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Handbook/ 1931/ Smoky Mountains Hiking Club

items 33 of 68 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-9819.jpg

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  • for the 5-mile radius. Thus, Mt. LeConte is established as eastern America's tallest peak. Go with us on this trip and you will see that Mt. LeConte is, as Robert Lindsay Mason said, the "grandstand of the Smokies," or, as some one else said: "LeConte stands off (in Tennessee from the state-line range) like a captain standing off commanding his line of troops." From Myrtle Point we can see, and make mental trips along, the state-line from Mt. Guyot southwestward over Mt. Lumadaha, Mt. Alexander. Newfound Gap, Mt. Mingus, Indian Gap, Mt. Collins, Clingman's Dome, Siler's Bald, Thunderhead and Gregory's Bald, Nearer, and just under us, is that rugged and little explored Huggins Hell. Just across the gorge, now traversed by a modern state highway, we see the piercing Chimney Tops — though they appear quite tame and meek from this distance. There are few, if any, steeper streams in eastern America than the dashing, splashing Roaring Fork Creek, which we are to descend after brealcfast. It is just one long, continuous cascade, punctuated by no less than seven spectacular falls, ranging from 30 to 100 feet in height. Less than 100 people have ever trod the moss-carpeted banks and the boulder-strewn bed of this wilderness stream. Aside from the numerous falls and cataracts, there are other attractions along this return route. For instance, there is a towering bluff, off to the side of the trail, in which there is a Great Northern Raven's nest. Below this we re-enter the giant forests and soon reach the "Brushy •fail, and follow it through Spruce Flats and across the base of Rocky Spur to our cars at Cherokee Orchard. It is estimated as being about seven miles from LeConte Lodge down the creek and across to Cherokee Orchard. This, with the 4-mile ascent and the two miles traveled on top going to and from the outlook points, g'ves a total hike of 13 miles. Tired! Yes, of course. But what a rare privilege to nave such bits of virgin wilderness saved for the enjoyment and inspiration of those who like, for a day or two, t0 get away from the noise and smoke of cities! Leave Saunders System promptly at 12:30 P. M. Saturday. Take food for three meals and a candle 33

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).