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Editorials commenting on the Appalachian National Park movement

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  • -r. -45- Secretary of Agricvilture to defray the expense of an investigation into the forest conditions of the Southern Appalachian Mountain region of Western North Carolina and adjacent States, in order to determine their availability for park purposes. Dr. W. Preston Hill, The Taxpayer, St. Louis, Mo; We are heartily in favor of this movement, and we are sure that it has the endorsement of the great mass of the people of the country Increase the number of great national parks. The people demand it. Newport, R. I.- News: To all lovers of nature the primitive condition of this region appeals most strongly. Port Chester, N. Y.- Journal: A park within twenty-four hours of the great centers of population, which the Appalachian would be, would be a national blessing to many. Philadelphia, Pa.-Public Ledger: The park will be a benefit to forestry and a blessing to the public. Charlotte, N. R.- Observer: The National Park in the Yellowstone region has proved to illustrate the wisdon of preserving these natural beauty spots of the country, and there is no reason to doubt that a similar venture in the South would not prove equally wise. New York, N. Y.-Times: The receipts from the French National forests altogether were about twice their expenses in the last year for which the returns are accessible. The urgency in this case is greater than it was in the case of the Yellowstone Park, when it was laid out. Certainly no American citizen now grudges the expense of that public possession, Montgomery, Ala,-Advertiser: The Appalachian Park will offer many substantial advantages which the Yellowstone lacks, and we hope the matter will not be allowed to rest until all steps are taken and all the laws passed necessary to carry the project to a successful termination. New York, N, Y.-Times: The region selected for this proposed reserve is one of

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).