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Letters supporting Appalachian National Park movement

items 27 of 32 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-14099.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • FINISHED BUGGIES, PHAETONS, SURREYS, BUCKBOARu >, RUNABOUT, MILK, FARM AND BUSINESS WAGONS, SLEIGHS AND BOBS LIVERY STABLE SU| PLIES, HARNESS AND HORSE GOODS. SOLE OWNERS OF THE BRAND OF HORSE NAILS, HORSE RASPS, LEATHER APRONS, HICKORY SPOKES and HANDLES and •THE DANBURY' DRILL CHUCK. F. A. HULL, Pres. and Treasl THOS. A. HULL, Secy. The Hull Brothers Company, fSJ MAIN STREET, 4-JO LIBERTY STREET. (Store f ^nnected.) 0» 4» i» >» WHOLESALE DEALERS IN HARDWARE, IRON and STEEL, CARRIAGE and WAGON MATERIAL, FINISHED VEHICLES, BLACKSMITHS' and FACTORY SUPPLIES. DANBURY, CONN., April 5 th,. i90U Or. 0. P. Ambler, Asheville, N. 0. .near Sir,- Yoars 1st received for which I am much obliged, T think you were wise in not pushing the matter unduly; but on the other hand, I feel that now is the time while everybody is feeling good natured and liberal to put such.a matter through and I firmly believe that it is a good thing for the country to secure such a permanent reservation before it is too late, I would like to hear from you at your early convenience as to rehab your ideas are.regarding the location of this reservation. T am holding this 14,000 acres in southeastern part.of Macon county, but have had several tentative offers'lately and have another letter today from a New York party who wants to go down and look it over with view of purchase. I would be much obliged to you if you would let me know in your opinion as to whether this reservation would probably include this land of tfiine* My land extends from the main Blue Ridge Mountains and runs down both sides and is a very rough and wild district and mostly very thinly settled. I hev,e been over it several.times and it seems to be an ideal spot for this purpose, as the streams are full of speckled trout and a good deal of .green in the woods including some-very brilliant colored and energetic rattlesnakes. ei+l c« 4» ^ ^ Yours truly,

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).