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Western Carolinian Volume 69 Number 15

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  • Relay 4 Life raises $15,000 at WCU by Kelli E. McNair * WCnewsmagazine After almost two semesters of hard work, Relay 4 Life has come and gone, leaving WCU with a feeling of success. People from various organizations walked from 7 p.m. Friday, April 8 to the following Saturday at 7 a.m. on the University Center Lawn. Rick McClendon, Vice President of Recruitment and Chief Consultant for Relay 4 Life, stated that the walk-a-thon raised $15,000. All of the proceeds went to the American Cancer Society to aid in research to fight against cancer. Relay 4 Life brought in many different organizations: Alpha Kappa Psi, Kappa Sigma, Sigma Chi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Kappa Kappa Psi, Phi Mu, Phi Sigma Pi, the College Democrats, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Alpha Chi Omega, the Anthropology Club, the WCU Inspirational Choir, the Freshmen Leadership Institute, Resident Student Association, Student Government Association, Alpha Xi Delta, Adult Learner Student Organization and many others. The organizations sold a variety of items to raise funds. Such items as pizza, hot dogs, brownies, drinks and wheelchair rides around the track helped aid in the fundraiser. In addition, there was a make- shift jail on the UC Lawn and groups paid $5 to put someone in jail for a certain amount of time and $10 to get them out. The event featured bands, including Cereverum, and also a brief step show by three members of the marching fraternity Kappa Kappa Psi. In order to collect money, a drag show contest was hosted. Men representing nine different organizations were sent out onto the track to collect money. Phi Mus representative won with a collected total of about $82 and Sigma Alpha Epsilon won the Best Dancer contest of the show. Gabrielle Davis, a sophomore participant in Relay 4 Life, said, The best part of the event was the drag show, and the most awkward part was walking around the Bell Tower instead of on a real track. The luminary walk for the survivors was the most moving part for oie an FE SNe \ Wy f me. Even though it rained participants were still happy to be raising awareness. Photos by WCU Relay for Life WCnewsmagazine Student body elects new SGA officers by Carla Batchelor * WCnewsmagazine On Tuesday April 5, 2005 the student body here at Western Carolina University elected a new Student Government Association President and Vice President. The new officers that were elected were: Cody Grasty as President and Eric Campbell as Vice President. Codys plans for this upcoming year include a radical change of the SGA. We now have built up solid ties with the administration, now it is time to create a solid tie to the student body. Cody plans to hold one SGA Senate meeting in a different Residence Hall every month. This idea will be used to increase membership as well as student involvement and knowledge of upcoming events. As well as increasing the incentives to be a committee chairman, this incentive includes a $25 a month pay check. Even though it is not that much money, it will be a nice reward for all the hard work put into the SGA. As Vice President, Eric Campbell plans for SGA include holding Senators more accountable, whereas if they say they are going to do something, make sure they do it. Also, he plans on reinstating impeachment proceedings for Senators who maintain a bad attenaance record. In summation, he would like to provide more structure to SGA. Along these lines, he is hoping to push for greater Senate involvement. However, he will also make it known that with being a Senator, you must show some level of responsibility. Also, as Vice President he would like to develop a good working | relationship with Dr. Kyle Carter, our new Provost | in developing and maintaining superior academic programs. Bottom line, Eric feels that the Senate could be more actively involved to the extent that students voices are heard more clearly; this requires much effort on the part of Senators, such as actually going out to residence halls and speaking with students. The election of Cody and Eric looks like a breath of fresh air for the students at Western Carolina University. They have a well planned out agenda and plans on how to carry out all of their desired activities. But with this agenda, student involvement is necessary. Without the involvement of old and new members, SGA could not be a successful campus organization. Both Cody and Eric are entering their newly elected roles with a positive attitude and a great outlook on how successful this next year can be. Their main priority is a successful Student Government Association at Western Carolina University! If you are interested in joining Westerns Student Government Association, meetings are held every Thursday at 7pm in the Catamount Room on the 2 floor of the UC! 7 =

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