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Handbook/ 1931/ Smoky Mountains Hiking Club

items 47 of 68 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-9833.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • September 26 and 27 ANNUAL BANQUET AND ELECTION OF OFFICERS AT MONTVALE AND HIKE TO LOOK ROCK Of all the social functions of the Hiking Club, this dinner in the autumn at Montvale is the most important. Here we listen to plans for the coming year and a review of the things the club has been trying to accomplish. We see all our friends of many a well-remembered trip, even those mythical chaps who founded our club seven years ago but who rarely hike with us. We shall enjoy Mrs. Pflanze's excellent dinner and mingle afterwards around the pleasant open fires of the rambling old hotel. Many of us will want to stay over night and climb the three easy miles to Look Rock in the morning. This point is on top of Chilhowee Ridge back of Montvale and commands a splendid view. We look across Happy Valley to the south and see Gregory's Bald and Thunderhead. Off to the north lie the valleys of East Tennessee. If you go down the mountainside a short distance to the south, you will sec LeConte in the distance to the east. Leave Saunders System on Saturday at 5:30 P. M. for the dinner, or1 8:30 A. M. Sunday if you can only go for the hike. Leaders: PARKE BROWN (3-2966) and MARGARET BROOME (3-7610). October 10 and 11 COLD SPRINGS KNOB FROM GREENEVILLE Cold Springs Knob is that part of the southern range known as Bald Mountain, located on the Tennessee-North Carolina state-line between the Iron and Stone Mountains to the north and the Unakas and the Great Smokies in the southwest. This mountain is seventy miles directly east °f Knoxville in an airline and fifteen miles southeast of Cireeneville. It is more commonly known in the surround- lng territory as Cold Springs Mountain, so named from fhe abundant supply of pure spring water to be found on its summit. 47

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).