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Cataloochee tract 231: W. G. B. Messer

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  • W.ti.B.ME.SSER .THAcr.s @Ja98.23Ac.fjj)a43.38Ac. @=.f2.116Ac. {fj)•/48.8S ,4~,.. . TorA~· 34.3 . .:12Ac~~~-N£r S C A~£ /"• ZO CHA/NS @@@@) SVHY£Y o;/!116 8YW. N.~I.OAN NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF TITLE of Lands of · ............................. w.,..G.-B..----M&s ... :r-....................................................................................................................................... . ............................................................................................ Township .................. Bapo-04........................................... County. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DESCRIPTION Tract ( 251) NOJB s 411 hemr1np in thie tte•or1ptlon were tuftle4 from tbeo true tte1"1dien nn4 al l 41otqeee are eapfte­ee4 in oha1ne o·f 66 fett. BEG.Im:ms et Oo?n.u· l, a planted at one n•ar a srr.all st ~CU!lla 1 G eonuu~ of tbct Vl .B • .Bennett traet ( tH). s•t a , .., louet pos~t eor1be4 ' . B • .a. eorn•r a. J. lOl' ple blalted mA sort bed tJ. T.w .. a.-m. t}ome!l 2 ~otre ~ .89 ...00 w •• so oba1n 41 ot&nt. 1'benco lip the bnnoh e.-e& CoJ>flel' 2 • a polnt at a apr1ng bee4 . 'l'henoe • s. 86-SO 1. v. e·t Oomet 8, tl .lG u woter atilt • u t b come~ ID8l"ks, blaae4 eL.-i acd.'bed ~ . M . T . 2 Cor .. 1. A lOi'' obestn'tlt oalt blaae4 aM. ecrtbe4 .a. r.w .u. w ~£ cot 1, bean s. N-JO B •• 4e ellatn 41ct$1lt. Cornell' '• M 8" bite oak Ytitb ~ornel' aaarta, blaae4 ar4 eor1be4 Vl . 'Fl, 'l'.:£ eor. J. A 12" obea'lnut bl azed ·am or1b.t li . :t~ .w . M. rr-2 cor. 2, beat'e lt. 68.00 w • • t~ obe-.111 dt.atant. :fbenoe N. 48-48 -w • Cornel' e. a 10" biokoq w1tb corner marke blaae4 eel 8C>t1b" ·Vt .u. f · 2 Core !. A 2.&fJ eb•stnut bl eea ad eor1be4 :a.r .• w.s.T ... ! cozo.e, beat"e § . 86-00 ll •• 26 ebn1n 41o·tm-nt . Tbenoe b . ~l-49 W • Shut A . ·, Oo~ner G, a pJillnt et 1nta;r•ot J,oa ot facoe lJ.JIIIe • torD•r 1 of the J.t.Ji. Bell t raot (lit). l et • 6" obtemat poat l n • raotuKI of, eoru-.& ••• • Cor. 1. · A 6" tfb1 te oe.t bla••4 enl ~aorl'b-' D. ~. a. B. Cor. 1, 'bN1'8 J . !4-00 a •• £8 obaJ.n 4latent ,. tnot C t tt), ~btna.. •ith tb• a. ~ .B&U tr. at...ot • · A eQIJ.l etreA f lowa !lO~tbeaat. Ooftlttl' ! , fJ. at _1ntei'MO t 1cm of f•noe liaea, oorn•• 2 ttf 1be lt. %l . Jta11 traot ( 289). l e1 • a~ post sc~1 b e4 w .B. T-2 cor •• A 10" blMk .oat 1>lai•4 t.n'll •ori be• B. f .Y~ .ll.'l•l Co•• •• ·bean :u. t .. oo E. 1.66 oba1n 4J.etant. i b4tno• • I . !1..()1 a. 1.11 conn a. a ,out 1n Mpl.e at_, hole,. AOTr:ll •• oomes- bf_ w.o.». ••~ .. r. oor•r 8 of _ tfle. a.:o.Ball tr•ot (219) ani a ooaa.:j' Gt ''' w.G.-s,. 1}••••1' ,.._., Utll•O) Set a poet in • meeD\ of at oDel Qrll>t4 \1 .II.T•I c.or. e. A t• eool'tfoo4 bla .. 4 en4 aor1be4 J.T· • •••f ·2 Co;r. _1, beas-e a. 6'40 1 . elf cb.atn 41etant. !•, le&'YI.DC \he U. tt. Bell traot ( 289) • up a ~14p • 1tb tta meen4•r• • · · ••t' .A .toint s. 82-8, • • e. aa-1.1 w. s. ~11 1 • ..a. 502 "'"-. 1.61 1.8, •.•,o 1.01 1.81 &.11 • 1.00 61.28 A Potat s. ".OS •• A J01D\ s. SS.21 • • A Pobt s. eo4t •• A Poln\ s. tl-1.2 •• A J01:nt e. 6!-l, •• A Ped.nt s. '1-81 •• Corntr t, a pOint on to9 of &aat litotlll,ala, be\weea ~o I" •o.,.oo4s1 abowa e·a oorne_. b7 w.G.-J. *•M:r1 be1111 a ~Ol'DAtl' o% tbe Georp Jedlet\ tratt (811). An 18'* obeetma\ oak ble.1et lhl4 eo 1bel B.T.t.B. Col'~ 1. beare l.!fl.OO a •• 11 .obldn 4lllltmt. fbenoe • leaY1na thO rills• aJil w1·tb tbe Gto•P ' traot. a. 68-N 1 • .A -.11 ttree tloea nortbeaat • coaor 10, a plonto4 a~ont l\t oomel" of fenn, A oorner ot tbe Gec.r .. Bennett tN.ot (112) • ani of the w.a. :S-tm1ett tftot (tap).. · e•t a •" obeatntlt poot aot"l'bd t .n • .a. co•• 1 .• A t" blaok oc-. bl,..ea am t~eh'· tb.t a.:r.w.n.:s. co•• e. b•a!"l .1 . 1240 "• .~t ob•ta 4leteut. f b&noo t leav1ns tbe o.o,. Bel• nett treOi (e~t) 1141b tho l'f . J. traot (Ill}, t\. 6'14'9 B:t t he pleoe o:f B! Gllml.IG, oontt;i.bltng 98.sZ .&or••• 503 a.u ze.oo !fttO DIIO :11J'll0fi or 'lUI BOUIDABt Of !HI w.e.s. ~BD f tuct CUi·a) 111.Q l ~l. DO. at oo..-..r_1 , a pol. a· .t on \of· •t . ID· IJk· B14p. a oomu of ttt• :. •• BaJ'pea '\raot . SH). '•" • ..,, ~~apl• poet • ecu1.be4 J .w.:s. -oor e. A a• b10bi7 bleae4 aHI fiJ(trJ.'be4 ~. ~.J.w .a. Cor. 8, beue •• 69.00 •• .sa cba1D. 41etant.. 'it'MltO. • 4ou the 1'141• 1t~i 'h 1 ta •• ll.o& -1. Ootmt:r 1. a oltaater ot· fou tt114 obel'~1•-• lbOYiD •• oome.- br w.o,J. •••:r• • oonwl' of tbe w.B. Bennet;\ tract ( 181) • A 11" wbS.l4 oUI'Q' blestl ant I01'1bd fi••• Oor. 4, flMtnoe J. lea'V1n8 th• rt4a-, w1ta1 tbe ~.B. Bennett \ftOt ( !U s. n .. oa a. Cornel' S.. a IG" 4•4 ouetnut ahwn ae oone• b7 w. B. n.nnett, eor1"a w.K. Cor. 1, beas oor. 8 of the w.». Demett troot (Ill). f t.teno• s. 7...34 \' . Corttel' t,. • point at 1nt•rl.'l4Jot1on o·f fenoe llnee, ahowa ae oorneJ' bf I. B. Btmett. Set u post lr.1 &aotmd ot stone•. M'r1'bel l'l .Jt. Oor. 6 • t '• B. IS~Z a. Small stre-e fletw1nt uol'ttaeeat. corn•• e • a !0" obeatnot •t·tll oomer ana. A oom.l' of •tl• w. B • .Benaett trat~t (ell) • 50.1 a. et...eJ •• 8cuoJaiawe• •6• .• • U.loot •llllilp • aboe •• o•nMta- b7 w. 1. aotner of tb• t .J. Bupaa tnot tiM). s•• e •• pon eortb•i w •. J.LCol'• •· j 84.11 UtalOR blaa~ &Ill Ml"lbt4 Btft.Jai•B• COI't '• btQI s.e.oo w. .ee obeJ.n at•'•'• TN I!M •t th u agHt4 •pon lW bt\wee .S.r,..• pt. Be"$161- J . 61-U • • 1.10 A ••11 etJ'eiUI flo"1ng nol'tllea•t • •. ·1·1' •• ••'• J r•t•t on tt. 4m4 of • t't4a- TbAJaq, •» tb• nip wt th 1te 10·'' A P01rl' s·, 8t-'l w. 1 ••• A Potn\ .... .. n. tn•l& •• J eia\ s. 98..00 •• l•lt .A PoJa\ •• 62.S8 "• •·oe A !oint u. ,..,. •• e.u .& to lilt J . 91-11 "' 505 -.... ,· D&eCtu!'*1101 f/1 .TD IOUl'U>AllY OP nl ~ • G. B. J;ti.!Sft f iUOt r mzl. .. 'b) UCUlfiNQ •t oomel' l • a }}Qitl\ with 'fli t~a••• a ':£- ~,;' aaM Jtou_ta_la.e c~rur of \.lie John •• f · _ r t rao\ (144). e• t a ' " pot~ t 1n a ~ of atctu•. ;IOJ'ibet • ••• COl'• I• A Ob•atilatblalo4 1\:14 ecr1'be4B.T.'I .l4. Cor.a, ~·.we B,. !I-OOB. •11 Ob&l$1 lle'tNl\• f bellc• tdtb. ta. m~aDSere of I • l.oll It l._ot _ com.r e , • polnt on top o·f Bank llo=t•l.n abowa •• oomett bJ I'. VI. Jal',. •• , a oomel' of the •. fl· -... ,..,, t raot 12M). Se-t a J•t ma:pl• poet 1tt a mould of ato~a oerlbtl $ .w.s. COi"t I• J. 28" 'ftbit• oak blau4 au eo:r1be4 B· f •1f•••Bt Oor. !, bears s .M.OO • • .14 oba1n 41etan~. :fb4tnu. lea\·lna . tbe n4p atll wi t h t ho a-. -.,. Bu.rpea treat ( 2M), Inn e.n.a wttb ,.._ •M481'1 ot e Gp\11' .1'14p • • • 8t.le • • ·'·' 506 · e.te s. 18•1' a. •·•' Coftle•l• a polat at en.t of rJ4p e.oo 10.16 ! benGe •• 68-11 •• 4 •flal1 etreee tl0\'/11ll nort·b,u.t. Comel' · 6. a polnt at llltal' .. otia •t feno• liMe • lhfNll a.e OGl"IWt b3 •• . ~. Duree••• • 4ornes- of t bit tr. w. ktpae tl'flot ( s~•) • TbtiUM • loav:S.q ta. lf • J. BU--. e. w. Co~Mtt e. a f6" atooptna obl•tna\, wltla cornea- .-ta, 'bl•••& . ani •qr1bel " .K. Cor. ., • 'bolq in a liM of tbe J. v. w oo4'J H•ll'e u··aot UtiG) , Tb•noo.1f1\tl the J.v. ttoo&r s. 1'1..19 w. Ootll•• 6, a polll~ 011 ttSp of amt rJAp, at ttle tnt-. eeo\1011 ot ftll .. 11ne•• a oo~r ol ''• J. v. woot7 1le1n traol (211) • ana a oomt~ of t~ .Jobn II. !alW tl'aOt (!4-1). ••Ofrll aa oom•• b7 Jobn a. Ml•r• ! heoe, 1••~~ ·tbe J. v,VJ0447 S.!1111~c tract (IIJ) aat 'll1tb toe Jobll )h pe:lMJ •~eo\ ( 14t) aa4 elong tbe r14p t.oJ. J . lG-46 w. 1.~be plaot of UOIDl!G • o mt&ln1as e2.,86 aoHa. tf*l"~.,- . . r DBSClllFl'lO:I OJ TD lotmllAlll' OF !IB t4 • o.a. 8~}::\JR 11RAOf (Ul-o) .. ; 1 509 mtGI.mnno at. oow.r 1. a polat 1u • aaple etu~ap bole, e'bt'~>ll ac . o:oroot- bf• ~ .o. :a . W. eQ'l', (10~ a ot ~be u·.N. Bal.l traot 22t) a!ll ooftl4tJ~ 8 of ttle w.o.a ... .._ tftet ( 2!1). S•t a poat 1tJ a aoun4 of etcmee, sor1be4 w.M.T-2 OOJ't 6, A 9ll aoU¥too4,lase4 arJ4 e vr1b•4 ».r.,w.u. f -2, Cor. 1, t-oe.:of!l u.e, r •• 32 eba1n 41tat.ant. Tbenoe, '""1 tb tbt u. ! .Ball Oom.r 2 • a point in S"pwi•h o•t at._, bol•, ebO•Il ae .ocUrn. •J" br Y•O•B• He~~er, oorr.c:tr' o£ tbe l.t.M. n&ll tl'ut eat) • Sot c 4" ppet in stump bole• scr1be4 fi .ll. !.S CoJt• t, Ul elt bl•ok oat blaae4 am aor1~ B•T•! .ll. t.S co~. 6 • -earl l .tG..OO -E •• so cbei.D 41.ll\ent. theno• N • 9•18 'It ~ht1 Cornel' s. • eo~ aua 1~" doable ohe•tnot on a 714se f!1t 1nteJ'aeot1on of linea, cor:.!' e ot ih• u. lh Hall tra•t (ta89), th 12•' bla•e4 &n4 aoJtll!.& JA. H. Cot. •• All 16" •pi.\$11M oak. bl a.tecl an,d. aor1bel a.r.a.a. cor. • bHre s . 19.00 Ih •" obaln t11atant. ':thttloo • l e&vlnf tbe Jl. E:. ~1 ll • ., ... . . CtftM·• '· • ,._,., 40" belilook etUilp on ••et bDl of Litt ~ ea\al.et901llt C7•e&. • oornent tbe :. B. lanacdl \ntt C SJI! ) Set. • 4,. ob••tnllt poet 1n llotm4 of a\oDt• eor 1b .. B.B. Ccr• I. AD 8" l~ 1J'oh bl ..... an4 eor1b•4 i•f•J•I• OO'rt It bears 8 . $1.00 s. • OB ellaill 4l#teu'. Tt• tlot, f$ltb tbe l • .8. Ban• J. ltl·l ' w. Otto&a1.n8 t tttu Catttloo•h•• CftO: 1.1.8 oors.r 1, a ,otrat tn t he lO'fl•r uJrla of the tittle c a:~el004h•• Roa4 1 a c-omer of t be J • .a.. BGOilall t .... ot (. 26!U av4 t;t• J. ~1. HBnllP tl'&O' ( 211) • Set a 'u run poat ln !10Un4 of etonea eo't'lbel a.B.CM'• 4. ~h•noo • lla'fiD5 tba J • 8" RID• Mh ,,.., (IN) • with tbe J. H. ltlltillah ( 811) n. 4'·~'1 w. 9.91 comer 6 • thne obeetnato, t~ o SO" _. one l.-4" .• ~--top a ri414t • t-. 14" OH$$t nut 'bleze4 ani acrlbet ~ .Ja. tt .. 2 oor. '· 'l1hell.oe, leavua tbe J. l:h BAn-nab tnot C t&l) atil lea.,tag t • ~14p • ' : ""' Creek flowtn~ e oot lleatSt, Oorn.Ji' ', f\ ~0" tr.nple, blued E4 ~or1b•4 w.R.1'-2 ecu· ••• r hanoe. J . G.lf •• crosatns ~ oo4J OI'Oek :flowing s.outbeaat, 1.0'1 Oorn•r 8, a 12" ana$' •d tb w1 m•••••• bla..C and eor1bd '-•"• rz~ Col'• f). An 18*' o\io\UIII.)•r bleld enl sor1bt4 JJe'l •W•L T~ Co-r. 9 1 l>•a.ra $•12.-.$0 E. . 2'1 obatn 41$t.U1:• f nenoe, s. 82•41 ~ . 1.10 woo4J Ot>eek Aowtne eoo.tbeaat. Com•t t • a point at upttoot•d .troaVJoOI, -eo aana fo•al, eboe ae ooma• b7 tie•••. ~ btnoe, s. Y.OV E· 10.00 Little cat alooOll .. Cre•k flo• lns •aa~ 509 '1'•'0 l!h•n••, lh u.z• 1. : ' Co•ner 11. a point 1-t i attntotloe of lwa. ht a 4• b~ll•oot poet 1n aoD4 Of etooee_ ced'-4 " •"• T..! • Cor. 12. - A 1~' o&k blfuot mt strib.t J,·r .• w.m. t -2. oo •• l a • ba&l'tit 'J• &440 tl . ..,. obaln 4 iet*lt'• Tb ~o• a. t-ao 1. co.nut» 11,_ an 1 .. 8". otle~tl!l~t w:lth oome:r mana blaht am aort.btl ~ • " · r.a Col'. 11. A 11• ohes tnttt \~ ith t~i tne ~Je ~&l'ku bt~n ~f e•t ,n'l Ohflln &1atatlt. !uno• ~ . 88.49 a. a.l9 'l'he plao• ot :SEG1!115G. oont~tnlal ,e,1ccausive"~-o-f,­exception No. 1, 148.86 acres. - -.. •.. w.o.a. a sssa W eT (2$1-e) !XCIWX«l 10. l htn• tbe o1a Sobool Lot. hglnaiq at oorNst 1, a ~ em . tts. no•"• bait of Little O.talooob" Creek ani on tilt oa•t •~'slA of tbe poblle •* at w. o.s. ... ..... •n1. i btllOe with th• ast1a •rib of the 1'0 e4 ledlDI to the eollool b•11IIISI I • 8$4.6 1. Col'H~ I, a pelat in tbt eoutb ma!'gla of the s-oe« at lte lnteneotion •1 tb tbl tttet bOIU14aS"f 11M of tbe eobool lot. Tlumoe s . s-ao a,. I• tO OOJDeJ' I. a OOftle~ faM poet f bonoe Dt 8&•19 B. ,.,, Come!' '• a oorner fenoe poat . u~enee 11. 4...01 w·. C::oa.e1ns Littl~ Cl.ltalooobe• Creek , flnill8 ean s. 98 CorDI I' 15. a COrM~ f•I!Ot poet. z,tl 1'benoe 111 , 89·18 1 • 'l'btnot s. ..... • •• Comer '1, a point in the north ,.,Sin ot tl1t n•&• f benoe with t tl• nodb JRQgiD • • 81-11 1 . corntJL- 81 a point •t ·.''