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The Log Vol. 41 No. 05

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  • Between 1914 and the late 1960s, the Champion Fibre Company published an internal newsletter, called The Log, to share news about the Canton mill, the community, and its employees. After 1940, news from the entire “Champion Family,” which included mills in Hamilton, Ohio; Houston, Texas and Sandersville, Georgia, was featured in each issue.
  • • • • See: .. THEY'RE All. INSPECTORS" ... pages 6 -7 j !t MAY, 1958 VOL. XLI, NO. 5 • G.~nerol Ofli~e . . . . . . ... . .. . ... , .. , , ......... . , .HAMi l l'C)N, OHIO MaJ:s ol ...•. . . . .....•. ... , ....... . .•. .. . ..... HAMILTON, OHIO. CANTON, NORTH CAROLINA PASADENA, TEXAS SANDERSVIllE, GEORGIA Edifo1 . •....•. , ... . • ... ...• . •.... . . . . .• , . . . .. STEWART JONES Division f .ditors . .... . . . . ..... . ..... Ohio ... .. ..... MER.LE BAKE-R Carolina ..... JAMES DEATON Texas ... . .. . . . ROBERT HART Editorial Assistant .......... . . . . . .... ... .... . MAUREEN KEATING E'DITORIAL STAFF OHIO OIVIS'I:ON - Torn Adel pergcr, Bob 'Barrett, Merle Baynes, Joe Bleven , BJoudie Caldwell (photographe1), Wesley Cobb, Nola Faga:l ', Paui r ·ewkirk, Otto Reid, J ohn Schm i tt, George Steiner, Bill Thompson. CAROLINA DIVISION - R . E. Davis, Fred Dayton, C W. Hanlin. Harry Holland, Walter HoltOJl, Gene H yde, Jack Ju&ctice, Dick ~lcJ\labon, Eme L Messer, Dav:i<J W. Morison, Roweua .Morris, Bill ltig:sb e, J. E. Williamson. TEXA.S DIV'I;S.IO:N - Virginia 1Hak.cnwre, J ohnu¥ Boyette, J erry Cor­m~ lius, Cecilia Di.ekcrso11, Mary Lam:a Pierce, Liz Woocl .dug. SANDERSVIlLE- Gladys H. Everett. ln thjs issue of 'The LOG we are bcgin n i;l"lg th · first c:;( a se i s on a subject nc-ar and dear Lo all ChcunpioHs - mon -y. . "\'\There Does Your Dough Go?" «jflJJage l cleal-s with the very compJe:x busi nc{).li of inv ·.s tm cnt · Ltntlct .tb · · J~rorit Sharing :Plan. S:iJu· .tbc Jnnd b •longs to Ghtun­pion. s, and will p lay a direct part iH th eir future, lhi::. . shollld pmve to be a wiry pCJpu .l:tr l •atur . T he l~OG wdcornes .any qHe ti tm. · on t.h ·ubj ·ct. I ~SL acl lr '.S Y' ur questiom in. car-e of the edi.tor. Iii< .. • ill< John (Honest John, th ;tt is Schmitt i back! J6hA ta lks about his a.s-sociat i.ons with " tfr. Ch:u:npion·· through the p•~st JO )'ea,.rs and em. to J ~e J that he l~as done <dl right by everybody. It to k a (teca(te w write "Ten Years a Champion '' Mid we rl:tiuk it's wonh t n OUR COVER nu1 p '1( } grt"n <m fhi n tot:H lr ' tO~>er. h :Jmnh l' n •w sh;u1 of Kr r n::J..ot c;1s,1 c0atetl pap<H . . , If it: all lher~e ' f to u r· nc\ . lt;u~es Whid will bl:! ruakii~ t lteir tt bu r c;n• 11r • "'·~:u. !.; r,noutl~ it. " ·""~ piuk; I hi" 1nrm1h it i · ~rc·11 : ami the (u ltlr •w.(J I tn'iH;,; ha . ·~of blue lH1cl rdluw. 'THE CHAMPION PAPER AND FIBRE COMPANY , utes of yout time- or ltowe'veJ long it take · to r~.:td it. • • • 4 Sorne of the i:l'!lost imporHHi t job · .in all Cha111pion. d re ·xp.lorcl1 Cln page 0 o£ this- i-llsue. 'ro tl t(~ gi r ls in cl"t~ Fim.i: bing ar ·a r •• u-s ehe imptH' t::t.Ht L<l k uJ .givi ng o•n produ cts the Ihinl OK b fore it. h ~:~ en t. t (J the custorncT. " ~fh cy'rc \ll 1 nspecturs '' n:w kes n very intportan t J'>oin.l ~ it ta$. ·s skill atild know-how ­plus w gnfJd flca1 o( ·oopcration to m~tkc the best paper awti I able. 1\:. ;;rns hav · the r_ fHitaLj·on of a ra lht:r pro-tu J. d :ut. Might be a ,•a ltd reason fo1· it if the fea tu re on page. 8 and 9 is any 1nea~m re. "The Faces Itehind the TnHlcmark" . de•tls with SQltlC Tc)<; ans wl~o nrc taking tl:tcir rt!bponsibili(,ies. as ci ti zen5 very serio u&ly. ' . Here's what happens to dollars in your Profit Sharing Fund (This year uur Profit hariug Fund is valued at around 9 million. lvfany Chatnpions It ave o, ked, "J1? ho i the Trus tee who takes cat'e of our money? And e -actly what does he do with it? This is the first of two a1·ticles designed to answer these questions. The answer. are based on intemiews with m,embers o1· our Finance Depa rtment, with the Trust ee, . ond uur invf tmenl adV1:so rs.) Q 'ESTION: First of all, I thi11k everybody'd like to know how much money we have in our Pmfit Sharing f<tmd. ANSvV.ER; Right no,v, the Fund is valued a~ aro uncl '!!'') milti IL QUI:'.STION: That's a lot o{ 1n0Hey for the Trustee t<J look after . .. And the Fund is going to get bigger as - . - - Right now our P-rofit Sharing Fund around $9 million. y • .-~ ' - is l'alued at • - -- · --- • the years go by. We all have quite a stake in it. ANSWER: Right you are. QUESTION: Well then, tell me-and 1 thinh a grea t man)! Champions want to know- just who is the Trustee and what dues he do with ouT money? ANSWER: T h a t's a £air ques tion. To begin 'N.itb, the PTofit Sharing Fund is a trust fund, managed by a_ trustee. Our trus tee is T he Fifth ThiTd U nion Trust Company, o( Cincinnati, a conservative and well-staffed bank o£ high r eputation. Eac:h year the company's contribution (and the em­ployee's contribution, if an y) is turn ed over to the T rus­tee and the Trustee invests the mone '· Th aim is to keep it' safe, to get a r easonable r eturn and, it po sible, to have it grow .in valu e. QUESTION: Does the Trustee hcrr..P the fined say on how the money is invested? ANS\ 1VER: The Tru tee ha full a utlwrit · (o r the management of th .Fund. lt is importan t that we g ive hi.m this freedom to do the best job poss ibl e. Our l'inTnc Dep al'lmen t, howev T, keep' in do ·e to uch with lh Tru:s ­t , anc.l - with th help o f inv slm n t spe ia Lhs and consult ants- co ntinually studi es the p erformar.l e of th ; Fund. QUESTION: l >w clly ho v do s the Truste invest the money? AN. WER: T o ·:tnswcr tb.ot on , let' l.>ac.:k a littl . l· ift r or ~~ e n ~r, y~·a. n; ago Lbe ' t verag- · n:mrec I"IKnrgbt J1f hi ~ job •+ ~~ Ld rly simple une - to ·aru and pay a CONTINlJE·D ON NEXT PAGE l ' r ' < ' l I ! I • Our Finance Department, with the help of invest­ment -specialists and consultants, continuaJly ~tudies the performance of the Fund. rea onable income while preserving the capital intac t. The early trustee usLtally tho ugh t in terms of dollars. He felt that if he could end up with the same number o.f dollars wit'h. which he had started, he would h ave done a good job. Today, the trustee sets his sigh ts a li ttle higher. Our economy has grown and become mm:e complex. T he modern trustee feels that he should preserve the assets not just in terms of dollars but in tem1s of pw·chasino· pozver. QUESTION: So? AN 'VVE.fC So <J. trustee tri to invest the tru t's mon ~ y the way a prudent man might inves~ hi own. H e real ize· that bond , as w ll a stocks, an zwJ do vary in pr ice; that ri k-taklng cannot be avoided, buL that it1t ·ll i· g nt ri k-tak ing can r~sult, ov r tb • long-r·ang , in growth of the fund. Our Tn1stee invest our Profit Sh;n·ing Ftmd in s<:· curitie.s, · uch as bnn ls and stock . H ~;: sel ' U ~ lh •s , in · ·t­rn m s with th IJUjecc t h;tt th vaJu · ol ass ·ts wi ll gn w, ovct the years, whil • m •<: tin~ lh h111d '~ <' ·prnse'>. Th va lue of t h<; Fund incr · ·s l:ls t h -sc( uri Ues pa) inler st. a nd di id net ; and i.r. dwng-t·<i, up or Jnwn, :1 ~ tb.e mark ··t pri es ( f the secu j t j ' '> \."kmgc. QUESTJON: You sa:y that om· mm.Je\) ma ' he i11 - 'V sted in bonds and slods. 1:flh(ft exact ly is 11 buntll • ANSWER: lVhcn you bu :t bond you have .:imply Jon ned your money to th 1 orru\'\ ·r (or 3 t·tl ,d period of tirne. He (lgr c:.; to pa ; )Oll iJ'lt •J·cq 111 the lo;m. a nd -'1 CONTINUfO pay back the pri1 ipal it:.eH. <.lo ll r t r ll<JIJ ar, a t tJm t.: f lure Lla lc. QUESTlO : Bonds ate a fHetly safe irwestment, t,./u:u , aren' t lhey? ANSWER : Ye:,;, they ar . Good bomb pro,·i lc !S te-ady income, and on a ~p -·cifieu date you get )OOr m ney back. To that e lent, bonds at a ( ' . However, this steady income is .no guarantee that the market pri e of t he bonds won't change. Even pd es on aovernment bonds, the safest of all bonds, change. Right now, for instance, bond prices are g nerally lower than they were two or three years ago. QUESTJON: Eut the bonds are sure to be J>aid off at 100 ce?lts on the dolltJ1'. So there's realty not m uc to • won-y about y"ust bewuse the p-rices happen to be down at a certain time, is there? ANSWER: T hat's true, as long as the companies that is~ u e the bonds are basically souncl. Of course, there are some disadvantages to every (onn of investment. Bonds give more stability and safety but no grow th,. QUESTION: What do you rnean, ''no growth'?"' • ANS'i\ ER: Well, take for example a per on who bought a $1,000 bond 20 years ago. He ha received hi inter es t p ayments regularly, and toda receives hi . 1,000 back, with the loan marked "paid in full." But hi -1,000 will buy only about haH as much as the original 1,000 would in 19.38 . Now stock ownenhip on the otlle.r hand, is rnorc Most f unds t ry to keep a bala11re behveen b(>Jlds and s tocks,. in order to get both stability and growth. ri..,kv and the dividend. il'l nmc isn't yu.itc w . t • aclv - but ' to cnmp Jl ·ate. to k- an g-nn r in , -;due. QU I~· U01 i : Th en l ;ruer that"s why most fund tr·y tn keep a btclrt)Jce l;etwecn bonds and Lochs. ,\. 1S\.ER: Yc . ill mJ ·r to ('t both Lh .·tahility and the growth . QU.E.'Tl )1\: I foil rraJ )' ') It Lh r . :lnd 1'111 Jn etty sure { !wow what }' u mea?~ by, lochs: but to mali exj> lain il will you? . 1\. \VER: All righL ' hen you bu ' ·hares o( stod. )(. ~.;Hn c cnmpany. you b come a tJarl owner of the com­p ny . .'tnck are further divid ctl into "common" :1nd " pJ·c(en ed .'' 1 don' t want Lu co n(u:e you but 1 think l ough t to explain th diH •renee. QLIESTIO:K: Oh . . hoot . . -\ ' \ El : \'elL common stock represenLs ordin ary o ' 'nership or the bu ines . . \ ·Vhen ·ou own common tock y1'1u t·tkc you chance along with rhe other h areholder . • If 1h colllpany i ucces ·fu l, yo ur lock 1•vill increase in \'ah1e as il earning pov\'er and dividend paying c-q acity gr<> ,.. , l:io, other inve tors n1.a be willing to pay more for the :tock, and th e ·clling price of your hares could incrc;re. On Lhe (Hher hand, i( the compan y i unsuc- ~ ful )'<lUY :tock m.ay drop in price, and p erhaps in true value a. well. QC£ TH), 1: Th en how aboni tJte "jJreferred''l " N \ ·VER: \'ell, t1lose w ho own. pre ferred sHKk have a right Lo dividend an< l "sset before the common share­holders. ] hat i ', they are in a "pre£erred'' position as •)Wn 'r . On prderred wck a specific dividend is fixed in adYancc. while on common stock the dividends change .:~:> lh' coi1lpany· [ortunes change. -,_he common ·hare holder take · more ri k, but a lso ha 1 than . of ac tting a higher return. (~ UE. TIOK: Aren't there sonu things t/l([t afft?ct S<iod~;. jHi e.l tlwt an~ outside the cont1·ol of the companies? . ;, • 'S ·\'ER: There certainly are. Some things can .a f-fec t the prospects for a 1vholc industry - like new inve n­tion: and defense order . Then there are gen era l busine · conditi ons. When busin -ss i bad, ·tock prices tend to :ro down. This. I partly d.u ~ lo lower profits, partly to gc11 ~raJ 1 e~o; imism. and p<o1rUy w the fa ·t that maJJy in ­v c~tors hold o (f bu,ing because t hey tbink pri cs are going ~t ill lower. ~ . QUEST I 0 ' : H (·) v serrious are those ups a rHL dotm·1sr ls (/!ere til lY Jo11g-1·mt rre trend or do jJ1·ic:ex just jump IIHJ1 l11d? .. • \ £R; :\Ia) IJ<: 1h c.: best way Lo an:o.w ' f that i 10 look at S ( {'J( ,_ price ~ o\·er a puiod or 30 ·cars. T ake th ' cbnrt !',hown no thi pag . h 's a wi.tkly known ·index b;1 a(l Oll the price o l 425 di f fcr<.;nt ommun stocks. J 'mice that ev '11 though prices mov<: both way·, l11e long­term tren~l i:. up. lr~ 19:,7, th fmgiJ, . 1:0 k pric ·~ 1 ·nclcd w go tl6wn. STOcK PRICES STAN OAf<{) 1: POOR's 42.5 INOIISTRIAL STOCKS·/941 -+3 -10 Even though stock prices move both ways, the long­term trend is up. · QUESTION: But say at the end of 1951, if a person had owned th ese jJartiru lmc stocks foT 10 yearsj @?' even for fo l.l'l' or five yenrs, he'd sti ll be ahend, wouldn t he? ANSvVER: Right you are. That's 'hy we have to look at more than one year i.n studying the 1. erforrnance o( our Profit Sharing Fund. :Money th at's invested .for , a period of years h as a good ch an ce for gro"vth. The wise investor in tocks pays more attention to the futu.r.e prospcc:Ls ot t l1 busin ess than he does the Iay-to-day changes in the dolhr price of the stock . Q UEST JON: But sti ll , you don't invest the whole Fund i·n stocks. ANSvVER: That's right, as J said earl ier, there are o ther things to co nsider b esjdes grow th. The Fund is al o in escecl for sa fe ty and a r eason a ble return on the money. lVJost fund · try to keep a ba lance between boner and stock . Bond pri es d o n 't vary a much as the prices of stocks and th y pay a Jix d rat o f intere t. T he g ive the fund sta bility. But stocks g i\-e you a ch a llce t.o sh a r in lh earnings o f busin e~s and in its growth . T h ' il· prices tend to fo llow til cost o[ JiYing :md se ll for mor · when prices are h igh <lfld the cloll::rr is w rl h les . (E:.dilOr·s uo te: Next mnn th we' I talk about rhe ·p ... <'.ific types of s ·curili \ pre:-; n ly held b · the Profit Sh nT· ing Tru ·t. lJl 1 h ·' meantime, if you h.ave any question · a bo ut the 'J'rustce and hi ~ j ,1), or a bout tocks, bonds, or t:h · Profit Sharing Trust il ·clf, send a uot ~ to the .' dilor of T ire LOG of ;1sk ym~r Profit Sharing Adtnini ·­tra, tor, \ r\f ' ll be h.~1pp y to an wcr a ll ucb qu sr .ions i11 t bi~ ·cries of ani J s.) 3 • DE.LP THI. ·'R wuld h the titk c::if this pinu e. )>ill ·.raylo js ;~ t t ical t:he-; -pla}er. He l'!rnok. · hi. p ip a!J{I cv.n< 111 ra.t cs l1ard on Jl L~ JJCXI mov •. Jndch::nr all , B.iU Wii-S til onl \' pl~, , e t· .in ill' t ltlrmnn~n t lnni(lg- rwo g-.un ·s. ' . 4 ,, Aft r a silent scuffle the Woodpushers say • • • '' • ' ' ------- J:N SLL.Em M N wete ·-at d around tabfe.:. in th<: R~earch. Library late one recent Sunda, atternoo n. Occasi-onalJ one of thtt men raised his hand to slid a piece o( wood aero ':! a board on the -table. Occasionally one of the group of per, on.· ~vat bing the t ·n men would cough or shuffle th eir weight from one foot to the other, o:r one of the Len men would move the p1r e b held tig11tly in .hi mouth. Otherwise §1-H was quiet. This was the atmospheTe of the Librar when a group of ch . players from the Mead Gorporatjon oE Chillicothe, Ohio, came to H amiltc'ln to do battle with Champion' Ches Cluh, the \Vomlpusher:. And battle they did. But the "\r\ oodpush er , proved their m ight b~­pulling out a victor ·. The Champion Chess pla yers for the tournamt;;ll t had bcelil deter­mined bv an ea rli er round1robj;1 m un:1ev. The n.lead team bn ugl t ' I only five players. So ten . gari1es ·were set up, ·t.nd ead player ~ ed his opponent two games. Fm a victOry a player wa given a. point. If ,the game en led in a draw tl1en eaG:h player wa· given one-ha lf point. VVhen the games were .:dl compJet d aud the nwke· lvtd cleared, t he score read six amt o ne-h alf points for Champion and three and one-half point · for the boy, f.wru M ·au. But the action. was much clG.> er than ~h s Ot'C inclicitte, . · ha:m­pion' · Bil I Ta lor ·wa the only pl<'i yer to ·wil1 both o·am · . Other Champion. scor ers were: iNfarvin Fitz:g •rald. one :wd O ll €t-h ~tH poi n t.