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Congressional bill for the purchase of a national forest reserve

items 16 of 28 items
  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-11889.jpg

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • January nineteenth, 1*01, Mr, S. Witkowsky, Charlotte, N, C. My dear Sir:- You probably have noticed from the papers of the past week that the secretary of Agriculture has made his fdrst report in .regard to the investigation of the AfUthern Appalachian mountains as directed by the last session of Congress, Tn this report he recommends the establishment of a forest reserve in the mountainous section and in a letter to the President has gone over the whole subject. V*t have advices from Washington to the effect that the President has also endorsed the report and has sent a communication to the Senate favoring the sane. Our Senators have introduced a bill asking for m appropriation of five millions of dollars for the purchase of lands. fJurtag the past week our Association has had two men in Washington and we expect to send two more in the near future who are to work in the interest of the Park mutter. T will send you a copy of the bill and the letter from the Secretary and President as soon as we have received authentic notice to the effect that they have been signed and presented. This all means that the .">rh now before us has assumed such shape that we have got to gat up and hustle. Our Par*; account has been over-drasm for several months and in order to seat the expense incurred in the Mailing of literature at this time and for the purpose of keeping some ore in Washington, we are once more compelled to solicit funds .and I trust that if you- c>m raise anything in Charlotte that you wil

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).