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The Log Vol. 19 No. 07

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  • Between 1914 and the late 1960s, the Champion Fibre Company published an internal newsletter, called The Log, to share news about the Canton mill, the community, and its employees. After 1940, news from the entire “Champion Family,” which included mills in Hamilton, Ohio; Houston, Texas and Sandersville, Georgia, was featured in each issue.
  • A:UGUS~ .. • ' • • • • • • • , IQ COft8 lcllntll ,..., ~~- -- ·~ r • • ' • - • • • • • • • • f • • • • J • • • • • • " • t . • • • I • • • • Pi.s9ah Creek. a mountain sttecrm on the slope ol Moun I Pisgah in Wes tern N :JTib Ccr.roEna AUGUST, 1937 VOLUME XIX NUMBER 7 Published by "Th Champion Family' The paper for this magazine is made in our plant out of wood from the farests of North Caro-ina. We manufactu:re many gzade of bleached Sulphite papers, Machine Finished and Super Calendered. Cou rtesy is t he one n1ediun1 of exchange whi ch is accep ted a t par by t he bes t people of every count r ~' o 1:1 the g I o be. l t is sent i­ment c loa ked in reason able a nd business­like expres ion--t he enl be1Iisb n1e11t 1hat add .. tone and h anuon v to n1 at rer-o f-f ac t • routi.n.e--the oi l \'hich 1uhricares the 1na - chinerr of cornn1 ercial good fe llo\·ship Rnd prorr1ut es Lhe su1ooth ru n njng of th~ 111 an) units of an orcanization. ' ( 'o urfe. ) radia tes a spiriL o f good feel­ing t hat wt art' noL " 'or kiJt .l!' eHtirely fo r \hat,,,~,.. g (ot OlJt of \vork jll a nlal eria l \-\'ay, bur fur t he- p le aS lllc or po l i tt~ l r. n ~ a ct i o u cH1d frt P-ndl) f-t ~socictt iou a w<.·11. },i fc is .lot tuu .. hon and '" l t'tf f' n t· \ l t to cJ bus} t <, he Cf > u rt ec, us. • H . l B J;. • • .__... v\~f{~Uttve tee- .en! atz~ a?JZt or J cui, n 1 ~ . Ro~ ,.• ,t l)nu . Sr .. E .-.(•<llti v ~~ VjtT PH·s i<.leJtl 1'13J ··r ~.111d h l11·•· CrJm p;.~n y . Nl r ~. Rnl't~ I'H < •n . ;.tUd l.ct~,,n , ~ilr~d fJl/111 Ln~, \ ll't!'l•.!t- •"lfl lcdy I() fo t tlno•dtdH , J ·q•(illl ;J,( ltf ht r' ~i(;;l ( .{ rl l'' glut II", foi lr,. rtJld p lc',l •itlll jiHIIIIIY. q( 'J he Cltunpi• ll lltt•if yo11ng\:·~ r son ,wd udH·t ptUill" qP ~\I t.Jf.lUh ,, l:•:>J •tj \ .( II 1h }( wd! i, ;Jvc· .1 ••J ~:c d / ,Jt ;1t1 HJ J rc tl tl tllll ie.s, ~Hid \I' t1llll,l.: n •J} \ :f r. Rt,IH·Tunn 1s. l1n p•. I h \' d I h.1 , t· 'I Hl'Jl rl•:toti~Jll llfJif' . • IJ .,~n .. I I 1 I IJ ,. I • )ll:tl l it.dl y 11 lu • • J.{ J V ~~ II \ ,, • Jn:JI I IIlii} }r t • .1 I i lt l b I t 11~1• .<t lld li1•, wh' ~q 1 II• r·l:.c lt!. N., i lt ,t tl I IHI "'"' k, tl hatcl~·t tluw he, IH II h~ •c• l) l rjiH i' I ~ j I h I dJ ) I } , I I J l J l '.· f J iftcl lc • l11 ty f ),(• J, f tJ jl ' ' I' ll1• f •pntr· HH I h ll t (. \ \ 'IH'l 1i1 ,,[ ! lu ( I I I , I I J ) I l I I I • ,j riJ ( ., lJ tl l j th II I tt ui h \f '" } 111· · •• t J ' ,l}l ,, I I . ~~ . ( • • Champion D&lef.Jate_s crU~ncii:dCJ Bhte JUdge Conference on ztman T~E Eif'htt5enrh Confe:-etrcc: '~n Hun~an _ Relatjo~1~ in ln­lll1 try. con't·ened a.t Blue .RJdge. ~orta~ CaroJJna, J uly 1--17 .. with the large~t ~tt~ndan~e in recent year .. "Pht- Promotion Comrnin<-'e, con.:isting o{ a n umber of iea<lin~ Southern tnd1l$trialists. of which Reuben :B. R obert­s" Cm. S~: · Etecuriv~ \~i<:t::-:-Presiuent of The Champion Paper ~nd F tbre Company~ ha,"' beell chairman for a nurnber of ~·ear ' . ha~ .iUCceeded in d~vdop ing a ~01.1th-wide interest j,n hu·m~n relation~ and a more cooperative spirit between em­p! ry~" r and emplo} ee. ''"" e ar~ convinced t::hat the discJ,J ~sions at the,.e confer­... J..H. c5 }l~rve dt..-nc a greaT. deal of good and abouc a ~eae} nnderst~a~d ing b~t.ween cmpl ')yer and :mployee in dl~ ::;cuth \' r lle ccmdll lons are far from "'erfcc(, vet we .. }1 h , . ' l~e t.t ' e , ecj~ uf (:oope ration wfui\. h h;i l/e been sown wilL _i~ l:me .. hrin~ fonb a han-e~L 'Jf golden ?"rain for r.hose most :'lterc v~d. D'.;_r}ng rhe past eigh i.een year. , in these conferences a,c !Slue J{!dge. a !?ieat deaJ of 1he di~cussion has been devoted llJ ways ~n~ mea~s for ti,ng human rdati~,ns in ind.ustry. Each spe4Kcr. 01 Ct)ll f{' e . presen1ed a little different idea-a d~lfere.D[ a~ prnach perhaps. but 'vith the same object!ve ill ~·;ew . . \1! of tJ:e~c dJ.:;c~ssions have been iotere$ting; 1n:struct'ive aHd edncatJooal, howeve r. the writer feels that if en1pJayer ancl e-..m ploye<.. wculd adopt as the rule of conduct in alJ of thetr actions : "\~Th;.rr::toever ye woulcl that men should do unto 'ou, en~n ~o do yc also unto them ,, the problem would be · oh cd. Cooperati1Jn, re~ r.n-work-f air play on both sid{l!s seems tc. b<.. the f1nl ' vAut1on. Th~se di5c~ssiuns are fine. but are we today doing the bt:st Y'+'t t :nnv: : The emplfJYCe must: have work in order 10 b•Iy hreaJ for uimself and. fam iiy; the CmpJO}er bas \YOrk to do at)<~ needs .wvrker'\; therefor-e, it seems to the writer ~hat the ng~11 a_tt H.u~e can not be developed and maintained lli an vrg-an1za 11vn Wtt.hout fair play, Our discussions in the fut ure should not be ho'v 1 v achiE-ve "f-lu man Relations jn tlj}- • [3] on • • e ·at tons . tn dusu r.'' for we all know th ere is o.nly one war, it m~'='t be a cooperative program to acbieve the be. r re ~ u l ts for a ll con­cerned. ~7 oukln''t i~ be fine-grea-t jf ~r.nploye 1 and employee coola, at the. nu'leteenth conf.erencc Ill 1938, o'r at son1e cml­{ ctrence in the ne~t r fut~tre r-elate thei r ex:periencCe as em.ployer~ and employees ~vorktng together as broclH~rs in one ._?Teat ~o.mmon cau~e. aA11 things, ther-efor,e. vvhatsoever ve ,;ould that men s hou ld do Ltnto you) even . n do re a lso unto f hem .,. wiH produce the desiTed r esults~ . A large del ega tion of Cha1n.pion d1en auended the Blue R1dg:e Conference on Humao Relations, and we a re gJ(.ld to report th a t e\'iery ma .. n a.tlended J.'lraccically ev~.Zry sess ion of the Conference. \.\. e kn:.ow the ma oagement ~$ p·roud of the Canton delegat i o~ and l1ope that each of thenl had a (C out11'1.1rLI!d on Page 5) These Dele9a,tes s&em to be oo a sit-down strike • t • • • • tl • ' "l'h~ · han·l:p 1~ Fapt;:r and F·ibre t~orn pany ~ I J t ,llS(on Divisio11 .1. • 'l. K urr a n d ( ~ . lt . P . ( .a(ih lZ<·portct • l i 'it, .. \ .J ,,.=:-;tfnr~-- . . \f 1:\. ,,,rr · :- h. F '"'h.' I'. al i lli:- writint: i · eniu' ing 1... ae \ t' l of 1. i-.. 1,; a'- l )n ... '' ,n from d•~ ~ \"<: nc- t 1f h: :' tb ih ~~. lb. '- ho.-'~ in. · ·n 11>..l ~ 1) On(' Wt!• 'k unt r! Ok ~('l C(iOls dn.\ it a few d~~~ e~:-. \ uu r~rr-"'tt:r ~t-·i~(J f c'\l 'l ;t£ UJh'eston l.,H \et·k r ·dined in lil~..·k ella;;('~ t 1 ~ ~t"~ .. h. 311 ua bai ed lish·r,f? line Janelin~ in flt' s·1r:. ·wt •H: p 'uttd~ ,,f fi:h a ltca~l~ S( r~mg :tn\i ; .. h<' !oHec. J {: ·~ .. $ :'i11-.:i~.' t.hi~ PHH.' : .. fl•erc 1sn 't nnKh 10 li fe but t.h is-· .\ :"'\ab' ·$ .. mile. l \\111\an 's ki,s . \ h('Ok. 3 j\j pi?. Cl rH·e, a fr ie11d ; .\ nd ju:-t a little Ca$h to sp~n d ." • • • Lod,,·:t~.xi To'' ne, majn office ·mainstay, is ~-ccep l ing con­: rihnion~ tvward t l1e cosL of a lop for his undraped~ sky-blue, surer-c ha r~ed. e:ady editioo Ford. The recent rains have .? re'.·ented To,,·ne .t'rom indulging his favor ite Sunda;- sport d ri\·iod ak'flg tlle beach at ( ,a lvest.on gazing at the Gull~ ',· f'dlcd G-u-l-1-s) . ··-·· The Cham ~'ion Softballers have added four impressive win.) anci three losses to t heir record during the month of Jui) . wjnning two f rom their a rch riva ls, Texaco, and two from "hell Refining Company. Tbe recent games have been colorf u} ~.{"air~ w i_th Champion players sporti ng brilliant red cap:i. whn.e s~Jrts and t rousers ; ~ nd T exaco player.s wea.r ing bn~h red u01fon ns. T he offens1ve power of .tlie Champiens ha beC'Il almost Yankee-like in the recent games witli C. Cribbs. ' c.hlemmer, Cocke reL Phillips and Garrett pounding the baH a-la Gehr i_g. 1\e~l m on~ h we will give you a. picture Qf the Sofrballe r and thetr batt1ng averages to d att!. • •••• J. C. Pob->. and C has. cblcmmer are ru nning a close r ace f.vr heavy eaung honors at the Clubhouse Caf~. Cathey in- · uulgc, from fou r to six double ration meals da ily wllile Charles chouses to add his "Calo ries a t intervals during the da~. Cathey's process for insur ing good health caJls for k •ts VJ e~n and pJcm.y of s~leep; while Charlcb only needs a. euer 1 rom },ofl'le, an occa<>IOnal ball ga1ne, plenty to ent a11d 1ot\' r;{ l')letp. ' .. ~1r. and ~I n:. Ed Prrce e njr'>'~d a trip to s~ n f\ nt.oni<J 'J1J ~ r the f (Jt,.rth ;;ud arc Jl()W i ll a pooil itm l <'J dC"t' ribe the beauty o: d.' old ~pa n !!)h VJ i~$tvn..,, rl1e Chine e S11nJ en Gar­d~ JIS: .Br~l«:nrid~\! r at k aut1 Randr)lph Jt ield, d'H.;.\Vc.,t Point ~1 t h , ai-r. "IJr. and M1s. R:avJf•Ofld L:.H.d lwv~ n· l nrH,~d fn:>hr a 1 r jn II ' I I ' lt."-1 ~~ JC"JJJ ,Jl~f ~fll:~ (J,JJ liTh L c,tl l. ia lll. wh · r ~ rht\ ·.ri~utclJ_rc!f~ 'i · • '> ol \1r . Lapt.L Par c.lwc ~.ed ' iu d 1t• ot1~ t:r d8,i ~~J~ : !ltV~ Jo_~uJ 2.HJ l''J.u nd, :uh1 1_tp{tf lt·d 1.hc L~>l l isi~ na or )kUJg n:- ~-' •V 111 lll{i ~. I lravt an J <f· ·~· f<. ;Jy ~\·n·; l d I.' H]OY UJc .c.orAdn'' (A aU fl5 trn~:~. · · . \ J ult. f - ~ · .& •. Cud ~ iUi~II~S :Htd l<t, .\·f$ j.;;ttrrtt·}' t:d •-~~ lJ uiJJ vs111! Sund:!y, J tfy ' rh, vf,,~,~ d)• y vi~ b~d d'H.: tftd hoad· ,,( r,l h. ·llf:} H c,ll HJH, .vh 'lOll ''f . ·l. hr•J I• ~f·dfffl l fr:-oot 1'<.: ~)!,.,) (~f)1 t• JfJI) t •'t•fti ·~~~ Jf ,rtl ~·t f1,,.; ... It, 1h1 sic oi tl e ·t'r .lfa.., J)cnit ·ntia ry J.nti C..l.d an.,L Rpy: ;.~ e .an dlor1 1• ~n f ~ nu~b tf e :(}s ;~ flo• c,'' b ;t.Sun<.iay i .. visitin • dar uJt' r ~l ~ti · ~f .th\' iunv-ne: only aud d~!'J Carl a.nd ~v in~ 1 s~ ed Lhcy Wt•rc t w; o1 t lw J onr~s bt>y .. , the guard· r<Cfu ~1 to a llo'~~'' tltern tl tt frecdmn ()f 1be pen. · .\·fr. ·tnd ). [ r . R. <:.:. P1ice: RflP. ~'.Jl nee t.he birth of a tlau<-h·A l c·r: J an(.; \ ra t;: Janes ftr"f bi,rthJav wi ll be celcbia •t:.d J:Jhr 12t.h. 1938. The !aqy \ .eighed 7 l -4 pounds ~r. . - "a3 horn iu &t. Jo erh's f-Iospital, Hr.~u ron. On J une 22nd ~1 is~ J) nrib Srn ith [lnd ~ 1 r. Che,rer Jeane wetc rnarriNt the ceremony taking ph•c:c a1 rhc home~{ the bride s molher~ ~ l r~ . f lot·encc ••;; ~ni·t h. T he couple w!U make their f1ome {n Galena Pa rk. ... 'r ltc natural t:olor rn ot.i~:>n r icr ure:> :had·· of P . B. York . Dave Ha.rris.) Gilbert Battle, CLad es Dabner, •<'Gover:tor.'· Del a w~ re, ({SberiffH Tanner .and t'.i\I ac1 ' ~·fc1-{ urtr}" have been \' lewcd by a Hollywood scout and the verdict ~c,·as a ~ecomme nd ation that those viewed wor.k h.ard at their pre, enc JObs and try to hold same and forego the advice: <'go 'reh young man.'' . ..... And now, dear reader, if you have read this far 1 rur!l yo~1 over to our guest r eporte rs for this month, "Cub='' Cher­no~ ky and ri. M. Coffey, who have ver}1 kindly accepted. b~ ccbuck" as passed by scribes Cash and K ou ry. J10 RE ki/LL SNAPSHOTS . Eddie Ch~rnosky The company can well a fford to let tht- £\ 1.! \' Lab. clock remain uninsu red- it is quite wdl wat<."hed . J a.mes Da_rby, ex-halllnill man, is now .:&t rutting his sruff'·' s incz~ be has ac hieved t he po ition of pulp inspt.-ctor . C. Valentine, of t he E . B., is spor ti ng a new Y8. That g ray coupe looks mighty "punr : · F ord Adv. G r~c hi ds r<.) the srneJter crew (the right place for OrchiJ :;) for their clean up work. DiJn:t seem po ible thlt tht: units could ever be so clea n. The d ean in trument glasses mak~ good mirrors. Womack, meter mart, out re Uing his hoop,; tbc otber da · so it seemed., but it "\Vas onl~' M) n·u:• recorder '--h~Ht, rolling a long in the breeze with \Vomack gi v i n~ cha <'. ACter a slrc.nuous bit of stiff "~(ork. high vn~r the digc~ l ' L'$, V. E. Kirby cclaxes in thG n•mfon \'t his »t·w \ 8. '\;h tlk,. Ford Adv. P a.sJ J cna g:tiu anotht·r au rac-"tiv, rc iucllll~ ' h<'o. R .... J vnes, E. B. chi,ef, n)m pf ettl ~ his ho-LTlt· in the new ,ubdivi s~ :-.n. U. . F. Cu vl· :.tnd K. B. Dnrnbl·r.e.. cL' h1)nld ~c jn their 11 ·w ln chdor qu:l.r{,'"rs thJ\ 1 hat t h ') . t\' ~{ling to k ~p I Qgt:d u.; I . C l!'H IIp t.cln '~ r h:t flljniun ~ ti p ·t t i d ~ g~)(.