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Guide to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park

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  • FLOWERING SEASONS The following list of the better known flowering plants that may be seen in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park has been compiled by Professor H. M. Jennison, of the botany department, University of Tennessee, from the University's compilation of more than 1,500 kinds of flowering plants that are to be found in the Park area: JANUARY (see December): Winterf;re,n Plants: Pines, Balsam or Southern Balsam Fir, Spruce, Hemlock, Fetter-bush (Dog Hobble or Leucothoe), Rhododendrons, Mountain Laurel, Teaberry, Partridge Berry, Green- briers. FEBRUARY: Red Maple, Soft Maple, Elms, Willows, Alders, Bluets, certain Violets— sometimes. MARCH: Hepatica, Pepper- root, Spice-bush, Phlox, Twin- leaf, Violets, Wood-sorrel, Wind- flower, Blood-root, Trout Lily. APRIL: Violets (several kinds), Bluets, Trailing-arbutus, Wild-cherry, Virginia Bluebell, Wikl-mustard, Iron-wood, Dogwood, Phloxes (also summer and •'all I. 1; nh, Red-bud, Service tree, Spring Beauty (also May), Pink Azalea or Pinxter Flower (not Honeysuckle), Golden Ragwort (also May and June), Meadow Rue (also March and May). MAY: Flame Azalea (also Jane), Smooth White Azalea, ■'is. Bleeding Heart (also April and June), Hobble Bush (Viburnum) (also April and June), Tulip Poplar (also late April and early June), Mountain Laurel (also June and July), Yellow- eyed grass, Silverbell, Wild Crab, Hawthorne, Trillium (seveial kinds) (also April and June), Blue Sage, Southern Black Haw (also June), Jack-in-the-pulpit (also June and July), Buckeye Tree, Dog-hobble (Leucothoe) (also June and July), Cucumber Tree, Sweet Shruh (also June and July), Squirrel Corn (also in April), Dutchman's Breeches (also in April), Wild Columbine (also June), Wild Geranium (also April and June), Lady's Slippers and other wild orchids. JUNE: Great Laurel (Rhododendron maximum (also July), Catawba Rhododendron (also May and July), Alleghany Myrtle (also May and July), Magnolia (Frasers), Galax (also May and July), Wild Columbine, Yellowwood Tree, Yellow Ragwort (also May), Wahoo or Spindle Bush, Field Daisy (also July), Spiderwort (also July), Beard Tongue (also July), Queen Anne's Lace (also July), Catalpa 101

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