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Site for the Appalachian National Park

  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-13849.jpg
  • This letter to the editor, titled “Site for the Appalachian National Park,” was sent out by the Appalachian National Park Association. The written number at the top of the printed page suggests that 500 of these were printed and distributed. The focus of the letter is the location of the proposed park. When first formed in 1899, the association favored western North Carolina as the sole site for a proposed national park, but soon expanded their vision to include more of the southern Appalachian mountains.
  • A ■■imniiim, 1 «*- Co^vl 2. 7 \-00S To the Editor : Will you be kind enough to publish the note hereto attached in the interest of the Appalachian National Park ? If you will send a marked copy of the issue containing the notice and any editorial comments you may feel disposed to make favorable to the agitation, to the Secretary, at Asheville, N. C, it will be highly appreciated. Site for the Appalachian National Park. There seems to be an impression in certain quarters that the Appalachian National Park Association in their Petition to Congress have asked for the appointment of a Commission to investigate some one certain section of the Great Smoky Mountains. From the time the Park matter was first taken up here in Asheville it has been the policy of those most interested that the question of site should not be definitely considered at all until after Congress has appointed a Commission to investigate the whole region. A map has been prepared of the section along the State line between Tennessee and North Carolina and boundaries drawn around this section of country wherein great natural advantages lie, and the establishment of a Park could probably be brought about. The Association has indorsed this site as one of the locations which they would call to the attention of the Commission, if the appointment of such a Commission was secured, but they wish it distinctly understood that this in no way must be construed as giving this point preference over any other. The idea of the Association is that, when the proper time comes to point out all the different sites in Western North Carolina, Eastern Tennessee, Northern Georgia and Northern South Carolina where available sites are located, and in place of any person feeling that his certain section has been in any way slighted at this time, the officers of the Association are anxious that all interested parties will prepare or have prepared maps, drawings or other descriptions of sections in their immediate neighborhood wherein available locations and sections of natural advantages and beauty can be found. Moreover, it would be of great assistance to the Association if all this data would be prepared as soon as possible and sent in to the Secretary at Asheville. Further, if the appointment of a Commission is secured, all interested parties will certainly be notified to appear before this Commission and present their arguments pertaining to the sections in which they are interested, or in which they think the most natural advantages are to be found. When the final Bill is reported back from the Congressional Committee, if this Bill be favorable toward the object of the Association, such Bill will refer to the whole section of Western North Carolina, Eastern Tennessee, Northern Georgia and Northern South Carolina.