~ t , l\L J. H. miltNl, ~ up-c flll l« ' WJ et11.1\ ... \ ll' f~ l '. ~o.J tll tf,;' ~ U((("h:,-(U ( ~l t \l t ,....\)( H t ' 0' lk ll'ifl c,f t h . f~:h <' u :n rh t•· l' · r dnall~ t.Jectl'd nJ ... en ~td L\' Al K.r:-,ut \ • • 1 J"jll t<' l.ltr• ' ~', ,jlt.' l' 1 lrJ tb ~ · tlf' I ~Ot) u!' ~ l ilt~~ }lJl l i ~ l'littf'Ct') dt , \ li l.t(·t "'JIIdl.l .,! 1 •' t 'l · bv .11 thl· I. th. \)f! l,"t .. vd \ I J ,)\ \ \ < ,l(J. ·· wJ, ' , l1t·\ n dle I "\lie ln \V•nhh d. w ~r-· ~ · • • ' • Co11tn1ittee ~-tit to l'i~ht~ {r(}nt rov.: C. C. John~~.m . 1"'. J. l1odgC', R. L. Boggs> J. B. Sparks. Robt. H efner ... P. \Vi lson. l~a ... ·· row: Y. If.. p irb~ . C. ~ . Pa~c. R . V. Coffe~ . \ ·. L. Harkins, H .O\'<l rd Pickens . Earl Sma ~her~ . \'. C. Bostic a nlr ~-;- <. ··~ -rf">••• .h ..__ . • t,l., .. t.: ..... · "" ~'TILL 1v!ORE "PtfJLL S.\ ".1PSHOTS H. 1. Co:.t .fe y- ~o.:--=eo..r ~e IL' d~. \ c1S 3 vi~it or in t he Hou::> ton ~ [ill ..T u l "v' 1~th a:ud \. . !l:>" sh11.,·in.c... tllt' be.,.; ~ l1ow to kick a .l o rdan mqtor GUt. E e rv ~!me llc !utl ecl Ot er the m.a<. hinc head box we • naG to shut off i~·o on r} e 1t"'ate" ,·a)ve because so nYuch peEp ration \'tCis n1un;n.s! otT his nc.~e and chin. George ·was i!Sked. '·Do yo\, think it ;$ h()t :·· I-lts rerly , .. as t: no; t}e•c are hotter .n bC"c·.'' ,,.c be1ien: the hea t caused GeorQ"e ~ I be a btde.,. hor. \"' t r: That's OJ r LhOU?ht . too. \Ve - ·e~e aU gl2d 10 ::>~e Gccrt!e and hope he comes hack soon. \t.- w~H try to ~et an an~ncial mm.tnutin to su around so tha't ·~·hen tbe bo. ~ come dc.v:n froTP. C an t<m they won'L get ~o hc·m eqck. . _ lr. CmJfins. who j~ 0 11 r gcntral orerating su pe rintendent, \~S in the macbrne ro<Jm a f(";w ni?ht.. aoo. \Yi th him were }· ~ r"· 0 d:.: '1gl!tCr" a son and a hew. \Ye take it for • • [51 • ? ran ted ~ l r . Cou~ in s '"ras giv ing t he kid Jic,' a J e~sQ n in p;~ J'cr tnaking. H orace Coffey. Jr. ~ who has been employed in t he w~t lap department, has recently been transferred to l he la boratory . Cathey Po~s ~ who is one of our 1nachine tenders on our 'vet lap machine, has been making frequent trips to South Hou ~ Lon 0f late-A blonde. \Yell dressed man~ cjgar in hand falling through the air frotn an airplane: "Gad! That wasn t the was hroom after a ll.' • TI-IT SOU'rHER1 C01 FERENCE 0 Hl.J~ ,t_ !\ RELATIONS IN INDUSTR)~" (Continued f'ront Page 3) good time aud feel lhat they were beneflued bv the disc us-sions and good-fe llowshj p t hat prevailed. · 'Those in auenJaoce were: Reuben B. R obert:wn Jr .. \V. L. !vlcElrath, 0. V. I-Iill , V{ eaver Sorrells, J ohn Ha lL. B. D. Smathers, \V. C. H yatt, C. \~" . vVrig ht, Carley Clark, G. C. P axton, B. ]. \Vells, ~·. Y. I ves ter, D. J. Parris. \ '. H . Banks. P. G. K inken, \V. I-I. riendrix, B. B. Gregorv, C. G. Hardin, vV. \V. Co~,En~, :rvrr. and. 1 irs. Joe 1 fl1n~~ Rudolph Ba rnes, Fon Smatners, J. l\.1. Cavanaugh, L. R. Lovelace, . . ]. Cole, k. C. Looper, Lloyd Parham. \Valker Brown qeor~e Herndon, Bruce J oo1in, F. T. Plemmons, J. H. Burrell: ;:,a,n .J;5radley, \V. W. Lowe, rr . C. Allen~ L. G. Dotson, . H. J)ot son, George \V01·lcy, Guy \Vells, NorrHan Singleton, E lija ~organ. Hern:a!l Bly rhc; B. tv!. Clark , R a lph Goforth, C. L. l: ork. C. N. \•npht. J ohn Ald~r~oo.. Frank facocks and id c and :v1 r~ . G. W. Phillips. · .. Ernt'lCJyecs all~nJing part of t he sessjon we re : C. A. ~tone, I an.(•s Rush ~ Hill \ VhitiJl f , \V. 1\ t. Ivfitchell,. Gladson · J-Tancy, Fl. \.V. Sta pl~y. C. C. Sntdes. \V. ]. Da mto(t, and H. 1, StarkC'y. • • r111atiot1 ~ll1ti D t•J \ TLl tJ 0 }) .. • of~ Httll ir d Cour1tie of~ North c~~lrolii a • (Patt 6) T H £ 1<"'rtnal ion. nn~in 0t n;nne and tion of the fol­ic win~ U:'U 01lt'S or ~ortb l'andin.t wilt be dist...U ~ed il'l ' ' b :.. a 1l !de.·: B: u n~ \ ·kk. Chat ~a n1. ( ~11 i If ord. \ ·1 a nin "Lild l. ,,d "\ k l (. (\ll lll i . ~ . Ht'i :fl:,\ id\ C0u1H' \-a fl"lfl1)t'd in 1 io4, vnc: hnndrcJ and • • 't'\~·tt~ -rhn•c }c.1r.~ :tg<.l, twenty-two yc.·ars hcf, n.· the J)ecla-rat ion ''! 1 !h.ierC>nJ~:·r~c:. It \'-"' tt3nh.d :.1fter the Prince of Ht uns" i{.k, who married d•.• h. i q--\ c.:ld -~ l ... i$\1:; r. It i:: til th~ t'\trcmt' ::-nuthca~L~rn pan of the stale. bound­e ion irt"" .. (•tHh bv ,hP .\tlantic Ocean and t he South 'aroLin a. • hn-e. \ 11 the.' ea:t 3.rh.i north by the Care Fear River and on th~ v· . t b C;\lumbu .. CouutY. • • \ ht·d~r·s ]-listorr , lat~s .. ;Tbe Colonial and R evolu t ion­ary Hi~'-or~ of Brun ·wick is full of incidents of patri otis m~ ,-al'r an'"t Jevoiion to liherty. I t was in the €ape ·Fear Ri\·cr. near thi~ counry, that on August 81 1775, J osi.ah 1\rfar­~ in. the ldst of t ht: Royal Governors on board his r iajesty>s ship-of-war. the c, uiser, fulminated his famous proclama tion ag~in,t the cause of liber ty. This was the last. act of rbe rc ,a} rule in.!'\orth Carolina.'' {·To no county in the state is Lhe ca use of liberty rnoce indebte...l ior fea rles and devoted sons. than to Bruns"vit k.1 ' • ln J 74 ~ . Spaniards attempted to ga in possession of Bruns­'-\ ·ick. for fou r days. eptember 6th to the 1Oth, Spanish ~hips lay in the harbor of the lower Cape F ea r and bostilities -.·ere quite active. FinaUy one of the panish ships was blo" n up and the othe r~ d riven- off. Twenty-n ine Spaniards -.vere captured and quite a number were killed. Chatham County> situated near the center of the state, is ~urrounded by .Alamance; Orange, \Vake, Cun1berland, .\foore and Randolph. Piusboro, the ~county town: is only about th.irty-five miles \~ e:>t of Raleigh. Chatham ~- a~ formed in 1770, and named for \Vi lli iun Pi·t. Earl of Chatham. \Yilliam Pitt wa' a distinguished · Engli;)h :,taresxnan and orator, who so eloq uently defended t~~ rii-dns of A~·nerica in the B rj_~is h ~arliament. Althougb SKI{ and uffet Jng great agony) 1n hts latter days, he was carr:ed into the H<,u"e of Lords on a couch and made his las J,lca in behalf of Anwrican fibcnv. His name is revered by the JJe<.lplc , ,f C '' atham as "-ell a· the Old 'onh State. , Luilfr1rd Cr~1mt) wa~ 1aken from Rowan and Orange. ·}r .t•as callc·<.l 11'1 rc,nq l1mem of Lord rorlh 1 who in J770 §.UO u·dt:d d' J.JuL·~ r,r ()ra.fooJJ as Fin;t Lord of the T reasu rr. l ft. .·a s heir t c; d tc· tirlt4 of Guilford. · Th~.: t·t ·uHt~ ()ea t i-:t ( 1rct-n~bolo. nanH.:J aht!'r G~ n era l . ·htJ,a~~j,.J (,r• ~rw. -~ \ lvjor (-; .. npral i11 the Rcvotut\rynarv Ann~. Cu1• tc:l f~re~nr· wa ... t)1•'• <•f th e~ UV>St t·al~anr and J ::.rrir~tJr. nv··n wl,.~ f(,, glJL (r,;r A, libc1ty . • .. ( •r · ~~~ 1''1 ,, j.o ( 11}•.! o,. r(,,. h·adinr: indt~stri:tl to\ n in ll 4 t:H· . (,ujff,-,J.j J1d 'l.djrJJiliHg lftHJiti '51 W TC S ·ttJc ,f iu hug~ f :O~ fl. rry , I('() lfl}(t;J (,rHIJ. p( nu.yl:.ranitl. 'Th·· Jl('IJ I hand .. asl m • · "~ catJ }' da1. w1•u. 1 h¥ Pr~sny11-ri u1s . a ,J J1ar •£i L ~. I' f CIHQj~ I J1 !: f11'1! •ff HJ ~flrtiHI ) f! t 'illl' ,,1 lfl H HI 1 I •i Jlljli":JI- 1 •nt. bn nlr·~ h:;~tJ ht in til•· tJllth l••l dw' Ub~' .,, 1;\wrty Wifl at G 1ilfnrd l 'otut Jl (• ll ~l 1 bt:t,.._· ,·c rt the f~>lu.:5 ~>i Ct.."n~l'al Ca•(: nc• and Lnrd CorPwalli,, Folluwi n ~ rhc hattl... (;"'(,r.n­\'>".: dfi~:. rctrculcd lt• Kelt's \ fill s. lca Vl;lf' · hi~ w ,.unJc i and ~h·in~ ro1n •ad <.:s , r, thl .:a rt• of Ccn ·ral CH;eoc. I is said '''f'h ~ ntght a ft~t th~.: b·utl · rain tdl in torr~nts, aud he n jes of dw \'()11nJed CXlccdcd '*!I de c riptio-n ... ·o \:onder ':>herman ~aid . . :\ 'cui- hdJ.'' !\ la1tin Countr W4~ formc.·d in 1774, from Haii!ax. 1 t Fa,·ctt<· Counlic-.. and nam~d in hrnvjr of Josiah Nfartin. then the Ro\·al Cr>\ cr nur. · • 1 t is si t uJ.lf•d in tbc t:a tern part , .j the latt· () ll dk Rnanoke Ri ver and adjoi nin e- \" ~ls.htn gton . Pirt anJ Edgt:- cornbc Counti~s. - Camden C'our:ny i~ in tltc nnr:~he<t ~tern r~rr r>f the state bord e ring u11 the Virginia lin e. It was formed in t 777. t"rotn PasqltOlank Collnl r; aud dCI'lv*el; ils nelme fr1) nl ti <: Ead (If Camden. a distinguished l!:ngli&h &talesntalL In Parliar.nenl he $trougly opposed the ta.'\.a tion of merit a. Ir. is sa id tha t · the name of the county in he origina. act, is spelt Cam bden." 1'he celebrated Di mal Swamp, which j, about tbinr mi les long and ten miles wide. cover· a part of this county. J n the center of this swamp is Lake Drummond ~ix mife5 long and th rec miles wide and about t v.-enty-one feet above tide-w-ater. This swamp has been a hiding place lor crim inals sitKe the d ays of J 865. (To be continued) Mra-, Lowell tJJllmev. 1. C S\UJ'Imey. Oo-orga £Y(lt'OU g,,~mcn y , l ldct Suxnnu~y, • • • N. ~ l, f P'l :.; "l ~ \J • \"lt ~ ~ ~ • ( ..._.L · ~- · - ... . , t·. l~ ~·~iJ :'\n ! •' ~~~ ~ i ~ .. t.i. f'.<H 1 ~t : ·e ,R 0\: \ tYn ·'' '~. fl1 ntnw. e F ·:-- 11 .0t) ~~ ~h~ t ~ • lH ·~,md P H·tt n rn _ _ l 9.1.' 3,016.(~ [ ' . 711fJ1Z f I ~ H l l' "1:. •\ H/ '\: T~ SL ~nt." \ tl hd r.n"' u _ .. . j, ; .~'~1.P(l ) U..t b \ l .hlc~ ... ...! I. f't'q v5 F 'pc n l-- _ _ ·- _ . " ~ 1. ~ 1 ( t'r l ih\..1ft 11f D\·p·~d ...... M. LH\1.00 LL.L n ' L tt hand _hHH" ) P, ! ttl7 . .. £6 ~ .1R '~dauct~ in Bank Jmw 3tl. l9]j ___ . i--71.10 _.;;..,. __ T .. r ;r~ ~ ---- __ _ 31.9~~.34 T'ot:\l. ~ - _· .... - . ~ ~·' }.ll8t\.J4 t .-1, a .. ·e ~l1 ~l. June lO. fQ 7 ~\~SET~ LL\1-qLlTIES L<'lu~ l llt st!l HO":. n . .dPJ..<:."•' .•.. •(.- \:r... ,-~"L tf '-> ,~ ch ~1 ")r,; (\·rtif·­..-. .. ;e t)'f I ,et.:. H~t D n h i en d ~ t' 3e ";1~ ~ _ Ex \lcftS l' c ·cruor . ~ lal s~ cu ri t y -·­f'rep~ 4d 'E pe 1se _ ~.e-cru ..... ~ 1.nt rest. ~ccti\ abfe - --~ 3 .244.~ Furo.itu:-e -and ~h:nc.·~ --- - --- · ~ -~tJ I.t)ltl.3Y I nt~rest R~ceiv0d 4 025.1 J •.ntr~ n~ Fees _ _ 53.7S Guarant\ Fund __ 3.334.98 ~ . "' - -- ------ 4291.42 Accrued E."pense _ 98.16 Deprec1-a tion . Reserve ---- __ 17.76 ~ ntere t on Bo:nd :ind Securitre .. _ 14.79 1'atal _____ .., _ --~$102,85 5 .J8 ~~ ~ mber. of !\lember~ at Clr)Se of !\icJnth ______ ______ }481 ~ :n .b;:::J ~~ B~7T I'"\';n;:. at C~~t: ~f. 1c-~nth _____ -:.-.. ____· _ _ 93'9 ~. s.frob~(· of J)e·'< '->or.s a Clr.JS<: of. ·f~n th ____________ None • Mand~~ ~ r -e ~us' bee11 bit b" a dog· ar,d l'se worried·. . i:~ar, ~~he .a:\' e, B 2~) ~ bites }'Cl.n, \·hate,~er 1.hc dc~g has, }·{)~ getS. . Sam. Gal in t!at case ou has a rig-ht to t e worried. . .. aady : F.Iu ! ro ~ ~ · "'am: l)at 4cg jest had lev.eo pu~,~ ~ _Vl.a~ heJje : \1\ ' l.8t Jo 'ou think r.J :RaJJz,h mcetinr a g-irl <iill the c )ast !o-:<:oa::;t pbll.e aod ~t:tiri& engaged be for~ they landed: DoaaJd..: h mere!_, gQe=- to tJTOve tbr1t all ~he peri ls of air lfu.i\~! .h.J•t: not "lc.• been itli.minated! I! ~t1Uern£:;P. to whon~ an Iri-b,man had applied {or w;erk ask~:""..ri jf lle knt 1 an;"th:ing abo t wood· ork. Aa~ured that the aepl;c~ril kn.uw -..\ery. ~~:: :abvu• tlie ca rpentry trade. b. sa;d . ·•'"-~!l, <;an yrJ ~ 1nak:e a Ve-ner'.an blind?" ··j~ \s- 2 trea~ ::.o:r t..0 ~ee m.e a the job,'' s.a~d tHt: . on of En!.t. ~o!: ij\rmld y.c .. u go abr, t· it, tlP~n ?f. .l\~J,y. I'tl i ~t f'01"f n "' fll 1g· t in hh ete. ~ or." • • The Silent Chimney ' AL9.NG the high~ays , the railr?ads and scattere~d through -ctnes> towns, viUages and over the countrys•·4e, stand -cens-of-tho'llsatlds of<tys., s iro fla r to the one i.lJ t he .p ic-ture above, silent reminders of th'€ destructive force of fire­one of rnan's great@st bl ess i~ gs . In yeur i~nagination, if you wiJl, picture a neat country ho use surround lng t he ehi111ney im the picture above. 1' he house is comf:aFtably furui~hed, and the o~vner, a farmer wirh twenty-five or fifty a-cres of land aod a happy fam ily consist­ing of his wife an.d four or £ve children . They are, perhaps, seated around the fi res laughing and joking, or it may be in the ·wee hours of the morning, when they realize that the huu"e ·is 0n fiH·. and in less 1han an hour t he ho use and {um iture is red uced to ashes. T he happy fa mily, conlfortably situated, that occupied t he hor,1se a sbu rt while beforeJ is now di,stressed only the cllirrmey remains to remind them of the old house whe re th.ey ha:d spent many happy days. "fbe above $tOry rs true and repe~ted (ho usands of times each year. \Ve a re informed that .the tot~l ,loss by p rope. ty damage from fi re in 1936 was $293/)00,000, and ab01H 8.000 deaths. As we wr,it:e t hi:s story w·e are wonde·r ing who , in our midst, w.i!l br; the ne:&t to ~u tTer whose ho use will be burned. Ort- perchance, a serj.Ol)S fi re might d es troy a eart of t he C anton Div i6ion of The Charn pion 'Papt'r and F ibre Plant' a nd perhaps th ou&~Jldi) thrown out of em.p lnymeuL ~fhe n,ost p.r~v-al e:nt cauae of fi re is ·l'l'Hltch "s and s1:noking. ! her-r· fore. dvJI ~t sJnrJtJt rt<•a r cu1nbu.