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Editorials commenting on the Appalachian National Park movement

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Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • -|7-- Brooklyn, .N. Y,-Citizen: Congress ought to pass the bill introduced in both Houses appropriating $5,000,000 for a forest Reserve in the Southern Appalachian mountain range. The area is limited to two million acres or 3,125 square miles, not much more than one twelve thousandth part of the area of all the states and Territories on the cont inent That the step contemplated by the bill in question ought to be taken, will be conceded by every citizen who reads the report of Secretary of Agriculp- ture wilson. Forest and Stream: Dr. C. P. Ambler. As to the region in question, its fittness for the purpose of a national reserve is unquestioned, Buffalo, N. Y.-Commercial: The United States Government has gone into the forestry business on an extensive scale, and it is believed that the futxire returns will more than jiistify the liberal policy ad-pt- ed in this respect. Pittsburg, Ra.-Cora'l Gazette: Such a forest reservation ought toprove a good investment of national money. Cnarleston, S. C.-News <fc Courier: It is a region of exceptional beauty and picturesqness and by far the greater portion of its area would be easily reached and climatically pleasant throughout the year, Terre Haute, Ind.-Gazette: It is one of the wildest, most primitive and pictiiresque parts of the world amd the forests of timber are denser than any that can be found east of the Rocky mountains, Harrisburg, Pa.-Telegraph: This country is gradually waking tip to the destruction of its timber and the Secretary of Agriculture does wisely when he advocates forest preservation and forest reservation. Daily Herald, Spartanburg, S. C. ^e do not believe that any matter was ever more intelligently and efficiently presented to Congress that this Park project. It seems to be in excellent shape with every prospect of speedily passing. American Field, New York City: New YorK city: The American "Field urges every public spirited citizen of

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).