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Congressional bill for the purchase of a national forest reserve

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  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-11874.jpg

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  • <? -♦* / jRamnry 3, 1901, / Mr. ir era dent: • Tiie Bill mricin'T appropriations for the Department of Agriculture for tiie fiscal year ending June 30th, .1901, provides that a "buti not to exceed five thousand dollars saoy, in trie discretion of %h.*M Secretary of Agriculture, be used to investigate the forest conditions in the southern Appalachian mountain rcpion of western Nertii Carolina and adjacent State*.■ ' In with this proTir-ion, I hare made a thorough investigation of the forest' in a portion of the southern Appalachian mountains, as directed above, including sn octSi-ate of tRe amount and. condition of the standing timber, an inquiry ao to the suitability of this region for a 'national park, as proposed by the Appalachian National Parts Am-oeiation, and an examination of the validity of the reasons advanced by its advocates for the creation of snch a parb. In this task I have received gonejrous and effective cooperation ar&l aBsiet:.iice, through tiie U. S. Geological Survey, from the Department of the Interior, which recognized in this, way the. deep and widely diffused public interest in the plan. The forest Investigation was node to include a study of

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).