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Cullowhee Yodel Volume 05 Number 04

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  • THE CULLOWHEE YODEL Campus News The Baptist choir has been reorganized under the direction of Miss Daisy Franklin. Choir practice will be held each Friday at 6:45 P. M. —o— Dr. Wilkes made an interesting talk before the members of the Community Life Club last Thursday. We are sorry to hear that Miss Bernette Pittillo, a student here last summer, was seriously injured in an automobile wreck a few weeks ago. Miss Casey, prominent young teacher of the training school, came back after holidays with a black eye. She says a mule kicked her. But note the Miss Maudine Allen has recently written that she is enjoying the Yodel very much. Miss Allen, former registrar at this school, is employed in a like capacity at Alabama State Normal school, Florer Mrs. Posey and Miss Reams were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allen at dinner Tuesday. Mr. Ammon, formerly of Brevard, arrived here Monday to take the place of Mr. Ed Norton who has been manager of the State Normal farm for the past two years. The Methodist parsonage adjoining the campus is being rapidly constructed. The frozen Tuckaseegee River was a source of pleasure to the students during the last cold weather. Skating was unsafe, however, because of the roughness of the ice. We are glad to know that Louise Brooks and Marion Langley, who have been confined to their homes by illness, are able to meet classes again. The piano class met for its regular recital last Wednesday at 4:00 P. M. A special faculty table was arranged last Monday night in honor of Dr. Minnich, a visitor to the school. Santa Claus was very generous this year. One teacher comes back with a diamond—evidently leap year has borne fruit. Frozen pipes at the Davies Hall kept Mr. Hefner's crew working over time last week. All conveniences have been restored by their work, and the boys have cold water again. Several members of the faculty received Christmas cards from Mr. and Mrs. Frans M. Olbrechts of Mechelen, Belgium. While Mr. and Mrs. Olbrechts were living among the Cherokee Indians last year they made us a most pleasant visit and we shall always be glad to hear from them. They write that they are enjoying The Yodel very much. It is such a pleasure to us to know that our paper can serve them in this way. We should like very much for our friends from Belgium to send us an article for The Yodel. THE OUTLOOK FOR THE CULLOWHEE STATE NORMAL DURING THE YEAR 1928. (Continued from page 1) the high school department was over three times the size of the Normal department as late as the year 1923-24. Another thing expected: A spring senior class of more than 50. This will be double any May senior class in the history of the school. The May and August classes combined should number from 70 to 75. In the way of physical equipment, Cullowhee has available over a quarter of a million dollars, appropriated in 1927, for the expansion and improvement of its physical plant. This money should probably all be expended in 1928. As expressed by the legislature, this sum was to enable the Normal to purchase from Jackson County the present training school building; to purchase the Negro church property near the campus; to purchase some additional needed lands; to erect a new dormitory; to extend the present dining room and kitchen; to equip these new buildings; to install modern laundry machinery; to build a new hydro-electric plant on the Tuckaseegee River; and to improve the campus. Doesn't it thrill you to think of all these new improvements within the near future ? Another thing devoutly hoped for: That Cullowhee State Normal will secure membership in the American Association of Teachers Colleges. An application to be admitted into this nationally-known organization has been made, and notwithstanding the fact that Cullowhee is yet a small institution and lacks much in the way of equipment, we are all strongly hoping that the members of this great organization of teachers colleges will welcome our little mountain institution as a comrade. This should mean much in giving Cullowhee added recognition throughout the country. These are some of the things of which we dream at the threshold of this new year. The accomplishment of at least part of these depends upon Shall we help make our dreams e true? ♦ • [Reduced!! ♦ * X t Mens' Suits and Topcoats ♦ * | Great reductions on all winter suits and top- | coats effective now. X SUITS That were $23.50 29.50 32.50 35.00 Now $18.80 23.60 26.00 28.00 | Now is the time to get that new suit at a | great saving. | The MAN Store I EVERYTHING FOR MEN TO WEAR I | M. BUCHANAN, JR. GARAGE ! Dodge Brothers, Hudson and Essex Cars $ Repairs and Supplies X X The most modern filling station in town. | Look for Buck's Place. X Jokes Reece: Thinking of me, dear? Cora: Was I laughing? I'm sorry. Miss Benton: This typewriter won't Miss Reams: May be a screw loose somewhere. Miss Benton: In me, or the type- Mary Dell: Penland, do you like croquet? Penland: I never ate any. Vance Green (in a restaurant): Waiter, bring me some day and night Edna Green: Mr. Watson, if you want to speak to me, keep your mouth Sylva North Carolina ^.^♦♦♦^•♦^♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦^♦♦♦♦•{•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦^♦♦♦<.^^<.. New Year Resolution Resolved to deposit a reasonable amount of each month's salary in a savings account. Prudent savers make deposits often Interest is Always at Work TUCKASEEGEE BANK SYLVA NORTH CAROLINA Louise: What is the contribution First: Did you ever see a duck of the Middle Ages to modern young duck a duck? people? Second: No, but I've seen a goose Mrs. Posey: Chaperones. goose a goose.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).