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Cullowhee Yodel Volume 05 Number 10

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  • wcu_publications-372.jp2

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  • Stye (SLnllmxAftt fflM A Neighborly Call from the Hills to Kindred Spirits Everywhere Cullowhee, North Carolina, April 15, 1928 Cullowhee Wins In Group Centre Meet The Cullowhee Group Centre Commencement was held at the Cullowhee Training school Thursday, the 12th, with the following schools participating: East LaPorte, John's Creek, Tuckaseegee, and Cullowhee. There was a large attendance of children from the visiting schools, and the contests proved to be of high quality throughout. There were forty-five activities to be judged, which were distributed as follows: ten literary events, sixteen athletic events, and twenty-one school exhibits. The final decision of the judges showed that Cullowhee won over the other schools by taking first place in six of the literary events, thirteen of the athletic events, an dthe twenty-one school exhibits. The other schools made creditable showings, and are to be congratulated on their achievements. The County Commencement will be held in Sylva April.20th at which time the winners in the Group Centre schools will complete for county Honors. A loving cup is awarded to the county winners each year. Alexander-Porter The many friends of Mr. P. W. Alexander, former director of the Cullowhee Training School, will be interested to read an account of his recent marriage to Miss Catherine Porter of Nashville, Tennessee, which took place Tuesday, March 27th, at the home of the bride. The following clipping was taken from the Nashville Tennessean on the date of March 28th: "Miss Mary Catherine Porter became the bride of Phillip Wade Alexander Tuesday, the wedding ceremony taking place at high-noon at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Porter on Eighteenth avenue, south. The Rev. H. B. Trimble, pastor of McKendree Methodist church, (Continued on page 3) Mrs. Brown Entertains Society at Silver Tea The members of the Woman's Missionary Society with their husbands and several other honor guests were entertained in the home of Prof, and Mrs. Frank H. Brown from 8 to 10 Wednesday evening, April 4th, at a silver tea. Shortly after arrival the guests were invited into the large living room and seated on either side of a long table specially arranged and decorated for the occasion. Mrs. Brown presided and in a very impressive way extended a cordial welcome to those present. She then introduced Mrs. George Hampton, Secretary of the Waynesville District, who briefly set forth the endeavors (Continued on page 3) Landscape Engineer Praises Cullowhee Mr. E. S. Draper, the landscape engineer from Charlotte, recently made a visit to C. S. N. with a view to inspecting the landscape work that is being done on the campus and consulting with authorities about future development of the institution along the line of beautification and the placement of future buildings. Mr. Draper had previously made a complete survey and had drawn up plans as to development with especial reference to the laying out of walks, location of buildings, planting of shrubbery, etc. He seemed to be delighted with the progress that is being made in carrying out his plans. Mr. Draper says that by following an intelligent plan of development the Cullowhee campus can be made one of the most beautiful campuses in America. Alma Jacksoai Lorene ork^ I)e Special Unit of Spring Quarter Opens TWO NEW INSTRUCTORS ADDED TO FACULTY As the proof goes to press a word should be added in regard to the special six weeks unit of the Spring quarter. On the first registration day twenty-seven new students enrolled, and it is expected that at least forty will enter for this special unit. Quite a number of new courses are being offered, and it has been necessary to engage two new instructors for this work. The instructors are Miss Barbara Muellerschoen of Peabody College and Miss Stevenson of the University of South Carolina. The need of this work is felt by the school and we feel happy that we can accomodate those who have just closed their school term or who have just completed high school. We welcome the new students and faculty members to our school and feel that they will soon learn to love it and become adapted to our surroundings. Community Club Entertained by the Primary Children The Community Life Club met Thursday, April 5, and were pleasantly entertained by the Primary Grades (Continued on page 3) Rackets, Baseball Bats, Mallets, and Horseshoes in Vogue at Cullowhee Athletics has an important place in life at Cullowhee. With the coming of spring it is almost impossible (Continued on page 3) Ruth Kirkpatrick Gives Piano Recital On Kiiu'aj evening, March 30, Miss Ruth Kirkpatrick, pupil of Miss Daisy Franklin, gave an interesting and well chosen piano recital. The program included selections from Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, Grieg, Laidow, Debussy, and Nevin. The way in which Miss Kirkpatrick rendered each number did credit to herself and to her instructor. She displayed ability as a musician and showed unusual poise. Her best numbers were: Adagio Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven, To Spring by Grieg, Golliwog's Cake Walk by Debussy, and a two piano number, Venetian Love Song by Nevin-Sutro. To lend variety to the program Miss Alice Morgan, soprano, rendered a group of songs in a very pleasing manner. This is the last graduating recital of the season. This program, together with the one given by Miss Morgan, shows that Miss Franklin is doing very splendid work in the piano department Sunday School Class Enjoys Outing To the tune of rattling tin cups and buckets, thirty members of the Methodist Sunday School Class and their teacher, Miss Graves, started on a picnic Wednesday afternoon. To the tune of jokes, songs, and merry laughter, the picnickers wandered to the pretty hillside of the old reservoir. To the tune of merry crackling fires, sizzling weiners, boiling coffee, and such murmers as—"Gimme a pickle!", "Throw me a roll," etc., they ate weiners, pickles, rolls, coffee, and bananas. And then—to the tune of voices crying—"I've had enough," or "We've had the best time," and "Let's come again," the tired, though merry crowd, started for home again.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).