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Travel to Washington D.C.

items 10 of 14 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-12416.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • GEO. S. POWELL, „_ „ _ President. . DR- C> P" AMBLER, Sec. and Treas. fete $OTmlm;htcm |tatumctl T$ax\$ ^xxozxcdion #. ®. go* 384. A Copy. " ' Mr.'M; V. Richards, . ; .. Chairman nemo rial '"Commit tee, A, Fi -P-. Ass,, Washingtoh, D. ' C . ' My dear Sirr- Your favor 0£ the 7th inst. received. I believe yoii have over-looked, the fact that I wrote about two, we :ks..ago asking you. if you, as Chairman of the Memorial Committee, had made out the list of the names of the gentlemen' whom you v/ould expect to ■ appear-before .,the Committee in Washington" and if so' and it 'was agreeable, to you, 'the Executive Committee will be pleased to "have a list of these names and to also be informed, as to who will present the sub- Imct to the committee and make the argument. I note what you have said in your- letter to-day in regard to your personally not talcing any prominent part in the argument before the Senatorial Committee. It is not the intention of thebExecutive Committee to dictate or interfere at all with the work of the Memorial Committee, but the Executive Committee feels that that Memo-

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).