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Aboard ship on way to States by Carr Hooper

items 23 of 28 items
  • wcu_ww2-492.jp2

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • of this and that favorite dish. I was wrong then. It didn’t matter. I’d been wrong so many times. but, clearer now and distinguished there were the boom-whoom-whoom of guns I’d never heard. I knew then, that roar of motors were tanks. “They’re coming in. Those are not Japs,” I insisted and my neighbor and wife got quite eating mirages and listened and believed and knew with me that we heard a symphony of Death to the Japs and Life to us. Faster the uproarand nearer, straight though to the sobburbs, down to the North road. Machine guns, rockets, cannons began to mount to battle fury several blocks to the north and passed by us. Tracer bullets and flames lit up the skies, They passed Santo Tomas. No they’re swung East, then North on Espanial, a street running toward Santo Tomas. The noise reached a high note ten blocks west of us. Our troops ran in to an ambush at the For Eastern University- the Jap stonghold on the North side of Manila. Truly a battle raged as we straned every nerve and every sense to follow what was happening. Our loud speaker alarmed and our official interpreter told us that we shanties, 1250 men, women, and children would be given 20 minutes to go to the main building, that Americans were now entering the city. This was the command of the lieutenant Obeaka who hated us so. We quickly decided that it was safer, to disreguard his last command. To Hell with him anyway, we wanted to see what happened and we knew what he meant to do anyway. The firing hadn’t stopped but now we could hear the treads of those great tanks of ours on the pavement and 5 minutes after Obeaka’s last order the greatest the fron were gates of our prison crashed. Machine guns and hand grenades rattled as the outer gate garrison troops pulverized and into the grounds straight down our inside roads came nine tanks. Flares went up and by the lights on those tanks and the flares, long-legged, crouching cavalrymen walked and tommy guns blazed in their hands; Japs died as they tried to stop them. “Let’s go meet the bus,” I shouted, and we ran past parked Jap trucks and past barricaded frightened Japs toward the main building and were brought up short when the tanks stopped a few hundred feet from the doorways of the main building. No fools, those boys. Their searchlights

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).