~: Ed Wolff, point; R a R oot, one p :>iiir: and H:uyey Hine·, ( \l1 po int. .Scorers frmn i'vlead were: C:trl Ahlm, ne poim: 1\likt: R1 a ir. on ' p oin t· gtewnrd hrtin, one point· :u~d J ol1l'l Harrison . one-half potnt. fl <.dl 11).a fe fur a friend! I bit or (()fll p e lil.i o n b 'l.Wt ' n (WO }1 ~ss r e~tnl~ oft\ n I ,uJitlg comvtnlcs in tlt [J<tpcr il1du t1') . J1ul when the · action wa · on:r it \ a · ( :h:,unpion pl<,yc r:> s::t •ing " heck.1'];1nw·· t t the l oys f tom 'Mead. • n l'R, 'A\1E '1' l.' \ ' f.R and a hap}) g10up of Cha tu l'lO tl \u•'d! u he1~ ~hak hand.· and Hcei \ congrnt u lat i o·n ~ l'rotn 1hc \lcJd pla)l'rs. Champion won t lw tonrnamcn L six and nne-ha lf pni!ll~ t<) thrc~· and on -half poinl _. In lh · •war fmu1C, Ch J lll pit•n ·, team pl::tns 10 go lo Mead f11r re·untc!J . Cll \fPIO <, Clfi." PJ.\'d·.J:<\ f<H the tfllllllilllHHl po.<d t11t till pinutc ju 1 I ' {l,rt: lite '''mpt·tiuon lwg,JII . J •·fr l11 right, tatuJi11J;{, llr<·. Hill Tavl(Jr, ll r•nn H.Jiu s an<l Raj R()<Jt. <"••t"d • uc . I ri \"oil ;wd . tan in llltg< mlct 't(() l·Ho lJ 1\<l '><'t up to ·up IJ.l< ,,( pt.HUI,. l(Jllh.iiiJ' ,u tit(· 111 e 11p bdou· tlw tnatd1 ·~ 41C ( llatuptun • ilf>~ · nwu I• It 10 righ1: l It'd Uu. rr J '!'d /Oflll"'nt. ll .t J<•ld Joiu<l and})'"' hud11l 011(' P"'''' ""' gi 1:"11 lu 1 H.: "' inw r ol a ~aut<' . f <H II pl.1\t'l w.t~ r1 rn Ohl' hJit jlf'ltnl if tfJr gaw.- li<J.-d J11 il tlr,<W . (;,'\ ,\JFS \ ' IU· J II( ,( II .\' (ON l FST I: Il with pLt yc r ~ roHCL'Itfr<lliug lt ;J JU 0 11 a ll III OVC'S . I h ' i1 11 ·r · ('O III [J311Y lullrtt<II11C'IH wa ~ I itt' fir81 staged hct ween Champion a 11d \lead . C l mmpio11· ~ Woodp11shcrb Cl td , ha~ b ·en o rg;t ni ted for about a year. 'fltert aH· 21 ac tive n tf'tnbcrs itt the club. 11·1\f.l J'L\ I·.R . g.ll lll'tnl t. pt.n.• fur 1hi-; pi l llf bdn1c tht> ltJliJ ll<illl( 'lll , Ldl to I i)o\'ltL. slandillg. ,!l , " \like Bl.lir, c ~nl \ltluJ.. rofll '\lfdlt-r. ~t"ar~· rJ . .1'1(' . ~1< ' 1\'..ol'll r..tarl ll l •1 11<1 }ofln ll ;lU' I\IliJ . '1 h II>UJII..ttn••ut w;ts htld in tlw Rt·:.t·urdt l ilwa t tnt'ntlv . <· l- R I R I Dl" f " IPBfll t>rnplt'\t d in I ~~~t). l'- >Ill.' <IIH<lll.• thl' lll4111\ <(ll It' ~ HI rini ,h llq:· ill<'il \dl<\ h a\ e {Jliid.. <''t"' .l!l<t han<l~ hH h ' l \ tflf, t'\l' ., \iII h:' .Jt> l."l I in . nthl•. "lh · i rh ,,til.; f,ll a ft'rf,Hn .lllll)\1111 '' patr<'111.l' Jilt! lh<'\ llHI"I l'C'C!' Hii .t ~ · < kniH: p.1pcr quk\..h ''hc-11 th~\ ~t { II I b c 'k•l"H'T' \qq·i., ,,,iflh ami c-thch.ntl\ a111l t.J.kc pddc 111 a l''" \Cdl dnnt• \ C(TR.-\ fE Rl: RD i a ··mu,f"" ;dth che ker t'Ounter" such as S ell it' J3la loc.l.. a I ~­' ear hamph)n. who ha. a lot ot coun ting- and checking w do during her 8-hour shift Cht'i:·ker counren 1nust co­t> r Una te the flow uf product. ha'e a good mcmon and use .1 lot of tact in c:u-r,·i ng out thel. daih· a<>Signmenr effi­cient h·. The,· heck order numben;. cu:wmer. g r ade, size. fiui ->h and tock n um· her in cunnect.icm with many o ther respomibilities . .SHAR P-.!:"' I:.D VESTA PAR­DUE, a 6-year Cham piou i 11 · spec1..0r. ( hc<:k · a sample for possihle d fen b fore gi ving the roll wrappe1s th e ··green light." Like other roll .in p cc­wn. \l(•sr<t. report~ d irectly to Chi~f 1 n-spccwr for fi n<:t l !.lcci· Ni.un. T hese inspcuors also watch doseJ~· fm <;:olor qu·ia­tinn a nd off (olor. ca len de r spo t'!, c.orrug;Hi(H1 and ~o fr e nd~. RoJis mu, t meet Cll >­tfnne t· ~ p c~t ifi n t1 io11 >. T J\ I. Kl. (; S ITOI' , Mautk ' ll rtis, left . Jfini slt ing- fore. l a.d v. am! R a !fll'll i\ Lo ~ ftf,u rn , Fi n'i shi nrs i n s p e f t ot·, wtn k clos I, togNh ·r in suppl yi11g C!Jampjort ' ' ~ 1 o rt H · s with •x on o rd el spedfin !lioiiS. 'I hrougJt rhiN d ose coHi <JCt Lhese Jadie , wloo hl! lft' a lor o( r.e · p o n ~ ild I i t un t111:i c:a p a bJ shouldt· rs, not only satis fy CI:Htmpion cu sto11t c rs bu t l hcy pk:t e th eu t. (. I 0 l 1\ ~ 'i ,\1 \ 'l H 11. R S _ m · Jlm <-rl II \('ar~ :.!j!IO. is listed .. a LlltPr Iii\. -bn v teuder and •po:ra tt · a h·i ~J1 ~peed ( ti ­el ·. Like t>lht r la\1-hov Wlld ­ ·n , R ubH· C h l'ck~ ~ 11 £ 14 1l~JCr p<·ri!i< :11 ion~ tn d.tH t' lll inc 111~ ll·umbcr (If r<'lllll" 11~d ctl or an urdc:r. She IHlS to h • ,, ct-rraH· and ha' e <l ·ttu id, ., r fo r t•apl'r ·ddccts. \Tt<.HI , 'i\MJ'I.L Joh11 · ie t• fc .- fc.1~uc . ctupto ccrl >:\ 1\"fil')!; ao·. i. ll ( 'lllt 'f in- • ·:J«: lOr in Fiu-i ·bing. Li'k ther temilline hampionJ; . ·i~wd to th is jd'l. ,~he i~ , i~ ;n . on the lor!))' out fol~ Q,-.~ibJ~:: wer - ~Hs r bfl'­, p3.per , u<l b( ard. a: I" t'J1 ~IS lll:Ul Ofhe1· cle eGtS ' ' hJ h uop l"f) <•{.ya ·ianai-Jv. J ('1 tll (.:1-,J~ l T , 1\ h came ttl , ( .li :11\JJ pio-n J:; 'ear ag<_•. 1 lh a j'l')h >pt•(.i{i, ;; known I· lnar.ifc""i -re-u,ni r 'd. H f'T 'uti•· call for ('11GJpk t · auo- H • . • n4t gu -s~ ' \1t:k . • . .. 1. T <IJrd.·?.r •ir.J, n:w'>-t lu e gt>lld mc:;'!''>l ~ . 1 hrir ma jo1 h><m'!IHll.l 1 < h cki ng '''~>m(--r o df·r ag:ai11 t w w­ ·an-\ t't'wrr. a11<l lahelin for tnoplct ne- i:!nd £.01 recrp:ess. 2 " ' Teamwork and experience • • • necessary ingredients in paper IT IMS IW.E Sr\ID ... 1.111d l'igluJy s:O ... that all Ch~:1mpi ons , from p t~ l pwood o pCr<t ~iou.s on thr0~.1 gh the So i pping Area , <tre inspe tor.s in th eir QWU ~va y .. . a lway · on the alert fnr defects which might lead to an i11t r ior prt>duct. "rh~s is e p cia lly true amc>~J.g the h :m· inine skills in F ini.shit:J ~ at the Carolina Oivi ion , where. they get the l;ttil .a;ncl £.ina.l chc k: on paper and hoarcl products bd:ore the ' te:tch the customer. T he e Champion.s; man, o[ them w.itb yoar o( CXJ'>€ri c::n ce ii$Hl kq,C>>l.>v-l'):ow, are fore~·-er on th~t Loo.keut for the leas t J40~si-bl ct d<f; fec ·. · Jn short, tb eitS j5 a l'CSf'lEIXlSiblc as-sign- 1UC1ll. \ Vh cthcr they arc listed as sea lers, log g:rd.-;, Jay boy tc:nd.ers, roU .inspectors, cutter insp cto rs or liO rters, th ey all have an important job to do .. . and they take prjd in doing jJ welf Th y ha e l earn·d through experien e that when they ncounter defective paper i·>J btYdrGl they report thi situ ation o i l can b • C<J IT<::Ct cd quick I)'· 2 -- making 1\ll;;my o( th ' i'eminin€ skills caU (m excellent ey sighL, spc "d , and s?mctim ·s a lot of pa tien e and t;Kt, plus th ose un­disputed qualifica tion - ex.1 erien a n d cOo.lmOt.J sense. T h en there's a.l.wa vs teamwork i n- ' volved i.n Finj))hing as well as ir:1 all other · d epartments of th " pian t. teamwork i nvariably results in slnoothcr flow iJE that a !!-important ingrcdicn l - cooperalion. Cooperation pla y ~m important role in the succ:c. s£ul f tu'l lions oJ any depart­ment . . , and Carolina Champion's . Finishing D e p ~1rtmc n 1: is no exc.cpti >.t1 . T hese feminine Ch<tmpions, a lthough th eir nan~es are not: fl ash ed in th " produc­tion headlines, ~u'e dojng th eir jobs well and they con ·tant ly ha ve th cu tomer interest at h eart. Aftd th · do th .ir best • I to see that the customer gets cxactt. what he has ord.ered ... and on time. For after a ll ... regar<lle ' of th ir job spe6fica tion ... they're all insp •ctor . . . and they do an . xcc!lent job for Cham­pif)' IJ and C ha1:nplon's man ' cu t m 'J . • ~OR fl '{ · 1!0.\.RD" (.Ia~ a J•> f1~10 , a l:i·ye r L ita mpitJO, hke a.ll 0 1lwr s~nl r, ha ~ I<> b<t'IIC p lt: nr y o f eye bll i·c• d:c rect goo<'! ancl !,,.!f r••!X'l . aud 1>1 \<IJ'tl Heor jllh r ·quire~ l.t lui Hf - (' ft _d. p lu s ,,utu,,n :u~d ;u ti11ws. qu!tt• a hit I pad:c~1u:;. J'R.CW CT IOt"' L()<, CLERK$. 1\lild rcd ;\]am . lcfr, and Rub} \ndcrsoJJ , b·tl'e to s ta1, " o n the l'mll'·' cv. ' r .r miwtlt:' as th.'V Il:).a in• . - ~<;~in ;In " x ror;J,te Jog p.rortuc1'io 11 r :port on til hwrdk ~. em t Co>u~. ~kids ·a nd u-ses of fl11_1J<;r flnhhed i;n ~ h cc t fi.11is bing arc:t. · J USTJ T HA ER, P4per Mil1. hcntrn.c 'Jnterested in tbe Uoy Scou ts 'l I yeats ag() i:n hds fi r~l pot, as Assistaf.lf Cub Mas teL · His son , Alan, n<>W 17, join el him all ;;, CttlJ Scout wo years ·Ja t ·r. justin 1 ~ 110 A s isLant J)istti 1 Commissioner and • Chainnal'l. of .l'ost 91. He has tP '' a Cham1 ion for j 8 ) a '. 1\J. L. _ R. ME . TJ< OUT . a ~0-) <11· Cl · ll~­- pioJl , i.. !1·irc 'LO,J: of _ivl l j}('i'C li~c to;r: tb ' ~ ht.·adena J~rea. ''Army" h<15 be n (I tile in ·ci il ))efens . a11d cti ·a. ter aid work t'Qr Hl ·cars. H . h helped · t up ~nd C.ui•Vlill• te the GlnnUl.el In lu$td s l)i a · r .\icl r rog, fl:l. JACK 'BEARD, t ... B. P lan t, Texas Division, is Coordinator o.f the Pasadena Li ttle Leagu . J n th is capacity h.e is in ch arge of aU Little Leag.:te Ba -~e b a ll and tbe more than 100 youngsters who participate. Jack is a 21-year Champion who a1so serves as a member of the Pasadena VolutHeer Fire Depart1.nent. B R Z l l. -B H . . D R" \ U' rJ H \ \.l'i. WhfJ l~ a Shift Sup ·Gitttenct~nL in lbe Texa Di vision Pulp .\<1il1. ha: lx'.cn active in wrnnwnit; affairs fw some ZO year . . ltdlph fun:n.erl} held the pust of Police aMd fire Commi i<mer in Pasadena and hal~ ! a wlumeer fireman {ot JS vea:r.s. He is a 21-vear Champion. RaJp' h is slated to join' the startup crew· in .Brazil later this yc~r. ' ' Many Texas Champions play key roles in cornmunil y life, living up to theit· responsibilities as cit izens T.u: GRH~N k N IG t LI' on Lll ' whit • dnrg-cr i ;t m,u1 vf tn;my 1':-t<' s. lf hi~> Lrue id e rJLity wer • ~ n, h '.\:ould urtrl >tth ledh, r · ·mbk the more than 9,000 • U1aHJ p iou 0 wb. h an uullle hhTI ;1 familiar Lig ure thro u ghc~.>-u t the world . Vt irho nt rei ' rrin Lo Lh " p1·od uctiv ness o( Cham· p · on~ o r th qu a lj ty of product (or whi h the are known , man · Champi<.1n - pta ' key role. il'l cornmunit, hie. A 0 m •mb e1 o l the Champi.on L3 am, th ' manufaco -ux-e lhe pap - pr.(><.lucL'i for which o ur ompaJ1y i · known . -'\ it i1 ·n- of th.ei.r community filling important i il _io iJ..,, diey hdp m k the i.r towns be t ter places in which 10 live dnd ra is . tht:ir familie . . llldu. lr tot!a) i fa ·ed with man r espon ibilities. ~hid :'lmong hcsc i. the impon ant daiJ te t it faces in b ·in"' u0od n i, h bor. T he community, of ou rse, is dl'p nl\ent on industry. However, indu try is equall·y dependen t on rh communitv and i ts citizens .. For Chamc j . pion, the ervice of: iLs corporate citiz ns in comrnuHity a ffaj t . he.1p to hr idge th gap. Chami ions workin g a l'olnnte r fir men , chool b oard menibers ancr in o th er civic ccqM<.ili . . join their neighbors in prot cting and '.Hi R \ ex .u l h e lol r>ro t ' linn a r J. PH'LLVOT ha .er ved , lena Park as h s chi ef 1~ vcar . . A l'i ·reaF ham pion, Bill f. Chief of Plan t the Texa Di...-is.i n i-rJ proviug the facniti es of th ir cummu rrities. Sin e early 1937, " h en T exa · Divi ion became a p ar o r t bc P ·tsa lena comm unity, Champions hav b "Cn a ·tiv in local affair . Th y volu n t ecr their o ff-h o u r: ·er·vices fo r c.ivic a nd. i vil functions, help train youngsters in va rio us you th p rogram and join in the many func rjons th aL make a town a communi ty. ndo ubredly, this e ffort of C hampio ns and tlv ir n ighbors ha e jmproved th ; <:treas in w.hich the live and hav made a.dr commu nity a hea lthier, happi r place in wbich to live. Pasad ena, Galena P ark, Sea brook, Golden cres, South H o us ton Baytown and Houston ha c -felt the touch of Champions in community li fe. The ' tasks they perform r eflect the importance wi th which they view the resp on ibiliti.cs they h old a cit iz ns. P ro1 1d? CenainJy - but their pride is tha t of any c irizen who has h elp ed his OWJ1 cause by h elpi ng other . T he face of the g reen Knight i th en - man fac . It is th e face of a man who lives up to h i cornmu nit, . . r esp on si.bili tic , works a t his job of b in g a fa ther and a ci tizen , and en joys tbe fn.d t of his labor through to orhers. CLYDE BUFrJNGTON, 1 o. 23 t.1a ·hinc In pector, and Rodney Phillips, Hydrogen Operator, a.rc t)rpical of th 20 T xa Champiom who are member of the Pa ade1\a Volunteer Fire D partment. i 1 ' BE 1\' FE:--; R EC )l~l) '" · .. A:It .. 11 u 1·riet!h· reads fan ma il wh i h flol\~ iuw Radi . · ! ~Ilion \'\T I from u ll ~en i o n ~ of \ est rn 0:ui'I h . ~mllini1. )hny reg<~nl i\:ll a~ ouc of the ht: .. t li · jo ·k , .. in the sn 11 r I tea ~t . Canton~s roc kin' real cool-like when Nat says it's .. . B)' C. liJI. Ha1·d£n J/ I;-.; \ !AlL ROOJ\f. i\arhaniel Low n ·. 11 ltl· \t: ,. c,wlittct ( IJ,uu . . p ·!,n, dispatch ~ p:nc .Js [OJ all do:partm nil'> of ttrt· pbnt b io (; starting hi~ r~1 ill ·'m.til hag .. j·ownq. ·\ \ I.'WI ;11t Qt \ o li l \ ':u H. I tH\C?l' ; tl ~o i · th<' ~~m of \'l on j~ Loh~.:n . nr 11th H 1i r I. . \ ~ tii1Je i ~ limit :d , yonug l tJW . l~ j'~H·p,t.! e' hi x.dto· pru.:.;tam ·1t l1<>~ne or dm·i llg h·mrh hnur. "A . LL A tWARO all yon dad l ,·o , a ll you rn ommeyos t ime to jive with your ho t who love., you the mos t 'Na t the Cat.' \ e'rc going to b around ((Jr the nex t 55 a line of jiv to k cp all 0 11 ti~cr · alive. So let's cut the cba tter an d. diu ·ornr ol the:.c cool I ~au u;-~, so let's rock, doc." T his is the la ti on. extended ev r Canton;;. Radio Sta tion \1\ vVIT each ahernoor'l. at r, o'clo k b "Nat th Cat," for hund.r<;ds o( \rVe. L rn orLh Carolina l i sten er~ to a bo"rc.l the " " lrain for a • !" -mj nu Lc rnu,lcal • tnp. Nathanid Lower y, a I 0-year Carolina Cha.mpjon, an1l tbe scm of Mor r is Lowery, a re tired Champion, i ~ he man a t the thJ'ot tk when the",\'' train pnl ls out. Nat r ports · fqr work at Champi n mmally about 6:50 a.m., <tnd for the next igh t hom · hi. ,· h duJe ;t:; a m~1il boy i a fuH one. At. ab out 4:T)O ca h aflernoon .Tat. punrh , hi. tlme canl and h eads for the ra dio tat.ion , r e,porting for ·work th e re at 5 p.1n. "\Vith <1 full head o( steam, N< t ope1 s the thxottle and th e "A·· tra in is unckrwa '. '" ith this lose !<chccl u le, Nnt ha:· lil·t lc ti'rn t'O ,.vork on hi pr.ogTam he(ar going on th ' ;1h. Ther [ re. h has 1o p r ·par it at n.igbt "vh il h ·'. nt horn · <:)Y ;:tt tim " clu r ing h1 r •g ul ar 111nch ho ur. Feat uring jvz, hl11 cs, p o l u lar ~ul d ro k and r 1J mwic, rh ' ·· ,\ ' ' 1rn in h;ls gw\vn s l adih from i1 « l 'gin­n ing neady tJ yea r '> :1go unlil HOW it i: one o( 1he m st li ~> r e n u l - l o p rogr;m) .~ pi'Cs(·nL t1 hy sta tion \ '\V1 . T h , da il • rt'g ucs ts (or · dedi c:Hin o:> :>~ n .l f;m m:tll adclr ::tsc I to th t' " , " t r~1 in is r no ugh to rt.1.:1k . :nt ' dis jockey "~ p l atlcr his p btl cr.'' T hry ccnne [mtn 11ll ov 1' " 1 <..'S I<Ttl ·nnh Car )liua :md p · t: r l ~ of C.corgi,, ; I ('rl tl C:,S( • h. ]\;'.11 ,, bus,· man> Yclt het ltc i<;! ln add ititHl 1.0 bis I j1>l a! Champion , n<J his 1·adi1) work. IH' . ti ll rin d. Ltfl"l . Ln H·lt·n ·c· b;hk..cth;tll <4: tlltc'> · ~nd pl ay b ;tseb:.tll. \t;J\nc T T:t n i :~, \' \.\' IT st;tt·ion nl:tn agcr, ztn ri bu ff' · . ' ' nt.t jor 1 .u L .. ! tbr ·· \ " tr:1 i11 \ '> II C( C'>., w ~:Jt . I-lc s;J th:1t 1\'at i n ne of the most. d Jici ' Ill' r11'5c j11 k.c~ Jqc h:a!-. c\'L' 1\'ork d ,-.·i th. \'V hen vuur h ;tnl arcouni is low arttl ' ~ our ctr won't go. 11uw in th · ".\ '' rraiu a t\ l take :J mu,ital trip ,,·i th " :\'at t he C:tL" . On. e u.f un a 1norn ing d-reary fil/ hile 1 jHmd ' red wecdt an.d vea ry 0 ' ·r ledger, trite - but tYUe, Came a ringing - e·UI:l' bringiup, A u oisy, ''H ey, B uss. £t'.1· fo r ·you!' ' fl was T illie whootJing il. ujJ ,J · ''· uo.l tvh en the telef:;li rm e nmg. Tht' boss ru£t lz nver-rnnnirtg Cll1J l ,ermed bac; li, and lul'rPd a fang. T£llie wo uld gab an.ct ta lh and wail To th.e girl f r-iend dt wn the hall. IVhile f inis hing· a hanging nail O<r oth.enoise ha·o£n o a brd,l . .. ' Or tttk£nga call, iJ you, PVhde ?tntnching lunch en more. T (J the phoner, 1' il!ie soun.deGl !if.w seas 1'lvClriJ1!"