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Correspondence between Chase Ambler and Jeter Pritchard

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  • This 1899 correspondence is between Chase P. Ambler (1865-1932) and U. S. Senator Jeter Pritchard (1857-1921). Ambler was a founding member of the Appalachian National Park Association, formed in 1899, for the purpose of promoting the idea of a national park in the eastern U.S. Ambler informs Pritchard of his intention to circulate a petition and hold a mass meeting. Pritchard responds favorably to the idea but was unable to attend the meeting. A copy of the petition is included. Founded in 1899, the association disbanded in 1905.
  • /H DR. CHASE P. AMBLER, ASHEVILLE, N. C. , AUgUSt 19, 1899. lion. Jeter C. Pritchard, Marshall, T. C . Daar Sly:*- ... In pursue: ce of the subject mentioned in our letter of to-day, I woxud bee to say that if this natter meets your approval, and if you would further approve, we are prepared to undertake the obtaining of petitions from well Known public men, vis.—their signatures approving some suefe le%ttry as mailed you to-day. Our idea Is this, to organize here in Asheville an "Association for the Promotion of a Southern National Park" . The aim of the Association to be simply an assistance to you in placing tlie matter before Congress. We would propose to call a mass meeting, at such a date as would be convenient to you, expecting to get 25 ot 30 of the best business men of Asheville and vicinity with us, more if possible, and then to appoint our Con-littles. We would then get out petitions for men in various departments and branches of work. For instance, we already have the Export of some of tlie best known men in the country. Have ane line of the Coirrmittee work the legal fraternity over the South, another the physicians, another tlie residents and visitors in and about Asheville and so on. The expense of Lais would not be great and if in your judgment, such petitions would be of assistance to you, we jrill gladly undertake the are expecting to be in Asheville during the next two weeks, w« vrould like very much to meet you and discuss the matte?1. T?e think we can interest the press ail over the South, and these and

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).