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Western Carolina University (21) View all

Hardwood Bark, 1925

items 13 of 23 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-6538.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • commencement exercises at Concord College, Athens, W. Va. Ritter Lodge of I. O. O. F. gave a picnic in the grove near the church on Sunday afternoon, June 7th. There was a good attendance and plenty of ice cream, cake and lemonade. All enjoyed a fine time. A fine boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Browning on June 5th. He has been named "Thomas Jefferson." Miss Louise Pryor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Pryor Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mosby and son Tommy of Fitzpatrick were the pleasant guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Hartley on Sunday, June 7th. They motored over in their new sport model Jewett Sunday morning and returned in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Winegardner and little daughter, of Fitzpatrick, visited friends here this month. Mr. Butler Stewart and Mr. Carl Tincher of Beaver were Maben visitors recently. Mrs. R. C. Wheeler and children spent several days in Bluefield visiting, her sister, Mrs. J. P. Sutherland. Mr. Chas. Damron and Mr. Lee Hodson were delegates to the State Convention of Epworth League, held at Barboursville, W. Va., during the week of June 7th. Mr. Eddie Pryor left for Mor- gantown, on June 12th where he will matriculate for the summer term of West Virginia University. W. M. Chambers, W. B. Robinson, J. M. Gragg and H. F. Hartley attended Masonic lodge at Mullens recently. Miss Catherine Hartley has returned from a visit with friends in Bluefield and Athens, W. Va. Mr. R. Bernard of R. Bernard & Co., London, England, spent several days with us this month at the mill and in the woods, inspecting some of our fine timber and lumber. Mr. Bernard is one of the Company's good customers and we were delighted to have him with us. He left for Bluefield on the 17th and expressed himself as having been well pleased with his visit here. Mr. E. R. Pryor and daughter Louise left on the 18th for Washington, D. C. After spending a few days visiting relatives in Washington, Harrisburg and Philadelphia, they expect to go to Boston, Mass., where Miss Louise will take treatment under the direction of a specialist. On the return trip they expect to spend a few days in New York City, where Mr. Pryor will visit the Ritter Flooring Corporation as well as some of the apartment houses in that city where our flooring is used. Dr. F. L. Banks has returned from a visit to Richmond, Va., accompanied by Mrs. Banks and the children who will spend the summer at Maben. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Morris and little daughter arrived here from Florida on the 17th, ■ Mr. Morris having accepted a position as band saw filer at the Maben mill. Mr. Morris previously filed at McClure and Fitzpatrick and has already demonstrated his ability as a filer. We are glad to have him and his family with us. Mr. B. M. Weaver of Beaver was a Sunday visitor here recently. The Community building is being greatly improved in appearance by a new coat of paint. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hall on Monday June 22nd, a fine baby girl. Mrs. Gardner and daughter Jim- mie of Roanoke, Va., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Hall a few days this month. Mrs. C. H. Jones and daughter Charlotte of Butler, Tenn., visited friends here recently. Ted Robinette, Harold Pryor and Clifford Hartley left for the Citizens' Military Training Camp, Knox, Ky., June 29th. Mr. Ralph Williams, who has been attending school at Jefferson, N. C, is home for his summer vacation. Mr. Russell Gwinn has returned from Athens, W. Va., where he attended Concord College the past year. Slick—"How do you get so many girls?" Slicker—"Oh, I just sprinkle a little gasoline on my handkerchief."—Punch Bowl. Hazel Creek Mrs. E. B. McCollum and family arrived at Proctor the last week of May and are staying at the Club House. Mrs. John Burger and John, Jr., left Proctor June 27th for Georgia and other states, where they will visit their family and friends during the summer. Left to right—Harry Hartley, Jr., Louise Nuckols, Elizabeth Orton, Sammy NuckoU and Virginia Orton Thirteen

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).