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The Log Vol. 1 No. 9

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  • wcu_canton-174.jp2

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • Contribution Contest Datrtitmcd ftu*a! H. A, Holder's article on "The : we believe credit should be giv Laboratory, It's Efficienej and en as follows: A. S. Moss was Present Needs" was awarded singing an "Old Scotch $10.00. - ■ ;; "H. me e ititled "The Champion Man and the 'Also Ran' " by G. W Propes. appearing in this ttii." was tomtti m tta Beta WH*m PH • to the sample box. Jim Mann had formed a Quartette "How the Spirit Works," by ' ■■'■.' and were singing a song descrip C. D. Coleman, in December •in e 18th. Cards were sent Ml tive 0f ti-e >f their Log. a prize, $5 00. rwpieftSng "Some Practical Pointers'" bv F. A. Smiih. pipe litter. • nee. About sixty nng, long uroley. in November is- Uattison's movements. When asked Penm]ar. C hips and Splinters Wl!,'c,essaryr«orimoV'(.,.'" meeting will be held during rat each S.ijruestion and Accident Record Con walch. us he only had one good eye tents will continue «* heretofore. De which will be posted on' the Mill tail* will »rpear in February Log. rest to got it through his head. 1 he (;ri',>r Room" at the Main P.Hies ford was dictating s let'or to u tins. tne Ball Engine Co., asking quotations A hair-raising episode—"Put your and decorators have been working for on two ion H. P. Simple Engines. Miss lunch at the time office" is the way , a :e\v weeks, is now completed Duncan looked all wise, but alter a the sign reads, but Dan says that Uncle Joe "puts" his in the alley uear the While the boys of the Electrical De "Why don't you buy an Intelligent one Best Office. : .-'re proud of the record they SAFETY FIRST- - made, daring the holidays, in winding X" I Generator in such a short space Mr. Battison has made vigorous com New Sulphite Digester An order has been placed with the Manitowoc Engineering Works, Mani of time, there is one thing over which plaint lately against incorrect spelling Ui.\ .■•!■<sensative and sore, namely a on signs placed around the Mill. He towoc, Wis., lor a new Sulphite Diges 36-hour delay caused by Mr. Wade had Jim Smathers remove a sign from ter, 15 x 52 feet, to be of the latest 1 Henderson Cotter's latest patent on the Soda Elevator recently and insert design. This digester was under pro - ' '■ "'-c1^1*' marking rotor fans of Generator. Dur another "d" in riding. Belter furnish cess of construction for a Canadian concern, but was diverted to us. It is We were pleased to ■gain m Mr. Kennedy of the Sandy BOl Compaq , -. ■■.<.■ which we have. This goes 10 show ing this time the boys passed some the cigars, Billy, or we'll tell on you. expected that this apparatus wiil be in very complimentary (?) remarks about Colter, his ancestors and the future Cotters for the next century. Mr. Newhardt. of the Tucker & Lax- progress with our new Concrete Steam operation within the next 90 days. This necessitates erection of an additional blow-pit, 20 x 32 feet, constructed of Southern pine and Mr. Winchester is Mr. Cotter's new patent is of the Line Conduit, despite the adverse on a trip to secure this material. The tive of his company. Mi. Kentway same reasoning as the old negro's, who insisted that the swollen stream was weather conditions which he has been up against. After one month's work, slogan of our Southern friends in the gotten industry has been "Buy a Bale." It seems to us that The Champion Fi not rising because the water had not he and his men have completed 300 bre Company is givintr business a boost h-' ev r reached the knot hole in the side of the feet of excavation and poured 183 feet with "Buy a BloW-lit and Digester." boat. The Gang. of conduit. SAFETY FIRST ~ . hamploi: Spirit and .lim Lilly's hat was burned at the A. S. Plott recently built a cup Just Like a Canton Kiss our men. System Office a few week:: ago. We board for the K. of P. Lodge. J. E. At Atlantic City tbe other Rewinding of No. 1 Generator presume this was done in celebration of some event. Wc should like to have Slaughter furnished the plans and specifications. A mystery, greater evening a youth was heard to murmur passionately to a girl in The Electrical Force, working cm No. ;i statement from Jim. in order to de than the third degree work, that, now the moonlight: 1 Generator, recently established a (ermine whether or not the Editors are puzzles the fraternity men is how t> "Just one more kiss, darling! good record for Armature Winding. to expect the usual tender. get it into the Lodge room. Some dav Just one more!" ■ , :■ ■',■ was begun on W'dnesday An order was Bent to the Systen the building may require a new roof, "No, dear," the girl answer ■■■■■in the Safety Committee, to in which event the cupboard might be ed, "there isn't time. The hotel make a sign reading "Do Not Oil While raised in the air and let down into the closes at two, vou know, and it's IT'LilS* ' . to be placed on line shaft meeting room while the roof is off. nearly midnight now." ■IK. ' : ^ The Champion Man and the "Also Ran" ■BBS& >« The man who sticks this lesson learned-. Tha man who quits has a brain and hand , Success don't come by ^-hance- 'tis earned- As good as the next, but he lacks the sand— The two halves of the Armature For "pounding away" and good "hard knocks" He says "I cant" instead of "I can;" 31st at 1) a m , a ■• the day was taken up in making the Make Stepping atonal of stumbling blocks He h .sn't the grit of a Champion Man. He kim.v ■ i. rttha 1 ■ &BOl fail- He starts with a rush and a solemn vow, That ■!< ill for'n H | him (mail "He'll soon be showing the others how;" test. His will is strong id • i,,,-. Thu,! something new will attract his eye The Btectrk Manufac He's always go© Hiti tlisk is left lor tne bye and b>e tf rtV,^*.-i'.V ■■ :• He doesn't expect bv a sin h ■ ' ^M^^hSisl^^Svd^' !',,; atod Bg 'C ■ :• 1 - ." ■ iptBg 1 otj ^'r;: ; ; '[" " That brines success; he can get the skill T 1 *t iT \ti ik ' . f the rut With a Champion Spirit und steadfast will. No mai: in beaten Oil he give:-, in. He has no grouch against niB ^°**' haku luck can't stand kor a champion grin; '. J<""Ce ;<" ■"•-'"■■ ThaM the quittei k winning-, what's the use?" SS*.,.'.'■'.':'' '',■"":,. \'", ; ,,',. 1,!,', .!',,.,.,,.; ., „ l!Z^!-^uT^t^^^ very •ffieien Wny U ii , . . ».l| lul w, G. W Pw>j»a«,

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).