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Climatic Treatment of Disease: Western North Carolina as a Health Resort

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  • wcu_great_smoky_mtns-13964.jpg

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  • unfortunately, less is known upon this subject than is desired; its antiseptic properties are well recognized, and its influence upon the purity of the atmosphere, if not upon the individual, is undoubted. Ozone owes its great influence to its powerful oxidizing qualities. The compounds of ammonia, phosphorus and sulphur are acted upon with great rapidity, and the odors resulting from animal decomposition are removed almost instantly. It is probably destructive to all the minute vegetable organisms, when in active development, but its effect in destroying the vitality of their spores has not yet been ascertained. This has its direct bearing upon the question of climate, since it has been pretty well determined that all the varieties of pathogenic microbes not only do not thrive, but fail to live, except within a narrow range of conditions. Pasteur has. based his problem of protection from disease by the inoculation of attenuated virus of repeated cultures, upon the belief that these morbific bacteria have lost their specific effects in the presence of free oxygen—that is, these growths are anrerobic. The experiments of Ogston and Cheyne do not, however, confirm this supposition. In a series of cultures of the vaccine coccus, conducted with great care, the cocci bred true and cultivated readily, but the vaccinations which I made from the cultures were entirely without effect. A few degrees in temperature will often be sufficient to retard or destroy the development of the bacterial reproduction. Based upon the belief that an aseptic atmosphere is of the first importance in the selection of a climate for the benefit of sufferers from a certain class of diseases, examinations of the atmosphere have been carefully made to demonstrate its purity. Miguel and Freudenreich found that microphytes were rare at 800 metres, and absolutely wanting at 2,000 metres above the sea level. For physical reasons, high altitudes .have been believed to be beneficial in early phthisis, and, influenced by the later demonstrations

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).