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Western Carolina University (20) View all

Levern Hamlin scrapbook

items 71 of 147 items
  • wcu_memories-1004.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • ~2~ 9* RETURNING BOOKS. Books and other library materials must be returned to the Charging Desk on the main floor of the library* Do not put books in the stacks. Books found in the stacks unchecked by a library assistant will be counted overdue, and fines will be charged accordingly* 10. MAGAZINES AND NEWSPAPERS* No magazines or newspapers are to be taken from the building except by special permission of the librarian. If a student wishes to have an article from a newspaper, bring it to the Charging Desk and an assistant will clip it for him* 11* BOUND PERIODICALS. Bound periodicals must be used on the mezzanine where they are shelved* Desks and reading tables are provided for your use on the mezzanine* 12* UNBOUND PERIODICALS. The unbound periodicals for the immediate past year are shelved on the mezzanine back of the Charging Desk on the main floor of the library. Ask the Library Assistant for those which yo$ need* Return them to the Charging Desk when you have finished using them* 13* EATING AND DRINKING* No food, candy, coffee, or coca colas are to be brought into the library* A table, chairs, and divan are placed at the rear entrance to the ground floor where students may eat their lunches or enjoy a drink. The coca cola machine is near by. Ill* SMOKING. Students may smoke everywhere in the library building. Small ash trays are placed on the reading tables, in the Study Carrells and other places for your use and convenience. Exercise care when smoking so that the reading tables and divans will not be defaced or damaged. Sand- filled urns are placed about over the building for your use and convenience* Do not throw cigarettes on the floors, stairs, or in the corridors. 15* QUIET IN THE BUILDING* A library is essentially a place for study and reading, and reasonable quiet must be maintained. The reading rooms are not suitable places for visiting with friends, or for holding conferences, or for studying in a group* If such is necessary, ask the library assistant ^fc the charging desk to direct you to a place where talking aloud will not disturb other people* 16* STUDENT LOUNGE. This room is located on main floor. In it are found daily newspapers, current issues of periodicals, and the fiction collection* Quiet talking is permitted in this room* 17* THE LISTENING TABLE. On the ground floor near the Charging Desk is a Listening Table and four record players where recordings of music, literature, and new foreign language recordings can be listened to through the medium of ear phones. Ask the library assistant at the Charging Desk to instruct you in the use of the Listening Table* It is essential that quiet be maintained at these tables at all times* Old foreign language recordings and business department recordings are at the Charging Desk on main floor. 18* ROOF GARDEN. The Roof Garden is located on the top floor* It is used jointly by faculty and students. It is open for your use and j

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).