- ' .. aterseotlon .•f til. • nol'tll ·mar81Jt or t\o aobool lot nu wi t h tbe eaet •r8la of tbe pobllo roe4, · of tl:te pa'blio _..a rhtt'loe ~ tth tbe _.. , mat"sf.n s. $.80 • • . •·-~·'-- · ~ ..... . ~·····-··-· " .......... . , .. ~~r··· ."""-6. ·. . I~ ' ;, ' 5 11 ANALYSIS OF TITLE TRACT NO. 231, I~~ · Tract No. 231 is now owned by w. a. B. Messer, and 513 ~s totally embraced by State Grant No. 252 which was issued by the State to john Gray Blount. As we have treated state Grant No. 252 by mesne conveyances from the time said grant was issued, up, through and inolud• ins the time said grunt passed by the last will and testament of James R. Love to his executors, the same will not be repeated in this analy­sis, but may be seen by reference to the analysis of the Sidney Nelson tract• beginning with paragraph l ,of said analysis, and endiilg with paragraph 10, page 3 of this abstract, 13 .f 7 II. Tr$Ot No. 231 is embraced by two tracts deeded from the Love Speculation land. The first tract we will oo~s~der is a tract containing 50 acres deeded by the Love executors to A. c, and w. J. Bennett. This deed is duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds ror Tiaywood County. see page J) J- .J or this abstract. III. On Msy 28, 1872, the executors of James R. Love con-veyed to F, M, Bennett, w. j, Bennett, G. D. 1 .• Bennett and A. c. Ben­nett a tract containing 100 aor~s. which embraces a portion. of tract No. 231. This deed is duly recorded in Haywood County. See page cfl~ t of this abstract. IV •· Thereafter, Matilda Bennett ( F, M. Bennett) died intestate and lett surviving he:r as her only heirs at law, her sons; A, c, Bennett, w. :r. Bonnett and G. D. L. Bennett. See a ffidavit on page .6- L-1} of this abstract. 514 v, The next instrument we have been able to find atteot• ing Tract ,No., 231 is in a deed from A. c. BOnnett to w, o. B. Messer, which deed bears date of october 20•. 1915,. We notice that this deed does not show whether or nat A~ c. Bennett was unmarried at the date ot this deed. We have obtained an af:f'ioovit to the effect that A. c. Ben• nett was unmarried on October 20, 1915. see page ..,?7-/l ,or this abstract. This deed is ot record in Haywood county. See page .fi' )...b of this abstract. vr. We have been unable to find tram the records a con-veyance from w. J. Bennett -or G. D. ·1. Bennett for their interest in Tract No. '231. This leaves a two-thirds undivided interest outstanding in Traot N'o. 231 1n w. J. Bennett and o. D. L. Bennett. It will• there­fare, be necessary to obtain a qui tolaim deed for Tract No. 231 from W. :r. 'and o. D, Lt Bennett • VII. Sinoe we are partially depending upon possesmon tor title to tra.ot No. 2311 we have obtained affidavits or possession* said affidavits ·may be seen by reference to page_ _.. . . .. through.__ __o t this abstract. VIII. surveyor's affidavit on this tract may be seen by -4 reference to page £4-t 1St this abstract. -2- I "---../ IX, In regard to subJect ~tter ot paragraphs and VII above1 It is impractical to secure quit claim deed for the outstanding interest of G.D.L.Bennett in these lands. In fs much as the deed mentioned ln paragraph v ,A. c. Bennett to w.a.B.Uesser,was not filed :for reool"d until April 2;1928,ell!fio1ent time has not elapsed to mature title in Messer under color or by adverse possession. The.refore a dondemnation proceeding entitled.The state of l'iorth Carolina vs w.G.B.iesser and his wif e,Rachel Messer . - ~~ et al.has been put through in the Super.or Oour'\ of Buncombe Coun:tiy to clear up th-~ above indicated defe~ts 1n the title ~~~-:};- to this tract of land. 09pies of this proceeding should be secured and. made a part of this abstract. 516 ANALYSIS OF TITLE I. Tract No-. 23l•a is now owned by Rachel M. Messer,. wife of w,. G~ B. Messer, and is totally embraced by state Grant }fo~ 252 which v;as issued by the state to John Gray Blount. .As vte have t~eated State Grant No. 252 by mesne conveyances f:tom the time said grant was issued, up, t hl"ough and including the time said grant passed by the last will and testament of James R,. Love to his executors. the same will not be repeated 1n this analysis, but may be seen by reference to the analysis of the Sidney Nelson tract, beginning with paragraph 1 of said analysis, and ending with paragraph 10; page 3, of this abstract. ok. '? II. Tract No. 23l•a is embraced by two tracts deeded from the Love Speculation Lands to D~ J. Cook. T'.ae first instrument we will consider is a deed from the executors of James R, Love to D. J. cook conveying the said cook a tract Gt land containing loo aores. This deed bears date of Ootober 22, 187?._ In making this oonveyanoe, the executors reserve one•halt of the mineral interest with mining privileges. This deed is of record in Haywood County. see p.age· ~?ylr'o:t" this abstract. III. on April 18• 1885, the exeo.utot-s of James ll• Love conveyed to D. J, Cook a seoond tract or ·lsnd containing 31 aores, more or less, Which boundary embraces a po.rtion of Tract No. 23l•a• In making this conveyance, the executors reserved one•hal:f' of the mineral interest with mining privileges. This deed is of record in Haywood County. See page S ..,'[ P or this abstract. I / :51/ IV •. on. Apr:l.l 18'. 189lt D• l• Coole and wite conveyed to ' Raohel M •. cook Tract No• 23l•a• Tract No•; 23l•a a po~tion or the two t"-ets hereinbef'Ot"e rete.rred to. In making thia oonveyanee1· the g:t'&lltqref reserved unto themsel:vea a lite ttstat• in sa14 prQl)er1y.- Th:i.s deed is .of record in Haywood County~ see page. !)J I f?:t' this abstract. v. Sino~:) D• J'~ CoGk and his wite, ltan1ette Cook, rese7:Ved a ~1te estate i:n Tract No. 23l•a• we have obtained an att:l.davit to the efteot that n. :r. c~ok and w1te~ · Ha1'1"1ette Cook, are now dead. see :Pa~ .s-~ ;v o:r tlrl.s abstre.ot, Since we a" depending par,tially upon possession for title to T:raat No. 23l•af' we haTe obtained attidavits ot possession. ~ _,. ' '' said atfidav:l.ts may be seen by reterenee to page. __ or this abstract, , · . ' .' VII , Surveyor's aftidavit on this traot may be seen by reference to page at:-t<-ot ~his abstract •. VI I I. Relative to subJ·ect matter in paragraph V"I above; This tract of l and was included in a condemnation .suit pu~ tb..rough in the superior Co'lli"·t of Buncombe <Jounty.entitled. ,The· State of North Carolina vs w,. G.a,Messer and his \Vife ,Rachel Messer et al. Said su.1t serving to o.leaJ" any possibility of defeet in the tit1t indicated in above par agraph. Copy of this :pDoceeding should be seoured ar~d made a part of this abstract, ANALYSIS OF TITLE I• Trao~ l~o. 23l•b is now own$d by- w. o. B. Messe:r:, f,ind is the remaining portion t>f the t'Wt'J tlNlots of land deeded to D. J', coo~ by the Lovt exeoutors aent1oned in the analysis .of' title of Tract No. 23l•a, be111S the port1eitn remaining of the two traCtliJ not deed.Etcl to Rachel ~. Cook• See th~ analysis ot title ot Tract ]TOe 21z-.a• II• on April 1e, 18111 n, J• Cook anc;l Wi:f'e conveyed to u. R. Cook 1'1-e.ct No• 23l•b• Ill. making conveyance, the grantors re­serve th~elves e. life estate in said tract., However, n. J. cook and wife are now ~ead• see att14av1t on page . 6;> 2--- et this abstract._ The above 4e4d is ot reoor-~ in Haywood Coun.ty. Ill• On December 141 1895• a. R, Cook and wtte conveyed to w. Ch B• Messer Wld l'lif"e Tract No• 23l•b• Thls conveyance is made subject to the lite estatt ot D• J• Co9k*' The abe>Ve deed. is dUly recor\ied ln naywoQd county_. see page .· §,:t t;, ot thie abstraot• v. surveyor's affidavit on Tract No, 23l•'b mar he seen by reference to page £"49-"' ~t this abstract. . :.., :;: . 518 VI. Re:fer~~g to paragraph IV above• Reterrence is F .~ o ; hereby made to Pa1"agra:Ph VIII of, the anal1s1s ot title,tre.ot 231"'"6., Just preoe~~ill6 th1a~l.if31a, . . ', 5 1')0 ~· ANALYSis· OF TITLE TRACT NO • 231•0 I~ Tract No .. 23l•o is now owned by w,. a.. B. Messer, and is totally embraced by state Grant No. 252 i$Sued by the state to John G. Blount. For state Grant No, 252 by mesne oonveyanoea up1 through and in­cluding the time said lands vested in the executors ot JEUneS R. Love, see the analy$is ot title of the Sidney. Nelson tract, 1 or said analysis thro~h paragraph 10, pase 3 ot this abstract• 73 1~ 7 II. · Tract No. 23l•c is oomposed ot two separate tracts deeded U from the Love Speculation Lands. The first inatl"lllil~nt we will effecting Tract No, 231-.o is e: dee·d· trom the Love exeout.o:rs to :r. c • correll· bearing date of ootobe1" 29• 18'12. The desoriptiQn in said deed embraces a :portion of Tract No f 231 ~o • Thi.s deed is Ciuly recorded in Haywood County • See pagG £;5 J, ,f>t this abstract, III• On November 26. 1903.• R• s .. Johnson alld husband, W., F; Johnson; conveyed to J, a. co~ell all their right, title and interest in Traot ot land mt>ntioned in the preceding paragraph of' this analysis. We have been info:rmed that 11. s.- Johnson was a daughter or J, o. Cor­rell; and that her husband, w. F. Johnson" be~ame involved in sOJlle· ' . " . ,,~, ' . trouble 1fh1oh ooat him some considerable amount . ot Ioney 1. e.nd that J. C correll advanoed th~ money and in ;return demanded the.t his daughter con•, vay to him all hoT right in the above land that sh$ might 1nh.er1 t. In other words, the intention of l"• c. Correll was to treat the money so paid as anadvanoe to his daugh.er1 and to obtain a release f'rom l 5 21 her ot her inheri 'tanoe. This deed is duly recorded in Haywood county. ' See pageqr; 7 . ot this abstract,. IV. On N.ovember lt 1905• ;r. c. corr•ll and wite oonve;yed the above tJ>aots to w. G, B. Messer. This deed 1 s duly recorded in Haywood county. / seo page .f J rr ot this abstract. v. on septeml>ex- ·23• 1910, w, 0~ B. Messer and wife con• veyed· to 1. K• Boone, D. M,. Cagle and T. L. Guynn, memb~rs of the board ot education ot Haywood County, a portion ot the above land for the purpose of a school It .that upon tne tx-act of land con­veyed tol' schoOl purposes that there was gro\yfttg a very fine apple tree which the grantors desired. to retain title to and possession of as long as the tree · remained living. We have bet=~n unable to deter­mine whethex- said tree is still living, However, we are of the opin• '· ion that this reservation is immaterial, since the grantors by the next conveyance regained title to that portion ot land deeded for school purposes, The above deed is duly recorded tn Fia.ywood county .. see pa.~ £ .J1 of this abstract. VI.. On Me.~oh l 1 1928; w., T·. Sharp1 'hnirmtm ot .the. boarcl of education or Haywood County, and w. c .. Allen, secretary t executed a deed to W, G, B, Messer for the tract of land lU.$ntioned in the pre­ceding paragraph or this analysis; This deed cites that d~ r .esolu­tions were pe.ssed by the boal"d of eduoat1on before the sale of said propert7~ and that said lands were duly advertises as r .equired by law. The above deed is ot reoord 1n Haywood CoUhty. See pa~ rf:'i:O ot this abstract. We ldll now consider the remaining 'tract 111S.oh . DlQ.ke_. U.,l) Tt:aot No • . 23l•o whioh waa dee4e4 trom the Love ~Ul.atioll tan«• · ()n J!ul.7 s, 1112, w, :r" Rann•h,.' ,.J'Ue,ee and adlniniatrat or cte be)nla non• conveyed to w * th B. Me'sae~ a traot &t land oontaild.q 5(): aorte w}ltob. tRot makes up flhd compoa$a the r.emainder ot Traot No. 231:'"1• we havfi fully treated the authority et \V• J",. Hannah to make t:t,tles to the tove Speculation Ltuads in. the analysis ot '"ot l . • 4 · No• 285t ;.p$6~ N-o. 69 ot this abc:~traot. The above deed is duly re- , .qol"decl in Haywood county• ;-:: see page ,f?