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Cataloochee tract 209: Johnathan Woody

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  • ·., ·Ex;;Bailke~ Ji:[: ./ •• ·~ • •• . • > ., . .: ~· J , ·.n ]. ·H.· w~~dX~ ·~ Dies At 84 n~r I i j ~ ; -. ~ .. - . - ";. WAYNE~VILLE , - :. Jonat\@p ~ :~~~ Woody 84 . . of Country Clu~ . ~~tv.e_, . Waynesville. retired banker, ·-ciV\~ ~ al)d · church leader. died Wednes~ay' 10 :a Haywood County hospital follo~1ng ~p::r:_ . tended illness. · · , · ·• : ,,;-. A native of Haywood Count~:. ~o~l retired in 1961 after 20 years·: 0t a~t~,~ .. banking in Waynesville. He w~s exe~~lty~ . : ; • vice president of the Waynesvtlle offtq!~f ~ 'First Union National Bank at~-l(ifi ( retirement. ..·'. .. ., w,, ~ ."-....~.. Shortly after retirem_ent, • ·· OOv~ became. president of th~ Nallonal lianfc-:?1 Sarasota. Fla., and chatrman of the ·boa~d of the Gulf Gate National Ba~~ " .~n Sarasota. He returned to Waynesvll\e··tl't . 1 1965 and with associates bougnt ·tlt~ Waynesville Country Club. which . ~e, ' ope.rated until it was sold in 197~. . "i·! ~··· ·. Born in Cataloochee, he at ten ed Cullowhee Normal Industrial School and : the University of South Carohna l_!l.Co!!:ltrt bia where he graduated m 191~ .. tie:.~ . . man;~ger of the USC (ootba.ll te~l}l--~ . '. captain of the Army ROTC. ll~' ~~ ,.,.; ;, , vetcr~n.Qt ... Wor\d . War. I. ... "'--~ · . .:1 ... • .~tl' . .,. Woody was former maqa"r~~t .'· · Tanalac Co. in Atlanta and was aJjl~ ' president of the Allan~ Junio~ C~~ ··.· uf Commerce. . · · ,}·._."' ,....,_ ; In 1946. Woody organized 1.4e; f~~ 1 Stale Bank of Hazelwood and bcca~t:, .~ ; · president. A year later, ~e ptif<:lt~Sij control of tile Transylvctma ~~~ :· li~ • · Trust Co. of Brevard and wa~· ~~ : : president of that institutio~. . , ··;:~~~) '; The First llmon National . l;la~~ ' Waynesville · merged with .the ![!iii$ . , Naiional Bank o[ As!leville in 19ra·~ .: h ew months aft~r the rnerg!!r. WO!Jdll-~ ~ one of the individuals · who fo~.ndN-~ f First Union National Bank , qf "NO!.UI ' Carolina. He was executive vice'}lre~4t$· ~ and director of Firs~ 'Uni® 8ailk,'.4(;~; ' Carolina with supervision of t~eW~~~l~ ? : ville. Canton. Brevard and l{e~de~~!lJ!.; offices. He W(!s a former presia~atiif:.lti ; North Carolina Bankers Ass~_ilti~W · i was a director of the Charlott.e Qr~'lif~. " .. ,.. 'f" ~~ .·· . ·~ the Federal Reserve Bank. . ·, :! :"'-·~?~~::~ ·. · He was Instrumental in DaY,oq;Jl~!j:f.: ·and Wellco Shoe Co. coming to '.Ha)'f!l!ii(Al;. County. In his civic contributions. ~e)¥~ . an active supporter of the Haywood ,Col\ft.< · tvLibrarv. 4-H clubs. the lnternation,!ij . f<:xchange and promoted . the ou! of s~ ' farm tours lor Haywood farm peopl¢. · 't' .. · Woody was one of the originat(lis-~ijf · the Haywood Industrial Developi1Jeqt , Commission. He ·was a membei: ~ ~f · tbe Wavnesville First United ~etMdtst Church where he served as chairm·an· ~f the board of stewards for many years. ~e . was former president of the W;lynes'Ville · Hotary Club, former chairman Qf tl!e board of Haywood County Library, fqnner trustel' of· Brevard College, ·formerly ch<!irrnan of the Western Caroli~<fU.n\y:~, -Turn To Pag~ Se~en._ . •• -... . ~ -·. - ·1 ·~~ . __ ., : ... -: .. ::- ~ _i,.,..;.., I,,. ...J, c '~ o4"-""""- ,;_• ~o,~ '· ' ;\'1 Woody Dies .... ·,1;;,/,~-; -Continued From Page One · ..,: :1- • ·%~ ' _1' sjty trustee.s and a recipient of the WCU Dispngui~hed Al~mi)J$ '~ award. ~e was the son of the late Stephen L. and Mary Palr~&r \ . Woody. · · >. ·· ., . In his later years, Woody maintained ·a small office at t,l)e 1 F1rst. Umon NatiOnal Bank m Waynesville where he was direcwr ·j ementus. , , · · ' Surviving are his w1fe, Anne Foote Woody; a son, Stepbe~W· . ~ ' ~oody of ~sheville; a daughter, Mrs. Roger Soltis Qf ~a~ ·-. VIlle: amt five grandchildren. , · . 1'{ 1 ". Services will be held at 11 a.m. Friday in the Way~yj~J.e l First United Methodist Church. The Rev. l{elley Joqea will ot- 1 ficiate. Burial will be in Green Hill Cemetery. . .. '·~ r; i The family will receive friends from 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday at j Garrett Funeral Home. where the body will remain until placwl '• in the church 30. minutes before the services. · , i!Ti .~ 1 The family requests th.~Lflo~~E.!.d~~- omitlld. •• u.c;..:;;l •• < .. ,: .. :._:.:,;,.. ._ .. l..,-. · - : -.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).