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Levern Hamlin scrapbook

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  • MONTE MARKHAM Narrator This is Marklmm's first season with Unto These Hills. A Floridian from West Palm Beach, he has had wide experience in the theatre for a young man of twenty-two. This includes leading roles with the Plymouth (Mass.) Drama Festival, the Weston (Vt.) Playhouse, and the Lake worth (Fla.) Playhouse. During two years at Palm Beach Junior College he was in five major productions and since 1955 has participated in six plays at the University of Georgia where he received his bachelor's degree in drama and where he will return this fall on a graduate assistances^ip to work on his master's degree in drama. He is a key member of Thalian Blaekfriars at the University of Georgia. FRED FORSMAN Junaluska After a year's absence Forsman is back playing the role of Junaluska which he handled superbly for three seasons. From the first, his interpretation of this role stamped him as an actor of exceptional ability. Through this ability he has been able to give new strength to a character which actually is the lead in Unto These Hills. A native of California, Forsman has been active in dramatics almost since infancy. He received his A.B. in speech and drama at Stanford University where he was active in radio and television productions. He was a member of the Stanford Players and during World War II he was in several Army shows in England. He now makes his home in California where he teaches. JARKA BURIAN Tsali Though young in years, Burian brings to Unto These Hills a wide and varied experience in the theatre. It covers the field of college, Off- Broadway and summer theatre. A native of Passaic, N. J., he received his B.A. degree from Rutgers, his M.A. from Columbia University, and his Ph.D. from Cornell. His summer theatre experience included the William Penn Playhouse at Pittsburgh, Pa. In addition to acting, he directed lab plays at Cornell, and now as assistant professor in the department of English at State College For Teachers at Albany, N. Y., he directs regular college productions. His father was active in the Czech language theatre in New York. JEFF THOMPSON White Path A member of the Unto These Hills cast since the drama opened in 1950, Thompson is a full-blooded Cherokee who has developed into a fine actor. He was born and has lived on the Qualla Reservation all of his life except for a tour of duty with the Marine Corps during World War II. He is the son of Arsene Thompson who also plays one of the leading roles in the drama. Young Thompson has had theatrical experience at Cherokee Central High School. Thompson was one of the supporting actors in Walt Disney's Davy Crockett, much of which was filmed here on the Cherokee Reservation. Thompson's nine- year-old son, Bobby, is also in the Cherokee drama. EARL HARLAN Drowning Bear Although this is Harlan's first season with Unto These Hills he is a veteran in the field of dramatics. Behind him are twenty years as director of high school and university dramatics, as well as many seasons acting in university plays and summer stock. From 1917 until 1954 he was associate director of the Purdue University Playshop. He now is associate professor of speech at Purdue. Among the plays in which he has taken major roles are Death Takes a Holiday, Royal Family, Arms and the Man, Twelfth Niyht, Lady Windermere's Fan, The Drunkard and He Who Oets Slapped. Harlam is a native of Hills- boro, Iowa. ARSENE THOMPSON Elias Boudinot Widely acclaimed for his portrayal of Elias Boudinot, Thompson is a preacher who plays the role of a preacher in Unto These Hills. He is a full-blood Cherokee Indian, born and reared on the Qualla Reservation. This is his eighth season in the role of Boudinot. His prayer in the Removal Scene of Unto These Hills, is spoken in the authentic Cherokee language and he recites the 121st Psalm from which the title of the drama is taken. Thompson's interpretation of Boudinot has made him one of the most popular actors with audiences year after year. He was at one time Chairman of the Cherokee Tribal Council.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).