/:2.,..-of this abstract-; .Affidavits ot p~ssession on '.a'aot N'o-. 25l•c MJ be •een by reference to pag~ _~-:--·or this abi:t:raot. :'~ :r:x. surveyor• a aff'idavi t on 'h'act No• 23l•o may be ·.· _,- -IZ- . ' ' seeD. by l'eference to page .£"+1 __ ot this abstract. X· In regard to. affidavits mentioned in pa1•a.graph VIII tlbgve. reference is hereby made to paragraph VIII of the a.nalyeis :of title to traot 23l•a herein. 4u f ~ .rJ!1--"--/ ~-H-1.. XI. :Minerall!'eservatio-ns made by the agente of the Love Heirs in these lands have been entirely cleared up by the above ment6oneQ. condemnation suit,and also by a ~t olaim from H. J. Sloan et al.. SeG page laJ b of abstract. UJ t:23 . Page ..... ~ ............ : ... ...... ... .... .. ... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION In Preamble ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT As Signed VI .- L ... fliLLIAIID SAMtt.L.,LOVE As Acknowledged G• L.; PAU'IER, . Subscribing witness. ~;.. w.J',.~ A,O,:S~UlE'IT OL---------~-----------L--------------------~L---~---------------- 1. Kind of Conveyance .. Daed ..................................... . 2. Date of Conveyance .. ... fS•S...l885······························· 3. Is it properly executed ................................... .................. . 4. Date of Entry and No ........... ....................................... ...... . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ..... J .•. p .................. . 6. Acknowledgements, regular ·Yes'·················· ················ 7. If irregular, copy in full on back ..................... ............. . 8. Did all grantors ach.-nowledge ......... ])Io ........................... . 9. Date of acknowledgement .12 . .-..5.0~1885 ............... . 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ......... .................. . 12. Was order of probate correct.. .....Y e_s····.························· 14. Date of filing for record.l,2-3l•l88-5·················· 11. Did officer affix SeaL~To .................................. ................ . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin .............. no .................................................. . 15. Book .!l.U.~- --·························· ··· Pag~48························· (b) power to convey ........ yeS-····················· ·· ·················· for .............. I.::r~-WQoQ .............................. County. (c) against encumbrances ..... .llf.O .................................. . (d) against claims of all others .... NO ............................ . 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions ! ... of ... m1neral. ... tntel"-&$t ... w1 th---mining·-··Privi-leg-e·$-···re·s-erveth 17. Habendum clause (Quote fuliy) .T.O .. H.<\V.E...ANll ... TO.llOLD .... the. ... a.t.or.e.sai.d-...·Q·f····l-a-bi······ ..... With ... tlle ... pri.n.l.~e.s ... and .. .ap.ptr.tenanees ... ... b~lo.nging---unto----~he················ .... sa1d .. W.,J. • . ,.and ... .A, ... c .... Bennet.t .•.. and .:h1a .. .r-et.rlil--·:to .. :h1.s----and-·thei-r···-only··············· ..... u~.~--.a. .. m ... beho.of .. foreve.r .•..................................................................................................................................................... Exact Description of Property KNOW AlL MB:f·! BY ',E PREShlWffi.t That , \iffEREASt Janes R. Love, deceased1 was seized or l arge traets Of land OOlJiilonly called ffSJ:eculation Lands" lying and being in the Oount1e s or Yanoy • Madison• Buncombe, :rley\W>cxl and Jack:sonJand • W11E:R!EAS 1 the said James Ih Love md$ and published a last Will and Testammt in writine; and appb1nted lUlliarn 11 . Thomas, Robert G,. A. LOve; William L. Hilliard and Samuel L. Love t Executors • who que:titied aM took upon themselves the execution tllereo:t·; and• Vlml1EAS, the said lemes R. Love sold many tracts ot said land to different persons al'ld authorized and anpowered his said execu• tors to eont inue the sales of the aforesaid land a nit to mke titles; rfOV'! 'IHEREFDlU!: , etc • .· on t l1e ~Vaters of Cataloocbee Cr~ek D!GINN!NG at a hickory, a corner of the Dennett home tPaot and runs North 10 East 6 poles to a ohestnutf then s outh S'tj West , \vi th the 11~ of a Stll"WY made fc:>lJ' D. J. Cook~ 52 poles to the top of thG· lQ.OuntainJ thence a Northeast course, With the e xtreme he1Shtb. Of the mountain to a large mple t J, V, Wooey • s corner; thence 1 With his line south 26 west 10 poles to a dog• VA!>cxi1 Bennett's oorner; thence, with the lines of. the Benmtt tract to the beginning, containing 50 acres m.ore or less. Shut B rn ""'' =.O..l "' P age .......t.. ...:.L...4 ::."t: . .......... .. .... ... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Pream ble As Signed As Acknowledged Wm. R •. THOMAS, ROBT.G. S.MWEL L •. LOVE, n. J, COOK, A.LOVE 1 Wm, L . III !J.I .ARD w. L~ liliLL!ARD, Subscribing witness, and SAMU'4 A~ LOVE Exaou to~ a · L. LOVEt R. a, L,M.BENNETT1 W,S,BE.N-lmTT. G.D.L,B~ETT and A. c. Bl!."T-1NETT 1. Kind of Conveyance ....... ...... Ue.e.d ................................. . 2. Date of Conveyance ...... -5•28-1-67-2---·····--····---·--······· 3. Is it properly executed .......... NO .................................... . 4. Date of Entry and No ............ ...... : ..................................... . 5. Before what Officer acknowledgedl? .... JUdgG G. Acknowledgements, regular ---N0------···························--- 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. .......................... ..... ... . 9. Date of ack.nowledgement ...... .5~3l~J.8'12 .............. . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ....... N-0---··························· 10. Was privy examination of wife taken .... ~---- ········ · ···· 11. Did officer affix SeaL ...... ......... ....... .................................. . 12. Was order of probate correct ....... Yes .......................... . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record ...... ~-51~18'1.2 ............... .. (a) of seizin ............~ T.Q. .................................................... . 15. Book ........ K. ............................. Page. ...4 3'1 .................... (b) power to convey ...... Ye.S ........................................... . for .................. .Hey.vza.oiL ....................... County. (c) against encumbrances .... NO. .................................... . 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others ... NfiL ........................... . or restrictions .... ................................................................. . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) ... l'O.JJA.V.E .A.ND .... T.O.. HOlD .... the .... a.i'.oresaid .... tract ... .of ... lan(l .... ...... :with ... th.e .... pri.vilf&e.e ... and .. a.ppurt.enan.ce.s .... .... bel.ongJ.n.g ... urr&o'--th-e------· · ------~~d ,.L ...... M •.... a~oo~_tt .•... fi. •... J ....... Emm.t.t ..•... G: .. ... alld .. .A .•... .c.-... BeJmet.t., ... . ·-- - --~-g ___ ~l.t31:r. ... ®..1r .. ~ .... t.o. ... l~_1e .... 1h.~ir .... o.nly ... use ... a.nd .... 'beho.or ... .f.or.e:ve~-•-··············----------- Exact Description of Property KNOW ALL Ml!~ BY 'filE'~ E PR_ESE.NT$ t That , WHEREAS , Janes B .. Love, deceasedl ms seized of l arge tmots of land commonly called "S:p3oulation Landsn ly1ng and. being in the counties of Yancy, Madison, Bunoo~be, Ha~o4 dnd J'aokaon; and, WHDiEAS t the said James R • Love mde and published a last Will end ~sta.ment in n1ting and appointed William H. Thoxms 1 Robert G • . 11 . Love, W1ll1am L. Hilliard and Sauuel t. Love, Executors-. who qualified and took upon themsel vee 'the execution thereof; and, WHEREAS, the said Jeme e R. LOve sol.4 many tracts of said land to different !Xlrsons nnl authorized ana em;powe~ed h1a said Ex• eoutors to OQnttnue the mes ot aati lands and to ma~ titles; N<»l 'i"HF.m~RE'~ etc .• , . on the BJ'E~Ui~; a t~l)utaw ot Little CatalQOohee,. BlllliNNDn at a b.1CkOW on 'the s1c1e ot the mountain above D. J. Cook'sJ 1\UUliM North 86 East 160 poles to a chest­nut J thence Narth 26 East 75 po+es to a hickory; thence N~th 32 West a& poles to a dogwood and a ana..ll chest-nut above the be a(l of a branch; thence Soutb 50 West 1M poles to a stake; thence South lO west 38 poles to the beginning. Containillg 100 aol'e s 11l'>re or leGe. Shut B STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA HAYWOOD COUNTY ~/a . f::Z ~..Per- • being dul7 .worn; depose• and says: That he ia .6-..3 yt>ars ot age and has been a Q1t1ze• and resident or Haywood County tor~ ~·J tha' he wa• well ao• quainted with F. M. (Matilda) Bennett 4urins he:r lite tiM', an4 that the said Matilda Bennett 1a now dead and lett aurv1Yiq her as her only heirs at law, A. c. Btpmettt w. J'. Bennett and a.n.L. Bennett. - ' 4 · · .. · · U'tlant swo:rn to and subscribed be:t'ore me ~ CZ3 this -:f day ot ='Y< , 1929 • . .:« : e, Bl.,;~io My Commission Expires May 21, l9Jl ~ zo. Page ....... ........... ..... ............ . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged A. c. BmNETT JLI w_ ._G_._ _B_ ._u_m- s_sER·_ _____ L_ __________________ ~------------------ 1. Kind of Conveyance ..... W.~~-~,."ty ... D.~e.d ........... . 3. Is it proper ly executed ...... ..... XE;)fiS ......... ........................ . 2. Da te of Conveyance ~0~2.0l'-1.9.15. ...... .. ..... ... ........ . 4. Date of Entry and No ... ........................... .......... ....... .... .... . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged .. .... l .•. f.~---········ · ··· 6. Acknowledgments, regular .... Y~~-----·· · ·· · ······· · · ······· · ··· 7. If irregular, copy in full o1~!~() ._l9lB ········· · ·· 1~: ~~:e 0;:c::k:;:le:::e.I~-~}j~::.:::::::::·:.:.::::::::·::::: .::.::::::.: 8. - Did all grantors ackno'?liedge ....... .. ~ ... . 10. Was privy examination of wife t aken ....... ~---···· ·· · ·· 13. 12. Was order .of probate cor4:!"2~;J9~·a ··················· ~:: ~::: o-~--~~~~?-~~~- recor~_:::·::::::::·;~~~-~~::::::::::: :::::· :· for .... :iJ~9..9.<1... . . . .............. ...... County. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or r estrictions ........ J~.9 ..................................................... . Does conveyance co~ain convenants- (a ) of seizin ··············---~~ye:a· ....... ................ -· ···· ·· (b) power to convey .... .......... .... Yes········ ..................... . (c) against encumbrances ... ............... ................... .. ......... . (d) against chims of all ot he rs .... J~~----·················· TO.UAVE AND TO l10Ln the··· abS"ve· ·· a:e ~ oribed· · laricl · ·· ·· · · ·· 17· tlltien~~ ~Q~1 1 Yd.ll· ··thEJ .. llPl>urten:.ulO"&s··tnel'eunto··bel ·ong1tJS···or···tn······· ········any · ·wts·e ···ap·x;ert ·ctn1n~r.-· ·unto· · ·· too ···· sutd · · ··pa rty· ·· of··· tne · ··se<lo·nd··ISrt·····lle·:tr-e ·· · ··· · -a.~·-aern·gns·· ··to: :·the···only u~re ····and ···beho·ot ··· o-r ·w-,-a-.n-.M:e&aer··ana.--··:···-·-·sa:t·d···· - ---·-· he ir-rr · arl"a· · ei" s$isns·····ro1ft)velf~- --····· · · · · · · · · · - · ·------········ ······· ············-·-··················-·································· Exact Description of Property Adjo1n1~ the l anct~ at w. M. Hall. BmiNNING on a a ple and l'Uns s . 