· :T<iaci,.J i ~ v iJc~n iuo ing is s:i i J.J :l · :.· tt.:( r. a~ he failcu ~ ~ C0L1ftde his plar ~ to tJ·- Durng her rcct... ~ l \Yt.!~ -c nd v-r ~it t f.J Lake Charles, La. ~ \G ~'-b K~tch.un1 j:.. "'t mana gt.~d to escarc th~ r,191f -; r) t:::n by a hai r ~ s bre:adtlt. .f-J o\~te Yer ~ this ts rto novehy to Phyllis a · sl1e is a na -~ve 0{ Galveston. Charles Thomsen and farrj1v ~t.ave ~ t.rcturn ed irnl'fl ~ va ca tion tr-ip ro Carb­bad :'\j·e\'<V' VJex~t<>, \Yest T e;{a;,. and ()l.d Nles: ieo. )} )} (J « ;'Skeeter'' Price l:tas forsaken the ~·f aifl Of11:ee t0 take up housekeept:1!; as a full-time job. Flet' r~igna tion eause>d. sever ttl chano-es in the F rorn Office. 'J ohn<ny}' J ohn·son has moYed in to a;Sstst N1r. Dabney. and R. f. • • · walt@TS 'has returned from the Titne Office t.o ~-\ccount ing Dert"' Ed P r it"e has reHtnted from the Blue Gni:5S State looking· several pound­heavier and ~:ery rn uch rested. Lot_ti ... e refna i:Hed in Kentuck,y ior an ex ten :ieJ trip with her p.arents. I-la 'v: (<! v" .o u see. n l\ Hl<e ' ~ net-v F 0'rcl: It's r~a.ny a honev ! ,~~ e a t~ l) L~ni..h.l r-s ·tan.d the Koury .. are buildin~ a o ~w hon"lc. ~like. did one of th.(~~t \>Veils fin~ 11 f CUll'·l tt l ll: » » « « ' l r , QH W!l nt tiJ &e ': n kn"-cly {i\aStorttl ·scene:>, tt\ k(~ ~• lt)OK ~H thv ... c b ".' llti ful sltec.::f"~ gra?..jng in frvnt of th~ \ (a itJ .( lat• s un~. rh~t }'1>t t k~ ·p th-' f'-·IH.. ' e- 1'1l t.Wd' rt . ll\1 all 1 t heu1.. h, \ - ' t·vt:.·t '(1.~ ( h ~·\-' a r · 1\il l.l -h pt'f' t t "l lnuk tit th lHl lCHl'Ch ). -- - -----..,... .,. _..,=--· \l ~ I O ffi\· r ( ;lft(.f l' ~~~· iu~ :H\ ci~ .. rt)upt) ~ h t •l\l S lj-\Jl I C lh \V . )~ ~hot l,,·~·rwr ; ··1 ~~ .. sir. bnt L hope • nu~u t-non ltP l 1.1n,J ·1g~"i n .' '- Jf Hl·: t l'~t1l ·"f (U, . -- - .It I r o '" R ,.1 Y y Ch u-?·1 - :j,J ~CH I 'r\'t · the ~ol~ :il ttl'­' lv'H" of th ) plt~.••<· cr;'!.sh. ' ~d r us b H \ \'t HI t V:t p~· I. . H~· m~ ... ~ \ (·.11\ ) ~m "\'. I tti\ i bl·d lh ·'" l k . •