!'. ' on a dista1? t shur-e. . And c-rosnvu·rd puzzles 011d .. ltJciet· gab A1~d cuntic Sl':ri fJS oll had lo b r~ ~·ead. Maki ng the bos~· o ud phouf'J wqnt to ,l!;mb Tfte oprn line held V'I'I~T luwtl. ' 'Ot~l, ou t'' cam1: the 1 • rin t,ing true ln ton e.~ all shm·j.> tmd /J tJMU. ·' 'J'(m ib!P Tillie} yon ft 1" . f /11· f1 I 1{.!;1 t > Unle · }'o lt in/{(: t lull 'f . I.e pl11me ourse. , OO:NtfNUt:O ON NE T PAGE •' • •. t 1 f I i I 1 1 ! CONTINUED 0 · errT I ' T HE <?URSE, tanght by \ ti: ' Phyllis Swisher. dealt wLLh the meaning and coD quence~ of good and bad _phone ro arm r-. anrl llr:>w 10 wt· rect and improve uo h . · PA YJ:NG HEED to tip · n deph:one ~nun , , ts th1 group of General Offire personneL ' hr t:h1ss Wll · one oJ ilie Lhrec recet&t l ' held. • 18 Many Champions brush up on their telephone technique TlLLIE WAS 'T TH _ only ou ·vv i H..1 w ' Ill lQ l · s . Rece:n tl y 90 menthcr~ o+ th G-eneral Offke per· so nuel a t t 'JH.led pe:cial cou rse on t11c te hn iqw 1! rhe Left. phone. T h ~ co u1~ , ~ l e~ ign d to r \'i w th • h~sk f l,l l1< !.~me n [ <J Ls of tel vhon " C<J ll te ~ ' J nd t h~: ( ()JTC:,c t ""J'~(· o! th at. jnsLrumen L, ,.vas t.allglu by .Mh, Ph) 11i -, ~+,ht~t of Lbe CincinnTti and Suhu r i> <H'l B ·II I d eplwn • Compan y. T he b o!;s w n t., too. . i(.'ing the "'a i n•J' dtrtt ' ir ~~ £w<J to telephone ' over Ufi th inl of t ho:>t.: ;,t1 nd i rl~ w<:r m ;n who were also b1 u. hjng up on rh ir nun11 f . !)uch (unuam ~~ t ;;t 1 thin g.:. <Is the rurr "'ll u o1 tl c phon cbr ~· to r ' : l~ow to pla ·" a long distan · c. il l em ­recti ·; i n t ere~ rin g ;;t t'ld hcd pfnJ plron · mann r. · the hall · 1llj11g of incoming c<t iL; and th · c r w t y\ lt~~i-c_· · in sU'cening· calls were all part of rh agenda. And th . nice tl'ling about. th~ class s was the fa t that t: \ ryonc g-ut in the act. Then~ was ·vcn :t du.~>nn:' w ln:ar ho\ our vokc ~>Ound " over the phone during ;t n mversa tinn . '1'his part ·afm: ~ts a stt rjJrise to tllall and lw lpn l l !l < onvinc the la.s rhal th n · w;ts a d c Cinitt' .flt'l' l 10 " brush up· · on vujct· technique. '1 j lli <' and the rest of th e: class l :u·ne(l how il'np ~1rt •1 nt it is 10 hu 'l iiJ C:.~, a.-; w '11 a~> a p erl!ona l •tsset, t.o have good Ill<~ nti r rs over tlt f' phone. ~lhey learned to rcali1e rile irnponance ol ,~ptaki ng clcarty and di. linctl y; tn han<ll ( 111mpla inr. ta< dully and pleasantly. H) th • time the two ' .;sinns wert> oYer, Tillie had re o iH'd 10 makt' life morf· ple.11>ant in 1 he nlfin" ;11Hl 1 1\ 'Cl' JJW • lrt'S. \IIRR' 1\l (()lJ­Iwr 0\ 11 1 ui te l h !lw dt'\l lo1 tn ·nt 11! '\: ttl R l <t'.ll, It li~L< th l<l d 'ilc: hli)J tn uid in a plca,Jnn i:Jhonc \oht>. \' :\ F r: \11 111 I L rrea, ••n' r's Oftict>, kno,~_ the << >rl<' <l ttllntbt'f hclm<' ~he dials .. n nu aid iu t!'l phone {Utllll1Unic:Hion ·. B .\RB AR.\ 1-L\RRIS ot Sales gi1es the caller a goorl ·' first im ­pres~ ion· · b) kning a ple<1 ·ing millt tH.T ;111d nlitc ''hen ;.u1swcJ i'llg the pitt nc. • .. K\iO\VLN, what to do afte1· lite phone rings is a help w tn•n on 011 horh tnds f the line. Four gr;tduat(·~ of the <OIIr~e "'"' 11ill agree n ', from l~>h to ri h1 , Jitd\' Cra s 1'. Ruth Smitft,C>tt , \krlc WiiiHow, :lltd Dick. WiggT'l'. Ill LIC ( Ill H';J iit} ~f:wt •" tl h!',tliug- nf ' llw 1,1)(; <)ffif<') h.1.' t.n"'" · " 'Itt w I"''''JII -.i11n• lt•.tllltttg- '" tll .tb.l' lif<' 1111 the f'h<lltt lllt<f(' pft •;l\,1 11 1 f111 I'll I . <Ill( ' < llllll'IIH'd. At a science fair, Bethel students prepare for the BY N, ~· . KNEELL 'G BE. JDE T ROPHIES, Patricia Sisk , 12, left, and 1ary Lou RoberLS, 12, admire high sctwol and junior high. ch ool award · spansor d by h Champion f-'aper o.nd Fibre ompany in woperatiou witl~ rhe cience F.air program. GRAVn ATIO, 1 EXUJHJT d rew mu h in ter • .1 frcm ;-.W tl 11t s ;., . -..vdJ. :~ , adul i ~ ~~ Jldin·g th on -d ay vent. StUd m. lcfl' 1 right :m.: Ca!T(, !l ·1·1es:, J6 son . of · laml 1'1 ~ a nd Dou nn·r, rd . . .. ]7, n of F.. N . Crawft r f. At· tig ht i11 c ,tuen ) tn.Hh t•. • t I .. C HANC&s · RE coon that out o[ Bethel High School will come Scome outstanding s-cientist and eno-i­neers of romorow . .. ii recen t exhibits at Rell1el' . cience • ht:ir can be labeled any indication. T he event was by far the largest program of its kind ever attempted by school pupil · and tudents in thi:. section o,f Western North Carolina. I A ny visitor, <tnd there were many (rom all <.ectton , will vetify th.i observation. The entire pr gram was efficient ly orclinated b\ • Garrett Smathers, physics teacher at hethel Hi. Garrett a lso teach es chemistry and biology at times. A a science teacher, he h ad been ab:mned for 'ome­time oncerning the la ck of apparent intere. t mdent· ha e in the science studi ,, ·o he ·volun teered to orgauiz. and direct cien e fair in the B thel r .mmunit . l•fU/£ \ 1;\: 1\fEll • ;u tlt.e 'k ic nr. F;~ir tore -:;,hown lu: re ~ ith lh(;'it trot h ie~ l fl to rigltr ;n t' Rob PI Calli ·, Oougl:ts Grc n. ~'I II C) l•l, n n, P ggy J1 t:llSQtl , I) l01es Shd(i ~kl , t:.>m f l) n St.trn&y, fl t1 1d • Burke Jr-try 'li/<:: OIIIrt\ J. n. R:f', 'i.J; and Tllk'KI'I Ri)Id tlll . • . 'I AXUI r !>:EH!Nfl l':XHrBIT . . these BerJu~ l Junior High Sch.ool itt ud'f:nt '~"'"ere pn>lld to sh >W r h.eix r ·peel ivc c.xhi b.i ts to ll1eir Through this prognu:n, 1b swdent d elops a sci n­tific c ·hibit. ahou.L ome pha e· of science jn which h is mo><t int ·re, ted. At d in doiug Lhi · he mt~st cnlploy all par wf the ~rhool's- curric ulwrn, in .Juding Engli,sh, his" tu.r;. matb ,md other ubj cLs . . int rest continues, th.c stud ent will undertake.. an. exhibit which i de ·eloped about a pmblem he has ol ·uL :S .ing abl · disp.l a ; and give verbal informa:tion about hi work, Lhe sthld nt receives · status, as well as a bona fide d ire 1 1 conr inue this mo Livated in texest .1 . lhc month:- ;met yea r~ roU along. . There·. a lw., ys et ood chance tha t the sln.clent who .. le'\· lops; a ~ootl c:"'hibit on tree~ .may s om ~ clay becom.e · a forester . . . but ,.vith.(Jut th.e ·timuJating ioterest dtrl "' t1 !nm1 the :ience fair, this particular voca tion might n ver ha\« h ·en cho ~ n. · ·~·-.·· pare nts and tn ~tn oth ·r-s who isited the school gymoasiu rn motnen Ls af1-cr U1is pictr,tre wa.s ma(lc. ·Many were prrte wi11n ers . . Those it1 charge of the Beth el School 'cience Fair feel that through the use of this techniq uc in science ed ucation, they can play their part in ovcr~oming, w scn:ne degree, the present national hor1 age of scientists and engin crs. vVinners of t.he Bethel. School Science Fair enL Ted their exhibit in the dis trict fair beld at ·w es tern Care· lina Colleg-e, where they gained deeper knowledge of &he ways oJ science and enf,rineeTing. ·. \Vhile sLudents io some areas may be placing more emphasis ou sport h eroes Lb<m th - · are on g reat. scien­Usts ... the . i tuation at Bel h l High School set:nL to be ent irely different 1f in.t re t in scien ·e and en,gjneering continues, 'ther e'. a chance that Bethel "'ill contr ibute m r than its share to science and " ! gineering ircle · of tomorr' . H01'l (, T ) Ul!: '\. 1 <'c> ~I:'SfER , ll.()b< ·d (.a~l· .·v . ll . · is 1>ll ll\ 11 ' i th lth '-t" 1 t<:t I, •...:hiLi! o ·lret:£ ui '\ t'llt I'll ~onh earn- . htM. CaHl ~ '-''< ;~ )J' iu, . irHwr.. Co,' ~! 'L I !1\(, f P nc;v , .ll{n ·rt tflilthtT;,, vl l.:~ b ~ !15.1 uf \( 1111 r"' Jud !{·~ <If<'. \li '~ , \J.tHi! l~rt>'k' fii t r r, \1ns. C;n d <' (1ff Hfld , ;'[!., ( AJ J R ~1tdd'f H '- '\ L .\I J t 'S f.\ II' ~ I'\ to hi sp ·cial e .hilJ i(, uf · Um G fl{Uilj i•JlJ i'ap<'r • \ u \l :uh·" ;)l< " rn;u!c b~ Hu11,..l.xs (,.n ·tt, a Lt Ll.t• l H i~!) .'idtc ol· jlJ]Itior. • . nHN l'"JCfO nt ntlk t~d d ,n1 1h dri\ ' 1r:.t J t h "s home< n D Carup Ro<td. H e pau d tn ·u iff t he earl · mnn1in :1ir to l ok YC'r th. f ~w -.,tr::m L {_f :--.ras~ in hi · frcot yard that '· ' \ 't'l'e be innin tn ltHl1 fr lU a brown- '- i. h red to a pal " ,_ reen. Turntl'U! hi: aa nti m LOward the ' n~<uL -T hn. Ut>ticed hi mail box. T h flag- ww pointing skywa.rd. in dica ting thar th mailman had recently 1 ft the la ·. m,il. :\ ( w qui k tep s and J ohn wau be itl the hox thumbing through cone ~pon cLen ce . H e r e- . gard cl tll coUection of le tter. .'> lightly, but hi- a ttention wa centered. on a booklet. Hastily, h e removed the wrapper and looked at the magic wont~. " eed Catalog." T o John t.he arrival of the seed . a talog was a sure ign of · pring. You ee, John i a part-time gardener as well a · a f ull-time Ohio Champion employee on the C. M. T rimmers. To him <md many orh er O b io Champions, sprin.gtirn mea.m gardening tjme­Lhat tim· of y ar wh en t he p lanti.:ng lev r soar mu h faster a. the mercury begi ns to ris ·. T he tim wl:ren tru garden rs ·an ' t ,<,ra it to g t out-doors • I f1 e-.h ('arth in their b and . ·rbc fi rs t b right ·tmn y da / ~ (r C\ er · , pring wi Ll Gnd th ·. ~ P' rr..:timc £T_r n thumb enthus ias t. o u t.Si.d . F r the e garcl n r tl1. re' work tn b done. T here ~~r w ed to u t, eaxt:h to spade, manur ' to pr ad, and se ds to p lant. It all adds up to a lot of work and a lot of fm1. Impatient gard en e n thusia t . b.. andcuffed by an un oop e ra ti v weatherman, can always retire to the · basement or garage to work on their tools. Oiling, tightening, sharpening and cleaning · of garden . instrument . bo-ets riel of excess SIXingtilne energv. ' ' · lt,._J ·with tools in good condition the gar-defier is ready to tackle almost a ny p,tot of ground to r:aise his di.o·ice produce. . Vegetables purchased in the super market never taste quite so good as the beans,- potatoes, corn or tomatoes that one has sweated over and tended so ca refully for many weeks. Cham­rions who spend their lei ur , hour­planting, owing, hoeing, weeding and pruning r eap a bountiful harvesl o( fruit · and vegetables. Too, they r eal the h arve L of ac ·ompli hmen t for th eir w ' ·ks q[ work in the good arch. SPAJ)T; 'C ROU."D f(Jr a gard o h \ 1 1\ennd Jy, MtH ~- TnJr k,.,. Tht· liJ 'ft IJ r. ig'lll &l.UU1 , d f!)S o f evNy spl ing find Ch< r:nphm green t..h u.rnb e11thu ~iasL IJ UI <•J.-doors. f'L.Y 'Tl X (~ SU,.fl, iJ1 thr lt<>fh<·d , Da~t' \f<HIIIg, :"\0. '.! Hhli l)i 11K. ill \- Sl rn a iJOIII'Itifnl b ' lt'\'(!S{ . C)l ;HnpJon6 who sp ·11d tlw tr leixur ho11rS plr~nt · !J,g, S<>Wl 11g, ll ot>ing-, w.-cdinj!i, ar,,! pnn'1{tlg, 1e.1p " ~~~ IH'' ~ COilV.' rail. - • 'i flllW JNC riH .. \ l \I \ ' \ C., ~~1h11 • icllh fi-od · <Hif whn~ lhc b ~'~ l time to ~f., h-i~ ph 1 l ­ing will be. lohn nlv" t' 1 ai <'~ to r ,list' ' IWll''h v, . .,. tnhks Lo ta ·t hi.; I.;mdh· d\1\ tl!., th · ' inter monrh . I fH. 'ILl:" D . 1· \L()C, u . 11allv me(lm ~;'1-deui ng urnc h,l\ a niw•d_ \ nd 1-f<tnicnin~ UllW t \ a ~UJ"C sign of '>pring im man\ Ohi11 hampion' mduding John U chlc· r, hown l>elow. CUTT J:\(. \VF·.F.D'I on t.he hr$1 w ~• fi H d<tv • of th' '1-t:>a r is ;I n annmd r ht>rc lo r Harry ··1 [ ;,p" Da"i.,h. " Hap li1r ·~ on a farn • n c<tl Darrtnwn, Oltio . \1 ( .h<1111pion he works uo till• \ l oliJf I ruil;. IlqKofiUWlll' . ~ I' RE:\I)l;'\(, '\1A l lR '-· Wall-.r•J IJ11ff. ptr ­p.:~ re~ hi. ground fot· a sp1 ingrimr g<nde n . \Va lker i ~ a rctir d Cli a111p.ion . He fiods tlt a l gardl"ni ug not on! ft11·nishes !tim with ft c~ h \C)?; ralJl s. bnt al o wi 1h a 1\0rJhwhilc hobb . <. 1·. 1 -IJN(, (.At<DF: ' TOOLS i11 wndit io11 Uil l <llway« be ;tccomplishc·d by the i1npa1 ic11L ganlcn t'llthu~i<J'I wlte11 lite weath c n11an doe~n 't roopcrate with a nice tvatm tf a_). Oiling. tightening·. sharpcninq and dea n i n ~ gau lcu i11 strutneors gets rid of exec. s spring­time energy Helow, Bill Rq~an . C<ll 'Jl '.: lll u 'ihop. lleam l1is g;ndcn tonls i11 his ha:- ment. Il l~ F \ h.I "'JC F RTH l< 1· .1 sntJ!l g<tr· den plot is ~lurray Ramscv. i 'o. I \Lot It i ne Ro>olll . .\1 un ;1y 1s Oil(' ,,f the man\ O hio Clo arnpi1 n ~ ho a ppn·dJll' f!,t•otl ]J/•tm· gn wn ' •gvtnhk:;. \hltTa) l.Je li '' · th ;tr pn dnn; ptntha~C't.l tn th ~up nnao·kt' l 11 1cr t.hl•' qttitc ,,u ~~ • I . ts 1 hat l ai-.:.'ll a 1 hnme. 17 PO" FRFl ' l Fl.l-( I RlC JHE~¥.L<; 10d11' dt• lw;1n ll't~od;,ll'fl dul\ . 1-lcnnJtt Cilli~. lo ·omllth..:: t' t1gin<'er. i's ~hown at the C'<JJ I LI~> I s. THE OLD S 11· .\ \! 1 OCOl\10 ll\ I· o!' :l:", . ·~n·s o~go got p le nty pf l1dp from Joe C0utKt. C1·.1 ig . \:H ~n. l (ll(' · <l tll ,ll1 . I';~~ lrH· Du• k t t. Claud \'<,rk} and tl c late Joh nny Johnson. 'I he mnu third f'rom ri!'{hl i · uniclcntificd. · · • - - .• .. d ' J") K F•.R ,', !)"., . J' ef L, a •u I -, c1·, . ,.. .• ( "" '•". ," 11 , r·n_ ·,,·r., . .< l , II t:t! to l'dWitid! pulpw(•orl " the h ard Wit} " Ill )<' r . ;~gn . /l . \ .\:DL£1> J\1.ECHA \: JCA LU , ptdpwoud tnrl:ty I · IIIli Jll<·lt>d c:tpid h ftt11n ra k (:'ars tiJ ct:t.l y 0111 o. ra Ill p . 18 An Old realizes just how important a change can be ... especially when it means progress and easier work for everyone • . .. T.IL cs HAVE CH NGED a 1ot on Champion's Carolina Woodyard during the pa~ L 40 yea rs, as they have in oth er opera ting areas. Mark Frad y, who'll b come a 45-year Ch ampion on June 5, well remembers his woocl -rawhiding days of J91 8 ... and the li tt le ·team loco:motive used in h~wling W( od ,in the yard at that time. Mark ..lh ady ha remained in close tou h with Wood­yard oper-at~oris since th · day be w<ts emplo yed. ·rouay he's .a wood measurer and is kept plenty busy. · ,.Back in tbe old days, F.rad , reca lls, pulpwo d wa rawhidecl from box ca:rs. TOLhy, Champion receive --its pulJ;>WGOd on rack cars which are quickl, unloaded di­rectly o n to Lhe ramps by cranes. 1t\; a far ry for the clays of rawhiding pulpwood the h ard way. lnsLead or the little s team en'g ·in e wbi<-.h wa · a "dalld v. '' io its day, Champio n 's Carolina ' 'Voody;;lrd boasts ~wo .modern electl-ic di ese l locomotives which have b .e1 jo constant opera~ i on since J anuary, 19·J7. These 660-horsepower diesels, tipping the s ·ales at I 00 tons eaeh:, ".ver the first purchased by \ i\fe. tern North Caro.lina industr)'· Th .:c a r • all. Lrern endou ~met impon;mt r bauo·es .. . ;mel M<trk h ·ad is on among sever a l ChtilllJ'ions who r enJiz(s j ust how import·Hlt a ch:t·ng- it is ... a d t•tr:lg from the tHd d ays qf -tO ;ear. ago. IJ t CC)I1 lJ·ast iO Op e rations Lll. Lb )'CHI'S gvne b '· tbe LOG pres ·nts tw·o o ld pict~tre ·, ~uppJied b · Fr:Hfy. a long Wi !h J) icl u r ;. H.*vc:;diug the s ittt ~Hi o n today . .J wn anoLher e ·;nu.p.l · o( how ~ hiugs ha ·hanged ' t~ within t:ll · l:1.~L 40 years ·tt Ch~Hllpi m·- Garolin;, · 'Voml-ya rfl . ell tl$ ~vithLn :~H tH h (;r op rating- a reas, 19 • rHF HJ \7U 1 '" t'f~l , , 111 i - !lw 101 i c t f c.owu: 1 .all{ 1 lt•r. h•m lt>ff If righ 1. IJi .-..::h 11. t:~·nc1..t fli1::e; Th.ld Hovn·ll, T<" '> <l-' Oiv:i;;itlll Rt"­("(,\ < l\' Rtmnt l'ir man: ant! Lt:n \i~-'l'J. :\:Hera{ Off Jn' 1 haJ l:. <•ni.> 1>1 tJ ('lg·ht r c)..a~ ChamJ i n wh} "'111 ruake th .- ut!l mt>nr:1.11 nit' l.ltt'l this } ·ar fu the 'taaup ol the ll~l\ mm. TU[ .FLYI1 G ~ . ' IGHTS. the Vhio Divj_jou 's Hviug dub. base pun::hased a new ·Cessna " 1!0-B.:· This makt\ the third plane tbal tbe lnb has b)ught since faY. 1955. ~fembers of th dub pit:­mr~ with the .uew plane are, fmm ldt to ri<>'ht, Ja-mes Cheek, \'iJJiam Birgil. Axthur Bo!ld· Jr.. Jim Cla:rk, Harry Gneselhuber. club Pre i-de1H Bob and Richard ,-\dams . ' TEXAS CHAMPIO'\S were well represented on he Saw Houswo Trail Ri<lt: when it was "mundup time in. Teu .'' 