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Levern Hamlin scrapbook

items 136 of 147 items
  • wcu_memories-1069.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • KJW3 '^i3 ■#*# .A- ■**» #*ftj &bp -^•* •«. The Great By JAMES PWI .*.'" .PPmilJULli» 1L" *C>WM * ^ 4^ x *. * ."-a. ^^iSPSH "w>fc^ei •""V £? F**T' 3tw^2 *■' ««( »;** ■<\W;, «(fcV »"fe^*^A >-A ^^gjffiwtf* » *' JAMES STREET Author of rfee Biscuit Eater, The Oawnflcf, Tap Roots, and The Velvet Doublet. A jungle that had never felt touch of a white man's foot lured timber cruisers to the venerable temple of the Great Smoky Mountains, and now they have found an untamed wilderness in America's front yard. Peaks that were old before nature conceived the Rockies—trees that looked down on clouds when Columbus shaded his eyes from the western sun—all these, and more, are in the jungle and Uncle Sam is preserving it all so posterity can see what the world was like when it suffered the travail and spasms of its youth. The existence of the wilderness area of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park is known to comparatively few men and all its mysteries are known to no man. Scientists are studying its marvels now and explorers are charting its fastnesses. Thomas A. Alexander, forester, has cruised timber in the jungle and says there are 150,000 acres of virgin trees in the park and 75,000 acres in the wilderness. It has more than 100 varieties of trees, 150 species of shrubs, 200 kinds of birds and 35 species of animals and reptiles. There are sections in the jungle that only cruisers have traveled. There are streams there that have never been fished. Spruce trees reach 175 feet and Thirty-five

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).