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Western Carolinian Volume 70 Number 06

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  • - 10. WCnewsmagazine Democrats: Where we stand By WCU College Democrats Contributing Writer Over the past several years, people have often asked the question: What do Democrats stand for? The answer to this non-trivial question has been available for years to those who really wanted to know. Our goal in this article is to set the record straight concerning what is exactly our partys agenda. To begin with, Democrats are very concerned about the current condition of our economy. We want to cut rising gas prices, increase Pell Grants for college students and make college tuition more affordable for American students. All of these can be achieved through practicing fiscal responsibility by balancing the budget and decreasing national debt. These issues must be addressed now. Democrats are looking for a clear exit plan in terms of the War in Iraq and other military operations around the world. The ratification of a new Constitution in Iraq marks a turning point in which Americans can begin to withdraw troops. Democrats are alarmed by the present administrations environmental policies. We want to ensure clean water and improved air quality for the nation. Furthermore, Democrats are demanding ways to reduce our dependency on depleting natural resources. We wish to close corporate loopholes in existing environmental initiatives. Too many Americans are faced with unaffordable healthcare. Democrats are hard at work to overhaul our current healthcare system without cutting benefits. The existing administration is seeking to become the guardians of social security by overhauling the system. Democrats are also interested in guaranteeing benefits for future generations but without the addition to an already out of control debt and without slashing essential social programs. With the renewal of the Patriot Act, Congress has shirked their duty to protect Americans civil liberties and made a mockery of the Bill of Rights. Democrats believe these basic rights are essential for democracy. The Democratic Party also regards a woman's right to choose as a necessity in citizen privacy. Democrats feel dignity must be restored to the White House, Capitol Hill | and the Supreme Court. Scandals and cronyism that have plagued issues revolving | around Karl Rove, Tom DeLay and Bill Frist only highlight the corruptness in the Republican Party. Democrats are looking for a competent, charismatic candidate to fill OConnors vacated seat. We believe that the candidate must be able to i stand up to litmus tests and restore the trust that has been stripped away from the _ most revered court in the country. : WCU College Democrats seeks to uphold the platform of the National Democratic Party through local and state party involvement. We are seeking motivated individuals interested in assuming leadership positions in their community and making certain that their country is a better place for tomorrow. By Michael W. Moore Contributing Writer Even though it isnt an election year, the WCU College Republicans are still busy! They continue to remind students that principles of individual freedom, limited government, free enterprise and a strong national defense need to be protected. Even though its an off-election year, College Republicans have done a lot of community service work and are responsible for bringing guest speakers into the area. They volunteer at the Community Table in Sylva and take part in the Big Brother/Big Sister program in the Jackson county school system. These projects are to promote the philosophy of active citizenship and compassionate conservatism. President Bush has stated many times government can only do so much with money. It is the encouragement people get from helping one another that creates action. This philosophy must be practiced and not just preached. By reaching out into the community, the College Republicans have learned it is their job to be active and help their neighbors along the way. While campaigning is not in full force this fall, candidates are still building support to run in the 2006 midterm election. They recognize the importance of keeping students civically engaged at WCU. The Student Association of Government and Legal Affairs hosts a debate each semester between the College Republicans and College Democrats. Students are strongly encouraged to come and support their respective side and to learn a little bit about each party. If interested in learning more or getting involved with the College Republicans, email College Republicans vs. College Democrats DEBATE November 17,2005 6pm to 9pm Location: TBA Sponsored by Student Association of Government and Legal Affairs

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