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Aboard ship on way to States by Carr Hooper

items 11 of 28 items
  • wcu_ww2-480.jp2

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  • up whole news items, and these distorted mirages also kept us hoping and holding until the last. Once an internee heard that Germany had surrendered, when actually the word was “surrounded” and we celebrated and then were disillusioned. At first the Japanese gave us their English language newspaper, the Tribune, and while it was clearly propaganda we were glad to have this newspaper because we learned to read between the lines and to know our advances. Thousands of Marines were landed on Guadalcanal to be annihilated at Japanese leisure because for a second time our whole fleet was sunk. At Buna they sank it, again at Midway, and at Bouganville they sank it again and Jap planes bombed and destroyed positions which had been in their hands according to them, and always the Americans couldn’t come back. Every statement made by out statesmen, every internal disturbance was seized upon, exaggerated and elaborated upon. Ill-timed satire, mockery, and small petty fault-finding followed our efforts. We lost face at Atta because the Japs were all killed. We were defeated at Hollandia because the Japs escaped before we arrived. We won the fight at Biak because we used rocket guns and at the Admiralty with flame throwers. We drove tanks through gun pits, trenches, and over piles of bones and fired millions of random shells and all of this was not in keeping with the true Samurai code of the Japanese. Poor old Tojo, what a licking he took. Over and over he promised his army and his people that America was licked, that she couldn’t come back, that Japan held in control all the East and the Pacific and we all laughed that day when the Tribune carried a headline to the effect that the Japanese premier had served ultimatum on Australia to come into the Great Co-Prosperity sphere without further delay to her, Australia’s loss and ruin. The collapse of Italy was base betrayal of Germany and Japan and was brought about by the wickedness of England. England had become a puppet government of the Jewish Roosevelt. Stalin trusted neither and was waiting for an opportunity to make a favorable treaty with Germany. Germany had so fortified Europe that invasion was impossible, and our manpower was so depleted that we could not continue our war effort. All these things we heard and worse, and worst of all

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).