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Correspondence between Chase Ambler and Jeter Pritchard

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  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-12555.jpg

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  • This 1899 correspondence is between Chase P. Ambler (1865-1932) and U. S. Senator Jeter Pritchard (1857-1921). Ambler was a founding member of the Appalachian National Park Association, formed in 1899, for the purpose of promoting the idea of a national park in the eastern U.S. Ambler informs Pritchard of his intention to circulate a petition and hold a mass meeting. Pritchard responds favorably to the idea but was unable to attend the meeting. A copy of the petition is included. Founded in 1899, the association disbanded in 1905.
  • Asheville s 1 To the Hon. '3*«t®r C. Pritchard, Washington, D. C. • Bear Sirs The undersigned having during the past rouglily investigate : ed the feasibility of establishing a National Park in Western North Carolina, and having f after consulting and getting the best legal advice in the country, arrived at the conclusion that such a park can undoubtedly be be established and perfected if properly# presented and Kept before Congress* do, hereby, beg t© present tlie facts to you as they appear, to us,, trusting that you v&ll" recognise the many advantags to. be gained not only for oiu' state a'bcl the Spa'-th but for thS Nation , arid regogniaing such will use your influence toward such an end • In thus calling your attention to the matter it Is not our desire to have our names used and the following facts are set forth not with m& presuming on our part but simply to in some slight w«y assist you in whafc Till, if caxtried out * stand for all tims as a monument to your endeavor and service in the Congressional halls, 1st, The N m*th has in the Yellowstone National Park the greatest public park in tlie World, Hiile it is not generally understood to be SO $$§§§$# Mackinac island, Michigan, is also a national parte, 2nd, The South has no park, conducted on the same principles and aims* as the two cited in the North, and we therefore believe that with tft*' folio wing advantages shown, we are entitled to a National Park in the 3rd, Western North Carolina presents a' country having all the nafui ral pre re qui sites for a great national Park, The region is already » well knovm for its scenery climate and forests and is annually attracting thousands of visitors, even from great distances, 4 th, lumbermen are new securing options and control of immense tracts of primeval forests. The mount ains are being denuded rapidly of forest growth and before long unless some provision is made aud that ® soon, for the preservation of the forests, they will be destroyed, 5th, Game xtxich fo;ir>#rly abounded in this section, is becoming extinct, A national park if* properly conducted couJMI still be easily §&j stocked arid game life preserved, 6th, No be1, tor .vatsr* for trout could be fo-uOA th«b is included in this region. Many of our streams are still well stocked but the max* tain trout is gradually being destroyed , due largely to lumber operation 7th, It is a well known fact that wherever tanneries are located that the ivin ©f the forests and of game is a question of but a short tM A large tannery h as been recently built at A iieville and mother has as t :rabiished at Waynesville and "will be in active "operation in a S time , giving employment to hundreds Gf bark gatherer® , 8th, Of available territory we have abundance, ©specially in the heart if the moun.tains, inraany of the counties ihis'rt 20,000 to 40,000 acre® it* is estimated could be secured at an. average price of one dollar ■ per aiife, 9 th, The scenery compares favorably with any found in the World and when protected , preserved and opened up with good roads 4111 "Le of the greatest interest and attraction to tourists, 10th, The central character of the region gives the project of a So them National Park aJ-tractlveness not only to the peopl® of the state of N°rth Carolina flhA ths/South but to the entire Nation, lithifc 24 hours from New York and within the same length of time from the Gkilf States tlie Park would be calculated to do the greatest good to tag greatest number ,

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).