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Letters supporting Appalachian National Park movement


Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • 0/ $4^ hr^TThiA^^ ASHEVILLE, N. Q., j^qq^^^ 19th, 1899. To the President and the Executive Committee of The Appalachian National Park Assooiation; Asheville^T.C. Gentlemen; the Your Committee of Ways and Means has to honor to report th t they have had,as yet,no formal meeting of the committee,hut have been in correspondence,one with another,and have inaugurated cer tain methods which have already horn fruit,and which promise hetter results in the near future. At suggestion of Mr Cone,of your committee^ number of letters were written to prominent men in the state and in other parts of the country,suggesting that donations of fifty dollars or of su^h other sum as seemed meet he made,and in several cases favorable response was had as to gift of the full amount mentioned and in others of lesser amounts. A cifcrcular letter was also prepared a copy of which is hereto attached ,and which is now being mailed extensively, to manufacturers and other business men,and which gives promise of good returns. In addition to the above special methods individual members of your committee are making efforts along other lines in their respective localities and elsewhere. Your committee wish to express their appreciation of the valuable assistance of the Fresident and the Secretary . Very Respectfully^submitted.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).