28 w. lO poles to a · dOG\VQOI; tb.enoe s. 32 :m. 86 pole s to a htokOl"YJ thE!nce s. 26 w. 37 polee to a. stme ; thenoe N" 7li w. l 9S poles to two snall sotrv.ools on top of the mounta in; t henoe, \V1 th the mean, del's of tb.c top of t he mountain to a. ma.ple 1 t he beginning corne).t; containing fO acres ll10l'e or l.eGa. - Tr aQt Numbel"' 2: BEGINNINl on six cuo'Ul1lbers 1 one pole fiom the CQlter ot n branch and runs up t he brateh, pass• :l,.ng tm h ead a t 40 poles • 56 poles tQ a 'Water oak on the side or a ridge; t h ence r;r. 26 E-.· 40 poles to a small V4lite oo.k in 4 flat; thenc e N. 45 w. 56 poles to a hickory, the OQt>ner of old tract; then oe with said line s • 26 w. 40 poles to t he tes 1nni~ • contain~ 13! acr~s. Being e~ep tion Number &2 in the deed referred to ill the description; Tx-act Number 1 herein • ./ Shut B STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA HAYWOOD COUNTY ·.XJ;. ~ ~4" ,_ · • be:lDe dUly sworn, deposes and &&.7tll That. he is D years ot ·age and has been a citizen and resideat or Haywood count:y fei~~rs: that he 1a wel1 a cqnainted wlth A, c. Bennett and that on October 201 19151 boing the date A, c, Bennett conveye·d t .o, w •. a •. B. Messe;r a trot or lan4 in Ca ta~ lwolleo ')owns¥1p, and that en. said da1e the said A, c. Bennett waa unmarried• his wtte having died s.ome ·time priol:' to th1.s date. sworn to and subscribed before me this -f:~ay ofZt'~ 1929. 4Ler.~~ I 0 '8.1!1 . · · .. My Commission Expires May ?.7,1931 ~d6~ · · · ·. · 1\l'tlan t · .• Page.~.?.~·-·····-~·-·················· NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In P1·eamble As Signed ~ VI.D.1 .-F_1 .~- T·H •. O:M..AS, .· ROBF.RT G,, ~ A. LOVE f Wm,L,HILLIAR :-: an.t SAMUE't L~ LOVE 1 " Ex•t:m$ars · SAMUEL L. LOVE R. G. A. LOVE W ~ L~ HILLIARD As Acknowledged 1. Kind of Conveyance ........... JI.~~-4. .................... .' ............ . 2. Date of ConveyancelQ~.2.2 .... l~l'l.'l ........................... .. 3. Is it properly executed ........ .l~9: .... , ............................... . 5. Before what Officer acknowledge~~~-~-.. .J.:ypge 4. Date of Entry and No ......... ..... Yes""'""'""""'""'""""""""""""""""" 6. Acknowledgements, regular ............................................. . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back ............. ..................... . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge .......... N.Q .......................... . ~- Date of acknowledgement...~~~-l ... la.Sl ......... ........ . 11. Did officer affix Seal... ... ....... :N~ ....................................... .. 10. Was privy examination of wife_ taken .... ~~ ............... .. 12. Was order of probate correct. ...Y....e...s... ............................. . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- ~:~ ;:,;:~z~ ~-~-~~!~xe.:fi.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::: 14. Date of filing for record ...... fi~£~~1~ ................ . 15. :ooro~ .. :::J~~:~:::::::::::::: .. ~~~~::::::::~~-~-~~~·;:··--··--· (c) against encumbrances .'N~. ....................................· .. .. (d) against claims of all others.J~Q .............................. . 16. Does deed contain any special .limitations, provisions or restrictions .R~.~~ffi.M .... ii.~9. .. JrU.n.~.~l. .~l1.:ti~.;'~I:J."' ... :v!.~.:ti~ .... ~P..~.~---P.~~-~-~-~~-a ·1·7·-~J~~~d~-~cl_aF.~~o~~-~-¥..::.~~~I~~:~~~-~~:~~~~~{§~~~t-~~:~~~~~:::t~~:::: ···---~-~-;t.4. .. :o..~;r .. P_Q.q~-- - ~4. ... J:l.1..~ .... l:l.€)~:t"~ ... -"'.9 ... :t;h.~!i.~ .... ~m.lY .... Y! .... ~ .. -.1>~.P.9.9.t .... f9~~-v~~-•-·········· Exact Description of Property KNOW .ALL rmr BY THESE PRESENTS: That t VIHERE.ASr James R. LOve, deoea$Jed, TTas seized or large tracts of land commonly called "B:rscru.lation Land" ly:l~ and being in the Co\Ulties of Yancy; MadiSOn, BUncombe• Haywood and .rackeon; and1 \'illl!l1E.AS t the mid J'anee R4 Love mde and pUblished a last will end teatan¥:3nt in VIJ'iti~ and appointed William H. Thomas, Robert G, A. Love, Willian t. Hilliard and samuel t. Love, E~eoutors, Who qualified and took upon themselves the Gxecution thereoi'J and, - WHEREAS, the said Jeme s R. Love sold many tracts ot said land to different p:lrsons and authorj.zed am Empowered his said ex• eoutors to continue the sale of said lands and to make titles; NOW 'lliEREFOJUl:, .eto., On both sides. of CoB§ins Branch \:'7aters of Litt~e Ca.talooohee and bounded as follows:• BEGINttrNG at a dog•woOd • Matilda Bennett's South bound• ery line and then running South 52 West 175 poles to a ·chestnut; thm S9Uth 86 West 72 poles to a stake in Mary Pelme:r•s Nar1h boundary line; then North 19 West 32 poles to a hickory in said Palmer line; then North 15 East 118 poles to a stake in said Bennett's line ~ear Shut B • . 2. -, NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged Wlli.H. '1t! OMAS ,R OillmT G • ~ A.,LOVE1 - Vha.L.H!LLIARD ~ and SAMUEL-t. LOVE t W • L. BILLIARD S/I.M-f L L~ LOVE L.-E.MAU.A.FiA subscribing witnese. ~ Executors 111 t D .•. Je COOK c <II ~ 4-.18wlSS5 2. Date of Conveyance ...................... 1. Kind of Conveyance ....... .... .P:~~---····· .......................... ....................................... . 3. Is it properly executed ............. ~---·· ························ ····· 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ...... 9..!~ .!.9.~! ........ . 4. Date of Entry and No ........... ......................... .................... . Yes 7. If irregular, copy in full on back .............. .................... . 6. A:knowledgements, r egular ············yo··························· 8. D1d all grantors a cknowledge ............. : .............................. · 9. Date of a cknowledgement ...J ..:?~~~~~~~---······· ··· ---~ 11. Did officer affix SeaL ... ... ~!-~-- - ··············· · · ······· ··········· 10. Was privy exa mination of wife tf'cis················ 12. Was order of probate corre;t············································ 14. Date of filil\f for record ...... ... 2..~~:4;-3~¥~t?. ............. . 15. :ooro~ .. ::::::::::::::~~!~:~::::: .. ~~~~:::::::::~-~-~~~;:······ 13. Does conveyance .. ~ntain convenants- . 1~0 ~:~ ;:\:::.z~: ~~-~~~;:::!.S.~:::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 16. Does deed cont~ gpy S!1eciaLliryitations, prgyisions . . . n IIU.nera..L J.n-ceresli or \.Jf~ctwtfn1rl~J- ·lll'"1Vi·l~SEfS···r·e·$erved • (c) against encumbrances ·· ·---~·-· ································· · (d) against claims of all others .. ~.'>. .............................. . 17·wi~ilntlflec1p¥1 ~~1.~~1~--a]ig---~~$Th4fFmJg.e~9'tli~:~~~g:,::rg~~~r.~:~~r~1~~:: ·:::::~,::Jr~:~:;r.·.::::~:§.~t.t:::~4::::~>4-~::::~~~:~:J.::.:t§: .. Ji.~::::~!J::4::·:~g~:tr::::§i.\~Y:::~~~:::~~:::~~:!i9.§.t.:::: Exact Description of Property KNOW ALL :ME:r:J BY THESE ffi ESENTS ; That, WHJ.m:E.AS, 1Canee R. ,Lovc, de ceased, v~asseized of large tracts ot l and commonly called "Sreculntion Lands" lYing and being in the Counties of Yancy • Mad! son, Buncombe, Heywood and Jaokson;and t' WHERE.AS ., Ule said J f.flleS R. Love made ahd published a Last Will and Testament in wr1 t ing and appointed William H. ThOmas, Robert G• A. Love, William L. Hillia rd and s sm.uel L. tove 1 executors, V4lo qualified and took u:pon than selvee the execution thereof1 and, WliEREAS , the said James B. Love sold many tracts ot said land to different r,ereons and authar ized and empowered his said ex• ecutors to continue the sale of said lnnd end to make titles; NOW 'lliEFrLi~ORE 1 eto • BEGINNDJG at a dlestnut the corner of survey made for William emd Andrew Bennett and runs South 6771 West 52 poles to the wp ot a mountain; then south VJ1 th the top of the mountain 72 poles to a large bu.t~ed white oak; then South 22 East 45 poles to a stake; then East 1 pole to a S!Y:.tll hickory; said Cook1s carnera then with hie lim trorth l5 Eaat 1.19 poles to his corner; tllen South 86 West 1 vrith Bennett line n1ne poles to a h1 o kory 1 Bennett' s corner end then North 10 East 6 polo e tO the beg inning ; contain-ing 31 ao:res. · · Shu t B '· NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged 1. Kind of Conveyance ...... Deed. ....................................... . 2. Date of Conveyance ...... 4.'!o!'.l~18~---······················ 3. Is it properly executed .......... Y.e.s ................................ .. 4. Date of Entry and No ........................................................ . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ... J .•... Jl;. ............. .. 6. Acknowledgements, regular ... t'e$ ................................. . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. .................... ............. .. 8. Did all grantors acknowledge .......... YeS ....................... . 9. Date of acknowledgement ... 4~.l~1B:9.1 ................ .. 10. Was privy examination of wife taken .... ............. . 11. Did officer affix SeaiX'.e.a ....... ............................. ............. . 12. Was order of probate correct ....... Xfii8 .......................... . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record .. .ll!~!i•lB9:6 .................... . (a) of seizin ............... Ye.S ............................................. .. 15. Book ............ tt ......................... Page ....... l-.6.3 ............... .. (b) power to convey ............. Ye.8 ..................................... . for ............ 11~~-M ............................... County. (c) against encumbrances ....... Y~S ............................. .. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others ......... Y~.tJ. .................... . or restrictions .Us.t ... O.t ... prop.e.r.ty __ res.ert• -~-d .... to .. _.g;re_nt_~r:.~ ... as .... l.on& ... as ... ~.i.t.he~ .1.7.-.T.o~&Vi ..~I .::ND. ..~ ~O.o~i{Q~:::~Q:::~:t9~:'-tl~d:·. :t~:~;~~~~~;:.r:::t.:::im(f::ai~:::aii:::::::::: ...... Prt.n1~B~-~---~-n9. ... _~;pp.g;ot_~_~no.~.f .... :tb.~.~~w.w ..... b.~.lo.~~---tf> .... th~ ... ;fl.a1.4. .. 1{a.Oh@l .... · ...... Mf .... CQ.9.~.; ... 4.~.~---~-~~~----~g,-··-~-"'~~~-~---·~-Q. ... t.b:~.4-.... 9.~T--~~~~---~g __ ~_bQ(iU" .... t.Q;r,Qy_._, 1••• after the death Qt D,;r 4!0ook and Harriet VOOka his wite4 · Exact Description of Property ' LYUS on tb,e wate):s of Lit tl,e Cat al<>O• ehEilf), Harwooc.i Oqunty a adj Q 1-ni..US . thei lru~.dl 4>t llest eJ' :B~ Burse ss, w, J" :Ben• t fJ11d. otke~e • bO"unded as follows; • moo-nmma. ¢)n a 'P+"UCt:a pine in the southeast line o.:t :o. 3, c~ok• $ old t.raot .,. tb1~J betne the beginn.ill$ oorner of Hestelr B. ~eeao land, and l'Unning in a Nartb.ea$terl.y dlreot-t ion Wlth the Old J.:tne to a dog woOd, th$ beeinning ~rner t~f old tra.ot; then, in e. ?lesterl.y dir~ction, v4tb the old lines w the top of the mountalnt then South, W! th the old l1n~. on top Of the m.O.un1Hdn to a stake t betng a corner to H~ster 13, :Bur~ss lend; then in an :Eeu~tmrlr 41rect1on1 dovll'l tne top ot the main ridge 1 With Hester B. 13\lrtPss•s Northeast· 1.1ne to tn e ws 1nn1:ns, Shut B STATE QF NORTH CAROLINA HAYWOOD COTJN'.t'Y -JeJa Jvf ~1 e;-be1ng duly sworn,. depoaea and saya: That he tJ. ~ yea.t• ot age, and lU>.s been a c1 tfMlt an.4 resident ot Haywood Oounty fe>r ,s--3 :reu• t that he •• .. u ao­qua1nted 'With D. :r. cook artd his witea Hattiette cook duritlg their lifetime; that the said n .• :r, Cook an(} mtn-iette Cook~ his wite,. are noe dead, havi:ng died on or about the re&r(f/Z....• sworn to and subscribed before JI10 thi~t =ctfl day of 22e ~, 1929. ::> "J Page .................. : ...................... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged ~ D, J. OOOX ana. w.t.fe D. J. COOK UA.RRIET OOOK D, 1 • . COOK ~.. H.ARRI:wf 0-00K HARRIET CO OX " ~-----------------------+------------------------~----------------------- 1. Kind of Conveyance ... ...... De.e4 .................................... . 3. Is it properly executed .......... I.~~~~----···· ·-························ 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ...... ;f!.f:t': .............. . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. .................................. . 9. Date of acknowledgement .. f:~l~l~~-1 ................. . 11. Did officer affix Seai... ...... Y~~---··· ................................. . 13. Does conveyance c'tain convenants- ~:~ ;~\~:~~~: ~~~~~;~:~r.~~:::::::::::::::.:.:::::::::::::::::::::::::: (c) against encumbrances .... 1'.~~- --······························· (d) against claims of all others ..... l'~-~---··· ··················· 2. Date of Conveyance ...... 4!!'!'~8~1.891 .......................... . 4. Date of Entry and No ........................................................ . 6. Acknowledgements, regular ..... .'~~-~---·························· 8. Did all grantors acknowledge .... X.~-~---························· 10. W as pn·v y exam·m at ·1 on or Wl· r e tak en. ...Y.....e. ..s... ............ . 12. Was order of probate correct ....... T~-~---························ 14. Date of filing for record ... 3~l4.'!!"~89.5 ................... . 15. :o:o~ __ :::::::::~::::::~:?.i.WQ:94:: .. ~:~-~:::::::~~~;:········ 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions ...... :l?:~~~---~~l9~---···························· 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) ..... LI'Q __ HA..V$ ... Al.~ .... 'l.'O ... R.O.W .... t~ ..... ~t.9l'~~-a1.d .... t.raot .... QJ! ................ . ......... .PCi.l."9..E3.l ... 9f. .... ~-~~----~~---~l ... P~,._:Y1.l..:~&e.~- ---~g ___ ap:pmo:t.~~-ng~-~---·:tne..r.~unt.O. ... b.e.~ ...... . .......... ~C>.~~P-i .... ~:O. .... :t.l:L~ .... fl.~l<l. ... ~.~---~-~---·Q_e>.9.J.t., .... ~.~:~ .... oo.~.:r;-~----~g ___ ~_~@~gn~., .... ~.o .... ~-~-1~---·········· .......... 9.I.llY ... :Y:'3.~ ... ~~---- ~J~Q.O.,f ... f9.~~-:v.19.f.; .... ~:ti.~~---:tA~ .... q~-~tn .... o.t.. ... :ti.A~ ... J:Ja1Q. .... D .•.... J. •................... Cook and Harriet Cook1 his wife. Exact Description of Property Adjo1n1~ the lands of Hester B. Bursess, George H" :P€1lmer and· othe~&, bounded as tollows:.;. BEGINNING on a Chestnut in the Southeast line of D • :r •. coot• s old tm ot near a small branch 1 and rurmi~ in a Westerly d1r-eot1on, orossi:ng the b:ranoh to three large poplars standing · close together; then Oo:ritinUing in very nearJ.1 tm same COllr ee to a bla ek oak ()n the top ot · the lalOb where two an.a.l.l ridges meet; then, run• ning along tho top or- the min ridee to a stake in the old line on top ct the mountain and run­ning soutll, With t~ old l1ne. on top of the :motm.ta:Ln to a Jar~ butted vmit~ oak r 1t being a oorner to one tl'&ott then, with the outside lines ot tM two tra ots to the beginning (said two tracte bel.otJS1ng to D. J. Cook), Shut B :~ i ,. Page ... ..S.~.4. .. :.. ..................... NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged .., :a ..R. OOOit and l; . R .t~s .oo.Ql( his w.1 te H, R. COOte B. Rt COOK ~ H, L. s. OOOK R11- L. s, COOK ... c~----------------------+-----------------------~------------~-------- "' VI,. L. Ih BSSER end Ql "' RACHAL MESSER ~... c 1. Kind of Conveyance... .. D.~.ed ........................................ .. 2. Date of Conveyance .... J.2!"l4i!irl8$l5 ........................ . 3. Is it properly executed ..... Y~$ ...................................... . 4. Date of Entry and No ........................................................ . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ..... J. .•. :P.: .............. .. 6. Acknowledgements, regular .Yes .................................. . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. ...... ........................... .. 9. Date of acknowledgernent..lg~g-~~l~~Q .. .... ..... .. 8. Did all grantors a cknowledge ........ :T~--'------------------------- 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ... Y~.fl .............. . 11. Did officer affix· SeaL .. Y~JL ........................................ .. 12. Was order of probate correct.. .... Y~.I .......................... .. 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record ..... 2~2.G . ...-.l8ilfL .............. .. i:~ ;:,::~z~: ~~~~~;:·~~:~T~~:::::::::::::·::::::::::::::::::::::::: (c) against encu~brances ......... X~~----------------------------- 15. ~o:~~--:::::::~~~:~::::::::::::. .~: ~~::::::~~=~~·;:----------- (d) against claims of all others ........ X~-~------------ ---------- 16. Does deed contain any speciaJ limitations, provisions or restrictions ------ ~~@ ... :b.~:lQ.W. ................................ .. 17 . . Habendum clause (Quote fullyl .... TO .HAVE .. AND ... W: .IlOUL.:the ... abOVe ... dEiS0~1-bect .. land,. .......... . -----~~·-ii:r:~~;'t!~-n~n:~--~~-o~?E~·:!¥'an-~~~t~j+!:~~~e-~~t=-n.g-,-j{---~eir .. ............ . ...... ....... . ........... .................. ....... ... ... . .. ................... ..... · . ....... ... . .............. ~---..................... . ... ...... . ................... .... ..... .. ~ ........................... . ·----ft:-~~::1~M~s:::!~e-1i··!!!tl1·9-~;rr-~-:n-~:-a-:-%-~~rtgi-e~:;-:B· .... am.~--------------- Exact Description of Property Adjoining the lands at nester Ih Burgess 1 - G$0 • H. l?allll) l' and . others and bo~EJ4 and iJX)re tully desc-ribed as tallows:~· REG!miiNG on a $es1liut in the Southeast line of D~J .• Cook's old traet, neal" a ana.U b:t'mOb. and 1"\,ll.lS in a Westerly dlrect1&n1 orc as jag the branch • ·to three ~ge popla.J'e stand1tti ol~ e to getller; th~ oont~nu1ne; tn vety near~ 'the same owrse to a black oak on the point ot the Itnob v&.e:re tVb anall rtd~s meet. thetL 1 runaiJJg alons the top ot the mai n ridge to a stake in the old line on top ot t he mountain and :running s outh vrith the old line on top of t .he mountain to a large butted v4l:ite oak1 ;l.t being a eornGlr to one tl"act, end then, with the outside lines C>f the t v:o tracts to the ooginn1ng.: said traot or pal.'oel Of lfJll.d belo®ng to II.n •. oook, Oon,ditiofl of this title 1s $UOh that D • .r~cook 1s to nav• the use of the part (!)t the n»aclaw and one rooav field dv:r1nt tl:lf.l lite time ot tll3 said D,J',Cook and wtt'e, H;.E_._ O(!)O~ of thE> above deso:ri bed pl'emises, or • in ea$$ said . ;ral't1ei!J vaoa.11es th.e use of Said l ands to ·deliver the same tQ w • G • fh MEH3ser, S!Jut B "' b.:lO Page ..................... .................... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION In Preamble ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT As Signed S.AM'L. L. U>VE VJ • 1.. IIILI,IAR.D lt .. G • A • LOft· As Acknowledged R • V! • ED'G.ARD5 • Sul>so:rtbtng w1tneaa ~ i1• 0" CO'RIUjiJ.. .<U. t;!l 1. Kind of Conveyance ...... J) .......... :-----~--------·-·--- ·-·-····· 2. Date of Conveyance ...... 1Q-,.2i:t!l6.?.2 ...... : ................. . 3. Is it properly executed .......... l;-0-S-.................................. 4. Date of Entry and :No ........................................................ . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged .. l--rr.o.b.t:..~ ... .J.uuge 6. Acknowledgements, regular Y.e.G ..................................... . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back.................... 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ..... JJCL ........................... .. 9. Date of . ackn6wledgement...6~.4~.lB.8.l..................... 10. Was privy examination of wife taken ........................... . 11. Did officer affix SeaL ... .......... :................................. 12. Was order of probate correct... ....... Y.C.fJ ........................ . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record ... ~.'!'!'.4~lB.Bl ...................... .. (a) of seizin ........ .1-{0.......... .......................... ............. .... 15. Book ........ l ..... ~ ......................... Page ___ g~------------------------ (b) power to convey ...... YtlS............................................ for ............... Ji~Y.WQ_Q.9, ............................ County. (c) against encumbrances ---- ~!. 0 .................................... . 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others .. J:lQ .............................. . or restrictions ... ..... '19:¢. ...................................................... .. 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) .. ~0 .. .HAV:l'~ ... J:~.D ... ~0. ..;(.~;::::tr:~~~::::Cit:::l~:~f:: .......... with---t-he. ... pr.ivilege.u ... nn.a ... Dp.pltt.tcnm:lc a.s. ....... thc.r.o:unt.o. ... :b.e.lon$.1.ns ... un.t.o. .... the . ......... se.1ti. ... J ....... <} •... O.orrel~ -- encl ... h.i.s .... he.ire .... t.a ... hi.s. ... F-ne.. __ tl"uai:r ....;v ... uae .... a.nd ................ . .......... l).e.hoof' ... f'.o:r.eve.r., ..................................................................................................................................................................... .. Exact Description of Property wm~.Bi~S. Jtunee :R . LOve, d~ceaaed, wee seized of large tracts of land_. comznonliJ called Speet'l.lation l;oods,, lying and being 1n the Counties o:f Yaney, M~~ dison,. Buncombe• Raywood and :JaeksonJ and , WliEREAS. the said James R,. ! .. ova mttcla and published 8 last will and testament in writing and appointed William H.~homae,. RObert G. ~~.tove. Willioni L,.Hilliar<l snc1. Samuel L-.JJova,• Executors, who qualifted end 'took upon themselves the execution thereof; ana.,_ WBm!.EAS • the said Ja:me s R .. r~ava a old rne.ny tra.e ts of s81 d lend to di:f.'fe:rent persons and 8.uthorized and empowered his said Ex• eotttors to c onti,nue the sales of sai d h.nd and to ~ke ti tlea. :AEG:UlNUiG at a maple on the p9int of a. rinse tn the Fork of Little Oatelooohee Oreelt; then, rt'l..llning :W2 poles to s spruce pine at a branoh, noer seic1 Creek; tbenoe South lQ Esst llS poles to a sps.nis'h oak near a b?enob; thence West 132 :poles to a small bioko17 North of e. ridge; tbenoe North 10 west 116 poles to the beginning. Containing 100 sores m\lre or leas, Sheet B .. 2 - Alao one o,b.,. traot:• :aF.GUilNG : •' a maple • tbe · besllmin8 oorl)er ot the above dee<u:ib~a. one hundred sore trao't and .rune .liorth. 65 Eaat go ::poles to a cheatJ.S:at· on· to,P ot a. r14p 1n the south bOtJndal'y line of · Jo'bn BNu1ah.•s l•dJ thence sottth 64 Eaat, with HaJulall's 111\e 68 polee to a sp:ruoe pine .• o~rneJ' to sa.icl Hazmah•s land snd a ooJ'ner ot the aboYe desor1be:4 one hundl'ed sore traota theaoe 1 wt th sa14 tte.ot west 1&2 poles to the be gi.nntng. o Oil• tatn1ng ~ aores more or leas. NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION AijSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged R. a. JOmtiON' and .R. s. JOHNSO:N R. s. JOlUlSOi w. '· JO~SO:J w. F. JOHNSOJ w. F., JORNSON J. c. COR.tUlil-L ' 1. Kind of Conveyance ........ Dee-tl-····················· ................ . 2. Date of Conveyance ... , ... ll•2f~-l9-03······················· 3. Is it properly executed .... ----Y-eS·······-········-········-·········· 4. Date of Entry and No .......... ........... ................................ ." .. . 5. Before what Officer acknowledged ........ J -.P·;;·············· 6. Acknowledgements, regular !-Gii···································· 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. ..... ... ......... .. ............... . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ........ 'f(tfS·························· 9. Date of acknowledgement ..... ll..SG-1903-·· ........ . 10. Was privy examination of wife taken .. ye.a ............... . 11. Did officer affix Seal... ............................ .... .......... ........... ... . 12. Was order of probate correct ........ y-<78·························· 13. Does conveyance · contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record .... J. ... J..S..l904 .................. . (a) of seizin ·······Y-e-s·· ·············· ····················· ········ ·· ········ (b) power to convey ..... ye-s··················· ·························· . 15. Book -1-8··································· Page ..... £58 .................. . for ................. J!~.y-.,co.a, .......................... County. (c) against encumbrances .. ................................... . (d) against claims of aU others .... y.e.~················ ·········· 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions ············No-········ ··· ········································ 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) ..... TO··llt:.-V:E· .fut'B····'N) ROLD···tb.e .... a:fQ1~tH'Hi·id····in-tel:-GSt .... 1n, ........ . ··· · ·eaid····lti-nd······£1ld···e.·ll···pr-i-vile~~-s--- anll- -·a~}pltr.-te.nanec.a .... ... bel.ongoJl€; ............ . ·····t-o-···th-e····eai·{Lil······S······ Jo-nna-en··:················.J ···{}·-.··-C-o-rr-ell---···········M-;i.ra .. -8JJ.{l ... ass.igna ........ . ··· · · -t-o ···hi-s · ··onl~···uae···-and·· · be·he0:l!···fere-ver-•............................................................................................................... Exact Description of Property "Re:r interest in t he J .c. oorrell •a 1~\%\d in C.s.taloochee Tovmship • R~ywooa Oolmty • ad-· joining the lands of• John Hannf!.h ana others, bounde(l. as follows :• BEGitmiNG at a rnapla on ·I; he roint of n r il?.ga • ili "'"he forks of Little Oa.t.alooohee Creek; thence running .122 poles to a epruoe i1ine at a b:r&"\Ch near enid Creek; thenee south 10 East 116 poles to a s.p~eb oak near a brsnoh; thenoe west 132 poles to a small bioko::y :North of e ridge: thenoe North 10 west 116 poles to the begin• ninth containing 100 aores rnore or leEul. Also one other Tl'Mt t- BEGIN'N!NG at a maple the beginning corner of the above desoribtid 100 aore tract an(!. TU.."lS North 65 East 90 poles to a ebestnut on top of a ri~ge in the south bOtU1dBrJ line of Jobn Hannah lan(l; thence South 60 East, ~itb Hannah's line 66 poles to a sprnoe pine• corner to said Hannah and a corner of the aboYe described 100 Ml'e t.raat; thenoe. with ea1d tract west 132 poles to the beginning• containing 2at aorea :more or leoa • Sheei B \...__/' . ;;: !> j'j . Page .... ·-- --·- ------- -~-- -·· · ··· · ··· · ··· --·- · NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION In Preamble ABSTRACT OF DEED OR. GRANT As Signed J •. o. ·co~ELL MALINPA CGRR'ELL As Acknowledged :r. c, a·anmu. MA!.DlDA CORREtL ~"' w:.G .ts.MESSEil his ~ heU~~s 0 1. Kind _of Conveyance .. l).d-····-············ ······-----·-------.. ..... . 2. Date of Convey::mce ..... J.l-"'"-l"""l-OOfS---······················· 3. Is it properly executed ...... y-ee····-·········-----·---··-·--- ·-·---·· 4. Date of Entry and No ........................................ ~ --------- -- - - - - - · 5. Before what Officer acknowledged .. J.-l'-•·-·---·: ......... . 6. Acknowledgements, · regular --Ye-&·-····-----··--···--·--·····-····· 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. ..... :·-·· ········ ·- ···-- --- --· ---- 9. Date of acknowledgemenL11_.l...._l905- -- ----- -·-- .... 8. Did all grantors acknowledge ......... Y.eS--------------·----·-···· 10. Was privy examination of wife taken.·-Ti!tlt··········---·· 11. Did officer affix SeaL. ......N O-·-- ········· -·-·-- -· ······- ----- -···- -- .. 12. Was order of probate con-ect... .. :YetL ........... :. ............ . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record ..... ll-l.G-1906--------------- (a) of · seizin ·-Y&$---.. ·--- -----------····----··-----------·--··- 15. Book ....... .!$. ........................... Page ...... SS-'1----------······-- (b) power to convey .. yes··-···········-·····--··---··----- ·------·---··· (c) against encumbrances ····-·.Ye&··----···-······-··-···-·--·-·· for ........... fl£.Y.-m-Qd ................................ County. (d) against claims of all others ........ y-oa,----···-·-·-····--···· 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or .restrictions --·NO·-·······--····--··-··--····-····--··················.' ... : .. 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully)'J?O. fL\VE· - :.t'IID· - J:f.Q- HOLD--t-lle---a.foresaid---1i-ra-Ot---~- ---~-Oel­ ·· ···-·-and····sl1· --pr1V1·1egce$··-e·nd·--a-pp.ll'-t-en;mo~-S---the-7-eto ---00lO:~i!lg----tO- --th~---a~i-: ... -- ------- 'ini,G-.Bii11(aSEJel'-1---heir&--m4 --ass-igns-.---t-Q tbeu---onlY---\tf1e--- and-- --'b$hOQt~--tW.eve:r!' Exact Description of Property Ad3ein1~ tbe lands ot Jfohn Hanmh, J .v,.wo~* & H,Olows;r em others•· - :em.n{lttNG at a ma~le· at ~~11(:'; point et e r1dg$ in the fol'ks ot Little Cataloftilee Oxoo.ek} then 7;"lml1.1ng East 100 ana 52 poles to a · q_,rue o pine at a btarian nealt said o~eek1 tnenc-e south 10 East 100 an4 16 pole~ to a spanish oak nemr a blianchj thence W$st ~.Of) aDl -52 poles. to a small hickory Nor$ of a,. rtdaej tmnoe lteth :1-0. wast 100 til1d 15 _ polas to tb.e beginnitlf!t ·c-(:l'ltainins 100 acres I!tJr e o.:r 34 tJSt~ Al~ one otbe-~ 1lraotl m& at _a maple .~ the b::~innins corner of -the abOve cl.escr1Wd 100 acre tmo-t end 1"'\llU$ NQ.rth 65 Ees't to ptlea 'to a chestnut . on tOI? r:t a ri~e .ln the south 'bol#JA~ l.lne of John Hannah's lsnd t tbenOe S®.th 54 :ltast1 wit!$ Hanmh 's l .in.e ee ;po.J4s t.o a. •iPJ'lOEl pU1~ 1 _ oom~r to ~aid Hannah:• s land and a oorna:e of tlle all>ve cl.esori.'b" 1.00 ao~ t:vaet; tbeneej -with $a.Ul tract west 132 polee to the bes UU.t~, a)n ta1. nin.g 2&~ aeres lllt)t'e or lesa• Shut 8 b ...... . Page ......... ~ .. ::': ... ~ ............. ........ . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged 1. Kind of Conveyance ....... ... J)Qft····································· 3. Is it properly executed .... :YC,\lcL .................................... . 2. Date of Conveyance .... g,..;a&-1910············--·····--········ 4. Date of Entry and No ................... .. : .............................. , .. .. 5. Before what Officer acknowledged .......... ~.,p ............. . 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. ........................ .......... . 9. Date of acknowledgement ... ~~l,~~910 ... ········· 6. Acknowledgements, regular 'fe-1: ·--··--························--·· 8. Did all grantors acknowledge: ...... fe8--·····---·················· 11. Did officer affix Seal... ... ."NO---···-·-···--·····---··-·---·-·-·· ··---······ 10. Was privy examination of wif!J t~ken .ye8············--··· 12. Was order of probate correct.. ..... yeEI···········--······--··--·· 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- .14. Date of filing for recorq ...... ~l-9-U-.. -········----- (a) of seizin ......1 ....................................................... . 15. Book ········----$1-----------------·------ Page. ... 330·····--···--······-- (b) power to convey ... Yes .............................................. . (c) against encumbrances ·.Yes .................................... . 16. ~:e~-~-~~~--~~~--~~~-~;~/{~~~~-~~~~~~:.u;~~~sions or restrictionslleaene.a ... ttl.&---Usec .. o.f--one -appl-&··tr'ee·--nas··-long·--as----1-t···re-···· 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully)........... ............. ............... .. .. ·····--··-maillS···tQ·-··liV&''----·---·--···---·--·-··-·----··--·-·---------------· ....... TO ... RA.Vl: ... A.ND ... !.OO ... lif)LD ... the ... a.fcE'$$a14 ---·~-~t---or----paroel--- Of· ··-laJJA-·tUtd···1ll1--·------­ ····· ·-Pr1-'fi-~-. ... cnd--ap-pt'&'-'lene.n~es---·tb.el'f:to-·belDngtns····to·:·the-···&att·· ·c-aunt,.·--··--··· ...... l:le)er4 .... ot ... :g4u.oauon .. .and .. :.:th4)1~---.succesaor~;J-· ·1n-- omo-e-.,---'t-& ··the-tr--··onl7··----···------ (d) against claims of all others ... Ye.S .......................... . . . . use and be ho<'f • . · · Exact Description of Property AdJoitlil'Jg ~be' latlds or w .a,n. Mes$er Mld oUle~e. bounded as tollcwst• · · BEGDtNlNG on a gate post at the ptl.bliQ l'()ad .and l'11ll$ N• 72 .1£, 10 polea trJ a buokeye at UJ.e bmn.ob.; thenCe SCJU;th 89 x. 6 poles to ·a annU bea.dWOodJ Uum s. 23 w. 15 poles and 20 11nks to a box elder at the pu.b!Lio road; then 1 l'l1 th the road th9 eouJ>I!les_: • N.; 24: w_. 2! .poles; ~l,67iJ ancl w, 10 IX)lest N" 12 E~tt 5i poles · to Ule beginnin~h .containing 1:,9 p()lel)S• . . - ' Sltut lJ .r.r.. C> =.0.1. r.!) 54n . · Page ............... ............. . .. NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT In Preamble As Signed As Acknowledged BOARD OF it~DWATIOll BOARD OF EDUCATION w • c. .ALLBlf • seo re ta17 of Haywood Q ou.aty 'by "· T .. S~;Chair- JllPJl W .G .li ._}JES&'ER · 1. Kind of Conveyance ............. J)&eQ.--............................... . 2. Date of Conveyance ... ~-l-l-9-2&------ ......................... . 3. Is it properly executed .... Jr,e.g ...................................... .. 4. Date of Entry and No ..................... .... .................. ............ .. 5. Before what Officer acknowledgedo ....... s--.--c ......... .. · 6. Acknowledgements, regular ·--'Y-8-B------------------------------·-- 7. If irregular, copy in full on back .................................. . 8. Did all grantors acknowledge .......................................... .. 9. Date of acknowledgement.. .. 4-o--2-l928 ------------ -------- 10. Was privy examination of wife taken .......................... .. 11. Did officer affix SeaL ....................................... ................ .. 12. Was order of probate correct.. .. y.ea ................. : .......... .. 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- 14. Date of filing for record .. - 4--2-l~-28-----------------------· (a) of seizin ...................................................... ................ .. 15. Book ................ 7.6 .................... Page ....... Zl4 .............. .. (b) power to convey ....... ){-Gfil ...................... .. ................. .. for ................ HGyw0-0-G······----------··---------County. (c) against encumbrances .......... ..................................... . 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions (d) against claims of all others ............. .... ........ .............. . or restrictions ...................................................... ............... . 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) .... ']Q .. JiA.VJ~ ---JlJI-D --- TU- -HOLD--the .. Gf.O.l'-GliUI.-14.---trac-t---or .................. .. · ···· ·· P-el'-OS-l---of----l&ntl---w<l---ttll---pr-1-vileges- --and-- - &p-pm~-ten.anG-o-e---'t-he-1'tHmtt>-··bi9·-------·· ·· ---··---long.tng .... to----the---.aai<l---lt&r-'ty .... f4. .... ths----si*Oon4---part----bi-s.---lletr-a---wai--··&··-­ · ······ 1».