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Western Carolinian Volume 75 Number 02

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  • Page 7 WESTERN CAROLINIAN CAMPUS LIFE WESTERN CAROLINA UNIVERSITY POLICE BLOTTER By Justin Caudell Editor-in-Chief February 2, 2009 WCU Police responded to a minor traffic crash on Norton Road. No injuries were reported and no criminal arrest or judicial referral was made. February 3, 2009 ' A harassment complaint was made at the Fine and Performance Arts Building. One female spoke with WCU Police. No criminal arrest or judicial referral was made. WCU Police responded to a hit and run at the Fieldhouse Pavilion. No injuries were reported and no criminal arrest or judicial referral.was made, WCU Police responded to a minor traffic crash on at the Camp Annex. No injuries were reported and no criminal arrest or judicial referral was made. A male student reported an attempted larceny at the Belk Building. WCU Police responded but no criminal arrest or judicial referral was made. February 4, 2009 A suspicious person was reported and identified at the Belk Building by WCU Police. No i injuries were reported and no criminal arrest or judicial referral was made. WCU Police was notified of a female staff member reported incident of communicating threats on campus. No criminal arrest or judicial referral was made. An incident of larceny was reported at Bobs Mini Mart. WCU Police responded and one male was issued a judicial referral. February 5, 2009 An incident of harassing phone calls was reported by a female at the McKee building. WCU Police responded, but no criminal arrest or judicial referral was made. A search, with consent, was conducted at the University Center by WCU Police. WCU Police issued a female one criminal summons and two judicial referrals at Scott Hall. February 6, 2009 A female reported property stolen at Scott Hall. WCU Police responded, but no criminal arrest or judicial referral was made. One female and one male were caught speeding on campus by WCU Police. State Citations were issued. WCU Police caught an underage male with possession of alcohol and issued a judicial referral. WCU Center for Service Learning Students Participate in MLK Jr. Event From Staff Reports Residents of Hawthorn Heights Emergency Youth Shelter in Bryson City entertained visitors in celebra- tion of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on Monday, Jan. 19. Jeff Delfield, a Librarian from Marianna Black Library in Bryson City, explained the design of his cigar box banjos and led an art activity, while stu- dents from the Center for Service Learning at WCU showed residents and staff a video about Martin Lu- ther King, Jr. and enjoyed lunch with the group. The WCU Center February 20, 2009 eee ene ee Photo Submitted for Service Learning worked in con- junction with Denise Tyson of the Swain County MLK Commission and the Cultural Diversity Outreach Program. Pictured are the WCU students who participated in the event. From, left to right is Vanessa Abney (kneel- ing), Ashley Ross, Tiffany Smith, My Song, Latoya Petty, Ramona Dowdell and Latoya Blackwell For more information. about Hawthorn Heights Emergen-, cy Youth Shelter, call 586-8958 ext. 312. Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity Plans Upcoming Projects _ From Staff Reports The Lambda Chi Alpha Frater- nity at Western Carolina University plans to execute yet another major community service project soon. The event is called Why Were Greek Day. Working with other Greek or- ganizations on campus (including Phi Mu, Alpha Xi Delta, Delta Zeta, i the CareNet Food Bank in Franklin. In addition, a change drive will oc-1 cur for Save Our Warmth, a charity | that works to donate heat and oil for: impoverished Jackson County resi-_ dents. The Greeks at WCU will ao be working with project C.A.R.E. to build several things, including a handicap ramp. The events will take place on February 21, 2009. Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Gamma These organizations are part of an Delta, Kappa. Sigma, Sigma) Alpha effort;by Lambda; Chi Alpha, andi Epsilon,. -and;,P1,;Lambda Phi), the) all.) participating Greek Meine tions. to give: back -to the commu- nity and show everyone on campus and throughout Jackson and Macon A February 7, 2009 WCU Police responded to a traffic crash at t the Grounds Shop. No i injuries: were fe reported oy a sierort arrest or judicial referral was not made. brothers plan to work closely: with the Macon County Habitat for Hu- February 8, 2009 manity. Included in their plans .are WCU Police investigated a suspicious shale at the Village Lot. No criminal arrest or judicial referral was made. Damage to property was reported at Buchdhan Residence Hall. WCU Police responded, but no criminal arrest or judicial referral was made. A male reported property being stolen at Scott Hall. WCU Police responded, but no criminal arrest or judicial referral was made. February 9, 2009 A female reported property missing at the Madison Residence Hall. WCU Police responded, but no criminal arrest or judicial referral was made. A female reported an incident of harassing phone calls. WCU Police responded, but no criminal arrest or judicial referral was made. WCU Police observed a male return stolen property to a female at Scott Residence Hall. No criminal arrest or judicial referral was made. February 10, 2009 WCU Police issued three se stages Citations to three females for simple affray at Central Residence Hall. A female was found to be in possession of stolen property by WCU Police, but no criminal arrest or judicial referral was made. | A Health and Welfare Check at Central Residence Hall was conducted by WCU Police. WCU Police responded to a Disturbing of the Peace complaint at Buchanan Residence Hall, but no criminal arrest or judicial referral was made. February 11, 2009 A female reported stolen property from her vehicle on the Walker A Lot. WCU Police responded, but no criminal arrest or judicial referral was made. WCU Police assisted with a suspicious circumstance on campus. No criminal arrest or judicial referral was made. : | A female reported an incident of harassment at Harill Residence Hall. WCU Police responded, but no criminal arrest or judicial referral was made. WCU Police responded to a minor traffic accident at the Stillwell Science building. No injuries were reported and no criminal arrest or, judicial referral was made. Acting on a warrant, a male was arrested off campus by WCU Police after a trespassing complaint was made by Bobs Mini Mart. A female reported an incident of harassment at Scott Residence Hall. WCU Police spoke with a male after the report, but no criminal arrest or judicial referral was made. WCU Police responded to a suspicious male at the CAT Building. No criminal arrest or judicial referral was made. building a house, and a building for County Why Were Greek. Western Counseling Center Participates | with Stewards of Children Training From Staff Reports Staff and interns of WCUs Coun- seling Center recently participated in the Stewards of Children Train- ing designed to teach adults how to protect children and youth from sexual abuse. The training, devel- oped by Darkness to Light, Inc., a non profit in Charleston, SC, is now being offered by trained facilitators throughout Jackson County and the Qualla Boundary. Any adult inter- ested in the well being of children is encouraged to attend the free train- ing sessions. To schedule a training for your staff, club, or organization contact Margie Allison at Mountain Youth Resources 586-8958 ex. 312. Pictured, from left to right, David Karuru, Dr. Lisa Briggs (Dept. of Criminology), Dr. John Ritchie, Arika Shafer, Anna Bauguess, Mi- chelle Cooper, Sara Epperson, Mi- chelle Hutton, Lauren May, Kaitlin OHalloran and Margie Allison. ' Participants not pictured: Michael McIntosh and Patti Tiberi. r a) dal SSR aa) STA eae) Cars i] RTE a] Ba] Cy | Submissions Wanted ! Western Carolina University Student Organizations are encouraged to submit their news, events and schedules to be included on the Campus 1] Life pages. The Western Carolinian will cover events submitted as allowed. Also, students who have won awards or have done or are scheduled to participate in an event outside of WCU, are encouraged to submit their news. Submissions can be e-mailed to, mailed via campus delivery to 103 Old Student Union or maield via jsrail mail to P.O. Box 66, Cullowhee NC 28723. I ee ee t

Object’s are ‘parent’ level descriptions to ‘children’ items, (e.g. a book with pages).