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Cullowhee Yodel Volume 07 Number 02

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  • THE CULLOWHEE YODEL ©If? (£uU0ml|FP $flfoi of 1 , 1879. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE H. T. Hunter, Chairman ; W. E. Bird ; Alice Benton; Arthur Fincannon; Conley Rogers. STAFF Martha Mayfield (Columbian)....Editor-in-Chief Anna Jean Pli !<:,litor-in-Chief C. H. Allen Business Manager Mary Hope Westbrook Faculty Adviser Ruth Oliver Treasurer Edith Downs (Columbian).- Literary Editor Edna Farmer (Erosophian) Literary Editor Annie Lee Mumlv i <'oWniliiai.) ...Field Editor Fannie Sue 1; I Social Editor- Ethel Ellen (Columbian) Art Editor Ralph Smith (Erosophian) Sports Editor J. M. Plemmons Alumni Editor Jessie Y. Stanley- Contributing Editor Subscription price: One dollar per year; single copy ten cents. The Benefit of Conferences Thirteen representatives from Western Carolina Teachers College attended the State Baptist Student Union Conference held in Greensboro the first three days in November. Two hundred fifty-eight students from some twenty colleges took three days off from their school work and activities in order to attend. The total time spent by these students would have taken more than two years time from the life of an individual student. The question that naturally arises is was the conference worth seven hundred seventy-four days time to the students of North Carolina and particularly was it worth thirty-nine days time to the students of Western Carolina Teachers College. This question will doubtless be answered in the affirmative by any one who heard the report of the local representatives in convocation soon after their return. These students proved conclusively that they not only had received a priceless benefit from the Conference for themselves, but they had something to give to the student body as a whole. Since we are inevitably a part of all that we meet, the influence of the 1929 North Carolina B. S. U. Confev- ence is likely to be felt in Western Carolina Teachers College through the efforts of the thirteen representatives to experience in their individual lives the abundant life, in their eagerness to share with others a full and creative life, in the sharpening of their intellectual abilities for a more complete understanding of the spiritual universe, and in their "greater ecstacy to discover what we had already dreamed, that God and life may be sought and found right in the midst of life." Erosophians Have Weiner Roast A much belated weiner roast was enjoyed by the Erosophian Society Saturday evening, November 9. The much-heralded affair had been postponed twice due to rain. Approximately eighty-five members and guests walked to the Reservoir Hill. Games were played after which a "chuck line" was formed and served with weiners, buns, cheese, pickles, apples, candy, and coffee. After the bounteous supply of food had been consumed, the picnicers lingered around a huge campfire and sang favorite songs. Believe It or Not Less than two weeks, Thanksgiv- Less than four weeks, fall quarter examinations. Less than five weeks, leaving for Christmas holidays. Less than six weeks, hanging up stockings for Santa Claus. Less than seven weeks, back at Cullowhee breaking New Year resolutions. Mrs. Posey chaperoned Miss Benton and Mr. Plemmons to Sylva one afternoon last week. Miss Westbrook hurried to chapel last Tuesday to discover after reaching there that we do not have chapel on Tuesday. Statistics show that women live longer than men. Paint has proved to be such a great preservative. Getting to work on time is a great thing, but it is a still greater thing to work after you get there. Mr. Bird decided to name his little rooster "Robinson" because he crew Mr. Young would not agree to go on the trip to Whiteside until he could arrange to carry a can of soup along with him. Miss Maddux caught some very fastidious folks crumbling crackers in their soup in the dining hall. Miss Westbrook in introducing the students who attended the B. S. U. Conference said she felt like the animal trainer in the circus presenting his performers. Cullowhee Epworth League Organizes The Epworth League of the Cullowhee Methodist church has recently been organized for the coming year. The officers of the league are: President, Conley Rogers; vice president, Ethel Ellen, and secretary-treasurer, Pearl Anderson. The Epworth League meets every Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock in the Methodist church at which time a religious program is carried out. The officers of the league for this year have all done Epworth League work. Mr. Rogers was president of this league during part of the year 1928-29. Misses Ellen and Anderson were active members last year. Yodelers Lose One And Win One Coach J. M. Plemmon's Yodelers lost a hard fought game to the strong Biltmore Junior College team by the score of 29 to 6. This was one of the best football games ever staged in this section. The visitors held the edge on the Yodelers in both size and experience; yet every member of the local team deserves honor for the type of game played. They were the second team to cross the visitors goal line this year. The other team was Weaver College, State champions of last year, who scored one touchdown. On Friday, November 8, the Yodelers defeated Webster 41 to 0. The game was more interesting than the score indicates. The local team used the aerial attach for consistent gains. The Webster team put up a game fight, in spite of the fact that they were outweighed and playing their first game of football. Roy Watson, Webster Coach, was a member of the Yodel team last year and has proved his football ability by the splendid showing his team has made this year. Mr. Brown—"Why don't you answer me?" Guy Sutton—"I did, Mr. Brown, I shook my head." Mr. Brown—"But you don't expect me to hear it rattle up here, do you?" The New Baptist Church All the students, as well as th people of the community, are anxious6 ly watching the building of the new Baptist Church and hoping it will soon be completed. The building itself will add very much to the beauty of the campus, and its influence will spread among thousands as the students graduate and go to the different parts of the country to teach. Nothing else can help in this work more than the church. Religious training is a necessity for students who really mean to be teachers. They are serious-minded and interested, realizing their need for this instruction, and they appreciate everything that is being done towards the building of the church. "What are you thrashing your son "He will get his school report tomorrow, and I must go away tonight." Servant—"The doctor's here, sir." Absent-minded Man—"I can't see lim. Tell him I'm sick." A Friendly Greeting You will find that we have a very complete collection of unusual and distinctive CHRISTMAS CARDS, both personal and non-personal. Make your selection this week before the most popular designs are all sold. A card will convey that friendship and remembrance at Christmas time. The Brown Company Cullowhee, N. C. DON'T WORRY ABOUT THE FUTURE Make it a rule every pay day that you will deposit something to the credit of your savings account with us. That's a rule that has made many men rich. You cannot possibly keep on adding even small amounts to your credit without showing big results. It is astonishing how these steady, regular additions mount up when interest is added to them. IF YOU HAVEN'T AN ACCOUNT WITH US START ONE NOW Jackson County Bank SYLVA, N. C. EXCLUSIVE DEALERS —for— $5 Friendly Five Shoes for College Boys $5 BLUE MOON HOSIERY Guaranteed Against Runs Special Prices for Next 30 Days. COLE STORE Dealers in Curlee Clothes syIva North Carolina

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).