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Western Carolinian Volume 88 (87) Number 01 (04)

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  • > May 09, 2018 * Lead singer of the Plain White Ts, Tom Higgenson Rachel Rae Hanes Staff Writer On April 13, the hit band Plain White Ts, performed a free concert at Western Carolina University courtesy of The Department of Campus Activities for Student Appreciation week. The concert was conducted outside in the Central Plaza (Catafount) for all students to attend. The entire Catafount areawas filled with students danc- ing, lounging in enos and enjoying the energetic rhythmic atmosphere of the artists. The opening act fea- tured rising artist Cassidi, who was accompanied by solo drummer, Malcolm Parker. Cassidi is from Upstate New York, and re- cently entered the college concert scene with Parker. Cassidi described Western Carolina as, eu- phoric. I loved the crowds energy. She performed vari- Ous cover songs such as Sorry Ms. Jackson originally performed by hip hop duo Outkast, a masterful remix of Post Malones Fall Apart and Black Bears Do Re Mi. Parker played the drums and keyboard in accompaniment with Cas- sidi to her songs. Cassidi also performed her most popular song All Eyes which is currently still on radio rotation in New York. During her perfor- mance, students were energetic and broke out in a dance battle as described by Cassidi. The battle featured flips, the . dance move the Worm and various body contor- tionist tricks. Parker, the musical art- ist accompanying Cassidi, has played the drums on and off for 23 years. Dur- ing his off-times with play- ing the drums, he learned " how to play the organ and keyboard, and practiced these instruments in- terchangeably. He has accompanied other artists in New York and travelled before. However, this was his first time performing with Cassidi. As dusk settled in West- ern Carolina, the stage was emptied and lit with blue lights. After a sus- penseful wait, the Plain White Ts entered the stage, greeted the crowd and rocked the stage. The group performed many of their classic hit songs including Hey There Delilah and Rhythm of Love as well as new songs such as Your Body. The Plain White Ts also announced the de- but of their new album to be released in the summer of 2018. The band consists of Tom Higgenson on vocals and guitar, Tim G. Lopez also on backing vocals and guitar, Dave Tirio on guitar, Mike Retendo on bass guitar and backing vocals and DeMar Ham- ilton on the drums. After resigning with the record company Fearless Records, the band plans to reenter the rock music scene. The Plain White Ts have not released new music since 2015, with the release of American Nights. The Plain White Ts have made music since 1997 and have released a total of seven full length studio albums. The album Every Second Counts of 2006 became certified gold, while the single ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT Hey There Delilah of that album went on to receive two Grammy - nominations. The band has been slightly dormant for the past few years, only releasing albums about every three to five years. The crowd eagerly sang along with the group and even began chanting the Catamount chant, Purple and Gold. The Plain White Ts also joined and led the chant, while changing the words to Plain White Gold. Lead singer Tom Higgenson vied The crowd knew every word to the songs and enthusiastically screamed, sang and danced during the concert. The Plain White Ts even performed an encore of Hey There Delilah, one of their number one songs. Nick Fentem, a fresh- man in the crowd stated, My favorite part was when they finally played Hey There Delilah at the end. : At the finale of the performance, a few of the guitarists threw their guitar picks to the crowd. Cynthia Chavez, a junior at Western Carolina majoring in pre-nursing, was among the lucky few to catch one. She dove on top of it while other screaming members of the audience lunged to catch it. Chavez remarked, It was my first concert and I really liked it. I loved the energy they gave. After the concert, the band quickly exited the The Western Carolinian Plain White T's serenade students to kick off Student Week Photo by Gabraela Witter/STAFF stage and left to continue their college tour. Their next stop was Eastern Carolina University. To purchase merchandise, follow their tour or fol- low the band, visit www. or follow their social media @plain- whitets on Instagram and twitter. Cassidis music is available on all digital retailers, including Spotify and iTunes. Her social media can be found under the name @TheCassidi. Photo by Gabraella Witter/STAFF

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