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Western Carolinian Volume 77 Number 15

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  • Page B-3 WESTERN CAROLINIAN November 22nd, 2011 ! SPORT'S Rugby club team looking for players and fans PHOTO SUBMITTED The WCU rugby players celebrate a 41-26 exhibition win over Furman this fall. The captains of the team are confident for a successful season. Ryan Michaud, Staff Writer WCUs rugby club team is off to a great start, and their season hasnt even started yet. We've really packed our - fall schedules full of exhibi- tion games in order to get the practice and experience in for our season, said Jeff MeCrorey, president of the rugby club. Weve had great success so far. We beat Furman. and started off with a great re- cord, added junior captain Kevin James. Coming back from fall break our schedule got harder but we stuck with itey The team, which went 2-3-1 this fall and started in 1990, is Westerns oldest running club team. We've. got great alum- ni, a good history, and a great fan base, McCrorey said. We usually have at least 100 fans at our home games. The team had all of its fall exhibition games mainly on Friday nights and Satur- days. In the spring, when the regular season. starts, they will play four games against Wingate, Davidson, East Carolina University and UNC Pembroke. Obviously we want to do well next season, but our ultimate goal is to get into the Southern Rugby Confer- ence, which is very likely, James said. : The team started with 53 players but is now down to 37 due to injuries and other factors. Its not too late to join, students can join anytime they: want, and there is no experience required, Mc- Crorey said. About 85 per- cent of college rugby. play- ers in the country have never played until they reached college. Its not that compli- cated to pick up, most play- ers pick up the ati pretty quick. Tts really a great expe- rience, you meet great guys and we all grow close to each other. It's like a broth- erhood, James added. For those who do not want to join the team, there is no charge for watching the games, which are played on the intramural field. They encourage support and are. looking to build their fan base. A spring schedule with dates and times will be re- leased at a later time. James and McCrorey speak, for the team when they speak of the excitement they have for the upcoming season. We have a really solid chance this year. We are go- ing to be a force to be reck- oned with, James said. To follow the team, go to Stanberry family is devoted to WCU athletics Allison Adkins, Contributing Writer (Editor s Note: The fol- lowing is part of an ongoing series of articles by Western Carolinian writers that look at Western Carolina Univer- sitys loyal fans.) Kevin Stanberry has been a Catamount fan since. he was very young, going to Western Carolina University games. as young as 8-years- old with his dad. He grew up in the moun- tainous region of North Car- olina, and his father Larry is _ from Sylva. J have memories of bas- ~ ketball games in Reid Gym, Stanberry said. Once it was time to go. to college, it was obvious to Stanberry where he wanted - to go. a - fm very proud that I - graduated from WCU and wouldnt trade my time there for anything, Stanberry said. Stanberry graduated in 1994, and he joined the Cat- amount Club shortly after graduating. J am a sports fanatic, Stanberry said, noting he enjoys the Big Three of basketball, football, and baseball. Stanberry lives in Syive with his wife, Lynn, also a graduate of WCU, and his daughter Abigail - who has introduced Stanberry to soc- cer. He co-owns Stanberry Insurance Agency and his wife owns OMalleys Pub & Grill. Stanberry raves about his experiences throughout the years cheering on the Cata- mounts. Now its great to be able to take my daughter to games like my parents did. Its also a great time to see friends PHOTO SUBMITTED The WCU rugby Wises celebrate a 41-26 exhibition win over Fur urman n this fall. The chitin of the team from the local community _ and the Western Community and cheer on The Cats. School spirit seems to come naturally for this WCU alum, despite whether a team wins or loses. Tts.hard to beat a great football Saturday in Cullo- whee with friends tailgat- ing, Stanberry said. We have really tried to take our tailgating experience to the next level. Two games jumped out to Stanberry when thinking of his favorite Catamount game. The Basketball game vs. App State last year at home where Mike Williams hit a shot at the buzzer to win was great and the football game at home vs. App State when Brad Hoover had such a huge game to help us win, Stanberry said. The Stanberry family at- tends approximately 50 dif- ferent Western Carolina games a'year, both home and away. Abigail has also be- come a Western fan. She talks about WCU all the time and I think it is on her list of schools she would love to attend, Stanberry said. She always loves wearing her purple and jer- seys to games, so I.