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The Log Vol. 2 No. 5

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  • The Horse Heaver ^^ssSfe^ii^^^Si -~jT ^ <^im^*'/^V "~~~" " W t 1 Continued iM.m pace tl») "Injured, is it? Not a bit- Wmmmmmm Wm it a bit." ^wfllMK&ISSIr^^^ '"I'm glad to hear that. I'm j ij4-.ii i. J-Ji w^^g-s. e<3"^===^*"S***" ""■—*• sistant manager of the Burke Painters who have been at work oil A not he!' of oar en ployeea, Foreman W ,1 h i 1 a ' ■ 1 • instruction Company. We heard j the m out<.r of the bu shite digester ie P tintci Gn w, ie of our horses fell on you to- buiiditu recently demonstrated the iv, so I came down to help out j wisdom o| Sale!;, devices and obser you were hurt." We thought vance ei <;•,. 1, mil : ' '"' OOlll Was e could afford to pay a few i working on the south-side of Hits moni uied for s. in Canto jndred dollars on doctor bills." tor and jttst oppoai e the end of Hie a f] a- -est lhal ie entor tl Willi he young man smiled pleasant- chip drag. While working then alink his machine. A !«ord! ig to tha coniinii "But since you're not hurt inthedrag brokeanda flighl ■■ '■ ■ eon faction. id are so willing to admit it. veyor caught and broke , scantling Hurrying down the hill, with letters e won't have that pleasure. which supported the staging upon which in one hand, which "Hubby" had said ood-bye." He got up and went. he was working. The staging did not jusi aiier dark, push must be put on the 5:40 train, herother Kallaher had forgotten to swell fall, but the breaking of this support ahead of him with a rope which was hand carefully guiding a perambulator ut his chest again. He sat caused the same to sag. Hefore going attached to the fron in which a little baby girl was peace rooping in his chair. His wife out to do the few minutes necessary chine and the rear a? le of the machine fully slumbering, she came over the fas no longer tentative. "Horse work, the man equipped himself with a in which "Cebe" wa seated. Most of foot-bridge and up the "short cut" be eaver, is it? She advanced, safety rope, one end of which was se the delay was caused by his inability to tween the barn and Arthur's Garage. nenacing. "Horse heaver? You curely fastened underneath his arms, light up, though he ised several boxes Hearing the train coming over the loor mick! There goes your the other tied around a heavy timber of matches in the att empt, finding out, bridge and realizing that she would not ■hance to be a cripple for life on the inside of the building and had as he neared home, the machine carried be able to "make the train," baby and ind die rich." the staging fallen the man would have electric lamps. all, she opened the garage door and She pulled his face up by the escaped injury. The safety rope is A new "Dead wei rht gauge tester" wheeled the carriage in, her intention front hair and slapped him like like th2 proverbial "gun in the west"' of the latest type is in charge of the being to leave her there for just a i mother. when yeu need it you need it badly. engineer in the Gen :rator Room and minute while she ran across and mailed "Horse heaver, is it? Take One of the editors was on the sick all who have gauges they wish to test the letters. that, now! list and remained in bed for a are asked to bring them to him for On the lawn in front of Sprays, A W. And Kallaher took it. couple of days. To while away the correction. was setting forth the merits of his new ——SAFETY FIRST time he was perusing a dictionary, in It ' isurc to report that machine, on which he was awaiting Uncle Tom's Cabin order to better enable him to hold up Fireman J. A. Cline delivery, his audience being a bevy of Mr. Thos. Man. Superintendant of his end in a conversation with Joe ly scalded, in the esp of the Heisler engine osion of the boiler "Summer Girls" and they, inferring the Extract Department, who recently Clark, when he was visited by Mr. Curd on July 20th, is from his talk that the machine was purchased the house and three adjoining of the wood room and he laid the vol nd wo hope that already in the garage, expressed a de lots, directly across the street from the ume, a large one, over on one side of by that time of our n sire to go out and look it over. A. W., main office, has not only greatly impro the bed. Mr. Curd when he returned report him back on c thinking it would be a good joke to ved the general appearance of the to the mill and reported on his visit, show them the empty garage and pos building and materially beautified the said: '•£ tell you 1 believe Mr. Wood is The white-washing ,'hich is being done sibly explain the absence of the ear surroundings, but, from a standpoint very sic-k. When 1 called on him he both in the basement and upper sto 'y by accusing some one of taking a "joy of convenience, due to his ingenuity was reading the Bible." of the wood room is being commented ride," started with the party in the and inventive powers, the dwelling When the insurance inspector comes upon very favoiably by the employees direction of the garage, dropping a re and spends a day or two at a plant and in this department, a s it gives them a mark now and then as follows: tl.i the inside he har, installed the finds of good house-keeping, brighter, lighter and more cheerful place "No, she isn't much on looks, but .'.. A v electrical equipment including it appears in his report. Doubtless to work in. the ne\ / slab chipper re- she is built lo go over the road;" < nienees which have never every Manager, Superintendent and ccntly installed in this department, "No—Hugh hasn't any half interest in . ; , pat into practice. which was purchase d from the Car- her—She's all my own." Just as he able report on his findings but the ex- thage Machine Comp tny, Carthage, N. was saying, "1 suppose from this time ■ • ..,,. j «, the mill cannot do it all. Y., is doing good w rk. Further ox- on I'll have to have a new one every The only way we can ever get the re tensive improvement are being planned year" he opened the door and brought hired rating is for each and every em- for this room. to view, the little girl baby. :hat. the table runs to fee sank ... 1 plo>t.e to keep Ma own part of the house Among the recent | urchasesofequi i- If the day looks kinder gloomy stops. 1 lie manipulation oi another button "" " !l'1 r~ :i" *''" '" '""' Wlttl ment, we find a 7.,ok W A His Chalmers An' your chances kinder slim, 1 In m ■ %em> 'i and de what we can non-condensing stea i turbine, whi -h If the situation's puzzlin' rection- its itestin m I* ng the ea.-v to improve Hie appearance o. , tir tin- t» booked for delivcrj in 35 days and a An' the prospects awful grim, Much ad'vertiseriin.Vhas been given the man who ''makes two blade*, ol triple elled fori j -ei ;ht thousand gi 1- An' perplexities keep pressin' ion per day i irapoi Ltl '■ "'" ' Sanaa a' 'Till your hope is nearly gone, — pesmgrom where om grew before'' Evaporator I ompa .. New xork, Just bristle up and grit your but Tom, by gently pn a* g ■■ i an ei about the same teeth, lev.'-'. whieberai n ni he ■• in tallai ,trlT|l'la'i!l''ilii!Tl An' keep on keepin' on.—Ex. to "make one room where ■.;,...'. i dailj A Kansas paper reports that a Ger "A hydraulic elovaior IB in ,. ■ : ■ I'-racI I'latt man merchant was asked by a clergy- milk, butler and other "per, do rto^i '.' ' , "l)o you believe in heaven?" "No." Replied the merchant in a "Do you believe in bell'.'." asked the "Veil," I,., replied, "l used to didn't i but 1 do BOW, for pusmess has e,-....e """■"■"""■—" Touching One touch of nature makes the whole j Onai *ch of huraot tas&mi the whole * 0 • tow n of pathos makes the whole ^i.8"™^™ *"■'""''" '■■ ** ordered from the 0* ' teach vi toonev nakac ihe THE PAPER ON WHICH THIS I'.S.sH

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).