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Editorial to The Century

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  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-12789.jpg

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  • DR. C. P. AMBLER, ASHEVILLE, N. C. -4. The only opposition which has developed against this movement has been at the hands of a few selfish lumber operators. The majority of the Lumber Corporations however, are in favor of the establishment of such a Park and are rendering the Association e^ery assistance in their power. fhs organization, whose object is to see this Preserve established, secured the passage of a bill by Congress in January 19©©, appropriating five thousnad dollars for a preliminary investigation. The investigation was left in the hands of tha Secretary of Agriculture, This department with the assistance of the Geological Survey, mapped the whole section from Virginia to South Carolina during the summer of 1900, Thier investigation including the forests (with the different varieties cf hard timber), stream measurements, burnt districts, areas under cultivation, etc.,. The ^resident of the United States on January 16th 1901 in a special message to Congress sent the Secretary of Agriculture's report to that body and recommended the same to their favorable consideration. Following this, Senator Pritchard introduced a bill Into the Senate praying for an appropriation of five million dollars. This bill was referred to yjKCommittee on Agriculture and forest Reservations and was favorably reported back by this Committee to the Senate, The above mentioned association hajw also secured legislation in the states of Virginia, N, C, S. C, ©a, and Term, granting a. the Government the right to acquire title and establish such Pcrest /\ Reserve; such title to be secured by the power of eminent domain if necessary. Those interested in this movement feel that ultimately ' I 114- tTTSI ar.t. wi IIV

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).