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Guide to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park

items 90 of 144 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-2778.jpg

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  • and later described in a book some of the rare and remarkable plants be found in these mountains. He described the flame azalea as the "most celebrated species of azalea." Among the most familiar of the plants of the ('.real Smokies are the beautiful rhododendron, which Western North Carolina has made peculiarly its own flower; kalmia, which is sometimes called mountain laurel; azalea, dogwood, wild honeysuckle, sand myrtle, bluets, wild violet, and the wild rose. In the damp quiet of the thick balsam and spruce woods, in the higher altitudes, is found the flora of the great north woods, including clintonia, bellwort, the familiar violet, wood sorrells, gentians, veronicas, flowering haws, and mountain ash. There one finds blackberries without thorns and the Catawba rhododendron growing into small trees. There are two rather well-known azaleas in the mountains, one white, which is the Fragrant Azalea, and the second which ranges in color from»lemon yellow to dark orange. The latter is the famed flame azalea. He who follows the flower trails of the national park will find much to interest and fascinate him. Acres of giant hay- scented ferns, many of them shoulder-high; almost endless beds of galax leaves stretch out at the feet of the wanderer. Mosses and mushrooms, and little wild flowers which are too shy to appear near the haunts of civilization, . . . all bide in the glens and moist, ever-cool shade of this great natural museum. In the deep valleys through which course picturesque rivers tire pawpaws, woodbines, passion flowers, trumpet vines, hibiscus, and a hundred other species. On the southern exposures are redbuds, wild indigo, guerardias, acacias, cone flowers and sunflowers. In the Smokies a flower may, at one time, lie seen in different stages of development and bloom, depending on the altitude at which the particular plants tire found. One may not only examine and become familiar with a great variety of plants, but may learn, at first hand, much about the life 90

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).