---aa-- -ful-l- --an-d---atnP-le---nlann~-r ---as---the ----JlO tn!u .... o.f---;l;d:aG-ation----o1'--·H&yweotl-------------- C ounty is authoriaed m:J.d Ennuov1ered to o onvoy tl1e sarli . Exact Description of Property '!HIS !W..EJJ rnatle this ·the ls t day of March, 1928 1 by end be­tween too noara of Flduc.tttion of He.;J\'!i"OOd Cottnt'3' • e. Corporate Body, under end my virtue of the Laws of' the State of Nor'th caroline,, putJ of the first par·t and w .G .:a .Yesser of Ha~-wood C OlUlty, IT .o. , of the second part; i'liTl'~~s:Jt: !rl-:r, That, V.ffiil\EAS, the Board of Jt~ duoatio:n of Haywood County, by resol­ution of the Board. as appears on tho Minutes of. the Board of Edncat­ion deteJ"mined that the l f1nde hereinafter described are no longer noa&esext end needed fo:r aohool 11urpoees ancl oraerod tbe awe be sold: and. · flTIF:R.EAS , s a itl lMd.e "(l?ere d11ly at'tvertised. in •11ha wnynesville Jrrountainear-courier ana. by posters as ie required b7 law,. and that puraumt to enid a.dvert1se~nt same was sold on the 6th da!' of Jea­uar, v, .192'1, at publio auction, when and where w.G.B.Messer booame and waa the last and htsbeat bidder at the price of $Stil.50; ana. WHEREAS-, Said sale wee du.l.7 reported to the Eoard and the same was confirmed and a deed ordered execm.ted by the C he.irrna:n and seo:ret~ry of the noara. for and on b£Jllelf of said Boera. to the pur­ohaeerl f.lnd_. WHEREAS ; the purchaser haD eonrplied with the te:rme ot salaJ lfOW Tlmlffili'OP.E, eto. Shut B Jqing artd being in Oatalooobee !h'Aaldp a(ijolning t'be land a o:t w.c ; .J.)lease:r end• . ~nm'liG on a sate post at tbe PlibU<t road and r\U'ia Borth '12 d•S• l'Jnst 10 polee t .o a ·bt»lee1• at a b,-e.nch; tbonoe .south 89 4•8• E&a1; Cl polea ~o a small beadwood# thenoe south 25 deg. west 16 poles end 20 linlUI to a box elde7 at the public roac\J thence wt th the ro~d the_ following courses& Jorth 24 481• weet 21 pol&ai BOl"th 6'1i des• west 10 poles; . North 12 detJ• Esst 5i poles to the beg1#Jl!nS• eonta1111ng 139 sq. poles, e:xoepting from tbe a8Jile such interest aa w .a .•dieeeer ma1 bave u and to tlle use of one apple tree on eald laade. .".' Q ;: .".' 542 Page .......... .......................... .... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION In Preamble w. J .. RFNNAH, 11Tu:stee and ,,.dJTJ.nistz·a tOC' ABSTRACT OF DEED OR GRANT As Signed !/: .. J, Ht'NN.m , T:rtlStee and. Ad..'111nist r e.tcr As Acknowledged W • J • UA!UiPH ;T:rustee and t cl.ministrator c~------------------------~------------------------~------------------------- 1. Kind of Conveyance .. Dee-d············································· 3. Is it properly executed ....... · -·· ·¥<~5 -· · ··· ···· ··· · ·· ····: .......... . p. Before what Officer acknowledged.-G-.,C·· ·G-· ·············· 7. If irregular, copy in full on back. ..... ............ ................. . D. Date of acknowledgement .. 7 ... ;3...:1912······················· 11. Did officer affix SeaL .............. ..................... ..................... . 13. Does conveyance contain convenants- (a) of seizin ·······N"O····· ························· ···························· (b) power to convey .. yes················································· (c) against encumbrances ·····-NO··································· (d) against claims of all others ....····························· 2. Date of Conveyance .... -7·•2•l'vl8································ 4. Date of Entry and No .................. : ......... ............................ . 6. Acknowledgements, regular ··········.Y-a-s························· 8. Did all grantors acknowledge _____ ........................... . 10. Was privy examination of wife taken-... --............... . 12. Was order of probate correct.. ... -y~;rs····· · ··· ·· · ·· · ·············· 14. Date of filing for record .... -7-2-1-9-l/3-······················ 15. Book ····35································ Page ..... -525··················· for ....... .J1a.~··:wo.od---·················· -··· ···········County. 16. Does deed contain any special limitations, provisions or restrictions ····················· ·· ···· ······-········ ·······················-··-- 17. Habendum clause (Quote fully) -~ro-··UfN~:t ··iu11Y ·TO"OLD ··-th·c····af•n··cnra:i <:l···tr-o.ot····or-···la:nd····-· ·······wi ·Ul····the····:pi'·1Vile-ges···e.n·d···ap-pt.u.. . te·~-c-es···tht!·re-to···-bo·lollQ1nG···unt·o· · ·th-e···· ·····-··· ·······aaicl···W·.-<hB•·Mess"Gl"···md····his····hei l'"S···a:n.O:···assi·gns··;····to···n:ts···a:nCJ:···tbetr···mu-y····- · ···· ·· ·us~---end·· · ·beh-oof·· · ·fcrewr-.-············ ·· · · ··· · ······ ····· ··· · ·· · ·-· · · ··········--·········-·· · ··· · · ··· · ···-··· · ········ ············ ·· ·· ·· · ····-· ····-················-····· Exact Description of Property THIS D:E:ED mad.e this the f"lr st da.!r of .Tuly. 1912, by r:.J. Uannahf Trustee :fer "the llei.r·a at lau of H. Love, deeoased1 end others ovmers Of the lands k:rl..ovm. as fue LOve s peculation Lt.'ill11S, and ns 1\dministra:tio:r de bonis non with the ~ii ll annexed of James n. LC)'Ve, deceased, to W.G.B.Niesser of the County of haywood e.nd State Of !~or·th Carolina; iitnseseth ; that , \TiiiZ!Jll];JiS , ;rar,~s R • Lovo, c1eoonsed, undol' a decr ee of' the Court of l!iqUity of Bunoombe County, N.c., in tb.e year 1857; and UDder th0 prov1mons of a Deed. of J\gl'ea:nent enteJ:.~ed into on the 16th day of ootobe]\ 1 18571 by James H. LOve, B. M. R-~nr:r , James L,Henry1 William Weleh, John B. toVO; Dilliard I .. ova end ~-:" illiam fl . Thomas, be• came Trustee for himself and the said. parties above na."!led of the said Love s paculat:lon lmds, lyi~ in the counties of Yaney 1 Madison .• Buncombe, IIs;vwood and Jacltsont with power to nnke salo of the sa"fll>9 and ex.eo-u te t1 tle deeds Ulerefor; and, wmm:rr:AS t the sait! James B. tov~ (lied seized and possessed or the said LOve Speculation lo.n ds as ai'oresaid' as 'l'ruetee; and, Vi~, the said J&l'.t)s R. Love made and published a last will and testmnent tn writing and appointed William H. Thomas, Robert C·, A. LOVe, William L. Hilliard and Samuel L1 Love,Executors, who qualified and took upon themselves the execution thereof; and, WHEliE.AS 1 the said James n . :LOve sold many tracts or said lands to different :rarsons w thorized and empowered his said Executors to continue the sale of said lands and make titles therefol"J S!tut B I '-.._../ .... 2 ... and, ¥JlffmEJ\S t upon 1lle d.eatb of the said William L.Hilliard, the sole acting executor of tl:w J asee R. Love, deceased, the Superior com't of Heym oo County- , at Spri DB 'l~ erm 1891, in the case of W. L • .Henry end. Yi.- L. :Henry, Administrator ot n. rut. Heney 1 de­ceased against w. L. Hilliard, Exeoutor and others, appointed one R. D. Trustee fOr the heirs a t law cf Jamea R. LOve, deceas­ed · and others ovmers of the said LOVtj) Speottla t1on lands \Tl th }?O V•"Br to :make sales of said l ands e.:rrJ. execute titles therefor; end, · WfiEfU~.h.S, the said H. D. <fi.ili'Del' ms a:ppoint~d Admin1strat­Qr de bonis non with t he Will mne:xei'J. of James n . Love, deceased, by the Superior Cour."t ot Hey"~.vOOd county on the 18th asy of :~ ep tenbe r, 1891; and t ~:•Hli!.RE..iS t t..i1e said n • D. G·ilmer, mru.s tee as a foresaid, at Sprillg Term, l9ll of tho Supe r'ior court o:r Hey"Wood County, to-wit• on February 16th, 1911, r e e.igned his said Trtlsteeshi:p of the said estate of J B , Love • deceased , to the «ru(~c of tne superior Court. holding said term Yllb.idl \tas i r:moc.iately accept ed by said .Tut\.g;e ; and, Wll.EREP"'~ ' the said. h . n. G1lmei•, t\dninistrator de bonis non with the ~ 111 anne.::ted of Jm!!es Ti e Love ; deo...-:;as ed , resigned a ~ sucb. .~~dminis t.ra t or ln ~r.ri ti~. to the Cl erk of the Superior court of :•rJywom County, on the 16t..l:l day of .Fc l:rua.ry, 1911, whose resignation \Vas ac cepted 1rn.;-rEd1®te ly by "t41.e s aid C le r1~ of the Superior Court; and, WREl'I.EAS , oll of the ::..; ;~:e outors uppointed by the Last will and te st:.m.ent of J.'?..."l'.iSS 'P. .. Love , deceased , at the time of the said resigna.tien of the eaid 11. D. G· vn:~:re dead; ant1 1 t'illliHE.t.1S , af t er tha recignation of t£1.9 saill. r. . n. Gillner, 'l'rustel$: as efo resai<l , on tlte l ot."l clay of f'ebruary, 1Sl1 1 at Spr i ng · Term l9ll of the Su:pe:r1or Cot.T t of Heyv;o od. cou.nty, the Judga I)l•esiding and holding said Term. of Court appointed \'' . ;; • :Ha.+nah Trustee for t hEJ heirs at law of Ja~:Bs E . Lov~C , c.e c;;.ase''l and o·thers, omers of sai d Love S~culnt1on l ende.: , vd '~h full powe1· ·to rr.ial'JS S:!le s of Paid lends an t'i. execute titles the r efor ; r-mtl. , ;~11r""l:F. .. \S , the salt\ ~" . .T. l"lE..l".nah waE appointed Hlmin1 stre.t.or £le bonis non with the Wil.l 1;1-nne.:xad of J <ttnl9S R. Love, deCeased , by the Superior oourt of l.ieywoci county on the 20th day o:r F'ebrua.:ey, 1911; and, ',,]-J)t;! BJ£ , H. !)., G i~r, rrrust ee, e xecute d a bond /to ;r. C. Cor:rell about tl::w yea.x· 1884 and took hi s note for the purchase money; and;. WI'UlU.-: AS , the said H • D.. Gilmel', 'l'l'Uste o , sue(l the said J, c. cm.. rell on said note . end obtained a judgm:nt for t he said pur- . chase money, ruaounting to ~147.60 with intarest from Apt"il 15th• 1894; ana, WHEREAS , the sai d J. c. Correll sold and assisned said bond for a vaJ.ueble consideration ·to Vi , a,. B. Messer, and the so.1d w. G. B. Messer bas paid the said. Judgment for purchase money with interest; NOW 'lliEREFm.E 1 etc• ~-"~r- ~:--" ' "-j~ Being on tbe waters ot Little cataloocuee in the oounv, ot EayweQd and adjoining the lands of VJ , Gt B; Messer ·and others and bou~ed as foll ow s: ~ · Being ::Jxoept1on No• 47 1n a .Daed tran R.,D. Gil:mal' Trustee to t he lto.rth Carolina ta.nd. al:ld Timber COr!¥l3.1lY, which deed is Register• ed 1n Book Not' 10 nt ~e s from l to 40, lteoord Of Dee·ds of Hay t.ood County, tne laild hGre1n c o n~ye d being <.1esc:r1bed as follow a~- liEG INNING on a maple, Nor·tb.west corner ot Exce ption Now 46 and runs N<r"th 9 East 21 poles to a locust; t.~ence s outh 81 Weet 59 poles to e ironwood; thenoe south 9 East .157 poles to a chestnut; t henoe North 81 1£a.St 59 -poles to a stake in said tract and then1 wi tb. tm sa:rne North 18 1::est 107 noles to the beginning eorner, containing 50 acre s more or less. -- 5 44 -;&- Page ................................... . NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION SURVEYOR'S AFFIDAVIT NORTH CAROLINA, ··---~-~-Q.QJ?. ............ COUNTY. IN THE MATTER OF THE PURCHASE OF LANDS CLAIMED BY OR BELONGING TO \f .G.B.MESSF.Jl AND WIFE RACHAEL MESSER DESIGNATED IN SURVEY AS AFFIDAVIT. T RAC ~ 23l-23la-23lb-23lo ........ ~!.g_~!!.~~~!'~-----·-·········································• being duly sworn, says: That he is a Civil Engineer and Surveyor, and was employed by the North Carolina Park Commission · as such in the survey of the foregoing mentioned tract of land, the deed for which is registered in the Office of Register of Deeds of ........ i.A~_QQt' .............. County, in Book ... f'-1 .................. , Page ........ IS ............. . That he knows the lines and boundaries set forth in said deed and from his survey and investiga-tion, he knows that the deed to the State of North Carolina is likewise embraced in the several links of the chain of title shown in the abstract hereinbefore set forth. An actual suryey was made of the above tract, the adjoining land owners were called in in every case, and adjustments were made as between adjoining land owners so that there is no dispute or controversy at the present time as to the boundaries of said tract of land. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this of ... ~~~--_,_-·········• 19.~9 .. ... :=:~~-~!.i:;;.~~r]:~~/ ~ ( Notary Public. · My oommission •• :irest9~--L~.l r 3 I ·················-~·-····-r····· -~~~~~=--,..,..._ ' 5 44 -:re.· Page .................. t ················ NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION .\ TAXES / (Fill in all blanks indicating year, and show on lines opposite the year whether or not the taxes have been paid. If paid an affirmative showing must be made by use of the word "Paid." The use of ditto marks is not ~~rmissible). The property in question is assessed for taxation for the current year, 19 .......... , at $ ........................... [ .. , in the name Wt.~bJ.~t~.ff.~r ................................. and the taxes for the past ten years have been paid or not paid as follows: 1~~---·· ...... ¥..~~P.~: .................................................................. . ~ ....... · PAID 1tl~..... . ..... "fAt"P. .................................................................... . J~!.. .... .. PAID 1~.;?~.... . ..... ?..AJ;'P. .................................................................... . 1~~ ........... ~~~?'?. ..................................................................... &?. ..... .. 29 19 ......... . .. .........?l AoliD. .. i ?iiif ................................................ . u~P ..... BAlD 19 ......... . ASSESSMENTS LES PENDENS MECHANICS LIENS JUDGMENTS 8/1111 G STATE OJ!~ NORTH CAROLINA HAYli OOD CGUUTY -----'ff..::..~.......:.£:~,-:;;;A;....~; M:~%"". "~"~·;~;;;::_---·-' being duly sworn, deposes and says: That. he is 'j"'~- years of age, and has been a oiti zen and ;:.. res ident of Haywood county for .{;fr2 yea rs; that he is well acquai nted ·with the ownership and possession of a certain tract of land formerly owned by w. G. B. ·Messer, and more particularly described as foll ows: TRACT NO. 231-C NOTE: All bea ri ngs in this description wero turned from the true meridian and all d1 stances are ~ xp ressed in ch trl. ns ot 66 feet. BEGINNDiG at corner 1, a point in a maple stump hole , s hon as corner by W. G. B. Messer,. corner 3 or the M. N" Hall tract ( 22 9) and corner 8 of the w. G. B. Messer tract ( 231). Set a post in a mound of stone s , scribed W.M. T-2 Cor. 5. A 9" sour• wood blazed and scribed B.T.W. M.. T-2, Cor. 5, bears s. 67-30 w., ;.52 chain distant. Thenoe 1 with the I:h N. Hall Tract (229) s , 8?-13 E., 2!5.99, Corner 2, a point in a s panish oak stump hole, s hovm as corner by W. G. B. Messer, corner 4 of' the M .• N. Ue.ll traot (229). set a 4" post in stump hole, scribed w. Ji,f . 'l'-2, Cor. G. An 8" black oak blazed 8Ild scribed B.T. W . l..~. T-2 Cor. 6, bears N. 75 ... 00 E., .• 30 chain distant. Thenoe, N. 9-58 w,, 3 .• 91 chains, Corner 3, a 30" and 12" double chestnut on a ridge at intersection of lines, corner 5 of the th N. Hall tract ( 229) • The 12" ohes tnut blazed and sari bed M. II. Cor .• 4. An 18" s.panish oak , blazed and sari bed B .T'~M . H . Cor. 4, bears s. 59 ... 00 E. ,36 chain di s tant. Thenoe, l eaving t !1e M. N. Hall tract (229) :u. 7-54 w., 23,77, Corner 4, a decayed 40" hemlock stump on wes t ba nk of Little Ca talooohee Creelc, a corner of the J. B. Hannah tract (252). Set a 4" chestnut post 1n mound of stones scribed B.H. Cor. 5. An 8'' biroh blazed and scribed B. T. B.H. Cor. 5, bear s s. 81-00 E •• 05 chain di stant. Thence, with the J. B. Hannah Tract (252); N, 51•2'1 W.,crossing Little Cataloochee Creek; 6.181 corner. 5, a point in the lower margin ot the Little Catalooohee Road, a corner of the J. B, Hannah tract (252) and the J. H. Hanna.h tract (2!51). Set a 4" ohestnut post in mound of s tones scribed B.H. Cor. 4 • . Thence, leaving the J,. B. Hannah tract (252), with the J . H. Hannah tract (251} u. 49·57 f-l t 1 9.95, corner 6, three chestnuts• t w·o 20", one 14" on top of a ridge, the 1·1- ~1 chestnut blazed and s cribed w. M. T-2, cor ~ '1. Thence, leaving too J. IL. Hannah tract (2!51) and leaving the ridge, s. 67-45 w., 19.66, Woody Creek flowing south east, 21.24, Corner '7, a 20'' maple, blazed and scribed w.M.T-2 Cor. e. Thence, N. 6~4? w., cros s1P~ Woody Creek flowing south­east, 5.07 Corner 8, a 12" locust snag with witness es, blazed and scribed W.M. T-8 Cor. 9. An 18" cucumber blazed and scribed B,T.W.M. T-2, Cor. 9, bearss. 32-30 E •• 27 chain distant. Thence, s . 82 .. 41 w., 1.50, Woody Creek flowing southeast, 14.62, Corner 9, a point at uprooted ironwood, no marks found, shown as corner by Messer. Thence, s. 7•07 E•, 10.00, Little Ca taloochee Creek flowing east, 32. oo, Corner 10, a point near top of a ridge. Thence, N. 82-34 E. 14.30 . Corner ll, a point at intersection of lines. Set a 4" bellwood post · in mound of s tones, scribed W.M. 'l'-2, Cor. 124 A 12" water oak blazed a nd scribed B.T.W.M. T-2, Cor. 12, bears U. 46•30 w,, .44 chain distant.. Thence, s . 9•30 E., 1.26, Corner 12• an 18" ol1 estnut with corner marks, blazed and scribed ''\' . H. T•2, Cor. 13. A 15" ohestnut with witness marks bears West .27 chain distant. Thence, s . 88-49 E., 6.87, the place of BEGUlNDTG, containing , exclusive of E.x• cep t1 on .No. 1, 148.85 aores. Affiant further stat es that w. G. B. Messer and those under whom he claims, to wit: J. c. Correll and others, have been in the open, oont1nuoua, adverse and notorious possession of said lands under known and visible metes and bounds for a period of 30 years and more, cultivating same, taking timber 8D.d firewood therefrom, pasturing same, and making s uch other uses of said lands as they are susceptible ot. Affiant fur t her states that he has never heard of a ny controversy as to the title or to the possessi on of any portion of the above des­cribed lands. Sworn to and subsori bed before me this .3/ day of :dt7 , 1932 • £-: .<Q.'y,)~ic.-'- My oomu1iss1 on expires July 7, 1933. \~I NORTH CAROLINA PARK COMMISSION ATTORNEY'S CERTIFICATE AND OPINION IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED: That the title to the within described land as disclosed in the attached abstract which contain~J a full, complete and' correct abstract of all instruments and court proceedings of record affecting the same from and including the beginning entry there of has been carefully examined and noted, and that the following named owner ...... : w. a. a, Mesler and wite, Rachel M. Messer ................ seized in fee simple of a good and valid title to the same, subject only to any lien, charge or encumbrance shown in this abstract and listed he.reon. · ENCUMBRANCES Tracts I, · Taxes due Haywood County for the year 1929. II. Two-thirds uruU Yided interest outstanding in Traot No. 231 ... owned by w. :r. Bennett and o. D. L. Bennett III. One-halt ot the m.tneral 1nteresi outatand1q in Traot No. 23l•a • now owned by stringt1eld and Qthera. rv. on...-halt or the mineral interest outstandi:ng in 'l'X'aot No. 23l•b. This ..... 26····--·--····day of ----······--··IfaV'ember·---·--···--·----···--···• 19 ... 29 Address ................................................... : ................................... . Attorney. 22'1 227-A 228 229 2aa 231 .. .}· 231J..13 231-C ', .. \' 232 ' •, ' \ ,• /\' I ( -o-s. H. Nelson 50 I 'r 25 aores cleared land C!I40.00 / .~ 1000.00 25 a.orea woodland e1:15~0 ·~ ~ ·l i i.A 375.00 4 room box d house "'v""'. I '/" t 2oo.oo 3 stall barn _ ___.l;;..o. .o _.;..;oo;.;;... _,. &;""l;;.6;;.7;;.;5;;.;•;..;0-.,0 J. l;. Stikeleather all woodland 1 ~ 10.00 81.75 J. G. : ~ tikelcnt her 315.16 ilook :FishinG namp :~ oad Campa Old House and barn 15 narcs cleared land ' 10.00 300 acres woodland C10.00 J.~alntow J~i~hi. Club All woodland imbor reserved ll. N. Hall 18 aores w·;odland , ,10.00 29 aoros c l eared l a 11d e•o.oo 3 room b oxed ho, tse 3arn 4 room lo~ }louse r;. G. 3 . liesser 3:.J.'15 39.4'1 817.50 1500.00 50.00 200.00 1/ 450.00 ). ., . ·, :. .. ., : 817.50 3000.00 5200.00 33'1.50 100.00 2030.00 200.00 100.00 200.00 ; I • l i •' •1 33'7.50 26 ~0.00 / \ . 98.23 43.38 3 52.86 250 aores c l ea:.-ed lund & ____.,9.J acres woodlamV '· 10. ou 12 l'Oom framed hq(lse I barn & mill blu ~ · Hill & ·~ 1ature11 119 1C S1iol.•e House c'!: ;Jhed -"' A 'Ple House . ' Ceme nt i'rui 11· house Gas house ll Plant Old sohoo:V' House i.;ea t hou~1e , --1:!96 pen, i .' ~ Apple l)'Vuse , 1\ "' Barn · ; " a. r~o fran ed ~ 188 Smok House ~ Hoo . . -<pp1e Ho 3 r om log ho e _ _ O.,_l_.,g,. lo .: lmrn , .:.p pl e house / Barn ' Loc; House ,·,ppl e Iloua Barn ., \ 148.8:> orohnrd.s• IOO. I ' • \ "• .. 41.63 1 .. acres ultivated :r.nnd , I 0.00 10 acr e ~:~ ·~ odland t';lO.OO 18 l and ©89. 0 25000.00 930.00 '!800.00 1200.00 500.00 aoo.oo 50.00 500.00 1500.00 aoo.oo 200.00 50.00 100.00 600.00 400.00 25.00 500.00 150.00 100.00 100. 00 2oo.oo ,150.00 600.01) 200. 0() 150.00 1300.00 100.00 1440.00 iJ_ 30405.00 ~8<JO.OO IliFORt.; (tt SECURIID BY WOODBURY AND CH .. APM.All ON Sii;PT.!:;!H i~~R 18 AT vu.v . HJ .. L.i::, 1{. C., },ROM. T.d..t.: TA..1. I,IST OF' H.ri.Y' OOD · .t;TY l•'OR 'L .L. ;~A!t 1928 Ol~ 1J.AlW~ ( ll:iT.i!:lUOE :lOLDHiG; } ;~ I'l'lLH1 T~ m '!hHK. ..A.R ;A · Dri G ~.'!:~·. LO•,CH ::;r~ c;u.; r.;K , CA'l' , !,OL)G.Li ; . 'fJ~X 'fl;~iJ~SitiP . J j,! y J ~C i' ~HJ ItiO"v' 150 ·,; u 1 u.e ~ ~~m.ou 1bf>v.Ov 743.0V 1813.00 317~00 231.00 '/02.,00 .-;~~b.OO IO!E: In 1920 Jarvie L. Palmor 11atod 250 aoros on tho old homo plaoe at $4,30o.oo, and 1n the same year l1ato4 166 aorea on Little Oe.talooohee known as tho z.~t1.n Trtt.ct a.t $2.&ou.oo. In ·1920 -roal property was pr6fHlmed to bo liasto{t at ita c ush value • .:. __ l::..1l:::~U .. L~=·~·~- ~~.-~t .. .. Guy PetJee 60 '1 o"'i~ .vv - . L. 1,1. Kiritl ' (Hot listod) -· W. M. Hali 170 " ~, 053.00/ ~;..,,. L _.. J. G. Stikelon.t her(2)994 :r 9,900.00 r r;:::::; ..). *-) ~ D :i ?- "~-' (. .. 'I , Hainbow l!'iehillt~ Clu~ (l~ §t lir.tod), .. / z,?~ ncrea 32,4~-o.OO i ~2,44S.OO I HD I AN C il: t-:: :K Gee. N. Pu.lmcr 200 acres 2,186.00 T. H.• Burris 8~-i 11 1,036.00 J. R.. Hall 135 11 1, 600.00 ~ ~. . C. Cal(tw,Jll 54 11 38f>. 00 .. Carl Sutton uO 11 50o.ou "' J .• , v. Woou.Jr Hei r ~:> 150 n l,luo .oo v V •. A. Campbell · 38 " 500.00 / C. ..T . Palmor.;·(2'}- · • (1~ot lioted )£SA 7,f"!J,lrf> - J. B. Lockman 50 acres ~~?7. ou , I. B. 1~cGahe. 10 " 7'7. 00 ' Jno. H. Pe.lmt!r 108 11 935.ov ~ '878~ " 8,656.00 LIT~rL.;~: CATAT~OOCi .. El.~ . J • .M .• ConrEl.d ,. • 116 &eros 99o.oo- Blaiue Com•ad 1// i::!5 " 242.00 Dave B. Nelaon, (2) 70 11 557.00 J. A. Conrad v 30 " ;)30. 00 W.G.B. :Messer J (~) 334 " .~ ,60 0 .00 J. W. But•gel16 >~ < 44 11 '122 . 00 w. B. BenrJ.ett / 44. 11 788.00 Goo . Bonnet t "'/ 46 " 743.00 M. H • Hall /. / :?0 n 4 9 5. 00 w.. c. Woody .--/ _ 6DBiinot liote d) Jf:ilf·o 0 J. s. Woody ..,r"" 156 acreo 1,650.0J J, • R. .Hatmah:. 150 " 2 , 200. 00 A. c. Ben.lJett ,, 156 " 1,320.00 Jarvis L. Pt:lmor / (.A.l1 listed on Big ea.taloochce ) :t ark w. Ht•nrulh 182 acres 1,602.00 Vi. J. ila.nnah . -· 4!5 II 540.00 J. BlaillO Harmah 55 11 880.00 J e gs-v Smith ...... ·38 " 2'15. Ov \;' . D. Meese~ .. <.35 11 721.00 L. l~. Hall. 5.-;,' ) G<J u l 298.00 J. Hannah -·-··-·· l Z " '116. 00 •:, . H. Hannah .-" 12 " 110.00 I . V. Halmah _,.... 26 " 275.00 .. 1,7Db n ;::Z , 456.00 ·- .. -.. -----. - · ... -·--~ J:J I~ \:,_ t i ~ 0 6,656.00 •..• ii:;,~ 00 GfoJ t • vi:> •

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).