'The Pasadena wagon had al least nine Ch:ampion{olk on 1he 65-mile ride from Mont­gomery t<• Houston. R. IL J\forgan, ~ta n(hllg' tbird from ldl, of Plant l'roteclion wa~ the w:::cgou I.>O~"'. ' 20 P'ictorially bringing you highlights in the Charnpion story and its sood neighbors • • • it$ people. its friend$, ·• h ·ON. ~·.~, ·) \i,. . - f ';/ . '-'"~ .,\ ,! . ' · u.i~' \.l,'\. ~ • d ll( · '\: -~~ tt ,_t\11l~'J'"' t. •• ~· >: .. • E I.-GH l : Cti TS, rer ~;esei:;U.illg" 1he Mo ~;;~,~1 · u, · ..Great Lakes Cartro.n -· ~.rpotar, Lt.m , i·si(td LhG Ma.tdt 2G. Pktttred be1•e ifl tl'1.e E. B. 'f~lat)t . C., plao·t of the ,;u-ol'lm1 Divtsi >JJ a r "> fro·tn I ft 1:0 . At 0 ,D BA EBALL CONTRA T whi.d1 belonged t1 the late WaJteer Scott Pric wa.s di scovered recently by his wife. T he ;;orHract. igned on May 13, 1907, called for a. salary of $60 .pet month pfu e. p u es both on off lhe road . 'Walter was a C· rolina J ivi sioQ Old Tim ' l' w·ho had 47 years o( st:i'vice with Champion when h·c reti red on Vebrmtry 1, l9!H. ':C:HIL TOP TEENr\GE .BOWLERS at the Ohio Divi­~ i·o n were honored I'ecently. Shown receiving trophies (rom Gadand· Mum:, Employee Services . upervisor, are, bade rqw from left to right. Snaro11 Pieper, Judy R e'Elcl and Ron Kolibob . ln the front TOJ ·'l, hom le ft to r igh t. are Linda R-ose, Gary Manring and Tom Sams. VERNON VANSAW, centt:,!r, No. ~2 ~I ach i ne general su pevvisor, receives the Texas Division "Dowm '\o\tith Do\i•nti.iJJf2 ·· troph-y f-rotn Steve Cha., , r.ight, vice pres i­dent a11d general ~;nanl),ge:r, and Dick Betts, Production manager. Tbe crews- of ·O- 22 Ma hine won tJJe Febnlary con test and the rews of Ohio's No. Mu.­cbi11e won in March . . right, R , W. Mills, R. G. Joho ·on, .J. Clin-1, 1 . .B. York, supe'l'i nten• dent o.f the E. B. PJ.ant, ·w. E. R:usse lJ, R . 'Waller, R . Powell, D . Mele~l.ou , J. 1~ . Hunt ·and W. H . HarK.le o£ t he J~ - ll . Plant t<~ff. ' J • i I HEI:U : ·s A COOU I'L,\CE. lu cal 'h ll'ap­prc, clain ts Claude t3ra.~ h ear. CJ:~url , a Hl'll tbe1· of the fishit~ clu!J, S'4Y· this sp0l is h is favmite for f ishing aL t·h.c newt . cl qui·recl lake. 1-.It::, hRe 1U<~l1 y c;>(. the ower 111embers. sp end. th •ir day~ away fwm the rnil I at the lake. SELECTING BAlT, Lhe ·e three members of th e Cllampion fis lung club ptepar · tor a da y's angling an tbe newly l.IC<{ui.rerl lake. Left to right are: Tom Walslen· h()!rn, Barry .P etel'S and harles Imhoff. Jl iSHING CAN J~E FUN for the whole fami ly. lt was Ed T urpin's d 11y off ancl h is e ntire family went 01J a fishin.g trip at ~Jonroe Lake. Ed's metnbersbip eu.titl a.ll the members of Jus i rn mediate l:lou ·e - .l hold to enjoy tl1e la kes facilities. 'f ·. ' • ' . SLCNINC THf~ LE: \ SE f()r i\ lnnm· l.ak. arc, lc i'L to ligfl1. : I<J nd - iug_ Char les joJtc ·, Haro ld jni11 r, E ldie h '· •1n l Lou l• ishe1. .Seated arc::: Ost<tr i\J·onk, owr•t r c,f; rhe lak . Jec Crccclr . prc8ickn of tLlc FJ,s.h i :ig J.nb . and Barry 1' ·te t . . . . LOCAT ET) O N L I ::-JN IH ,\J~ . the \.h a tnpion FisJ;ing Cl cd> J.ake is <rboul 12 nriles frQrn H;;tmillc9n . . T b · map be low shows the easiest >V'a, tr, g·o fwtn <Jm. lll<Jwn Hatni lt(JJ J. Co north () II O l ~ic> Stat<" Rou.t · + n llfl tunt rjglt-t G>n Ky les <.; talion Rc ad. T lt e11 fum 1 f L cln Yan·ke · Ro:ttl Hnd right 011 LlJtn Road. IN MA~CH, l11;€mbcrs of Ohio Ghampivn Glu h rea liz eel a clre<~ rn. A Clrearn 'wbkh lu a i ts begi nnin.g last summer when tl'lree or four ardent [i .·h­ing enthusiasts got toget:her bO brag ab(!lLit recent ca~ches . Th ~ Otrio Division Fishing Club ac­tually star ted las t July 'llv:hen a few of these rabid fishermen decil!led to have a talk with the Champion EmpJoyees r\c­ti ities Associa tion's · Boai·cl, oJ Conu-ol. T he angler W(mtcc.l to r(,)r}:J] a fisJ1ing clt tb fuHy sa nctioned: by the C.E . .A.J\. rn Lh . thoughts of Lhl se Champions we.r" d reams or l.easiog a lake site - a pihtfe o·t:npl ·te with a for the duiJ JD<:mber: Lo have rn cet in g·~, and a ph ·e 1'0 ntr· <tl f(>r H tbt ys' fi shing· IJn til ' we· k ~ nd or un Lhc:ir d:tvs <:>ff. I The C . .E.A.A . Br,;,u·<L oJ Conti-ol <HI ­vi;, ed r.he gr('"P 10 twg·;,n it.c. tlH.: n. d r;-,w up a ch art ·t, b y- l aw~ and a (on Litpti o tt hc;furt lt f"[Jf 'ing Fo,r mclllb ·rship in ..... E.~ A.A. About I r, hrnvc ;J ngl<: rs a U.endC'd the Gr.!.t clt:tlJ m ·c• lnsl Auguii t. It ti()ok ~t lut ()f d e tcnnjn ~rtio n bu.t rhe group knew ~._iha 1 thq· w .tn l c<L The nn­' i~ i ttll j1'ilt, dt,t rtc ~r <llld bi·..J.n ws ' er, form - - ' ui;Jt d." and i11 J<H1 t t<!l y th~.· dub w;t.'! Ml q~t d into C. E . .'\ .. '\ . T lte l.oard <)f ~ - 0 d. . .. . Con trol al!oted the fis hermen $500 to help lease their dre<tm la.k.e. Then, in 1\!Luch the dream came tr ue - the club leased Monroe .Lake, forrn.a.Jly used for commercial pi_trposes. Located on Li.nn R oa d, Monroe L<Jk is abou t 12 miles from Hamilton , CO\'ers abou t si ' acres oJ: land. and is from ] 0 to 35 feet deep. F eel by an under ground spring, th e lake has recent ! been ' tocked ,.vitb a vaxiety of fish. Jo all, the fishing dub leased 25 acres, in clucUng tbe 1ak area and surrounding land. Th land not uDder wot r wi l.l b . ll ed for a picnic and r creation area . The lake pn;'>pen y . \·V:as lea!-!ed for a nvo . ear period ·with opL.ion lei rent:w th leaS:e i.f th ·Iub s. des ires. To add to the 500 alloted by the C.E.:\.A ., the FisJ1 rmen ra ised "' 1000 frorr1 n1 <:$ rn bt:'rs hi-J>l du ':; to 1 ay for the tjrst rear's ltas OJ1 rh lake. _\L prc~e nt, th ' "lub Sf nrts sixry active mm1dJ(~ I 'I-i witl'l t<he n1·t'ub ·rshif limit"d (tl'(•ording to ~n·:.ti l:lb!c L1 cilitie;", .\n crn ­p lo. e •s' m ·mbcrship. )l t itl . . : all 111 rnhe1 of hjs \)t ht r hnu~eho ld l1J u ' ' the hk. · Jac ilitic . T h ~c ixt , UH.·mb · r~ ::tml lhe it- !'ami. . . li.e~ will be :;p "m!ing a lot of Lime this ~ u r HnH~ r <It their dn:an"l hk · lnndin )· ' t I H1.\ C' '' L.ig Ollt.'.~." CON!IN{I E.Ii)· ON NfXT PA £ • . ' 0 11 ,NJC :n tl<! lake ar Ed 'furpJn and. l}i fautrl\1, ',t 1e ·urrouMlng 21 ac1 s of land will b used by the Chatup~Jot~ dub a:s a picnic and J:e eation sit". 24 • l.y c b. IN " ( RO'> th tale. a ,g-ro)Jfl Q{ ;i . }:Hor~ ;;:.m.plcJ ·c s ·lld t:n mbcr~ of dH~il f4miHe:> Gm l . ~ •tm entoyrng lhf•ir £<Jxodte !if..' rt,, T he lak. was . I ·tt •d b ' the hampim . nsherm n for t Wu yca1·s. witl~ the opt ii1J.1 Hl tt>l'l w tlieiT I ,,,l. at that t till' tf ttte dt'sired ' • I H t:: L l\Kr. i,; t l1 · l'ishiog t.loL ' dreat'l'l tome 1r 1e. J b ls p k tuT ~twws rbe ceu ·r of the h~ke. Tl tc buildiu,g h a tw•,·WJrv b lo ·1:; struc­tu e whi ~ the grou p us· · r,,r m~e t i ngs abJ w ~t{1.1' f~ ClfU!Plll Il L . CR\1 E ~T BLO K 'IH JlLDl N"O . · lhg f i Icing d L.fb ith . " pl c.e to ho ld g-rvup lllc ri.ngs: ' l"tt ~ LitJ CI ur-e is al o Ll.sed Pt• · ' tore fi hing • r <W.d to k • .p baiL • • ' Boys Club members are on the go and seeJng the world by logging . . . t...~ \ \ \ tj\), II so I I I 70 I I I Bil Bu'\S Lljl;6 Mt.M lH . JI_,I;. uf Champion YMCA . d i.; a loJ of traveling by b u duri ng Lhe w t1 rse of ~60 d ;:,t.ys. 1 bese . yuungHer~ . p i :ying and n:re~::ti o,g [beir spon s :vcbedtJ1es undex the gent:ral :upe.rvis i.rm o f ' azi MilJ r, Lamlina Ch.ampion YM.C a.Lhletic d i rector, trav ·le I trw-r t:han fJ,OOO mi:le. last ye<'tt'. Longest l jp t1 t::} mad \ a. to pal ~icipaLe iu the Jim Th.orp ' Th;.rn gidng footiJall lwwl am ' in Peru -y[· \.'<tuia. ·whiJ I be o,horLbt bu'> tJ ip wa~ 10 .an l irom Heu­d ~. -.ou vilk fqr ~ I ~tbk •tl all · nl .:-.t. ' A !(,~;,d of cvent;e 'l trip ing t.lH::i y ·1:~:~ (·arde.d lhem it1tr1 aU parts of .Nvrth ~ n d Sn1Hh liua aud Lo se trfi l p0i~11'>ir1 Ohio, Jt "l}tL k. y, W _s l Virgir'l i<t, (; f'orgia and l>t:nn ylv·tnHt. ~<Jmt: ol' Lhcse tl lpJS wne Hl,<i.d e purd · Jor rel:ax<tt.i(Ht puq,~o t.~ a i.. Fom n<.~ l ... hk ~ 0r oth r Osbing <~.nd ·ai:npb1g areas. 'they (J a•:d d mol('· i.l an l.OOfJ ru j L _ in ru;.tking ~l ucation I brip l:..tst J lJU in II) the ftuno t1s 0 kel;enok 'C w::unp <o tllltry in Georgja, T h l1 L pxoved a tl'ip som o( th ·m ·w i!J ne-ver forg~ t. t\ l <.nly of these tdps wt;n; mad as a rep. yment for tb ·it Lub Uo.rts c!Lu-ing Lh y ·a t~, "ll h ;;~.s th lti! of Chri stmas trees, f aning-up proj T and oth "r progranl, . · T hey make a .rttgular trip 'tc ·. 'in 'rnn ~l t.i euch suiurn ·r 10 ~e.c the R os 11ay. Ma t y enjoy this H:. it i:s tb ir (i rbt '>!J jJoflp ni.Ly 10 v ifn •s · a m;Jjor le:1 g·u h a~:> ball game. Ei 1b er Mi Ll er. (; <:;or g:e J>r i -', Bi ll Heard ·n t)r owe othet Y~ I C A , ~ vdl m •mb r :d way" Jc~ompani s them · r1 1he trip!-> l'C?ganll .s: of th · di Lan ~;: . Ot. , siona ll Ja .k .J l•stln:, g·t H .roJ Y fCA se 1 ~ 1 ; 1 ry or WaJt t>r Holto n. :tssis t­an t :; c li'et,ary ~· ill t 'l.k • dtern in ch·u-ge. r: ~ (' ll !"h o ugh they (;V'V~ a lcH vf H,.: rr1L01' I duri ng :1. ~ '<l'r·~ ti ll;jf', th '(' youngs ter; tind an of the:;e rrip" nj~)\f al k . '"'h' a ri mo l a rift f1tH or gooll ·mtthJul f li ow~lrip 25 .• A Roving Report JJv 0 tt.o Reid G\'org' Hell , r tired, oue f Charnpion ·,, most colorful f Jdtimer. pas etl aw;:J • recent] . .Btctu ·e Cl[ his job ( h eking fire l1ydran ts, sprinklers, tc.) Georg ~ ' t 0 ·e- th ' enlin· mm quj te often . H e \·Vas one -of onr popular people. I n Yer kn •v George o bJow his top but: once. H e wore rough, ol t lothes on t he job - " bich befitted his type of ' 'ork. Day aft r day ' t citizen of Hamilton kept ha1·ping on th qua lit)' of George' · work cloth es. T hen one day C or e unloaded a v1'!1o'le passel ol truth on the citi1en' · -rulnerabl b ead: "I .say, Pal, th · work clmhes suit me, they an~ mine, and they are paid for. lf you will only visi t alltbe people you O'\•le and pay them two p er cent of what you owe, you will need this outfit for Sunday - vvhen I throw it away. Don't be t tha t I can't prove what I've said." P.S. The sit ua tion tayed well in band. Courtew Makes an Impression I r ckon that co urtesy m <tkes the most profqund impres ion on friend. and stranger a lik e. I had an und loaded with this commoditv, and it aHu paid of£, :t.oo. Whe n the boys passed the' jug be -always drank Ja t- a rrd they forgot to notice that t1'1e polite g ntleman J. t t·he n eck linger in hi · lips like a haby wor ing on a pa,i fj er. He was so tlwug·hlful wi rh womtn none ol h is girl fri nd.~ .. v "r long d fo:r Don Qui. ()L e. H e co uJd n ot a fforl to 1ay his on ly coat in a mLtd h<~ l >, but be olfered a pi ggy~.ack ri.d to any damsel tb ;Jt look ~d distressc:d . I r · ·n11 en how he mt:t A un r Li1. She wc11 t fo.r II im , ;:~ Jl out. Sit· w uz SIJ impresf; d w ith hjm th a t h ,,.. d arkest IJ (J~lT allus J! ; ti Jingcri ll [{ Jll {;U'iO I r of t OIJI HI1 '<: . lJC hotmc(:d up -a nd gav • IJcr Jri ~ s<:;.;1l ... th only o n(' :~ v:J II ­a bl · in dt t pn u o ! WJgoa . I 1 J ·d Lo un ;1 bkling ;~dor:rJ i•llt. .. '*' * * Jalll "':;; "S;-d ty'' B· ughlll(Jn i wi Hin ~· lo 11 m o') l :tll y c perimem tb at bi~:. r~g ile ft~ind laldH'>i ( n r). H i'i l;ti (''\1 fai led, but lv i'i u nl dist IJ LJ f J;Ig- •(L f\ s ~h C' w•tro lm«lll em Rhc·r ;\vC'nue, h <· J1w., con s1d 'r· ;thl walk ing, S;,lty d edUu"d t h r~ t if lit• lJ (Jpp . d on oOl' J g he would ~) nl y b · lJ :-~ lf '" tired . Ht l'qc~Mt ~ il did nol Iol li k . J Ct:p diggi ng, S ~d t:y. W are stiJI g·ett1ng JU • }n~ '> j llll. thar1 icks Jrnm ou il , ia l Jww . \!Vhtt h .;;one .;w ':JL~ uw :-.m1dl . I bel itv · tlt ;d, .if an eanll·f' ll obj ' l ev ·r laufk on th m0on, the m;"Jn up th ·r · will read rht Lr;Hkmm1; of a II o 1 J p ogrcl'is: ' 'J\,f rt d ~ i'll U.S .A .' ' • * • 'ill Jt's g:nod -b ' t > • hirl e-y Ga ti 'il)ll g u ard~>. H W<LS tm · 26 I'OP{ 'I ·'\ R ~hut.-' (, <tJ ri rH r 1'l<~r1 J"~ntcl !ion. r{"tire~t rhi · 111·iug. ·\ \try W•·ll knc.w11 an I wd! li-ked Ch'J'"P' u ~hiJ 11''1' r tir•:d tc takt! lik ea5v. Hr! i•, rmw living i1• (;;,tifo n'ia. ' t"hi. tJ LHnth Ot!o Reitl fi•JH') · Shhle~. in h f- olumn. of our bcsl ·md ~:.m mlhc ·t paLrohn ·n. Hi, retirem ""nt teh us gaspin g, but gl<H.lthat the oll warhor (an afford it. Shirley had a world ot experit:nce a11d in(omJ.ation. He was a lway · wil ling LO gi ve "lvi e to the gre•nhnrn who a tuaHy wanted iL L promise a biography of hi.m - provided l can catch him -and he will consent. 1 hope he do s. Uncle Phud is an Emloarrassme-nt Too ofum we d egenerate to our personal -prerogadve to class i'Ey people by grouv, race , color , ere d or localiti es. But, peo ple are individual , o created, and to be {ah· to them. and just to ur own ha ppines , we .mu ·t tl-e~~t a.ll p ec~pl e as indiv iduah. But U nde Phud . ;wd Aunt Dimmer ,-,vere ah\'a) a source of ern b arrassme1'l t to the betrer bred le-rnen t · of the famil y. T h eir domestic untranquihey h ouJdn't hap~ pen to a pack o · sheep-killing dogs. They JoYed to batrle each o ther. On the_ av rage, they did not fi~ ht about 30 days out of the year- - th ese b ing the times that unde Jet the .revenue men baQk him three rail.'i, int > the idl' pocket of o ur co unty jail. N ext day a fter my clemocr<H 1.Jncle tnanied ID\' repub­lican aunt, she sweetly informed hirn rh, t sh hc:ud th word "ob ey," b ut din IWt 1.Hide rstancl what it m a.nt. lt Look then1 30 year to re:,·.iew ca h other' , phy ical hortcomings, and th en llvy got on · ach oth er's politi ·s. After a lengthy abuse .huH Dimmer aske l 1 hy h nn1> ri d n r • publi c:~ n , s·ein a how h hat ·s Lhnn-; murh. And unci 1-oared : "v\ a·al, I kn o"' •d that a won1:an 'WelL fOO (bdb1!1Slt'd COiltra r to get ~d on r will\ - ~md l 1'\'anted. <J doubk - bt~rrelkd reason_ l'er n, - h "r a pit>fC of [II \' mind Wh lill } got Sl:lrt •d . l simpJ . ('OU(d nnt abw.' ' - a g'<Jr~d dcmuna l T ith tiH· t: n t htl 'l<ISm th at [do o n.'' Some ".Pure Bible" Rus ·t.d l Fa in of the Box ,"ilwp ntade tne t ·t~l pn:uy good by; l11 ;11 s 111 1!::' JWOplc, h1 :1 ll!OI)h.'llt o f v~ca kn c,::..: , s tooprd to re:HI. 111 y CO jJy. He r~qu<·str d th111 I d l'p ;lrt O<C.Jslona ll r f t:t Jll the .sbp·Jmpp , Vt' l'i H1-nd:1r ol' an addltd OOS •, and ,(;'t'l dnwn to h HI'-'1 tack · with vi "W t 'lllJC ·rnillg the Hoi Bi.blt'. J know t h<t! R U!.S h as w ~ d csi.rc 1 ) sc(' me t.:111gkd iu a Jrarl of :tri:( IIHICil!. , hut 111 lo t. hi ~ in a w:-.y acceptable tu all Gocl · l'C:If illg- f ('nplt'. So, I sha ll point l)lll today t.hc bre;nth-tnking b ':nn, '' ilK lita;n y s t.ylt> in " h1 h the Hn<~k 1.- written. Ab Li nrnJ" t nh r :..a icl 1 h;tr he had SJ3L'll l ~~ v ry profitable .v in t •r r ~rding- it. 1\~lck from. hi.~ clcrp rt'lig ions cunvlr ­Liun ·, al l ol his wriLi ng- and . p eakiJlg Wih pure hiblic, I .s lyk .. , ex:;tmple: •·J:(J 1{.r s ·vr and ~·euer1 ;wa·rs ag,o ur f ~uh ! ',' /)'I'O!t!!, h l fo rtb upr)JI thi_, COI'ilillt' llt a new Tlafion. l<llHt.-'i' d in libt.ll\ ;utd dt'di<;ttl'd lo tlw ptopo ... ition that ,i/f •rt, 11 tllr r u·nf t rl crtllrd .·· ri~e..: it.tlit .trt.' pun• I i hk. JIll' Bonk qj Ruth j, II • I! dfl< ll inc. but .1 -.illlpk ]o\T >lot' It i-.. pnh,t I''· the l111c"1 \1'1 i 1 ing i 11 til<' 11 ;..,, on ol tlu '''H Jd. lo. 1 pLc pic ,,·ho · to WI ill' !uti II ·, .. h.ll ph :tlld lo lhl' point, 'oltrcl~ the I>IHlk or I tllll. ,\lid. tfw.,c \1lw dn IHH. tl iHom<iou.,h· ln llow ih patlclll. It !ell.," "I'L;tl 'lot\ in . t lew ho lt 'cl:-.