-t i-hk~ matt· t i~tJ. ~e\ ~l~ trike a match or light a cigare1 te WM\}fl: chert" is Ja·nger of tarting a fir.e. Dejk-<.·tive chit-l.ut~y&. stove~ ~od {ur.naces are al o t:bc calls··~,( .'l la rge numhf·r of Gir.-~ tn rctivt> fh~l ~. f7) • Dick Flushing Tells Whcri Happens Wbeu Electricity Gets Out of Bound& B v F J..(l t"D 't11lUlH-i ~ • HFLLO EVERYBODY: \ <:1u all knu'\ \·hat h~rr~tios \Vhe11 th . Hun~ ~\'l l~os . tit're·~ scnncthin~ that nm b\ j0 t a~ deadly " :,t full-grown1 man-t:ltmg lit'n. 1l· ~ a dog Y0ne sight mut'C comnton than lions. too. Yo u\<.' got 'em in your O\tl h ott't'!. and they ~ra,, e.l along e'er~ · ~ trect it1 th\? city you live in. It s volts I'm abour- those li tle electrical sledgehammers har p~ck .. uch J tl~rri11<.' "Wtlllc) p. "fhe more ot those volr .. you g-et togc:ther in o n ~ p lace, ~'le il)t>T~ oi a \'r!11lop hey pack. hundred and ten of them-the number in your lighting circuit at home will krK'Ck a flal Ot) his ba~: k if hl: gets in t he way of them. But this • f('fY is about a lad who wa - fooling a round with de\ co thou. and of thll~t.· ornery things-and that three or rour t1mcs as many a$ they run th rough the electric chair ... . ~. u.p at tng .. mg. · Richard Flu hiug. of 168- 11 J 14th Ave., J ama ica, N. Y., !s a D istinguished :\.dventurer, a nd he wins with the story ' r how it feels to see the , .. olts come hopping ou t of the cable: ele\·co thousand s tront..r. . Dick is an electrician. and he say:' he'$ had plenty o'f close calls of one sort or another, but thjl:i one with the galloping lightning was the biggest t hriH Le ever had or ever expects to have. Tb~ da te wa. february 7th, 1933. At that time Dick \as working for the Lrmg lsland R ai lroad. It takes a lot of current to run those electrified t ra in that run out of ~e\,. York on the Long I sland. and Dick's job was in the road's key s ub-station. where the voltage came through in iarge q uantities. Dick came to work at four o'clock that F ebruary day. He and h is paru1er worked the four to midnigh t shift. They had only been on the job for t1ve minutes when they got a·n r1rder over the telephone tc' put int0 service a n eleven thou­~ and volt feeder that had been taken out by the day men wf· jle some tc r.s were being made. Both of them started for lhe cellar of the sub-station · tht disconnecting switches are located. They took .a.1on£>" their ~ witch s ricks, but tbey djdn't bother abou t rubber gloves, fr,r their job was a simple macter of t hro wing a ·:itch and }erring t h(· jurct:: ride on through. .\ least; that:~ wh<H they though t. But when they ··eacJ JC~d the ce11ar they discovered that :-.omet:hing was wrong. Ground v.:irc<;-h igh ten<;ion cal·l~ ·-were dangling in the air when they ~hould ltave hee11 hanging on b rackets. 'The two Ioerl latd a sdL t!H.:ir wi ~h sricks and p1ocecded ro put tltt) e ·wir.r;s wh~rt" d tey belonJt~d. T he wires were dead. for the swi tclr<t£> w ~ r,. . 1 dl open, and l>irk and his partner figured here'a be nr, nl:•·.d f•1r vlvv~~ r.)r any ~ u ch precautions, Ui<~·b J,:l l't iiJ.::t J.... •t c; • ~eJ 1:.f wir ,., ''Hl the bracke1 s and in d.<.~ing ~o n~» /v"" q ,l whhir1 tt few i ,, ... h ·~ of the open switdJ. f)ick hot gh !C.. .vtr1r ~ lild~ TOO d(J c ro il for • rmdotl. fiP- hung IJj <Avn r of Ntl t·c (li t u t• ln ~wk ·t .1ud, in P'to:SS UJg th 6V.itrh ,,,Jt_ l"Dt ' HJ lJ,-. fa th I W~l\' fri'Hil it lh 'lll t uaL Th · cabJ, r1 JJ~~ ~ 'b l:and \':J. "' lr:;S l eight it~chc s f · . 11 h·· .. wi rc·l wlu;r v IJ( nl·: t htt1g1> bt:g t il tc ha1 pc·n. 1< 1.d ~::s wh .~u did Jf It, •" .,f 1 d. ~ ~ w:a · ,J<hit_n}, LlJHl••d {j;.tr 1. fr'lh 'tlluth, l &ll•ll . lt ,)ir 18) ' . that ttWitch, but couldn't ger throu~h it b~{7ausc ii Wtlii 01_:,,-;:u. ] r there had been nn () her rnrtal Ill the ueighborhood that cu rre,nt wuuld have s~ aytd wher~ it was. .But thcr wu.~ that gre>m td wire in Dick 's hand - etght uleh<: ftom tt1e witch. Th.<\t r.urrcrH ·eleven thousand volt& of j•-~trPaked out toward that wire w·irh aJl the f{;)n:e of a th\mder'boh. Dick fe l~ himse lf being p1ckcd u~ off h~~ {(!{;t and htr r~ed through th~ air 1n one cli rcct.iott, whtle his partnt:r :)tan~ng ncar by, was hurled in 'the. oth~r. Each of !hem l:t~dc,d twenty fet:l aw9y, on opposne ~ 1des of the swatch. D1ck,; eyes had becrl. seared by the terrific blast of the power I-{e felt the Aoor eome up and hit him, and then the next thing he remembers is &taggering to his feet and seeing hi part­ner, forty feet away, doing the c;-ame thing. His face was scorched and burned [rom the terrific heat. He put his hand to his head-and it .was bald! Every b~t of hair was burned, not onJy from hlS bead, but fr01n hl3 arms as well. "That current/' he says, "ha:d given me a neat " shave, cleaner than any barber could bave done it, an.d all in a fra ction of a second." D ~ck walketl b ad~ to the switch from wbic:h whose deadly volts had broken loose. His partner came over a.od jot.ned him. The switch was nothing but a mass o{ molten metal. Lumps of hot copper lay on the floor. T he big insulators wen~ gone. There was n't so much as a sign of them. They had been blown to dust . Says Dick: "Even the fueproof barrier had \~hole brick$ burned out of it. Both my partner and I conside red ocr­selves mightr lucky to get out with our lives. 1 don't believe either one of us had taken much of the voltage througn our bodies. I escaped because I was holding the ground wi~e a t a p lace that was well in ulatccl. Had my hand b\;;cn rc any other place, or had there been a slight leak in the wir~; 1 would unqu·estionably have gone up in a cloud of smoke. .. Sq, if :you were to give Dick a choice betw~n a bunch of h:;os·e lions and ten or fifteen thousand loose volts, I have a bun:cb that he'd take the lions every t ime. There may not be much left of you when a crowd of li.ons get thro~ugb looking you ov:er: but there'd be a darned. sight more than the volts would leave. New York EtJ.enin.g j otunal. Two mt::n occupying the same sear on a bus ot -tnto • conversa tJOn. 'So you arc a doctor ~ ch ?'' asked one. cty"' es/' replied the o the r. 'Well." remarked the first one, ' in a way our work is alike. I'm a window wa ~ her and work on pane'. \OC : · Teacher : Bobby, give the principa-l pnrts of the •t:rb (f • :· SWtlll . .Bobb y: SwiH\, swa.r.n, swum. Teadlcr: AU right. Now try ' 'dim.'· Bobby ; Din), iamn, du-s:1y, are ~·vu kid din~ nH.'? Th~..~ miHion,tin·, wh 1-.t; d:lul(hr ·1·: lift' tht· y~o.Jllll ll\tlll lad just ~~ Vt'lL '\ :h U1 i"Stc '" thnr h~ au:r-f t ~ · rcw c.ud. Jt'in«1U to ~·t vc· n.n \'tubal rn .. ,ing :'!i rtutit n. ( u ht~J• • c.t.:-:u lh .. , id : r. \V c 11_, i i . (l n iII i ' r. j ll t n 1\ I> l l H' J ("t 11.11' I \ ()l ~~ i If \..1 u h~.) '·• -.·1· l ttt~r hr " ... x i\' l d ~ 1dc r:w1 fr,.."'Jl\ th ·· l.llh, r; •if fnve buurht It J Y' o th ~ \\··.t l~ n d t 1• 'lJ~r,' luh! ..till i'll ! !.,,.., rtt hltJ tt~ll ~ ltH • ha• Sll t'tl l\- · I tnk · ." · • • • • • • • • ,. ' t . ira.l Ohieett>l'£,f of· lndusf1·ial: (:!1itt'} l t · t~ -f~'1d.t:"l~. P'kJ atf,. ph1>ti Elr.f. i: Compat1ljl ,f Y L ~TERE~'T n :t S>~L<:£ '' ~ctiV'itie ot lhe D$l ure f€r~­i. u: i'"'d hv the tl~ti"~tctt~l ~~fcty Cou:n-ci\ and t.he Safety D 'H,nlnwut ~l mY o~"n Coinp.uH· · aris~s tn tbte cons~rv~­t i ·h , .a~l ; nf .:tl ~f, '"~·vtk. Thcs.~ ac·u vities .1ssist. J.l~t-eriaJly 1;t;:.,. achi.<"' ing tw '(·j al t)bj,eu ~. oi industti91 man2*:gcmen:t-­f\ ·st. pJon1ot~n(!' the weH~re c"f t'h~ployee$, and s.ocond, re­. j l'~lJlg oreratil~.g \.'OSU-TI. ... c:xreri,·l~l.'e c our Con "pan~~ hss been hfr.hly ~ ti~­.-~ ton". 11 e \ ~!t;~ 192~ tbrdlu..,b l9J5 have sho1r'r~ a rcduc­tl( m C:t 150 l't"; ~.:ent i;>. the cost of ~mployee ac:c.iden t~~ the f.t;ta\! fstl!ng ir<Hn ~ t-.61 to· v 1.45 for each I.POO mau-hour:::. Dur-in·.., thi .. pcnod 1l1{' t o1a1 h<'.t.JI" of exposure were r:edth"ecl <;"'IJ1e-th i rd. i :; • • , • . . • _ ._....,_ ! .. ..!- ~~ ,. -r:- I ., e • gpt!t(t · ''''~· .?I t L ]1ltS GJ.,y Pos~IY'T ~oR K HeR·E AI"'Y fVlOR£ HE DtDN7 HIIV£ Ht5 SIJ~ETY HELIVJ.ET ON ·- Frc)n.\ s:tani'.:poiu-t of employee w,e.Hare, rt is e~en mo~~.; erP'( to knQ~w that itl the same ye14rs lost-tn:ne aCcl­d~ ts v..~re ..... Jo\•en~d 8Z per .. cent. <.lay~ lost were recluc6d 61 ."~cr cent ·::1ud fatoJrde~ wi ich ah~a) s are of profound con,., ct>f'u to even~u1;e- irl the Company :were 62 pef ceut fewQr. TJ1~ number. oi .,..<.sponsible a.ut"nn~obile accideuts.- <W'as cut 77 ecr cent a.nd the ~oodent "ost of autamobile oper?ttion re- · duced 6S per c.en1. going frot:n ~ 2.8'8 to o€J cents ~ r 1,000 - Are They ·~ilcc · • - l ,"o; .. ..., "' l agree wiL~ the Natior.acf ... aTety Cp~ncit ~hat accident p:evention is largely ~ prvrne1~ of ~reaun~ a h1gb degree of s-afety consciousne~ aod thiS requires tlie constant ~t.· mula lien {"'· · ctHL!h:ia.r m., an ur:dimit~d ~ou rce uo draw on ic.r ideas and a kno"A·le lge of what others are doing-these needs oeing St.ppliee b~~ the Coupcil. Our o¥.~ Safety Depanr.D.ent bebeves it&. su~ess rests on it~ verv definite plan of action. l r has gatned and ndd rhe ;ntcre;t~ support and coopt-...rat.ion of and su­r: en-isors and }~as rallied the entire persannel of the Coro.- r anv back o: its program. I--ts pr-ogram inc}ude$ an inter­~ iepanmental {:On.tes.t. a det.ailed method of measuriQg.Piog­re~ s~ jnspectl?n ~f the ~o i r~ p('operty f.or tl:e .concctton ~f hazard.s. ;-evJew !!~g engtneenng pla.ns to eltmtnat~ danger ~pot~ rigid~y in~"estigatiug arcide.nt~ ·and all miQi$:r:er0g cor- • recttve measure~. I re4?ard safetv .activities as being ooe of the O:IQSt jtL­t,-:!! 2'-en""t pbase.s ~f man~geme.Q-t an-d I feel that tbe N~tionat ~aJet\ Cf't:m~..i1 1~ enriclid to the ~rr-on(r ~upport of ali in.- ~he: p d like SOMe. SOaf'1 plGa~e . H~: Yes. n~a=m, we have just the thrng for that ddia~te peach blcssc..m eomplexioni-,.- She: Oh ics not ~oft soap l wanted. ~~Y doa~t you fight ~gainat your lon~ing for d ri1,1k? ~'hen you ~re · ten1pr~d) ·think of your wife at home,'' "Madame> when the thirst is upen me I am absolutelY d evo1' d o f rt-ear .,. ,., Jones; In t}.re old da~ a man offere.d his wife a penny for her thougbt&. Smith: Yea h-~ad now be · oifer: her $5. to keep them t.£' herseH ~ ( 'fhat man who c~~ l out i1:1 front C'l m 1 f ront A. ~ id e Lrcei ~ - . ~ s you were rci>Ilin~ alon,g the highway . . . T'hat womau·dG.wrnown w:hG stopped suddenly a.nd with~ (:)\l·t warning in £ro1Jt of you ~trtd nearly caused a crash . . . Tha:t .del1veTy truek driver W,h0 cut you off on the hill -when he- saw ·the other car . : . What .sort of}!eop l~ ane tlres·e? Nitwits~ Drunks? Be-ginners? . Perhaps~althovgh tHey: a.r.e probaely just ·con1mon, ordl­o. ary folks who forgot th.eir r~pu.tation s as good driver,s for just a split second. }li·S:t a m.omentary lapse, just a momen­tary disrega-rd of the rule-s, of t he ro_ad, and they laid the~­selves open to suspicion a:s chronic halfwits or worse, and m the bargain put you and your car into a dange rous s ituation . You. and 1 may be tl<le best drivers on the road. We may ha:ve· mas cered the fi'ne p.0ims of driving. V\1 e may pride ouu-seives oo 0UT al:>i:}it.y to antkipate the probable actions of others ~nd to maintain a margin of safety-sufe i.nd.jca­tiotrs e.f a ski'lled drjve,r, We may fe-el that we can depend upon 0ourselve'$ in emergencies. But just. le-t us once neglect Lo obs.erve the laws of skillful driving--jt1st let our att~l)tion sJacken for · a split second at ·some fateful mom.etlt . . . let us take our eyes off the road t0 light a etigaret t"c, or Jet us turn Qlj r head co hear \.·vhat a C{:'Jr.npanion js s-aying, or look too long a.t some bit o£ scenery . . . and we may '5~ compll:ting the plot for a serious acci­dent trag<tdy."'