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Western Carolina University (20) View all

George Washington Carver to Mrs. Henry Slagle, September 20, 1924, p. 2

items 2 of 4 items
  • wcu_highlights-87.jp2

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • what, you and his Father wished, I bet all of the time that you would see to it that he got off to school. I think of the dear fellow every day and many times per day, and I think through the providence of God what a power for good he is going to be in the world. I love him as I would my own brother if I had one living and hope to keep in touch with him very closely at all times, as I think I can be of service to him from time to time. I am called upon so frequently to inspect mining interests, deposits of various kinds. I have “Dick” in mind when he is free to go as I think it will be excellent training for him. Of course while he is in school I do not want to disturb him. As I am very anxious that he finish. I hope Mr. Slagle is gradually improving, He has my special prayers. I am praying also that God will keep, guide, guard and bless the family alway[s]. Again thanking you for the delicious apples, I am sincerely yours. Geo. W. Carver.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).