\''1, ' ' P1.1~ tell Jilt' ,,!J T · cl"c thct L' j, 1\rillcll cop) that Jllo\<.:' ~o ~imph. 11 t k.nh. :tnd <nHT'> ""tiltH h g 1ot11HI ,,., thc-;t. Hl't.'' lilted lrotn the Hook ul' Rutlt . \ · cr t' I h: \ 11 d P 111 It " ~~ i d . " lntt t. •• t 1 Ill c not to k ~~ ' < · tiHL, ot to H'llllll ltnm lt.lllm, ing ;till'!' tltcc: l01 ll'it lwr thou gnt' I r will go. :tttd "hnc thou lodgc ... t . I \I' ill lodge: til ' pn pic ,IJ,dl be Ill\ people. ;tnd th) Gnd tn) Cod. \ c1 t II: \rhnc thnu dic ... l. ,·ill l di e. and thnc will I he btllinl: the Lon! do 'P to Ill <'. and Jllnrc al n. ii' nught hut d ·at h p.nt thct. ' :tnd me.' ' I he b1n it\ i · in ~p iring. ,tntl i ;ll hi e\ eel by igno1 ing .tdjn·t iH ·' ; nd lln\H' l'\ ph Ll~c..,. E \lT)' word ~ ~ll c hf's J or thl' tOll' nl tlH' m.ttf<·r. \' hidt k ;tH''i u" with hul o tH ' dwu!!.,IH: urd\' 1 he ren 11 I in g- ol , I he Book w;t. i n"pi red tnd upcn i'u.l In l)j, inc guidance. 111111· II" \l1tih11 nian•· \f .t iL 1!11 1.' !Itt lJ•pk 111 ht·t of.l 1d\ \ <. Jl,ltl.h j, ):It!.. \l.ncu111 , ( . \1 . I iui,hing . l.~nhn ' 11 lf.trhn' .d ' ~'"'I.. ' , t ( lnmpl<>ll. J h r \ <Ht Othor \l.tlt II HI. l111d., .md Johu '-,mith . ( f lmi,ll l ll!.; I t-1 1.~[~. I IIRI.I·. ~ lll lll g., l er' diC till' pridt' a11d j <J \ ol ken ,l oh11 so11. .\1 iII'" ri g II 1 ~ ll e p a1 1111 'Ill. <.t eg. <1 h01 e kf1. i ~ :l: .\li<h ac l. ;tlJIIH' ri~hl. i~ x )Ca rs old <111 <1 in rhc rhinl g-1ade ;11 ll a nc.1er :-dwol ; ;nHI I el'l) . at rig lil . j, I . Oltio 1 Ill .., 1-; ( ul < li II lc ( :II II~ I lui' hard 11te :l -nHJ illh -nld ddll~lll e l o[ ( .ht·, ter lluhhanl l'li.illl l'n•­ll' IIIOII. (.tift\ 1110i il ('r hlltlltrl\ IIIli kt·d 0 11 tht· L \f. "'•lt!ng J.j ll C. • \ I· \ \I II \ ( , R 0 I I' '-,I l 0 I 1-i il1 ,1 ( hall'f1iDI1 Jl..tllll j, H'f'll,I'IIHd 111 lhi' pitlllr ol \1 1 . :lilt! \ I I . Fl••\ll \l •• ', l.u111h 111 the h.l{'(., lO l l "'' t•lld lflllll I fit' light j, l>n.11d l 1 ~ li.1 t ' l '" ~ '>hippi11g Oilt< I ( h.l111!11ttll' .lit ' 11 .1 \Jct. u·. <.,( ,11<'1 '"' lliu . flll llih 1111111 lclt <Ill tl11 h,tl\.. IIIII', \ ill<,llll ( ,11111 11011 lll'flt'l 111111 "(Olld litlllt rlll II II Ill II· '' '''1 1d 111\1 ; \11 ,ond \1". l lo1d \ l .,rg.111 111 ill< nlll< ' l . • 11ul I kitH I~ II IIIII ll "· ~ lllh ''· klll't """ 111 till' d.ll" """ )IJ• lil t '""ll HI\ I IP\d I' .I !\ ' till .I ( io.11 II Jl j II l • The Talents of many Champions go on display 8 ' joe Bf vens A RE F.. "T r. ·N \'.\Tl t Ch ampi-o n ' Ohi Di- 1- i. ion , and one th at ha. p roY n to b of consider abl l:i; inr.ere L i. rh h bb · dit play ca ·e whi h is locaterl in the afe teria . AJJ i1io 'hampion who ha \"e a hobby have been invited to ·how the ir co llec tion or examples of their effort for two-we l p riod.s. At the end of th two weeks a ne \. exhibit i. put on d isplay. r\rrangements for dis­playi. n hobbie can · be made through the Communica- • • uon ectt n . o £ar th re h a. been qui le a variety of snbjects placed in the case. th m b a e b een photography, wood­burning. taxid ermy, , •ood-working and she11 collecting. T h fir l exhibit to be h own was the photography ;\J.lE ROOI).S, C .\4. 'orting, W<l rhe fir t Champ-ion to place a hol~b v in t·fle show a e. .\1ae has be n active in photogTaphy for maiOJ): years and has had om.e pictures in T t.e LOG in past issue~ . The pic;tures <\r CJil rolon:d by Mae. 28 di'>play of Mae R ook of -~1. <; orting. She has <..>me "'er, good pi tu r s of unu s~ual in r t. A.mong those disphr)ed wer e shot o f the Gr-and Can, on wh ich ·ere very '"'f>ll done. The photograph were a l o oil colore<i b) l\fac -­which m ade th m even rnor b autjf ul. Ottis Harri · of No. 2 orting pfaced c ral ampi of his art-work in the \ase. u· exhibit wa. ma in!, · wood-burning. The work i very beautifully don e and th fineness of detail and car eful . hadin make them ttul; works. of art. One of Oltis' p osters was awarded fir. t place in a state poster contes t and a profes nr o( Art at Ohio State Universit, u ed one of hi p a intinu. o:r an. 1- ization srudie . The next ex 1ibit wa tha t of H ans L ndrnm , reti red THJS WOOD-WORKING EXHIBIT by Han.• Landrum is fine example of one of the tmury bobbie th a.t are pttrsu ed b' a large number ef Champion mploy-ees. Han ba built an eu(!Jess r1umbe1 of wooden anicle. for hi$ wn en..j .r mef\t . 'hampion. Han worked in No. 2 Fini hing l:or 34 year bdore re tiring orne fo ur Jr ago. His interest being in wood-working. it wa. natural to a .ume tL1at this might. become hi hobbv. H an e hibited some models of log : \...• hou· : , nd <1th r building whi -h were built from pieces n£ ~-ood cut 4nd notched In rcpre ent building logs su ch a we I in the early bistor · o ( our countt . H e ba a lso dnne ome very fine ('arpen tr · work in re-modeling the church of which he i · a ver faithful member. • f()Jlowing the wood-working di. play, Farris Thomas of the Ohio ~ anitation D partment . bowed his achieve­ment · in Lhe an of ta . idenn '. Among th ;:mimals and birds in th collection wer squirrels, a pair of pheasan trs, a raccoon, mu. krat and some fish . Fani got started in T\ 0 CH AMPIO;\ · dw. e exhi bi 1' hav auscd much favorabJe comment are Hans La ud rum and Oui Huri ·. who are pi ctured beloK ( )ttis is in tlie striped shirt). All Ohio Di vision Cham· p ion. haw been imriterl to join tt~ ranks of tors. - ' I , THIS PHOTO ut otou tll<"d specit" tJS by Farris f"h o tn a., tb · pair of ph ca~; mr~ in fhc fot . g routJd show 11 p Cl y w · ll. ' l'h t· ra · oon immed i;u e lv a lmvc thettt is also a very goorl' exa nl[ de o f 1 he ta xicknniH art. La.,· idenny by e11ro lJ it g .in a chool o[ taxiderm and on of his pe imens received commendation from the staff of the school. H e fee l that on o[ the reguir.f!m n L~ o l a good Laxidermi ' t is to love th out loors and to take a great intere t in all wild li fe. As in Hans Landrum's case, an interes ting and active hobby mak s a very vvonhwh.ile Eield which retir ed employees may find very enj oya ble, and in some case:, very profitable . All types of hobbie such as guns, model pla nes, stamps, coins, hisrorica.l items match coYen and man , many more wou ld prove of great interest to all Cl'lanTpions T here will be other displays to come, so keep your eye on the "Hobby Lobby." OTTlS HA RRIS, 1'io. 2 Soui ng, has great talent in a.rt wo rk . a~ can be seen from r.llis photo. T he great anwunt u f 1le tail anrl careful shading marks his bobh as one of the most exacting to ha ve bee tt displayed . I I • • Horatio Alger was a piker eompared to our hero • • • ' • B.v f olm Scltm it.t Ten ·ears ago thi month I wcut to work for !Jr. Cllampion. Since then a lot o [ things h ave happened to me. ll'n ·a don't mind rd like ta tell ya about some or Ll1 m (Cau there ain't nuthin I like ta do more than talk about myself.) . ' Vl~at ~nm m e La ~"·ant .ta work fer lVIr. ChaTnpion I dtdn t nghtl ' know Jor mgh on two years after Mr. Champion give me a j o b. I recollect the first time that I came ta e.e Mr. Champion about a job. 1 didn't git ta talk ta lum person aHy that da]', but omebod y sent me in airy office ta talk to a. Mr. Stafford who I think they said wa · a first cousin to j\t(r. Champion and that he did the hirin for hjm. '"' Jl, l talked with this here Mr. S~afford and he asked me a lot of downright personal que twn , and then he asked me why 1 wanted ta work for Champion. (At first I thought that this Stafford (ella '"''as kinua disre. pec tful for referin to Mr. Champion . just merely as "Champion," but then I got ta figurin ta myself that maybe him and Nfr. Champion bein .first ousins that probably they had come ta an agreement ta jest ca ll each o ther by their 1a. L names.) Be in' Plum Thoughtful Ya know folk , it's h ard ta explain, but la be plum LrllthJu) a bo ut it, I didn't l-ightly knmy why l wanted ta work fer h. Char.npj n. Bu[ there seemed ta be some in vi. ible compelling force or p ower that drawed me to Champion. ; 'ot knowin what it was I couldn't explain it but I had w. tell this Sta fCord fclla som thin so r LOld bim that I h ad h ard that Mr Champion would gi e ya a goo.d st a'dy job, ;md a lso that l h ad rid by h re a lot on t lte 'bus and. ever} tim · T rid by I al'tva '· ·aw IrHs of [oJks irtin Hlt id e . rnokiu and drinkin ofl'ec, a nd I th t1ght th a t 1 would like that kind of work. However, r <J.oru think th <ll this StcdJord fella took tO() grt<.l( a-likil Ia n1<~ Gl tse l was six momh · tryjn l<t git him t<L hirt: me. "\r{C)re tht'ln like I y he wasn't !)harp en u r.r 1 a r a lite 1 he tremend(i>U£ pou.:ntial as-s 'l that was bel<;re him. and J i.igu eel that ifn he Wi:l)n 't sharp . nu(f tn sH· v·hat ' tuck out on.m li ke a sol' lh.umb then uo ~mHmnt o l t,dkin 1 hal I c JUld do would onvjnre him . . \o l bt·sid . .,, I ain't the kind oJ guy lh <:tt tak s La br<Jggin abotlt my ·lL . \nd J btU ve too that T\ 1 got hired si: months enlier jJ"n I'd got fa faJk f<~ i\:l.r. Champion hirrt'i ·lf. An how, on i\·la 6, 104 ·. l b~o,· (.ame ;., hired lumcl fnr Mr. Champion. Jlocs ya remcmb •:r me sH in .,omethin about " u·emc:nd< us pore1·Hial ;J~;.,; t" e-v ·raJ ·•nt n ,cs ba k? '\'V ell, I a in 't a-bntggin nor tryiu l ~! daim a JJ th · cr _dit, bLH in HH7, dt year b fore l went w work f, r 1\lr. hamp>i >n, I1i HN profh 1hat ye;o~~· wa ., 5.9~9 /) Ht :w<l ill 19-18. th · ·a r }.lr. Champion put ro we nry 30 brains, ingenuity, and jest plain bru te :-,trength and awk· w:lrtln ess, hi· net profit rose to '8, 40,000. La;-;.t year nme ye~ll"S aLter r .becarn e. a member of Mr. Champion's t.eamJ h1s net profrt bad n sen to .? 14,2'85,000, N w dm1.'t 9it me. wrong, I don' t claim ta be the only one re pon ible for th1s progress but I do claim ta have had a part in it. Mr. Champion's Fabulous Water Gittin back to this invisible compelling force that t'lrawed me ta work fe1· Mr. Champion. ·well, durin my second year with Mr. Champion J accidental-like dis­covered what this invisible force was. lt all come about when 1 happened ta overhear a couple of fclla k.idtlin ., not her one of: Mr. Clnmpion · hired hand ahou t him COl'nin in on his day oil jest ta git a drink of Me Cham­pion 's warer. and how he couldn' t do without it. \ A/ell, I got ta askin about this and I come ta find o ut that it was a popular r,elie£ among the .folks at Champion that or~ce yo u. drank sm:ne Champion water ya couldn' t do WJtho.ut lt and ya would a lways come back for more. The~1. J got. ta remembe1-in how my parent and I u ed ta VISIt a Cnend ot our'n that hvecl out in the country whe:re there wasn't anv clrinkin water, a11d how he u erl ' . ta: carry his water home from Champion. Then il corne to me that on one o( our vi :its to hi house that l had drunk this water and in a fJash I reaJi z.ed too that ev r since I b c:td begun workin. at Champion l ' vas drinkin more and more Chatonpi.on water, and that where I was sickly artd 1·es tle s (lor no appar nt rei't, on) je t before I came ta work fer Mr. C hampion: about two we ks after J begun- ta 1:v rk h re 1 became w ll all of a ud len (lor no appar nr. r ason). But flOW l know. nd that, fr1Jks, is why and how I com ta want ta work fer fr. Cha111pion, .nnd so help me it': the tntth or rny name ·lin 't Hon st lnhn . That's ahu \vhy as a. Gui·d e, when v r I t<'lk any visitors tinct t11e rnill I a lways ·auti,<.m th ' 11l not to take a drink (rom an y o( the t:ount:-~in s unt '. , th .v iTll .nd ta ,.,•ork for Mr. Champion. ' I ~uspect that mo-t oi you fi>lk know th · j1)b plrac· ment ·ewp around h er·. and how a new mplo ec is moved from on ·'kind of job 10 , nother until Mr. Cham­pion finds out wln1 ht~ ·.-. best suited ta (lcQ. \V U, up wHil tl' o }Car ag( fr. Ch:unp ion wa,s scill IT 'in ta. [iml out \'h ~tl I tl/'as good for. but r think tha_t he na. f.itnll y found ou t hrher<' J can do the most good. But more abotll that Ia t ·r. About the Roll Gang 01 e u( th · e- peri n.t:es my ten y .• at Cham· pi n that rll aha s rememh r j · th t~m 1 sp nt as a lfi ~Khin ty n1o\" l ' helpt.:r on dt Roll Gang with Big C. I iff Schlt)lterbeck, Gt'orge Downey and ole rnan_ t;eoTg Baker. Big Cliff >V<~ the r w lea ler of this gang aHd • I e "' ~' a hard man il 'n I cv ' r saw on '1 lut iL vvas und ·r hi~ guitla llCC: Lhat 1 leamed how to tie :t mac.hi ne ro iJ Lo a roll ' :'Won. dtHtp tl ropt:, opera Lc :t chain block and manv manv other little iUJlJ H' t<:tnt l'unuion . 1 n:xn 'JUb •r ' ' liow we Lt~.ed ta h ave 1:1 tie dcrwn :.tll the nuchine ro lls go ing a ross the s tren, ;ntd how w ·'d tr t;L it by t 'illwut doiu ir, but, s l aid befor', that Big ' lift. wH~ a hat'd m;tn. ( · ow l notice:: that they don't ltard ly do that anynw c. lt ·was under him tha t J vva l'irst m;tde aware of a hwdamcntal p.rincipie wlJich ever . oung mall mu. t tcarn if'n h e ,,·;uJts La g iL <dong with hi · su p e t-­vi ·or , and that i · Lha l there's not only a right wa r~nd a \'rong ·wa ' o · doin.g a job, hm th .r ·'s also our imme­dia. t . ·up rvi r' or rew ]e;,t l 'r ' · way o£ doing it, and ;dth< hi · '>' il , may not b the rigltt way, it's alwa s th ·· be' t w;ty. Being a gr 'en kicl [rcsb tnll of lligh school and not ,. 't)' wi e about thi ug - like th a t, 1 had alwa s felt th:Jt the1 wa only a right and :1 weong way, and l felt prel'y ·tron r ab ut iL. So natur;;lll I l reb !J ed ao"tinst thi~ other id -·a. Tl1is g-o t me inLo a lol o{ trouble nlu::,e was time- when Big Cliff and 1 wouldn' t talk ta c ne anoth r for a ' lace of a we k or two even {ho w~ wa , work in side b sicl . each other e ery day. B 'ing a cle cendant of tbe tubborn fl at-h eads it took nl nigh on nine years ta finaJl -ee that 1 was wrong and to- ~u bmiL to his pritt iple. Des piLe, and even because of the~~ friendl~ m:i ·understandings ·~ ntl perso na.lity da. hes, l enjo >d with Big Cli(f and the other !.ella~ on the Roll G<1ng and in th - Yard Depanment; \'e had lots o( fun ·porkin Ztnd fe udin toge ther. Honest John Makes the "Porkchop,s" . Yeah! A.nJ we urc used La m a ke the potkcbops (or<-rrime) on the RoJI Gang. I remember one Lime I ('ame in ta. work on a \'\'ednesday mo ·ning and never left the mill tin Fri lay e ·ening. That wa the time that we worked 1 "''o nil . straight till Lhre.e in the mo.rnjn and came ri ht back in at ·igi1L and sjnce I didn't ch-ive and li ·ed '\o\<ty out in the cou ntry and tJ.1.ere warn·t no bus rounin that late, I jest sta 'ed a L the inill aucl slept. on a bench in the locker room. Another thing that I'll never l rgit i · that ea. y . ·3· 1 mad e o f( of George Downey by coHecLin the r nt his 1and1ad bad O\>e rchargecl him. on for him and whkh B1g Clift, ole man })ak r and Down y himself bet thal 1 couldn't git. He Falls for Fire-watch But the 0 101>l outstandin event 0£ my !en year at Champion hapv ned nigh ,,n h> tlr years ago when I [e ll r)H tht top ol a 20 foot s aff.o]d and busLed my right arm <dl to piec . Ya kw:.nv folk:,, it's ~l funny thing and r ·no1 lhat ya ain'l gonna hc:lieve Lhis, Ull! ya j es t ca n ' t im.a~ine what the Jir~t Lhougl1t was tha_t com t my rnind a." I wa · l;d1i11 tmvanls the ccmcreu.:- floor he low. How ·yer, l)dore 1 t ·H ya ' hat th i. thought ' as su a::. ya call fully ·rJmpTeh ·nd it, 1 r ckon that I ong hta tell ~a sorn thiug about ;, " firc-watcb'' J ir~ L. 1 ow ;, "fire· w;u h " is · iry pt:.r~oJ who cl•>e. IHILhitt hut l.>la wi rh a p ~rsDn who h burning 0 'v.: ~ hljng la v· · to it Lhat no hrt: is '>l<~rt<:d or th ' l l11 · !>parks tlo JlOt ct-afjn: tht! w•Jd("r\ clothing whil ' he i<i prc··IJ< ·ujJi ·d witlt b 1ming vr ~ , ·Jding. It · }way lot.1k ·d hkt 4 rt"<JJ cato.y jou ta 111 •;t all I C\'t:r ~ • • J ''fir ·-wlltchci ·• do JTJO~.t o l the 1 imt: was jc t ~t<-1 d 1hcr wi t!