. It $ p't, always the ni-twits who cause accidents. OfteH~ according to the ?vfenopolitan Life · Insl.:lrancc Cmnpany it's the e~erienc~d, skillfvl drive.t wbp :<t~kcs a <:hance:v only bccaaiqn.all~ or whos-e a:tt~ntion is distracted at the wrong moment. Never let yourseU be t.ricked i.nto an accident by . W-andering anention. Keep yoer mind alert. Keep jt always' a . yoyr rc~ pe:nsibjJiry to ym.1r~lf, your (amiJy and to .other drwer~ wlnJe yow arre ~ehtn.d .t-he wheeL [9] • l ' • • P· blJ red by "Thl· '1ampion Farn.i ly" a.:- l S} mb I 0f th ~ ·, :-t'""er:ttion and (~ood Fdl o w~ hiP L-':xi Ling- at the Plants I '- of The C'h:unril")D Par•er anJ Fibr(! Company. C ~nton Di,-i:\t<>n. Canton. ~"nnh arolina. 3nJ I [C'Iu ·coo Di,·i:. ron. 1-Touston, Tt?xa, G. \"'1. PHilLIPS .. _- . _ .. ... .. . ..... _ • _ ... .. _ -. .. . .. __ ... ___ ... _ .. _ .. _ .......... . .. _ . .. .... Editor REUBEN B. BOBERTSON. JR.. . _ . ....•. _ .. . .. . .... _ . . Associate Editor R20R!ERS DArSY BURNETTE. _ .• -- __ . ... . • ... _. . . __ • __ .. _. _ ... __ .Main OJ11ce J. IW!. DEATON_ ....... .. .. .. . _ .. _. ... ... . ... .... ..... ... .. .. .. - . ........................ Bo-ok Mill M. V. B~El1' ... ...... - . . .. . ... ..... ... ... .... .. ------ - --- - - - - --·------ · ·-- -B, & A. PAm liY" A Tt . ....... _ ... .. .... _ ... .... .. __ ___ . _ ... _ ... ___ .... _ ... _ ... _ .. ______ .... __ . _ .. Power 0 F. GILliS .... . .. - ---- --- - -------- - -------·--- - ------·--- -E- B. Dept '"DIGESTER" __ .• _ •.. •. ........•.•• _. _ •• _ • . . _ .. __ ••. . . _ . . • •. . Sulphite HARRY BOTBA JB .. _ ... _ ........ ______ .. _ ... - - ........ Pulp Drying LENORA HUGHES _~- .. . . _ . .. _. ____ . .. ______ ... _ ..... flnishlnq Room tH£ COLONEL • __ • . __ • _. __ .. • _. _. _ .. _ •. _. __ • • __ ••••• _ ... _ ••• Extract P. G. :B:INX'E:N' ... --- - ................... -- _ ..... ... ..... - .. ...... ........ ... .... _ ... _ ........ .. _ ... _ ... _ ... Soda MUI HEl..I. BBIGHl' ___ .. _ ... __ ............... _ . ...... ___ ... __ ... ......... __ ...... _ .. _ ... _ .. _ .... .. ...... Cone 1£AN McGRAW. _ . _ _ . __ .. _ •. . . __ . _ ... . . .. .. . . _ ... _ ... _ . _ Cartoonlst REPORTERS FOR THE HOUSTON OMSJON A. M. KOURY AND C. R. P. CASH lsn 't it Time to Stop and Think? A. A\. "ERAGE. of one death every five minutes, or three hundred liYes lost every dar in the yea r, or a total of J 1 LOOO accidental dearhs during 1936, is certainly ca use for deep concern on tlle part of every American citizen. LaH year. we kil1ed n~ ice as many people as we re killed during t11c g reat \rodd War! and injured two and one-half Limes the total number of f\mericans engaged in that war. CJur ntws apt:!r~ ltad mucb to sar abou t the school build­ing t>.plosion at ?\'cw L011don. Texas. The people throughout d.t nation Wf•J > ... hocved anr!. grieved on alcoun L of the ter­rible ta a )t rophe but, tbroughoul the natiun, one here and JtWlerttl thcr•.!. '*n avf.ragt of ne~rJy as rua.Fty a.rc being k.iJlcd e:vcrv day 1n the y<'~t l ~ s w~r " killed in the Jew London cat.a. 'tvphe. \ ~ cc ' m ·qun t·nt t,f fa.t,Jh• it. ira a l:u gc nuudJeJ of 1 hl· · iti~s thrr 11~hfJ!Jl t.he l i n ;~cd Statc6 ghr,ws ~n in, rea (,; nf obot.t t~l.' •m ,' per <..t'TJ' v'/i"J f <(J(;, Su h Hll r·mcn t shr ultl aro\J6C cad• tf 1JS ta effort . nci det"l min~U(Jll 1o d tt (II f very J,, .. , in lhc f1JIUft'! f.() JH~V\; ft ( •elden!. in (}IH r klllt 1 rm tl$t 1• yh·ray, ,n rh~ Eir e:· •$ anJ ill GUr (J r ~tc· · i,J·~nr rt·LOX.f i wt u•"a rly ·s )fl ·l'fd rhr y , .a 1t r 1 (J 1 was in 193o. T here nlu~t be somethjng VHOJtg. J1 there is. Lan\ \'e cr•rf\!r{ it : \ t- c:~ n if\ c aH coop~·r.t ' t:. Remem­ber, injuric 'a u ~c su iT<·nnJ{ and iS')J'J\'Jw. ~hrdi \C cic1 ·what ~n: can tn ktep our fcllo'A en an frtllll ·ufft:r i n ~: \Yc bdicli · rh "tt cVl'rV Champion t11an w·ill do his lk:~t. Cancer Control P latzs RECENTLY a bill was introduce<:l in the Senate for the erecti0R of a three million dollar hospital for th-e treat­ment of cancer and one million dollars a year for ih activitie~. It is estimau·d th a t perha1 s 20.000 li,~e~ ma. be ->1 e-..t by such a fe-deral insti tution. If true. such an e.xpendi£ure of federal funds would be a good investment; that is, if cheaper and better faci litjes are available to those who need treat­ment and are not financially able to pay for it. YVe are wondering why some o{ our leading repre~enta­tives in the Senate or Congress doesn)t introduce a bill or a movement to stimulate a greater interest in accident pre­ventian. One murder will occupy the front pages of thous­ands of newspapers for many \7eeks, and the go-,;crnment will spend thousands of dollars trying to capture the criminal. Bvt, hund reds are accidentally killed e\·ery Jay and ,·err little j~ said about it and practically nothing done. \Ve a re informed that ··a n~ong ma.le~ hea n Ji ea,:(; j, rht:. only di'scase with a death rate higher than a~cident · :· Therefore, it does seem that accident prevention should be one of our major jobs. We are convinced that by a concerted effort. the number of fatalities can be materially reduced. T ills magazine dur­ing the past dozen years, has contended t hat accident preven­tion s hould be taught in ou r schools. \Ve must begin with the child in the kinderga rten, and continue through high school antl colle~<.· if '' ~ t'Xpcc l tv ma~t.' AmeriLJ ·~tft:)­minded. 1 do noc believe that vou can teach a chrld unJer k"ur- • teen ctnything by adm onition~ >·ou do teach htm. how<-'ver. mps( emphatically b}' cxa mple.-Eibe-rt H ubbarJ. St2rtcl with a nybody that stan{U ,'t~1nd wid1 hin\ while h(· i~ right. and p;1 n with him when he ~ot· s ''ron~ . -//braham 1 ;ill,_~,·,ln. "1 T !IOU Gil r fOR t/l 6' \10 \ 1'11- Th '~I' · ~ thereJon• now 111 j t..Uthlt. tnn;Hi\,;w l u d' ·m .dn·· l ~ 311· in t'lafl t ) , ... ,h, \ ;., \ dk not .d'l\'1 rh~ tlc::-.h . • lr\lt • itf•c' rh ~ J'trit . - Tltc Uiblt . • • • • • Int{ ·~ u • T fl t day (. { ·tl1c oiJ _time ~~tl. tL ll) rk. ' ' ht} ~ rPl l b(~htntt the ""("\t ran balit <"J S\gn t- tr tl e ~n~tH• tt"·Hn ~~ p a~ ~ed. l1tt \ · • t"'l f'WUY mi ·i::tk"~s: tod nl tl}' tni:HIHU ·r.:t()Od ~~:Hals~ - ('"" t~l:l1lY pl~ . ~ mt-.·~('\t up. n f• c J~~ f, !·b,lll h1 ... tut ~ hal- i1 \~ a~h Znprk.e ,, \;H t'1~ i t~ ht ~"ilr s~ ~t~1n . where :til til' pl ~':r l 'Ut th -ir h ".u.: . to (' t ~~i· hd t:t!kl·d ,,,.,., tht? nt· r pl.n tc lw r:1J u T\h hudul.. r Ju~: "1 tb . prt~H'" nt~e p.f ~ rrors tr~tneu .... "'·.1 ·. "\ut nh· JOt" ca<:h man on lhc team no ha •e ~ d•ar u nd~ ts\an..fin,a \ f the- C~)O\tll_g pby~ but it gi e all the rlayetS a <1 ~ m·e to <:~pr~~ their idea ~ ~nd opinion~. l f ~n opposing tJa ·' lc s. •t;nts tv be weaken in~, the oifen ive ta""kle can a ivi&e r~e fidJ ~cl' e.ral to Ji rect the tle play at the v. c.;ak Sl)t'f. l t the t·nemv·s Ct ncc•r i~ br('aking thrnusb. the offensive ream ·'"~n di$C\l~ ::. 'cha n\!intr their fonnation. The huddle is ju f a ~ u r ned "'{'niercnct -a ~ roUJ J1$C'U~ 'ion--on the football field. U tea. :l .... •~e rt tr .lay·. • l t h'l~ lon~ H't:"rr -..d lO ns that e\rerr foren~tan:-manage r ~ould \' ll :~e f!lC l· t..~J 1(' \de;: .a in hi · wof'k. Each <>f us needs all the: i ~e.i.: ..lnJ aH th·-- helr \ .. ~ C3n get, and freqoentl)r that h~' p ,..,nn:tes i"rf'n'i ~nur~... c· le:1st ex.pecteJ . On,r ~c~sions ·fore!nen -ha\'e been h-eard lG say, (,I c tried ~o eet ~my mt. u o make suggestions but the few wllich l do rcc~r\ ~ .. re u ~ u.a lly not w-orth anyth i ng.~· h·lany com­pan, ies ha,·e iu-au urated . ugt!est,o.n systems, with boxes in e' en" deparunent. and valuable prizt'~ ro· those who :conceive tr.e ~ust val\iablc suggestions. _ 10t infrequently these sug­.,. c-s-rif)n S\ stems a re discon,inued, because so fe1v really val- " uable idea: a rt" recei"cd. \Vhy? In atttmpting to figure bot the answer. it h~s occurred 10 u~ tbat just ask•ng the a ~ erage man in the rnill to contri­hnt ... u J;;gt~t; t)n~ out of tbc bl-ue ~ ky is almost like asking fOT $U~~"-tion~ to ~nd tlepres~ioos. The problero is too ~n­eral. The average m:an can't grasp it. But gi·,·e him a defin.ite problem witb which be i familiar ~s a,·. about hi~ j(}b and thaes different. The chance$ are tar ~rea e-.., r th at he will ''come acr0$s., wit'h a helpful jdea,. ~an. years a~L. a young night superintendent at Armc-o w~n t i'lto a h.ud "le with his m.en. The probJem the~r had to Cfl!Viuer wa u ~ i n stZl H~n,. of an \..:.nderpow~t red engine. T o­f ether they- '.<Jhed that one wjthout difficulty and d:j-tt sap~r­i1tt ndent cotttiPucd the plan of regularly going into a huddle w~ t h hi~ men. He stiH does, but he isn't a ni-ght superin­t _nf.ient any n1ore-h::'s tht! president. J u..)t the' tber day a <.:enain departn etn was having yield \,.r,ufiles. Rejecrjon~ were entirely· too high. The department na11ager had a '-cries of ''huddles: · He didn,t ~all the entire departm.ent t~e-t i~cr a one time. 'He weiJt to e~c h crew~ He told them the pr .,blern and he asked tneir opiolons. The ideas which wer.e advanGed, and the better uader tanding which resnlttd,-hare save€1 tbnu ands of doJJar~ thruugb decreasing rejections. . 1\:ot k.~n~· agl; a c:ection of a depa! (nlen.t was e.xp~riencing a JH:unher of }o:; 1 .titnr a(.ctJ.ents and at the . a-me time costs u•ere risiag. A Siaft nt.att wa~ detailed LO stody that part of h.t dtp;{ nrr~~tn acd :-epon ba<:k. He reported that tfw fore­( St~u~ ir. cLa rge was ne;t lacking in knowledge of the prvdpct or th" pra:es e.s, but: lhe.r.e ~.," a .,erious lack of understand1ng arr:ong the men aJ1 aJon tht ]ine. 1ne m~n did DOt knOW s\'Jrat was e ·.~teJ 0' hem. In nth r, h~s paHicular ' ("./. • • 11._{ ltr't/ !I l1~tlian • • • ID ~~.,(.' l~.N ll ; , .' J r: lt. ~·~· v\lo.II-o. of th ~" _Lrr~t•.l.t}:Y d ep~ ,t~l r1 · I'- u ~nrth : '<.•hna St n tt.. ( c tile ge, &iJtd. In hJ opJfHOJ~ lnd(an (. ~unp~ vf fontlC!' cl.ty:. are. re~pcJfl ~t le (or r,hc .,b~kL, .. - tl\mJflt::Ji tt ·h,fhi void of t r\:CS, tn t'l:u• A pp;tJa ~ htan ~ hrun \ .... . t fl tm .... 1 il) ~ \l t!$f: 1 t\ $ rnt,J, or p c1 ba:p~ mtK h he(tc;r rhan ours ~ h ,wc.·ver, we at c indint <.1 r o ht..• lr ev~ that he b~ ~ a n• I her • U< ss cvrnnl .,. Dr. \Vdls7 th •o•-y is tha t the Indian ·~nlpS gliv<: the n·H.mntain g l as:St'·s a chanc-e to g~ in a fo~~hr>ltl and ~hc·n th,~t>e graa~es got startC'd, they ~crt" n~l c tn f re.czc; uut ~ll tre,.:sl ~ hrn4'ls &nd \f)thet ,vogctatt<1TL H e al&o pOJtt t~ out, that ~11 t he· hakls a rt always located on wct1-rnunJed mnunta.1n ~urn mit~ . with a good spring near 1 ht• lower border (Jf the ba ld. ~ .P erhaps hi theory is correc1: but we doDbt if t bC! :nystery i ' vet solved. We are wondering what would occur ,:r. along th~ edge of these " balds'' the timber was cleared aw~ty, the land sowed in grass and a.ll seedlings removed as { as they appeared. until th.e;,,grass gained a foothold, aod then no further attempt made to p revent the gro\Vtb. of trees dur-ing the next hundred yea rs or rnore ? Another mystery to rna flY of us, and ont' which. IHJ dcJubr, a 1 crfect ly logical exptana.tion tan be. given i ~. w h~ n spruce rimbcc; "hich grows on htgh motto La Ins and pra c tlca~ly Lhc only kind of trees that have grown there for centunes are removed, fire-cherry and other shrubs and trees spring up and soon cover the mountain side. Ia lower altitudes, when the chestnut and oak is removed, pines quite often take posses ion of the fie lds. ~a tu re s wD rking~ . a. re $Omctimcs difficult t<i understand. • Did You Know?--- The AorcnaJ Life of a mosqu.ito is from t~'O to th ree mcmths. ;\ cow ha-s a stomach ~a pacity of ten times that of a horse. There are 3 V2 pounds of salt in eve ry 100 pounds of ocean wa Ler. . . OnJ ~' nne pe rson in 10,, over 21 yea rs old, has perfe~t \' lSlOl).. During a rninut.e of piano p laying the fingers make as many as 20,000 movernerns. In England the voting age for women is 30 yea r~. Suieide:::\ in the { ~ nited State: a\·erage 55 daily. :''l'he sea r~h goes on for better ways of doing things. ri'hat ind u srr i~ l organization whk h does not keep up wjtb p rogres~ through resea rch t reads upon dangerous ground. [f each of us will study our work~ devise new ways to do our jobs better and to make our :;ervices more impo rtant, we, tou~ will find our 'pe r~ona l resea rch ' depaf"tment has been a rrofitabl~ act1v rty. ~eilher individuals, corporations, or communities can p.s:o~rt!ss wi thout research."