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Letters supporting Appalachian National Park movement

items 29 of 32 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-14101.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • — 2, P. A. H. .umb^rmen and. speculators are now trying to get control of every possible jit of the forest-eland h^rt that they can for the reason that th?y think that they can sell to the dovernraent at a higher pric4 char what they will pay you. Three months ago a lumber corporation of Philadelphia offer -ed the Indians of the Cherokee Indian Reservation $30,000.00 for the timoer on ?>S,000 acres of their reservation, The Indians decided, to sell. The sale could not go through 'until signed by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. 1 went to Washington and placed the matter fully before hira and suffice it so say that he did not sign the sale, The corporation to-day are offering $10,000,00 more for exactly tha same timber miS still the Commissioner of Indian Affairs does not sign, tf the timber on this reservation has increased .'-/IG,000,00 in two months, your tract must certainly also be gaining something in value, If you care to look up the Cherokee timber .matter, you might address the Commissioner of Indian kf- fairs in regard to the sa~e» ?rof» (5 if ford Pinchot of Washington would be the right party for you to correspond with as to the probabilities of the establishment of the Park and he certainly could give you better ideas as to the location than could anybody else. Under separate cover we are mailing you the phraiphlets requested, Very truly yours, Secretary.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).