-\ his little \Vater c:m and W4.1l< h the wtl<lcr W(1rk. And MJ r alwar:; cnv i ·d th • "Fir e­watch ·r·· <1nd his job. I\tJW ba k ~tt tf1<.tt tim · 1h , " lirC'· watchill~- cr w-· 11 wt ll ~ f on<,i'>l d 11f ·mp.luyec~ ho w -r • a~ igJled o light c lu t~ bet<~u c· f•f partial l ·rn porarv dis<~­bility tlu ' to cllt in.jury or ·lihtH:lll. Afld. llO\ J ~) lk 8 T t ILj n ya will J lltdt:n.luud wll 1 il w;)s on I ' 1 1a 1 w·a J ft,r rtl\ fir L 1 bou~·ht La hv, "OI1 h()~· ! I• ir -\ a11 1, ,·· a ... f war- lallin Oltio thru th(· air. Hul woulclu ' l you know it, I n evC' r g it put on fir •-wa tcl t and I h aclJu arrn in ::~ cast for nigh on two montlls. Ole Pa Ia 1 (that was rny boss) had me doin e crythin g· fronl sort i11 bolts. '"' runnin errands, I ut no l';ILr h. I 'll trll y:t on· thing, if'n l'cl a knowed that l wasn't gonn<1 gil tag() fJil lire-watch I'd be ·n a· lot mote care[ul. .But j 'ilL th ~.; same thi11 even t cll ;tnged ruy whole lit~::. U p ta tltat time 1 rcckou thar. ya could ltav b ·st d escr ibed u1e " ~ a bitter, anti.-soci<tl, miserly bac h e lor, with stro ng <llco bolic tendencies and who h<ttcd "vomcn. 1 used Ia carry a liule book. wiLh m al.l the tim in wbich l would •vr it ' down a ny mon 'Y th a i 1 mad· or sp e nt ·ven if nit was a p enny for a parkin meter. Hut with this fa ll <dl th a i was La b ' cl1ang ·d cctu!>e it was o n a co unLa m y bus ted ann and m , sLay in the hospital Lhat 1 met rny w ife, and about HI months l<t er married ber, How ancl why this a ll came about I don' t yjo·luly know. lVh ybe whil · J was out or my h ead i.11 the hospital I said thin .rs Lha L I shoulcln ' l have. Some of the t llas L work wonder how l c; r ta lked her in ta bavin m , goofy-Jookin and hat.d ul as J was. Well, 1 ca n't say for s ure exactly what made h r take a-liken ta m ·in ·e J n ever gave h er no ca use ta tlo so;· exceptin that ma ybe being my nurse sh e might h<Jve oveTheanl me talk.i.n about s tocks ·wd. bonds cause as 1 recollect nuv1r she did ask me about my stocks and bonds within a week after we vva.s married . 1 ass ure you folks though , that I had no intention o[ dccei.ving thj young woman, espec ialJy noL La git h er ta man-y m but jest the same I'm mighty glad we found each other <tnd jest think ; it might not have even h a ppe ned if 1 hadn 't b een workin lor Mr. Champion and fe ll o[f LIJ <ll: scaffo ld. Bud Ebel, Ducks, and a Honey Dipper Of co urse l had ta throw my little record book away a[ler 1 got married on accounta I cou ldn ' l write fast · e.i1uH ta. keep-up with tbe spendin f was doin. But gittin back ta my ex p eri e nces at Champion; 1 .could tell ·ya how I have advanced from machio·ery mover-helper w steel rigger to my present job as h o ney dipper; how imporunt it is and what m bos, Bud Ebel re ently had to say about ic in one of our departmental-employee m eeting , but that's a lo ng stor and beside you folks ml.gbt IJe inclin ed ta think that I'm tryin ta blow my (JWn horn. However, I. would Like La s· t this; wh n I starled ta work for Mr. Champion t n year <tgo my bigges t posSe.!:isions were a ~r ontgomery \1\ranl. bicycle ncl s ix du cks. :But it W<tsn ' t more than Lwo v• ears after T bcgu n a l Cba m pi on that J l1ad pro p re I w where r vv C!'nt and bought my first ca:r, a '3·4 Buick. l redou 1 was as proud nf it as a kid \•vith. a new Loy. Ye, with the help of 1\lr. Champion 1 ,.vas pmgr ss in from tile poor IJ"tckwnrd Ct)untT )' bo to the well-ta -do city sU ' ker. However, l slill ha el a long w::t La go. For o n t: thing, J s1 iU la ck~d. con fid ence i11 m sdL But with tirnc and my (hll ' assoc iati on with the fri e ndl y fo lks a t Cllanq ivn 1 acquir ~t l mort· <IJ HI mor • c(Jnfid .nn.• .in my:elf, ·nHI bec:tHIC l 'llS :tfr;tid l:'l try La do things. I' ll n ·ver f'er it t he firsl Lime- .tkll Big Clifl' lt:t 11 e opcrale the big 1 rrt 11c in No. 2 i\ l i.fl he hin · Roo n'l a nd op .n the hatch hole Wilb it; why l Felr alrnosL as iJopot:t(,tfH as Big (.; liJI him; s ·H. , \ft~ r thn·e ye;•r w ith iVJr. Chn111pion I h.:ld lone so well tk11 I w ·nt and bought np a brand new Jntl [IJrce-quaner LOn G 1\H.: pickup I ruck,. But t lXtak.c a long s1ory slwrt : wda , aft r te iJ y ars \ •ith Mr. C. h. m­pipn J have inuca. ·d m · pos:cssion:-. fr 11.1 th, ~ .t onL­guul 'l y ·ward hie d e anti those 's ix dut.ks l o a '54 Ch(·\rol "t1 a good ' wiJ .. lht'C<: IYotHkrfu l ch ildren ·md p;u; l ol a I nme. (l 'J, · vVt-:· t Si k l , an own the n1her p;trl ul it.) o v nu !o lk.-s t ;lll ;) . what y;t lil , h111 ] 31 ~~--~~--~~---------------------------------I • Oltio Honest John Continue His Tale ctiJ, r ud pt >grc'' · 01 ••Hll~ •• thn~ · ~ lolks 11 pi• It tll ,tl h.h bt' \ ' 11 lol lll!lll l>ll(H' ..,{11{ .lltd 11\.tdt ll!nll pr• .~n·~~ I h .t'l' 111 llw l.1 t tul 'LII. lJttt lo1 1-.tto\,itt ~:-l i nk .h l do .md h,l\in rh(' hig tthltlfh 1\t• gol. lluknn 1h.t\ l didn·! lll) tn1 bad. ()j {tlllW. I ••Htld ll H't h.t \ t' lh n it 11 ithoul tlH' hf'lp nl \fr. Champiou ;md ;dl the '' t ndcrlul It lk tlhlt wod.. lot !tim. I 1 n J;.ott t ha t 1 w ,1 trt: ll' Jucb ta h:tn.' hntLcu that fnst dtinl.. nJ Cl!.nupinu \'JICl h\ .tel idcnr. i\1.1) U<. it ''a<. ' u-. · t h .tt l tup l,l think ,dJt ttl it , I rt'l kou Ch.llllj irm h.J. hu .. •n l1 e ·' -;cuu1d home to ntt· tall~\· l\ c li\ ed l1 <:n· n~g b nn UJJ -Lhinl nl tlro ' ten \t'ar~; hJ\ i11 l'atill , slw.\ ·d , hadw I, and l'' l.'n · fepl hen· .. md m · ~upen i 1:rs ;md m:nJ ,tg- ·mem h,t\t' help d and guid 'd me like <1 father a nd the H ' !>l oL the nic · ( H.s ,I[ Champiou ll<t \ ' t' be n li~ e I m ther .md . ister 10 me. The Things I Appreciate Most . . . 1 re ·k.on that the thin ·s that 1 apprt.> ia te mo t a buu t .h;unl ion i-; the polic: and lenienc 1 of management it: empJme and the '•.ri. dom with which this ha' been rganized and i e ·e uted, and last but nol lea~L th iJ·iendlin .. and good fellowship that e ists amon th cmplo ees and between them and supenision and mana rnent. If a fella don't git aJo ng a t Champion it' his O\'D fault. and a far as being able to git an ywhere, there ain ·L no toppin ya if ya got the stuff and ya git tit · rigllL attituue,. THINK PO JT IVE, and remember and ..1pply that 11th ommandrnent, namel · ; "Keep thy mouth . hut and know thyself.'' Likewi e, don't fergit \ ·hat I learnt ya in the beginnin about there not only b in a ri ht and v..Tong way, but a lso your immediate ~upeni~or' · way which is usually always the best way depending on the imelligence and personality of the upervisor. Untortunately I jest came ta fully realize lh importan e of these three princ-iples within the last year my elf. Had 11earnt them sooner I might have more progre s than I did. Take tor in tance the one about havin the ''right at itude" and "thinking positive;" 1've only been a practicin on this for about thre month now, but already I've noticed a ompl te chang .in my outl()o . h·eady I ·an see wh r· · this " posiLive thinking" an really do things tor ya. SomedHy wh en t gil. a little beuer acquainted wjlh iL rnys 1f I hnpc La d > a column in The OG a bout it ause iJ's rea1Iy wurLJJ wl il . Tn condusirm J'd lik ta '><ty liar I'm ( ( nlid('JH th<H il 'n I ';..n ov -rcom ·my n g:.~ ri vt..: thinkit1g. k ·ep my h)g ll!Ullllt ~ hut and pr actice t lmr oth 1 pt inciptc: thar I Wfl~> tc lli11 ya almul, t;:, wher , I um apvly them r ·;,tl n:t111raJ -li kc 1ht-.11 next ren yean, wjrh f1. Champion shonld IH• e t:11 more sue e-.slul tha11 rh • la '>t and wi th ;17 y<·<us in ;til yet ta g0 tJ er(' ain 't Ho u·llin w l11 n; 1 his lu1 kw:ud '(JIIlllry f>qy wi ll wi 11d r1p. -rnr. cHilCJ lll\ 'J-;Jo 1.ray. r1 h(lsf It a l{l'<lli!J ()[ pap1 r liHlkiug '> llf'l' l v iMH S fJnJp t lt i• 'I c>..:l" V i 1· sion ctwi 11g Marcil . Jlw l c am vi~i l••d rite Oltin Dll'isJou ''' snul y lh<.· 1 urwnr dowutim·· (·cl ucrioll 1 •Ill paign. 'lhowu lwrl" <lJ (·, Iron• I It to lig hl , Hr> l1 .'ilcplwll on, Ohi••: Or! lJ .'a tl(l · • ~. Ro yc e· 1\cr u gg~. 1\l f;;n dun . ClntrJ s , 'drh~ lnln t. , Sid Mtllllg'llll <t l )', a ll • f f'eX<~S: john l{ ;uu ~C\, Ohio; .111d Vernou \ ' an~:tv . I' . a . '') -' \V H 0 \<\ 0 I iLl 1. · T llf~ f'Rf Li o[ .t 5011 nd dau •htet lilo;e H two? ,\ll·cr Dann-y J>belps and his ~i'f,f't fudy ue. JJ.anny i , yr·ar~ o.ld a11d in rh • R omli g•ade a~ Bu{.hamm while )11dy, :JJ,;•;d I :ol. ts Ill rhc sc Clltll g:tMle ot OI.I<tevt:lt Junior High. IJ ,ldy j l';rul Ph · lp~ . C. )1. 11t1ers. A FORTY-FIVE YE R HA:\H'I O~, .limon Ru h ' 'a p1-e ·ntcd a watch b John Zirnmennan . vjce·pt sid •nt and division tnaua• L'\' at Ohio. .linton i. a nig-ht ffH" n1. n in the ' o. 1 Bea1er R' m. WlLLlA I •. KOHLER Ill <llld llnH. Ftnn ·hcll , r i ht, are the ~ t a ndsom; f \' illi a 111 A. Knitl r, 'i ale . l\ l.r s. H. o lan<l P<'nninbron. Cmtc rs, is tlw m .llt'TlJ:JJ ~T:1tld · •n n t h • 1 "f W i I I i :1 m . l it ('. r nnttgSit 'l~~ arc )) f11 ( 11lth .~ o! 1 :11ttl 1\fl' i (' hu111 onl five cl; t)' .!pall . THE THRI~E GRAN,LY'O of l3ill Maupin. C. ~r. Cal ad rs. arc liancl.~o Jnc boy . ho c, a t 1 £t is Bill Ruaer, and al righc is Mclvi11 R:u (ile1·, Jr. Bobby lhtdCJ: i pi ~wr cl at left. Hill, a Champion foT J yeilrs, has ne ver h;u.l a lost-tiw a.ccident. Carbon T erll Get You Yet! . B )' Geo-rcre S teinet •':>. everal v..reeks af:,O an article appeared in the OhirJ Di 1ision CHIPS and was received •itb. favomb le corrrm,ent th at ·we thou,ght all of ou·r LO. C"T reade1·s miO'ht be interested in. "lancin()' at a most vi t:a l wessage which i · conutined in ii. · The Mticle~ dealing 'With the ham'bful ef­f'' c-ts of ca bon tet1achloride> was wt·itten b'V loddard H&')·den> Champ ion's Ft?·e Control supervis Jl"> who i · an autho'tity on the subject . 1:he article i m ost timely and pmba.uly ap.plu t.o most of uS who have been ternpted ttJ try a iittle "do-i t-your ·elf" cleaning_ job (l,l . home. l f you happen to be one of thu type. l su. est that you. ive some seriou. thou ht to the u:HJrds whh h fo llow. An · ~ lve,nt capable o{ sud1. wid ~r;r ad u cen::..i.n l. n~H:.t..,be g.ooc~; .In fa t,_ if we should li.:t the req~1irem e ni." o£ ' p erf ct mdu ~tn <t l {)vent, w hml lh at lt should ; (]) be abJe n re.rooye gre· ~ and o il complet · ty, (2) - ayora.t c omplct Jy an l -ave no si clu ·, (:3 noL b<.: • < :s~ive l ' e ·pens:iv , and ('4) nrJt be a b ~tZi-IH:.l .in i1 rtf. _ ~e Jin_d tL ~.t c. · hon .ru rachi<H:jd (()t th(· ryp · u.'; ·d -'lt C.:.ham.plOll) l'> pttrf ' l m a ll rt.:sp ·r: t'-> (·'<ccp J o, :; and . T 1 I 0 . • Hridly, r<:gardiug , . )-ir cc1"t ill ilt ' (mn1 thai we buy it for a lire ex tin~;,rt.Jis hh ~ . "gent j ~ Y::! f1¢ pc1· qn?J ll t ttla.irdy nol i o~H~X J • l ~ i \ R ·g.anli11g . 'o. 1- . the w-rv' ch ..t r<~• · ti> ri.., lic which n 1;dt, ll o va luable to industl ) :.tnd in LhC hrJJ'l.l , <ltC dt~J'f(· wh1d1 m<1k<· it · o \'ery <la11g ·r u ~ tn lOrt!l . 'It c <tporHk !> c )tnpl l l, antl 1~1ix~.,: <1uiddy and fr d y ·\it! ajr. lt h· ~ a tn ;.n:-l;.~.,<] <1ffmity for t<:t1 ':> :Ln(~ gt e~• r, ~ nd b<· r.r~ru -.; c pud-Jy n h tJ) hed hy tfll b rt ) ~o lll''> •·f 1 hi· b<1d ,. Oltio ~~h ·'S' tis u :s arc primarily the brain, th , liver and th fatty ckpo~ J.t under th skin. This how v r, isn t th · nd of IJ1 troullc it can cau e th body. A hort tim , after . yfl:.lJ t Hf\s appear in oth r par t , su ch a the brain nr _the .Jivn, tb ~ ki(ln eys st 1p fun :.tio.ning - a .~y mpt:orn \Vhtch 1s ~r qucnll y_ ~ c:r l o~)k d untd pr s"nt lor s vera-1 days. T lus kJ.d ney la.du.t 1s th ' ca u:-, of d ath in <1 bo H 90% of the fat;:d C ISC. , How docs d1is polt: nti ·dl d ead ly .liquid ge l into tb bmly? . l'ir ·t, by ,v-ay of the mouth. s stupid as it may sound, 1t ~1app ens . . I cords pro .· it bas I>· .n given mistak nJy foJ p aragonc and mtutltonall y us gm .. Second, .through the lung-s (Lh mos t common fa tal n~ctl~o c~) . Smc ' ~a:rbon 1 trachlorid mixes freely with ntr 1t 1s lrawn mto th lung and diffus s across th v ry thin separa.tion between .h · air and th blood, passin_o· Lo the brain_ a. chlo n~form and on to th t kidn ys stoppmg t.h exeretwn of unn . . Tb.~rd , through the skm, causing several skin djsord s cbssolvmg the fat out of th · skin. . Why .then do s thi collection o£ orninou .. yrnptoros c~evelor .m er~ ough p_eople for m to be taking up you:r tune- s1.n c~ It IS qu1be obvwus q1at it cannot be q11i te sucb a hornble drug as I have pa1.nted i t? With 1-:o "i.fs," ." a~1ds" or " buts," a sumciently high concentratiOn .m ~ur JS fatal. · ' . Exposur es of 64-,000 parts p er mill ion are fa al almost J.n..tmeclia tel y. Expo tlres of 2.4,000 parts per million for sh ort periods are fatal after a p eriod of illness or i£ exposure is of approximately 15 minutes, it may be fata l imme­diately. Exposures of 5,000 parts per million. may be fatal after exposure of five minute - however, death i usually delayed a week or 10 clay . . T he Department of Labor is at present attempting to set a m~imurn exposure of 10 parts per million as safe for conun uous exposure up to p eriods of eigh t hou rs. . Alcohol Makes Carbon T et Fatal These figures ar in reference to person • ho have not wn umecl alcohol in any form witl1in 24 h ours of the expo ure, and do not have a ny liver or kidney Jisea e . At present it i only partia11 undexs to d why al ohol a l1;ers the liver's a-bility to d to 'if arbon tetra­chloride o that a cone n tration wl i h woul I ordina ril · b ' clal'l.gerou,, without xpo ur to al ohol, now b c m ' f tal. 'Perhaps you a re wond ring w ha t th · e figure of "X" [ arhs p r milli 1.1 mean to 'OU. clll 11 it tak · ml ' J uH • cupfuJ o( arbon tct v~Lpori t d im ir in a room ;u ft. b 10 f t. b 1.0 _ft. to r,-r<;>duc a con ·: n tr tion oi :.>,000 pans r er 011Jhon. 11\l on entr;,ttWH u uall y ,-·. :u!ts i'N leach of the 1.ypc cllaycJ irom . e.k t ( 't 10 d : ~y or .inunc Hat <l •"h . h er a · h. n a · p .6 lCI a fi\'e l)l LrtU l S . PJ .as .. k p this in mind th n xt time O l,J lrn' a ·<Jrbon tl·tr<i hlorid . 'ir ' xt iuguish.e ,,jtl ir1L! n­tic 11 of u-dng th . m'i. l ' 1 ls a · a , otv •nt, · rmin xtt' r-mina l r or to st >p 'li ppj ng belt L ' t th .·c xting uislu:rs be n · d nf , for th e ­guj ·I iug nt Jires, and if )'ntt ht uhl find tb n1 empt r n11ply th m iu the . Jill ·uishiug of a fit •, ple:1sc! notif th(· }fir • CC'>ufrol D.(:parl rrl (' rH i n't ll lt'di:.JJ cl . Jk :.t J i. VC f ( HlOrt'OW l I I ·' ,> • • .. .• • •• • \V. CRAWFORD LEDFORD. center . a 40-year Champion , retired fn.>m the Transfer Department ou April l. H e is shown a gift from Jim ·wright, )';'ltCA s1aff:, as Ch ;unpiml ' Y honored him ~'ith a luncheon a be worked hi~ final shift. Ledfonl sta n ed on rhe Jack Pi-ne rarnps and later t rans(erred to Extrac1· a·nd th e r~ co the Tnm f r Department. C. C. u ,'\fA "' McCURR \', with nearly 15 years o f. service, re tixecl from the 'W0odyard Departm Ill on Marcil 1. Seateu in an easy chair. a gi(t [rom his co-worker, McCuny i · shown. J"ecei virrg' his "Lif ·Lime Cllampion.. ceni f.icate from Ernest Me ·cr, Woodyard upervisnr, a several ot his co-workers look em . .IJ\ \-'ffl SHII' J \ '1. H'iirtll h-om tilt L,uoHtm l h~i ion ·r r;JI1 r I) puliWHil Wi th ~2 ~··a , nf t \i'H •. n-,ni•l . who plilt.' lrJ p wJ mudt o{ hi t11ne f1'1h11 ~ aLo pldTt t(J urldt rne e:.