-~L'ha:rles R . Hook. foreman was not going 1nto a huddle wid:1 his men. It gen­erally wo.rkR that \ay. When all the Olen on the t.ea·m get the habit of p utting their heads togetlie r. and talking over the probletns of th~ job, tbe chance-& of .solvjng those probl<;rns satisfactorily a r-. highly favorable. - .4.nvn. [UJ • • • • • • 1 tl ill " J llO R turn, ctton Reported \V c. t h~. t.n J' r~ign<;•d om.m~ttee, h:n·in ~ < vunr e-d rhc :11- !ots in the recent rt ill C\.lum·jl t: lrcl ion hen,hv dcdarc tht N"sLlcs a fc.\How~: Book 7\ Iill :\hchin .. ~ nne 1~'-·atlr" -- 0. \ lltll. t-hrty T ru ll: lohn H-aiL - Pulp J)r ~ in~--\Y. C . . Hyatt. I. \ . ~cc It, C. \Y. \right. ~ulpbit~ Jnd \ (){ d r ('IOnl-C:l rk~ Clark. G. c. Pa X(Ofl . B l \ \"db. -~ ·da-"'ulrhatf• R~cov"~~v- R . H . \ .1 1ne,, n. J Parris. • • V. H. Bank~. Tr Ln a. d Crane C'r '\::-H crm'ln Rlvthc. 1'0 ' er- \Y J1. Ht--ndri x. B. B C r~£!ot ~ . C. c ~- HaJ·din. Boud 1lill R. C. Cook. \-. ". Collir, s. J. E. N-loore. L~torstory-Rudol ph Barne , Frrn · matbers, J. M. Cavanaugh. 2c-da -.. ulnhatc Product10o-C. P. ln(flc. Ce<-il Co11ctte, ~ ·. }. Cole. · ' ·El()ctr~-R. C. Looper E. B. Plant- :trady \~afford. Dallas \Vebh. Lloyd P ar- • oa rr:. · Book ?d ill Finjshing-Brucc J oslin: F. T. Plemmons, Sam Bradfev·. R and~.\ . and Consn uc t1on-\~7 • \' . Love. Orville Ha,·ne:. A. H. Dotson. ~,,; ood Yard Ge-orge \~' orley. Guy ,,.1 ells, or man Sin-z1eton. E).'tract-B. ~ 1. Clark. Ralph Goforth , C. L. York. Cone- Luke mathers. • Repair Men Urord Signed: R. C. Looper, Porter Henderson, I-I. E. Boone, R. H. Brown, Grady Swafford, R. L. Smith . D eserve Comn1 etzdation T 'H f repair men. a nd , rheir helpers cenainly deserve words r,f c.orr mendauon nom the managemenl for the com­p1~> tjon vf many and \·aried hat.ardous jobs during the fourth and fifth of July. Very ftw of us, perhaps> realize the hazard­ous w1uk p~,;r ;IJJ mcd by th~se tn ClL a nd quiLe of Len the limited time in which th,.y have to compJetc certain jobs. The R.epair an·i Alteration Devarrmc:nt has had an a~traet ive sa f,..t y r..:cord durj ng the past eight. months. Only one dis~bJ1ng ~ccidenl. \Ve hope t be accid ent char recently spoiled thezr gr.JOo re~ord wi ll a rouse them ro great ~ r effort, and w!th :We cooperation of each empl(Jyce in 1 he depart­rnentJ w~ believe l11eir afes y t e~.;.ord dunng the following fll!inti. will show a oreJt im.prov rncnr. Tbe S<rfcLy rl'!~~rd made hy tbe R. & A. and Cntt trurtion men, we bel tPV~', is th!o! r 1dt of t am-~·UJ·k on tht~ p a rt of each ·rut·l'l} e . 'rht; supt·ril'lu·ud,.o Jid for J(lt·n d ct:-.eFVt a }{Jt r.f dw r.r,·djt foJ tl.cir gr1otf re-cord, hur wjrh .Jl·l 1h·· Of.:~t::Jatiou '"' •arh rtl~ul jn e..ach cr~"•w, rh ·n \'\t.ul·l ha v · h&n ffl()!•' ~~~ rid••Jl I£, But, rt::mcm. .t J, r, boy· l ~·ou must he; the tirnc 1etJt yrm .-.nff t i'tfl inj ur y r Jn ;~ wnl ~> I u l. ; t be mot tJ. ' tl <;t y Ill; l) I ~d Ill A fway~ 1, · 1 c L11ft:. .Roo c1. elt Reb11k . }1(/tttlz • For Taking- Oaths .llgai·mt The {)e_ ense of Amertra \' !lite \.H • arc ctf" •iHt \'lf and it<.Jf •t_ ti,tt tlQt C Of <)tt~· DC.}'$ \ill ('VCf h~n~c t() "a kc ur a nnt in d~.Jcn ~t· Ot 0 Jr \!Ountry gain. )Ct . we h·ef 1hat the foJhw ing st:J. l(:tne ' ~r J frs. Franklin {). Ror) ,.velt in r.c 'ard tn ~ udcnt p lcdgin~ tbtm­~ C"Ivc not 10 tfd ,·nd AJ1lcri~.;a aeraii, .. t h er cnem·es. is timeJ: and ... ho11 ld hc.: h<:rdcd l1!' he ymllh t'rr «•llr Cf)t!ntr.~. Sh ~;ti d: ' f 1bmk "' tudent on1hs ar"' unY.'"i ~,·~ bcu;n1 ~e an young per. on:, J..nn\S wha 'ond iri. ~n~ Tr·ar c.onfrou· biw :.t any • • g rV<: Jl IIJ11 t!. u i ou may he l'ra(rically pu~b rd i f')J u an ac-tual fight which you dD 11uL seek but wl1 ich you are obltgecl to accepi ."" 11 set'rns trJ " ~ that a tuclent or a nv other \ tnt·ric:r r c.iti- • zen who pledge::. hims.elf nnt to defend hi- cr·tJfl' ry a."ainst the invasion ol her < ncrtlics. docs an unv= i:,e J'hi•1g. Tt/s ab~0l utel y right for American ynu tlt lo suppon the principle of keeping out of war, but to -..ay he or she\ ·iH not defend his countr) when rhe ()Oemy kn~ ks at the fron · door is the wrong attitude. F'e"""· if any, or our g<-,od wo-men -.. ..: outd hesitate to shoulder arms if America s hould be invadtCl. or American freed om was threa tened. Keep out of war if we can, but if we c;~n· c fore•.?. tne enen1y back where he belong, . sh<Duld be our motto. and is the spirit oi every true American citiZe n. ''Nladam:·· said the menagerie man> uplea.;e keep your childreo away from the bear cage." ""You don1t think roy children would hurt your old bears, do you?" "No, but th is bear aJmost choked to death on a knife ill the pocket o{ the bst boy he ate.n • PJctutt~d 3.bovc i:;, a "C<'uc t<lkrn n ar th,· .\ rnt rii'an l•.nl"l Cuq f ) ~ltion ~ h( n (l,l<.a ,Hiun . tlr~'t t Ht~J ,llth \l 1'1 \ u l\ r l. {1{ b.,ck. Ill 19\0. T he ~ hO\Vt\ :nop th~ ru'l ' tlld huldi og t h\.. re-ions wdllikd} tt"tnt!mb. r lht: ~ nap ~ ltot . N,) ,._,ubt lw'll d&o ren1 mbe:r t hr> l)ll lch hd} "!11 . ~<!)ppt.t..l him with tht' words: ( I 'J l.h r {0 ha\rt' mr I itllll'(l Hl .h. .Je wir h I he 'h ~:\' i r ) Oil don ( 1111nd ·· Fd I ~\' ":'\ ~ i s t~t ' rrw ss d l h~ t kin · of th< 1 tct ur~ l:ut dn .. l tH• ·~ lu rlid IHJI k1111W \h~_, ~h C' lt:d Y~'.! l'> ~tl t n. l t i ti'H~. i 'huty .t dh l tJ) 8 ir.l ~h~ HrHJkmiU nHh ftin~· .tr• .l dn··ttn• it ttl I · no t.•d~t't th1o _.\ l~<: l { ;tt !itT. \.hza cLP "'11 .' ~1)' '·Rat ' 112) • • \ nal 'I rif t \~7 (1 'll i 11 . t ) J;)"' '1)! f. ~1 ' r:trtt mb~ ,., • t·t'lr ttw l- a~l ~K ,•n \ \'.lf ' \Y ha, , b\'(:&t nH\ f.( iJtb c;·d\ h~n ­t l O~l A l t !'lp~ t\ l dw l· .,~it I \.'J C0\ltltr) for lW«"1Vt' b oy.~ e.:.~h ye.r r. T'l 'ti' ~~:n \~ ah.: going h'> lll.ak · ll.te t rip by .£ hH gc l ' US ~ n 1 ta.k.•.' n\-<:nt:y :-:CV~"'n young nu~n a od y U t g w:emt..'fi. 1. r ou t \<."'\11\t ljkzy t\l m~ kt). th trip pleo;l.sC CrtU t ~~ ~·y·· ju~t ~c;J~ 11 s ~ t."l\l l ~ad this uud ~ t stgned u~', for b d •. " t;lt.:e th-.' t.. ... l(:: .,, 'ln"' · 0\lt l h n.~ \i' itl be \' "'r'\' f~'W pl an~s \() • l \ !tHe ... l lt.'W th~ t t'ip. [l~is will be- a1y t+ \'ent ~ 1i1 J.t~ t) ta\te a gl (H.\p lU \Vash­i fl:t~ !~ tm .riH cJu~o·aticll ~ i ~r~p ...d. HJ 1 a tl\ pLanning nn i beiJlg ·he b <"Sl ( "' J have ever fllRt.k . ~'ollt)\"\ nlg are a few of the -thir. -· ,hat \'{' s ... .: 1.hct c~ pitoL \ \. ashtngt{)n 's n.f"" nument~ T'he Dcpartr-n.ent '-'i fu .::tice. \ll <'f the i' h seurns, Linc\.•lu Iemot icll, Arli.o.g to.n.) t 1 kn<." ,.n Soldier·s Gr5ve: The Zoo> Sute. \ ar and l avy }~uild in~ ::- , The Pun .. America.t1 Cnion. Ak.:xand ·ia. ~1m.1ut ~ er11" o th :ff "mt.. vf V(ashii~gtLitL "&he \'Yh1t 1-iouse, I.:~it.:rary J C(lPl, ~" ~-, . No.tional A~a.d e1n,.. '"t'tt.nctl .. , Po$t Of&i~e. and mai·: y ·~Jor.o b.istoric~l . things flur ulr will '-~ lc- ·us thr( ug'1 V\"inston Salem., R")anoke and U"" t,hrot ~h t! e Gre~t Shenandoah \ "aiLey. \Ve 1>viU spt' u"'~ first' Htgl.~ : t • ew I\1:-ltket ,_ Va .. ancl while tben~ ~tJ ~tt:.·{·u~h t 'H' End'es: -~n,em . The trip through these ·C~ve·t~ • h' 'W\ ) .tn an the ~\r h()le trip lO \"ashir1gt_Gn tO anyone. T! i~- ~ ·~, 't a. rL c ~: i~Tl tl)1$ h .;r lanJ of our" that ha$ more be~t.~\· and colo than that ur.d--cro-round fa iryland . "\Yh~n Ye lcat·P. ~ t v·.T ! .J ar1 t t we turn eastwa rd and climb ou1 1.~i th"· v,-.ltey thr'-· u.g l. th"'" ~r ·· ~. Blt~e Ridge ]\,fo11nrains, t~rt1 '5 the _:\.e" ,"'kv-bn~~ 1)tiv~ ... nd OT! to \ ... ashin ooton. \Ve • atn' t {~L i 4hou r"H.•Gn on 'Th 1 rscla~' 1.111d the rest of the ~ .,k :-. sr·e.t!' ;n tht C!' p1 :ol. On our jou1n~r hon1e we come r-.. - R:dn; \..•fl~ and. Di:lnv?Be. \a .. and ~ ee mlny thi ng: t ha1. :wt-~ 4na '{· hi~s:>rk"J in the L .. iYi! \~I ti nle. }+ !..: ~!d d.a~ ""'i< tnip tO \Y=t~h i ngton i~ ·worth rnany mon· ~ i:J -.-Lool, s.nd hel p!; you lu1s '-"id1 your education. A \ Tisitor Recently '( ad D. J e:tU Su~r:n tt:nclent ,f the St. Lau­t n<;e Fa per Corrs-p~~ .r. y, Tl:i re-e R.ive.~... Provjvce. of Q uebe(:., a- ~ v~h:or in Canton. • 1r. J entz is- a svn of our Car1.1 entz. ~4.r. J>er z · .a~ I)[B.dlia tcd frvm ll1e high ~chooJ of Canton; a! a from ~Lc rn iver~~ r:v oi \V.ibconoin_ 1--ti* old fciends were glad ·o ~e hi.rr. a~ain . ~ He i~ retu r.n1rt,g" b~ W~'Y of E!'ie, Pe n a~y lvania, Buffalo a11d _- ~ga ra Ft! U~ . H.i~ Jat·ber "'".as h · r • I • ~!. ----- A.J~ J;i ... u .ua r.d~ office1· caH-ecl ur ~ s~rgt- lO~ afld ~ p~)h: ,·)[ ~~n~r .. ldier:ly i..ppearanc.e o1 a reerniL · ~~t!e ooks, -ge J:!f i lo t(:Jltyl a~rgean t.7> .. e£.. sor . • ,:~re you ~ure be w..a hes?n 0 • • A, . (::'A ,., :.. . ;) ..... r: • ' ·Ah c~lut(-l y; f.'.e f1;#1n h~ wa.>;$ > ~ ···yef. ··.:Jr: bur he d c:ie) a ba:~ _olot-, ~o · [1 3] DAVID HlCKS and his Mothe't, ADDlE MEl~ cmd 'RUTH LEJ)FOltD. M.AJl-,Y and ANN FULBRIGHT . 17Je c;ame o , Li (.By Carl J entt.) O·ur life is a daily :ga·mbleJ And uHr play for t htq st:a.kes· of the For het1J.tAJ fer l@ve and; cc.rntent-m .. ~1tt, Far mo11.ey 1 .{ 01· an-d fa1n.e. ga-,-ne1 Some drink /11<01fL the c·up ·of succeJs, Sotne swallow defeat and de.rpa1.-rl Some play a gamu that is c·rook~d, A11-d' so?·n e play it h.Q?'?& s.t and j air. N () one toill wi·n all Lhe inni·ngJ, Nc &ne will lose every one; S."Nccess and defeat a1'e divided , 01u~ lost, wh.en anot'h:er has won. For ·the. s u~ will follow the rai u, And the rain will follotp th.e no-z;, Such is the law of ·nat-ure, That is tht: way it is done. Dow1t thi1t.le .all that ~liners i; gotd, A1Jd dorn/t ~tse the gl1·tte'fi11.g ga', Y o.u. al/'e free and happy, while she Af ay be trapped i1~ a giJ.ded cage, Play your gt.J.:m,l! to tll fl goldcn ruif', A 1Ui rear h ouJ. u:ith a helping hand W h..t!'lt ~ou r it.t'lt) iJ· g?v:atly nt!edi!d, ~4nd will 1fltake '}O !! t t1totlif"T ;rit•nd. • 'Y o,u /J what yon JOU'~ '' chrltJ r the law 1 It '..1 ·w.~ur i-intJ.l .~r rw e 1 hal cvunts ~ J' • I J:Piif yo'!l Jm'iJf! crnd .~~:J\1 rc / 1 11), r e a.d'~· n Or rrin;:e'J u·itr tt . t.;U1 la.rt hour .rou~tL r • , • • • • ' • • • • t I • FRANK AND BILLY So us of M.r. and Mrs. V:emon To w e Bobbie fJ1d the angels send the bab\· from heaven? Ht:.' Pa-Yc~, Bobbie. \Vasn1t nhat . ' n rce: Bobbie-~ice for the angels. 1 s"pcre he. got 10 be such a nuisance they cnJJjn·r stand for him any Jonger. _ ·1 r. ~\.1eeks-B ut. my <lear: aJI great men smol:.ed1 you know. !\J rs . .;\'1 eeks-Yes. Henry, and when you get to be a great man f shan t r;bjecr t() your &ntoking either. B-(,SS Ctc salt>sman )-\Ven, djd you g~r any orders {rom 7\.1r. TighrwaddJes S3le~m.a n-Ye~>; t\',.'>· B'Jfio-Wh~t. v. ere tbcy ~ SaJe"man--<.;ctt (,;Ul. of het c. and don't . how y!J• H·~}f here ayai n. · ( .. irl---She se ·ms u, ihvt· d~tt lltrl)o&r (UJII.CJ'rJpt f«.~r him ~ yet he udor<:~ h<'r. C•1 y--V *!:>, she hdp,o !lim SvV~' h1s n• ow y. G;rJ_ .Quit kid(fing! Guy-Hune$t. H:he bn·~ks ~ JJ Jt (' d 'i tr·~ h,, m a I es wid1 lH!', • • OJJt JJ y }1 mm/ ~\1 emPl't~ pf lht: Ch.1mpion farni1y Wh-o hl.\.< {larticipaH·d i'n 4 tlU followed do$ely the drive fo~ fu11d ~ Wllh which to re~build Camp HC)pt~ will b~ grati­l'ied to Jearn ('If the ~ucccss of this • camp:ugn. The success ful ·culm inatiGn o-f the driv·e became official when it was an­nounced Tuesday evening at the meet ... iag 0f tbe ·y 's Men CJub, the group sponsoring t'he fl1 Qve me!)t~ tha-t suf­ficient funds had been rai$ecl through popular subsc r ipti ~JJ'l and the cooe~ ra­tlOn of the Champ1011 Paper and ·F1bre Compatty officia ls to make rehabilita­tio. tl of the popula F Champion Y. ~1 . C. A. camp a $10;000.00 project ins.tead of d.1e ~'8,000.00 program originally planned . Work To Beqin lm·mediately Members of the Cat:n_p Hope Plan­ning CotnO'tittee of the Y's 1\.1cn:s Club have indicated that work qn the vast Improvement of the ideally located 2.6Y2 acre trac t~ located 16 miles from Canton on the East F ork o( th~ Pigeon Ri ver) woold begin immediately . The first seeps wiU be ta:keu by the va rious boys :d u\)s. ,(;:If the Y. M. C. A., 'Nho will make regular week-::e11d e·am p­ing trips te ·Camp H:0pe under .th.e supervisio11 -of boys·) :work leaders for the p·urpos.e 'of the grou11ds and pi ling up rqcks which will be used for the erection of the t1ew buildings. As soon as the ro-adway and bridge leading to Gantp H.ope can be im­proved so as to give better access for hauling materials) the building w-ork will properly begin. To Be Completed Octabel' lat The progratn o1 reJlova tion, which i och;1des building a huge asserhbly building, a modern swimming po®l, re­modeling six cottages now on the plot> construction ef baseba 11 a ud saftbaJl diam'1nds., tennis and horsesh0e courts. and a g<w eral bea1.n.ification o( the grounds, will he >cOJA]}fc ted ~bo11t O<.:tCr bet ht_. acc(~td iJ'l g to the an;hifc,·tt; an J engineer{' who ~re :tt JHt.senr rn.;t. ping f JIH dt1 · p J ~ n~. 