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Report of the Secretary of Agriculture in relation to the forests, rivers, and mountains of the southern Appalachian region

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  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-8844.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • 198 INDEX. Page. 23 Forest conditions, general by mountain groups 14, 23, 46 changes in 31 118 cover, necessity for ' fires. (See Fires.) lands, cost of management, difficulty of 66 bv Government 62,65 21 maps ■ policy, necessity for changes in 25, 28, 66 protection, a national problem 34, 35, 65 trees, species of 03 Forests, complexity 66 composition 69 culling 67 description by mountain groups 46 river basins 69 destruction by lumbermen 24, 63,64,131,132 for tanbark 132 distribution of 69 effect on erosion 32 floods 30,150 water-power 142 winds 118 general character of 46 of particular localities (see under name of Mountain or River basins) - 46,69 reproduction of 69 species contained in the 69,93 variations in the 22 Forest reserve, acts of State legislatures concerning 172 benefits anticipated from 37 boundaries of proposed 38 extent of proposed 38 extracts from press concerning 180 Government purchase of land for a 37 management of proposed 67 memorials and resolutions concerning 13,158 movement for, present status of 157 profit anticipated from 37, 62,162 reserves, value as examples 62 Western 13) 3g Forestry, conditions favorable for g3 French Broad River 1 lg 126 Basin, topography and soil 76 erosion and agriculture 76, 77 forests, distribution, etc 77 floods in 1901 130 flow and gaging of ] 35 136 water power on 142 Freshets. (See Flood*.) Fringe tree. ^ize. distribution,etc 106

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).