~ w ~ lin jr eill .h J <It • David Shipman Retires David Shipman, G5, retired from men L f Carolina Champion tfl ·cti-ve years of continuous . ervice . Tnmsfe ;\priJ I D·pan­with 32 .Shipman ays lh r •'s nothin like having a g•x t, tl ependa ble jab wi th a finn like Champion to support his f<.t.rni ly. H e's enjoyed every minuw of his employrntm and the associa tion with hi$ Champion buddies. Thi · Old T imer, emplo eLl in .1 926, has two on , two daughters ancl two tep children whom .he almire as much as he doe · his own ch.ildr n. Shipman say hi~ wife, Sallie, is one o ( the b st cooks in the countr and he would like to have his buddic:-, drop in fo1· a me' al a t Lheir conveni ence. Plannjng to spend much ol' hi · .lei ·ure time f ·hing vVestern NQrth Carolina lakes, , hipman ha"; purchase!"! some moden.t equipme11t ·with whkh he expects to snag 1is season'- limit <LCh )'ear. I'HE W t·:VK I.Y RECORD 1101' i:; t: llju -:tl l~v m n!IJ ' rs of th· Beta Tri -Hi-Y C-i r·l ~ ' Club in rh t' Chuno1Joon \'i\1 ',\ gvm. \ .~ruH II a rltl!i,~infl is 'h.argcd ~111il r frr- sl11u nt: »I· · serve f. 'Ff • 'ISITlN(: F< Rl' M \ t :\o thu r <:lark , loi,lt· . fli r t, l"r .aeql-; .f. 1.. Blig ht , d , rk ~tldL, witlrr " ·"-1J~Ti ; d J;'ift fn •m lris eu· \.ork.<:t's i 11 rhe )i' iu(shing n •p ;t r lllJ<'lli as Thright rc 1 i l'l d fa rrh 1 ,. i l h :.! a 1 RCTYi C{:', ,) 11! ll 1.0 11 );. j::T<l} 1\11 it. lrad ITLI.Ii vf'd his g i it j IH I lwf . L m i{ re!l tin·d wirh :.!5 yt:<H> Sl ' I'VtfT. I(OI.DlNC her little sL~ t c r C<11·ol Eli zubet h, who i 9 m•~ •nhs old . J\l:U rcic (; JH' Lea t hc rwol)d . ·I. s CHl.~ to b . rrjlJving he• n:­sponsi bi lit . Th ·, hm gir L~ ;;. rc thl: danght er: )[ Nea l Leat h ·!'· wood. J r .. E. B. l'la 111. :tnd trJc graNddJug·ht c rs of ·Teal Lt;<J!h C'r· wo!ul. a 33-ycar Oltl Tinwr of ' . the Plan{ t·:nA·in ce rin g- Dcpan· l llt' ll t. Champions-- Here And There C 1 r movie - by ., . . L o p r, of Plant Engineering Depaxtm. nt .. nnd 'in Lhc vicinit r of Ycllows{o tt Na· tional Park .last -ummer, pmv "<l a feature of the J\far ·h meeting of rh • Cant Hl Camera Club t C hampion YM ~ A . Mar h. ll Cooper. PlmH E nhi iH:·ering, and David Wright, Pulp ~fill: technician, had h:ug of the program. 'v alter Holton • as.!>JSL<tnl secrel<try ta lk on th Lts o f • • g:wc an 1n.tercstmg • ~ * "' of Cbampion . Y, the pr s o tmera . AJI en 1 · . "Bil1y unday" C~tmp b e ll , retired Okl Timer. :unl \ li1>. Daflie TiL on, of Fr:1nklin, N. C., were ma r ied in Greenville, . . C .. M<~r -h [2. They ar:e making their hom in CJ de. .. :\1 re than 30 r gi ·ten::d b eagles "pushed" ra bbits fnr r ihbon . ancl lruphies l[ar h. !..0, when m embers oC the Pf.-a ~WO<Hl onnt y Beagle Club h "ld tb eir d erby trials on their Jonathan Creek ntnT'ling (lrea. R. V. Brown, Gene :Milner, L ewi i\ lcCrach'n , Lane ,J dlonl a.n<l nther· Champio n: h ad J ' a cling role in the event. H alf Whit ~Vort..h, Carolina Ch a rnpion's purchasing <.1 t.~Ht, poke on "FactoJ. Tm,ol eel in Sele tion and Phr.-ha · o f £1c trical Apparatw," ' ch.uing the two-day omk1 net: on Elc trica l .Equipment for r.he Pt~lp and Pa pt;r l wtu-.'tl , at Stat CoJI ·g , R'deigh, Mar ch 27 . .\11 s ·c;-i(ms wett be]d in Riddick La!:wra tm·ic<; amli­tor i u m, Schoo-l of" •_ngin ·cri ng. Hardin Scores Again C. -\1\.'_ · fard in , IndLI t ial 'HHl Cornnwt l'ity R ' Ja.tin·tM Ucp~ m n t , ha'> tlonc a lever LOG f <1 L11n: this month on ·at.llanid ' tT'\at th · '· i" Luwer y, a mail room t> taJI mem f ·r at the C ro lina Div i'> iiJll . Hardin no~ · ha.~ anotht.1' k , 1 ur · in m ind u 'nctrning ' ·R.ctck Houn~o. .b ," and sd !l <:moth -r -;wry on " j {;1i in ' . finn.ow ·,"' a hobh,, h v ;1nnthe Chawr>iun . I . ' Hanlin ltus be -n a LOC, n :pnrt ·t rm l a shon Lime ... hut I e ':, Ulm1ug up ·with many fresh. id ·a1, ior 1 eatLir<.: ~ on Cba1npion' and h ·ir bun ilie.... .. . Pn,gn:<;l) -is i'O<Jming in Caulfm·~ new "~ l<1w Pll< b" ~ oftb<tll l ~tgl;I ~ . J;vj i\fil!er. itthleLjc dire< lrJf ro . Ch<J m­p- ion Y, is b ' ing a~ i~t ·d with nn ~r· w t ~ ·tH.t .avor h I orgc Pri r . m d J . .>ilJ n( ~Jrden, a! {) y tai mc t:n b Jh aud m iu (Jg. in th Ch:unpio1 Y Sl,ifball chatnpio t\s llip · <fliad. . Jo · !>Oil {lf C~::t ton RhittdJ<il t, 11f l<..f II Ca/z.oli11a. . \rVrappi11g Crew, in Fi ni.shin g, report d lo the Jac:k~ OJJ · ·illc lkad~. Fla .. Lra ininp; grounds o f the Pittsburgh Pi_ratcs on .![arch . 1. Yo11ng RhJnchart, ~~ base ball star :tl Canton High Sch oc 1. ;ul rol a l!lo <tl ·v\T's l •rn Carol.ina Col lege. w here he is nuw ;1 ·tud cu c, signed with l11c Pi raL ·s i;Jsl Jul y ·:~ [r e r . p ·11ding sever a l days tiL Lit OnUJgc bttrg, S. c:. training. sit ·. ]t IJ .ineharl .-. ig tttd as a ca l her. T'l'wrc' .ll be matly Ca ro lina Ch antpions who' ll b W;Jt c hin g- his progress with much inLcrc:;t. This Test Was Plenty Tough By lJ irlt J\!I ri\1/ ahon H ere al Ca o.l.i.n·t. Division e<:~r a n w voca tional . I co urse was offer ' U. " ln: trumenLa lioJL for Pulp i1c Paper 'lill Opcrat(>rs" was the titl e. FHty-two ··mploy · "S t urnctl ont for the first class. T h · t acl1et for the course was kind of mean, so only thirty-three compl · ted the coms ~ h e scared nine of 'em th first day; three left the room cussin' a.t: the first test; two bad nervo us breakdowns during the Cirst test; o ne quit the co.rnpany a Cter l 8 year.· o( faithful service (rea­son for leaving - didn't ge t wh at was 1 romised, printed copy of Lesson. No. 4); and t.brec threw in the towel at the last tes t: the other fell o~v is s.til.l up in Room l of the lCR.D building try ing to finish the .l ast test. As an example, to show just bow eli fficult the tes were, we wil.J Je t you try some questions n i)lstrumenta-tion , £rom tim<:: ro tim e, in tbis column . ' If you h ave any ques tions you would like a nswered (on in ~ trumentation ) send th. m in. E;nclose ·wi th each ques ti.on the following: o ne bag cement, trn·ee D i ·11 soap wrappers, (ive sa iling rocks, one l:ive iron <Ll'Hl a r ecent photogxaph of yours If (if you are P.JO or over, a higb school grac.Lua tion snaps hot ' ill do - those under 50 a baby pict ure will be su Hi.ient.) - Here are a Jew q u cs tiQns [rom th - las l tes t ~ Q. Wha t color Safe ty Ha t do Instrument J\tl hani , wear? A. Green (unless you are color blin l). Q. \ 1\lh do some in truments have .a throttling, or proponion ing action? A. The sa me reason 'OUr car ha · an accelerator pedal, wJ1en going uphill the ngine need " more gas than while travell in.,. on I l g~·o uncL You could nor ha ve a o ne speed ·u - etth r off or Uoor board ·d accelenLlor. Som pro e. ·e demand a throttling (proportional ., tion) of the on­troll r. Wll.en t:h load chctnge , the valv or fina l cont-ro.l clement must change e nough to sati f ' t b · 11 w Joad couJirion. In pro poxti ona1 control th · va l ve: bas dc[iujLe position for .ach rnea ur • men 1. (pro . ·.':) change. A 1 in ;u: r hti n e i ts lor a Jv, st m position versus m ~ as ur mcnl cha ng· rror s igna 1}. Thi 1· kt tion i · tru as Jon:p; <b Llh· 10 · 1. un•n l -r1 t chang' tays wi.t th 1;ro1 ortion <d band cuing f th. • ll r. 1- ·L·.,. s : \il'l'wt wv c:.n find th at rna b int r t!l in.g. \ '\! · 1 ;~ k~' cynyl bing . t:riott. l _' down her . Fc)r i1_1 tan e, wh •n the lite· • "~t r pans ion program W<lS · fir t an · nounccd , h n l Trull decid d llnt if C h <tntpiun :oo hl do it. ~~ ~ coul I be. f[(-- · }Je ll(, tlw li l'!> l, '' ~~ t·ar. ,it~ g abu.u l i b, tl ~t n. n ing ·v(•r .r dct:.ti I :wd tlwn hnu rlt t [ t new h1>u 'e. lka11 tiJnl p!ace, lack~ wt! 1 O<fle thiri.g - he d.o·sn' t· ))_ave;, · h 1C gt·tt ·rator tu h ep bis cofC e war111, f 'IS to b ~ L )' JJI> Wt'J' ft Olll I h ·· [j Ill ( ()n:J.pan .. ' .I I Ca.':.olina Janice Gets Straight A's For a b . bh -sox teenager of 15, Ja.t1ice Setzer is an unusual girl And her "Pro e s o£ Paper" exhibit she prep;u~ d in conne~tion with het cience studies at Enka High School i al o considered quite un.usl;!al for its completeness and de tail. · Aithough sh e Ji-kes a ll h er sophomore class studies, ja nic milingly adniits that science is the subject she likes mot . . . and he invariably draws straight .A'.s. That's unusual, tooJ because straight A's an: tr uly hard to come b in a science class. TJ1e daughter of Virgil Setzer, a I 7-year Champipn and a cre'<<\T lead r in hipping Department, talented J anice estimates she spent no less than 100 hours. in compl eting the exhibit which depicts the process of Firemen Enjoy Annual Meeting By Gene H yde Members of the Champion Volunteer Fire Depart­mcot and the Canton Municipal Fire Depar'tmcnt joined force Friday evening) February 28, at tb Champion caf teria . .. bul the caf teria 1Was not on fjrc ... t:h y had a s.sembJcct th rc for ch annual banqu ·t. Fire chiefs J. V. Robinson ;md H . L . "Dick" Sctzc1· presid -d oveT the "n1 ~t: t i ng . To p ak ing brief! tn th g .oup, c•aclJ c· pre. s d deep· c a pJ rcd~:~tion ·for tiL· cooperation and .,H,<J wor ' of Lh . voJ un te -i· fir ;men . They expr Ked great a Li:-J f;tC· tion hat they had gon • thro11gh anoth r ca r with l ' drt · ti velv small lot:.s from t:h dH:';ltd m •tt a · - FIRE. 1;beP was an •njoyahlc p -rio!. f f·llmvship p i (Jl t0 the d elid<'lui; dimwr s ·r e<~ by cn f •lt'Ii rr . wU m ntbc-t . . T he a inn ~.r r..onsi. l d Jf h.riu·~p ock1 1 . roa'lt pdu.rc ,ib;.; of be ~£ au-ju , butt T d hrnc oli, rn xi- ors , <I ' 'er­lea£ rnJl~; and appl c trrr.ll) pit. with fn• n ~tm. 1 O\'! lh :rf ' ""' h ~·lt we ·dJ "ea t ing hig h ·on-th.e hug~! "' T.b · lt:rbl '"''ere h ·~wtifuli ' d<:U>t al ·d wi ih ilfl' .ill ~-it · ~n e n1. of gbdioli and ;1 1'e1l mitJj;.JJ on: .fh<·nl et/ lt :-11 at e(ldl ,;;etting. The h;mquet wa en3oy d h • all ol th •)0 Jir •tncn <Htcnding and ·we ~tre tL1rC<tdy look,iug nn ard to n . t vcar's fesr:it,ities . .. . lJ uL mns.L >f alL w • arc lookmg f(l'fW i;trd fQ a ll OLlH•" ) ·· tr S::l r( fl'Oifl th ' l':"i\'ttgc" Of fir<:. • \l , f. N r J• ll F l' f·. (;. · R Jani<.t.: 'i ' U T. I 'i, 1ld jlt ... • 'J Jl< Ill ill jflt;d ·L! iJ t_ltC1. '<:X~J!e~tl ·x h.ihtt U ·p t<.t · ing tlw f' '{J. '(! ,j,A' p i (.>.<If' . n ... m for ·r lH th . ftMi sht' ci produc.t. ~h · p~.c ><tr •d riJis cx-h ihit i11 t!OU11 :oim• ~· ilh !~t:r \<>p! lo lllorc ~~:i <: rtte d<1 · ~wor at f 11ka fli glt ,, ~~ } . paper from the fore.'>t to lhe finished pr(t>ducL She discusse.d the exhibit freel y' with Ca:rJ Wdte-, Catolina Champion's pro hr ction manager, when he vis i ted Enka High School to take a do e look at her wor . .Janice Setzer b. a an overwhelming des-ire to go a long way in the field of scien ce. And t e definitely has promi e ... Jots of promise. If this determinati m prevails thmughou r her high school career . . . and th ere' no apparent rea o_n tfl believe it will dwindle in the lea t ... thi talcn• ·d teenage student will go places and do thi:n . . Quite a talker, especiall about h er science cla ·s activities, J anice Setzer possesses an appealing di po ·iti n . .. a.ud she is bless€cl wi th the "gray matter " to back it up. • This her cia n1atc and teacher have known for quite some tune. · New Y Directors Named Members of the Champion YMCA 1:-tave cle 1 cJ ix new m embers to the board of dir tor for hr ·. -vcar terms. ' lnnnnbent membe:11s n :wrm:d lo the board wcr ' . Howard Hemphill, G ncntl ··fill; Ech· in Ha.yn 'S, ~ant n: r pres nt.· tive; and Tmn R eve::;, -It~ in )fficc. Ne\ orners to ttl boar l i.nclucl Bob Phi.llip s, Ch rni al · ab daff tn 'nlber; Htyson Le lfo rd, Plant Ent i­necring. and Enrc t Tr1 ··:;cT, vVoodyard up rvi: L The<; · dir tors, plus ., l ot.C~l mor ' c nupri~ e tht · 'ha rn.p i.on MC bonrd. Career Guidance Counselors Fiv · Can l i 11:1 Ch;nnpionc SNt·cd a · rflu u · Jors in nlll· rwuLon ,,,ith rhc Cilre ··r Guidnru , Da . p tngc1m stared ::t L Enl-a H lp;h , cho I HJ , if arch l R. \ ith mmP int r<'st:cd :,t rHlen ts pnrticip11ti11g iu tid · p,1 ti ubr phil'\(~ ol th~t d.ay ',· p.rog'ra~, th ">' .. oun. lurs ' l' t·e Can: l ·with lJ.Ian 1 (lucstions ~rf.11ch thty wer" gl ~1cl to an~ wer. 'I hey Jahe .l d Il l , Care •)' G l!i <l:HICl; pngram on : ()I• spl'CLJI illi CI C'> I and Ol l t' v•h icl) d..c 'W !ltl LI LI U. tHl.l :-HUOU llf of parti1ip:Hi n on. the p.::rrt of student . .., Lhnm1wm-s scn ,mg < n the p:1nel ·w re H.. . B. (Pa r) t'<l rt•r. o.n. Ra On, R. f . . \nton an 1 John Stephen · , nd Pattl John. on. REMOVlNG HAil . L11n Hart horn : left, and T . S th Grogan. attempt t·o t~lrn big pot bcr a this picture was made b "\Vichey·· Whit.aker 20 ·ears ago on Grogan· J<u·•u in tbc Homin section of 13ea\ rdam t wnshiJ . A -portion of rhe bog-killin ' ". tandard" 1uipment rev aJ · iLelf in Hart ·horn's r ight hip pocket. But t hut wa. :10 ) ·a · ago. PAU I G FOR PHOTO, Grogan, left, and Whi take1· drop their hog hair-1·ernovin' job to glance at H anshom, who was bchiud the camera in this case. Clean d porker hangs in right background. T h e e paper makers ... and ·they are good ooes, roo . .. will never e ntir ly fo rget thci1· It g-kiUin' parties of. days gone !Jy ... and why ·bou)d the .. . for tltesc cvett L'i were rc<J l fun . By Pred B. Day ton bey'rc might bu"y these days making more and better paper for hampion's many customers throughout rh nati0n ... but Larr Hartshorn, Seth Grogan and "Wiehe " \Vhitaker .. all Old Timers in point of service, "'ell remember theiT hog-killing episode" of 20 years ago. '· nd th re' no particular reason: wh, they should •:mirely forg t tbo ·e good ole da ys when their individual :.'espon. ibilities were not n arly as great as the are today. For in that day and time Hartshorn v. as a night ·up intendent jn Paper Manufacturing, and Grogan and \ .hi taker ·were machine tenders. Toda Hartshorn i. sHperintendent of Paper Manufacturing aRd both Gr) an and 'Vhitaker are machine foreman in that same area. Like man; , 1nany Dth ~r Champio ns these paper m.ak r'> ha lirohed up the ladder quit . a bic during Lh 1 a t ore years ... and they de erve i L But back to th J og~ killin ' day . . Jlartsl om. a big h art d chap, woulcl bu , the pig~ and furni: h th .feed ... . and Grogan would do th · fa rening. \Vbitak r '\i ould a sist with the hutch r-ing · ... and he wa~ han l, at the job. ·while Grogan an.d \ t\Thita r wcr h" the water L< ju~l the ri}{ht t mpentwre, H art1,hom would sh;1.rpc:n up l1is rifle-. bootin~ ey pr parat ry to th a ,tua l kill . .. which h wo'k gr p id in doing ... · i h ·r wil11 a r in or pi wl. H • ~eltl<,m miss tl, uut wh ·n J1 . I id , he di 1 a gr nd joh of it. Grog:-<~n , in tbo · day. h<k . t d. asp· iaJ knife whidJ !w made f1 r1m a discard ·d do(~tor blad £wm <1. l ~ 1' hin c. lt W(15 a · shaqJ as . razor ::md w<i~ perfect [or r ·m J ing J1(1g hair .in 1" mrd tirn.t. 'f11 cr po~ ibly \ a ncv a ltnif exau ly like it . .. and h.e still po ~ sscs the tH·apon today. Hit rtshorn neve1· cared for th hog'. J1C1'11 L ll ~t vn pl.iw ~n · i l y . intCH<:>I d i.n lh k.m11> :u-:td ':>h iJ Lllclc ·s. f( • would accept a piece o f side meat however, if the boy insisted. H e was liberal in the di ision of t.h pork and those who helped with the butchering would in arjabl ' go home with. their share of meat. Larr wa that way. In addition to rifles, pistols, water barrels, sp cial knives, a block and tackle; double bitted axes hatch ets and other necessary items, there was aJso room for another special item of "standard" equipmen t in the hog-killin' parties of 20 years ago. Thi~ spec:i~l equip­ment had a tendency to add a wee bit of mernment to an otherwise dxab, businesslike endeavor. Then these hog-killers would expe1·ience " lean" and "fat" seasons. In ome case the pigs fail ~ d to reach rnat ur ily. In o Lher seasons they "''ould ome through in grand st rle. . Thi proved a problem for a p ell but th n th y imply forgot these h ardships and killed 'em ju t the sam e, r ega rclie's <:>f weight or siz . One particuVtr sea~o n the pigs did n t regisL r to() mu h progress nd H arts horn d ecide l it b t t > '·k p th m over." not her s , son pa:. ed and th n~ ww li ttl , H <Hl • imp o cment. Oni . thi ngs inrreasing in he, ct ·pitc h ·a dai ly feeding. were lhe hair :tnd .. ars . . . both n a rly to'uch th · floor of th p >n . How , -er , the third ·e::tr fouJI(l tb m I.Hli'Chc!red with a h 'a fin ttncia'l ·lo. s. Tho~ w ·t·e the d a> .. "hen pa per m:tk crs ha1,.l mor tirn. for fun and th all·ont-door . ... and H ::trt{lt ,.rn, Crogan ;tncl \ hit·ak<:.:r stil l Jik to think ha k over tho(; Limes whun ~her · \<\l ;t:-. s omewh' t~ I ··ss pnr er rn:•king r csponsihilit . Nor yutny people:. en pap . n~a k 'r-~, but ch r h ogs or , pnvate :-.c;;.J ' tht da ' an { ttm - . . . bnr . s rueh t\' , tb('ge rh r ffici ot p;;J per tr l a klTS ""ish t ht:y did .