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The Log Vol. 2 No. 5

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  • Th? Accidents During August The past month shows a de- . rea-<- ul 29 per cent in the nam- v.'t'.tf'a • jidenis, causing time oil', jver last month. Still we are far from our best records which were made in March, April and l.i enable'all of us to better know the type of accidents occur- krtg u e plan to discuss in each is- lae of the Log some of the char- 1. '"Injured was climbing up on a conveyor table and had his foot on one of the barking horses. The horse turned, throwing him to the floor." If this man had been more careful and was sure that there was no danger when he used the horse for a ladder this accident could have been prevented. When you have to do any climbing do not use shart cuts where danger is lurk- 2. "The injured dropped a wrench on his toe." Another case of too large feet. 3. "The injured had his axe stuck in a piece of wood and same fell out cutting his foot." The practice of allowing the axe to stick in wood where it is liable to fall', is a bad one. When yot are finished with your axe place it somewhere out of everyone's way. 4. "Injured started to throw a stick of wood on the pile and end of stick hit the top of the par door, causing him to fall prom scaffold with the stick on tiii of him." One must make : < :- in tne clear before attempting to throw wood on pile. ■ >. "injured was coupling a ear and en the first pas, the coupler failed to work. He pushed the drawhead back with his foot, the coal tender rolled back and caught his foot mashing it The Meeting of the Sub-Safety Committee On Friday, August 27th, the Chairman of the Safety Committee posted notices of a meeting of the Sub-Committee at the K. of P. Hall. There were exactly six members present which was not enough to warrant their doing any busi- We cannot understand the reason for this unless some of the men did not realize that they are members of this committee. The Suit Safety Committee is composed of all Foremen and Room Foremen in the mill and your duties in the Safety Campaign were outlined in the first meeting which we had together. We are planning to have another meeting on the 24th of September and let's have every man there who is able to walk and not on duty in the mill. Remember the date. September 24, timeS p. m., place, K. of P. Hall. A. G. P. SAFETY FIRST The Horse Heaver (From Life) "For why should you be tired?" demanded his wife, splashing her arms viciously in the suds as she finished the day's rinsing. "You've nothing to do but shovel dirt all day and and rest when your boss ain't looking." "(i'wan, I'm a hard working- man, "said Kallaher. "And what's more, I can kick about it whenever J want to without any remarks from yourself. I'm tired. When's supper?" "Supper is anv time when 1 can eel my arms dry and get a good breath." Mrs. Kallaher began belligerently to get his Uitj stretched his sht front of him and lea ntlj gn h the a un his horse iiteh.andthed mtopofin,.," ely-now, an, ' rig here to tell ;i e will ha •at deal. again to express her incredulity, but just then old Mother Coogi next-door neighbor, thrust a i excited face through the kitchen door. "Mary Kallaher. is your man home?" "Why shouldn't he be?" Mrs. Coogan entered and stood one hand clutching a newspaper the other pointing dramatically at Kallaher. "It may be so, but he don't look it," she said. Before they could question her she began reading from the paper: "Mike Kallaher, a ditch digger on the new Twelfth Street sewer, is a small man but mighty. Ahorse, driven too near the ditch today, fell in. 'Begorra,' said Mike, 'can't a man work in peace?' He laid down his shovel, spat on his hands and heaved the horse back into the street. The foreman thought he had been hurt when the horse fell in, but he wasn't, and he was not in the least bothered by having to throw him back out again. He went back to his digging." "Let me see that paper." Kallaher rose and took it from her hand. Slowly he went over the story—which the reporter who wrote it had thought exceeding clever. "Yeh," he said finally, "that's me all right." Mrs. Coogan looked upon him with respect. "I never thought much of you before, Mike Kallaher, but you're the only man I know that could pick up ahorse." She turned to his wife. "It's no wonder you're a meek woman. Mary, but you ought to be proud of a man like that, sure." "Are you cominir on with supper, now?" asked Kallaher in a mighty voice of the speechless Mrs. Kallaher. "Be quick now, or I'll give you what's needing." Never befcre had he dared make a threat as if he meant it. His wife was struck with sudden awe. She gasped and hurried silently with the setting on of supper. She trembled and dropped a dish. "You poor clumsy dub!" roared her husband, towering to the height of five-feet-two. "Are you so weak you can't hold a pot, now?" "Excuse me, Michael," she murmured. "Excuse me, man. I was excited." Mrs. Coogan saw with approval that Kallaher was bullying his wife, and went down the street to tell the neighborhood. In Mike Kallaher's kitchen — for it had suddenly become his own, after belonging for fifteen years to his wife —a poor, unhappy-looking Irishwoman was obeying orders. She jumped when he yelled at her, which he did every two minutes to see her jump, begged his pardon, brought his pipe, and looked on in silence when he deliberately knocked out the ashes on the newly scrubbed floor. A man who could throw a horse out of a ditch would stop at nothing. As the new monarch sat in his chair looking contemptuously away from his slave, who was tentatively watching him, there was a knock at the door. Mike's chest had begun to get tired from being swelled out so far, and he let out his breath with a sigh. A suave young man was admitted. After ascertaining that Kallaher really lived in this place he asked Mike how he was feeling. "Good," was the truculent answer. "No injuries from your little adventure this afternoon?" «:....tinucHionPage8) | Record of Accidents ;ausing more than two days absence; from work DEPARTMENTS FOR AUGUST, 1915

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).