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Aboard ship on way to States by Carr Hooper

items 17 of 28 items
  • wcu_ww2-486.jp2

Item’s are ‘child’ level descriptions to ‘parent’ objects, (e.g. one page of a whole book).

  • more reserves here of food or medicine and men and women lay in a stupor and bowed to Lieut. Obeka and his smug, greasy fat staff -- in a stupor. Months before, two years before this time the then commondant of the camp had said in a favorable address to us “The whole world is at a bitter war to a bitter end and the many people are suffering and will suffer, but the mighty Japanese Imperial Army can afford to be magnanimous in victory”. We remembered his words and what he implied, and through days of weakness and sleepless nights of devilish, torturous hunger pains we knew for sure that this same army must be taken a hell of a licking. Before going to the glorious climax of this story I appeal to my country and countrymen to forever remove a situation which forced 4763 American men, women, and children into the hands of uncivilized barbarous representatives of a nation which must be and will be destroyed. I charge it with you the responsibility of making Americans safe and an American passport a security not any in our own possessions but in any country in the world. Americans have died believing it our right to seek fortune our own way of living wherever we happen to be or wish to go. I charge our government with failure, and God grant it may never happen again, to keep it citizens informed of the true state of affairs, and I charge the government with the responsibility of seeing to it that our military forces are of such character as to enable us to have a confidence in them in peace time as well as in war. Men including thousands of soldier prisoners suffered and died because of the deficiency here in 1941. I charge my people with smug indifference and ignorance of the role we should have played in the Pacific Theater before 1941, and only American with might and main can honestly keep this area free and great and rich to our material and our spiritual gain. I charge our stock holders, and our greatest financial interests with selfish chase of gain and gold and our politicians -- our legislators and law makers with permitting them to jepordize our nations safety.

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).