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Hundreds of friends pay final tribute to Kephart and Tarleton

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  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-11144.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • .si h* »>'l.f.|,»l>IMll.liJ1l«l"l 5338ffiS~ »•»»»»« ^mifg.JHtoauents, Claud parrish, Hubert banfe of Tuekaseegee River, where! JQueeis and l*KtX Monteith on TO KEPHART AND TARLETON the hi: HUNDREDS OP FRIENDS [*» *g»«» 6t thfe #** PAY PINAL TRIBUTEianTh^p^;g!aaj etresged th# ^jiweit, -How the Swatuwd? school a?e clinic which will bo held j helper my Sunday School." Ion April 11. All parents arc urged *:««-Musle by volunteer class, {to brhw their children, who aw to I S:l*-A«Wr«sa by Judge J. H. Hat' ■ Continued from page I service* to mankind, and the. nam-! ins of one of the mo«t outstanding: peaks in (he ssnokit* tor him pro!,- cbly eifordsd him more pleasure than any other aotioti ever taken in liis behalf. Just a short time before bis untimely death he was notlfie.t that the controversy over the nam- ing of a weak in his honor had been willed for all time to come, and that the peak finally selected, in spue c- Ihosa who started the controversy Jor Jealous reasons, was the most spectacular peak in tlte entire port boundary. Few were able to understand hi.' attitude toward motley, and ths following quotation taken from a very brief autobiography prepared by himself at the mitiest of the Nortn Carolina Library Commission, Is e '.cry clear explanation cf what seem- t-d to matiy to be very oueer; "Out southern Highlanders is sketchy fragmentary, of course. So Is this act-cunt of my life. For instance, ; have said nothing about how much money I have made, and lost. But can you not guess how much I care ior menev. beyond what Is needed i"cr books and wins and fishing tackle? My first- fortune, remembe; was imaginary, and the second Was counterfeit. "O Oruj! what art thou good for?* Yes: and much has been left out, too. The best stories ar- those that are never told." mineral rit*s were held for Kephart- Easter Sunday afternoon In the j enter school this year to the school j*'00*1- Ibuilding that day. The P, T. A. will! 8s*>--Muac a lunch for the children/ 8:4'—• Announcement* and »> ' t will. Wi The P, T. A. will furnish a lunch for the children. Mrs. Tom Ferguson will donate the miik- Miss Shore told that 07 chii dreti wcm beln-t re-taught in ■ th first grade and explained why chiefly from lack of attendant) at said rock wall intersects ths line of; the street and rune a southwest di« j reetion with said wall 180 feet to a stake, the northwest corner of the Cohley lot; thence a southerly di-j rection with the Cenley line and thee Cooper line 67 feet to a stake in the isaid line; thence an easterly diree-1 ,„..,'tion 160 feet, more or less, parallel! .with the first line of this lot, to a! I stake in the street line; thenes a n>6 that every Sunday school j northerly direction 87 feet to the i i„iofficer and teacher and every pastor BEGINNING. in the county can b* present at thii | This 7th day of March, convention. 1831, Physical defect*, Mildred Eller saru-r a sjIc, "Mother Bids Me Bind Uv Hah." Voting by secret ballot. Mrs. A. 3, Franklin, Jr., was elected president: Mrs, Herbert Church, vice presidents Mrs. Charles Carroll, secretary, and Mrs. Garfield Pentad, re-elected treasurer. Guests of the association were Mrs. Margery Walker Frlel, wesern dis- V. A. BROWNING, Supt, _—, ,m . The jano Wiggins Wesley Ctesz of tho Bryson City M. E. Church. South, held its monthly meeting April 7, at ths home of Mrs. Ora Dotigaerty. Thirteen member; were preeeat. lit; meethn was oeenesfl by the presk ent, Mrs. Ora Dougherty, read May I E.M, S, W, BLACK, Trustee. I he 23rd P-aim. followed ftepert of the Condition of THK BRYSON CITY BANK at Bryson City, North Carolina t«! the Corporation Commission, at the! close of business of the 25th day ei' of March, 1931. i RESOURCES: Leans and discounts $!72.400.