'l'hP hu •(• Assem!JJy ha iL v~ hirlt wdl h~ huilt or .;11}!\f\ will h . dh1 J.: •t1t t•c nf ;)Cf i".-t~ It'\ nf a lflJl_ J ({,pt!. ...nw IJtlild !ClJ" \¥1U hr·HI~c- c~ 1~ fuor )'. 70 tz•C't ,US!it'"H l - f 141 r¥ iJ!ia m .t 0 " bly •nd f1 <'!'S hall wit:h a huge -tag' al rAte t'Wl a11d a broad firepla«..~ a,t t h<~ f"' l hP r. tv- o officw 1 w c•;, otr.>re r;~ om,6, k itch~n pantry, L wo sh:owcr a ad lr:"iCker roonL$. two toung;ng roo~, and wifl have a wide purch OJ1 1WO ,ide~ . Th\; swimming prJol. probabl)t the next most importanl 1t,.n1 in t be re,no­vation, wlll be 20 x 80 feet with vary- 1ng depths, with a 20 fo<;t wading pool a t one end. l t 1;\·iJJ be m{')de.rn in eTerY,. - respect and will be flanked by a bath house. The six cottages now on the grounds_ erected In 1926 by che C!vitan Club. will be repaired and modernized and will form the nucle u£ of a larger group of cabjns to be e rected jn the fut.nre.. Each of these s-ix cottages w1IJ house eight persons. All avaiLable space ~ the plot witl be given over to recreational faciliti~ in or-der to carry· OHt an extensive pro­g ram o.f sports . Plan Camping Program Next Y ecu - Although the bui!dt.ngs will not be completed in time {or organized camp­ing periods for the Y. ~4 . C. A. young­sters tb is year n.-lr. StrLdes is alread) laying plans for one of .the most ex­teft: sjve educational camping progr:1ms ever atte:mpted here for next surnmer. by which scores of boys and :-rirls:> p rivileged and underprivileged. wiB be g rea tl y benefhred. 1-lo\-,·ever, the ca rup \Vi ti be a·n1ila ble to pti~ate parties. clubs. and or.l.: !a nizations this winter~ ~~ s Men Grateful At their meccing T uesda) evt;Jljng the-Y's &hm e~r ressed unstint ed grati­fication £or rhe cooperation they ha~'e received frt:Jm. the peofllc and bu .. iness fi rms C"lf CatltOn. and to The <. ,nan\pion Paper and F ibre Cmnpany fol ttleir 'aluablc Sl~ p por t. ·rhe chrh e tended a rising ' ote of thank:~ to . ~rL ' Ruck~-· Fairbrother 'and G. C. StHt l ·~ f,,r rhcir l~:.l i0rs.hip in the d ri·ve ....... __ ...__.~.,..;....~---.,--· --- Stnut l.udy ( to l it~~o boyl-C~u1 von lcfl rue if ) tOH et thrnu~h tb i~ ~ntc to th park ? L i~tl e Bs1)' - t gut>~" ~·"· A 1\,,t.J { f hA 1 jtrl:it \H'tlt thn.l\) h. • -• ' • thl l? v/. ~ i. t .l:l • • . 'N'.' • "fJH~ l { ::·'1 't :\n) (h,ut l . bout it. w · an..' h. ' i t~t 1 • l t~ ~ t ~unun~r phv~1' a.l J"P fli1 1r. rh(' ~'"' ' ty f\I the C \ · l~, t· ·· ~~{ •t\' h. \ Te "<.· '"'" ::l.C.h ·d ,u ,! e.. h' taint:'J =-fl n:n n~ pt',)plc. . 1).ltb I :- ·u \" ,, ) l't: ,''h~ heaJ Ii.a.... hi. \~ 1t.1 t\ \. :~n i1 r ,,r" , , m not I:h' b t:-h l l hl. l. ~ \~11 1. tlL~ ta }.. r ~L dav Otf ,,'l t'l ~ ~'-' d '\ n i1l tlk ") · · hrr ~ is \ 'hat Vt."~U ·oultl ;··1.i. H tha d~. · ha1 pe\eJ to b~ ~atur ~:t.v ~ 'ld ~ 1 '" ou ~ l ri\·<.:d a ' n:ne ti. ie~u '. ou ' ·,-,' t!~l tincl fi "t·v or more ~ t ov w,,itin.~. · .for 1ht' nr~t <HH.l sc"'ond "' Hlll il:P '-hS.S: and :lt t he- S'Hll~ tjm tl, o;: rt' t , .. that ~ , ny mo1 1 ovs a't t he • • B~:~•t ·round nirn ing basd"~JlL ~A'~Jrhall ~· ~ r and . \ r-.e~h()(!~ ~Jn \·" :he ~e ·hiershi p of C <.., P ·~n ·c:!t •. 1'ha gro'.lp oi h.~~ ., l1 be Ifi r 011. t 1 ~ yin~ b~ eleven o 'lock aJ d n th i:r 'va,· to t f)c :, ~ il for their ~ho 'er. }f )"OU should l e p~c~:iilg 'th~ t~r. a1 s cou t ~ tb at iay at a:~yr'houJ ycm l'\O~ lJ sec lids ar+'d boy~ HncJ U'p w:1i _: n~ 'or Lheir turn to pJa; ti· e net anci t l .~..t. x..·.£- on from morning _unti~ niglh ~ . · tilffitt :jn~ let up. £n the a .. eruoon about fle t hirrv VvU will. li.n .. i d.· bas~baL t ·~ m t!, getnnrr .n:ad~ to ta'kt"· (Jn ~on-1c team io the \'este~ n C;1rohn:i L ea l;!t~e. '\Vhile tl.e J un·ot· iean1 i · f. Ctttng ready to iT:t:nch '!heir skfiJ at aiu "t some other team. _ t ni~~t vou :ould co JO\""fl to the $O'd)t.lJ ~rv:.'.!ld$ and find ~oftbaU 2-0~ g it. full :- · .n!! \lrjl'}} some Ouiside ~- 't:f:am p!a,. ine- L.ur tuca1 team. or t \O . bnl 1eam~ kn xkin"' the b ig \1'hjte Dalt w ~ ver ' of the: tt}L • 1 ow tha<.', ·"ll<= fuJJ ~.a tu rda y for you. A~ th;-> puiu1 l(· t· ~ s t:\ itch to a d-<t~· Jn th~ midclte of the w~ek-~av ~\ ednt: ... da)T ~ Th~t day ), girl ~' day m the ,, ir:lirriJ ~ :n<.t"10l :.: nd fr(1P.l the ~: n lh ~ l.) .. opr:n · at 1jne r·.-do~k ~mi br .. in th<· afu rr.ctl'in the ~ ->OJ i h. led w;tl rtirh. The: l igh ..:chool round. a r<: loa"led :wid bu} ~ plit;yillg b:a ehaH !n dr reoula r 1 ~i t"U t! ,same _. ~ acl ft<)r f:::o.Lvt' beir,_g ~ (,~ d on \he iJ hn · . t m.ore ttarne &-iU'ifl~ OlJ • • .-(J s:ddi:nes \"airin!- t 1eir tUAL 1· rom th · b;lll ':rr~..,und \if htf r:, du. pJa~tt ~ ncx u ;.i-Inc. and :we, u:J. t! t~ rr.en, The: ple::, ·,~'Juey ba 11 with .. ,}n~ c,n ead: tez•y, a·.J mar~; . .r>"t! 40!i •6 if) . .,;,nvr !h'· b~H cmer tl·e dl:'hl fc-J-~Jt nc: ~\"L:ile staud;ug a t rbe volle.:r lY.l1 e.~uct yc.u con h~ar he sound of J r · h .e • l\1 . • • (1 . dh·~ clink. · · ~·1. 1 l\~l tit<.~ tc' 1 ' ' >l.>' (t:>l a ri ngt~!· \~' lit n d't;c <iflt: <.l'd<· :l' whi~ tl c bk)\.'\ , dtO}' h(~t k f" dt<' \ '' ~uul \'<1\Ch d tt· lohh\ t.'r.tHl~S \. hil\· • • • ~ nU tn ... it\ dh• )t)hb\ j~ ~ (IU ~hPtliJ h •a I l, ~ t) l J l•'t t'f nois:e don't . t't (ri ' ht )nt:d·-ju-..t ~l· lowl\ to dw pn(.)) au\i t~h.c .~ 1( 'K .. t th<.· llttlt.• gi rl :; ~tnd 'l'i..' wh-at ~ ~\-\'l thl~rful they arc h.n in g. J~ rom tl1t'1 ~n h ) the soltl :t il ll)\ti.Kb ~nd \ '(..1 \J "ill s .. ~c.: th t~ yonng ltld i s a:-; lh'' ' tn. . th'Jir h·l!ld at thi~ .~.. . n't' nf softb,dl \ hich ~t·em"!' to ht., ~ W1.'q i ~·-: tht• \.'l>lllltl y lik~..~ \ ild fire. '\ L". ~t is J.b,"'l.ll time , tll1h' of tJtt 1 bcsl , :nn1 1lart c .H · ulT f 10 1n rhcir work ~1"1 a n~i-tl lwt de is going otJ iu th<-· net aUJ f<:l~o.}·C:"l .. allll.'. :0 riJe 0\'E! I' 10 Fib· \. v1lh: (.lfld <;ce some teal ac1ion nu un"· of the b~~t dt.t} COlJ rts ·in the co,lntn. ·. Don't forQ·et t' ~el back. to ~ ' the sofrb:dl <>"rounds 1 t ·even o'clock and (·e the Finishin..~.. Room team as they try ro \in ov-er the leading C. E. .'..ore team. and be on hancl when the se~ond gatne starts and hear A. C. Garden and ·w:ttch lhe s'hines he cuots as he coaches hi: T . E. B. t eam from u'1 ird b~se in their fight against '\Vhite s leading R. & .b,.. tcan1. And let me say now, 1{ y·oa are planning on going to those night softball games go befor.e they get sta rted or you Will find your­self standing way behind first base without much of a chance of seeing aU of the good pia ys. You had better be early and get one of the n.veh:e hun­d red seats. · The undersized husband was trying on the overcoat his ,vife had bought him fat Chr1st mas. "Y.c,u k.nuw. dear.'' h\! said gazing at hin self in the mi rror, ·' thi ~ i~ a nict: r re~ent and dl1 that. and don't th ink tLc:ti I'm un~ratt:ful. But rea ll y, isn't it n1uch ton larue for me ?" ··J kt1vW, rnJ dt::ar.'' she returntd. ".But we can't help that. Ynu must rt:memtter hat it s ~o.t to tO\ -er th e.: radiar<-J'r of the ~.:ar in c~ol d we~tlt <:r. \ 1e. .,h, a t.: 1rJ tOt• · jdu tl t ~H fh~t. La ven)( we.: .. .. 1Jn say ·rny dien1 kid ... ed you ;,, dw face?''' Lhe an ~rn~ "' L,r t:.he Jef<·n t.: # a-!~.ked rle COil•plainaut. :r fe did~') u1fow -c<.>tlld I e rc-ath v.onr Ja, t· with ~ his (;t:t~ llP i1:. 11C1t a taiJ man.H ~. He J-nor'k,·d 1r1 • J )•\ n Ii r~ t ~ it.' t . 51 MARY CAROLINE CODY. d~c;rbtor of Mr. an.d Mrs. A .. A. Cody. Cone Dept. DON! JUMP RIGHT OUT OF BED, SAYS DOCTOR PHlLADELPHIA, J u1}' 10 (By In­ternational . ';e\vs Serv-ice) .-l L s Jan­gerous co jUJnp right out of bed the very minute you wake u~": sars ])r. Maurice Auguste Boigcy, promintnt Fr·€nch physician and physiologist. In ·~g r eein g t he French medico, a University of Pennsy lva nia med ical antho rity declares that .:even a dog; upon awaken ing. wiU stretch a rew time'$ be fo re getting up unl ess you wake him with a cat:'' The . leepL:r is advised to wait 20 1nixnnes to :1.1low time for ce nai n psysi­ological adjustments to take place. During sleep the flexible blood vessels are relaxed, and have mon:: ~pace in them than there is blood to fi 11. If tbe sleeper stands up suddenly the blood rushes int.o the lower part or the boJy I draining away r I'Otll the brain. This acl:ounts for d izziness and in tht ca&t of certain blood vessel diseases o f th ~ b rain might produce t bromb(J~i 1'l . __ __;;..__.....__ D0t--\Vhy did vn\1 leav<" your ~ c:~ r~­U&- rttcl p(1 itinn ? Beil- H e\.:tll s t· the bo.;s ;tlw,"\v~ wa n t-nJ l(J k ISfi tnc · D<H -\' •JL T' m gbJ \ Ott \ otdJn-' r }Jt' rmit ~ I K h a thing. · • Rr•a J l :" haJ '>lldt t hu11 iJ m•rs-tach._• 1 .. • • • • • Fini ~hing Room l T e''T Rv :':UwuYla Ct- lntJ<-~' • T;~. ~ ~ 4''~j~ ying ,a c a mpi1~ trip h -otn r~ t' l~trOb. :\ till on Satur Ja~T otght -weee: \ .~1c.·d .l C rumk~· . J t);e .Sly the~, Evelyn h in. l re.l Blythe. 1-lat r ~- CrUJulcy. Ralr h 1- ,-l n~ , Gh·11 Ro1 in. on and "' ·1rl t 10t )rd'. f1H .. , aH ret-"\orted a ~!.'111d ti"& l'. ind u di1~ quit{' ~ num.bc.r ...... '·c hj .:... ·o(>1' \:-i H'S . .. n ft « \'e :1 rc all ,·en· ~or n· to know H:u.~"l ?dt tl:ille, ,·vii! l~e abs.ent for qu ) l ~ a ' hile. b·u, h~re·$ 'hoping she '"rili be 't-ark with U$ a~ai n in the near futnre! .,, n 6 « . .\ 1Y1ong the ones getting married :::on(il arc: .fi~s Hazel CQoper t.o B11l ~ Ia~on: and ~1i ss Charlotte Hipps to E rnesl.Branson. I\fay lhey [t:"\7e a long ~nci har-rY life ~ :0 u C( <l \-e ate all ,·err glad to have Ada \1esser back wilh us after going thru cujte a serious operation. l) :D c « . Ro;- Cra~·ford spent Lhe week end w~ tl his v~: ife don'11 at Aberdeen. ,. )') « c \Ve are all 1lery sorry to know Lhat Gwendolvn Plemmons underwent .an- • serious operation at t.he Waynes- "yille I-Iospital ~Londay. Her condjtion ~ reponed very well. Hope she \vill Hmn rerurn to 1vork. » D a: « :\1iss Flora !\1 a son and :Vlrs. 1v1aude Lyerly spent the week end in Waynes­ville v.rith F lora:s sist er. ~frs . Moore. ' The~ rerorted a flOOd time. and evi-dently they did have a good one, as r~e boy friends chased along. • • • « Coy Roger:: .spe nt the week e!)d at }\fyrtle Beach. Evidently be had a ;ror.A r1rne ~ for he failed tQ report to wr;rk Mvnday rr:1orojng .. J. just loht th r~e fe-"t.h in an ar~u-mcnt . , . ttt\ ~r<· ~10TJ ar"'ninf' with :~ fl'1 P"iliet ?~' ' '+ ·(), '"idJ a fi Jan whc, t,uys uld ~ufrl .' ................... -------- ..__. __ .Ir . Gahhe r --J'v~.. i1ad iiUC.h a c:nld ' 7 (( tH1 ahl~ t l) ~ pc:Jl, f(Jr thr.te ,~1 1k nay . . 1 r>. Hlal:,btr_,.:WJ,y yon pnor d :H. H w yt, lJ l J) t. t, t },rtve qfi~r ·J. • MR. AND MBS. MARX HALL E B Items . • • Dear 1\ fr. PhiUip$: The ricture on the f~ont cover of THE Loc last month d rew a lot of fav­orable con:1men t. VVe imagine it \Vas enjoyed hy mat1y reople jn other states who cl id not have the pleasure of at­tending the RhodoJendron Festival. There are several beauty spots around the mill that would make- good pic­Lures. which could be u~c:d on the covers of your good tl1agazi.n<'. The groon<.ls that surr<ntnd the of­fie<:> building a.ud the -:y·· a re pr.erry at Litis tim~ of yecrr. Some v :;r.y fiuc scenes could be rakt"n in tbt.· Company s n u r'>~ ry, nn 1hc F ibre~~ iHe }li·ll. O~rr ()f1in!ou is ' hat the JWdtic t pla<:e any­wl ·wn· j Li ~\ now is i\'1 r. J. E. Sh ll>?ht·e•·~s Ao, t f ga. r<l ~n . O\'('t' by tb ~ pum1 hotHiC •>n dsr rivur bani~. Srn :raJ ~ ra rb ago dl.Jt pjl <'l' nf J.tnd W..l {I.Ul r ) t tht-• junk } ~n.l. :tnd W4lS fat ln ~m I irw pn·tt y . rv~ r. langht.