-know she loves WCU like her par- ents. Stanberry just genuinely loves sports and his Alma Mater, so there is no surprise that he is such a huge Cata- mount fan. He loves the ath- letes at Western. JT just want to remind ey- eryone of the main reason we support and should support Western Carolina Athletics. The kids that play sports at WCU give their heart to our school, Stanberry said. Thes will be the young adults that will be.:making a difference in the world: one day. I think they deserve our support by coming to games and cheering as loud as we can for them. CLUES ACROSS * 1, Peruse a book 5. Eating houses 10. Semitic fertility god 14. Protoctist genus 15. Lower in esteem 16. Having sufficient skill 17, Copyread 18. More lucid 19.Bleats 20. Baltimore footballers 22. Removes writing 24. Six (Spanish) 26. Santa & Rancho Santa __ 27. Computer memory hard- ware 30. Bangles and beads 32. (Latin) earound time of 35. Saudi citizens 37. Ladies undergarment 38. Evoke or clicir 40. The central part of the Earth | 41. Small amount 43. Related on the mothers side 45. Opposite of beginning 46. Afrikaans 47. A very small circular shape 48. Material SL. Bill the Science Guy 52. Segregating operation 53. Small sleeps 55. Dispoiling a country in warfare 58. Any digit ofa vertebrate 62. An apron 63, Island in Bay of Naples 67, Norathome 68. Of a city 69. eae of Asopus & _ 42. Off Broadway theater award CLUES DOWN 1, One who feels penitence 2. Name meaning "God knows 3. Tel _, Israel city 4, Palm Shui 5. Coarse cinnamon bark 6. Goat and camel hair fab: 7. Sport devotee 8. Point midway ou Ea and SE 9. Imperturbable 10. Spongelike cakes 11. Arabian outer garments 12. Winglike struct 13. Smaller quan 21. Beaks 23. Tear down : 25. Hidden meaning 26. His magiclamp _ 27. Hada contest of sp 28. 04473 ME 29. Murdered in his bathtu 31. 14027 NY 32. A citizen of Havanna 33. Very coldly _ 34, Singer Della 46, The Education oe : Asa 49. Raises 50. Madames 52, European Capil Culture: Roman 54, Burn with h 55.__-_-lan 56. Be next to sy British beer un t ARIES + Mar 21/Apr 20 - Aries, walk with your head held high because you are willing to stick to your convictions. It isn't often that people are brave enough to be leaders and not followers. TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, make a few early res- olutions to get your finances back on track. This way you move into the new year with a solid financial foundation. GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, be a little more asser- tive this week than you're used to being. It will take some extra reinforcement to get your point across to the people who need to hear it. CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, you're falling slowly into a situation that could take awhile to get out of. Therefore, you may want to think on the next few decisions you have to make. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 _Leo, you. have many choices and the question is which route to take. If you seek the advice of Aquarius you just may come up with the answers you need. _ VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 You may have to go find your- self, Virgo. It's OK if you don't initially recognize what defines you because now you have, the opportunity to try all new things. HOROSCOPES reve eve neveT UP E7702 cEvLvEHYRUR USNR ENA LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Libra, picture yourself with the wind in your hair because soon, you may embark on a wild adventure that will take you to different places you alway aspired to see. SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22. Scorpio, when others seek answers, they oftentimes end. up at your doorstep. That's because you've become a rock friends and family can rely on. _ SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Sagittarius, family members: urge you to cut a trip short, but you may not be ready to. return to reality just yet. Enjoy your vacation for as long as you need. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Capricorn, you are a bit mis- understood, but that doesnt mean you aren't acting the way you should. Its perfectly fine to march to a different drummer this week. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 . Aquarius, speak your mind, even if others believe you sound foolish. In the near future, they will realize you told the truth and they should have been on board. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Pisces, sometimes sadness has to be embraced before the happy moments can return, Think about this for the next few days. Level: Advanced

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).