&<s Banking House 10,208,71 trlct prudent, a_ former teacher in;plW6i. bv Mw. A R, u-,nt. Minute. t *-r vious meetiit* were read by ta the school, who brought a messa on the requirements for a standard or superior association. At present there is one standard and one superior at Asheville and Canton respectively. Miss Pearls Weaver, field worker sec.e.ary, Mrs. II, E, Church, Tlw class had made during the mcsri.t 85 vlstis to the stek and stranger::, and riven 11 calions o! soup .'or school children, 22 trays cf food, b baskets cf fruit. 12 bouqnetj .'or the National Red Cross. SPokoiand llot{ed „tou and 55.00 m c!otfi. for a few moments urgin-j propel !rig. a report was made by th: food, adjusting of physical defects, Itrgasujsr. whenevr possible in the children. .' it was motioned and seconded to Mrs. Calhoun asked for racks and;ho!rt the Ngu!iif class meetines ca tw Furniture and Fixtures „ 2311.1: Cash in Vault and Amounts 1 Duo from Approved Bepos- I itory Banks ... 27.osO.44 Checks for Clearing and Transit Items 108.70 catft items titans held over 24 hours) 30.00 Other real estate -— 29.831.«? Liquidating agt. Cent, Bank & Trust Co 156.57 $243,026.8' TOTAL LIABILITIES: Capital Stock paid m Surplus Fund Undivided Profits (net amount) — built by boys of the school supervised ^'of"the "Sesday"i^"tte"totigg2rV*^t&"t"to oy Mrs. Calhoun, Mrs. Vassal Wll- SuaSay. \ oMeuTf.^J! .1 . 5l.I77.6i Hams and C. F. Carroll. Soup will; TiK, netting was then turned over■ Unsecured $3,413.88 .... 5,413.93 be furnished through April to the 110 tj,e programme committee. MK j Certified checks outetand- |undernourished children by members, 0ra uoagherty won the prize for ^\ti^^UB^xlU'ilifaaSii iof the association as has been done mw&v contMt, A duet by kisses) tdue on or after 30 days) 112.93S.91 12.000.0fi 393.48 2,600,00 ■it- -t-^fa-p--n--tlTii«iW»»!<Wr>iiB«fjwWM CASH and Marry! VV« wi$hi $$ farther cr<d nty. "ii jfae ere e 'thofge if oddt^t you'd b&ttef «crf tntnttyV' Sorely fasti ins>d*ftus hobii »l <Je^e'rtnjj poymefir«^ poyiVt-g t^awd* hi wheal yoo ^ny other <#)« rewsfiv Siil! th&e is soras «fl«s« tet /■^joking. Today ihe/e i* ht tew "^hargJrty •-*" fe^i (here wos o h* yeori ego, Tcidcy hiit Qfti Mjkio tws^ainfi i»Wnr!yf over the monthly bill U&en **.-* gr«er"s & byfcher'j, Th« reawn far thij jolotofy sKrfe of cfEoirj it ihUi hihion* fy'&j&ihave(hong&d. it ys^d re be imaft id te slupid. Now li't u*r&t (^ ba mf«ing«nt. l.\fr tVshionab!* twemon at today h e keen, shrewd byysr, i'ie :vp driv* 05 gc$d o bofgotfi m bt/yirtg §r©«eries OS hW ^vSfc■fer. 4 icA itt bvyt^^t *e<vf*f»es, She tmt her household <*!'• ■« &$■&.$&$& <oj^ basis. Nirt« Qui of »en tHR*i~ih& tt an f*V (or it &A $f r,E Greoi ATLANTIC & PACIFIC Tea Co. ♦♦♦♦♦♦« »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦* 26.0C since January, auditorium cf the hMt school build-1 . A rlsl»s vote, •vas, 8iven. the Dorothy Jones and Ora Lee Dougher-; Bills payable re"lty v.'as areatly enjoyed by all. The- 28,473.25 mn Consultation Free COMING inp. "Hundred rfW^'^7« j^f °^ ^t^LSItd'otl^ lontek "**'"" * ^ A (««< "^> Carolina-lfouf/rf' them from distent suites, were there ,1IJ , tx-°»e£l °y thf assedbjatm, m. Mfssw. Swain. thanking them for then- ceaseless ef-! A delicious salad «utu m »-.pved! Wreck Sunday Night to pay their final respects and hear the $plendld wibute paid to this woi)- iterfut little man by Dr. J. T. Gillespie, cf the Bryson City Presbyterian church. Dr. cullesple seas assisted by Dr. R, L. Creal, pastor of the Bryson City Baptist Church, and ftev. O. J, Jones, pastor cf the Bryson City Methodist, church. Mb:.