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Knoxville and the Great Smokies

items 10 of 24 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-10455.jpg

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  • THE UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE The University of Tennessee, at Knoxville, is the capstone of the state's educational system. Within the past few years the institution has experienced a wonderful growth and has advanced to the front rank of the schools of the south. The main campus of the University of Tennessee is located along Cumberland avenue about seven blocks west of the business section. This campus, or "The Hill", as it is familiarly known, is recognized as one of the most beautiful in the country. At Knoxville are the colleges of liberal arts, law, engineering, agriculture, and education; the schools of commerce, home economics, and graduate work; and the pre-dental, pre-medical, and pre-legal departments. The colleges of medicine, dentistry, and pharmacy, and the school of nursing are at Memphis. A Junior College of Agriculture and Home Economics is located at Martin. TOWER OF AYRES HALL The enrollment in the branches at Knoxville during the school year of 1928 for regular collegiate courses was 2,347. At Memphis there were 635 students and at Martin there were 145, making a total of 3,127 students. The enrollment in the summer session, the special spring term for teachers, and the extension department brings the figure to approximately 5,500. The University of Tennessee is one of the oldest institutions of learning west of the Appalachian mountains. Founded in 1794 as Blount College, it continued under that name until 1807 when it became East Tennessee College. In 1840 the name was changed to East Tennessee University and then in 1879 to the University of Tennessee. The state legislature in 1927 appropriated $500,000 a year for five years for new buildings for the University and this financial aid is making possible the erection of a group of new structures and the expansion of all departments. Dr. H. A. Morgan is president of the University of Tennessee.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).