• . k r it wa a lot of fun. 37 l I • • T'\- TH SCHO L UBRARY. the ncwlv elected office rs of the Canton Higlt , dw l . tuden! .OII Il fil shown as tbey do a Iirrle T'Cst'a:rch work. From lefr to rig:h t. a1· Clara Anne ti e R.ikard . trea,mrer: l o\h T ·ncs. ~err tar ·: Tame Ro s Kilpatrick, vi ce­pre. idenl: and :\like .lark. presiden t. Student Body Elects Officers Canton High chool tud ents elect d Student Council offi er · late in March. The new offi<;ers will " take over" next Septeniber with the opening of School. Mike Clark on of Yoder Clark, of Book :Mill Manu­facturing, and an ouLstanding Canton High School athlete" was el cted president of the counciL James Ross Kilpatrick, on of Mr. and Mrs . Ross Kilpatrick, of C<tf nton, was eJected vice-presid ent of the group. His dad is employed by the American Enka Corporation. Clara_ Ann ette Rikard, daughter o[ lVlr. and Mrs. W. L. Rikard, was JU.mecl coun il treasurer. H er (lad is principal of Canton High School and her mother i.s a faculty memb r. Judy J one , tlaugh ter of Mr. and Mr . Ruffner Jon ·s, of Canton, was elected secretary. H er cl ad is an lecrricai contractor and has done m u ·h of the modern electrical work at Lake Logan fluring recent years. Communi.cations Committee Th '- l(!lin l'l Di vision 's dvi orv Cormn micatio ns rc,r the Pr >fie ShariiJ'g all .s ·c.tions of th J1 ~nt L Cornm it tee Plan n~ p c · • on nts Tile l.f:HTlmittee m · ' t"> pcriodic;,.dly t·o rcv it.:w a nd. ))uggest communi c~tl ir)l} proje ~ t ~ tb<1l ·will. aid in irnpwv. ing infr~ rm~tti on and uudc:t Uml ing of tl · Profit Sharing Pl ;ju'l , and 1 ) rq)ot'L any ;.~r · t~ or mi~und 'l'S tanding, mi_-,. illlo m?ttion urdissa Ji sf:'l lion . Pr ·s-nL m ·mb TS include Hill .\IT •tt , Bo ;~n [ fitl ; Die~ V avii., Jndu.)trial R .la tions; Jirmny J) e~n nn, l'uhliunj,>rh; Arthur Cod , Pbnt £ngi11 ·(:ring: ,\ liH' t: Conk , Ftniio.h ­ing; (;ra <;· l'lott, 'F r;;,n kr D ' fJ<:I l' t trHnt; \Nilfia tll J}oual.d ­.~ nn , FiL1ishi11g; Van 1> \ t , ·r, PulJ s !filh; fl nrr; I htglws Hnok Mill: Moody Howard, \ ood ym tl : P ~tu l Jnhnson. 1Ianag m<.:nt Pl:.~ nn.iJJ · •; /\. C. Ritkman, P11Jp D1 ~i ng; 1 annje StiTes, Fin ish ing; ( .;.u ' \ · nrley, Pl;nll Engi nt• •rfll ~; Emery ~'\lfatbi s . Cl1 ·mica! l ecm t r ; ami .Jit \ Prop<.:st, .1£. n. Phmt . .J. E. Willi ~lmso rl , a.~ .. ·is li'tJH m· n ;~gol: r ol: I.n.du "'! i~ll at~d Community l<dati<Jif '> a r the c~u-olm a DHlS,IOH , .I rh. II'· man of 1 he.: (OTnruit. W.e. 38 Blood Donations Ou tsta rhc citi/(11!> nl lhe C:.mH l· lkth ·1-Civdc Hl:lllU'lllni ~ ra llic ·d <~ g<tttl 1111 l\Lttc h 11 to• tlte '>tt pprrtLnf lht Hioo:l Hnnk and "widt .m iHil'il and in~ di fJl..t} ot (IIIHHJUttll' p ul lit ' I il"iL'' donated ~Hi {Jin " fJ I l;lt 11 [ l rring rJt;. vi il ol th · Hltoclm 1hil(' to Charupior Y. fhu s, few the th i d \ou ecw i~·~ \-:i it 0{ h • Hloodmr>· hil t' to Canton , th ' peojl · < f th · •;r ·a unitr-d to mainLaiu 1 hc;.>ir hi h kvcl 0 .f bl < cL d01 atiorrs. :md ~<~·H.'. <m<>ther big boo t to t ltc lntildup nf r s n ·c· in th · J<., • ioual Hluod Bank 'fh ~4(j pin v d oJJa od brought lo l) 1 G the tn l crf pints o[ h lood contr.ibu tcd in th Ca11ton-Beth 1-Ciyuc OllJmunity ~i n . · th · first of th ' )' at, anu wa_ another big step f rwanl in I iLii11g the I i :r 625-pi1H llood bottk whi ch is rect d in the cen tcr ( f town ~· nd reptt: ent th~~ cornmun it y's l% blood quota. A spon or of the Mar h ·1 ''Op ation Blo( d'' in tile Ca,nton-Bcthd-Clyde communities. the H a wo .d County Demon. tration CJ ubs won the pr.tise of both local and Regional Blood Program offi ·ial. for an "our­standing publl en1ice to their fel low itiz n . to their communjty and to the entire w ·&lern 1 ~orth · aroJina area .' The highly ·uccessfu t vi, it of tht Bloodmobile came after a month of intense planning and activity b the members of the Haywood Home D monstration lubs under the leadership o( Mi s Mary Cornwell, Hayw d County's Home D emonstrat.ion Agent. The dub members maileu l etter~ to hundred of former blood d o nors, pla ed on di pJa~ more than a hundred post rs throughout the Canton-Bethel-Clyde commun}ty·, h eld discu. s1ons of the Blood Program in their chtb programs, and made many per nai con act · to obtain blood. donors. The club members cliJn:-~ xed Lh ir eHorts by pro"id­ing a large number o f blood donors from anlnncr their own memlJeL hip, by furni hing rransponatiou for donnr, to and from the Champi<.>n YMCA and b pro idiug h Jp on the part of club mcmb r and their husbands in setting up and di:, mantling [ac ili tie on the dtt ' of th · visit and by actLJally serving during lh hlood col! · tion · at the Cltampion Y gym. Ash viHe Region·d Bl.ood :Rank offic ials cited " tl1 highly effec Live ellortS vf th H~ 'Wood Horne Demon­tr: it.tion Ctub · in h lping >btatn th b lood that i ur­gcndy n eed ~ d for use ·in lo at communilte '. in ' t cr~tn~ Hospj ta l ' a il!J for defeu ·e ·t kJ dine .. , Ed H)' ~' t t, Can t<>n Bl o~> d l?Tog:.r(lrn Chain:n;<tn, vuiccd special pra i!lt for the "vig-<wcm efl'c>:n·Ls of tl1e m:lny H~ntc D monstr;llion Club 111 mbcrs who · work nwdc poss tbl tltc con tinuing high lev J oJ bl0o I dun ati ln . in wr Cc. .IILUn - lkthcl-Cl )'dt nrumunit '· ] l RA. 1'.'\ ICI· llE 'S00:. l f> ;n •11111 -;. o ld . i N tlo • rattd · {j;;l,1)4 htc·r <JC R . .\1 . Cope o( tht l ' l i lit it·~ Dqml' li)WI\1 . She is th ' ru(·•v uf ('. 1h cr in c· C\ipe ol .Hnis!d1!, aud l~i ll Com a n , Jr. oi' H o< 1.. 1\J I J I '\IHI1t1f:1cluring. '-''''' ·' ·, t•an'nls ,11 · :\fr. and Mt . . I> m E. 1 k11s0 n. (. h a de~ wn . :. C. • 25 Years of Better Tomorrows Bv Ill alter Holt on a;~ul ] ucl? just£ e Tue-cla night, Fehrua r ' I~ . l 958, the Gro\'er C. ullk Y' I len' lub c-Jebr ted 2:-' th .Anuiversar :n the Y~l ,\ ·with Laclic~ Night. Th · part ' . tart ed with J fellow ·hip oathering fiCteen minut befor~ dinn r wh n <Lelightful hors cl ' oeu ers w re en•cd. Later, a deli ciou, meal ,,:as serve<i b Eliza­beth Thomp~on of th \ ' nwff. J. R. Sechre.' l, Jr., made gift presem a tion to Boyd , math ·1:, Tony Jone. , Joe Nicholls, Charlie Rhodarmer and \Vallcr z< chan•. This \ ·Va follov.·cd bv bing-o. ~ I I./ Th )",· fen's club was chartered in February, 1933, but h .. d b en oro-.miled the year before. Charter Members Active Ther ar - till five of Lhe charter members active it1 the dub. They arc: J. R . , echre' t, Jr., Boyd Smathers, Rud · Barue, Charlie Rhodanner and G. C. Suttles. D. H . Harris va prenicl ent o t lhe lub at the tirne it 'W<L charter d. \Villi Kirkpatr ick was vice-president, Roy Patt n, u·ea urer an l .J. R . t., Jr., secretary. Oth r m mbers at that rim were DT. . VI/. Bottoms . • .:. R . Barne , Rev. C. C. Benton, E. G. Barefoot, P. L. C burn. Dr. V. H. Duckett, F. E. Dobbin \. N. Freel, W. F. Fender, R- F. L:nvrenc , E. F. Mclnt re, Hugh . 'fea.c. ]· Paul .\{urray> R. H. Rob ,n 011, Jr., G .. C. 'ullk·, J. llo ,d m.:nh -rs, Charlie Rho larmer B. Weaver 'orrdls, W. £. Wh eler, HJ"rry \!\inner, .Jimmy \ 1\Tilliam­on and \ '\1'. P. Barbe . This lub new in site and prestige as me of Canton's bette1 ci' i dub:.. ~ r a n ) o f the YMCA' improvement ' a du to the '"'•ork of the Y s J\f ·n's club. Along with ;ivit; m, Camp J.foJ '""'a on of the dub' fir t 1 H1j t .L,. Western Carolina Firemen Meet By r;f'ne Hyde 'f 1,t.: " -' -.t '1 n . · ;rth Cat vli tJa Fin:m <•n's t\ssocia t ion wa~ d'lc guc<;L ol Chic>"! F. ,\L ,')alky <wd tlw l .nka Ji irc J>cpartn ' llt . \' dn 5r< ht cv :r iJ.Jg, , 1Lrrcl, 12, for liH' ix r gular q u:nt ., l) wee Ling. '\Ie11 bC'n of th • Ch:m-1[ ion r,Jtmt Tf Fire D ,pan-ment attending the· uwe ting w ·r Chid .J. V. R<;hin:-.o JI, Captain .fad .. ·whit·, .':>t·cr ·wry ) f;.tn h ~dJ Cnop ·•·. Eam ·.s1 ·'R ·d' Jve t ·r and (~ ·Jic ll\ck. • - The Cartt•,n \funirit•<d T•i1 c I) p <ntmcnt \'a'> a l<,u W<· ll repre"><:llH.:d lJ~ abow c i ~hl of lhe·ir V<;)]unh.: ·1 rn emb ·r-;. .\ dt·lic iou" lri ed chi< kt'n dinnu wa<; ~c· t \'(.:lt in thf' f:nka Cafe teritt ;drcr wh i<.h rh . mc1 Ling 1\W' n dlcd t J A "I WEi'\ fV -J'lE'TL-1 annivenat dinu .r was held bv members of • the Lto~er ( . Suttl Y's Men's ' litl> l ate Ln l ebruarv• . A La(.tie~ , i g IJ l p rog ra ru was fea lured alollg with the hi tor o( t h gn " P· Y's ,\r[ 11 ·., Jub tnetrn bers ha ve ·po nsorcd nrany important pYo j ens in 1 b c C;w wn a rea ~ in cc i 1 • orga nization. Later, w ith members as V(})untcer h lp e r~, the dub program lw · steadily grown to what i.t i tod· y.. Many members of the YMCA bmw! of dire tors f i r~t discovered the Y throu gh the Y' M ·n · club. ln la ter ear , the Y's Men have b ·en the spon ·ors of man event. in Canton . They ha e been rcspon ible lor the Paper Bowl District, State and R egio naJ.Softball Tournaments, Liltle League baseball and Canton·s first Explorer Scout Po ·r. Other po. ilio ns nm·v held b y ' M n m embers, be ·ide board of direc tor · are Little Leagues, P(Jny L ague, Prep L eagu , aocl Farm League Ba eball, cout Leagues, Bas­ke tba.ll coaches, Midget Football oa he and Boys club lea I er s. · The growtl1 of Ch ampion YMC ha been ery d e­pendent upon tb Gro er C. Suttles Y' Men' club and th~ future will find the Y still looking to this club for 2L~ S J s ranee. After the r e tirem ent of G. C. Suttles, executive secre­ta ry of the Yi\lfCA the club voted t.o hange the name of the club from Canton Y' Men 's club to that of Grover C. Suttles Y' Men's club. During World War If, Suttles, along with a handful of the older m ·mber , banded toge ther to c rry on religiousl y. T he club met reguJarl sometime with onJ y eight or Len members. At the clo e of the war, new rnernb<:1rs ' re ad led and today, under the ca pable leadership of Don R a n­dolph president, and ith the ad ice an l p erien e o£ these five ch arter members, th · Grover C. Suttles club ranks as one of the large t and mos t active lub- in the ourh ern l'egion. Man)' of the pr sent m mbers ha e be n a tive for 15 to 20 year and, along with the 'OUJ10' en erg tic ne·wer members, tiP club can look to ir. 50th anni ersary with prid and co nJ:id e nce. onl ~ r by the as, nd:uion presid ent, S. E. H rn, 'hi f of th -Morgan LOwn. N. C., Fire Department. T h e p rinci pnl gu )H ant peaket o l th ,·ening ' a · Chi C' !' .Donal! S. C har les, o[ Char lotte. 1. C. Chid Ch a ri · · is also pr(•s.idclll nf Th ' lntcrnalion ·1l 1\ . o ·iatitm <1f f ire Chid~. In his IHidr ':>S. Chid Chad '. la uded the \f l ' m . Torl'h Carolina Fir m:cu for their g od work and (or th eir gH·al \Vt. tr rn :\ s'>Of i<tlion. T h ·rc w ·re sev · raJ mh ·r g t~ cs L aud , p •;,tk r: during th<' - ·ning and Lh ·ir r m ~rrk -· w "r<' v r · b en Ji ial :wtl l"lljo c<l h: :III fhem ·n pr 'S •nt . Th · Ch;nnpion l• ire D pRrtnr .lit :1 rill the Cj t , fir · Dc p<tt till eN I ;.~rt· prou I w b · il pan of llti-. \Vc~[C rn r\~so­ciati n a nt.! <•Ur Ill 'utl>e rc, njor a trending :11al part ic i­putir •g in 1 he..,c rneqing!l. , Y l I PO L'\ FOR P ICTl'RE, member of the Ch ampion YM A Youth peaker Jub are . ho'~>nl in 1heir regular meeting quarters. Seat d. from left to r ight, are Doug PaLton. Barbara Patton, Marcia Herndon and Ann Cathe~' · Standing· are Erne t :Messer, Wood - H.learning To Speak" By f;f alter· Holton ponsored b Champion YMCA, many of Canton's teenager are receiving training in the art of speaking. Erne. t 11e ·ser, Carolina Champion's vVood.yard super­vi or, ~ volunteer advisor of the Youth Speakers Club. Me::. er, an experieocecl member of the Canton Toast­mast ·rs Club, gives advice and critici m to the member­~ hip and meets witl1 the executive comminee between regular meeting . . The Club was formed in the fall of 1950 by J ack Ju tice, now Champion YMCA G neral Secretary, and has been an activ ~ club of Champion "Y" since that time. ,.1emh rs of the Club l ok. forward to a quarterly Dinn r m ~ etir g when they put th ir ability jmo a tual • pra t1ce. Many memh rs >f "Youth Sp ak s" ar B la lub mernb r. . . 1arg number of forme m mb ·rs hav b ~­com campus 1 ad rs ill oHcg . and univ .. iti s 1 I.U'<Jugh­out th ar a. They Were Right, After All Jiy C. W. Narrliu P ·mcmb ' the W":.tlher lore a 1 Jor winter llwL ThvC' . hipman -nd H r~<. h c l Owen gave m 1;1',1 lall! Hot.h Herscht·l (tnd Jhv · jJf('dic Led 1!1 ~ 11 , , · w·ould ha • <trough wjnt . 'J h •ir Jnn·r.a.-,1; m :rdt· llnm th('iJ ohservaLion ol rlH.~ wool y wou11 and the pidf' , .. 'hipm·1n , who rcLired Apri l I with nto t e th:m . 00 years o l· service, [)aid th spid r:. ·111 ry 1nto h•1fl'1 t:~ ~llld otlwr dwd lings m ·;nH h~d w · T :1h ·;Hl. Owen, of D v:ll'lllH'nt , said Lh > lb k fiJ ft I he wool y ·worm "a~ ·p lrting la .:;t f:tll n1 e11H " lo ng ht.u cJJ " v,rea thcr wa~; on ir way. L t' l dk ' ;1 Jook ~1l S~JHI ' c:.U Jlcr Ia I i-.t ics ami se what kind ol ·winler w had. cording to th \-.h · ille 40 • • ya.rd . urcrvisor, who i. ser iog a advisor; :Vlarihn Burch, . Fl ne Brown, KerllJit H yat t, _Martha Rector, Charle. Halt, J hn Wit in­son, Roy l)atton, Jr.. 1dney Hamnck and Erne t t pp. h ·hip models were used in one o.f the peeches of the e\ eniog. I'R I·:LlJ\ IJ :'\AR Y f ~!;)T R. CTIOi · ace givt:n tue rubcrs of th.t: \ omh S!Jcak rs C lub b~' Micky St >pp (. l:lndin 1 ft ) whil· tim k ' pt' l" · t~ twar·~t c.:am ·n1. Li~ht-~ o·n l<·r teru wurn .p aker when hi: :-tll<'lt('d ritl l\' has xpin·ll . VVeather Bur ' ilU, the it\ICr:l '{! I ~r:HpcraUH'C: ror l O\'t'IDU(T W<• · 45.:!, UC< t 1nbcr 1 ~) .' .J :.nuarv :12 . ~ a nd Fcbru: tr · Wih ' (I ( ' tj(tl ~. 1 .7. l'ht· record ~ h m. s 1 bar F ·br tt arv kHI t ilt lo"·cst !1\ cr- :•ge t<~ llljl ' f ' llltrt ' u l :·ttl mot tth s itl '. · 1he \1-'C:l tll ~ l ht1rc:tll w:1r; Jiri-il st:•rl ' I j u 1 ! Hl ~l. f.llllt :tr • had au :wt:r; t ~c 1\ lhl\' l ~dl ul 1.1 in ·h 's ~lll I FchrrJ :tr h:tJ ;m ;t w· r:~gc of I ~.H inch .-,. ' hl' I< \Y~ ·1 l 'HI.p 'r;tttll'(' ol rl1c w.intt:'r \ hid1 was -:~ o <llllC ( 11 l, ·bruar , 17, and was th I< w · t l'Vtr tt.'rord ' I 1 h: r law in liJc wi111 cr. \V t' 1 iJI ha lo :tgl'ce 1 h:1 t i I wa ' :• prclt ' ro ugh wim cr. Nu douht w • will haw o lhvr~ b u ~ wi ill keen • ·c. uHl clo~l' oh,· (·rva tion old m 1t'lwr n : lln n.~ will let u.., kno"" iu tiru · to prepare lor i1. All w h:JYl' tn do .i: wat ·It t lw ,,·onley "qn11s ~1nd the ·pi lt::n C1Yin ' t:, ( h b ll . Tl\lr FOR 01· rnOOR .. POR i just around th comer. One of the (a,·mi1 • pas11rne~ for mJn) hampion i boating and •':Her ~l...iing. ' hmm •. bO\C ar Bob Koel)i.g, .\ co unting Deparl­ntu t. and two h·irn<l ·. Or hie antl Beth Kik or. Symptom of Spring - - Fever B)' ;.ti ru y Laurcr P1.erce Il' Spriu ! Our thought ar as a colorful butterfly, bitting frnru flo·n;r to flower pau ing on ly Jong enough lO t ·~t~ the i•\eeuJc. t)( one; and, eeing another more lrn 1.. more c.olorful, f