-r clc n1H d i! up ilOd OJJ hi own time, riJd lJl l~ t} t }Ji. d W I) ent-t·. ,O \ (' tlltd( f ,. f l! nd, COh\!t 1 t: d il lO I'tJ ntt.t· (• ( tl6J • • • • he :m ~ hr~util:, i' rlaces in Ha\1 ,, ood • C'otH;.tv. • • 1 'hcrc is a rot.e ;ut·ar ~. bid i run parallel wit1) J,c ·~outht··rn .R ail ro-ad to the uve r' ~ edge. Acr-os.:i- L he <it 1 er end rJf tht' lot i~ a row of v. ell ker r. IJ~">Wer iop ~h r ubbery. A lon~ (h.e c..~\ge Of he well t rin1meJ lawn ·n.on,·h")Cks gr •W i ~1 pr0fu sioo. Sevt>raJ kmds 1)f hit Lc:ua. a. rc gt0Wiug and bloommg a good a they would in a tropical cc){Jn ry. ~ ·ia~ dow bo~cs that a rc at ached to l &.Je walls of the pump hou~e~ have rnany kinds of p•Jt flowerR, such a · bcg<;rias, alf colors of pet'Wias, g:erc.t.oiums, wanw dcring jew and d<Ytens of ot!ters. There are several ben~hes c<rc·red with pots1 buckets, pa-n.~~ etc. The e arc a ll ra inted green, a:> arc the ·win-.. d ow boxes, and . the different ~ower;: · qpports . I wish I knew enough about bo .any 'l0 describe this garden more thGro,.Jgb­ly, but bcin.g a,n Ap iculturist~ I guess you wi ll not expe<.:t rn u<:h. If we bad stud ied Botany instead of F...Il totnology we probably would not have been in thi:s dilemma. » , a « ~1 r. Bruce Alexa nrier. ccll roc,m operator. was ciga rs tccently. in honor o( an eight pound bo} , Doug­las Bruce. D )) « « Clarence ~·I o rrow has just returned from a visit to Akron. Ohio. and other ~ ort hern cities. Clarence reports that food. etc., is jus t ab011t tbc s~me ad here, except tit may be a. little stron~er ttp there. ' D)) «G Gano ~:f organ has .retu rned to ' vork after bcir1g off sick for se,~eral days. , )) « « Some of the re porter~ on this pe­riodical think if we couiJ have a good picnic up about Camp Hope~ that ai­ter a go\xi meal we might de~idc on which would be better to use· .. I we­hit, they or them. Of course thi ain't n hint by any tl)can J :c1 'm writi-n~ a: Sfot y about rhe lead .. ing lady tn thts re\'ne and t here'~ one thinp- J' li like to .g. x!t • " •ood cotJdus-im:r?'' ··N(), ~n introdncdon." lluhhv lrh> io you feed C\' er · rr,nnp dmt comee. akmgl The. \'on't dn :t li\.'k of \ ork ft}r r tL \Vifc·· - 1 knt"'\' th ·. won' t. But 1t ,, rt;liul•" is t rdicf hl \i :\t ·h n ltHl f Rt· ,4 lnt; al nd 1\ ( fitt ( f.ttl lt Wtfh th~ ' . I. f'Ok HI C • • • B·\' C. i). :.V ~r.ia1tdc r . I r. • • ~r.t h~ b · t sca:-- ~..m "'l th~ \ '".H' is wd l - . H~U.t~ ~· \ ~ }' ;\1:\t t <'\-e. f)"UHC .:etttl1S t-n ~ ~)',~l1n!t :h · nh.•.l 0f it. l s: it bn<igina­,_: ott l~r r<'aiin 1l~:tt !'\)1st p'-'R)pl~ al(~ - c, 1 "hl~r"'d;·iy !l~~P~'ie;. rhis s\HUnl~r?- m • • t ?' .$(" n~~n w (! r\10d m~un v~:ars. ~ - - )) J) « A\ ii1 d ;; t st da~~ ~-~) th)\~ p~.:!~ping hu.. ,. hL(~n .:.·C\."otnpli~JH:d this n\""'~nth t.:(.\ find $\.·ver:.l livt-~::vflctly ... .;~riv~JS ~it u.a- . • Ut)n~·-- ~ {",·:: ha::: :-'eadh.J us f \. m Tt..~as "i1 -3t (;!en s~n ZltRel'$ .!\.'C.:t:it,1I'l llv t:et S. 1. 1 t!v. t\''O me.-\$ :~ Jay now. · " ~ )). 1~ (If « bL t.l B \1 rn~an.iw.' ,. · ee1 · ~ to be s nrtt•ng ~r,.11~nd u ~ 'm{!itt:t-s 1·ather prcql . l~y tht~ .. e c~ys. A~k h-I ll~ how ll f<·r:~, 10 b£- ~ Gra!ld&d~.h? " » )) C i~~ des \ ioon ~ 1 and P 1hl 1\. iu ken ~tc. i:.d'incd to f:;u:or the Jack Pine CrHprer a~ a bang-oot. tfhev vtrerc dis~overed a short a~G '~ending considerable: time out theie. » « « \ ·an~t! \' i!Ean1son has been jn ~ome corH rox-l!r~y \ · th Lankford of the R. & A.: abou~ a certain bead of l-ivestock. V-e are \V · ndcring how he made out.. .\ lcti \Y!llia:~ls :ns ists that t.he Log new · would Ilul be comp1ett- without announ.,-ing ti at Charlie Gorman is coming alon,.-g ~!'i.e t!C.W "'i·Lh his accor­dion. a.ud will soon btt. able to play the .:" e~tlj11g \1 a r~h .:' :tl.e h a.!J had goad luck i~. f'_atch!nt ~fed foi ·Ceca Cclas bnt we 'W(:tn.der it thev both 'W.On'l o;et ' . . . h . .,:;) t1;1Ilg .u, t e bt:c hn~ine~~ .. , \r e \~ r.1uld !_1 k t.~ t. o know lvhy . J ewt Co!~ . w~s {:(.nt :n1:o sl) ha ng~ng to ~1r. P -IJlbp-::-· .~oai-t~ll a• Blue Ridge last week rnd. ' · "J~he Jead:ime is c•ot)i .. g on rot .t(;to ,t(J \l!·;:ulge an) more.. BesK.I>es -t!·e a<Y... .. r knnb rnit'ht acddenu11y de ~ ht: e)'e of d1e key-hole peeper "'o e Rill be compiling ,data for nexl. month. . ~· C~ Allert find~ il \Va.:, k~nd c1t d'~~""tdt to giv~- a sutisfacu.~f)~ exp1an-. ~l.H'>n as n. h•JW he k.t:H hi.s hat ih ~hefb~ ... t.trth Carol;na, ou retu rnin<;> f·n:m~ \ tith;r.gtoo. D .... 1 1:11e JS. ~ • THOMA.Si son of ~. and Mrs. W. M. Itirkpt:Jtriek ~ Sulphite News Ii ((D . J • y 1geJ~tet \ \ ·e are glad to see lra GL•y oht agajn after being OUl sick for -&eVeraf w·eek~ . Hope to .. ee tlim .back at wdrk s.oon. 'Thf; me-n1b-ers of T I1e ~1 ill Coun'cil f'fom the ~ :tn l p bite ... \Vood Room who atteaelied the Industrial Conference at .Blue Ridge July 15-17 aH seemed to enjoy the occa•s ion very much. Sllorty Pa.xton say-s that d rece sure was plenty to ~-at) and l ot:s Gf men co efi!t it. MaJn•y ~A} a l he \I'VS retU{ 'neJ the batter part of J oly f rottl a trip t (l (ieor.g1a. )) , « « • ~ ~~a ti {>!1 &eem to be in iuJ1 swing at tlns tqne. ]. 'R; Sech£eS<t has retl:lTRed f roc~n a t1 i-p r0 Canada -and ew York. \ 1 • \ ... 1 Y~ter i~ sonH:: \V,'hert on a vaca~ tion .. I~ hcz -.doesn,'t r.e:turn r~gi1 t a_;wa y wcr "".'11 n:lve to starr a seavchiog pa riy fnr lJIIn~ » "» • (L r k <.;addy ~nd J- ]), 'fr-4-Jltbsun are 011 :~he ~ic~ list. ~'fhe-y are repor-t~d to b ~ 1mprovu'lg rap1dly. \ 'e hope to see d1em back at \~or'k svv!). · ~ » « « ~ fat·k. l\«'e~tt:r i~ get.till~ l1i~ ll!ldin~ eye, ~arn. \"'.e Sc.!u he is driYiog a 8 now. br;ut tW<J mor,) tratie.s !or :'v.fa ... k and he can dajm th~· tir.l i:! :.Htait~. 17'] • • • • ~ards of 1.~han k • \ c wi~ It t.o. 1 h ~~n k a t.l o:f 0 11' friends ~nd t~cighbut';> for thdr kind­lW~ ·M~s ~ ntl Hn1':\l de&jglls during the ~kk ne~s lllH l tk-tath of our 11101.her, tfrs. -ancy Hr()(')k~L !VIR. ./'' ~ t, 1J tW. J o n -."f \V u 1:: ··s•r l }.\; e: . \Ve ~'"i sh tb &~(> t,.) appntt iation to the mt.:.mbcrs uf the \Vond YanJ for 1 he bea\lt i [ ul norf.ll vlfer ing in belralf of my bckrv-~~0 hrvthet who died on J unce 1 5. ---- The farnily of Ad n,_ A. \ i. Halrbur­t. on w.isl1 to express to lht: fricrtd t) in tb:e '\rt~ill their deep arorcciaLion of ~he roan·y thoughtful at.tcnt ioo~ and sym.pathy sho-n·n the ill ness and cleath of th~ir . V-Ic wish t<:J thank tlw cornmunilv and r::;~o1bers of 'fhe Charnpion Pape~r a.(,ld F 1bre Company· for their k indnes~ shown us d1;1:ring the illness a!1d death of q.ur dea:r father and husband and espeeiatly for the €>fferiag given 'us. ~1R&. L owELL SuM1\-TEY ' ~ ANJ? CR ILDREN J MRS. ]:'E. McGsE. - I wish to expres-s m:y· since re thanks a.nd am.p:r~ciation tO my fl)any f riends ef the P ·ulp Dryer Departm~ent :who \Veue so kin<! to. me during th~e death of my S'i.stet\ also, for the beautiful floral oiTeriRg. vV. B. liAwKl t'\s. (,(Has "anybody ever been lost in cros,siug he:re ?' asked a. t.imid old lady who ha.d hued a boatinao to fer ry her across the ri ver. - · ('No'm/' -vvas the reply. cr11ah part­nab wa·s drowned heah la' \V@ek but: we fo'Und him the ne·x day. ) Y oung_ Brown got a job in a sJ1ip­yard. ."'fbe first rnorrdng- the foreman gave b~ro a two--foot n~le ~ nd told him ~.o go and rncasnre a large steel plate. in.JWD rettHned in twenty n1 inutes. • '~\',\1e1~ .'" inqlJ i~.,.ed tfue fo.t";en~an, ({'vba.r rs rhe a1:t.e ?" « rfh~ y-o'Qth displayed a szu.i·diccl grio . J:'s JfLsr the lengt11 of this r·ule/' h\! ~~.J. all.d two th umbs over, with th. bn(k &tH.l tltl.: bl'endth of ray haad and n•y ~t:fm frcHn here 10 rhen.~. hur th ~ finger nails.'> . • • • • -v Ot L ' . ~1\lne i~ <•\H nn ou1 s.icJ... 11~t c.~~;fl • . "'\t tbl~ llfi'lt' \C ~af,).ll(l{ report U't h~''\ hr i~ Hut w<.~ rcrttlinh- wi~h • frr hm\ 3 .;r~c::i~ r ~ ... ,, •ry. t~ » I d lT\."\f~C<' \ ndt:r'-{'n ha~ hl'e.n ' ul 'scv· ~:df Jan- Ju<.' to rhc illrtt'~$ of his. wtfe. ':\ t:· h'>l'l' ~he is mu -h hcHfr hy this -,,• nu:· l) 1t Cl ( ( The d<lutht-.'r of \ fr. ~ nd ~·1 rs. Claud '-loltzdaw rece:nrh· t~n d ~n,·enl an op­•' ration ror appen'cliciLis. SJ1e is back ,:;.~"'fl'le no,,- anJ. it is reponed she is !e<"Uperating rapidJy. 2i) )) « « C. A. Stone, T. C. AlleoJ Gladson Hane,~ and the ::'\[ill Cou.ncil represen­t. ati,-~ of hath tbe R. & A. and Con­struction Departments attended t1le ..-outh~nl Indust rial Conference at Blue Ridge on j uly 15-16. It has been ~ uggested there be more rosters showing the time of the s·oft ball games. Some of the b.oys have been seen over at the park at 12 •·'clock tnidoight, wajting for the to sta rt. For fu rther information, see O~TE of the boys ii) lhe 1v1ach ine Shop. J) , (( (( B. J. Sledge of the Engineering De­r arunent just returned from his vata­: ion. He reported ha\'ing visited the Houslon Div-ision of The Champion Paper and Fihre Company while a\ray. t l~o repons that he w-ent to rn~.ny r.~ her point.s !n Te}~as and ~fe~ico \ hile m_ak!n.g his 4200 mile tour. » n cc cc \Ve have a Sledge aod a Swing in : 'ie Er.gineering l)(!pan mcnr. "rhat is :om.e comhjua! ion., it:.s.n1t it? B. !vi. ~tam~y said he t\·orkeJ Sledge long pnougi: to r 'Jt a handle on him. A~tyone in 1i1e market .for ~ome markberrl<.:f ('f .. e \~ inford j lugJJcb Qf t:he Sulpha r... J<.r· ra~a?J Cr ~w. 0 1 ders " ill hr f1Hct! j mJ:JPdia r.t";I\t . • i) , '· • Don J\1i<:"hq}-. ttnd j •r~rty left fnr \.\·:~ ohirwtvn.; r J, L~, nud r.,~th, t Ea tr rn p "jtflt !-.. J uJy 11 ~ We i h f .. r d,em a ¥ez:~ 1ft)r;r.f it.J awJ eJ'J"yahJ ~~ rin1c. • • ll, ~\JL gtttnll·y Lld · i,, r 1'1 HANCHEL FRADY, soo of Mr. and Mra~ 1. L. fraciy MR. AND MRS CURBENT VISIT ClANTON l f..·[t~. at'ld 1\•Jrs. W. ] . Cun.ent, of H0usto1a,. Texas, fcnne rl~' of Canton: s.pent Lheir vaeatlon in "The Land ~f t:he Sky'.: recen·t ly. l\1r. Cu r rtUlt is in charge of ~he Eng-lneer~ng Offi.ce <Df The Champion Paper a.nd Ribre Company, rle>·uston Division. Their many f t iel):cds were glad to see them, a:ad hope that they wiJ1 come to Canton ag;a·im. s<iJOn. Mr. an_d ~·It-s. · Currenr's pa,retl ls ide· in Asl1e:vil1e. cently §PF!Ut a w.eek 0~1 the F; ast Coast. T am sure they ha.Ji p. s_plendid time. )) » « ,(( .. Bill CagLe i:o re.pqvti12lg his potato crop pros pects, ~ays he used po­( a'loes all summer f rom one hill and h a~ seven .1 ro. 1 potatoes left! MRS, HALYBt.JRTON IS 'LJ\m 1'0 REST AT hOCUS!rp;]EIJ) F maJ rite~ fnr ~~~ ~ - -\. ~. l-:L tyl,u r­ron. 64 ~ wiJefy uown C.1n t n res•f.icnt, who cited 'll b.c:r home 'Ve~ nesda,, :if- • ·r<!fnoon at 3 r,'cl •<.k f(J-Ht>Wtnc-- 'l wa:ck'-s illue "· -weH~ helri a 1. de home ol'l .-'\cade1n}' St .. Th u r~d ~y ai ern.()on at 4 r/}(k with I he Rt-v. (.,:,~Qtge :B. Hamm'1nd, r astvr of the firqt 1, ~=~! )by- 1errar'l Chureh, offtdat1ng. Bur1al was in Lncusd1ekl Cemet<t.ry bcre. _ I\4 rs. 1-[alvburton, whn .~a an Ci'{.tive .·mber (i the fn ~t }' re"h} e(ian Church here i<)T ·t>ve ral years, is ~lln'l"'­ed by two sons) \Villiam HalybtiJ"U)n, an e1npJE:ry·e of the C.ant.on Division of The Champion Paper and Fibre Company; Alexander HaL'y,tn~rtoD, of Davidson; and two daogh teJ s~ ~1 rs. Elbert ~Ijlron o f Wilrrurtgton, and Ivfrs. James Cole­m~ o of Can ron arJd Asb,eviHe. Fm.1r .grandchildren and a br~her, Thomas Bean of Asheville, also sur- • V1Ve. Active paHbearers were: CJ)'de A. Hildebr~nd1 L. B. B arlow~ Joe N[jfoe., R. J. Sprang ]. E. Tate and Thomas Furness. HonG>rary paHbearers were: D r. J. L . .Re·aves:. Dr. V. H oward Dttckett. J. T. Baile-y, H. D. Secrest, Carl J ernz, - a11cl. Louis ).J. Fowler.-A.rheville Ci!i- -Lli' n. A. V. Halyburton, d eceas~d. hus­band of 1'frs. Ha lvburtonJ was for a number o!1rears in. the employ o-f The Champion Paper nud Fibre Corapany. l t'1 a j uJl,.lzy th.i11,g that a 'W07nan rvho CCF1t J po& a blo11dt' hair Orl yo-ur ,·uat at t.en paces co·n't .(e£ a :1' gnrllge dr>nrJ! Old Lad!