- Daisy Franklin, of Bryson City, anlj Miss Mary Coleman, violinist, or j Mr. Deck Nelson, a young man of Asrhoville, furnished the only nmsle Andrews, met his death here Sunday during the services. | night when the car he was drivin'-, Mrs. Laura Kephart, of Norfolk | toward Bryson Citv plunged ovar ati Vs., wife of the deceased; his tw-iembankment while making a curve roi», Leonard, of Washington, D. C : j at a hl?h rate cf speed. Tlte accl- a»d aeorge. of Netv York City; otr.'i lent occurred abotjt 9:30 o'clock i;? tjaushter, Mrs, Fereno, of Ithae, K |the night near the home of M, L It., and one "randson came here foriDeHart. the funeral. j It .'coked as tho Mr. Nelson hai His last remains were placed i!!|l]ee!) thrown from the ear as It his the Bryson City Cemetery, where the read on ths lower side, in the , A delicious salad course was served I J. Itcbert Long, cashier; S. \V. Irorts in behalf of the school, t^y tj-P hostess Next meetlo-x to ijn' Black, director, and J. E. Coburn, di- ! Refreshments were served by theih;w with Urs Herbert-Gibson Mayj^rJ*JS&J'T&Jir^J^ hospitality committee, 6 SSfi5???SinLf9,pS^!? bem m£ ... :"■ thw-day, and, bc!n» duly sworn, estn *0t' Ifor himself, says that the forgoing v_ .t,t i i^'it j r y-i ' * i ''cpe-rt is true to the best ef bis lOllth Is Killed In Cai*' knov»Jed«e wid belief, / »-»//^>«-«f» st**A Sworn to and subscribed before LiiilWlh ClilCl !Mft this the »Ui day of April, 193.'.. Mildred Beck Fisher. Notary Public My commission expires June 25, 1932 J, ROBERT LONG, Cashier S. W, BLACK, Director J. E. COBURN, Director Telegrams (Continued from page 2) !, bat for Ken I had the love for ;lose friend. Never can I rernembei Keiiort of the Condition ef THE CITIZENS BANK at Bryson City, North Carolina to the Corporation Commission at close hen the death of any other than »! cf business on the 25th day of March itive has come so close to me, i RESOURCES Leans and discounts Overdrafts the (eraiute bt.fder which will marf:JPatil- the ear was turning, ills trl-flV^ ef,n t,*. w,^. #-../..., *uA ...... I mttSf. h: The cat ta the next day or so, when I can collect my thcttfhts, I'll write asaltt t cei-«jlnty appreciate, your thought- fillnessi in calliwt me last hijht, and ffun r. that. T An „*». t* 1„.T- .- §130,031.63 None Battklng House ig.S70.00 Furniture and fixtures .. 2.4'79.0t) Cash i« Vault and Amounts DR. N. D. WELLS REGISTEUED OPTOMETRIST EVE SIGHT SPECIALIST FRIDAY and SATURDAY, APRIL 10 and 11 BRYSON CITY DRUG CO. iiiimiiww—iwim riTWmiMi 11 ii■■irwirwrr*~^"*"*~" POULTRY PRICES Poultry car will be in Bryson City Wednesday and Thursday morning, APRIL 15 and 16. Heavy hens - .---• 17c Light hens - lac Winter chickens 15c Broilers under 2 lbs 30c Cox • 7c Ducks l«c

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).

  • This article is a memorial to Horace Kephart (1862-1931), a noted naturalist, woodsman, journalist, and author. In 1904, he left his work as a librarian in St. Louis and permanently moved to western North Carolina. His popular book, “Camping and Woodcraft” was first published 1906; the 1916/1917 edition is considered a standard manual for campers after almost a century of use. Living and working in a cabin on Hazel Creek in Swain County, Kephart began to document life in the Great Smoky Mountains, producing “Our Southern Highlanders” in 1913. Throughout his life, Kephart wrote many articles supporting the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.