· (to lihraria n) I'd like a nice book. L.ibr:t rian: flrre1s NH· about the ~~a rdinal. Old Ladv- : I'm not i'ntt.r~sted in r<die-ton. ' ' L~btarian: Bul Lh.i. is a bird. J,J Lady: rm nor. iott•rt>H l in his prt\ nre li fe. either. . ~\ har 1 i m~ d0 ·~ tht: nt"'\1 trnin cn1'ne in.... a~ k&f Ed tv .11"'-L rtgnl ~i x, of the f"' ld ntt al $tation iiJ5 nL. :'-X\ hr )OU littl~· r;iSulL !' vt· tnld yuu il\•t' litHt':-- th!lt it 'f"t ltE:~ ~H ,'l.t 4-:i-4:' ··1 know' h ,'' n."plh:d th~ ¥01111 "t .r, "bw l liJ\l' l\1 s \! Vt)tlr whi~ b~r~ v ()b-t. J· WMCH } Oll ~(lV . ... : ~4 .) ~· . • • • • - .. -~"" USfH:Ot\ • 0 toih (IHU~It't th oto ') l ... a~ .... t t a:,.t' ·~' \'\·• u.1 } S 1}) ~ f\ }\I' hj :i t ,l b \ ' I\ \'at(! ~ \ ~ I" \ f li is ,~tc! lfi· h~ d v~·~. \. ~t)·,} spn!l · ·::e .u~s ill" Mirpri<l~ tUi)e. \ 0 ·n.l_\ ern ... $ 1.. e- ,-.!)~l\Hlcrr horn ;-.\Jn .... up l{l.'nu--~1\'''" tl. l~'n e\ en· ''0\' tH I 'hen loti; r ~ l\:n de<:~d"s l\.:\ p\tt · ~ an ou1 ~ l a<'t:. ,and nf aH r(•r ' · h:.•"S. lo m.\k u~ ~ h~~\ vhiWll. l).{'iH; i · '~''' ~ c'ff<t.• l!\ ~ t h<in n' i$t .· nd {oQ- . NoVt. w· nhn ,.,...,: !1~\t' t.:) "" t (•\ld ith r9. ClHd n~~~ \~ ) ft·,·"tt,~ntl~, hd. '~t 't ~ honn.d t · ltt }\·,, [ :nJ tht>rt '\ud \.\: i~'t··· w·• dt). ~t \:.rt-1• ,'a ·•~" u~ a J~?t of nnc·a k<· ~nd tr llll '. \ h, n ;t ot')t10 1~<'~' f 1ov. t •m ~ on • • • l.;n~. :1 St.:.- :- in thro. !l.:l·· CJ..~tl . tl u.: g- thd1 11•,)\: .:.;:. ;• ·"~ ·~. \>'~tl ,:aut}·.,.,, T'h(· CA.~R -l rue) ·-ic~o~ GO\~ .:>e " rai lu uts ~n ~·u' 1r_ 1 'rflt :;lu ,·ignal bttv} ~ scond :tlld 1vgl~or n~ l"O<ln'. . \ tdi o.t~.r.., gtonnd d ~eir 1 b _n t> c.Hl i c~ rh e! tri-p;:.;. Even tr~in, un ~ . ('kh reduce their oec-cl- • .. nd · ...:r.i:.'- .-~ .m ihe h1~l1 :a~-r-, too. rnu~t nwlte (hH ~ ~v cautiou~f!-r throt!~h 1 hHt b.dfling ~creen. f.Ol GrH: thing }s trle :i ~}·:t£· f ~It ~ur pr grc:Fb~ ·r~-~ P" ~ta~i ;~n s-t!n dept.'11ds cP pairs ot c· . \:, n h nnt an he a cis:. • :-- ·ien:- ~:- · ~he h ... ~ _iu~ ·ea fo_g say • ~ ~ •• i-- t. m~c P.C of tiLly dr.op~ 1jf V.:Dic.T. ' 4f "..f i'(-;,t; ~l -Tv- arc· $() ~rna 11 &0 d hv: . ~h{H _:!ev can han£t i11 ~he air: .... . - and •, :oc-· 1. :gethe... that light caH h .• n!r.. : t e1 cll .. u!:"h d~t;m lns1eau • 1 d . : ;11 :e an_..( ~i . r k-e tl rt. <lQnY.e~ · j ror~. "'~. h ~ .v.; uy to ¥terce then1 w h a t ?...arr nf ~i - ht. a 2re;u deal of · t! v J. ·r· f'!~h ~ ba K a.t Ll :::.~ =--0 t 1 e >'.-,l;. !,.. j;.t:.{ lib. Cl r;;ei+l. · gteain~ng \.\ h.>-e :· 1r..t1!r: in f r • .r t.-.'T ~' • r:. • :r;e n _ d tt~· · : (. . • , s;-: I . tha fit 1 l ~ ~!1~ tL• '{,I i. tt f!~l_ •ll[ lif..fbi.S r·& !'. 'flht: rn.,in r hn.g is t.b Girc;ct fte I • 4U.- d ',lj Ol\va:t•J i. e have thc~1 ~t lai·T.t!i lit:~ ~1-: fa• a,l),t~d. th r~t 1it~~t;: m1 .. t d. l. J q·,·r.r:, r-~;flec• d.t T~v. - J.-bar ~~ W- • · -r > h t1t !rf r.t: I!~"J!Il1it~ ao·;t·n-lH1 • . <: ra ~- are de~ ~- t l:f t-o ~ ' ai d the ru· d. '!l"et· t!.L-y ay it' a CJ!',M j:Jc.)a t0 '';t J(; hv t.h rs~<l dgc a\ Hr ;jfH ;_( \ h.1¥~· ~ ~ li_ghf •:iU 0 { . ~:r i J fiftJ ;r ·i ·r t ~Jl . ·\at ' ~d f~ifg:e~ c ..-~~- w "he f rqr:t rl th~ car. so «:..J. !l." 1 '-v~P l •.d-ad ,· Is ~ntd. B IJ'f • ' MRS. C. A. MOJIB and douqilhtr ROZELl. hlvt' t'(1 k~ ep a good weatbt: r eye aheau. tuv, because fog v~il s more than the 1oaJ . lt hide~ not on ly thi ng~ of\ th{~ road. but ~ uch tb i rtgs as road ­siJe warning of cUt'\-es and hills and . . mters-ectwn.s. E\·en the t raffi-e light' · red anJ g rc.:etl ~ lgn a l ray_,. have the sao)e hat•d tinl<.: (hat .., :,ur headlights do g<ft-ting through that su ange haze. ln fact, in a good lwa ·y fog, the bes t we can do for <?Uf vision is none -too good. Ar~,d so i l.h'! main t.htn.2.. i~ to -slow do,\"n ~ R.a n l., from Boston was uying to irnrress hi~ .- ou hero Cf'u-sir1 with the spc:eJ of Non.het~n u ain;:.. ~c\. h e o da1 c.r .:. ;-lom.t, ~a~ Ex-p r~ s bits t u h u mm in; 2\'f\.J~it~.~· la: sc,lcnu 1l.v, asse rted, .:d<: tele-graph ! (.,1'7:::. k)!Jk like slat ~ of.? a chicken fenc~ !' "'}l I ffiJ ·h :·· ~n iffed ~ r (JSC. -~wh en de p.,r.-AJrtet i\:ar• ~lCfJt:~ out f{.)f \:ew Or­lF. ·an--. 1r T-nat:e:> clesn mile p<,:;t!> -luok htk a fin~ lOf.;d j tt .: nb ! ' J. t . IUX1>4 m .• Ator.t of ~~~ 41\d 1YJ1 . f. ~. l't$oci r .I. n·:o1 • • - ; .. 71 /) v tV, It IJt i ~17l ( II Jtd\ ~L h J auw" OrJd f Ji JU4d <f I~ t I , h, J J j II' s !.II~ lf' v·. \ v. , J • \ I r j" ;, u I ;; ':'.t th·~ Wtitt~ l (.\TL. \ riti t~ n ~ ) luFJk a t 11 1 ~l l ll th t lHJl"h R ohhi.rt~ \~ith. LJk S M'\ 1 1."' L' d :t h·, \ i~Jt i t1 g HI I t I w /\ lu t"': • i n u r n C t Jfll p.111_v\; d a rtl"S ~r~td 1 hcrtce Lt.; Knox.,_, dlc­; and 1 ln! :'J{)t' ri!.< Ut.trn , reHt rnJ ng th H'''~ h ( · ~rl inhn rg nnd N(•wff •llnd ~ :~P; ~f w I .. ~' e rt (\ i rd Y" { h c } . IJ '\ .\ I I) p ~' r - l f p .... "' - t,h~, WJ" iH'l" (.: VI~ I tDtJk. . Dinrn·r w ~t s prt p a r~: d in a p ~~tc. h rl ,, \,'Jd· ll oJ. r l'r1tJ~ v- i l k . T. \-Y. Vl c~~.u l ) " vd etnn Pih>r w h o~C:· exp {A fi C'JK<' wrth hot b ~~ l"i ng;; w a k~~ a IHJl f ry}ng p~u t 1e~·l ,~ cool as a polr s lt ~.-d cash·t h a n ~ dl~ .r-Wa;s mnstct· of ce temonies. The wri,ter, havin~ b(.:en one:- of ~h e majol p~rti.c-.ipants u:t dtc canng, t .; embar­rassed ro say just how much fond w~s consumed , bur it wa$ a fac1 from the Ittllnher of chivgers dt~i't the crcHvd brought hom e~ that we co ~tldn 7t take It on ou·r feeL! )l)) «« 1L se~m s ev.trybody a r )unJ hf'!re has a good j,oke to tell C) .U st..>meone . . Qua:v Sma L.hers, like l-lercules of An­c i en~ Gre,ece., was given a liule ta-.k the other day · 0f dtil'ljng 6,000 hl)l~~ an~l " akhough the hcJes '~e re small, tt was..n't at all boring to Quay. I t ,~as reported that Qu-ay's ~<: teeth g<>t ou ~dge and snapped hve ~·rne s a ~ t lH.· drill and George Hanger m rhc f ool Roon1 was about to charge Quay up with five broke_n drills until he learn ed the cause of the trouble. By the way, while we are tal k.iog abo\Jt Flora. I would li ke to Lell eYery­body thar it' is safe ro walk on the side­walk again. F lo-ra · has fin ally l~~st ­e ·red driving (or shall we say tln vmg ]~a .. (.'O n.qnercd her ?) » )) U C( R nb ~; rt (Bob ) S w~o ~ er, wh"j was :-uddcoly taken ill with a pp ndic.itis: i~ rest ing n1 ce~ly at N ( Jl b urn Ho~p iud. ,, » tc (< Qttee na ]) olhu J flll >tOrcd ... town to Nehv. , ·. C., ~htnd-ay, J uly 18th rt'fJl JI'I ~ a nktt time \J ~s.pite- rh.e f,tct rh;tt ~ h e ~nt )·_;~t. :;o 1 'Nr,.,tllcl hkt: iO ~> .... u,y rrratitu~ t: -. H, "verv.o .rh• for 1h t~ rwlnv. It •vel \" 1l<Jw. ... ~ e: r ~ b<;CJk .. , < a.hls ·n1 i f1 hit ~eut 1ne .f.q ;1 H IX\ I'~Ct:JHt ;H I .(.'~~. t • ·GIVE THE UlvfPIRE A FAfB BB£AK•· SAYS CARL JENTZ In tbe folto"'-ing aruch·, \'t·rittcn h' Carl lt1ntZ. t're~idc.nt ol thc:- local soft ' - . t-all organ ization . ar¢ or'ne \(!t ~· good ?'e.:s, OP$ why Indiscriminate '' ra;,:,7.i ng" · of the urnrire $hould be di~r:('J'ltin ue·d. The Umpire B) C a.r1 f c:rt.~ ~ lr. and :\Jrs. Ballfan pcn)\il me :Cl introduc.c to vou ~ J L - •• the Um- • • r-:rc. Do ~ ou know h im~ No, you uon·, , because tl'' rou he looks a lto- • • f.C'ther diff ·rent today tha11 he did :·e$terd.ay. Ye:terday when t he game ""'"~s on!r he looked to .v ou ever,v inch the Gt"'.nclem~n. You liked his looks. ·~--he sq uare jaw and the sterll look in ni:: t'ye were confidence inspiring, a nd .Y. OU said lO .Y ou r frie-nd. "'There is a feHow you can bet your last cent on . ~ e,·er saw a man who could give de6sjons as quickly as he can a.nd eYer~· deci6ion righ t, beyond a sh adow <'i a doubt.r Tnat was . yesterd ay and the team ~·.au favored had ft<.JOn. Today your ~earn iost the game and what a differ­ent man you found rour r riend the r mpire to be ~ l{is decisions were wrong, all wrong.. The idea ! Call -::he third strike on big Jim, the best batter on the team. ~-by anyb-ody ..... i,.h a ~-lass eve co uld see thar _j t was .... . <. ball.. ~-a-,· bdow the knees. And :hen when the popular shortstop dash-ed ior tbe homeplate; that punk 1Jm­p1re called him ou t when every man} ~orr an and child knew that he was s.afe by- a mlle! \ -hat)s the matter with that Cmpi re~ ' rell. '"hat JS t he matter with hin1? • NOThing. Absolutely n0th in g. He is the same square shooter. His .decis­; on" were as fa ir today as they were 'PSt.erda\. lt is \'on. ~vir. ,and 1/frs. • • Ballfan, \'ho are to blame; and some- . ime~ it is that pet pla yer of yours tl'>at ~ the misery for the Umpire. He knows very well rhat the mao bel11nd rhe carcrcr was rigbt whe.n he called a f)ttike on i~i m ! but in stead of a~cepting it as '-'Hch wi1·hnut further r~qticc~ b~ tut11Cd f!tOund and ga 1e the 1~mpin: a dirty fl')ok, arcompanted by ~ m(,r•: v1slhk. si.p,l. He knew t hat ~~r: fan-; :were t.\'J tch;n.[' turn ahd 1 ead' tt) tah~ heir cut fr1.:rn him, turd th(ty Crl<.i. Th,..·: rLtlrt"d l tl n:i«Hit 1he poor fJmr·in~ t'' a < riF,p bro\~ n. Sud~ ~,.,u,n hy a playet is ~~ti J jg iln •ltsfajr ad YcHlta~''· lie i:, hl)j>liW 1..0 in­A JCJ'UZ' ' llt'-' lmpitc in hi~ ue.At d(!("jsion, aud ~.tOll ll rr> put tltJV > •ilJt tit'!Ul uf np t)tu\1a l on · urb 1sC-J 10r1. A playi!r ~Vht, CABL YLE HOW A:RD. NORMA LOU )ONES, aon of Bill Howci:rii., dauqbtex of Wallcrce Jo~•• does that is nor ex.actly in Class A as a sport. I n all sp0rts, in every co.Dtes-t; yes: in every·day }jfe; one wjns ''1'hilc another one loses, and there irs ahvays someon e, whetll:er we c:all biu1 the Umpire the Referee or the Judge: \hose decisions vte Q)USt acc,ept apd obey. Tbe Lord l0v:es a cheeriul.give r, but the sporting ptlblic Joves a c~eer­ful loser equally well. I sornet1mes wonder hG);~' n1:a.n-y 'fans felly reaJjze t he j-ab of a>n U~mp ire: and ho'\lv quickly he .tlH~st see .and m·ake his d ecision s. I t is only ·a flash a nd the ball h.a s pa&sed .the batter. Did it go st raight over th.e plate) or did i't go one inch either to th~ r ight or left of the plater Did it go over the plate between the l~m ees and the shoulder of the ba u er or a littl e too high or too f?Oi ]( w? l nr h~ r oai! :Ra .theph, UU'l­l" i r~ .mu:--1 f <:C it and •JHJ~i give his dens ton tiiP ~arne m!..tmc.nt ·(hen 1b .. haU plu nks intl'l tlJc catct1cr ' c; rnitt. nd then the base Umpirl!'. lt.:s ar. in~dd hit . thr t tl~nrz r- dashe [or .fi, s· ha~e. ~ho rt~ t<:>J get~ th~ baH a nd throws j to fi rst. ·nhc thrr,w i'S a. li - tit sho1 t and tbc fir~1 b.a~en,an ~a to c;r rctth for it . ~low the ru uJl.Cr toHci1es rbc ba ~c. J) id the ball plunk in ~o t~ baseman· s giov(! a split t f•Cortd before the rttnlV~f tOliChed the basct and oid the baseman ha~c his foot 0 11 til e, r,r did he have it off only half tt u inch t These are a few of the q ues~ rions an mpire ha.s to decide in that fl ash of a secead. Fonunate1y he is j n a better position to do it than Mr. _ a nd A·Jrs. Ballfan a re. H is eyes and mind are riveted on that play, o1liy a few feet away; w.hereas the critrcizjng fans are hund·reds of feet a \Vav .and • the1r views a n~ ofc.en badly obc;trocted. As a fi nal ana lysis, let us consider '"Honesty.'' I men tion that word with an apology. I don)t _think t here j ., a man low enough to give a wrong de­cision intentionally- in orde r t.O favor a certain r.eam ; 9-99 men out of a thou~ sa.m.d~ when!d to umpire a game h a~e the firm. desi re to be i:mpartial and to call the game as thev see it, iai r and square:- a.nd the &their one of t he one thousa·nd wi!J &orne dav \V:ateb the \vorJd behin-d the bar of his 1ttt1e 4x6- cell. In the amateur workl of sports, what ma.ltes one team more popular with the public than another? It is not the t~a m at the top. or tb.e team at the bottom. tt is the team that plays the ga rne for the r leaE-ttr-e of the game) plays it haFJ, but always fa tr and. square; pl-ays it ,. t1.h a de­term&: na tion to win, but with a cheerful grin-win er lose. om~ thmk that may· be on~ e. ·pl~nar;,ion for tbe C'CC hoys in 0ur le-ag:ue. Their semi-nxili­t~ rr trai·nin,g m ~k~ dteJll look up to the l~mpir.e a a ranking superior, whmw order~ mu .. t: be obeyed without ~ r~unacnt. But I don't think so: be­cause m a n~~ ot hc:r\$ iu our: l(~ague do the: thittJ:l. Lc1 us th ~-r~fotc be j ust to the tJm. pi r~ . :1s Wt cxrc\' l hi·m In Of' just to l he pla). .c t'$ . nd ((") us. li tim(' sht"~~w.s lhnl tklc: only q uJlifi(arions h~ h:-, • .are hi' ~ l~tl inH'11lions auJ a 001.1 ku~l­( ·d ~ vi 1 h<." rulest but h cks t h }l ( m 1et;:i .... n y nb-.:li.n 'cJlion pow ·r und {h "' abtlic · tn d u11k quid. thl'n, nnd onlv then, . ho.u ld \' f' he JUs t died in hil\ in r hiu1 J • ·pl.t~ t: d wit h « hMlet m tt. • ' \